coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 hailee steinfeld ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ CORINNE BALANCHOR ] also known as  [ CORI SMITH ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ COOPER ] on jolly roger. they appear to be [ 20 ] but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 25 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ HOOK ].  there are rumors that they’re [ RESOURCEFUL ], but they can be [ HYPER ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TREASURE AND ADVENTURE ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『violet ✩ 20 ✩ she/her ✩ cst』˚*•✩
Basic Information:
Name: Corinne Balanchor Cori Smith
Age: 25 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Canon: OC
Cori was born Corinne Balanchor in England about twenty-five years ago. She lived with her mother and for a good portion of her life she believed her father to be a lawful seafaring merchant. He visited occasionally, but never as much as she would have liked. Growing up, she never could quite fit the Victorian England standard of what a girl should be. She didn’t want to cook and clean, she liked to make things and work with her hands. When she was fifteen, she learned the true identity of her father. He was, in fact, a pirate. She begged her father for a spot in his crew, but this was no easy task. Many men thought it was bad luck to have a woman on board a ship. After two years of convincing, her father finally gave in and allowed her to join his crew as an apprentice to the cooper. Corinne loved learning the art of making barrels and was a natural at it. She quickly picked up the trade and became very skilled at the craft. 
One night, roughly five years ago, her father’s boat encountered a terrible storm. The boat capsized and she was seperated from the rest of the crew in the strong waves. She thought she was going to die, but instead ended up washing ashore in an unfamiliar place. Not knowing how she got to Neverland or how she could possibly get home, Corinne tried to make the best of her situation. Ever the optimist, Corinne ended up running into Captain Hook’s crew and convincing them of her skill. She was named the Cooper of the Jolly Roger. Unaware of where specifically she was in the beginning, and having no knowlegde of if these pirates would know of her father Cori gave her nickname and a false last name as an alias. 
Cori is an unlikely pirate, caring more for the treasure and adventure than the pillaging and plundering. She doesn’t enjoy violence very much and prefers to just continue her work while the gunners dealt with the battles. If it came to it though, she is capable of defending herself. Cori has quite a sunny disposition and can be too hyper and kind for the likings of most pirates. She may annoy most of them, but they keep her around for her skill and resourcefulness. She knows Captain Hook rules with an iron fist, but has a soft spot for him, especially after he let her on his crew with just a show of her skill.
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verbosedisaster · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 toby schmitz ✩ cis male ✩ he/him 』 ҉   have you seen [ JACK RACKHAM ] also known as  [ CALICO JACK ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ CAPTAIN ] on The Colonial Dawn. they appear to be [ 40 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 85 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ HOOK ].  there are rumors that they’re [ ASTUTE ], but they can be [ LOQUACIOUS ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO GET THE MAPS OF NEVERLAND FROM HOOK AND LADY MACBETH ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『calico ✩ 27 ✩ they/them ✩ gmt』˚*•✩
Name: John Jack Rackham
Aliases: Calico Jack, Captain Rackham
Age: 40 (frozen age; actual age is 85)
Birthdate: 27th April
Profession: Pirate; Captain of The Colonial Dawn (current), Quartermaster on The Ranger (former), before piracy; worked various naval ships & merchant ships, prior to that worked in his father’s tailoring shop first as an employee and later running it until the business went under.
Known Languages: English, French (thanks Max), tidbits of other languages picked up in travels
Orientation: Complicated. Mostly Homoromantic Homosexual, with the exception of Anne.
Phobias: atychiphobia (fear of failure), athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten)
Habits: Using 50 words where 5 will suffice, Drinking in excess, Switching between an ambitious vocabulary and swearing, Overthinking, Being impulsive when emotional
Skills: Strategising, Talking, Bartering, Fairly apt with a blade though better in close quarters with his razor / dagger.
“ I'll have you know I have slit men's throats while they have wept, begging my forbearance, and slept soundly that very night.…”
Jack will be based post Season 4 of Black Sails, carrying all the baggage that comes with it. If you want to read up on him you can find a significant amount of information here. Don’t read if you’re watching the series; there be spoilers here.
Jack arrived in Neverland with his crew after a trip to Nassau so that Anne could meet with Max and he took the rest of the crew on a supply run. This is why Anne is not with him at present. 
He actually does not want to linger in Neverland too long, but refuses to leave until he has the maps that the other pirates have that allow them to travel freely between Neverland and the wider world. He is also uncertain on the passage of time.
Jack might appear to be all talk and no fight, but this man has fought in the vanguard in pirate battles and slit the throat of Anne’s husband pre-Black Sails (if you want the comic hmu). He has a level of tolerance. Pass it at your own risk.
His allegiance is to Hook; for pirates ought to stick together. He also won’t get the maps he needs siding with Peter.
Well aware that Hook and Lady Macbeth have their own territories, he keeps his ship anchored near the Marooner’s Rock in Mermaid Lagoon. He gets the men on his crew to plug their ears when the siren song is present. Curiously the song, while enchanting, does not have the same all-encompassing experience on him. He has his suspicions as to why.
- For full bio visit my bio page here
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oceanamelody · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 victoria pedretti ✩ cis female ✩ she/her 』 ҉  have you seen [ MELODY OCEANA ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ MERMAID ] on the island.   [ MELODY ] appears to be [ 20 ], the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER ].  there are rumors that they’re [ + OUTGOING ], but they can be [ - STUBBORN ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO FIND ADVENTURE ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『ann ✩ 21+ ✩ she/her ✩ est 』˚*•✩
tw: death + drowning
full name: melody oceana
nicknames: mel
age: 20
orientation: lesbian
languages: english
height: 5′ 4″
hair color: brunette
eye color: brown
piercings: ears
markings: -
faceclaim: victoria pedretti
positive: outgoing, optimistic, loving
negative: head strong, persistent, emotional
Her parents knew she was different from a young age. The way Melody was drawn to water like a fly drawn to the light. As a young child she always begged her parents to let her go to the ocean seeing as they lived only five minutes from the launching deck. But every time her parents said no because of what had happened to Daniel, how he had drowned because of mermaids they always told her. Mermaids, though? They were just a fairy tale. Not real.
She listened to her parents though. Only admiring the water from a far. Her favorite time of day was always when the sun would set, casting a calming affect over the ocean as she stood on her balcony. The way the tide made the small swooping noise as the tide came in and the way the crickets always were in tune with each other. Even if she wasn’t allowed to go to the water and put her feet in and explore the depths she had a soft spot in her heart for anything to do with water and the water’s creatures.
Somehow when Melody was around 15 she worked up the guts to venture to the ocean. She was tired of letting Daniel’s death be the reason why she could not go to the ocean and step in. She knew her brother he would want her to be happy. And this going to the ocean would make her happy. It would fulfill her dream actually.
And then she was in front of the ocean, looking out into the black water. She was just on the edge. She could feel her toes getting wet but she couldn’t step into the water. She had no idea what was stopping her. This is what she had wanted her whole life. And now she had it in her grasps and she couldn’t take that first step.
She fell backwards until her bum was in the sand. She looked out onto that ocean for hours, but never took another step into it. Or any day after that, as her habit visiting the ocean formed.
Her parents found out about her habit years later, actually two in fact. And to say they weren’t happy was the understatement of the century. They yelled asking how she could be so reckless and put her safety at risk. She was 17 after all. She knew better.
Her anger got the best of her telling them she’s been going down for years now. How Daniel would not want this. Daniel would not want her caged in the four walls they called their house not able to go anywhere she wanted.
Her parents just stared at her for a moment after that.
In the moment Melody wasn’t sure what her parents would do to her, and she was afraid. Would they hit her? Would they kick her out? She was ready to beg for forgiveness on her knees when they just told her to go to her room.
She gulped but nodded following their instructions.
She couldn’t sleep that night. As she was trying to hear what her parents were saying through her door but she could never make out their words.
She turned to drawing that night, and she awoke to her face on the paper, drool ruining the work and a knock on the door.
She looked up, looking at her parents as they came in. She knew by their faces it wasn’t going to be good.
She thought the worst, boarding school, America or adoption.
“You’re going to live with Aunt Anna and Uncle Derek. We feel its best.”
Her mouth dropped, they didn’t seem like they were kidding, and it couldn’t be bad, right? She loved Ariel. She and Ariel got along.  When Daniel died Ariel was there for her, and every day since.
And then she was on her way to the other side of the island. She knew she should probably hate her parents for sending her away, but if anything she found relief and freedom.
It was a chance for her to start over. She would no longer be the girl who lost her brother and was afraid of water
No she would just be Melody. Just a few hours away.
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lostnibs · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 jordan fisher ✩ male ✩ he/him 』 ҉   have you seen [ ARCHIE WEST ] ?  no, that’s not right. that’s because they’re actual name is [ NIBS ].  they appear to be [ 20 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 413 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER ].  there are rumors that they’re [ CHEERFUL ], but they can be [ FORGETFUL ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ FREEDOM AND ADVENTURE ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『mira ✩ 23 ✩ she/her ✩ cst』˚*•✩
full name: archibald “archie” west
age: 413 (looks twenty)
pronouns: he/him
alignment: peter pan and the lost boys
species: human
eyes: dark brown
hair: curly, wavy, dark brown
height: 5′8
faceclaim: jordan fisher
nibs doesn’t remember anything about his life before neverland nor does he know how he even got there in the firstplace.
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✩•*˚『 annasophia robb ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ ALICE LIDDELL ]? it seems as if they’re a nomad on the island…maybe that’s because before they came to the island they were [ EXPLORING HER FATHER’S PROPERTY ], but now they’re [ EXPLORING THE ISLAND ].   [ ALICE ] appears to be [ 18 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER ]. there are rumors that they’re [ KIND ], but they can be [ CHILDISH ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO FIND LOVE ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『violet ✩ 20 ✩ she/her ✩ cst』˚*•✩
Basic Information:
Name: Alice P. Liddell
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Canon: Mixture of the Carroll novel, the Disney film, and the Tim Burton films
Alice fell down the rabbit hole for the first time at the tender age of eight. She initailly thought it was a dream, but when she was sixteen she fell again and was once again in Wonderland. She made many friends there and vowed to visit frequently. One day, not long after her eighteenth birthday celebration, Alice decided to visit Wonderland as she had many times before. This time was different. When she fell down the rabbit hole she didn’t find herself in Wonderland, she found herself in Neverland. Horribly confused and certain she must just be in an uncharted part of Wonderland she’s never seen, Alice is searching for answers, old friends, and a certain boy she only caught a glimpse of just after her fall.
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fxirypunzel · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 brenda song ✩ (cis) female ✩ she/her/hers 』 ҉   have you seen [ RAPUNZEL ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ fairy ] on the island.   [ RAPUNZEL ] appears to be [ 27 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 112 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ NO ONE ].  there are rumors that they’re [ ADVENTUROUS ], but they can be [ IRRESPONSIBLE ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO EXPLORE EVERY INCH OF THE ISLAND ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『kashia ✩ 22 ✩ she/her ✩ est』˚*•✩
hello folks, the name is kashia and i am here with my baby rapunzel! bare with me on this. this is very long so i’m sorry. i got into oakfaga. basically, i took some parts from tangled (minus the whole magic part of it)
tw: violence, death, and kidnapping
Full Name: ??? “Rapunzel” ???
Age: Appears 27, is actually 112
Date of Birth: May 12th
Hometown: ???
Current Location: Neverland
Gender: (cis) Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Queer
Occupation: Self proclaimed Adventurer
Living Arrangements:
brown hair that she refuses to let grow long, books that are pushed into a corner, eyes that twinkle at the thought of exploring, long nights spent reading high up in a tree, a bright smile that is constantly warn, the rare moment of dark eyes that are filled with disappointment, the reciting of different book quotes, and light purple wings lined with gold
about her
A girl unaware of her birth name but has always gone by Rapunzel or Punzie, a name that was given to her by the woman who kidnapped her. However, Rapunzel doesn’t see her as her kidnapper but as her mother and the only person who cared about her. For most of her human life, she lived within a tower with this older woman. What this girl soon to be woman was unaware was her birth parents. A King and Queen from a far off land, a place that was nowhere near the tower she was kept inside of. It was said that the two never stopped looking for their daughter and that every year on her birthday, would release red lanterns into the sky to celebrate her. Though, the lanterns were never seen by Rapunzel. 
Rapunzel was unaware of what the outside world held, except for what she read in the books given to her by the older woman. Books that talk about tales of monsters that hunt children, magical creatures that could heal people, and books about royalty. Such fantastical stories were stuffed into her head, that the girl began to question if any of it was real or not. The older woman knew of these thoughts and used them against Rapunzel. She would tell her that monsters were real and would come after the young girl because she was special. “You have a hidden power hidden deep within you, Punzie. No one must know of it or else they’ll take you away. They’ll hurt you because of that power!” Such words were trusted and believed for years, Rapunzel never setting foot outside of the tower. 
However, that didn’t stop her desire of wanting to know of the outside world. The world that held so many trees, birds that sung her awake, squirrels that were able to make it up so far up onto her window sill, and a sky that stretched far across the entire land. What secrets and tales did the land hold, she wondered. Yet, was never able to explore. Instead, she was kept inside, for her own good as she was told. Where she read books all day, cared for a variety of plants, cleaned, cook, and even write. Write stories about being free, about life beyond the tower, of a life that she wished for. Each year on her birthday, Rapunzel would look out her window and wish to whatever greater being was listening to grant her the freedom that she desired. 
That wish was finally heard the morning of her 27th birthday. Her hair had grown long, reaching down past her rear, a part of her that her mother always loved about her. For it added to her beauty. That morning, the older woman promised to take Rapunzel out to the nearby town, to let her finally roam and get a taste of it all. Before any of that, she left to do some chores, leaving Rapunzel alone. Or at least she believed that she was. 
About this tower, it was difficult for someone to get to it as the forest surrounding it was dense and filled with vicious animals that acted as guards. Only the older woman knew of the way in and out of the forest while remaining in one piece. Until a young adventurer appeared. He was handsome in the eyes of Rapunzel and charming. As he was able to get her to let him inside of the tower and immediately wow the naive girl, telling her of the life outside of the tower and making her fall for him. Since, of course, she never fell in love with an actual person. “Why don’t you come with me? I promise to bring you back before your mother realizes.” 
There was hesitation, fear of her mother catching her but there was also the desire to leave on her own. To live, to have fun, freedom. Everything she ever wanted and needed. So, with his hand in her own, the two left the tower together and ventured through the forest. In her mind, Rapunzel believed that she would be back before her mother. But like most stories, things never go as planned. 
The day was filled with laughter, smiles, dancing, and even a kiss. Well, several kisses. Tentative, awkward, desire, and passion. It felt unreal to her, as if she was in one of her favorite books. Time had got the best of the two, night had fallen as they remembered Rapunzel’s mother. The two hurried back to the tower, eyes wondering to make sure that there was no one to catch them or wild animals. When they reached the tower, she was prepared to go back inside until her love said to her, “Why don’t we leave together? You don’t deserve to stay inside of a tower your entire life.” His words meant a lot to her that she quickly agreed. It was short lived as he was stabbed in the back by the older woman, anger could be seen in her eyes. She pulled Rapunzel into the tower, yelling at her about her whereabouts, about trusting people, about wanting to leave. This caused Rapunzel to yell back for the first time, still shocked and visibly upset about the stabbing. Of wanting to leave, wanting to be free for once and how wrong it was that was locked away. “Why do you treat me like a prisoner? Aren’t I your daughter?”
It was during a fight with the older woman that truths were quickly revealed. Of Rapunzel not being her actual child, of her taking the young woman from her birth family, how she did it as revenge from the royal family that hurt her. Tears filled Rapunzel’s eyes, not wanting to believe any of it as the older woman tried to end her life. “I’ll end the royal family’s birth line officially by taking your life.” With the same knife that was used to hurt her love, Rapunzel, with a rush of adrenaline, fought back. Using all of her strength that she could muster, she rocked the older woman off from her body, soon knocking the knife from her hand. And what she did next was unexpected. Tears that hit the older woman, she attempted to push her from the window, hoping to end her life that way. However, in the process, caused her to fall as the older woman grabbed hold of her hair. Unable to keep the two of them up, Rapunzel and her kidnapper fell down the window. 
Rapunzel was met with darkness until her eyes opened, being met with light. She awoke in Neverland that day, with purple and gold wings. A fairy, specifically a garden fairy to be exact. It all felt unreal to her, this strange land filled with an endless fight. While she was expected to choose a side, Rapunzel remained neutral, not wanting to get in between anything unless it was necessary. Instead, her focus was on getting used to the land and her newfound freedom. It took years, longer than expected, for her to just roam alone. Time was spent reading, learning of her powers, and observing others from afar. But once she broke free from the shell of hers, a new part of her was born. An adventurous, excited, irresponsible, irrational side that wanted to just explore every part of her new home. Learning about the different beauties and stories that it held. While also be caring of the fight happening. 
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pvellamaris · 4 years
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『 lindsey morgan ✩ female ✩ she/her 』have you seen [ ZARINA ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ FAIRY ] on the island. [ ZARINA ] appears to be [ 25 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 4,200 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ NO ONE]. there are rumors that they’re [ AMBITIOUS ], but they can be [ MANIPULATIVE ]. when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ EXPLORE THE WORLD AND THE MAGIC PROPERTIES IT HAS TO OFFER ]. we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『 aphrodite ✩ 22 ✩ she/her ✩ ct 』
hall there ! i’m aphrodite , or aph for short , and this is my girl zarina . i’ve listed some of her basic information below but keep an eye out because i will be adding things as i explore more and more of her character . if you’re interested in plotting or anything , feel free to go ahead and just shoot me a dm!
zarina is not a fan of nicknames . she does not like being called anything else , even if she does consider you a friend .
i am altering part of her history . while she has returned to pixie hollow , she is still not thrilled with tinker bell and the other faeries . in her view , them saving her from drowning was only fair given she didn’t kill them herself earlier . she’s not overly cruel but she’s not going to be buddy-buddy either .
she still experiments with her dust , but it’s not to help anyone but herself . she keeps most of her successes a secret so that others don’t steal her work and always has about seven different varieties of dust on her at all time .
as it is, her loyalty is undecided . she can never trust in hook ; she knows that . nor can she trust in peter given that he’s influenced by tinker bell . her current plan is to wait until one or the other finishes the battle and then make her move .
she has a bit of temper that she works to control . while she may have a few outbursts of anger , either verbally or physically , she always plays them off as harmless and uncharacteristic of her so that she’s not seen as a threat until she chooses to .
while she will never admit to it , she often wishes that she had never come back to the faeries and remained as a pirate . fulfilling as it is to be able to work with her dust and experiments ; it doesn’t come close to how much she enjoyed being on the ship and the freedom that came with being captain .
LET’S PLAY ; a collection of the most sought after pre-established connections
THE LOVER: she loved them once . long before she ever knew herself . they were the most important person in the world in her eyes . she would’ve done anything they’d ask without hesitation . now , even though she claims to feel nothing ; she cannot find herself to be unable to stop caring about them . it’s not love , hasn’t been for a long time . but the familiarity of happiness that she seeks after in them .
THE MAGICIAN: they have magic , more than hers . stronger , older , better . impressive and terrifying all at once . she wants to learn from them . to get better , to surpass with her own talents . either dark magic or good ; she doesn’t care . she’ll flatter them however she needs to to get their secrets spilled .
THE SAGE: while zarina is hot-headed and often thinks she knows better than everyone else , there is one person she does listen to above herself . if she doubts herself , or cannot think , she goes to them . she trusts them more than she wants to , but they haven’t steered her wrong yet and that’s enough at this point .
archetype  ╱  mbti ╱  playlist ╱   zodiac ╱  moral alignment
that’s really all i can think of rn, lol. if you’ve got any ideas or any connections you believe your character could fill, then hmu! or we can just plot for the fun on it and see what we can create.
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mcridasx · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 sophie skelton ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ MERIDA DUNBROCH ] ? it seems as if they’re a nomad on the island…  maybe that’s because before they came to the island they were [ TRYING TO REVERSE THE SPELL ON HER MOTHER ], but now they’re [ EXILING HERSELF  ].   [ MERIDA ] appears to be [ 25 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 26 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ HOOK ]. there are rumors that they’re [ INDEPENDANT ], but they can be [ ARROGANT ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO FORGET ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.˚*•✩
full name: merida dunbroch
nicknames: n/a
age: twenty six
orientation: bisexual
languages: english, scots, scots gaelic
height: 5 ’ 8
hair color: red
eye color: brown
piercings: none
markings: scars on her upper left arm after her being clawed by her mother in bear form
faceclaim: sophie skelton
likes: exploring, archery, apples, riding
dislikes: magic, being told what to do,
positive: independent, adventurous,  brave,
negative: arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, short-tempered
basically merida didn’t make it back to the stone circle in time, her father already killing the bear that was actually his wife but she managed to use the repaired tapestry to return her brothers to human form. she spent many years after this hunting down the witch who had given her the spell before the will-o-the-wisps returned. believing they would lead her to the witch she followed them, ending up in neverland. she’s been in neverland for a year now and has aligned herself with hook, as she blames magic for the death of her mother and knows that pan has faerie friends and doesn’t trust any type of magic. 
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lostdipper · 4 years
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Hello, everyone! This here is Dipper. He is NOT based off of Gravity Falls, he is an oc lost boy. He got his name because he’s always looking to the stars. He’s a soft boy who loves colors and his tree house is decorated in tons of flowers. You can read his backstory here.
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pirateflynn · 4 years
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Hey there everyone, this here’s Eugene Fitzherbert Flynn Rider. He was blown to Neverland by a nasty storm and now has taken up on Hook’s ship, Jolly Roger. Though, he’s a pretty self-serving guy. I have made him entirely devoid of the plot of Tangled except his backstory. You can read up on it here.
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sirenseraphina · 4 years
━☼.・。゚ meet seraphina.
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✩•˚『 emilija baranac ✩ cis female ✩ she/her 』 ҉ have you seen [ SERAPHINA ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ MERMAID ] on the island. [ SERAPHINA ] appears to be [ 23 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 4,500 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ NO ONE ]. there are rumors that they’re [ RESOURCEFUL ], but they can be [ DECEITFUL ]. when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ FOR TREASURES AND SECRETS ]. we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『nut ✩ 22 ✩ she/her ✩ cst』˚•✩
check out seraphina’s bio page! 
flirty mermaid who like shiny things and gossiping 
she can come off spoiled and materialistic (which, I mean yes, she is) but in reality, she is a very smart girl that believes people are generally selfish. it’s in their best interest to do what’s best for themselves to survive 
she can be really sweet but whether that’s a façade or not depends on the person. she loves her merfolk fam but is very selective outside of that 
seraphina likes to be in the know. knowing secrets, giving out information, and using them as she sees fit is her way of being in control plus she just thinks it’s fun 
she doesn’t care which side you are on. if you have something that she likes or benefits her she’ll tell you what she knows
━☼.・。゚ meet nut.*
hey, hey! my name’s nut, i live in cst, and i have no idea what i’m doing or what’s going on ever
i work as a patient care assistant. i’m moving this summer and will be studying for my nursing boards. i’ll be a busy bee but i’ll try my hardest to be online as much as i can!
tumblr dms are great but a better way to get a hold of me for plotting purposes or just for funsies is on discord: nut#0569
pls talk to me, i need friends and so does seraphina (though she’d deny it).
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indomitablecourage · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 COLIN O’DONOGHUE ✩ cismale ✩ he/him 』 ҉   have you seen [ ??? ] also known as  [ CAPTAIN JAMES HOOK ] it seems as if they’re the [ CAPTAIN ] of the jolly roger. they appear to be [ 38 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ CIRCA 250 ]. the winds tell us that he’s allied with [ HIMSELF ].  there are rumors that they’re [ DEBONAIR ], but they can be [ SINISTER ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ VENGEANCE AGAINST PETER PAN ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『charlie ✩ 27 ✩ they/them ✩ gmt』˚*•✩
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Aliases: James Hook, Jas, Captain Hook
Age: 38 (frozen age; actual age is believed to be circa 250)
Birthdate: 27th April
Profession: Pirate Captain (current), Bo'sun to Blackbeard (former), [ PRE-PIRACY HISTORY UNKNOWN ]
Known Languages: English, Latin
Orientation: Bisexual, Demiromantic
Phobias: misophonia (selective sound sensitivity; ticking clocks), haemophobia (phobia of blood)
Habits: Drinking (rum), Smoking (cigars), Bouts of melancholy (depressive episodes)
Skills: Swordplay (well-versed), poisons (studied extensively), meticulous planning using cunning & wit, knowledgeable in the language of flowers
“As dogs this terrible man treated and addressed them, and as dogs they obeyed him…”
Hook as a captain demands the respect of his crew. He is known to be a cold and capricious captain, not above dispatching members of his crew who do not meet his commands or invoke his ire; and he isn’t beyond ensuring the use of the nine tails to drive his point home. His crew are expected to be loyal and those that abuse his trust and fail to display this are not seen kindly. In some sense he sets himself apart from those who serve on his ship, believing them socially apart, but also not one to develop connections that are too close. The exceptions are Ed Teynte and Smee who have different relationships with their captain (see pirate lore for more information on starhqs). Despite his attitude, he is a fair captain, following the code and ensuring every member of the crew gets their share.
- For full bio visit my bio page here
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sleepingrcses · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 Ester Expósito ✩ cis female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ AURORA ROSIER ] ? it seems as if they’re a nomad on the island…  maybe that’s because before they came to the island they were [  MUTTERING ABOUT A DRAGON  ], but now they’re [ SETTLING DOWN AND GETTING USED TO THE ISLAND ].   [ AURORA ] appears to be [ 19 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 119 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER]. there are rumors that they’re [ CHARISMATIC ], but they can be [ VENGEFUL ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO GET AWAY FROM MALEFICENT ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『anna ✩ 27 ✩ she/her✩ est』˚*•✩
Aurora is a mixture of Disney, The Grimm Brothers' Little Briar Rose with some Perrault elements sprinkled in here and there.
Her original fate was to die from a piece of flaxseedwhen an angry dark fairy had stormed her christening because she hadn't been invited to it but another fairy altered it.
All flaxseed and hemp were banned and burned on the order of the king and Aurora was raised away from her family by three fairies.
Aurora had now been cursed to fall into a death-like sleep from flaxseed when she's nineteen instead of being fifteen-sixteen when it happens and be like that for the next hundred years, so there's absolutely no kiss involved.
All of its inhabitants fell asleep with her when it did happen and were guarded by a wall of thorns and vines around the castle.
She stayed asleep for a hundred years when Prince Phillip went to the castle and the thorn wall turns into flowers when he arrived, since Aurora and the servants are supposed to wake up that day.
He gets to Aurora's room and she wakes up seeing him but doesn't fall madly in love at first sight but is just interested and a little scared of the unfamiliar face.
They talk for a few hours until they're interrupted by the servants who have made a feast
Prince Phillip offers his home to her and she accepts, unaware that the news she was awake had reached Maleficent, she stormed Phillip's castle in dragon form.
They eventually defeated her and Aurora went to sleep, only to wake up on Neverland the next day.
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dcathbecomeshcr · 4 years
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lady emily thanatos, twenty three, bristol, england
hi hello! this is emily, and here’s her bio, but for a tldr (bc it is long) emily is a lady who was about to marry the love of her life, but turns out he was the worst (tw domestic violence, attempted murder) and emily had to run for her life. at the last minute, she was transported to neverland and saved by a fairy. she thinks she’s dead, but at least she’s got her books and a decently sunny disposition. 
i posted a reacc on discord but please lmk if you wanna plot with this newcomer, she’s full of anxiety and knowledge!
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cheshirexsmiles · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 dichen lachman ✩ non-binary ✩ they/she/he 』 ҉   have you seen [ SHIRE ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ fairy ] on the island.   [ CHESHIRE CAT ] appears to be [ 35 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ around 7,200 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ NO ONE ].  there are rumors that they’re [ MISCHIEVOUS ], but they can be [ BAFFLING ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO LIVE FREELY AND RESIST MAB’S RULES ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.˚*•✩
summary: cheshire is a noble fairy who is old as dirt (not quite, but close) and they really, really dislike mab's feudal system and general ruling of the fae. a true agent of chaos, cheshire spends a lot of time away from neverland and trades use of their weather magic to sea captains when they need a ride to or from the island. their favourite tricks are casting illusions and memory manipulation (which is considered old magic), and appearing as a large striped cat. 
Names: Shire ( Their original fairy name. Only very old fairies or very close friends would know this. ), Cheshire Cat ( a persona formed later when they were exploring outside of Neverland ). Often referred to as simply Cheshire or Cat. Gender/Pronouns: Genderfluid. Cheshire uses mostly them/they but also she/her or he/him whenever it feels appropriate, internally. Sometimes they will use a specific pronoun for a decade, other times for an hour.  Sexuality: Aromantic pansexual. They have taken sexual partners of many genders in the past, but they’re uninterested in any kind of long-term romantic relationships. 
- History -
Cheshire came into being in Neverland as a noble fairy, with purple-blue wings and an affinity for Air magics. But more than that, they remember the time before Mab’s rule, before the restrictions that the Queen has laid upon her fairies and their magic.
As such, Cheshire is skilled at an older, wilder sort of magic. They’re notably skilled with memory manipulation, as well as weather magic and illusions. At times if they wish to they will appear as a large striped cat, and they’ve managed to stay out of harm’s way. 
In the old days, when magic was in abundance, Cheshire was wild and free, and would do whatever they pleased. Their favourite trick was to disappear either through illusions or by simply making whoever was around forget what they’d spoken to Cheshire about---sometimes all that a person would remember was an unnerving smile, and they couldn’t recall anything else about the interaction.
However, as knowledgeable as they are, they are also weakened by their frequent and lengthy trips outside of Neverland---because the fairies, the land, and magic are all very much tied up with one another. Though Cheshire has the potential to be one of the strongest fairies, it’s come more from age rather than being well known or having much clout, and they don’t usually have the ability to do much more than what is (by fairy standards) parlor tricks. 
They also adored ships and sailing, and it wasn’t too long before they began regularly making the journey to and from Neverland, in exchange for a little careful weather manipulation to the pirates. To this day, there are tales of lucky cats aboard ships who can grant good weather and good fortune. 
They need to return to Neverland periodically to rekindle their magic and keep from fading away, and are sustained mostly by the belief of a few close allies.
Cheshire was always an outsider amoung the fairy nobles, especially later in their life. This is where they honed their sharp tongue and unsettling smile, as a defense mechanism. Eventually they grew tired Mab’s growing influence in the courts, and sought to escape before Mab took over and began stifling (to Cheshire’s mind) the fairy culture. Nowadays they would be considered firmly an enemy of Mab, and are highly disdainful of anyone who bends the knee to the Queen. 
They’re not so much dangerous as extremely unpredictable. And quite possibly a little bit mad, but who isn’t. <3
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ofvcnellope · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 india eisley ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ VANELLOPE VON SCHWEETZ ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ mermaid princess  ] on the island.   [ VANELLOPE ] appears to be [ 18 ],  but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 200 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ PETER ].  there are rumors that they’re [ KIND ], but they can be [ ILL-TEMPERED].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO GET AWAY FROM RESPONSIBILITY ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『anna✩ 27 ✩ she/her ✩ est』˚*•✩
TW: parental neglect, bullying, forced engagement and running away from home
Before being brought to Neverland, she was originally from 16th century Scotland as the third daughter out of two other girls and three boys of nobles in Scottish court.
Of course she got everything she wanted growing up but Vanellope was the black sheep of the family for not wanting to serve the royal family and instead become a tailor without any status as to not have as much responsibility that came with the job her family wanted for her.
Her siblings bullied her for this dream, saying she would never amount to much unless she got a position as a lady in waiting to one of the princesses at the time.
Vanellope never actually listened to them but it still stung to hear her own siblings saying that about her.
As time went on, Vanellope just faded in the background but still thrived hard for her dreams up until her eighteenth birthday.
Vanellope's parents were suddenly paying attention to her a few days leading to you and she had her suspicions about why but brushed them off.
It was when her birthday party came to an end she realized that her parents arranged for her to marry a Duke in a bid to elevate her status.
Vanellope was furious and ran away from home in her fit of rage.
She passed out in the middle of the woods because of exhaustion and woke up on Neverland the next day.
At first Vanellope was confused and scared, wanting to go back home to Scotland.
But as the days passed, she settled down and adjusted to the island.
Now Vanellope has been on Neverland for 200 years and most of her memories of her past life are long gone.
She still feels uncomfortable in her position in her family just like before but for the most part, Vanollepe finds increasingly creative ways to get away from her duties as a princess.
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