#death follows; ic
fecr-the-recper · 1 year
@starfaite said: "You're still not getting any sleep?" The siren lets out an exasperated sigh before she walks up to the other and wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer to herself. "I know you keep telling me you are fine.. but i don't want you getting too stressed."
There's a moment where he leans into her, exhaustion just barely starting to catch up at the embrace, shutting his eyes for a moment. "mmh...I have a lot I need to do, Lay..."
Despite saying this, it wasn't...entirely true. It was something that could most definitely wait.
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itseghost · 2 months
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the captured! quest was so funny that i actually drew multiple things at once
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months
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..... uh oh... uh... rip my fav nervous fluffball
stay tuned for part 2 (it has my fav art so far) >:3
I finished 3 pages this off-swing, I'm so proud of me. So you get a weekly page instead of fortnightly for a change uvu-b
What else did i have to say here....
Oh!! I designed a little season icon, so those will be included from now on (may go back and add a Winter one to Moons 0-2)
If u can tell what species Poppy has hunted in the first panel u get a cookie c:
Also Quiver is growing a face now, im so proud of her, good job bby!
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fangxin-guoshi · 11 months
Tgcf has officially ruined any and all mlm romance for me bc how am I supposed to go from 800 years of love and devotion thru existential crisis and severe trauma and life threatening battles to "highschool drama" like my standards are SO high
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playing the Clockwork mod is so scary. either that or i’m just a weenie
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iniziare · 6 days
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Tag drop: Aventurine.
#aventurine. [ mr. cavalier gambler: uptight. overcautious. inferiority complex. you've won so much but you're still so afraid of losing. ]#aventurine: ic. [ they see only the straight flush. they don't know the other hand below the table clutching your chips for dear life. ]#aventurine: inquiries. [ time to make a move my friend. say goodbye before you shuffle off. it's… best to die without regrets. ]#aventurine: countenance. [ now go. and pick the clothes that you like. then choose your desired identity and use them well. ]#aventurine: introspection. [ “sleep is the rehearsal of death”? why does life slumber? because we are not ready for the final rest. ]#aventurine: meta. [ the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. but you've never gone in any other direction. ]#aventurine: little notes. [ you will keep winning; having never lost before. but why you? why... must it be you? ]#aventurine: wishes. [ even if the chance of winning is close to zero. well... you can't win if you don't play; right? ]#aventurine: etc. [ the chance… no matter how small: the potential is what you hang onto. that is what justifies the gamble. ]#aventurine: ipc. [ … i'll give you that and much more than that. the ipc will give you whatever you want. even what you don't want. ]#aventurine: trio. [ three cornerstones who for a measly penacony... offered their everything. you're more united than the family. ]#aventurine: astral express. [ friends: the game has commenced and you cannot choose to decline… nor do you have grounds to. ]#aventurine: fate. [ if the dice of fate are always weighted then that is our destiny. why then... do we struggle against it? ]#aventurine: past. [ our paths will cross again beneath kakava's shimmering auroras. farewell: kakavasha. ]#aventurine: luck. [ he's only drunk on the moment that makes his very life quiver. hell is only one decision away from heaven. ]#aventurine: topaz. [ i never expected the beautiful and kind-hearted director topaz to resort to distorting concepts like that. ]#aventurine: topaz. [ but since i survived i realized: wherever you go that's where i'll follow; nobody's promised tomorrow. ] immobiliter.#aventurine: jade. [ it's often used as a counterfeit for jade. but it looks like jade… can be substituted for aventurine too. ]#aventurine: veritas ratio. [ unfortunately for him; i make for a more competent conversationalist than the other dimwits around here. ]#aventurine: black swan. [ nothing remains hidden from you… does it? i will find my place in the web of your schemes; memokeeper. ]#aventurine: sunday. [ is this what the harmony represents? is it built upon constraint and coercion? ]#aventurine: acheron. [ only by casting aside reason does one truly gamble. “emanator” — I know you'll match my wager. ]#aventurine: v. youth. [ but the sun could not kill me and the quicksand sent me back to the embrace of the guild and the ipc. ]#aventurine: v. penacony. [ i seem that way because i am nervous. maybe you can help. what do you say; put our palms together a last time? ]#aventurine: v. future. [ the once falling die has at last landed on its earthly rest. quietly… peacefully: it at last landed. ]#tag drop#[ ... i wanted to add in a tag for robin. but i think that may have to come personalized. ]#[ /rubs hands together. lets see if any of these are broken. ]#aventurine: robin. [ so she sings; but does she dance? ] avaere.#[ okay i changed my mind-- there's a robin tag. ]
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grandma-susan · 4 months
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The rain fell pitter and pattering against her umbrella. The red puddles rippling and spreading. Thunder rumbled softly in the sky and Susan had made her way to the edge of the city. Beyond the richness of the inner sinner city and beyond the suffering of poverty. Was a place where no Sinner wanted to claim, a wasteland ignored even by the most poorest and greediest.
Pride and Imp City were bustling urban settings, but here remnants of life stood, trees were snags, metal slumped in the ground, and the foundations of any residence were nothing but crumbling skeletons. The rain here never seemed to saturate the ground as though it was endlessly thirsty. Whispered rumors were that those who wandered in, were met by an ancient Siren.
Susan's fox clasp rattled and bristled at the approaching entity. She placed her finger on top to soothe her friend. She continued to walking along the border. The orange soles of her heels flashing from under her walking skirt with each step. The umbrella spun and the blood rain spilling down the spines, like a beast being bled dry. Her chest swelled and her lips parted, singing the reprisal of a familiar melody.
I'm sorry friend, its time to go
I know you're scared, but please don't be.
Understand this is how time flows.
A safe passage, He guaranteed.
I see your grief, for your lost life.
Decry the grains of falling sand.
He said, Step forth to ease your strife.
When heart is fain , do take my hand.
I'll hold you close, until the end
Sang he, with no breath nor filigree
I know you're cold, but rest dear friend.
Such falsehoods he had guaranteed.
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dreamsofalife · 6 months
Here it is, karaoke night again at the Seven of Cups. The same college kids are there, however several of the older ladies are notably absent. Shy's onstage, but this time the song she's chosen isn't as flashy; it doesn't need to be. She's chosen something decidedly more soulful and somber.
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"You and me have seen everything to see; from Bangkok to Calgary, and the soles of your shoes are all worn down. The time for sleep is now, but it's nothing to cry about, 'cause we'll hold each other soon, in the blackest of rooms..."
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"And if Heaven and Hell decide, that they both are satisfied, and illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs...If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, then I'll follow you into the dark..."
"Then I'll follow you into the dark..."
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho said: 🛑 - Senma
send 🛑 for my muse (receiver) to protect yours (sender)
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   Hanma lifts an eyebrow as he idles beside a major intersection, watching the lights change and people cross the roads on the path of their destination. He hasn’t decided where he intends to go next though. So he stands like a pillar against the outside of a business wall and watched the people come and go without much interest. He watches one of the lights turn from green to yellow and tilts his head as an engine revs. Some idiot is really going to try to make it. They aren’t going to. Dumbass. Hanma snorts as he shakes his head.
   He drops his gaze just in time to catch a glimpse of Senju and allows a small grin. Well, he didn’t have any plans, so why not see if he can tag along with whatever she might be up to? Hanma straightens up and starts to move through the crowd. He’d prefer not to have to try to spot her through the crowd when crossing roads or on the other side. He considers yelling out, but it appeared like she had headphones on, rendering that as pointless. It's fine, he could catch up.
  He very abruptly realizes the engine has not slowed or stopped. Shit. 
   “ MOVE! “ Hanma shoves people out of his way as he takes a few running steps while the light turns red. His hand reaches out as the crosswalk sign switches and grabs the back of Senju’s hoodie, forcefully yanking her back before she can step out. 
   It’s too much strength and not enough bracing. When he yanks her, he falls backwards himself with his arms wrapped around her while the car goes flying through the light. It hurts when he hits the ground. Pain explodes in his back and his head as it smacks against the concrete but there’s no indication of it besides a grunt. He’s too afraid to look down. He doesn’t mind the potential anger at using too much force. An angry but alive Senju is better than the alternative. Logically he knows she’s fine. He’d just barely managed to grab her, he had though and that's what mattered. But maybe it’s the autumn chill that makes him think of winter, maybe it’s the cloudy skies that remind him, all he knows is he doesn’t want to look down. He doesn’t want to relax his secure grip and he doesn’t give a shit about the people talking and panicking. It won't be mangled limbs but he's afraid that it will be. 
  He’s shaking.  It's a strange sensation for Hanma to realize when he feels the suble tremble in his llimbs. Hanma slowly forces his hands and arms to relax, staring down at Senju with eyes that are more black than they are gold by how dilated his eyes are. This adrenaline isn't good adrenaline, its sour and bitter. All he can hear is his own heart pounding in his ears and something strangling him as he tries to swallow. Make a joke. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. He tries to speak but he can only hear his own stuttering breaths in the deafening silence. He’d laugh at himself if he could but he can’t. Not in this situation. Not when it brutally rips open everything he’s suppressed and hidden and thought he was numb to. He doesn’t even know what to do  -  fear is not an expression Hanma wears often or even feels.
His hand runs through her hair for a moment - and then he drops his head back against the sidewalk with a slower exhale while he stares at the miserable sky and blinks intensely for a few seconds.
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
Favorite to least favorite schools?
OOOOOO A QUESTION so okay this is an interesting one for me because not only are my faves tied for first place BUT I have such a limited knowledge on the schools I don't play as often so the list is gonna be super wonky HSLABDIRKE BUT HERE, LET'S PUT IT INTO WORDS:
Most favorite school(s): Storm/Death
So we all know I love Storm and it's for No Reason. Like I can't even say it's because of the game mechanics or whatever I just love Storm and there's no reason why. Even as a kid I immediately knew that I wanted to be the Purple Lightning Bolt School before I even took the book of secrets test. Like I swear I kin Storm but like. Kin-lite if that makes sense. Like I'm NOT Storm itself but IDKKKK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I love everything about Storm; the aesthetics and the color scheme and the lore behind it, it all just SPEAKS TO ME so yeah I never grew up. Sjsldjdi
But like narratively? Lore-wise Death has to be my favorite because not only is there so much that goes into the Magic itself but like so many important and well-lived characters are Necromancers. And in my PERSONAL opinion some of the most compelling tales come from Necromancers alone because OF WHAT THEY GO THROUGH SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY ARE NECROMANCERS. Like yeah I relate to that shit and honestly? The game says that the three Primordial forces are the most powerful magic but I feel like Death (along with Life and Balance of the main schools) is one of, if not the most powerful. Also because dead stuff and goth girls are my two most favorite things in the world so
Next Favorite School: Myth
Actually if I, myself, was the young wizard instead of my homunculus puppet I think I prooobably would be Myth. Like I think that's just literally who I am and even though I don't think my aesthetic lines up with Trolls and Cyclopes that much I just literally feel in my heart I'm just so...... (gestures towards myself) that I'm quite fit to be a Myth wizard. Lore reasons only. Like the "imaginative" Wizards is so mecore. I like Myth a lot but it's definitely below Storm and Death
The school after that: Balance
This time it's a mix between aesthetic and lore a lil bit. I like the fact that Balance doesn't even really seem to be a unique Magic that it's its own thing but rather a bit of each and every existing school (including the Astrals and Shadow) that it just became something entirely new and on its own???? Like it's familiar in the sense that you can see it in other Magic schools but there's still something in the core of Balance that makes it Balance. If that.... even begins to make any sense (I'm sorry my vocabulary is fucking shit. I know no words to describe things well). Also this is just my personal headcanon that Balance is one of the hardest Magic schools to master because it's so complicated. Like Balance in the Spiral is like Physics or Chemistry in our world
So this is where I start to fall out of groove with the other magic schools because I don't know shit about them so I'm gonna have to just rank them off vibes alone at this point:
The next favorite school: Fire
I was a fire wizard like years and years and years ago before I listened to my autism and went with Storm and honestly Fire fucks!!!! It's a cool school and idk how popular it is in terms of game mechanics (I think Ice and Life and Balance is most popular I think? idk I don't play the game) but I've always thought Fire was just super pretty to look at during battle. The color scheme may be a bit basic (red and orange for fire mhm) but it still works and honestly???? Personal headcanons that Fire wizards are actually one of the most mellow-headed wizards out of all the schools (commonly mistaken with Ice wizards; remember kids "Calm" doesn't equal "Aloofness") and that Pyromancers are typically daycare teachers or people who are normally in charge of/care for the youth
Some of y'all are gonna hate me for this but I can't really put Life or Ice above or below each other because I just don't really think about either of them that much HALSEHRKSH: LISTEN I DONT HATE EITHER OF THESE SCHOOLS, they just don't really....... stand out to me that much and my life and ice wizards aren't that far enough along yet where I can spot a significant difference between those schools and the ones I actually do play. Aesthetically wise yeah they're pretty!!! And then that's it DUDJSJSO I APOLOGIZE TO MY LIFE AND ICE MUTUALS/FOLLOWERS
(I assume anon meant like, the schools you start out with and not the schools you learn about later so I left out Shadow and the Astrals but if I had to put them somewhere on this list Shadow would definitely be right under Storm and Death, Moon would be below that, Star would be after Fire and Sun would be just kinda hanging out on the outside somewhere)
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meeeeeeese · 3 months
OC idea: an asuran cryomancer who helped Jormag develop their anti-Primordus 'freezing' spell during their brief alliance with Asura, inadvertently dooming thousands to a fate worse then death. Haunted by guilt, they now work on efforts to thaw the remaining frozen following the deaths of the fire and ice dragons
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
Thanatos massaged the bridge of his nose as he sighed, irritation clear on his expression as he stood in front of Hermes. The Fixer was tired of coming home to this traitor in front of his sister's door, but he was too exhausted to fully care. Instead, he walked past them and went to the fridge to get himself and Hermes a drink. "I'm too tired for this shit. Please tell me you didn't disturb Hypnos from her rest again."
@moonminstrel — sc.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
To love someone and to want to be loved means that there is an equal amount of pain involved That’s why I kept my heart closed But now you have entered deep into it The wall crumbled and a bridge was built
- Rapport, Bleach Sennen Kessen-Hen
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asoiafreadthru · 5 months
A Game of Thrones, Eddard IV
“This is not the way to my chambers,” Ned said.
“Did I say it was? I’m leading you to the dungeons to slit your throat and seal your corpse up behind a wall,” Littlefinger replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“We have no time for this, Stark. Your wife awaits.”
“What game are you playing, Littlefinger? Catelyn is at Winterfell, hundreds of leagues from here.”
“Oh?” Littlefinger’s grey-green eyes glittered with amusement. “Then it appears someone has managed an astonishing impersonation.
“For the last time, come. Or don’t come, and I’ll keep her for myself.” He hurried down the steps.
Ned followed him warily, wondering if this day would ever end.
He had no taste for these intrigues, but he was beginning to realize that they were meat and mead to a man like Littlefinger.
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hxperion · 6 months
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"Remember, if you kill the vault hunter before I do, Well- I suggest you don't"
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phntasmgoria-moved · 6 months
HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THIS, should know better than to allow hermes into his space again. not after what they did to him. but here thanatos is, allowing the avatar of yaoshi to wriggle their way into his heart all over again. lan's most loyal pathstrider sighs as they wrap an arm around him, even leans in to indulge them with kisses that burn upon contact. their touches only sear his skin, but thanatos does not care in the slightest.
in other words, not at all.
' dare i dance with the devil again ? ' thanatos inquires with such conviction that it's almost sultry. he doesn't allow himself to yield oneself to such desires often, but just this once, the man succumbs. of course, it's never going to just be the one time, but a man can convince himself otherwise until he believes it to be the utmost of truths to uphold. ' how  you  curse  me  so,    hermes.    an  avatar  of  the  plagues  author,    yet  i  can't  stay  away  from  you.    i'm  surprised  lan  hasn't  cursed  me  themself  for  such  heresy. '
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closed starter : hermes & thanatos ( @katergariis )
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