sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
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ā€” The mermaid laid on a rock, admiring the shells she had collected. Her shiny mint green almost a light purple tail glistening in the sun. Marina hummed a little tune as in the moment she felt a bit of peace before sensing someone approaching. ā€œ if I were you, Iā€™ll stop right there before coming any closer. Normally Iā€™m not this nice to give you a warning but you caught me in a good mood. ā€
It was a beautiful out today so, Serephina wasnā€™t surprised when she spotted one of the other mermaids sunbathing. When she got closer and heard the warning from the other she rolled her eyes, ā€œOh, donā€™t be so dramatic, Marina. Itā€™s just me.ā€ She hopped up on a nearby rock and stretched out her own tail in the sunshine,Ā ā€œWhatā€™s got you in such a chipper mood? You drown some poor unsuspecting sailor or something?ā€
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
Itā€™s the stars that enchant Dipper, more than anything else in the universe.. and itā€™s those stars that brought him to Neverland, the only place heā€™s ever been able to call home. There is something magnetic about their pull, as if they call to him and lure him in like a siren of the deep. For as long as Dipperā€™s heart still beats on this island, he will be in love with the stars.
Small frame is perched on a large rotting tree stump atop of a hill. The night is clear, and a bit breezy, blowing his hair every which way. Dipper ignores the flirting of the wind, wrapping his arms around his tucked up knees. He is doing what he normally does, whenever Pan isnā€™t making the boys play some game into the deepest parts of the night. He is watching the stars.
Heā€™s lost track of time, doesnā€™t know exactly how long heā€™s been sitting there dreaming.. but the snap of a twig brings him out of his reverie. Dipper jerks his head toward the sound, pupils shifting to take in as much light as possible. At first he is silent, but he realizes that he is out in the open and undoubtedly has been seen.
Grabbing a large rock that rested at his feet, Dipper holds up and rises from his perch. If itā€™s a pirate, heā€™ll be ready. Thereā€™s a small dagger, sheathed but ready to go, strapped at his ankle with a dried out piece of leather. He may be soft, but that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t do damage.
ā€œWhoā€™s there?ā€
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The hustle and bustle of day was Seraphinaā€™s favorite. She loved people watching and seeing everyone go about their lives. It was also a chance for her to catch conversations and what stories people were sharing. However, it was at night that the siren found peace. It was a chance for her to take in and reflect on the information she collects from the daytime.Ā 
On this night, instead of taking a midnight swim she uncharacteristically decided to take a midnight walk. Seraphina always forgot how different the forest looked at night. She nearly tripped on a fallen tree branch before coming upon a human alone in the dark.Ā ā€œThe Boogeyman here to torment foul humans,ā€ hearing back what she had said she snorted,Ā ā€œMaybe you Lost Boys are the real Boogeymen.ā€
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
ā”ā˜¼.ļ½„ļ½”ļ¾Ÿ meet seraphina.
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āœ©ā€¢Ėšć€Ž emilija baranac āœ© cis female āœ© she/her 怏 Ņ‰ have you seen [ SERAPHINA ] ? it seems as if theyā€™re a [ MERMAID ] on the island. [ SERAPHINA ] appears to be [ 23 ], but looks can be deceiving because theyā€™re actually [ 4,500 ]. the winds tell us that theyā€™re allied with [ NO ONE ]. there are rumors that theyā€™re [ RESOURCEFUL ], but they can be [ DECEITFUL ]. when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ FOR TREASURES AND SECRETS ]. we hope they donā€™t cause too much trouble.怎nut āœ© 22 āœ© she/her āœ© cst怏Ėšā€¢āœ©
check out seraphinaā€™s bio page!Ā 
flirty mermaid who like shiny things and gossipingĀ 
she can come off spoiled and materialistic (which, I mean yes, she is) but in reality, she is a very smart girl that believes people are generally selfish. itā€™s in their best interest to do whatā€™s best for themselves to surviveĀ 
she can be really sweet but whether thatā€™s a faƧade or not depends on the person. she loves her merfolk fam but is very selective outside of thatĀ 
seraphina likes to be in the know. knowing secrets, giving out information, and using them as she sees fit is her way of being in control plus she just thinks itā€™s funĀ 
she doesnā€™t care which side you are on. if you have something that she likes or benefits her sheā€™ll tell you what she knows
ā”ā˜¼.ļ½„ļ½”ļ¾Ÿ meet nut.*
hey, hey! my nameā€™s nut, i live in cst, and i have no idea what iā€™m doing or whatā€™s going on ever
i work as a patient care assistant. iā€™m moving this summer and will be studying for my nursing boards. iā€™ll be a busy bee but iā€™ll try my hardest to be online as much as i can!
tumblr dms are great but a better way to get a hold of me for plotting purposes or just for funsies is on discord: nut#0569
pls talk to me, i need friends and so does seraphina (though sheā€™d deny it).
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
Donā€™t trust what you see, even salt looks like sugar.
Facts (viaĀ asvpfrenchie)
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
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Emilija Baranac photographed by Thomas Bullock
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
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Less than 5% of the ocean has been explored. Whatā€™s hiding in the deep blue?
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sirenseraphina Ā· 4 years
ā”ā˜¼.*ļ½„ļ½”ļ¾Ÿ tag dump.
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