#star magic prom 2023
belleindaylight · 1 year
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bini-ph · 6 months
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@bini_maloi: 💐
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wisteria-beach · 1 year
Time after time | R.C
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: When your boyfriend ditches you on the night of senior prom you end up running into the last person you would ever expect to see, Rafe Cameron, your best friends older brother who you haven't seen since he left for college three years ago…
Originally posted: 06/05/2023
Series Masterlist | Part two
The sidewalk was cold, hard and uncomfortable to sit on but you barely felt it, too consumed by the swirl of unrelenting emotions threatening to overtake you. It was supposed to be the best - the most magical night of your life but instead it had been one long disaster.
Salty tears stung your eyes and made your phone screen blurry as you read the text response from your mom “sorry sweetie, I had to cover someone’s shift, can you get a ride home with Sarah?”
You swallowed and the action felt like glass in your throat “sure” you text back “see you later” as you thought about the fact that Sarah had already left, speeding off in Topper's shiny jeep with a smile brighter than the stars. 
She was happy, her prom had been perfect. Her date had shown up, bought her a corsage, danced with her all night long, all things that you couldn’t say had happened to you. And though you’d tried to have fun dancing with your friends the night had been ruined before it even began with your boyfriend's words swirling through your brain “Listen I just have better things to do than going to a stupid high school prom okay? I'll make it up to you.” 
That was what you got for dating a college guy… ”stupid high school prom” but it hadn’t felt stupid to you, you’d been dreaming of this day for what felt like your whole life. You had a binder full of dress ideas before you’d even finished middle school and dreams in your head about the perfect night with the perfect date. Josh had seemed like that guy, tall, a little older, handsome and sweet (only when he wanted something, your mind supplied in hindsight) but he’d ditched you after promising he’d be there and he hadn’t even bothered to tell you until the day of. 
A burst of anger swept through you knocking the air from your lungs and you swiped the tears from your cheeks as you unblocked your phone, pulling up his contact and hitting “block”. He’d known what this night meant to you and if he wanted to put a stupid frat party over you then you were done. 
You felt a strange mixture of sadness and relief as you saw his contact flash away, the delete button pressed. You realised that he’d never really been the dream boyfriend you’d wished that he was, that you were better off without him but it didn’t take the hurt away…the knowledge that you’d never get a do over for this night.
You stood up from the sidewalk, unhooking your heels and tying the straps around your wrist - if you were going to walk home you might as well do it semi comfortably. The concrete was cold under your toes and goosebumps flecked your arms with the breeze, it was an unseasonably cold day in the outer banks and you felt like it was just yet another slight the universe was throwing at you that you had to walk home, freezing in your dress. The perfectly miserable end to the perfectly miserable night. 
The walk was long but the streets were empty, everyone locked away neatly in their houses sleeping happily or basking in the afterglow of post prom parties. It seemed like you really were the only one left and the darkness seemed extra vast for it, the orange street lamps luminance making everything look a shade more eerie. But then you heard the roar of an engine and you crossed your arms over your chest protectively, pointedly not looking its way, hoping it would pass you by quickly. 
But the vehicle didn’t speed ahead, it slowed down and eventually you were forced to turn to the side to see that the bike had stopped beside you and the driver turned your way, removing his helmet. 
Your heart sped up and skipped a beat, was this day really so terrible that on top of everything else you were about to get kidnapped too? You were completely and utterly alone on the dark side street and you wondered if running would make any difference to your fate but then the helmet was off and your eyes went wide, mouth gasping as you realised who it was. 
“Rafe Cameron?” you asked, he looked different, more muscular, older, sexier your mind supplied. Though you weren’t sure why that shocked you. After all it had been almost three years since he’d gone off to college and you’d last seen him. 
The corners of his mouth turned up in a grin, his own eyes widening and flicking up and down your frame appreciatively. Your cheeks heated up and you turned away from his striking eyes. 
“Y/N L/N? Is that you?” he asked the slight edge of disbelief in his voice “what are you doing here?”
Your eyebrow quirked up, amused at his question “well I live in the obx…it’s not unheard of for me to walk down the street you know, question is what are you doing here?”
You knew from Sarah that Rafe didn’t come home often, mostly only when he was obligated to like at holidays and even then his presence wasn’t guaranteed. 
He shrugged “would you believe it if I said that I was homesick?” 
“Not really.”
“Fair enough.”
There was silence for a beat and then you blurted out “you look good by the way, really good” your eyes went wide as you realised what you’d just said out loud “I-I just mean college suits you…you look healthy. ”
You cringed internally at your choice of words, healthy? Seriously? Exchange a few sentences with him and suddenly you were back to the stuttering, blushing sixteen year old fawning over her best friend's older brother and ‘heartbroken’ when he left for college. Even the memory of it made you cringe.
“Healthy?” Rafe repeated a teasing smirk pulling at his lips as he seemingly knew what you had really meant.
You swallowed quickly “yeah…”
He laughed, the mirth reaching his eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh a little bit too.
“Well you look hot .”
Your cheeks flamed and he grinned “ smoking hot…what happened to my little sister's annoying best friend?” 
You looked down at the tires of his bike trying not to let him see your smile “you left…she grew up…that’s how time works you know.”
“Really? Thanks for the lesson…hope she didn’t forget about me though…”
“Oh she didn’t think of you once” you said, flashing him a teasing smirk your conscience laughing at the blatant lie…he had crossed your mind more than a few times over the past 3 years…the fact you checked his long abandoned facebook every couple of months was proof of that, but it wasn’t something that he needed to know. 
He threw a hand over his heart “ahh still annoying I see but you wound me.”
“So you thought about me then?”
“Everyday and night, ace.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the long forgotten nickname from childhood (a relic of your slight obsession with the pet detective movies) and you looked down coyly “oh I believe you, bet you have a shrine to me in your dorm don’t you?”
He stuck his tongue in his cheek to stop his laugh and nodded seriously “with candles.”
You giggled “you’re an ass Rafe Cameron.”
“And you’re a dork Y/N L/N.”
There was another, more comfortable pause of silence until Rafe interrupted, repeating his question from earlier.
“So what are you doing here?”
You shrugged “walking home, my moms got the car.”
He frowned “it’s prom night though.”
“Well shouldn’t you be off having fun at an after party, sucking face with your date or whatever people do after prom? I know it's been a while since I was in high school but I'm pretty sure people don’t just go home alone.” 
You sighed “I just…didn’t feel like it I guess.” 
He crossed his arms over his chest and your eyes instinctively followed the movement of his muscles flexing against his white t-shirt.
“I don’t buy it” he shook his head slowly “you are the same girl who would dress up in a disney princess dress and decorate the living room to watch prom movies all weekend, right?”
You pressed your hands to your face groaning “ oh my god …yes that was me but I would like to remind you that i'm not nine anymore, thank you very much. I can’t believe you remember that.”
He laughed “Are you kidding? Of course I do, you and Sarah monopolised the tv every weekend I could never watch monster truck racing.” 
“Oh the horror” you said sarcastically.
 “No but seriously what happened, why are you all alone?”
Your heart sped up a little “nothing” you lied but you couldn’t look him in the eye. 
“C’mon” he urged you “it’s me , you can tell me.”
You sighed and turned your head away acting like watching a sparrow hopping across a telephone wire was the most interesting thing to look at. 
“y/n…this is prom , it isn’t right that you’re just going home. Where’s Williams?” 
You turned to him with surprise, you didn’t realise he knew the name of your boyfriend, but you shrugged it off thinking that Sarah must have told him. 
“He didn’t come.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up “ what ? Your boyfriend didn’t come to prom how -”
You cut him off, wincing at the word boyfriend “ex actually.”
“Since when?”
You shrugged again, holding up your phone “since I blocked him about 20 minutes ago?”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up so far they practically reached his hairline and he leaned against his bike with a look of confusion and shock “listen ace, you’re gonna have to give me a little more, what happened?”
You deflated with a heavy sigh you didn’t want to hash it back out, you already felt stupid for feeling so upset in the first place over prom and you didn’t want Rafe to see that too.  “Why does it matter?” you asked dejectedly.
“Because” Rafe said, “if i'm gonna put him in the hospital anyway i'd like to at least be able to give an explanation to the cops.”
Before you could help yourself you were laughing, pressing a hand to your lips to stifle the giggles when you saw he was deadly serious, leaning against his bike with a look of fury and righteousness on your behalf. 
“You can’t beat him up Rafe.”
“Why not?”
“Assault is kind of illegal just in case you weren’t aware” you teased and he rolled his eyes. 
“I'd still do it for you.”
You smiled, looking down at your shoes as you said softly “I know.” 
Before you could register the movement he’d stepped closer and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks as you registered the enticing scent of his cologne and his fingertips briefly  brushed your skin as he reached out to tuck a flyaway strand of hair behind your ears. 
“Ace” he said gently and you looked up momentarily stunned by just how blue the shade of his eyes were, like the ocean bathed in the glow of the moon “c’mon it's me, tell me what happened.”
Just like that your walls crumbled and before you could stop them the words were tumbling from your lips, tripping over one another as they rushed out “he ditched me…he promised that he’d come and then he text me 20 minutes before he was supposed to get here that he wasn’t coming, he didn’t wanna miss party of the year in his stupid frat or whatever and I guess I just feel so stupid for trusting him…for letting him ruin everything and…”
You had more to say but the words clogged in your throat, lips choking on them until all that came out was a sob as your eyes filled with hot tears and you didn’t have a second to feel mortified that you were crying in front of Rafe Cameron, Rafe Cameron who you’d loved since the moment you’d set eyes on him, because he reached out and folded you into his arms and you instinctively leaned into his embrace. 
He smelt like cedarwood and pine and the faint scent of the leather jacket that he'd worn earlier but most of all he smelt like home. Like fresh laundry and hugs that took your breath and your fears away. “It's okay” he murmured, stroking a large hand through your hair and you felt the pins keeping the style in place fall out the locks tumbling over your shoulders and making you feel surprisingly free and for a half a second you laughed wondering what mini you and mini Rafe would have made of the two of you actually getting on for once. 
“I'm sorry” you murmured, mortified by the tears, and if you were being honest a tiny bit of mascara, staining his white t-shirt but he just shook his head.
“You have nothing to be sorry for ace.”
You groaned, hiding your face in the comfort of his chest. “I do, I'm being so pathetic…it’s just a stupid high school dance.” 
He pulled you away from his chest but kept the contact, his arms warm and firm on your shoulders as he made you look at him and the sincerity on his face. 
“You are not pathetic” he said and when you shook your head he gripped your shoulders harder “no listen to me you’re not, he’s the pathetic one because he could have been spending his night with a beautiful, smart, funny girl and instead he gave all that up.”
You tried your hardest not to blush, his words filling you with warmth but making you shy at the same time. “And if you won’t let me kick his ass will you at least compromise and let me run him over with my car?”
You snorted and then nodded slowly “okay but you have to call the ambulance afterwards.”
He grinned and reached out to shake your hand “deal.”
He bumped his shoulder against yours, his eyes sparkling against the darkness of the night “there’s that pretty smile.”
“Shut up” you mumbled, flushing, and he grinned harder. 
Suddenly he was pulling away and before you register what he was doing he’d grabbed his leather jacket from where it was slung around the handlebars and wrapped it carefully around your shoulders and you smiled at him grateful that he’d noticed you were cold. 
His jacket was soft and best of all it smelt like him and you couldn’t stop yourself from closing your eyes and enjoying that comforting smell if you’d tried. 
“Hey daydreamer” his shout pulled you from your reverie and you saw he’d kickstarted the engine on the bike “c’mon i'll give you a ride.”
Your eyes went wide and he smirked “on that ?”
“you scared?” he taunted lightly “what you don’t think you could handle a bike, ace?”
“Are you challenging me Rafe Cameron?”
He shrugged “maybe” and you grinned.
“Oh fuck it” you said as you swung a leg over the bike and he positioned your arms so that they were wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Don’t forget to hold on” he called out and then suddenly you were flying….
Or at least it felt like you were flying, you’d never been on a motorbike before and you quickly discovered that it was fun, the wind rushed around you like you were a speeding bullet and the trees shading the coast blurred into dark green shapes. It was thrilling and fast and you buried your face into Rafe’s back resisting the urge to whoop like you were on a rollercoaster. 
“You missed the turn in for my street!” you shouted after a while and you felt rather than heard his laughter. 
“I never said I was taking you home ace, the night is still young.”
And you thought that maybe this tragic, horrible, miserable night might not end as such a tragedy after all.
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2023 League of Musicals Alphabetized List of Musicals
Below is the full list of musicals in the League of Musicals sorted by Division.
Division A
Alice By Heart Annie Assassins Avenue Q The Band's Visit The Book of Mormon Cabaret Cats Chess Chicago A Chorus Line Come From Away Company Falsettos Fiddler on the Roof Firebringer Fun Home A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder Ghost Quartet Guys and Dolls Hadestown Hair Hairspray Hamilton Hello, Dolly! The Hunchback of Notre Dame In The Heights Into the Woods Jekyll and Hyde The King and I Kinky Boots Legally Blonde Les Misérables The Lion King Little Shop of Horrors Matilda Moulin Rouge Mozart, l'opéra rock The Music Man My Fair Lady Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Newsies Next to Normal Octet Once Once on this Island The Phantom of the Opera Pippin The Producers Ragtime Rent Ride the Cyclone The Rocky Horror Show Something Rotten The Sound of Music Spies Are Forever SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Spring Awakening Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier Waitress West Side Story Wicked The Wiz
Division B
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 42nd Street 1776 Adamandi American Idiot American Psycho Anastasia Applause Bare: A Pop Opera Beetlejuice Be More Chill Billy Elliot the Musical Bonnie and Clyde Bye Bye Birdie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) City of Angels Damn Yankees Dear Evan Hansen Death Note: The Musical Evita Fosse A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Grease The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Hallelujah, Baby! Heathers Holy Musical B@man! How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Jersey Boys Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kiss Me, Kate Kiss of the Spider Woman La Cage aux Folles The Lightning Thief A Little Night Music Man of La Mancha Memphis Monty Python's Spamalot The Mystery of Edwin Drood A New Brain Nine The Pajama Game Passion The Prom The Scarlet Pimpernel Singin' in the Rain Six South Pacific Starship A Strange Loop Sunday in the Park with George Sunset Boulevard Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires Thoroughly Modern Millie Tick Tick Boom Titanic The Trail to Oregon! Tuck Everlasting Two Gentlemen of Verona Urinetown The Will Rogers Follies The Wizard of Oz (1987)
Division C
& Juliet 21 Chump Street 35MM: A Musical Exhibition 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille Aida Allegiance Amélie Annie Get Your Gun Anything Goes The Art of Pleasing Princes Bandstand Beauty and the Beast Big Fish Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Carousel Carrie The Color Purple Contact The Count of Monte Cristo Dogfight Dracula, the Musical Dreamgirls Elisabeth Evil Dead: The Musical Finding Neverland Frankenstein: A New Musical The Frogs Funny Girl Godspell Groundhog Day Gypsy Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jane Eyre The Last Five Years Lizzie The Lord of the Rings Love in Hate Nation Love Never Dies The Mad Ones The Magic Show Mary Poppins Mean Girls Merrily We Roll Along Miss Saigon Mozart! Oklahoma! Oliver On the Town Ordinary Days Parade The Pirate Queen Preludes Pretty Woman The Prince of Egypt Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Rebecca Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour The Secret Garden Seussical She Loves Me Shrek the Musical Starry Wonderland You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Division D
13: The Musical Ablaze The Act Ain't Misbehavin An American in Paris Anne & Gilbert Anyone Can Whistle Av. Larco Back to the Future the Musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big River Bran Nue Dae Bright Star Bring It On Calvin Berger Caroline, or Change Clown Bible Crazy for You De 3 Biggetjes The Dolls of New Albion Dorian Gray The Drowsy Chaperone The Fantasticks Fiorello! Fly by Night Follies Frankenstein (Wang Yeon Beom + Brandon Lee) Hans Christian Andersen Hoy no me puedo levantar In Transit Jagged Little Pill Jerome Robbins' Broadway Kimberly Akimbo King's Table Kismet Lady Bess La Légende du roi Arthur Le Passe-Muraille / Amour Le Roi Soleil Les Parapluies de Cherbourg The Light in the Piazza Made in Dagenham Magic Tree House: The Musical Mentiras el musical Notre-Dame de Paris Once Upon A Mattress On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan Phantom (Yeston & Kopit) Raisin Redhead Sarafina! School of Rock The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1964) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Show Boat Sidd Siete veces adios Soldaat van Oranje The Spitfire Grill Starlight Express Starmania / Tycoon Tarrytown The Threepenny Opera / Die Dreigroschenoper Timéo Wiedzmin The Wild Party (Lippa) The Woman in White Wonderful Town [title of show] Émilie Jolie
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fiabex · 29 days
Dreamwidth Roundup
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Nominations are now closed, and our closing posts are up! We have final clarification posts, and we have the post about tag set clean up!
Mods will be going through the tagset, but we also welcome your input! If you see an issue with tags already in the tagset, please comment on the tagset cleanup post, but if you think that a tag you nominated didn't make it into the tag set, please send that comment to clarification post 4!
More details about the fandoms that are parts of the clarification posts below the cut:
Nominations Clarification Post 3
Nominations Clarification Post 4
Tagset Cleanup
Nominations Clarification post 3:
Fandoms with Queries
+Anima (Manga)
Crossover Fandom
DCU (Comics)
Dimension 20 (Web Series)
Dredge (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Elden Ring (Video Game)
Fairy Tail
Gary and His Demons (Cartoon)
Gundam 00
Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
Magic Kaito
Nantucket Trilogy - S.M. Stirling
Original Work
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Red Dwarf (UK TV)
Ride Kamens (Video Game)
Shadow and Bone (TV)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Transformers Generation One
Westworld (TV)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Video Game)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Date With Death (Visual Novel)
Crossover Fandom
Disco Elysium (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Earth Girls are Easy (1988)
Exordia - Seth Dickinson
Gothic (1986)
Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)
Persona 4
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Additionally, we have some updates about In-Universe tags and the umbrella tags that reference them (example: "Medium Opt-In: Any - Any Nominated In-Universe Medium")!
Nominations Clarification post 4:
Fandoms with Queries
Barely Lethal (2015)
Batman Beyond
Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Chicago Fire
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Doctor Strange (Movies)
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Fire & Blood - George R. R. Martin
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
In Nomine
Mapp & Lucia Series - E. F. Benson
Monster Prom (Video Games)
Murdoch Mysteries
Original Work
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Schmigadoon! (TV)
Stellar Firma (Podcast)
Stellaris (Video Game)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
Thor (Movies)
What If...? (Cartoon 2021)
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Manga)
英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 | Sen no Kiseki | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Series (Video Games)
龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Biggles Series - W. E. Johns
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
Children of Time Series - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Friends at the Table (Podcast)
John Wick (Movies)
Ladyhawke (1985)
Original Work
Stranger Things (TV 2016)
The Expanse Series - James S. A. Corey
The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023)
The Long Earth Series - Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Welcome to Night Vale
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esimsterlookbook · 1 month
High School Reunion - Marjorie
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Meet Marjorie! The prom queen from high school who just finished her psychology degree as a young adult.
Base Sim Info
Ok ruee misc face details / Northern Siberia Winds Perfect eyes Eyelids MM Edition N2 / Lamatisse Bare Skintone / Northern Siberia Winds Skin N11 Overlay / Sammi_xox Nose Mask / Magic Hand Cora Eyebrows N247 / Lamatisse Tapioca eyes / Kiellessa Semi-realistic teeth 2 / Twisted Cat Lashes N03
Teen Outfit
NightCrawler Aurora Hair / Royalty Simblr Angouleme Sapphire Tiara V2 / ir7770 Galaxy Skirt / Giulietta Sims Spica Star Bracelet / Giulietta Sims Mutliple Bangles / Simpliciaty Elise Rings / Lady Simmer Fantasy Eyeshadow / Northern Siberia Winds Eyeliner N5 / Praline Sims Blush 78 Mocha / Northern Siberia Winds Blush N8 / Northern Siberia Winds Lips 26 / Giulietta Sims Rounded Square Medium Glossy Nails
Young Adult Outfit
LAMZ Christmas 2023 Straight hairtyle 001 / Rimings Lovely Mini Dress and Cardigan / Shoestopia Breanna High Heels / Senate Grace Necklace / Simplaciaty Persephone Rings / Breezy Trait Petals Makeup / Praline Sims Blush 78 Mocha / Praline Sims Lip N232 Paradise / Northern Siberia Winds Blush N8 / GiuliettaSims Long Stiletto French Tips Ombre Nails
Reunion Outfit
LAMZ Christmas 2023 Straight hairtyle 001 / Rimings New Gift Box 4 Strap Dress / Senate Helen Wedges / Glitterberryfly Triple Dainty Ring Set / S-Club Watch 201906 / Praline Sims Eyeliner 121 Maze / Praline sims Eyeshadow N94 Ice Queen / Northern Siberia Winds Blush N8 
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lapetitechatonne · 2 years
dp/dc ship week 2023 ideas
so, with ship week coming up i'm sure a lot of us are stumped on what ships we want to write. i know for me, i wanted to use it as an excuse to write ships i haven't gotten around to yet, or that have taken me by the throat. as the Batpham Server's Patron Saint of w|w and poly ships, i bring to you some rare pairs and ideas for ship week. these can be platonic or romantic!!!
Jazz Fenton/Dick Grayson (Nightbirds) - you could play off how they're the first sibling, and if you want to make it angsty, how they're the last ones in their family to die.
Arranged Marriage AU
Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas (Will-o-Whisps) - Duke reads off of an artifact he found in the unused part of the manor and accidentally gives himself in marriage to the ghost king. after they figure it out, Danny decides he's pretty cute and asks him to coffee.
Holding Hands/Kiss
Dani Phantom/Lian Harper (Trick Shot) - it's hard to hold your girlfriend's hand when she makes you so nervous you turn into goo.
Soulmate AU
Valerie Gray/Kara Zor-El (Valkyrie) - for so long, when Valerie would write on her arm, no one would respond. when she decides that soulmates are a scam and she had bigger things to worry about, like keeping a roof over their heads, she finally gets a message in an unknown language.
Dan Phantom/Tim Drake (Bad Ending) - with all their friends and family dead, a young Dan and Tim find themselves drawn together. with Dan's power and Tim's brain, nothing can stand in the way of this Bonnie and Clyde retelling.
Coffee Shop AU
Dani Phantom/Tim Drake (Travel Photos) - Tim didn't expect to find a girl on top of his favorite coffee shop when he snuck up to take photos of Batman and Robin. he gets her to trust him enough to go downstairs for a late-night hot chocolate and muffin.
Jazz Fenton/Cassandra Cain (Speech Therapy) - Jazz promised Danny she would keep living after his death but she doesn't know how. Cass promised herself she'd never kill again, but if she isn't a killer what else is she? broken and conflicted, they meet each other.
Wings AU
Paulina Sanchez/Kara Zor-El (Star Struck) - Dragon!Paulina (whether she just kept some of the powers or was given the necklace by Dorathea) is flying around the midwest when she's spotted by another flying girl. naturally, they hit it off.
Secret Identity/Danger
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley/Tim Drake (Everlasting Insomniacs) - Tim is visited by a time god and given a mission to stop the catalyst of the end of the world. it starts with tutoring.
Friends to Lovers AU
Dani Phantom/Irey West (Short Circuit) - it's not abnormal to see a speedster in the Zone, in fact, you could even call it a normal occurrence. Dani's favorite visits are from a cute, sassy, redhead.
Sam Manson/Zatanna Zatara (Black Rabbit) - Zatanna didn't mess with necromancy. there were just some things magic shouldn't meddle in, and she knew that, so when the Justice League called her to interrogate a known necromancer, she's weary. Sam is at the same time exactly what Zatanna expected, and nothing like she thought. (fills the prompt because necromancy is the opposite of healing, which insinuates necromancy can heal too.)
Enemies to Lovers AU
Tucker Foley/Tim Drake (Techno Geek) - Tim is constantly trying to stop Hacktavist TooFine from breaking into the Wayne servers. it becomes something of a game, and Tim finds himself enthralled in the puzzle.
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd/Roy Harper (Street Smarts) - Jason and Roy find themselves getting sacrificed by a cult to the Ghost King as his eternal servants. they weren't expecting Queen Regent Jazz to decline their offer.
No Capes AU
Danny Fenton/Clark Kent (Last Suns) - Danny always believed in aliens. it was part of the reason he became an astronaut. he never expected to actually meet one. he also never expected them to be a farmer.
this post has been such fun to make, i love a good rare pair and these prompts are killer. i won't be doing any of these, i have mine planned out already, but let me know if you'd like a sneak peek ;) or if you'd like more variations on the prompts. happy creating!!!
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marymerchandice · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 10 Item Mystery Bundle That Needs Washing or Stain Treatment.
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alligator-dreaming · 6 months
Had a dream that I went to a production of Carrie at a local theatre. Carrie was at a grocery store with her mom and sister right before the prom, and they were both harassing her. Then she saw a woman she knew pass out at a dining table nearby, and Carrie went over to try and help.
There was a moment where it seemed like Carrie would be ok and make it through the movie sane by helping another person, but her mom and sister came over and decided to sit down at the table with the unconscious person to eat dinner. More of the family came over to sit down, and a waitress starting serving eggs over the woman’s unconscious body, and that was enough to make Carrie freeze up in panic. At the end of the dream she left for the fateful prom, where she would finally snap
I woke up and quickly drifted back off to sleep. I dreamed that I was back at the theatre, but this time, it was because I had been cast as the star of a new play. I sat down next to another actor before the show and told him that I was worried because I hadn’t read the script at all. He reassured me that it would be fine.
The play had a pretty large cast and was set in a fictionalized version of rural Georgia. I was a student at a local schoolhouse where the teacher hated all the students and the students all hated each other. One day after school, a fairy appeared and gave me a vision of the future, showing me as a crime-fighting magical girl.
She gave me powers and put me through a training gauntlet to test them. The main thing I had were ice powers, which I could use to freeze water and oncoming attackers. I also realized that I could reshape the ice I created into new forms (even if there was something frozen underneath it) and selectively cool the air to create updrafts that let me fly.
After testing my powers, I found a griffon and used it to fly around the countryside. However, as we flew over a field, a giant winged lion attacked us, forcing me to land the eagle at a nearby zoo. The zoo was originally the property of one Mr. Memento Mori, to whom the winged lion had belonged. However, when the new owner came out to berate me, I immediately recognized him as Mr. Mori, who faked his death but kept running the zoo under a new identity. I pointed this out, pointed out how lame the zoo was for only having one animal (the winged lion) and flew away with my ice powers
I went back to the school after that. One of the students left in a huff. I don’t remember any more than that
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limorentalnyc101 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to New York Prom Limo Services with Limo Rental NYC
Prom night in the city that never sleeps deserves an entrance that steals the spotlight. New York City, with its iconic skyline and glamorous venues, sets the stage for a night to remember. Elevate your prom experience with the sophistication and style offered by Limo Rental NYC. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore why choosing a limo for your prom night is the epitome of luxury and convenience.
1. The Red Carpet Experience: Make an Entrance to Remember
Your prom night is a red-carpet event, and Limo Rental NYC ensures that you step out of your limo with all the grace and style of a Hollywood star. Picture yourself arriving at the venue, the doors of your limo opening, and you stepping onto the scene with all eyes on you. It's not just transportation; it's a grand entrance that sets the tone for an unforgettable evening.
2. Safety First: Peace of Mind for Parents and Prom-goers
Safety is paramount, especially on a night filled with excitement. Our NYC Prom Limousine Rental prioritizes the well-being of passengers, providing professional chauffeurs with extensive experience. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their teens are in safe hands, while prom-goers can focus on creating memories without worrying about transportation logistics.
3. Stylish Fleet: Choose Your Ride, Make a Statement
Limo Rental NYC boasts a diverse and stylish fleet to suit every taste. From sleek stretch limos to elegant sedans, you have the freedom to choose a vehicle that complements your style and group size. Make a statement by arriving in a vehicle that reflects your personality and adds a touch of glamour to your prom night or for your wedding with our New York Wedding Transportation.
4. Convenience and Punctuality: Arrive on Time, Every Time
New York's traffic can be unpredictable, but with Limo Rental NYC, punctuality is guaranteed. No need to worry about navigating through the bustling city or finding parking – leave that to the professionals. Arrive at your prom venue on time, stress-free, and ready to enjoy every moment.
5. Luxury Inside and Out: Create Lasting Memories
The experience inside the limo is just as important as the arrival. Limo Rental NYC ensures that the interior matches the exterior in terms of luxury and comfort. Plush seating, ambient lighting, and entertainment systems create an atmosphere of opulence, setting the stage for a night of fun, laughter, and camaraderie.
6. Affordable Luxury: Making Dreams Come True
Contrary to popular belief, renting a limo for prom NYC is an affordable luxury. Limo Rental NYC offers competitive rates, making it possible for you to indulge in the dream of arriving in style without breaking the bank. It's an investment in creating a memorable and magical prom night.
Conclusion: Your Night, Your Limo, Your Memories
Prom night is a milestone, and Limo Rental NYC is here to make it extraordinary. From the red-carpet entrance to the safety, convenience, and luxury inside the limo, every detail is crafted to ensure that your prom night is nothing short of magical. Trust Limo Rental NYC to turn your transportation into an experience, leaving you with memories that last a lifetime.
Book your New York prom limo with Limo Rental NYC and step into the night with style, sophistication, and the assurance of a truly unforgettable experience. It's not just a ride; it's a journey into the glamour and excitement of prom night in the city that never sleeps. Call Us Now at (917) 722-1119.  Check out our latest video https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NFb_J9pXmUk?feature=share
Source: https://newyorklimoservice1.blogspot.com/2023/10/The-Ultimate-Guide-to-New-York-Prom-Limo-Services-with-Limo-Rental-NYC.html
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liveforfilms · 1 year
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thailandeventguide · 1 year
The Stars Align Prom Night is a highly anticipated event that will take place on 6 May 2023, from 18:00 to 22:00 at the Novotel Bangkok Future Park Rangsit. This event is being held to celebrate the graduation of the first generation of students from the Demonstration School of Thammasat University. It promises to be an evening of glamour and extravagance. The theme for the evening is "Red Carpet in the star carpet," which is a nod to the belief that every planet in the universe, no matter its origin, eventually orbits together in the vast expanse of space. The red carpet represents this unity, and it is a symbol of the fact that everyone who attends the event is a star in their own right. The Stars Align Prom Night The Stars Align Prom Night is a night to remember, and everyone is invited to walk the red carpet and enjoy the festivities. The Nakhon Rangsit Ballroom at the Novotel Future Park Rangsit will be transformed into a magical wonderland with twinkling lights, stunning decorations, and an atmosphere of joy and celebration. Guests will have a delicious buffet dinner featuring various delectable dishes and desserts. A live band will also play the music that keeps everyone dancing all night. And, of course, there will be plenty of photo opportunities, so guests can capture memories that will last a lifetime. Overall, the Stars Align Prom Night is an event not to be missed. It celebrates achievement, unity, and the power of coming together to create something extraordinary. So mark your calendars for 6 May 2023, and get ready to walk the red carpet and shine like your stars! Tickets cost 999 Baht. https://thailandeventguide.com/event-pro/stars-align-prom-night/?feed_id=2325&_unique_id=6443d6c5f1a02
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jminter · 1 year
TUTS 2023 Season Takes Audiences to School
Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) returns this summer with a 2023 season that is both hilarious and heartwarming, featuring The Prom and Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical, on stage at Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park, from July 6-August 26, 2023.    Welcoming audiences since 1940, this year’s TUTS productions take audiences from high school prom to elementary schoolyard as both musicals invite audiences to witness the power of kindness and inclusion in the fight for freedom to love and be loved.
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Theatre Under The Stars @ Stanley Park's Malkin Bowl photo: Shawn Bukhari “This summer, we look forward to continuing the annual tradition of spectacular theatre in our magical outdoor setting with our faithful and supportive TUTS audience, whether families, friends, or passionate theatre-goers,” says TUTS General Manager Kevin Woo. “This year’s season is full of heart, hope, mischief, and merriment, featuring two of Broadway’s smash hits: the big-hearted comedy, The Prom, and the fast-paced family adventure, Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical. Audiences will be moved by both musicals’ warmth and optimism – and their ultimate promise that love always prevails.” Set at a small-town high school, The Prom masterfully balances unabashed hopefulness, heartfelt vulnerability, and hard-hitting hilarity. Desperate to improve their public image, four down-on-their-luck Broadway actors rally behind Emma, a teenager whose prom has just been cancelled because she planned to attend with her girlfriend. But their scheming quickly goes sideways, and they ultimately come to learn what everyone is searching for – a place to belong. The Prom will be directed and choreographed by Tracey Power, who makes her TUTS debut. A revered director and choreographer, Power has worked with numerous theatre and opera companies, including Vancouver Opera, Bard on the Beach, Arts Club Theatre, Firehall Arts Centre, and Citadel Theatre. Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical takes place in a small English village, where a brilliant little girl with a lively imagination is bullied by her self-absorbed parents and tyrannical headmistress. Through the strength of her whimsical storytelling abilities, she uses her newfound magical powers to ‘fight for the right to be a little bit naughty.’ With toe-tapping songs and outstanding dance numbers featuring a talented cast of young people, this family-friendly stage phenomenon is the perfect TUTS introduction for young audiences. Also making her TUTS debut is Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical director Stephanie Graham. Graham’s directing credits include Chicago, Beauty and the Beast, and Mamma Mia for Globe Theatre and Anne of Green Gables for Thousand Islands Playhouse. On sale now through May 17th, TUTS offers a two-show subscription pack – allowing audiences to secure their seats to both productions for one great price.  Subscriptions are $90 for adults and $60 for youth ages 5-12, and include premium tickets to both productions, souvenir programs, and exchange insurance for both nights. Subscriptions are available by visiting tuts.ca or by calling 1-800-514-3849 until May 17. Early bird single tickets, from $20, will go on sale May 25. Read the full article
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marymerchandice · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 10 Item Mystery Bundle That Needs Washing or Stain Treatment.
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marymerchandice · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Calvin Klein Pink Button Down Shirt Small.
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marymerchandice · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Modelo Navy Blue One Piece Bathing Suit.
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