coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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When the answer came, Hook found that he was less horrified than he might have been had the number been in the double digits,though to lose half their supplies would put them in dire straits if they could not replace them quickly. He nodded sagely in response to Cori’s words, considering the situation and grinding his teeth together. “How quickly can you replace the majority? And how many supplies are beyond salvage?” he probed, beginning to work in his mind for the next few steps to take. Any food supplies that could be retrieved from Neverland would need to be replaced immediately so rations did not dwindle, however the rest would have to wait until he could take them to other waters. The water they’d have to send a team into the island to retrieve purer water, or set up the rain collectors on deck in the hopes of a storm.
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“Well, being as it takes just about 12 hours to make a good barrel, it’d be about a week if I was starting from scratch, but a few of ‘em have salvageable parts, so probably half that, sir.” she replied thinking back to just how many of the barrels weren’t entirely demolished in the battle, she could use those to speed along the process. The supplies, on the other hand, were a different story. “I’d say probably four barrelsful are beyond salvage, Captain. One was water, ‘n the other three were storing food, on the bright side though, no rum was damaged.” She knew rum was one of the few things she could bring Hook that would cheer him up after a particularly rough day, so she hoped the knowledge that none was damaged would soften the blow of the loss of so many rations.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
◎ What's the worst thing about living in Neverland?
Everyone is always fighting! I just wish people could get along more. The lack of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes is a bit annoying as well, to be perfectly honest.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
◎ - why did you leave your family behind?
Well, I didn’t! I encountered a terrible storm and ended up here. I do miss my family quite a bit.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
Headcanon Sunday: Five things other members should know when interacting with your character
1. Bb girl is a sweet cinnamon roll, don’t let her status as a pirate fool you
2. She cares a lot for the captain and crew of the Jolly Roger and is very loyal
3. She is not one to fight but is capable if she is backed into a corner
4. She will still be kind to you even if you aren’t allied with Hook, as long as you are kind to her
5. Very much a feminist
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
Headcanon Sunday: What does Cori enjoy the most about being a pirate? What does she enjoy the least?
She loves her job of making barrels. She takes pride in doing good work and being respected for it, despite her gender. 
She doesn’t like the violence that sometimes comes along with it but is able to stay out of the fights for the most part.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
Send a ◎ and a question and my muse must answer, even if it’s a secret.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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            scarlett  lifted  herself  from  the  floor ,  brushing  her  hands  on  the  front  of  her  trousers  to  rid  them  of  the  black  gunk  that  covered  them .  “ i  personally  think  i  could  use  a  dunk  in  the  grove  and  rid  myself  of  this  fucking  sweat ,  don’t  you ? “  she  questioned  her  friend ,  one  eyebrow  raised .  “ you  in  or  you  out ? “
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Cori rolled her eyes, knowing one day getting mixed up in Scarlett’s antics would bring trouble, but today she did really want a dip in the grove. “Oh, I am most definitely in!” she responded with a grin. “But if the Captain catches us, I’m blaming you.” she joked.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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            cori  always  had  that  thing  about  her —  the  bubbliness .  scarlett  rarely  ever  had  the  energy ,  but  it  was  nice  to  have  someone  so  opposite  around  her  at  times .  “ oh ,  you  tryin’  to  rub  in  your  much  more  comfortable  work  space ?  how  nice . “  she  placed  down  the  dirty  rag  she  was  holding  and  instead  lifted  the  back  of  her  hand  to  wipe  the  sweat  from  her  forehead .  “ i’m  thinking  fuck  hook  and  take  a  break . “  eyes  returned  to  her  friend .  “ what  do  you  think ? “
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Cori frowned suddenly, not realizing her unintentional slight until Scarlett laid it out for her. “Not what I was trying to do Scar and you know it.” she rolled her eyes at the fiery redhead. The suggestion of a break did pique her interest, Scarlett was always looking for trouble. “Well I’m thinking I’m not planning on insulting the Captain, but taking a break sounds fun.” Cori appreciated Hook for letting her work on his ship and not caring one way or the other that she was a girl, unlike that Peter fellow ashore. 
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER  /  @coris-a-pirate​
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“How many barrels were damaged in the last attack?”
Business it was though his tone was taut, the captain till smarting from the frustrations of the attack catching the crew, catching him, off-guard and putting them on the disadvantage. While they had survived the skirmish thanks to a skilled gunner crew, there were areas that needed attending, and this was one of them. With his question posed, Hook took the time to examine his cooper, to ensure there was no injury, for he would prefer not have to replace one so skilled at their tasks.
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The captain didn’t seem to be in the best of moods as he approached her, so Cori tried to be on her best behavior. This was, of course, not an easy task for the far-too-bubbly-for-her-own-good pirate. “Not as many as there could have been sir, but to be more specific,” she started,  “just about seven?” she said those last few words quickly, knowing Hook would not be pleased with nearly half of their barrels being damaged. “I can make more though, of course" she assured him, although she did wish he cared more about her not being damaged than the barrels. This was too much to hope for, though, and she knew it.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
Curly and Tinkerbell both had showed him around, sharing their favorite spots with him. So he decided that he would go out and explore, maybe find his own favorite spots. A while back Tink told him not to think of home, that it was best to forget about it and remind himself that Neverland was his home now. However he found himself thinking about the women that worked at the brothel, how they were and if anyone noticed he had been gone for so long.
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Being so wrapped up in his thoughts, the lost boy hadn’t seen the other coming until it was too late. With a small grunt and grappling hands, Tootles grabbed hold of the others arms before crashing down into the ground. “Oof…I’m sorry,” he chuckled looking up at them. “I shoulda been payin’ closer attention.”
Cori should’ve known better than to explore without paying attention to where she was walking, especially in Neverland. But the girl’s mind was prone to wander off and as she was deep in thought walking in the forest, she ran smack into a boy. He grabbed her arms and they both went tumbling down onto the forest floor beneath them.
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The boy fell directly on top of her and their faces were wayyyy too close for comfort. Cori moved her head to the side before addressing him. “Terribly sorry for running into you.” she realized it was one of Peter’s lost boys, but not one she had ever spoken to before. “Not looking to start a fight or anything, I was just too caught up in my daydreaming.”
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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— The mermaid laid on a rock, admiring the shells she had collected. Her shiny mint green almost a light purple tail glistening in the sun. Marina hummed a little tune as in the moment she felt a bit of peace before sensing someone approaching. “ if I were you, I’ll stop right there before coming any closer. Normally I’m not this nice to give you a warning but you caught me in a good mood. ”
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It was quite the sunny day and Cori had gotten all of her work done on the Jolly Roger earlier than usual. As she walked along the beach she noticed a familliar bonde head of hair and started towards it, the sun shining in her eyes. She heard the ‘warning’ and only smiled, happy the voice gave away she was headed towards the right mermaid.  “Oh Marina, calm down love, it’s only me” Cori announced her presence as she completely ignored the advice of her friend.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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Cori was tired of working, though she loved her craft, sometimes it just got repetitive. She went to the deck of the boat to look for her favorite member of the crew and quickly found her. “Oh you know me Scar, working hard or hardly working. One of those two definitely.” she grinned at her best mate, “It is a lot cooler below deck though.” she remarked, suddenly noticing the heat. 
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            the  blazing  sun  brought  a  foul  mood  onto  the  ship  as  a  whole ,  but  no  worse  than  the  mood  that  gripped  meg .  sweat  clung  to  the  crimson’s  brow ,  a  light  huff  pushing  past  her  lips —  some  days  she  hated  hook .  the  woman  cleaned  the  weaponry  with  haste ,  wishing  she  was  somewhere  cool  rather  than  atop  of  this  big  boat .  however ,  once  the  shadow  of  her  other  half  brought  some  shade ,  scarlett  looked  up  with  a  much  forgotten  smile .  “ oh ,  would  you  look  at  that .  where  have  you  been ,  princess ?  haven’t  seen  you  in  a  good  minute . “  she  spoke  from  her  seat  on  the  floor .
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
While the Jolly Roger was docked offshore, Cori decided to row out and walk around, loving the feeling of sand beneath her feet. When she came upon one of the fellow members of the crew taking a bag she stared at him in mock dissapointment. “Oh please, Flynn, I dont pretend anything” 
She shook her head smiling when the carpenter turned around to walk away. She sped up as to catch up with him, “Anything shiny in there? You gonna share?” she raised her eyebrows. “You know, if you didn’t want someone to catch you, maybe you should’ve been quiterrrrr” she said, speaking the final word in a singsong voice before keeping back a giggle.
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“Look, you’re gonna have to turn around and walk away, and pretend you didn’t see this.” A grave expression washes over Flynn’s features, an attempt to mask his surprise at actually being caught red-handed with the bag of some poor hapless soul who just left it waiting around. It was asking to be taken, really. He could only hope that it didn’t belong to person staring him down.
After a few moments of trying to assess whether or not this person poses a physical threat, Flynn decides to just turn around and attempt to walk away. He will just walk. If he’s lucky, that will be the end of it. But of course, a pirate’s life ain’t ever easy. Especially not here, on Neverland.
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coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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✩•*˚『 hailee steinfeld ✩ female ✩ she/her 』 ҉   have you seen [ CORINNE BALANCHOR ] also known as  [ CORI SMITH ] ? it seems as if they’re a [ COOPER ] on jolly roger. they appear to be [ 20 ] but looks can be deceiving because they’re actually [ 25 ]. the winds tell us that they’re allied with [ HOOK ].  there are rumors that they’re [ RESOURCEFUL ], but they can be [ HYPER ].  when asked what they want out of being on the island they say [ TREASURE AND ADVENTURE ].  we hope they don’t cause too much trouble.『violet ✩ 20 ✩ she/her ✩ cst』˚*•✩
Basic Information:
Name: Corinne Balanchor Cori Smith
Age: 25 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Canon: OC
Cori was born Corinne Balanchor in England about twenty-five years ago. She lived with her mother and for a good portion of her life she believed her father to be a lawful seafaring merchant. He visited occasionally, but never as much as she would have liked. Growing up, she never could quite fit the Victorian England standard of what a girl should be. She didn’t want to cook and clean, she liked to make things and work with her hands. When she was fifteen, she learned the true identity of her father. He was, in fact, a pirate. She begged her father for a spot in his crew, but this was no easy task. Many men thought it was bad luck to have a woman on board a ship. After two years of convincing, her father finally gave in and allowed her to join his crew as an apprentice to the cooper. Corinne loved learning the art of making barrels and was a natural at it. She quickly picked up the trade and became very skilled at the craft. 
One night, roughly five years ago, her father’s boat encountered a terrible storm. The boat capsized and she was seperated from the rest of the crew in the strong waves. She thought she was going to die, but instead ended up washing ashore in an unfamiliar place. Not knowing how she got to Neverland or how she could possibly get home, Corinne tried to make the best of her situation. Ever the optimist, Corinne ended up running into Captain Hook’s crew and convincing them of her skill. She was named the Cooper of the Jolly Roger. Unaware of where specifically she was in the beginning, and having no knowlegde of if these pirates would know of her father Cori gave her nickname and a false last name as an alias. 
Cori is an unlikely pirate, caring more for the treasure and adventure than the pillaging and plundering. She doesn’t enjoy violence very much and prefers to just continue her work while the gunners dealt with the battles. If it came to it though, she is capable of defending herself. Cori has quite a sunny disposition and can be too hyper and kind for the likings of most pirates. She may annoy most of them, but they keep her around for her skill and resourcefulness. She knows Captain Hook rules with an iron fist, but has a soft spot for him, especially after he let her on his crew with just a show of her skill.
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