#star npt
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discardead · 2 months ago
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··· ··· ··· ✧✦✧ ··· ··· ··· Sleepiness, Dreams, and Nightmares (also Stars & Sheep) themed NPUT list
﹒﹒﹒ Requested by anonymous!
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Somniel. Somnier. Somiera. Drowsyne. Dozeo. Dozoresth. Doream. Soresth. Nebulyn(e). Luminesse. Resirift. Ceweste. Starrest. Starisheep. Woolym. Lullastar. Lambstar. Lamby. Lambiett. Lambsiette. Fluffine. Fluffeta. Flufette. Solace. Lamblace. Starlace. Starmien. Lambier. Lambien. Resomnia. Lullamb. Lullaresth. Phantomire. Omenya. Somnyre. Reverine. Revemare. Lucidry. Lucie. Lucidity. Rem. Ram. Dreamie. Dreamine.
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som/soms. sle/sleep. re/res. re/rest. la/lamb. la/lala. hu/hum. zzz/zzz's. sta/star. sno/snooze. dre/dream. star/ry/starrys. she/sheep. nap/naps. yaw/yawn. wo/wool. fur/furs. fluff/fuffs. lulla/lullaby. nie/nier. sca/scare. ni/night. fri/fright. re/rem. lu/lucid. plu/plush. baa/baas. ble/bleet. hy/hymn. mur/murmur. mu/mumble. ra/ram. sof/soft.
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lucidr-ming. lucidrming. dreamarish. lambstars. starreaming. dreaminstars. lullambsie. lullamby. 123sheeps. phantozed. sleepingme. starleep. starfilled. lambish. softestgf. softestbf. swoftestgf. swoftestbf. softlynow. dreamlike. dreamyboy. dreamygirl. dreamboat. dreamy[noun]. sleepiesse. sleepyn. sleepmare. nightmarish.
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Prn* who had a restful sleep. The [noun] of (your) Dreams. Prn* Dreams full of Stars. Prn* who had a Frightening Dream. The [noun] who cause Nightmares. Prn* who counts Sheep. The Shepherd of Stars/Dreams/Starry Dreams. Prn* who's in a dream-like state. Prn* with a Lucid Form. The [noun] walking amongst the Stars. The Cosmic Dreams. Prn* who runs from Nightmares. The [noun] of Nightmares/Dreams. Prn* Bleeting Dreams. The Dreamy [noun]. Prn* Star-filled Nightmare. The Softness of prn* Dream. Prn* who's in a Living Nightmare. The Nightmarish [noun].
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her-idol · 10 months ago
Hello ! May I ask for star - girl related NPT ' s which also lean on being androgynous and masculine at the same time ? For one of our buddies ( headmates ) ! ( Thank you ! )
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star , astro , luna , starry , orion , leo , eclipse , apollo , aster , flare , saint , stray , arrow , ever , evan , mars , angelo , starry
star/stars , ast/astro , stell/stellar , no/nova , com/comet , gal/galaxy , aster/asteroid , star/stardust , sol/solar , con/constel , constellation/constellations , fall/falls , shi/shines , vem/venus , spi/spins , bri/bright
the shining star , prn who shines , prn of the night sky , the eclipse , prn who belongs to the stars , the star , prn who glows , prn from the sky
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sealestialangel · 2 months ago
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      𓏲 deep dark nps 。  🌃   ₊ ˚⊹
         req。 by anon + fem╱neu╱masc ᵔᵔ ₊
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⠀⠀❛ 🌀。 ⠀names
ward,warden,wardie╱wardy,guard,guardian,guardie╱guardy,protector,screech,soul,sculk,infection╱infected,dark,darkness,brack,bracken,dust╱dusty,coal,blue,cyan,eamonn,delmira,gertrude,bern,bernie,bernadette,amaya,ciarán,jet╱jett,charna,laila╱layla,nyx,erebus,nycto,caligo,kira╱kiera,blaque,sullivan,delvin,aniceta,cian,ciannait,prisca,priscilla,banshee,aldonas,galarr,agasaya,kyousei,hawar,kekrops,kiran,aphra╱afrah╱aphrah,nephele,brona╱bronagh,cass,cassie,cassandra,lethia,hulda 。
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⠀⠀❛ 💠。 ⠀pronouns
it╱its,that╱thats,that thing╱that things,thing╱things,cre╱creature,creature╱creatures,ward╱wards,ward╱warden,warden╱wardens,guard╱guards,patrol╱patrols,protect╱protects,su╱summon,summon╱summons,soul╱souls,app╱approach,approach╱approachs,bli╱blind,eye╱less,eye╱eyeless,deep╱deeps,deep╱dark,dark╱darks,dark╱darkness,echo╱echos,echo╱locate,echo╱echolocate,echolocate╱echolocates,shriek╱shrieks,scre╱screech,screech╱screechs,scre╱scream,scream╱screams,wail╱wails,sculk╱sculks,pulse╱pulses,para╱parasite,parasite╱parasites,infect╱infects,infect╱infection,spread╱spreads,dea╱death,death╱deaths,cata╱catalyst,catalyst╱catalysts,sensor╱sensors,noi╱noise,noise╱noises,struct╱structure,structure╱structures,city╱citys,civ╱civs,civ╱civilization,civilization╱civilizations,ruin╱ruins,ruin╱ruined,home╱homes,anci╱ancient,ancient╱ancients,old╱olds,time╱times,mine╱mines,mine╱mining,mining╱minings,dig╱digs,dig╱digging,digging╱diggings,pick╱axe,pick╱picks,pick╱pickaxe,pickaxe╱pickaxes,ore╱ores,dia╱diamond,diamond╱diamonds,coal╱coals,gold╱golds,iron╱irons,red╱redstone,redstone╱redstones,test╱tests,sci╱science,science╱sciences,eerie╱eeries,scare╱scary,scary╱scarys,deep╱blue,blue╱blues,navy╱navys,navy╱blue,cyan╱cyans⦂ 🌃╱🌃s,🌌╱🌌s,🌀╱🌀s,💠╱💠s,🌐╱🌐s,🩻╱🩻s,⛏️╱⛏️s,💎╱💎s,🕳️╱🕳️s,💧╱💧s,🧊╱🧊s,🔊╱🔊s,🏚️╱🏚️s,🥼╱🥼s,🔭╱🔭s,🔬╱🔬s,💿╱💿s,📀╱📀s 。
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motherlove · 6 months ago
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✚𓈒  Aeon Names .ᐟ
Aerin / Aeron, Chaim, Aoibhe, Tlieff, Ankhe, Indelife, Macbeth, Memorie, Aewynn, Idyara / Idyera, Elote / Elotie, Omen, Ariestarish, Huntry / Huntryne, Harmartio, Diorieous, Univere, Cosmo / Cosmas / Cosim( a / o ),Deimyne, Numen, Demiurge, Univine, Eni, Godstar. Superion / Superia.
✚𓈒  Aeon Pronouns .ᐟ
THEY THEM, Ae Aeon, Cosmo Cosmos, Uni Universe, Stel Stellar, Th?y Th?m, Sh? H?r, H? H?m, Rea Reality, Path Paths, Divi Divine, En Enigma, Star Stars, God Gods / Goddess(es), Sue Supreme, Harm Harmony, Lie Life, Memo Memory.
Requested by : Anon.
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killernotinlove · 2 months ago
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ৎ୭ ﹔ Sunday iD Pack 。。。self-indulgent No KiN / iD / me tags
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ unless moots
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⠀「⠀ Names ﹔ Sunday* 。Soleil* 。Sören* 。Diviny 。Dawn 。Helios 。Cyrus* 。Avery 。Evangeline 。Angélique* 。Engla 。Angeil 。Zaniel 。
⠀「⠀ Pronouns ﹔ Hwe/Hwim 。Wi/Wing 。Angel/Angels 。Di/Divine 。Sad/Sadden 。Lone/Lonely 。Cage/Caged 。Arch/Archangel 。Fall/Fallen 。Lo/Lost 。Hide/Hidden 。Hao/Halo 。Sor/Sorrow 。🪽/🪽 's 。🕊/🕊 's 。⛪️/⛪️ 's 。🎹/🎹 's 。
⠀「⠀ Titles ﹔ The Brother in Hiding 。The Winged One 。The One in It 's Own Caged 。He Who Cannot Forgive Nor Forget It 's Past 。The One Who Seeks For Comfort Within Itself 。Thy Who Changed 。He Who Cherishes It 's Sea Angels 。The Brother In Charge 。He Who Was Once The Leader Of The Oak Family 。It Who Plays The Sadden Piano 。He Who 's Now Gone 。
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{ * } — We also use this name
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acronym-chaos · 2 months ago
Stars and Multidimensions ID Pack
[PT: Stars and Multidimensions ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Adastria, Aetherion, Altaira, Althara, Astrael, Astridra, Caldera, Calyxia, Cassiara, Celestine, Chasma, Cosmeon, Cygnis, Delyra, Draxiel, Eclipta, Elunara, Galaxis, Halcyra, Kaelith, Lirien, Lumenara, Lunaris, Lyrae, Meridia, Mirael, Nebara, Noctirra, Nyxiel, Obscura, Orionis, Phaedra, Polaris, Quasiel, Seluna, Solara, Stellara, Stellis, Syrion, Tesseris, Umbraen, Vegael, Xyra
[PT: Pronouns].
Ae / Aeth / Aethe [Aether], Be / Bea / Beam, Black / Blackhole / Blackholes, Celes / Celestial / Celestials, Cos / Cosmo / Cosmos, Di / Dim / Dimens [Dimension], Ga / Gal / Galax [Galaxy], Li / Ligh / Lights, Lu / Lume / Lumen, Mu / Mul / Multis [Multi-], Neb / Nebu / Nebula, No / Nov / Nova, Or / Orbit / Orbits, Phase / Phases / Phases, Ray / Rays / Rays, Sta / Star / Stars, Wa / Warp / Warps
[PT: Titles].
[Pronoun] Who Burns Like Dying Stars, [Pronoun] Who Hears Echoes From Beyond, [Pronoun] Who Walks Between Dimensions, A Beacon in Infinite Dark, A Fragment of Shattered Stars, A Traveler Between Realms, Light That Crosses Time and Space, Light-Bending Entity, The Navigator of Dimensional Rifts, The One Who Holds Collapsed Suns, The Orbit of Unseen Realms, The Shard That Pierced Eternity,
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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hrtcheri · 1 year ago
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herta NPTS ♡
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names ♡
puppette. dollesse. clone(tte/sse). marionette. kasper. arlequin. perfectesse. herta. geniusette. arista. hideki. bindusara. camilla. celestia.
pronouns ♡
doll/dolls. per/perfect. puppet/puppets. joint/joints. great/greats. clone/clones. eru/erudition. gen/genius. smart/smarts. beauty/beautys. odd/odds. simulated/simulateds. 83/83s. master/masters. best/bests. intel/intelligent. IQ/IQs. madam/madams. trea/treasure.
titles ♡
the ball-jointed puppet. the member 83 of the genius society. she* who follows the path of Erudition. the smartest there is. she* who has clones. the intelligent yet unsympathetic scientist. her* greatness. the perfect doll.
*her/she = you can replace it with another pronoun!
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vampseraph · 8 months ago
boothill npts....... PLLLLEASAE..... also i love ur link click layout oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
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names! flint, pierce, ryder, sterling, cyrus, dallas, dalton, sparky, fritz, spanner, axel, delta, holster, colton, wyatt, cole, ray, zane, blaise, flynn, fang, dagger, rudy, quinn, automata, damon, otis
pronouns! shoot/shoots, robo/robos, boot/boots, mech/mecha, punish/punishes, rev/revs, shot/shots, metal/metals, steel/steels, sharp/sharps, fang/fangs, brash/brashes, gun/guns, aim/aims, bull/bullet, colt/colts, cy/cyborg, rust/rusts, rug/rugged, spark/sparks, spur/spurs,
titles! the dusty trail's lone star, the galaxy ranger, the cyborg cowboy, prn who drifts among the stars, prn who is optimistic and unrestrained, the dust devil, the gunslinger, prn who seeks revenge
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n: thank you so much anon ^_^ i love link click + check out my cowboy npts for more cowboy names! (most of these r from there)
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yourdarlingness · 1 year ago
Misha (Honkai Star Rail) names , pronouns , titles
✦ requested by @erveinangel ... no kin / ID / me tags
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
dreamie . micah . mylo . milo . nikki . nick . rem . starlet(te) . starlotte . wish . whimsyne
be / bell . bell / bellboy . b🛎️ / b🛎️ll . hx / hxm . h✦ / h✦m . de / dream . star / stars . sce / scape (from 'dreamscape') . ae / aer . hy / hym . shy / hyr . whie / whimsy . 🕰️ . ✦ . 🛎️
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
the (hotel) bellboy . the bellboy of the Reverie hotel . in prn* (galactic/whimsical) wonderland . prn* who yearns for adventure . prn* starry wishes . prn (galactic/cosmic) dreams . prn* desire for adventure . (the captain / prn) dreamscape . the captain of clocks . the (captain's / bellboy's) starry escapades
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discardead · 2 months ago
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··· ··· ··· ✧✦✧ ··· ··· ··· Star themed Names & Titles
﹒﹒﹒ Requested by @phantasyze
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Astrivelle. Astrophel. Astrivor. Astrorine. Astromie. Astrielle. Astro. Aster. Astralune. Astra. Celestria. Cosmo. Cosmina. Cosmette. Comisse. Cosmaire. Cosmithe. Estelle. Esther. Essie. Estar. Stellaire. Stellarune. Stellune. Comethea. Starcelis. Starriet. Starleto. Starlett. Stellar. Stardust. Starlite. Starlights. Starmine. Stella. Starlove. Starlina. Starlace. Cassiopeia. Crux. Asellus. Ascella. Mira. Ascellina. Nebula. Nebulaire. Nebulim. Starbright. Purestar.
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The Star-filled [noun]. The Star of the Show. Prn* Star-Gazed Eyes. The Astronomical Genius. The Starlit Dreamer. Prn* beneath the Shimmering/Night Sky. The [noun] Lost among the Stars/Constellations. The Starlit Genius. Prn* whose Heart is filled with Stars. The [noun] full of Stars. Prn* Whose Heart is a Nebula. The Star-filled Mind. The Eyes of the Galaxy. The [noun]/one who walks among the Stars. Prn* Whose Eyes Hold the Universe. Prn* with the Light of a Million Stars. The Star-born [noun]. The Starry Wanderer. The Celestial Bearer. The Pure Star. The [noun] who weaves Stars. Lady of the Stars. Maiden of the Stars. Lord of the Stars. Prn* Mastery of the Stars.
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saturniasxenos · 5 months ago
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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sealestialangel · 2 months ago
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    𓏲 jinx( arcane ) npts 。  💣   ₊ ˚⊹
        req。 by anon + fem╱neu╱masc ᵔᵔ ₊
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⠀⠀❛ 🦈。 ⠀names 
jinx,jynx,nyx,pix╱pyx,powder,pow╱pow–pow,fuse,explosive,bomb,dyna,dyanmite,t。n。t。,trinitro,trinity,luene,trinitrotoluene,shark,sharkie╱sharky,sel╱sela,chinorpha,norph╱norpha,selachinorpha,blue╱bluey╱bluesy,turquoise,pink╱pinkie,tooth╱teeth,fang,bullet,gun,mech╱mecha,mach,machine,gasoline,diesel,maverick╱maverique,mal,malediction,hex,misfortune,calamity,cataclysm,boomer,spark╱sparky,pops,cloud,flare,malice,desdamona,dessie╱dezzie,maureen,azar,zion,agni 。
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⠀⠀❛ 💥。 ⠀pronouns 
she╱him,he╱her,sze╱zer,zhe╱her,zi╱hir,sh!?╱h!?r,sh💣╱h💣r,hi╱him,ze╱zim,h!?╱h!?m,h💣╱h💣m,thee╱theem,th!?y╱th!?m,th💣y╱th💣m,!t╱!ts,!?t╱!?ts,boom╱booms,boom╱kaboom,kaboom╱kabooms,explo╱explode,explode╱explodes,explode╱explosion,explosion╱explosions,explosive╱explosive,pow╱powder,powder╱powders,fu╱fuse,fuse╱fuses,spark╱sparks,in╱invent,invent╱invents,invent╱inventor,create╱creates,create╱creator,creator╱creators,gen╱genius,mad╱madness,craze╱crazes,craze╱crazy,crazy╱crazys,non╱sense,non╱nonsense,nonsense╱nonsenses,nonsense╱nonsensical,scre╱scream,scream╱screams,fog╱fogs,cloud╱clouds,smoke╱smokes,flare╱flares,fi╱fight,fight╱fights,zaun╱zauns,shim╱shimmer,shimmer╱shimmers,jinx╱jinxs,hex╱hexs,curse╱curses,curse╱cursed,mis╱fortune,mis╱misfortune,bad╱luck,shark╱sharks,monkey╱monkeys,cymbal╱monkey,cym╱cymbal,cymbal╱cymbals,laugh╱laughs,clap╱claps,pew╱pews,pow╱pows,bang╱bangs,poof╱poofs,bleh╱blehs,bzzt╱bzzts,buzz╱buzzs,ha╱has⦂ (×‿×)╱(×‿×)s,(⊙⁠‿◎)╱(⊙⁠‿◎)s,!!!╱!!!s,!?╱!?s,💣╱💣s,💥╱💥s,🧨╱🧨s,⚡╱⚡s,🧪╱🧪s,💉╱💉s,🔩╱🔩s,⚙️╱⚙️s,⛓️‍💥╱⛓️‍💥s,🌆╱🌆s,🎆╱🎆s,🎇╱🎇s,🎉╱🎉s,🎊╱🎊s,🎰╱🎰s,🃏╱🃏s,🎭╱🎭s,🦈╱🦈s,🐒╱🐒s,🐵╱🐵s,☁️╱☁️s,💨╱💨s,🌬️╱🌬️s,🌪️╱🌪️s,🌀╱🌀s,🔵╱🔵s,🔷╱🔷s,💙╱💙s,🩵╱🩵s,💠╱💠s,💘╱💘s,💓╱💓s,❤️‍🔥╱❤️‍🔥s,⚠️╱⚠️s,🦴╱🦴s,☠️╱☠️s,🏴‍☠️╱🏴‍☠️s ,✌️╱✌️s,🗣️╱🗣️s,👥╱👥s,🗯️╱🗯️s,‼️╱‼️s,⁉️╱⁉️s 。
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⠀⠀❛ 🎉。 ⠀titles 
the jinx,the revered jinx,the behated jinx,the jinxed one,prn who is a jinx,the unfortunate one╱noun,prn who was driven to madness,the crazed╱crazy noun,prn who is seen as crazy,the manic pixie nightmare noun,the noun with the( long )blue hair,the one╱noun with the explosives,prn who throws explosives,the bomber noun,prn who throws bombs,the trapper,prn who sets up traps,the noun that shoots aimlessly,the infamous vigilante,the unknown leader,the revolutionary,the mad genius,prn who is both genius and mad,the shark,prn who is a shark,prn who is deemed dangerous,the walking corpse,a╱the dead noun walking,the noun being kept alive with shimmer 。
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⠀⠀❛ 💙。 ⠀genders 
maverique,genderfuck,confusiogender,jinxgender,jinxhearted,jinxcharic,genderzaunic,turpinkcolouric,bluepresentic,bluegender,pinkgender,neonic,neonrival,neonhighwayic,manictropic,fightsponsic,vigilanteion,explosivegender,chaosgender,sharkgender,selachiine,sharkcomfic,sharkonesic,sharkfearlovian,sistergender,gendersibling,monkeygender 。
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koisplosion · 4 months ago
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Sebastian id pack !
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August, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandro, Alex, Alexis, Alexia, Aiden / Ayden, Auden, Ashton, Asher.
Benjamin, Bastion / Bastien / Bastian, Bastille, Basil, Beckett, Brien / Brian / Bryan.
Casper, Caspian, Cassian, Callum, Callister, Castiel, Cillian, Crispin, Cyprien / Cyprian.
Desmond, Damien / Damian / Damion, Darien / Darion / Darian, Dorien / Dorion / Dorian.
Emiliano, Emilia, Ethan, Evelien / Evelian, Evelin / Eveline / Evelyn, Evelyne.
Felix, Finnian, Finnigan, Fletcher, Felician / Felicien.
Gabriel / Gabrielle, Gabriela / Gabriella, Grayson / Greyson, Gillian, Griffin / Griffon, Griffith.
Hawthorn / Hawthorne, Hector, Hectare, Hadrien / Hadrian, Hasien, Hastien.
Imogen, Irving, Isadore, Isadora, Ien / Ian / Ion, Irine.
Jasper / Jazzper / Jesper, Julian / Julien / Julion, Julius, Jesker, Julio, Julie, Julia.
Kasper, Killian, Kaspian, Kassian, Kasabian, Katrine, Katrina, Katarina / Katerina, Katrien / Katrian.
Lucien / Lucian, Lucifer, Lien / Lian, Leon / Lion, Lillian / Lilian / Lillien / Lilien, Lucianus, Lucio / Luceo.
Matthew / Matthieu, Matthias, Morgen / Morgan, Mien.
Nicholas / Nickolas, Nathaniel, Nyx / Nix, Nyxton / Nixton, Nox.
Obsidian, Onyx, Oren, Orius, Orion, O'Brien / O'Brian, Octavian / Octavien, Orien.
Parker, Preston, Porter, Poet, Poem, Paien, Peregrine / Peregrien.
Russel / Russell, Rien / Rian / Ryan, Racien / Recene, Regien / Ragien.
Savannah, Sterling / Stirling, Sullivan, Sylvester / Sylvestre, Sylvanus, Sylvania, Spencer.
Theodore, Tristan , Tomas / Thomas, Thatcher, Tobias, Terien / Terrien.
Void, Victor / Viktor, Victoria / Viktoria, Vespian / Vespien / Vaspian / Vaspien, Vien, Vivian / Vivien / Vivienne.
Wilbur, William, Wacien.
Zadrian / Zadrien / Zaydrien.
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1st p prns:
I / me / my / mine / myself.
Ci / cige / ciggy / cigarine / cigaretteswlf
Ei / ege / eggy / eggine / eggself
Fi / fre / froggy / frogine / frogself
Fri / froze /frozy / frozine / frozenself
Mi / me / mounty / mountine / mountainself
Oi / obse / obsidy / obsidine / obsidianself
Pi / pe / pumpky / pumpkine / pumpkinself
Si / se / sebby / sebine / sebself
Si / sebe / sebby / sebastine / Sebastianself
Si / soe / soupy / soupine / soupself
Si / sashe / sashy / sashimine / sashimiself
Si / se / summery / summerine / summerself
Smi / sme / smokey / smokine / smokeself
Ti / te / teary / tearine / tearself
Vi / ve / voide / voidy / voidine / voidself
Wi / wine / wintry / wintine (winterine) / winterself
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2nd p prns:
You / your / yours / yourself
Co / cigar / cigars / cigarself
Eu / egger / Eggers / eggerself
Fro / freezer / freezers / freezerself
Fro / frogger / froggers / froggerself
Mo / mounter / mountaineers / mountaineerself
Ou / obsidianer / obsidianrs / obsidianerself
Po / pumpkiner / pumpkiners / pumpkinerself
So / sebber / sebbers / sebberself
So / Sebastianer / Sebastianers / Sebastianerself
So / souper / soupers / souperself
So / sashimir / sashimirs / sashimirself
So / summer / summers / summerself
Smo / smoker / smokers / smokerself
To / tear / tears / tearself
Vo / voider / voiders / voiderself
Wo / winter / winters / winterself
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3rd p prns:
They / them / theirs / themself
Ci/cig, cig/cigs, cig/arette, cig/ar, cigar/cigars, cigar/ette, cigar/cigarette, cigarette/cigarettes
Eg/egg, Egg/eggs, egg/eggy
Fro/zen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, frozen/tear, Fro/og, frog/frogs, frog/froggy, frog/egg
Mount/ain, mount/mountain, mountain/mountains, mountain/road
Obsi/dian, obs/idian, ob/sidian, obsidian/obsidians
Pum/pkin, pump/kin, pump/pumpkin, pumpkin/pumpkins, pumpkin/soup
Seb/sebby, seb/Sebastian, sebby/sebbys, seb/by, sebby/Sebastian, seb/astiolan, se/bastian, sebas/Tian, Sebastian/sebastians
Sou/p, so/up, sou/soup, soup/soups, soup/soupy, sa/shimi, sash/imi, sash/sashimi, Sashi/mi, sashimi/sashimis
Smo/ke, smo/smoke, smoke/smokes, smoke/smokey, smoke/smoker, su/mmer
sum/mer, sum/summer, summer/summers, summer/summery, summer/summertime
Te/ar, te/ear, tea/er, tear/tears, tear/teary
Vo/oid, vo/id, voi/d, voi/void, void/voids
Win/ter, win/winter, wint/er, won't/winter, winter/winters, winter/wintry, winter/time
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The gamer, the smoker, the mountain dweller
The seasonal smoker, the village smoker
The farmers smoke buddy, the cigarette owner
The void egg admirer, the frog egg fan, the sashimi lover
(prn) who loves sashimi, (prn) who enjoys pumpkin soup
(prn) who treasures obsidian, (prn) who smokes
(prn) who owns frog eggs, (prn) with the cigarette in hand
(prn) who admires void eggs, (prn) and (prns) addicted self
(prn) who plays games with friends, (prn) with the bottled emotions
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Sebastian + romance
Smokerscentstellic - dissomeismoker
Stardewanatomic - stardewgender
Voidchickspritic - obsidiagem
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@the-church-of-strabismus @sanguinaryfreaks and @hewasanamericangirl
Request status on the inbox
Please read the byf linked in fox's pinned post
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stormbrngers · 1 year ago
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NAMES : amuesse ,, apollo ,, astra ,, celeste ,, clio ,, felix ,, flora ,, lucy ,, leo ,, maskine ,, noemi ,, odette ,, sol ,, stella ,, uta ,, yuri 。
PRONOUNS : shx hxr ,, fox fox’s ,, pond ponds ,, fire fires ,, spark sparks ,, mask masks ,, fool fools ,, amu amuse ,, thea theatric 。
TITLES: prn with many faces ,, the masked fox ,, the shining star ,, the miracle ,, prn who pulls the strings ,, the theatric genius 。
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acronym-chaos · 5 months ago
Dr. Ratio (Honkai Star Rail) ID Pack
[PT: Dr. Ratio (Honkai Star Rail) ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alaric, Alistair, Anastasia, Atticus, Auden, Caius, Cassius, Cordelia, Damian, Desmond, Dorian, Elowen, Emery, Evander, Evelina, Ezra, Felicity, Felix, Finlay, Gideon, Gwendolyn, Hadrian, Ignatius, Isolde, Jules, Julian, Leander, Linden, Lysander, Marcus, Merritt, Morgan, Nathaniel, Octavian, Peregrine, Phineas, Quintin, Rhys, Roderick, Rowan, Silvan, Soren, Tarian, Theodora, Thorne, Titus, Valeria, Verity, Vincent, Viola
[PT: Pronouns].
An / Analyze / Ans; Calc / Calculate / Calcs; Deduct / Deduction / Deductions ; Eq / Equa / Equation; For / Formula / Formulas; Geo / Geom / Geoms [Geometry]; Logic / Logics / Logicself; Ma / Matri / Matrix; Met / Method / Methods; Ne / Num / Number; Num / Ber / Bers [Number]; Sol / Solve / Solves; Sum / Sums / Sums; Tac / Tactic / Tactics; Theo / Theor / Theory
[PT: Titles].
The Cure for Ignorance; The Enlightened Mundanite; The Guide to Clarity; The Herald of Universal Knowledge; The Intellectual Altruist; The Mind Behind the Mask; The Mindful Scholar; The One Who Defies Genius; The Philosopher of the Mundane; The Seeker of Enlightenment; The Sower of Wisdom; The Teacher of the Stars; The Universal Educator; The Visionary in Plaster; The Voice of Reason; The Wisdom Distributor; [Pronoun] Who Breaks the Chains of Ignorance; [Pronoun] Who Sees Beyond Genius; [Pronoun] Who Shares the Light of Knowledge;
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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ryuseiocean · 8 months ago
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names: neptune ; aqua ; stella ; finn ; jellyfish ; marine/marina ; azure
pronouns: sea/seas ; ocean/oceans ; wave/waves ; blue/blues ; puka/pukas ; aqua/aquas ; ryu/ryuseis
titles: the emperor of the sea ; prn who is blessed by the ocean ; the oceanic idol ; prn who illuminates the world ; the sea obsessed eccentric ; the mysterious ryusei blue ; prn who cherishes sea life ; the defender of the waters
requested by anon !
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