#muse ♕ feels like i’m being born again
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
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(no longer updated)
masterlists || rules and fandoms list || wip’s list || prompt’s lists || love letters || disclaimer: some of my works may have nsfw content in addition to the yandere genre. if you are sensitive to these topics, I recommend not reading.
© aphroditelovesu, 2022. all rights reserved. do not translate or repost my work without my permission. you are free to use my edits, but I only ask that you credit me.
⤷ genre: yandere/dark au.
✿.。 requests are CLOSED/asks and concept are always open.彡 rules and fandoms 彡 emoji prompt list 彡 prompts list 彡 kinktober 2023 masterlist 彡 wip’s list: I, II, III, IV, V ✿.。
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⤷ BTS :  💜
⤷ ITZY : 🧡
⤷ Stray Kids : 💙
‘‘Love you so bad, love you so bad, mold a pretty lie for you.’‘
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⤷ Greek Mythology : ⚡
⤷ Egyptian Mythology : 𓂀
⤷ Historical Characters : 📜
‘‘We are the lovesick girls, you can’t just end this love on your own.’‘
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⤷ The Vampire Diaries/The Originals : 🧛
⤷ House of the Dragon : 🐉
⤷ Game of Thrones : ❄️
⤷ The Sandman : ⌛
⤷ Outlander : 🗿
⤷ Wednesday : 🎻
⤷ Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir : 🐞
⤷ Brooklyn Nine-Nine : 👮‍♂️
⤷ Bridgerton : 🐝
⤷ Shadow and Bone : ☠️
⤷ Outer Banks : 💰
‘‘Yeah, we were born to be alone but why we still looking for love?’‘
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⤷ Percy Jackson : 🌊
⤷ Harry Potter : 🔮
⤷ A Court of Thorns and Roses : 🌹
⤷ A Song of Ice and Fire : 🔥
‘‘Love it’s so mad, love it’s so mad, trying to erase myself and make me your doll.’‘
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⤷ Attack On Titan : 🗡
‘‘I’m the one I should love in this world.’‘
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⤷ Marvel : ۞
‘‘I finally realized so I love me, not so perfect but so beautiful.’‘
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‘‘Dearest (Y/N),
We are very happy to hear that you are back with us. It's been so long since we could hold you that we even forgot the feeling. We missed you during your absence and were almost worried to death when we learned of your disappearance. You almost had us dead! Don't ever do it again or you'll see the consequences and you know they won't be good. Or will they be? Only time will tell.
For now, we'll just leave you this letter as a reminder. But don't worry, you have a lot of letters to read and more will follow. We will send them with all the passion of a writer completely in love with its muse.
With love,
Your yanderes completely in love with you.’’
⤷ Love Letters : 💕
⤷ Love Letters II : 💕
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‘‘Don’t you know that you’re toxic?’’
Thank you all so much for the kind comments and for supporting my writing despite my english not being the best. I love you all! ❤️ All the best to you guys and stay hydrated!!
₊˚.✦*:・there a̶r̶e̶✧乀✿one of☆˚˖੭ those days•.꒰˖days whe̶n̶ I✧ৎ⋆s u d d e n t l y feel♡.*⊱all a̶l̶o̶n̶e̶❛ ━ :❘❘↴when i feel˘.+*✦like I d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ !¡❞♕‵̤ belong anywhere.:✧°whenever t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ days°⊹come, you+tell⋆̥˚̣̣̣͙❞me❀⊰。how p̶r̶e̶c̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ i am▾₊˚i become a.✩*⊹very special me₊˚.*:you make m̶e̶˘.+*feel s p e c i a l¸*.❀
⤷ cited songs: Fake Love ;; Lovesick Girls ;; Epiphany ;; Toxic ;; Feel Special
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fxirypunzel · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 brenda song ✩ (cis) female ✩ she/her/hers 』 ҉   have you seen [ RAPUNZEL ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ fairy ] on the island.   [ RAPUNZEL ] appears to be [ 27 ], but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 112 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ NO ONE ].  there are rumors that they’re [ ADVENTUROUS ], but they can be [ IRRESPONSIBLE ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TO EXPLORE EVERY INCH OF THE ISLAND ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『kashia ✩ 22 ✩ she/her ✩ est』˚*•✩
hello folks, the name is kashia and i am here with my baby rapunzel! bare with me on this. this is very long so i’m sorry. i got into oakfaga. basically, i took some parts from tangled (minus the whole magic part of it)
tw: violence, death, and kidnapping
Full Name: ??? “Rapunzel” ???
Age: Appears 27, is actually 112
Date of Birth: May 12th
Hometown: ???
Current Location: Neverland
Gender: (cis) Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Queer
Occupation: Self proclaimed Adventurer
Living Arrangements:
brown hair that she refuses to let grow long, books that are pushed into a corner, eyes that twinkle at the thought of exploring, long nights spent reading high up in a tree, a bright smile that is constantly warn, the rare moment of dark eyes that are filled with disappointment, the reciting of different book quotes, and light purple wings lined with gold
about her
A girl unaware of her birth name but has always gone by Rapunzel or Punzie, a name that was given to her by the woman who kidnapped her. However, Rapunzel doesn’t see her as her kidnapper but as her mother and the only person who cared about her. For most of her human life, she lived within a tower with this older woman. What this girl soon to be woman was unaware was her birth parents. A King and Queen from a far off land, a place that was nowhere near the tower she was kept inside of. It was said that the two never stopped looking for their daughter and that every year on her birthday, would release red lanterns into the sky to celebrate her. Though, the lanterns were never seen by Rapunzel. 
Rapunzel was unaware of what the outside world held, except for what she read in the books given to her by the older woman. Books that talk about tales of monsters that hunt children, magical creatures that could heal people, and books about royalty. Such fantastical stories were stuffed into her head, that the girl began to question if any of it was real or not. The older woman knew of these thoughts and used them against Rapunzel. She would tell her that monsters were real and would come after the young girl because she was special. “You have a hidden power hidden deep within you, Punzie. No one must know of it or else they’ll take you away. They’ll hurt you because of that power!” Such words were trusted and believed for years, Rapunzel never setting foot outside of the tower. 
However, that didn’t stop her desire of wanting to know of the outside world. The world that held so many trees, birds that sung her awake, squirrels that were able to make it up so far up onto her window sill, and a sky that stretched far across the entire land. What secrets and tales did the land hold, she wondered. Yet, was never able to explore. Instead, she was kept inside, for her own good as she was told. Where she read books all day, cared for a variety of plants, cleaned, cook, and even write. Write stories about being free, about life beyond the tower, of a life that she wished for. Each year on her birthday, Rapunzel would look out her window and wish to whatever greater being was listening to grant her the freedom that she desired. 
That wish was finally heard the morning of her 27th birthday. Her hair had grown long, reaching down past her rear, a part of her that her mother always loved about her. For it added to her beauty. That morning, the older woman promised to take Rapunzel out to the nearby town, to let her finally roam and get a taste of it all. Before any of that, she left to do some chores, leaving Rapunzel alone. Or at least she believed that she was. 
About this tower, it was difficult for someone to get to it as the forest surrounding it was dense and filled with vicious animals that acted as guards. Only the older woman knew of the way in and out of the forest while remaining in one piece. Until a young adventurer appeared. He was handsome in the eyes of Rapunzel and charming. As he was able to get her to let him inside of the tower and immediately wow the naive girl, telling her of the life outside of the tower and making her fall for him. Since, of course, she never fell in love with an actual person. “Why don’t you come with me? I promise to bring you back before your mother realizes.” 
There was hesitation, fear of her mother catching her but there was also the desire to leave on her own. To live, to have fun, freedom. Everything she ever wanted and needed. So, with his hand in her own, the two left the tower together and ventured through the forest. In her mind, Rapunzel believed that she would be back before her mother. But like most stories, things never go as planned. 
The day was filled with laughter, smiles, dancing, and even a kiss. Well, several kisses. Tentative, awkward, desire, and passion. It felt unreal to her, as if she was in one of her favorite books. Time had got the best of the two, night had fallen as they remembered Rapunzel’s mother. The two hurried back to the tower, eyes wondering to make sure that there was no one to catch them or wild animals. When they reached the tower, she was prepared to go back inside until her love said to her, “Why don’t we leave together? You don’t deserve to stay inside of a tower your entire life.” His words meant a lot to her that she quickly agreed. It was short lived as he was stabbed in the back by the older woman, anger could be seen in her eyes. She pulled Rapunzel into the tower, yelling at her about her whereabouts, about trusting people, about wanting to leave. This caused Rapunzel to yell back for the first time, still shocked and visibly upset about the stabbing. Of wanting to leave, wanting to be free for once and how wrong it was that was locked away. “Why do you treat me like a prisoner? Aren’t I your daughter?”
It was during a fight with the older woman that truths were quickly revealed. Of Rapunzel not being her actual child, of her taking the young woman from her birth family, how she did it as revenge from the royal family that hurt her. Tears filled Rapunzel’s eyes, not wanting to believe any of it as the older woman tried to end her life. “I’ll end the royal family’s birth line officially by taking your life.” With the same knife that was used to hurt her love, Rapunzel, with a rush of adrenaline, fought back. Using all of her strength that she could muster, she rocked the older woman off from her body, soon knocking the knife from her hand. And what she did next was unexpected. Tears that hit the older woman, she attempted to push her from the window, hoping to end her life that way. However, in the process, caused her to fall as the older woman grabbed hold of her hair. Unable to keep the two of them up, Rapunzel and her kidnapper fell down the window. 
Rapunzel was met with darkness until her eyes opened, being met with light. She awoke in Neverland that day, with purple and gold wings. A fairy, specifically a garden fairy to be exact. It all felt unreal to her, this strange land filled with an endless fight. While she was expected to choose a side, Rapunzel remained neutral, not wanting to get in between anything unless it was necessary. Instead, her focus was on getting used to the land and her newfound freedom. It took years, longer than expected, for her to just roam alone. Time was spent reading, learning of her powers, and observing others from afar. But once she broke free from the shell of hers, a new part of her was born. An adventurous, excited, irresponsible, irrational side that wanted to just explore every part of her new home. Learning about the different beauties and stories that it held. While also be caring of the fight happening. 
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fxirypunzel · 4 years
♕ tag dump ♕
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