#stand up India scheme
ibeforg · 12 days
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Explore How the Stand Up India Program Supports Emerging Businesses
Are you an entrepreneur from SC/ST or a woman-led startup? Discover how the Stand Up India Program can transform your business dreams into reality! This innovative initiative provides crucial support through the Stand Up India Loan, designed to empower emerging enterprises with the capital they need. Learn about the initiatives under Stand Up India Yojana and its impressive progress that are making waves across India. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business—explore how the Stand Up India Scheme is shaping the future of startups by visiting the India Brand Equity Foundation website.
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rajstartup · 8 months
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shreekant-patil · 4 months
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ramayantika · 1 year
Old desiblr as a locality post
A day in Desiblr gully
It's 5am and some of them are going to sleep now after having a good screentime duration while posting, "I need to stop being chronically online." Some of the artists are busy decorating their walls with their dream vacation and outfits photos and calling it a moodboard. Their houses look the prettiest because everything is set according to an aesthetic.
It's 7am now. The early risers are posting good morning messages and other teens are getting ready for catching their school vehicles while liveblogging their activities before eating one last morsel of their breakfast. A random 18 year old is getting scolded by his friend to not skip meals again or she will come with a knife. College going peeps are watching all of this silently. Some are glad that they are done with school. No more waking up at 6 and getting ready while some feel nostalgic looking at these kids doing the things they once did.
"Guys aaj meine aloo paratha banayi hai!" A girl posts a photo of makhan maar ke aloo paratha and few others immediately rush inside her house to have her delicious parathe. Someone then says, "yaar mujhe bhi aisi parathe bannani hai."
It's 12pm. The gully is a little silent now. Students preparing for competitive exams are studying. School going kids are busy with school while desperately wanting to rush home to their Desiblr gully and narrate what Mrs A said to their friend or the latest drama in their lives. Some people have saved paintings and poetry quotes to tag their friends who always stand with them and appreciate their work. They never tell them this, but they know that if they make it big in publishing something, a major credit will go to their friends for reading or appreciating their work.
And finally it's 3pm. The sun is high up in the sky. The lanes are filled with chitter chatter of school kids coming back. Some are announcing that they finally proposed their crush while some are busy debating if the said person likes them or not. Their faces are a little tired but their hearts are brimming with enthusiasm. It's good to be home. They eagerly head home and freshen themselves.
'I need to thank didi for sharing those maths tips. Only due to her, I got 97% in maths."
Here everybody eats lunch together. There are tables and mats laid in the common garden. So many dishes belonging to different cuisines prepared by everyone from different states of India is served here. There are sweets and very spicy foods. Some got local desi refreshing drinks to beat the summer while some got their delicious homemade achaar.
Do you hear someone singing? Yeah they are the singers of our neighbourhood. It's a desi mehfil. Some of them have been training in music while some join in to vibe. It's a fun activity nevertheless. The mic is open, you can join in anytime.
It's 5pm. Some of them took an afternoon nap and woke up dazed. A tent is set up. It's a cultural evening today, I think. Wait for it, we may not have the best costumes and stage arrangements but we have got some talented performers. Love lorn poets have got their poems out, the dancers are dancing on movie songs while some choose devotional pieces. Look at her, she sings so well! The crowd is singing with her too. Wait for another hour and you will see some of our amazing photographers and painters with their brilliant artistry.
Now everybody is heading to study and take cars of their other jobs. Some are cleaning their homes (blogs) and painting the walls after they saw a movie and want their house (blog theme) to match the colour scheme. Is there a warm happy feeling in your heart? There is always this feeling in the air here.
Well this small neighbourhood is pretty and chaotic. Sometimes you might feel as if you do not fit in. Everyone looks intimidating. Their are scuffles and fights too at times. But just wait for a while and give time, you will find your own circle too. Be prepared to take care of some absolute unhinged friends too for they be taking some really impulsive decisions.
I think it's 10pm now. Some are having dinner right now with their friends. There is a boy busy completing his assignments after procrastinating the whole day (he made his friends bully him to make him complete it)
Do you know we maybe young, very young but we got hearts and somewhere a little wisdom too. This is the place to be yourself the way you are. You don't need to pretend here. We cry loudly and laugh loudly too. Our friends have seen the best and worst of us yet they choose to stay with us through thick and thin.
It's midnight. Someone announced that they are leaving this place saying, "it's time to move on friends. You all made my life brighter and I am so grateful for each on you." See how every person goes and hugs them. Some have started crying but they all choose to let them go. It's only for the best, they say. 'Just remember us in your memories. We wish you all the best, friend! Goodbye! Our doors will always be open for you if you ever decide to come back.'
It's dawn once again. Someone will come up with a new poem as an aubade to wake up sleepy heads for school. O look, a group of girls are singing devotional songs. It's a beautiful start, isn't it.
This is our colourful little community. Humari Desiblr gully...
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predict485 · 5 months
A scene from the reboot rewrite... @fraudulent-cheese
[ Cut to the campfire area, where all the campers are sitting on the horizontal logs around the fire pit. ]
Topher: This is where you’ll have your campfire ceremonies. Every three days, you’ll all compete in a challenge and the losing team will come here that night to eliminate a player. Clear?
Chase: Can we pick where we sleep? Because I want a bed next to Emma.
Emma: No! I want a bed away from Chase! Please, Topher?
Damien: …Please don’t tell me wherever we sleep is gonna be co-ed, right?
[Scary Girl laughs from behind him.]
Wayne: Are we gonna be sleeping in cabins? Awesome! I’ll get to be in a camping cabin with Rajie!
Raj: We’ll be in cabins?! Awesome, I’ve never slept in a cabin before!
Zee: Can we sleep in tents? Because there are some really cool ducks out here, man.
Topher: Ah, about that. But just know it’s not gonna be co-ed, Damien. 
Now, for your sleeping arrangements, you will be sleeping in cabins near the main camp. 
[He’s met with wide grins for the hockey bros. Emma looks worried and on edge.]
Topher: Now, for the most important part of the show: I’ll split you into two teams and your sleeping arrangements will be based on that. 
Let’s get started. If I call your name, go stand over there. 
Priya, Millie, Julia, MK, Emma, Damien, Zee, Wayne. 
Wayne: Huh? But- but what about Raj?
Topher (ignoring him): You will be known as… the Killer Krakens!
[He tosses them an orange banner with an emblem of a giant tentacle stitched onto it, which Wayne catches and holds up.]
Topher: And everyone else… that being, Axel, Nichelle, Scary Girl, Chase, Bowie, Ripper, Raj and Caleb, you will now be known as the Screaming Sharks!
[He tosses them a blue banner with an emblem of a shark with its mouth open stitched onto it, which Raj catches and holds up.]
Topher: In these teams, you’ll compete against each other to win challenges and the losing team has to send someone home.
Confessional: Topher
“In case you need to vent your feelings or let the audience know your dastardly schemes, you can take a break and let it all out in the port-a-john confessional!”
Confessional: Emma
“So… so far this is looking more dangerous than I was expecting, I wanted to stay away from stunts! At least I’m not in the same team as Chase, eurgh.”
Confessional: Julia
“Hey hey guys! This is my first confessional, probably of many, and I just know I’m going to win this thing. After all, I have nature’s spirits on my side, especially after attending that recluse in India. I don’t know how I’m gonna last without my phone though… hopefully this will be a good stand-in!”
Confessional: Zee
[ He looks at a duck standing on the toilet seat next to him. ]
“Hold on, this guy has something important to say.”
[ The duck quacks. ]
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feministdragon · 4 months
"There is a famous image popularized by the monetarist economist Milton Friedman. He presented a model in which a helicopter scattered bank notes over an economy. Suppose that doubled the amount of money. In a fully monetized market economy in which all resources are fully employed, all prices would double, leaving relative prices unchanged.
In the real world, none of Friedman’s assumptions apply. In fact, in most Indian villages money itself is a scarce commodity. Worse, its scarcity is contrived, with implications for relative prices of other commodities and for the reproduction of power relations.
This relates to what is known as the Lauderdale Paradox, first formulated by the Earl of Lauderdale in 1804. The paradox states, essentially, that the value of a commodity is increased by making it scarce. In Indian villages, power relations over many generations have solidified conditions of contrived scarcity, generating a rent-based distribution system in which the weaker sections cannot escape. Being a comparatively efficient medium of exchange, money is the most important scarce commodity. It thus has a high price, and those who possess it can exploit those who do not. We will see the significance of this shortly. But essentially our claim is that the emancipatory value of a basic income is much greater than the monetary value simply because money is a scarce commodity. The scarcity has driven up the cost of loans, debt and the prospective costs of shocks and hazards.
The emancipatory value arises not just because a recipient of basic income has the freedom to spend how he or she chooses. The money also reduces the scarcity of the commodity and thus lowers the price of monetary transactions."
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
Violet meddles au: I think the children become aware that they’re being manipulated after the third marriage and resolve to stop her nefarious plans but when they hear how those plans are proceeding , they panic. We all know Bridgertons (especially the male ones) don’t think well when our under pressure.
Oh they're all well aware that their mother's manipulating them; they just can't prove it. And while some immediately fall into Violet's trap and things play out much to everyone's collective satisfaction, some of the siblings prove to be bigger hold-outs than others. Some are too stubborn to let themselves be bested by their mother - and some aren't as smart as they think they are and assume that Violet is purposefully trying to keep them apart from their respective lover, even though she's actually pulling their strings in making them buck up their ideas and make an honest man/woman out of their beau.
You'd have Anthony thinking he could simply disarm and convince the Bagwells and Mary Sharma into staying in Britain instead of leaving for India, but he is left perplexed by their insistence of their move to the other side of the world (little knowing that Mary, her youngest, and her son-in-law have no intention of moving whatsoever; they're in on the ruse Violet concocted and are sticking to it and letting Kate genuinely believe they're going to leave the country until the viscount gets his shit together).
Meanwhile Colin thinks his friends-with-benefits situation with Penelope will undoubtedly beat out her humouring Roger's courtship - so he's left flabbergasted when Penelope doesn't show up for a rendezvous and instead has a letter delivered to him. She informs him of her vested interest in his cousin's courtship, seeing as Roger wants to have a family just like her and he isn't embarrassed to be seen out in public with her. (Roger is in on Violet's scheming too, and while at times he wonders if he is genuinely leading Penelope on, he does observe the piercing gazes she exchanges with his Bridgerton cousin in the park and in ballrooms and he's quietly assured that it's only a matter of time before Colin finally pulls his head out of his arse and pushes him aside to ask the pretty redhead to be his wife.)
And as for Francesca she's fairly confident she doesn't even have to do anything to intervene in the suggested arranged marriage between Michael and her Rokesby cousin, Elizabeth. Michael had already professed his love for her and her alone and as much as he took on board his mother and aunt's advice, she was sure he would dismiss any notion of being married off to anyone that wasn't her. What she wasn't expecting, however, was to overhear Michael asking Helen and Janet if he could offer Elizabeth marriage via letter of if it would be politer to ask her in person. Francesca pulls him aside, asking what the hell he's playing at and reminding him that he's supposed to be madly in love with her, or so he keeps telling her. Michael wearily agrees that of course he loves her, but there's only so many times his heart can take having his marriage proposals rejected by her. He's tired of being used to Francesca's own advantage and has accepted that she'll never properly return his feelings; so he may as well move on and find a bride for himself instead of pinning all of his hopes on his late cousin's bride. (Helen and Janet, while in on the plan, at this point become anxious that this strategy isn't working as Michael is genuinely prepared to put the wheels in motion of asking Elizabeth Rokesby for her hand in marriage, and they fear Francesca will simply stand back and let it happen - though luckily Francesca bucks up her ideas enough to not just accept all of Michael's previous proposals but propose to him herself just to make it clear she's all in.)
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moesartblog · 1 year
I watched un*corn warr*ors eternal (censored so it doesn’t end up in the tags) the other night and it another thing I’ve seen a bunch of ppl really like but I was super disappointed by. Spoilers for the show btw
I’m gonna do a brief rant. If you liked the show that’s great keep liking it I just want to share my quick personal thoughts.
-I hated the art style. I understand some of the influences for it. I know what it’s aiming to partially emulate. I simply could not stand the way any of the characters looked. That’s an entirely personal preference. I never really like the rubber hose/Betty boop kind of style to begin with.
-the pacing was horrid. A lot of supposedly important things were happening way too fast. There was so much trying to be crammed into so few episodes that there wasn’t any time for anything to breathe.
-I genuinely couldn’t tell what tone they were going for in many sequences. There were scenes I felt like we’re trying to be more slow and earnest but the combination of the art style and writing made it seem comedic and that was so jarring for me.
-(warning for racism discussion about indigenous American peoples and Indian people) ok idk if these are valid feelings but I had to ask for anyone who is either Indian (as in India) or any Indigenous person who has seen the show, the scene with the un-named, I assume north or South American indigenous person who gets possessed and loses all their hair? That didn’t seem great. I know the possessions are meant to be seen in a negative way but idk that didn’t sit right. Plus the way the character was designed I don’t think went beyond being a false sorta monoculture caricature. Then there was the I assume Indian character who was like a false mystic scheming the white woman lead character for whatever reason. That didn’t seem great either. If I’m wrong in my assessment of either of these feel free to tell me. I’m willing to retract my thoughts on this. I’m not an expert and I’d like to learn.
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drsohinisastri · 1 year
Venus Moves Through Sagittarius
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Venus will go into the Sagittarius sign. According to the Best Astrologer in World, Venus is a lucky planet that stands for love and worldly comforts. It shows people with wealth, success, and luxury. The necessity for genuine knowledge and morals in our lives is highlighted when it enters Sagittarius, a sign ruled by the devout Jupiter. Let's investigate how this transit affects various zodiac signs.
Aries: You'll work hard to accumulate wealth, but unforeseen expenses will deplete your savings. Those who are now considering getting married would be wise to do so. The advice from your partner will be fortunate for you if you are already engaged.
Taurus: Watch out for any unseen enemies who might be scheming to harm you. Because there aren't enough resources available, businesses will struggle. You are advised to reexamine your business plan in light of this. Do not apply for any loans; instead, keep cash on hand. Marriage will inevitably lead to unexpected conflicts.
Gemini: Your intelligence will increase, which is good for you. There is a chance that you will be one of the fortunate few to negotiate a deal on an international level. Collaboration among businesses will be successful. Your relationship with your significant other will grow, and you might even think about getting married.
Cancer: You'll keep stressing the need to generate high-quality work. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, and exercise diplomacy while interacting with competitors in the same sector. Having a negative opinion of someone right now could throw your equilibrium off.
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Leo: You will face challenges in your professional life, but you are resilient and creative enough to conquer them. Your teamwork and leadership abilities won't go unnoticed, and your seniors will congratulate you on a job well done. Travelling for business purposes is very likely.
Virgo: If you've been considering purchasing a new vehicle, now is a fantastic moment to do so. The better things in life are something you'd like to treat yourself and your home to, but going overboard with your expenditures could strain your finances. Increased well-being and mental calmness are made possible by having close contact with your mother, as predicted by the top Astrologer in India.
Libra: You'll easily win over any audience with your diplomatic manner and flawless presentation. You will be able to establish new, fruitful relationships thanks to your networking skills. Your efforts will be acknowledged by your peers. Married couples will experience a passionate moment and will have each other's full support.
Scorpio: Your thoughts will be preoccupied with wealth and material possessions. Fortunately, now is a fantastic moment to come up with ideas for raising your income. Those who are in business might attract new clients by being slick. People with jobs might get promoted.
Sagittarius: Your knowledge and discernment will be at an all-time high, Sagittarius, enabling you to overcome challenging difficulties with ease. You can anticipate being the centre of attention wherever you go if you take the time to care for yourself. Enjoy life's better luxuries while unwinding.
Capricorn: Workplace issues have the ability to ruin your life, Capricorn. Workplace inefficiency could limit your development. You'll have a lot of work to do, so being able to manage your time well will be important. There will be a beneficial window of opportunity for job searchers.
Aquarius: You'll succeed professionally at this time, Aquarius, and others will take note of you at work. You'll work hard to widen your social network. Using social networks in your job search could lead to new opportunities. If you're single, you can discover the ideal partner to date and commit to for a lifetime.
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Pisces: You must put in more effort if you want to succeed. Competitors could take advantage of this by claiming ownership of the idea. larger achievement and larger financial rewards will result from your capacity to think outside the box, according to the best Astrologer in Kolkata. It can help to keep your career aspirations a secret.
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atlantablack · 2 years
hiii<3 for the siken ask game, 12. you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you.
Prompt 12 - you were drinking sangria and i was throwing oranges at you. (which is from I Had a Dream About You, if anyone was wondering)
Heyyy bestieee, pls enjoy this, quite frankly, strangely soft fic my brain gave me for you <3 for the song lyric additions, this is also on Ao3
The first year is the worst. Steve had expected that though, so it’s okay. Of course, the first year would be the worst. How could it not be when Bucky had spent so long in Hydra’s grasp, unable to even remember that he’d once had his own life.
Unable to remember Steve. 
This is of course the part that stings the most, even if, in the grand scheme of things, it is the least important part. 
The second year Bucky disappears, again, and Steve punches a hole in the wall of Tony’s gym. He doesn’t follow, as much as he wishes to. He knows Bucky, even if Bucky doesn’t know him. Which means, that he knows Bucky needs the space even if kills Steve to give it to him. 
So, instead of following, he fixes the hole in the wall, goes on missions with Natasha, lets Tony teach him how to, properly, navigate the internet, and goes running with Sam. He breathes in, breathes through, receives a postcard from India seven months later, breathes deep, and breathes out. 
The third year, Bucky comes back, and for the first time since 1945, Steve and Bucky hug. It goes on for far longer than they ever used to allow themselves to indulge. But Steve’s hands have forgotten how to unclench and Bucky is shaking apart underneath his fingertips. 
The sky could collapse and he thinks he would stay standing right here, content to die if it meant forever in Bucky’s arms. 
They let go eventually. Of course. But Bucky stays close and Steve does his best to stay steady. 
The third year is hard. Easier than the first, but a challenge in and of itself. 
For all that he’d thought to himself, I know him, he does in fact, know very little about this new version of Bucky. And as it turns out, Bucky knows very little of Steve, even with a large portion of his memories once again intact. 
They’d both lived and died and lived again, their personalities shifting, mercurial things that no longer match up quite the same. 
It doesn’t stop them from clinging to each other but it forces them to, in a way, start again. It feels a little like a curse and a lot like a second chance. A fresh sheet of paper, free of charcoal smudges and dirty fingerprints, just waiting for a masterpiece to be painted in bright, vivid watercolors. 
The fourth year is the easiest so far, both of them settled into their skin and more confident of where they stand, both, with each other, and in this new time. 
Steve had woken up in 2012 and had thought, I will never belong to this era, I will never learn to enjoy this. He’d also thought that he was alone, and maybe the absence of that loneliness is what makes all the difference. Or maybe it is simply that he’s finally accepted that he’s here to stay. 
What is the point of being miserable when he can build a home and finally live? What is the point of courting tragedy when some higher power allowed Bucky to find his way back to Steve? 
He thinks life is offering him a gift. He would be a fool to not grab it with both hands. 
The fifth year they leave Stark Tower and return to their roots. A three bedroom brownstone in the heart of Brooklyn, the cobblestone signing beneath their feet, welcome home, welcome home. 
Bucky kisses him in the archway and he smiles into it, throws his keys at Natasha when she snickers, and throws rice over them, making a mess all over their brand new floor. He can’t stop smiling, and thinks maybe one day, she’ll have a chance to throw the rice for real. Somewhere green, somewhere warm, both of them endlessly tired of the cold. 
They turn their home into an oasis of warmth. A burgundy couch and sunset pillows. A rug shaded like the sunrise and kitchen walls like sunshine. The plants take up every window and Bucky spends hours tending to them, talking in a low voice to them as if they can drag the darkness from him. Maybe they can, he always seems lighter afterward, flushed bright with life. 
There’s fresh fruit on the counter and warm bread in the oven. Coffee in the cupboard despite how little it does for either of them. 
Bucky takes to making sangria, despite alcohol doing nothing at all for him. Says, I like the taste, I like the colors, what other reason do I need? 
Steve bites into an orange, the taste bursting across his tongue, and watches a drop of sangria roll bright red down the column of Bucky’s throat. He throws a second orange across the table, laughs when Bucky catches it too hard and ends up with orange juice sticky in his hair. 
“I’ll help you wash it out,” he says, like that hadn’t been his plan from the start. 
Bucky grumbles about it, but he still leans in when Steve leans across the table to kiss him. He tastes like sunshine and the ocean and a thousand nights of longing. Which is to say, he tastes like the only religion that Steve has never lost faith in. 
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Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Simplify Your Business Communication
Having A Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar Will Allow You To Make Your Communication More Seamless And Effective. Wondering How? This Blog Post Will Tell Us.
The revolutionization of digital technology and acceptance in the business world has completely changed the marketing and promotional scenarios for every brand. Today, customers are having greater access to digital versions of physical business cards rather than opting for boring, conventional paper cards for communications.
One of the most effective networking tools this year is digital business cards. Going virtual has several tangible benefits, such as the ability to create a digital business card (and make it stand out from the crowd), sharing your business card with others, and more. With the right Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar, you can easily design your e-visiting card. 
Digital visiting cards have been around since the early 2000s, but we have not seen much change until recently. As technology advances rapidly, we are seeing more companies adopt digital solutions in place of paper ones. In fact, many of these companies are now offering free accounts for their customers.
Why Do You Need A Digital Visiting Card?
Digital business cards are what they sound like. A digital business card is also known as a virtual business card, electronic business card, smart business card, or digital visiting card. With an iPhone, iPad, Android, or computer, you can create a digital business card. You can customize, design, and share electronic business cards. 
Digital cards do not have any limits on the amount of information you can add to your card. It is up to you how much information you want to include. Additionally, you can add a photo, video, logo, social media profiles, badges, and PDFs along with your standard contact information including your name, phone number, email id, business website link, and so on.
Digital visiting cards can be accessed and viewed via any smart device. With nearly every adult in India owning smartphones and tablets, a digital card program could yield significant advantages for both consumers and retailers alike. It refines a brand’s professional image and makes your communication more streamlined and effective. 
How Does A Digital Visiting Card Work?
A digital card works similarly to how a physical one does. When someone purchases your business, they enter their details into the system; then you can send them emails about special offers or events. You can also ask your Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar to set limits on how often people get sent promotional material.
As stated above, a digital card saves time and money over traditional paper options. People don't need to print, cut out, or laminate paper invoices anymore. A digital option means less work for you, as well as lower costs for printing, mailing, paper supplies, and labour. You can even add features like text messaging and coupon codes with digital cards.
Also, for convenience and security, many companies believe that a mobile and web-based communication solution will help them meet customer expectations and engage with them at any time. And all these are possible when you hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar. 
Digital Business Cards: Make A Bigger Impact For Less. 
In the past, business cards were limited. In the old days, two-colour or monochrome cards were printed on sheet-fed, offset presses using basic spot-colour techniques. Colour schemes with more intricate details can be achieved, but only by involving methods such as screen-printing and a process of shaping the inks, which takes a great deal of time. 
As a result, the final products were lacking in definition and the colours were misaligned. However, printing on-demand, in small digital card batches has been revolutionized by the advent of digital printers. A digital business card is directly designed for online or virtual sharing without involving any printing steps or requirements in the process. 
As compared to traditional business cards, e-business cards offer several advantages, including the ability to print without a printing plate, resulting in a reduction in running costs and a faster turnaround time than traditional business cards. Savings can then be passed on to both the company and the customers. 
A digital business card is also more durable than a traditional card. While digital printing for digital business cards is expensive per page when compared with conventional offset printing, it avoids all the technical steps involved in making printing plates and typesetting, so the initial cost is less.
Electronic business cards are eco-friendly since they do not require paper, therefore helping the environment when you use them. With the increasing use of laptops, tablets, and advanced smartphones in households, electronic business cards are becoming more common.
Challenges Related To Digital Visiting Cards For Businesses
While some businesses may view these changes positively, others may find it challenging to change the way they do business. Entrepreneurs considering making the transition to a digital card program should begin planning now. As customers expect more convenient ways to interact with businesses, they must build a strong foundation for the future. 
To ensure success, organizations should hire the best Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar and plan to update the information contained on their current cards (e.g., expiration dates), provide a means of accessing them online, and determine whether they need to upgrade their technology infrastructure to accommodate the shift.
Digital Visiting Cards: Where To Start?
Organizations are replacing paper business cards with digital ones. Business cards are available from a few platforms, but MoovOn Services & Solutions stands out. MoovOn is the leading Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar.
From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, we offer affordable yet effective digital business cards for effective communication with individuals and companies of all sizes. Having the architecture and capability to support large enterprises makes us the best digital business card platform.
Get Started With Moovon Services & Solutions Today!
MoovOn Services & Solutions also offers a free trial for digital business cards and contact manager designs to assist you in curating and designing the perfect card. Our virtual cards are seamless, easy to share, and impactful. MoovOn is the perfect Digital Visiting Card Agency In Bhubaneswar if you want to make the switch from paper business cards to digital ones. 
If you are ready, sign up for MoovOn today.
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almondbranding · 1 year
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Almond Branding, a well-known design and branding agency in india, has taken on the task of redesigning the packaging and branding for a 150-year-old green tea brand from Nepal. This brand carries with it a rich heritage and history that has been passed down through generations, making it an important part of the Nepalese culture.
The challenge for Almond Branding was to create a design that reflected the brand's rich history while also appealing to modern consumers. They needed to strike a balance between maintaining the brand's traditional values and updating the design to make it more appealing to today's market.
To achieve this, Almond Branding conducted extensive research into the brand's history and heritage, as well as the current market trends in the tea industry. They used this information to create a design that incorporated traditional Nepalese elements, such as the country's iconic Himalayan mountains and intricate patterns, while also using modern typography and color schemes to make the packaging more visually appealing.
The result is a beautiful and elegant packaging design that pays homage to the brand's heritage while also appealing to a modern audience. Almond Branding has managed to create a design that is both visually stunning and deeply meaningful, capturing the essence of the brand and its history. This is a testament to the agency's creativity, attention to detail, and commitment to preserving the value of a brand's heritage.
Revamp Of Nepal's 150 Year Old Tea Brand
The Brand Tokla is as old as the tea industry in Nepal. With this 150 year old heritage, its not surprising that the name Tokla has become synonymous to tea or Chia as its locally known in Nepal.
The brand has a variety of offerings from regular CTC tea, premium long leaf, Masala tea and the likes and has recently ventured into Green tea to reach out to the rapidly growing health conscious audience in the Himalayan country. However, the packaging of Green tea badly needed a facelift inorder to appeal to this slightly different discerning audience.
Decoding The Brand Equity
There has been a few attempts made locally to modernize the pack but they had failed miserably, each time resulting into dip in sales as they had swayed away too much from the family of Tokla.
The range from Tokla had a characteristic dark green colour with Tokla branding in white and our research showed that the masses in Nepal identified the brand with this colour codes. We also observed that there is a ‘not-tobe-missed’ white teacup right at the centre of each pack.
The key challenge was not to deviate far from the parent Tokla Design language and yet connote the modern and premium offering to an evolved audience.
The Design Solution
Our proposed approach was three fold
Retain brand Tokla boldly on green at top Take advantage of Trust & Heritage as well as familiarity
Bring in premiumization with design elements and a strong Visual Hook for recall Reach out to the evolved sensibilities of the evolved consumer
Convey the Freshness and Organic certifications and claims on Front of Pack(FOP) Back it up with health benefits on the Back of Pack (BOP)
Design Inspiration : Elements & Patterns
Almond Branding used its proprietary Brand Nomenclature process to coin a new Brand Name that will stand true to the ethos of the company. The company with its strong focus on technology and consumer centricity has been striving to bring the most innovative offerings to the consumer
Category: Food & Beverage Services: Branding | Packaging Design
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aieesee · 1 day
AIEESE Primary Scholarship for Engineering Students: A Gateway to Your Fulfilling Engineering Dreams
Engineering degree is a dream shared by many pupils, yet the financial load can be a significant obstacle. Scholarships play a major role in relieving this monetary stress and ensuring that deserving students have access to good quality education. AIEESE Primary, which stands for All India Engineering Entrance Scholarship Examination, is one of such schemes in India aimed at providing scholarship for engineering students. This write-up seeks to present AIEESE primary scholarships explaining the various features involved including eligibility criteria as well as the benefits it has to offer intending engineers.
Grants to study their subjects of interest. The scholarship also helps students work on their academic performance rather than letting anything distract them. 
We can say that AIEESE Primary Terry and ECF Scholarship (or AIEESE Primary) plays a part in supporting the dreams of young people who want to become engineers. At the same time, it dissuades those students who should not be going for engineering to do so.
It is advisable for every student who has made it in class twelve or scored well in any entrance exams such as JEE to apply Scholarship for Engineering Students. 
They can be assured that they will gain admission to some of the most reputed institutions throughout India soon after one has done the AIEEE /JEE Main exam and received generous financial aid packages relevant to his/her choice subjects.
The AIEESE Primary Scholarship provides monetary assistance to deserving candidates which lessens the weight of paying for school fees including tuition, among other expenses. 
The amount of scholarships offered depends on how well they score in the examination hence most gifted students get a higher financial backing.
Financial Assistance: The scholarship aids tuition fees hereby lessening the cost incurred by students or their parents. In relation to the scholarship category, some may have their tuition paid partially or in full depending on the college that they get into
Opportunity for Entering Elite Engineering Institutions
Honor for Bringing Good Name: The AIEESE Primary recognizes and rewards academic excellence. The students who pass the exam with flying colors not only get financial support but also have their name alongside other academic achievements, hence boosting their curriculum vitae.
Decrease in Education Loans Dependency: AIEESE Primary provides them with scholarships ranging from small to big thereby saving them from dependence on study loans so that they may concentrate on what matters most i.e. their education instead of being bothered by pending debts after graduation.
Eligibility Criteria for AIEESE Primary Scholarship
Candidates must meet certain requirements in order to qualify for AIEESE Primary Scholarship. They are as follows:
Qualification in Academics: Students should have accomplished their respective 12th standard examination or an analogous examination having Physics as their major subject, alongside Chemistry and Mathematics.
Nationality: The scholarship is only granted to citizens of India.
Entrance Exam: It is mandatory for candidates to appear in the AIEESE primary exam, which is a national level entrance test (NLT). Questions would be objective based on the 12th standard syllabus and would be held in an online mode.
Application Process: To register for the AIEESE primary exam, aspiring candidates must fill up online application forms. They should check deadlines and all eligibility criteria before applying lembrar-se do que têm e o que não têm to apply.
AIEESE Primary Scholarship Application How-To
Applying for the AIEESE Primary Scholarship for Engineering Students is a very straightforward and easy process. Thus, here is a step by step guide for applying:
Online Registration: Go to the official AIEESSE Primary website and complete the registration form. Make sure to provide correct information because any mismatch may lead to disqualification. https://www.aieeseprimary.co.in/
Application Form: Provide information required in the application form including personal details, academic qualifications and preferred examination center.
Payment of Application Fee: You can pay the application fee using any of available online payment options. The charge is small and can simply be paid via credit card, debit card or net banking.
Download Admit Card: After one has filed in the application form and remitted payment for the same, they would later go to their website so as to download their admit card.
AIEESE Primary Exam: Attend your examination at your designated exam center on the day that has been planned.
Result Announcement: Based on their scoring marks on AIEESE Primary Exam, those who are awarded with scholarships are made public.
The AIEESE Primary Scholarship is a unique chance that aspiring engineers can take advantage of in their pursuit for a college education. 
In providing scholarships targeting engineering students, AIEESE makes sure that no financial problem will be an obstacle to gifted students’ ambitions. 
As someone who wishes to become an engineer with love for technological advancement and invention, it is worth trying out the AIEESE Primary Scholarship as a way of bringing your dreams alive. 
FThis is more than just money; it’s giving power to future engineering leaders and innovators faced with myriad challenges by helping them stay ahead of the game through education development.
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How do I get government startup funding?
BY: Pankaj Bansal, Founder at NewsPatrolling.com
Getting government startup funding usually involves researching various programs and schemes available for entrepreneurs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:
1. Identify Relevant Government Schemes
Central Government Programs: In India, the central government has several schemes to support startups:
Startup India Initiative: This is one of the flagship initiatives. It offers funding, tax exemptions, and incubation support.
Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS): Managed by SIDBI, this fund does not invest directly in startups but provides funding through Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs).
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY): Provides micro-loans to startups and small businesses.
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS): Offers collateral-free loans for startups.
State Government Schemes: Many state governments offer grants and support specifically for startups. You’ll need to check with your state government’s website or startup portal for state-specific initiatives.
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2. Check Eligibility Criteria
Each funding scheme has its own eligibility criteria based on factors such as:
Stage of the startup (idea, early-stage, or growth stage)
Industry or sector (tech, manufacturing, etc.)
Business model
The geographical location of the startup
3. Register Your Startup
Most government schemes require that you register your business as a recognized startup:
You can do this through the Startup India portal by registering online here.
Ensure your business meets the definition of a startup (e.g., up to 10 years old, turnover under ₹100 crores, etc.).
4. Prepare Documentation
You’ll need to prepare key documents to apply for government funding:
Business Plan: A detailed business plan outlining your idea, revenue model, market analysis, etc.
Pitch Deck: A visual presentation of your startup to attract investors and government bodies.
Financial Projections: A forecast of the startup’s revenues, expenses, and cash flows.
Tax and Compliance Documents: PAN, GST number, etc.
5. Apply to Incubators and Accelerators
Government-backed incubators and accelerators can provide both funding and mentoring:
Look for incubators supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) or NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission.
These incubators often offer seed funding or help in preparing for larger rounds of government or venture funding.
6. Approach Banks and Financial Institutions
Banks and NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies) offer startup loans under schemes like the Stand-Up India Scheme and CGSS.
SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) also provides various loan products for startups.
7. Grants and Competitions
Participate in government-organized startup competitions and hackathons:
These often offer grant money as prizes, along with exposure to investors.
Examples include the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme and SAMRIDH Scheme.
8. Seek Professional Guidance
You may want to consult a financial advisor or a professional who specializes in government grants and loans to help you navigate the application process.
By following these steps and exploring various government initiatives, you can increase your chances of securing startup funding from the government.
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Upcoming Hyundai Alcazar facelift
The Hyundai Alcazar facelift is gearing up for its much-anticipated launch in India on September 9. This updated SUV is set to capture attention with its blend of new features and design enhancements, reinforcing Hyundai's strong presence in the competitive SUV market.
Exterior Design Updates
The exterior of the upcoming Hyundai Alcazar facelift maintains its bold and commanding presence, now enhanced with modern design elements. At the front, the low-set headlamps and H-shaped DRLs introduce a contemporary flair, seamlessly integrating with the vehicle's robust frame.
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Moving to the side, the new 18-inch alloy wheels, featuring a fan-like pattern, add a touch of elegance and style, complementing the overall dynamic look of the SUV. At the rear, Hyundai's signature connected taillamps, complete with stacked elements, a new rear spoiler, and a high-mounted stop lamp, ensure the Alcazar stands out on the road with a fresh and dynamic appearance.
Interior Comfort and Features
Inside the Alcazar facelift, Hyundai has prioritized passenger comfort and convenience, creating an inviting atmosphere. The cabin is equipped with a range of amenities, including the innovative boss mode function, allowing rear passengers to adjust the front passenger seat for additional legroom, enhancing comfort during long journeys.
Ventilated second-row seats, a panoramic sunroof, and dual digital screens contribute to a luxurious and modern interior in a sophisticated beige-over-black colour scheme.
Advanced Technology and Connectivity
Hyundai cars are renowned for their advanced technology, and the Alcazar facelift continues this tradition with a suite of cutting-edge features. The SUV is equipped with Level 2 ADAS, offering enhanced safety and convenience for drivers and passengers alike.
Connected car technology ensures that drivers remain informed and in control, while the full LED light package provides excellent visibility during night drives, enhancing overall safety and driving experience.
Performance and Powertrain Options
Under the hood, the Alcazar facelift offers reliable performance with its versatile range of powertrain options. The 1.5-litre petrol engine delivers 158 bhp and 253 Nm of torque, ensuring a smooth and responsive drive for those who prefer petrol engines.
The 1.5-liter unit offers 113 bhp and 250 Nm of torque for diesel enthusiasts, providing a robust performance. Both engines come with multiple transmission options, allowing drivers to choose the one that best suits their driving style, ensuring the Alcazar facelift meets diverse driving needs.
Pricing and Market Position
The Alcazar facelift Expected price is between Rs. 17.00 lakh and Rs. 22.00 lakh (ex-showroom), positioning it competitively against rivals such as the Tata Safari, Mahindra XUV700, and MG Hector Plus.
This pricing strategy, combined with its blend of style, comfort, and technology, makes the Alcazar facelift a compelling choice for SUV enthusiasts seeking a well-rounded vehicle.
The Alcazar facelift is poised to significantly impact the SUV segment, offering a complete package for those seeking a modern and comfortable SUV. With its refreshed design, advanced features, and reliable performance, the upcoming Hyundai Alcazar represents more than just a facelift; it is an evolution that promises to deliver an enhanced driving experience. As Hyundai continues to innovate and improve its lineup, the Alcazar facelift stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, ensuring it remains a strong contender in the SUV market.
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autocarindianews · 3 days
Is Skoda Slavia Price Justified?
When considering whether the Skoda Slavia price is justified, several aspects must be evaluated, including features, performance, competition, and overall value for money. The Skoda Slavia in India is positioned as a premium mid-size sedan, competing against popular models like the Honda City, Hyundai Verna, and Maruti Suzuki Ciaz. So, does the price match what’s on offer?
Features and Build Quality
The Skoda Slavia stands out with its robust European design, which emphasizes safety, durability, and aesthetics. Even the base model comes equipped with a host of features such as LED headlamps, a digital instrument cluster, and a touchscreen infotainment system with smartphone connectivity. Higher variants add luxury touches, including ventilated seats, a sunroof, and advanced driver assistance systems. In terms of safety, the car offers up to six airbags, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), and a rear-view camera, which makes the Skoda Slavia price feel more justified when compared to competitors in the segment.
The performance of the Skoda Slavia is another factor that validates its pricing. Available with two engine options — a 1.0-liter TSI and a more powerful 1.5-liter TSI — it offers a dynamic driving experience. The 1.0-liter engine delivers an impressive balance of power and fuel efficiency, making it ideal for urban commutes, while the 1.5-liter TSI is perfect for those seeking a more exhilarating drive with advanced features like Active Cylinder Technology (ACT) to enhance fuel efficiency. This performance capability adds to the overall justification of the Skoda Slavia price, especially for enthusiasts.
Market Competition
In terms of pricing, the Skoda Slavia in India competes with established models like the Hyundai Verna and Honda City, both offering a similar feature set. However, the Skoda Slavia distinguishes itself through its premium European build, superior handling, and a strong brand reputation for safety and quality. This slightly higher price point is often considered reasonable given the added value Skoda brings to the table.
Availability and Financing
For those looking at a Skoda Slavia for sale, dealerships offer a variety of financing options, including flexible EMI schemes and trade-in deals, which make the Skoda Slavia price more accessible to a broader range of buyers. Additionally, ongoing promotions, discounts, and extended warranty packages add to the attractiveness of the overall deal.
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The Skoda Slavia price is largely justified when considering the build quality, feature set, and performance. It offers a premium experience for a slightly higher price, but for buyers prioritizing safety, comfort, and European design, the price is well worth it.
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