coris-a-pirate · 4 years
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spcctacular-blog · 6 years
@ofscarlette continued from here
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Inviting Wanda over wasn’t what Peter had in mind. She was an Avenger for crying out loud and was probably too busy to pay attention to someone who could barely hold it together. Awkwardly pacing from one side of the apartment to the next, occasionally glancing in the direction of the Witch and releasing a faint sigh through parted lips. Okay, Parker. It isn’t so hard. She understands. As much as he wanted to spill evertyhing out on the table, Peter couldn’t find it in himself to speak what he’d been feeling.
“I don’t want to waste your time. You’re busy, so I’ll make it quick.” Hazel hues clung to the tiled floor for mere seconds before clearing his throat and shaking his messy-haired head, “I wanted to thank you, y’know, for being here. Not really good at this sort of thing, but yeah, I uh- appreciate everything you’ve done.”
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simplypeterparker · 6 years
memeSend ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
Peter has an absurdly fast metabolism. He has superpowers and he’s a teenager. Those thing together leave him needing food constantly. However, Peter has a tendency to hyper focus and forget to eat until he’s too shaky to ignore it anymore. That leads him to raiding the fridge and going down to the nearest bodega to get a few chopped cheeses. 
This biggest issue with this is that while he doesn’t have expensive taste, eating so much costs a lot and he feels bad eating May out of house and home. So he spends a good portion of his own money on high calorie snacks that fill him up and he hides them in his room. 
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ircnego---a · 6 years
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“ are you ready to go out to dinner?” 
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itsybitsyparker · 6 years
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“N-not at all?” Peter felt his heart drop to his shoes. “O-okay...o-okay we can do this, we can figure this out.” He was mostly trying to reassure himself, but it was fine, everything was completely fine. “Your name is Wanda.” He started gently, reaching out to touch her and then thinking better of it, she might not want that after all. “Mine is Peter. I’m your-”
He paused. He wasn’t sure what he was to Wanda, a friend sure, but there’d been some feelings shared between them, but nothing definite. “I’m your friend.” He decided on, because he knew it was true.
@ofscarlette cont. from amnesia ask
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atomotus · 6 years
@ofscarlette !!
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          “WANDA?” he inquires with furrowed brows, knocking upon her door before he causes it to creak open. Ashton pokes his head inside, a smile quickly flashing onto his lips before it falters once more. “Can we go get some coffee?” His tone lacks that usual confident, thrilled tone. “I kinda need some of your expert advice.” 
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webhaed · 6 years
ofscarlette replied to your post “��:// how tf are ya'll finding my Eggsy blog”
shhhhh let us love you
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://      LOVE US KENZI
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missgwendolyne · 6 years
@ofscarlette / plotted a starter - This post contains Infinity War spoilers 
Gwen had never thought she would live in the world of heroes. She had always expected to just remain on the fringe of that world thanks to her connection with Peter. She had always watched him with wonder and amazement. She had never thought that she would have to take his place and she wished she hadn’t but with half the universe gone somebody had to do it. So here she was as non- official Avenger. It had seemed that all the heroes left had regrouped with the remaining Avengers and with enough begging and reasoning she got to be included on the promise that she could be back up until they deemed her officially trained. Her powers were still new to her so she spent hours training every day.  She practically lived in the gym at the Avenger compound. 
It was late when Gwen tiptoes into the kitchen in search of something to eat. She had moved into the tower after her mom and brother had turned to dust before her eyes. All that was left of the Stacy family was Gwen and her brother Henry but considering her age they hadn’t allowed her to become his guardian. He was living with his godmother and staying at home had been too painful for Gwen after everything that had happened.  
“You're up late,” Gwen said softly as she made note of the shadow in the kitchen. She doesn’t question why Wanda’s up. They all seem to be haunted by something. “ I’m gonna make breakfast for dinner, want some?” she said turning her back to the other woman as she began to pull ingredients from the fridge. 
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custospericulo · 6 years
☆ @ofscarlette  ☆  from here  ☆
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The little witch carefully looked the woman once over, admiration in her eyes. Gamora was many things: Tall, fierce, beautiful and passionate; Everything that Wanda wished she could be. A small smile pulled at the corner of her lips. “I don’t think that ‘nice’ is the proper adjective. It does you no justice.” she answered,”You look beautiful and Quill may very well swoon at the altar.”
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She adjusted the little coronet of FLOWERS on her head, eyes still UNSURE in the mirror. Lifting the long skirt of her dress, her BOOTS stood out in stark comparison with the white dress. “...I don’t understand how WOMEN wear these things.” Gamora offered, lifting her gaze up to the witch.
A smile toyed on her lips and she blushed, her cheeks going a DARKER shade of green. “Thank you, though...for EVERYTHING. I...I’ve been so lost since Peter and I decided to do this.” She admitted, a little sheepishly. Carefully, she reaches a hand out and SQUEEZES Wanda’s hand lightly. 
“...and THANK you, for making me feel...PRETTY.” 
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anciienteyes · 6 years
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        ❛ you’re getting pretty RUSTY. ❜ ben teases, a wicked grin playing on his lips as he circles his ‘enemy’. they’re sparring, keeping themselves sharp and quick in the midst of war. but that doesn’t mean they can’t have fun. ❛ perhaps i should go easy on you. ❜ 
@ofscarlette liked for a starter !
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atomotus · 6 years
(OC Questions) 6-10
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
tbh a little bit ! i really wanted an oc with brown eyes because i think they’re very warm and inviting and it really reflects off ashton’s extroverted personality
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
actually yes ! something that was very important to me when i made ashton was showcasing a type of trans guy that exists yet isn’t ? the mainstream of what society automatically thinks of. ashton is fully transitioned with a strong jawline and a tall, lanky figure. society seems to think of trans guys as soft-cheeked, short boys, which some are and there’s nothing wrong with that ! but not everyone fits into that box, and ashton’s height is a part of how i’m trying to get that message across
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
i relate to ashton in a lot of ways. if i didn’t, i don’t think i’d be able to write him. we both really want to do good in this world. however, i like to think i’m much more responsible, calculated, and patient than he is. we’re both scientists, yet i’m a biologist while he’s a chemist. we’re also both trans guys, go figure, who come from good families and haven’t experienced abuse or bullying through our transition, which many people unfortunately can’t say the same. ashton is definitely more popular than i am though ! 
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
ashton doesn’t have a canon love interest, but i don’t really tailor his personality or anything to make him compatible with other muses for ships. he’s extroverted, excitable, young, reckless, impulsive, flirtatious, romantic, funny - so yeah, ships tend to work pretty well with him because he just naturally gets along well with people LMAO 
✶ QUESTIONS ABOUT CREATING ASHTON. accepting. @ofscarlette
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endurraesa · 6 years
“What have they done to you?”
My muse is being held hostage and is being experimented on. Send me “What have they done to you?” for my muse’s response to yours finding them shackled and chained in a small room. (selectively accepting)
It had been for Thor’s sake, though he knew that would mean nothing, as Thor didn’t know at all what had happened.
After Thanos had been defeated, Loki had managed to find a way back to Earth.  Still, finding his brother proved to be impossible when he was first found by various government agencies, demanding his surrender.  He had two choices, he could either attack and risk putting Thor and the other Asgardians on the chopping block for his actions...or he could go quietly.
His current state was the result of his choice.
To the credit of the humans, they had certainly improved their technology since Loki had been there to lay siege.  They actually had rooms capable of holding him, shackles that could bind him, and instruments that could harm him.  They had been doing a fine job of it all, too.
Hearing a woman’s voice that sounded just slightly familiar, Loki looked up from where he sat on the concrete on his knees.  There was dried blood on his face and he was bruised and burned in various spots.
“Nothing that’s killed me,” he answered lowly, his hair falling over his face as he looked back down.
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wallcravvler · 6 years
@ofscarlette // X 
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Spider-Man was no stranger to dark alleys. In fact, they made up about 70 percent of his regular patrol spots because thugs were so predictable and always went for the alleys. But if there was something he was a stranger to, that was HYDRA chasing people near his home turf. It was as if they hadn’t heard about him! And frankly? That upset him. It upset him so much he wanted to introduce himself... By punching them in the face. Repeatedly. 
However, seeing Scarlet Witch here kind of changed plans from merely punching them into submission into protecting her. It was simple, from his spot in the roof he fired a web at the nearest HYDRA goon and, with impressive strength, speed and agility, he launched himself at him and slammed the guy into the ground before turning around and staring at her. 
“Well, y’know, you looked pretty in need of help. So how do you wanna do this?” He said while firing several web shots to blind the soldiers. Thank you spider-sense! 
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smartestonethereis · 6 years
continued from x; @ofscarlette
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“Yeah—it is something to be scared of. Try imagining every waking moment on top of that. Thing is, some of us don’t have to. You’re RIGHT to be scared—right to fear waking up, not knowing where you are, only looking at your dirty hands and knowing there’s probably MORE blood on them than when you last checked. And imagine—just try—thinking that was behind you at last, you’d gotten some measure of control—when someone flings your nightmare fuel in your consciousness and you wake up to it. AGAIN.
For something you fear, you had no qualm about inflicting it.”  
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simplypeterparker · 6 years
ofscarlette: tyt tyt bb we miss you and are proud of ya!
gracias! I’m going to school up in New York, Long Island actually. Just east of Queens since Spidey’s dust i guess I can just take up the mantel now
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ircnego---a · 6 years
*sets down url with a plate of assorted bribery cookies*
My Opinion on;
Character in general:. I think Wanda is great. another strong female character? Come on what wouldn’t you love about her. BUT I’m also gonna stay away from the Comics with her since I’ve seen some things. BUT anyway -- shes flawless, and grows so much on you. 
How they play them:. I’m in love with how you play her. you give her this playful side of things and tony is in awe of her and how she hasn’t killed him yet. I don’t know. but besides that, you show so much love in how much you write with her, it makes it better to write with you! 
The Mun:  We haven’t talked much in OOC, but what we have, I love. you’re sweet and kind and simply easy to talk to. Please don’t leave me, I need more of your sweetness in my life ♥ 
Do I:
RP with them: Damn straight. Want to RP with them:   oh yes. ship their character with mine: WINKS AT & FINGER GUNS,  Haters gonna hate. 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Super sweetheart and the blog is A+++ so I recommend them if you aren’t following them already. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
                                                                    ( Send me a URL ) slow accepting @ofscarlette
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