#star forts
jurakan · 4 months
Fun Facts that could be mine, you say? I'm demanding a refund if it isn't as fun as the advertisement seemed to make it...
No pressure, huh?
Alright, then, go big or go home, I guess. Today You Learned about an architectural conspiracy theory.
Star forts!
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Or bastion forts, as Wikipedia calls them.
So if you've looked at fortresses throughout history, you may notice that there came a point in which Europeans started building fortresses like this, instead of like standard castles with rectangular or circular walls. The change was the advent of gunpowder, or rather, the wide usage of gunpowder on the battlefield and in sieges. See, if you're defending a fort, and someone comes with cannons... well, they can blow the wall apart quite easily. You can also try planting explosives at the base of the walls.
Walls like this, which were thicker and lower, allowed you to have less of a target, a more difficult wall to blast through, and gave your defenders a chance to fire down at people who walked up to the wall in a way that you can't do if you don't have a good angle on them.
Or something. I don't know, I'm not a tactician. Anyway there a butt-ton of these around the world. They fell out of favor as gunpowder weapons evolved, so they became obsolete. That's not the wild part. The absolutely wild part is that there are people who have conspiracy theories about these things.
So as pointed out in this article, there's a website called starforts.org, which claims that these fortresses are not, as they appear to be, structures built for gunpowder warfare, but are actually the remains of a long-lost civilization that spanned the globe before recorded history.
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I promise that I am not making this up.
The claims are things that are obviously nonsense--that these somehow harness electricity somehow to make them ancient power generators that we've somehow forgotten how to turn on, or that they're used to transport people around the globe. These whackjobs insist that Europeans didn't build these--they found them out there in the wild, or something, and built over them to disguise how old they really are. There's one assertion that they're actually grown like living organisms rather than built like... buildings.
Obviously, no, this is bunk. No, it's more than bunk, it's remarkably stupid. We have records of these forts being built. You can look up why they were built the way they were! Heck, you can visit them and see their foundations and walls and see that they're clearly not organic, or ancient, or power generators, or whatever!
They look really cool, though.
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frasohei · 8 months
Bit of a rant here, but I didn’t spend two and a half years, and an undisclosed amount of money to get a Masters Degree to let this sort of shit slide.
“Star Forts” ARE NOT remnants of a pre-mudflood super civilization. We have documentation as to when, and by whom they were designed and built. Often we have the original blueprints, we have treatises written by the architects describing how they were designed and built. And, I must make this perfectly clear, we know why they were built. They are not magical space batteries, they are not celestial sign points aligned with the cosmos, they are not waypoints for spaceships. They are fortifications, designed for warfare, built AFTER the 1453 fall of Constantinople. They are built on geometric principles because geometry was a big thing in Early Modern Europe. Their remains are found all over the world because Europeans went all over the world, and they took their architecture with them. They are ruins because that’s what happens to buildings that are not maintained, and they were not maintained because military technology passed them by. The mental gymnastics required to come up with these theories necessitates a complete disregard for the past and the people who study it with even a basic level of competence.
Okay, I think I’m done. I’ve left several page length comments trying to debunk this sort of shit on YouTube, but FUCK I am still soooooo angry right now
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amandamadeathing · 3 months
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Do you ever have a stupid idea that you just have to get out?
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chiliger · 5 months
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Oh my god, it’s Cody with a chair!
Woo! Fan comic of @frostbitebakery ‘s Zombi-Wan fanfic: “Who Ordered the Resurrection Special” 💫💫💫 It’s a fun read, highly recommend.
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nataliabdraws · 1 year
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Sabine and her wolves 🐺
Check out my shop for prints and stickers!
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ooowyn · 1 year
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hold me tighter
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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dogearedfriends · 8 months
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art for Bare Your Faces of the Veil by @flippyspoon as promised!! the scanning process stripped the blue of some of its vibrancy, so as a consolation price, here are some exploratory sketches of them just making out on the ground 🖖
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lemonerix · 2 months
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Day 1: Roadtrips // Fantasy/Fairy tale AU
Alfred is singing along with his playlist throughout their trip. Arthur doesn't mind his shit singing voice bc the man is so in love he can't tell the difference between Frank Sinatra and Alfred's voice.
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aryamistwood · 4 months
the bisexual lighting hits different
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I am having so much fun taking pictures with the aura lol
Also, Come On Home by Penny SLAPS!!
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jellyjynx · 11 months
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Day 30+31- Final and Together
I really wanted this last one to look good
Redrew Mega Man's final smash :D
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skzsaxicolous · 2 months
normally, kids in dramas make me roll my eyes and I try to ignore them.
But this absolute joy of a person is the exception.
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Nina's giving everything. she's a really good actress and I really enjoy her scenes. I was pleasantly surprised and hope to see her in other things soon!
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bellassoblr · 4 months
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people gathering to say goodbye to FP disco (the realest one throughout the years)...
it wasn't for the rewards what no
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aaeeart · 1 year
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I was a bit stressed yesterday, who knew going over ideas for an "evil Kanan AU" would have such relaxing qualities 😭
Midnight ideas under the cut ~
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I feel like it could go both ways, the Empire killing Kanan or converting him - killing certainly saves time, but I feel like at this point there aren't that many Inquisitors left, with Cal hanging around, and there is the connection to his crew - would throw them off focus when they see the man they left for dead - imagine the angst potential
Why Malachor well, everyone was kinda there at one point heh. Plus, I think this could very well end up with Kanan still being blinded- but that's for another day.
Also Ezra doesn't have his scars, he never went after Kanan = the Grand Inquisitor never got the drop on him.
Aight, that's it for my nerd out.
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neonpaperlanterns · 6 months
Could I request a two parts of dog day (with legs) x reader?
For the first part it’s just fluff to heavy angst.
The second part is heavy angst to fluff.
The plot for the first one, dog day and the reader are with poppy and kissy Missy, while searching the school for supplies. Catnap ambushes them and starts chasing them. He splits up dogday and the reader and while they fight the reader gets kidnapped…
Also Catnap taught as dog day the whole time and tricks him with poppy gas making him believe everything’s okay. When in reality he lost.
Star Gazing
[Part two]
Pulling open drawers you riffled through loose papers and broken pencils. Holding in a sigh you moved onto the next cabinet. More bits and bobs that had long lost their usefulness stared you in the face. 
“How’s the scrounging going?” You did not hold back your sigh this time and let your head gently thunk on the rusted metal of the cabinet.
“That bad?” You heard DogDay muse as he wandered up behind you. In response you flail your arms around. A low laugh leaves him and you turn your head enough to glare at him. There is no heat behind it though, you don’t want to discourage him. The sound of DogDay and Poppy laughing along with the sight of Kissy’s little shoulder shakes is something you deeply treasure.
“Has your luck been better than mine?” You’re hopeful because you know that the school can’t possibly be picked clean. It had been closed off for ten years, something still had to be here. Hidden away in an attempt to preserve it. 
“It has. Come on, let me show you.” DogDay was smiling, he always was, but you knew when it reached his eyes it was genuine.
“Oh? What did you find?” An eyebrow raised as he led you towards one of the classrooms you hadn’t checked yet. 
“It’s a surprise.” That had you intrigued along with the faint giggling you heard through the closed door. Suddenly you were feeling rather giddy. What could they have possibly found that made all of them so excited? 
“Okay, close your eyes.” You did as you were told. Hearing the door creak open you felt your foot tapping in anticipation. Hands were being placed on your shoulders as you were guided through the doorway.
“Alright, you can open them.” Your eyes flung open as you took in the room. Standing in the center was a fort of sorts. Made up of various cabinets, desks, and stray blankets. You could see bits of soft yellow light shining through and the vague shadows of Kissy. 
“Follow me, I’ll show you inside.” You watched as DogDay crouched down, his shoulders hunching slightly as he crawled through a gap in the fort. Doing as you were told again you followed after him, being mindful of the rough concrete and various sharp points on the ground. 
“You’re here!” Small cool porcelain hands grabbed at your sleeve as Poppy tried to help you further into their constructed abode. You watched as she bounced on the balls of her feet. 
“What do you think?” Her big blue eyes looked up at you expectantly. Letting your gaze wander over the faded blankets, rusted desks, and torn pillows you could feel your heart starting to swell. 
“It’s wonderful.” You felt the need to speak softly as you stared at the scene in front of you. Poppy let out a small cheer as she scurried over to a stack of meticulously placed pillows. Kissy was draped over half of the fort, her limbs looped around protruding bars that were cushioned with various bits of cloth. She looked content and maybe a tad sleepy. 
“Get comfortable. There’s more.” DogDay fluffed a pillow as he beckoned you over. Warm excitement bloomed in your stomach as you shucked off the grabpack. Settling down next to him you opted to use his stomach as the resting place for your head. 
“Turn it on, turn it on.” Poppy chanted from atop her throne of cushions. You felt more than heard DogDay laugh. There was a click and the fort was plunged into darkness but then you heard a faint whirring noise. Glancing towards the center you aren’t sure how you didn’t notice the little contraption before. It was giving off a faint bluish glow and then there was a tap to your shoulder. Looking over you see that DogDay was pointing upward. Following his hand you let out a small laugh.
Above you were swirling faint stars. 
They twirled in a sporadic pattern, the light was dim, and you could hear a static filled tune slipping out of old speakers. Even as distorted as it all was you couldn’t help but feel contentment settle over you. Sinking further into DogDay you let this moment wash over you.
“What do ya think?” The giant dog asked.
“I love it.” You stated as you continued to watch the spinning stars. A large hand came to rest around your stomach. 
“Do you think we’ll ever get to see real stars?” Poppy’s small voice sounded from somewhere in the dark. Her tone was melancholic and it made something in your chest clench.
“Yes.” You stated, putting as much conviction behind your statement as possible. “When this is all over and we get out of here I’ll take us stargazing.” You swore.
“Really?” Two voices asked in unison as a mittened hand wrapped around your leg. 
  “I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” and you would. When all of you got out of here you would take them as far away and open as possible. That was a promise.
Everything fell silent as all of you stared at the projection. The arms around you tightened. A soft protest came from Poppy as you heard her get down from her pillow seat. 
And just as she was about to join in what had turned into a cuddle pile the center of the fort came crashing down. 
Dust and wood splinters rained down on you. The sound of Kissy shrieking shook the room as the scent of rotting poppies began to infect the air. Scrambling for your mask you come to the horrifying realization that the mask is attached to the grabpack. Which is not on you right now. Smacking a hand over your mouth you tried to hold your breath. Legs trapped in a tangle of blankets and broken desks you struggled. Your lungs began to burn.
“Get out of here!” DogDay shouts as he also fights against the ruined fort. 
A low rumbling laugh resonated through the room. It slithered through your ears and made your bones ache. Then something was wrapping around your arm and yanking. It tore you from DogDay and for a moment you thought it was Kissy. 
But as the faint glow of quizzical white eyes stared at you, any relief you felt vanished. Catnap brought you up to his face. So close that you could see the little scars that were littered around his eternal smile.
“I cannot see the stars, so none of you ever will.”
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mostlythemarsh · 11 months
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To the Stars
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