#star wars ori
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vintagevibessketch · 11 months ago
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Ok, so I started to read star wars comics (2015) and I was thinking about the fact that zaya would be a newbie among the rebels, recently escaped from the empire and trying to fit in.
I worked with a broken pencil so that was the best I could do :,)
The coat (i guess?) she's wearing here is borrowed from leia as she took nothing with her when she left (only the seer outfit she was wearing during the escape but refuses to wear it anymore).
She is holding obi-wan's lightsaber.
I also wanted to give her a new hairstyle.
She makes herself remarked in the rebellion because of her high intelligence, strategical thinking and (decent) combat abilities. And is recruited to be a spy (not only) because leia and luke's recommendations.
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padawansuggest · 1 year ago
Anakin: *getting a random droid bolt pulled out of his ear in the healing halls*
Obi-Wan: …you know, Darwin had a word for this sort of behavior in humans.
Anakin and Bant: ????
Obi-Wan: Yeah. Extinct.
Anakin: :(
Bant: lmaooo
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mistressorinoco · 7 months ago
Kedves Star Wars fanok - milyen fordítást használunk magyarul a crèche és créche master kifejezésekre?
Ugyanitt, van valahol egy nyomorult magyar-SW szószedet?
@sztupy for jelerősítés 😳
#fordítva ülök a lovon
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totes-tubulardude · 2 years ago
I mentioned before that some modified troopers were more wary than others about telling their Jedi generals about their specific mutation. This is born from abuse they received from trainers on Kamino, a sense of fear that others that aren’t their brothers will think they are monsters and need to be feared.
So when they first meet their Jedi generals, they don't bring it up or mention it. They still are trying to get a feel for their Jedi and the last thing they want is to scare them away.
Inevitably they will need to use their mutation, either to protect themselves or their battalions or in battle.
Anakin was absolutely amazed at Rex's ability when he first saw Rex use it. The captain was not expecting the list of questions and enthusiasm he received from his general at all, shocked that the man hadn't immediately transferred him off to a different battalion.
He was still too wary to tell Commander Tano when she joined them.
Commander Fox didn't have much use for his mutation when he was transferred from the frontlines to Coruscant. He did not inform the Chancellor or any senators he was in charge of protecting because he'd seen how his men were treated on the Capitol Planet. Even when it could save his own life he didn't use it.
That all changed when Senator Chuchi and Senator Amidala were suddenly under direct threat...
I have a name for this au now! Te ori bal te kih which is mando'a for The Big and the Small
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levenllan23 · 2 months ago
Kara, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and the Healing Balance of the Force: The Will of the Wisps
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In the vast galaxy of Galactic Convergence, the stories of Kara, Obi-Wan, and Anakin come together in a symphony of understanding, healing, and the delicate balance between light and dark. This is not a tale of simple conflict, but of reconnection—of love, loss, and the guiding hands that show us the way when we are lost. Like the will of the wisps, their journey is one of healing and renewal, where life begins anew, and understanding becomes the most powerful force of all.
Kara, with her spirit-bound connection to the Force, walks the line between Jedi and Guardian, embodying the role of the luminal sage—a being who understands that true power lies not in detachment, but in the embrace of the entire spectrum of existence. Her deep blue-gray eyes, glowing faintly with the energy of the Force, speak of her unique connection to both the physical and spiritual realms. Kara's appearance mirrors this balance, with her light skin and dark brown hair streaked with blue, a reminder of her connection to the spirit world that guides her.
Her robes are not of the traditional Jedi kind; they are longer, deeper in blue and white, reflecting the celestial energy she embodies. Her cloak shimmers with tiny stars, as though the very fabric of space itself recognizes her role as a guardian of the balance between worlds. And then, her Osmiomancy gloves—exotic, magical, and blue-silver in hue—highlight her warlock nature, a touch of the arcane magic she wields to protect and heal.
But it is the face paint on Kara’s cheeks, the light blue flowers that represent the spirits, that truly reflects her connection to the light and the ancient energies that she channels. She is both Jedi and spirit guide—her hair streaked with blue to signify the light within her, the same light that guides her to balance. The Force flows through her in a way that is unique, understanding the universe not as a place of division, but as a place of unity, where understanding and compassion heal the brokenness.
And then there’s Obi-Wan, the quiet strength, Kara’s childhood friend turned lover, whose legacy echoes in every step of her journey. Ben, as Kara calls him, is more than just a Jedi; he is a guide, a protector, and her closest companion. His wisdom, shaped by his own trials, has always been the constant in her life, the one who truly understood her—understood that attachment, far from leading to the dark side, was the very thing that brought balance.
But the true heart of this tale lies in Anakin’s realization—the moment he understands his place in this story. Like Ori, the spirit fox from Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Anakin comes to see that his journey is not one of power or destruction. Instead, he walks the same path Qui-Gon walked before him—teaching others to understand, to heal, to mend what was broken.
Anakin’s poem, sung with the soft power of a voice that has carried centuries of pain, is his understanding of this truth. It is the realization that he is not merely the Chosen One but a guide for those who have lost their way, just as Qui-Gon guided him. His role is not to destroy but to heal, not to separate but to reunite.
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“Is it possible that I am somehow,
In Qui-Gon’s place now?
Like history repeating itself,
When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon found me on Tatooine,
Now, I guide, as they once guided me.”
Anakin’s evolution is no longer about fighting against the dark—it is about understanding it, guiding it toward the light. He is not merely a prophecy fulfilled but a force for reconciliation for uniting what was once torn apart.
“I am more than a prophecy,
More than the Chosen One—
I am here to guide,
To mend the broken bonds of the past,
And bring balance not through destruction,
But through understanding,
Through reconciliation.”
In his moment of clarity, Anakin sees the true power of the Force: it is not in separation, not in conflict, but in the unity of the heart. He now understands that true strength lies not in detachment but in embracing others, in understanding their pain, and in guiding them back to the light.
“The Jedi were wrong,
For their teachings only led to separation,
To light and dark,
But not to the unity of the Force.
The real strength of a Jedi lies not in their sword,
But in their heart, in their understanding of others,
Of their attachments,
Of their pain,
And of their love.”
As Anakin sings these words, he acknowledges that his journey is now one of guidance, one of healing—just as Qui-Gon once guided him, and just as Obi-Wan once guided him. He is now the one who will guide Obi-Wan and Kara back together. Their love, their bond, is the very thing that will bring them closer to the Force, closer to the balance that Anakin has now fully understood.
“It is not the Jedi who should be detached,
But those who have lost their way,
Who need our protection,
Our guidance.
We must hold them together,
Not in the future or past,
But in the present moment,
For it is here where true power lies.”
And so, like Ori, Anakin stands in Qui-Gon’s place—not as a figure of destruction, but as a figure of understanding, compassion, and healing. He will guide Obi-Wan and Kara back to one another, just as they once guided him. Their love is the key to true balance, not the light or dark, but the understanding and unity of both.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 2 years ago
Hello! May I please request a star wars, the hobbit and the arcana match up? ^^
I'm 19, omnisexual and I go by they/them. I am a enfp, 3w4, saggitarious, so basically I'm impulsive, ambitious, fun loving, sensitive, expressive, understanding, always seems a lil high, blunt, out of pocket, creative, rebellious and live by the phrase Yolo. (I also have really bad anxiety, depression and adhd)
I'm like a mix of emo, metalhead, goth and punk in terms of music and style but I like mostly sticking with a cleaner look. I'm pale, 5'4, have shoulder length straight dyed black hair, brown eyes, skinny but has some muscle, lots of scars I am very proud of, and visible scoliosis but I like to pretend it's the emo hunch
I enjoy creating, dancing, music, trying new stuff, fashion, stuff that makes me feel sophisticated, comics, horror, zombies, learning, bugs, dark stuff, my pet bird, experimenting, running, space, writing in code, science, working out, reading, plants, red and black, collecting, info dumping, and I love taking care of things and people for some reason.
Lastly my ideal date is going and trying something new togethor or like a amusement park. What I look for in a person is passion and ambition extra points if there a little dorky lol. My love Language kinda differs from person to person I take there needs and wants into consideration but I am a little touch starved soo :)
And here you go good luck and keep up that good work fellow writer!! <3
Hi! Thanks for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the wait! <3333
Star Wars;
Luke Skywalker:
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✨ You were already a part of Han's crew when you met Luke, chilling on the Falcon as you fixing one of the monitors; you heard blasters shooting in the distance, watching out the main window to see Han and Chewie running with two other people, (some old guy and a pretty cute looking young guy)
✨ Immediately getting into flight mode, you didn't get the chance to say hello to the newcomers until after you escaped the planet, and that's when you finally met Luke; hubba hubba
✨ Skipping the year that you both were just friends, you and Luke finally got together after he got back from cutting off a Wampas's arm on Hoth, (and after he got out of that water tank), but to get to the point, Han liked to joke around with you both; you were almost polar opposites, looks-wise, Luke was a blondie and you had dyed black hair, and you wore dark colors and he didn't really
✨ But opposites attract, and you and Luke actually had similar personalities, you were both passionate, caring, understanding, fun-loving, and impulsive; you both had anxiety and he definitely had ADHD
✨ Luke really, truly love you, from your love for trying new things to stargazing at the million stars in the sky - you're perfect; and you adored Luke, his willingness to learn and grow, his quirky charm, his bashful smiles, his dorky attitude; he was perfect
The Hobbit;
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🌿 You met Ori when you joined the Company, Gandalf asked you to come along since you were pretty great at knowing what plants can help heal or ones that you could eat, and you were great at keeping things light; basically your job in the group was to make sure no one was upset, trying your best to joke around and get smiles on everyone's faces
🌿 But sometimes you needed someone to bring a smile to your face, and Ori was your guy! From little jokes here and there, or just being his little, dorky self made you smile; he was your little, dorky boi
🌿 There wasn't a lot to collect on the road, so you'd collect a rock wherever you could, and Ori would help, running up to you with a huge, sheepish smile on his face as he handed you a few rocks he had found for you; you're swooning
🌿 Near the end of the journey, Ori took his chance and asked if he could braid your hair; having learned and read about Dwarven culture, you felt your heart skip a beat and you joked a little before saying yes and allowing him to braid you hair
🌿 As said before, Ori's a dork, like the number one dork of all dorks, but he was your dork, and he understood you, he cared about you, and he loved you
The Arcana;
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🐱 You met Portia when you came to visit your friend Nadia, yes, ou were friends with royalty, lucky you; for some reason the other many times you visited Nadia, Portia was at her cottage, what a coinkydink
🐱 But it was love at first sight, you loved how sweet she was, how energetic, upbeat, and mischievous she was; and you absolutely loved her eyes, you could stare at them all day
🐱 You had both started talking, going on walks together, talking about everything and anything, and soon a romance blossoms; from secret kisses in the castle to dancing in the garden, you and Portia were in love
🐱 She loves your bird, and you are so glad that she does; she also loves looking at plants with you, reading with you, trying out new things together, (all when she has free time, that is)
🐱 You both are two sweet peas in a pod, always there for one another, and always bringing out the best in each other :)
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nimata-beroya · 2 years ago
Ok, I did it!
I posted on Ao3 the first profile of my OCs. Orys is up, and in a few days I'll start posting the files for the Gundark Squad.
ORYS KINALL's profile
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serpentthecrow · 2 years ago
The best teacher in my school came to me today with her phone in hand and showed me a screenshot she took from an official website of our state's Census (is that how you say counting people?) And apparently when they asked about religion, 21 600 people in my country said that their religion is Jedi. In a state with 10 000 000 million people. If you're asking, only like 2000 people said their religion is Sith. Yes this is an official documentation of our population.
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theguywithaplan · 3 months ago
List of Video Games turning ten (10) years old in 2025
Alone in the Dark: Illumination (if you thought the AitD game from last year was bad, check this shit out).
Angry Birds 2 (yes, there was a 2).
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (two AC games from 2015 and neither of them were what people wanted).
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (the Bri'ish one).
Atelier Shallie
Axiom Verge
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battlefield: Hardline (the last game from Visceral Games, the guys who made the Dead Space series).
The Beginner's Guide (the second game from the creator of The Stanley Parable).
Bloodborne (anything for the 10th anniver-- no. Never gonna happen).
Broken Age
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
Cities: Skylines
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Devil's Third (one of the rarest Wii U games ever).
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Disney Infinity 3.0
Dragon Ball XenoVerse (the first one. not the second).
Dying Light
Evolve (these guys would go on to make Back 4 Blood).
Fallout 4
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Game of Thrones (the Telltale game)
Guitar Hero Live
Halo 5: Guardians
Hatred (a game so edgy and terrible that it got itself kicked off of Steam).
Helldivers (the first one).
Heroes of the Storm (the Blizzard MOBA).
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
HuniePop (for all you pervs out there).
I Am Bread
Just Cause 3
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (the quintessential VR game)
Kerbal Space Program
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (one of the few Wii U games that hasn't been ported to the Switch. And probably never will be).
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Lego Dimensions (a crossover game with about a billion different franchises).
Lego Jurassic World
Life is Strange (controversial opinion: I sacrificed Chloe and felt nothing).
Mario Party 10 (the only MP on the Wii U)
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (back when the 3DS was single-handedly keeping MH alive)
Mortal Kombat X
Need for Speed (the reboot)
The Order: 1886
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pillars of Eternity
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Prison Architect
Rainbow Six: Siege
Rare Replay
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rock Band 4
Rocket League
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (RIP Volition. You were too good for the modern day).
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Soma (the best horror game ever made. Play it if you haven't yet).
Star Wars: Battlefront (the EA reboot).
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (RIP StarCraft. You were too good for modern day Blizzard).
Steven Universe: Attack the Light!
Story of Seasons (the very fight one)
Super Mario Maker
Tales from the Borderlands (the best thing that Telltale EVER made).
Tales of Zestiria
Tembo the Badass Elephant (published by Sega and developed by Game Freak... the Pokemon guys).
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Total War: Attila
Transformers: Devastation (RIP PlatinumGames. You... kinda started sucking after Astral Chain).
Undertale (yep, it's happening).
Until Dawn
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (just in time for the 4th game)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (remember, kids: Nazi lives don't matter).
Xenoblade Chronicles X (finally escaping the Wii U this year).
Yakuza 5
Yo-Kai Watch
Yoshi's Woolly World
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silkkorchid · 11 months ago
What went down in TWST RP in a week-
Covers 4/13 - 4/19
There is a war between potatoes and eggplants.? WHO IS MAKING THIS AND DOES THE STAFF KNOWN ABOUT IT!?
NRC Fashion is still at it against Lucius.
In the NRC Cooking club, 🍊will eat ANYTHING with chopsticks. But according to mod 🍋 , 🍊 tired to eat soup with chopsticks.
NRC Book club seemly be in a plush fight with everyone.
NRC host 🥀, why the heck you posted a video of people scuba diving while dancing?
According to NRC Fashion 🐀, it was raining blot in Ignihyde when they went out shopping.?
Lucius is still at it being sassy.
There is a NBC Student Council Account. Rollo if you see this, please be prepared for a lot of craziness…
The aftermath of Sebek kidnapping still continues with that delusional family. NOT THE ZIGVOLT FAMILY! I would like to live a bit longer…
Rumors have it that Sebek smells Malleus’s socks. Where the heck did that came from?
Silver now inform that Diasomnia have an ice cream machine, but Lilia made a questionable combo of choice…
Silver fell asleep and woke up to his face being covered with markers(?).
Thea lost consciousness after eating Jade’s mushrooms.
Riddle came back after two weeks.
Riddle and several other people now know the existence of Riddle’s father tumblr account…
There is two Trey, and @/best-baker-of-the-heartslabyul knows the existence of AUs/ Alternate Universes.
Trey now realizes the existence of children (mostly everyone future children)
Flamingos are still on the loose thanks to someone in Heartslabyul forgetting to lock the gate
Deuce is just in pain thanks to an Anom about that people find his mom hot.
Does Rory love breaking doors like Garroth? (If you get the reference then good for you!)
It’s Ruggie birthday! We are all giving him some type of presents.
Ruggie isn’t allowing his child, Rory, have his duties.
Ruggie got caught by the NRC staff about his way of knocking people out.
Mrs. Ashengrotto has listen to our advice to show us Azul baby photo. And she is trying to find the rest. BE READY AZUL
Thanks to Floyd giving us a dump of information about his parents’ height. I’m terrified if I come across them…
Rook digging into the NRC Monster Control inventory.? Also why does he need samples?
Epel is screaming at Grim and Ace since they haven’t given him his homework yet.
Idia is loosing his shit after the second floor of Ignihyde somehow disappeared.
Ida and Ori Shroud have a luma form.? They became one with the stars I suppose. Also Idia ded
Ortho being called the cutest person to exist. IN WHICH I AGREE
Ortho laser someone after they insulted Idia…
Che’nya still booping people
People are now impersonating others. Let’s see how this will go.
The possum of RSA has been stabbed.
Yuuna came back from the dead and now realize there is an Ashengrotto related to Azul.
Quartz shipping people.
@blind0raven loose it with Deuce SSR event card not coming home. And to add salt on the wound, Deuce came in to apologize. Idk if it was accepted
Raven also running away from their confrontation of her love to Deuce thanks to Amon.
Yuuko and I found a video where Ruggie was being kabedon. And his reason is money, classic Ruggie.
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dwellordream · 1 year ago
current ongoing writing projects
Stolen Thunder: ASOIAF Self Insert into Argella Durrandon. Crack treated seriously. Character explorations of Aegon, Rhaenys, Visenya, and Orys. Currently written on SB, will be posted on ao3 when finished.
The Jade Protocol: Star Wars sequel-era-ish fic revolving around Jedi master Mara Jade’s quest to save or destroy her nephew Ben Organa-Solo, who has fallen to the dark side after the death of his sister Jaina. Jade is aided by her new padawan, a half-feral scavenger named Rey with a disturbing talent for the Force.
recently completed writing projects
Giantslayer: Original science fiction about a former teen superhero’s attempts to lead a normal life, which are somewhat hampered by the fact that his girlfriend is the daughter of his old arch-nemesis.
Cruel Intentions: ASOIAF Self Insert into Ceryse Hightower during the time of Maegor the Cruel. Dark comedy/drama/crack treated seriously.
Bigger Fish to Fry: ASOIAF Self Insert into Lysa Tully, written in the style of detective fiction. Dark comedy/drama/crack treated seriously.
future/on hiatus writing projects:
With Their Bones: ASOIAF AU where Rhaenys (daughter of Rhaegar) survives and seeks the Iron Throne. Currently on hiatus, will update again in a few months.
The Fox & the Mulberry: Original fantasy fiction about a former mercenary embroiled in a plot against the king, while he struggles to raise half-human children with his monster wife.
This Neck of the Woods: Original horror fiction about a pack of werewolves preying on a summer resort town in 1970s upstate New York.
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blackgirlgameworks · 1 year ago
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Post Apotheosis Space Opera RPG
Eons ago, we were a desperate and different people, all vying for dominance of the galaxy. Fearful... Angry... Greedy... Shaped by petty desires... When the beings called Orisha came, they showed us a better way. They created Utopian worlds, Oruns, especially for us. These worlds and all the others of the galaxy flourished. The peoples of the galaxy were happy. They guided us to apotheosis, transcendence from the physical reality, and expansion of our Ori.
Then, with a single stray thought, it was all torn apart. The mnemonic Sopona virus spread throughout the galaxy. Worlds fell into catatonic states, others hurt themselves in unspeakable ways, and all that stood against the psychic maelstrom was the Union of Ascendancy and some of the ascendant, the Oluru, who returned. Ultimately the war was won, the Sopona virus contained, and order restored... but the secret of apotheosis was lost.
That was over 500 years ago.
In Orun, you play an envoy of the ascendant Oluru, called a Djali or Luminary. Not quite ascendant themselves, the Luminaries travel to different worlds as advisers, troubleshooters, and peacekeepers in the post-apotheosis galaxy. They explore lost star systems and ultimately help enlighten worlds and their people, waking the galaxy from its disordered indolence.
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realhousewifeofcoruscant · 16 days ago
The Price of Loyalty
Pairing: Orson Krennic x F! Wife Reader
Summary: Rebel gangs have been kidnapping family members of imperial officers. Several high ranking officers have had their wives or children taken in recent weeks. The Empire is trying to track the rebels down and rescue the victims. Orson is incredibly worried his wife will become the next victim.
Notes: I posted the first two chapters of this fic like a year ago and then I got distracted with other projects *cough* Rings of Power and Celebrimbor *cough* but as Andor Season 2 is about to drop and I am heading to Star Wars Celebration in Japan next month I am firmly back on my Star Wars bullshit. I decided to rework the first two chapters and repost it. Chapters 3 and 4 are also being posted today! I hope you perverts enjoy it!
Tag List: @sydknee624
Chapter One
Orson's datapad beeped for the 5th time in the last 5 minutes.
"Ori, your datapad..get it." you mumbled sleepily into your pillow. After a moment his datapad beeped again. You stretched your arm out into the bed feeling for him. Your hands were met with empty, cold sheets. You sat up rubbing the tiredness from your eyes.
"Ori?" you called out looking around the room.
Once you were fully awake, you realized the shower was on.
You slipped off the bed and walked over to the refresher door, opening it.
"Ori, darling, your datapad has been going off like mad for the last five minutes. Shall I bring it to you?" The shower turned off, and Orson pulled back the curtain.
"No need; I’m done in here. I’ll get it." He reached for a towel. "Did it wake you? I'm sorry, love," he said sympathetically as he wrapped the towel around himself.
"It's fine; I needed to get up anyway. I've got a meeting in a couple of hours," you replied through a yawn.
Orson walked over and kissed your cheek before reaching for his datapad. His fingers swiped across the screen rapidly. You sat back down on the bed, watching as Orson's expression changed with each swipe.
"What?" you heard him mumble in disbelief. "How did this happen?" He continued to talk to himself under his breath as he swiped faster and faster through his datapad.
"What's the matter?" you asked.
"No, no, no—this doesn't make sense," he muttered.
"What doesn't make sense?" you asked, a slight panic rising in your chest. Orson didn’t answer or look up from his datapad. He continued swiping, a look of disbelief and shock on his face.
"Orson!" you snapped. "What's wrong?"
Finally, Orson looked up from his screen. "There has been an incident with a rebel gang. It seems the wife and teenage son of Admiral Sloane have been kidnapped."
"Oh my stars!" you gasped.
"Apparently, the rebels sent a message to the Emperor claiming they will continue to kidnap family members of high-ranking officials until their demands are met," he said in bewilderment.
"That is insane... I can't believe the rebels have stooped this low," you whispered in disbelief.
"I need to leave—now. Tarkin's called an emergency meeting." He set down his datapad and began rifling through the closet for his uniform.
"You're not to leave the Death Star today," he said, fumbling with his belt. "In fact, don't leave our quarters."
"Don't leave our quarters? That seems a bit overdramatic. Surely I am safe anywhere aboard the Death Star," you protested.
"Do not argue with me! I said stay in our quarters!" he said firmly.
"I have a meeting later this morning; I need to—" you began, but Orson cut you off.
"Cancel it. You are staying here! Do you understand me?" His blue eyes narrowed on you.
"Alright, alright... I'll reschedule my meeting," you responded, raising your hands in surrender. "I won't leave our quarters."
"Promise me," he said sternly, taking a step toward you.
"I promise I won't leave our quarters," you repeated. "I'll reschedule the meeting."
Orson smiled. "That's my good girl," he said, kissing your forehead. "Stay put for me; I will be back as soon as I can."
Chapter Two
Orson was gone for three hours. Three long, agonizing hours. A million scenarios swirled around in your head. You kept thinking about Admiral Sloane's wife and son. They must be terrified. Admiral Sloane was probably losing his mind with anxiety and grief. He was such a sweet man, he and his family didn't deserve this.
Orson said the rebels planned to continue the kidnappings until their demands were met. What demands? Who would they target next? You began pacing around your quarters picking at you finger nails.
Finally you decided to call your friend Zanta. She was married to the captain of the Star Destroyer Manticore which was currently stationed in the mid rim sector. Perhaps she had heard what was going on. You needed someone to talk to before your anxiety morphed into a full on panic attack.
You sat down at the kitchen counter and pulled out your holoprojector. You dialed her comlink and within a moment her blueish gray form was projected in front of you.
“I was wondering when you were going to call me!” Zanta said teasingly.
“So you’ve heard then?” You asked.
“It’s all anyone is talking about here aboard the Manticore! Kidnapping an admirals family is absolutely ludicrous! I knew the rebels were scum but this is a new low.” Zanta huffed. “Anyway, I’m sure you know way more than they are telling us. What has Orson said about the situation?” She inquired.
“He left three hours ago for a meeting with Tarkin. He’s not comeback yet. I was hoping you had heard something beyond the initial report…I’m going insane sitting here alone. He forbade me from leaving our quarters!” You said slightly exasperated.
“That seems a bit extreme! You’re aboard the largest battle station in the galaxy! There is nowhere safer!” She chuckled.
“I know, but this is Orson we are talking about. He would put a tracking device on me if he thought he could get away with it.” You laughed.
Just then the door to your quarters opened and Orson strode in. He looked relived to see you sitting at the counter, as if he half expected you to not be there. You met his gaze and gave him a small smile. His expression was grave.
"Orson's just come back. I need to sign off. I will contact you soon. Stay safe, Zanta." You clicked your holoprojector off and jumped up from your chair.
"I've been going mad in your absence!" you squealed. "Tell me everything! What happened? How is Admiral Sloane holding up? Have they found the rebels responsible for this? What are the rebels' demands?" you were nearly breathless after your questioning.
Orson said nothing. He sat down on the couch and motioned for you to come and join him. He stuck his hand out for you to grab and he pulled you onto his lap. His expression was vacant, distant and a little sad.
"Are you alright, my love?" You asked in a whisper.
"The details...I can't bear to think about it.'' Orson said expressionless.
You stroked his cheek gently with your thumb. He was clearly shaken by what he'd learned in the meeting. After a few quiet moments he met your gaze. "His family is gone." He said matter-of-factly. "Their bodies were discovered in a trash compactor on Jakol."
"What?!" you screamed. "Oh my...how awful! Maker! Poor Admiral Sloane!" You said as hot tears began to form at the edges of your eyes.
"The rebels sent the emperor a list of demands, as well as a list of potential next targets." Orson's eyes flashed with anger. "You and Tarkin's daughter are on the list of targets." Orson's voice was dripping with venom. "The emperor refuses to negotiate or engage with the rebels. He's confident the Empire will track them down..as am I...but in the meantime..." his voice trailed off.
"In the meantime what?" You probed.
Orson grabbed your firmly around your waist and shifted you to sit next to him. "I think its best if you go to Coruscant. Tarkin is sending his daughter there as well. You can stay in our condo there until these rebels are caught. I can't have you in open space with this threat looming." He wasn't looking at you. He knew you would protest.
"Absolutely not!" you said firmly. "Surely I am safer here with you. Please, Ori don't send me away." you begged.
He stood up and began pacing the room. "Did you not hear me? Admiral Sloane's family is dead. His wife is dead. His son is dead." Orson's voice was getting louder with every word. "You will go to Coruscant. End of discussion!" He barked.
You stood up and walked over to him. "Sweetheart.." you began "I don't mean to be argumentative, but I'm scared. I don't want to be alone on Coruscant with these rebels running around." You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I only feel safe with you." you whispered clutching his hand in yours.
Orson's expression softened. "You're my greatest weakness. I can not focus on strategy if I am distracted with concerns of your safety. The rebels wont be able to get to you on Coruscant. I need you to go there."
"But...I...I'm scared, Orson. I wat to be here with you." your voice caught in your throat and hot tears began to form in your eyes.
Orson’s heart ached at the sight of your tears, the vulnerability in your voice cutting through his resolve. He stepped closer, gently cupping your face in his hands, his thumb brushing away a tear.
“I understand. I truly do,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “But you have to believe me when I say that I would never ask this if it weren’t necessary. The danger is real, and I can’t have you in open space. Coruscant has resources, security, and people who will look after you. I need you there, where I know you’ll be safe, so I can find these rebels without being distracted by fear.”
You wanted to protest, to yell, to beg, but all you could manage was a small, quiet "okay." Tears burst forth, and you buried your face in Orson's chest.
Chapters 3 and 4
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mayhaps-a-blog · 3 months ago
Well, another year down! I missed my usual fic roundup date in August (the day I published my first fic!), but I’ve always been terrible at remembering dates so switching to New Year’s will probably help. It’s now been 3 and a bit years since I started writing, and I’ve started breaking into original works – nothing finished yet, but I’ll get there one day!
Since the last roundup, I’ve written 11 fics, 101,030 words in total, for a lifetime total of 59 fics and 348,151 words! Again, fewer than last year, although I’m going to blame my original works – I completed NaNoWriMo last year with 50,000 words written in November, finished that particular work at 73,194 words, and finished “Novella November” (NovNov) this year with 30,000 words. So I’m definitely writing a lot, just longer works that take a while to beat into shape :)
Of the 11 fics I published this year, 8 were Star Wars fics, with the other 3 distributed between the Sandman, Babylon 5, and Dead Boy Detectives. Of the Star Wars fics, only 3 were Thrawn related; the other five were for Rebels, the Clone Wars, Aftermath, the Original Trilogy, and a Chiss OC.
So, here’s the roundup of fics for this year!
(Last year’s fic roundup can be found here! 2022 can be found here :) )
Series Additions:
The Adventures of the Poor Sods Left to Clean Up Rebel!Vader’s Mess has continued with three new chapters to part 2! A plot is developing, I promise, but the shenanigans continue with Rebel!Vader (explained in It’s Not So Easy Being Evil), the OT team, and the crew of the Executor all trapped on board together.
Thrawn Standalones:
I Came, I Saw… I Never Intended to Stay: Thrawn, recently purrgiled and trapped in the Unknown Regions, accidentally builds himself an empire. Oops? A long-promised multi-chapter fic, 30,185 words.
The Edge Between Dream and Nightmare: Also post-Rebels, Thrawn stumbles across a secret Imperial installation in the Chaos… one with terrible implications for the galaxy. But what can one ship do against the might of the Sith Eternal? Also starring Borika and the Springhawk, sky-walker fix-it and Chiss headcanon fic. This was originally mean to be a simple two-shot, I swear! Now at 9 chapters and 28.989 words.
Nightmare: Thrawn steps aboard the Chimaera. He is stabbed in the back. Thrawn steps aboard the Chimaera. He is removed from the field by a Jedi and a pod of purrgil. Thrawn steps aboard the Springhawk. What matters most, victory, or freedom? This is a darker fic for me, and it was toned down a lot from the original notes. One shot, 6,211 words.
Star Wars Standalones:
Somehow, Maul has Returned: Post-Rebels glance at Ezra, trapped on the Chimaera. Open ending, this is more of a prologue to a longer fic I haven’t come up with yet than anything else. If anyone wants to take the idea and run with it, please do!
Good Soldiers Follow Orders: A darker fic featuring Fox and the Coruscant Guard during the events of The Clones Wars season 6 episode 4: Orders. You know, the one where Fives… you know.
Some Pray for Damnation: The trial of Sid Uddra, head of the Loyalty Office, on the event of her capture by the New Republic. Collaboration with CountessLamont (@jedihlaalu) and a sequel to her fic, Hunting Uddra; much of the dialogue was reworked from our Star Wars D&D game.
Where the Ice Never Melts: A look at the life of my Chiss OC, Ran’i, and the lives of maintenance staff on Csilla. Featuring Chiss worldbuilding and headcanons, and the darker underbelly of the Ascendacy.
Catch a Tiger: Sandman fic starring Delirium. Another darker fic: it’s easy to forget in our wonder of the Endless that they are neither nice nor kind – they are only ever what they are.
The Delicate Art of Choosing Sides: A Babylon 5 AU fic of the behind-the-scenes events of S2E3: The Geometry of Shadows. What was Ivanova up to that left her limping out of the elevator, wearing a scarf and with a Drazi knocked out on the floor?
To Hell and Back: Dead Boy Detectives fic following Edwin’s original escape from Hell and first meeting with Charles.
New WIPs:
Borika’s story: the story of Borika’s return to the Seeker Program and meeting Bomarmo. Outines and partially written.
Thrawn: Year of Hell: a retelling of Star Trek Voyager: Year of Hell, but instead of the Krenim, they meet a warlord named Thrawn seeking to resurrect the Chiss Ascendancy and save his sister. Outlined.
Zine fics: I’m a writer for Finding Home: A Chiss Ascendancy Zine! In addition to my zine piece (drafted!) I came up with a bunch of other ideas I’ll write eventually, featuring character studies of various Ascendancy inhabitants.
Untitled Prequel/OT fic: AU where Anakin comes to his sense on Mustafar and flees with Padme and Obi-Wan, heartbroken about what he’d almost done. Follows their lives with Padme in the Rebellion and Obi-Wan and Anakin in hiding on Tatooine, collecting the shards of their broken family.
College!AU: Prequel AU where Anakin is the college jock, Padme is poli sci, Palpatine is the evil university president, the Jedi are the local Buddhists who raised Anakin after his foster-father, Qui-Gon, died. Of course everything goes poorly – Anakin is Anakin, and Palpatine is Palpatine, in every universe :) Outlined.
Kaz backstory fic: the history of one of my Star Wars D&D OCs, Kaz the pilot with a mysterious past! Outlined.
The Ravens of the Tower: A Sherlock Holmes story featuring some strange inhabitants of the Tower of London. If the ravens leave the tower, the empire will fall… (Outlined).
Underdark ghost story: an original work in my D&D universe, aiming for a horror tone. Outlined.
Dragon Story: an original work following a very angry dragon trapped in human form on a mission to kill the mage who cursed them. Along the way, they get (unwillingly) involved in local politics and palace shenanigans. My NovNov project, very fun to write, outlined and about halfway written!
Updates on:
Sortie: the Rebel!Samakro fic I promised to finish this year. It’s done! Just needs some editing to get it out the door :)
Have You Tried Flying in Circles: Thrawn & Apros look for an exile planet. Outlined, one section drafted.
This’ll Make a Great Story at our Second Wedding (Thranto Ghost Marriage) Part 2: Outlined, two sections drafted.
Untitled Boudica story: Original work, a fantasy retelling of Boudica’s rebellion. Drafted! In dire need of editing. Last year’s NaNoWriMo project.
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totes-tubulardude · 2 years ago
Thinking about how funny it is post-reveal of the mutation how the clone commanders and such use their ability to wrangle their Jedi.
Someone tips Cody off that they saw Kenobi get shot and he hasn't stopped fighting yet and he gives a resigned sigh. He tromps off to find his general with a scorch mark on his arm, he's limping on his left side, and he bruised from who knows what... and he just grows up to like 15 feet tall and picks him up by the scruff of his neck and carries him back to Helix.
Bly see's Aalya get buried under a bunch of rubble and after digging her out she insists she's fine so he tucks her under his arm and continues through the town their fighting in until one of the medics takes her.
Rex watches as Anakin falls into a pretty turbulent river and he knows he's not a great swimmer so he has to wade out and pick his general up like a cat that fell into a pool.
+ Bonus not Jedi but still fun
Hera likes to go exploring when their group of fighters settles down for a while which leads to her getting stuck in trees, caves, or on very tall rocks. It becomes Howzer's designated job to rescue her from which ever perch she finds herself stuck on. (He starts to think she does it on purpose)
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levenllan23 · 2 months ago
Part 1 of 2
Ku: The Liminal Sage and Her Journey Beyond the Stars
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Ku's essence is a radiant enigma, a spirit who embodies the intersection between the celestial and the earthly. Her appearance is mesmerizing, like a fragment of the cosmos itself. Her feathers, deep blue like the vast night sky, shimmer with a soft iridescence, reflecting the beauty of distant stars. Her face and chest bear striking white markings that contrast against her dark plumage, illuminating her expressive, wise eyes. The tips of her wings glow with an ethereal light, a beacon in the darkness, marking her as a being of magical, otherworldly grace. Unlike any ordinary owl, Ku is a spirit owl—her presence transcends the physical, existing as a living fragment of the Traveler’s will, a guide for those who seek balance and enlightenment.
As one of the Luminal Sages, Ku is far more than just a companion. She is Kara’s spiritual partner, guiding her through the complexities of both light and darkness. The Luminal Sages are beings born from the Pale Heart of the Traveler, a place within the Traveler itself, a core that holds the essence of Light—where memory, balance, and both light and dark converge. This ancient core is a wellspring of wisdom, deeply connected to the very heart of the universe. Unlike Guardians, who channel the Traveler's Light through their Ghosts, the Luminal Sages are born from this core and carry within them its knowledge, its compassion, and its deep understanding of both the Light and the Darkness.
Ku's ethereal nature as a spirit owl signifies her connection to this mystical energy. Her glowing wings, rippling like water under the moonlight, give her the aura of a celestial guide. Her presence exudes the stillness and wisdom that only an ancient soul can possess. Through her, Kara can perceive the subtle nuances of the universe, the places between worlds, the hidden threads that tie everything together.
For Kara, Ku is not just a guide, but a protector, much like the Jedi who once revered the balance of light and dark. Ku’s bond with Kara symbolizes the delicate balance between opposing forces—the Light and Darkness, the known and the unknown. Much like the concept of "Mori" in Ahsoka, where a deep connection to the Force brings understanding and clarity, Ku shares this same quiet yet powerful wisdom. But while "Mori" is a unique manifestation of the Force, Ku’s connection is more complex, transcending just one realm, encompassing both the ethereal and the cosmic, like the fading light of twilight before dawn.
The Luminal Sages’ philosophy revolves around the understanding that light and dark are not opposites, but parts of the same whole. It is this balance that makes them so different from Guardians, whose Light is channeled by their Ghosts. The Luminal Sages understand that true power lies in the acceptance of both sides, not just one or the other. They embody the very essence of the "yin and yang," where light and dark coexist, each incomplete without the other. They believe that life, like the Force, is a cycle, and in that cycle, there is no true death—only transformation. This perspective mirrors the Jedi Code: There is no death, only the Force.
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This belief is rooted in the Luminal Sages’ understanding of their origins, born from the Pale Heart of the Traveler, a place that holds the collective memory of not just the Traveler, but all that has been and all that will be. The Pale Heart is not merely a physical location—it is a metaphysical space that exists between worlds, a place of timeless memory. The old Tower, destroyed during the Red War, is now part of this memory, woven into the fabric of the Pale Heart. For the Luminal Sages, the Tower was never a lost place but their home, a place where they grew up, learned, and evolved alongside the Traveler’s energy. They are the living embodiment of the Traveler’s will and knowledge, protecting those who cannot protect themselves and understanding the value of balance.
This connection between Kara and Ku represents a unique bond between Light, Darkness, and the Force, bridging the gap between the worlds of the Traveler and the ancient wisdom of the Jedi. It is only after the Final Shape, when the Traveler and Veil become one, that a portal is opened to the world of the Luminal Sages, and the Guardians begin to understand this mystical lineage. Kara, in her essence, is a child of the Traveler, embodying both the Light and Darkness, and her journey is one of discovery, of learning what it means to be both a protector and a seeker of balance.
The Pale Heart of the Traveler
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To those unfamiliar with Destiny 2, the Pale Heart of the Traveler is an enigmatic concept. It represents an ancient, hidden core within the Traveler itself, a place that houses the collective memories and essence of the Light. It is the wellspring from which the Luminal Sages are born, and its connection to the universe is far deeper than most realize. The Pale Heart is a space of balance—where the energy of the Light and the forces of the Darkness come together to create a harmony that transcends time and space.
This is not merely a physical location within the Traveler but a metaphysical place where memory and spirit intertwine, creating an environment where the dualities of the universe can coexist. This balance between light and dark, known and unknown, is central to the Luminal Sages’ way of life. The Pale Heart's existence within the Traveler is a place of reflection, a memory of the old Tower before it was destroyed. To the Luminal Sages, the Tower is not gone—it is preserved in the Pale Heart, living on as part of their spiritual legacy.
The Meaning of Liminal
The term "luminal" carries with it a powerful significance. It refers to the spaces and moments between things—dawn and dusk, the edge of night and day, the threshold between light and dark. It is the time when the world is not entirely one thing or another but both at once. This concept mirrors the philosophy of the Luminal Sages: they are beings of both light and darkness, understanding the necessity of each for the balance of the universe. It is not about favoring one over the other, but about embracing both as integral parts of the whole.
For Kara, and for the Luminal Sages as a whole, their very existence is a testament to this delicate balance—just as twilight marks the transition from night to day, so too do they stand at the threshold of understanding, guiding those who seek to understand the mysteries of the universe. Their philosophy teaches that true wisdom comes from understanding that light and dark are not opposites but two sides of the same coin.
And as Kara walks her path, with Ku by her side, she learns what it truly means to be a child of the Traveler—one who embraces both the Light and the Darkness, with a heart full of compassion and wisdom. Together, they embody the heart of the Pale Heart, where memory, balance, and transformation coexist in perfect harmony.
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