#staking. not stalking 😭
formashimataichi · 2 years
you really think it’s funny that arata got a gag scene in the end? at the very least, sensei could have toned down his feelings for chihaya in the final arc especially if he was actually rejected in 173 and knew that. i expected her to handle his rejection a bit more delicately? like sure his grandfather died but that doesn’t make this romantic heartbreak any less painful. that’s not how it works in life. and sensei knew this so she had to play it off as joke but that just ended up upsetting fans even more.
i mean the thing is, though—and before i go on i will admit here that i think this is one of the primary areas where i tend to diverge from the fandom in general, is in that sort of acceptance of authorial authority and of the author generally knowing best how a character will react to certain situations—have we ever really gotten the impression that arata is someone who would be devastated by a rejection? i agree the last chapter felt a little clunky and maybe it would have been better to afford some of these conversations more than a few speech bubbles, but i don’t think spending more time in that conversation would really have made arata’s reaction all that different. from the outset he possessed a very open-minded and forward-thinking outset on love, and in part that’s why a lot of people even gravitated towards his love story with chihaya in the first place. theirs was largely a connection he was content to maintain without overarching expectations, with his desires comfortably remaining present despite chihaya’s expression of her own priorities. so like, sure, maybe under normal expectations we would assume a heartbreak would hurt, but i don’t particularly think arata is the kind of character to react the way that readers as shippers would. he’s never held expectations of chihaya and i don’t think he was ever someone deterred by the idea of waiting patiently for her love while they both pursued dreams that still allowed for a maintained connection between them, even without an explicit romance as party to that. the specific joke suetsugu decided to have arata make i can agree did a haphazard job at sticking the landing but i wasn’t off-put by the attitude it was supposed to express on his part. i honestly found it to be really refreshing
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lovelycrimsonredsnow · 6 months
Sonic characters and their love languages (sonic, shadow, knuckles, and silver):
💙 definitely physical affection and quality time.
💙 jit cannot go one minute without being near you or he.will.die
💙 that's what he says anyways
💙 he knows he can be a little over-baring so he tries not to come off as clingy as he actually is
💙 he follows you around everywhere to, store? He can help you carry bags! Work? He'll make sure no one bothers you! Bathroom? He's right outside the door.
💙 now exactly how clingy he is kinda depends on whether it's romantic or platonic
💙 if it's platonic he won't really feel the need to stake a claim in you by always being around. He's much more toned down if he only sees you as a friend or family.
💙 if it's Romantic holy shit- bro always has a hand in you one way or another, especially in public. Either holding your waist or having his arm around your shoulder ....
💙 it feels natural to him.
🖤 acts of service and quality time I'm calling it now.
🖤 he feels so bad whenever he can't bring you with him :( What if something happens???
🖤 like sonic he's pretty much always near you.... except most of the time you don't know it
🖤 it's not stalking ofcourse, he's just....protecting you ok?
🖤 he fears what happened to Maria will happen to you...
🖤 onto lighter topics :) whenever he does come back to you he always gives you a hug before doing your chores for you without saying a word. Dishes? Nah, shadow will do it, what if you you wash a knife and get a cut? Laundry? He can do that to, y'know you look a little tired maybe you should rest...
🖤 if you try to stop him he'll give you a look before pushing you back down onto the couch.
🖤 how dare you interrupt his cleaning >:(
🖤 it's all for you after all....
🥊acts of service, I see him doing like shadow litterly everything for you because your fragile to him.
🥊 he's like your personal bodyguard to, no one is gonna bother you with him around that's for sure .
🥊 scary dog privilege? Scary dog privilege. Him and shadow both....
🥊 he's not very physically affectionate or verbally affectionate either, mainly because one what if he accidentally crushes you?? Second of all boy doesn't know what to say tbh-
🥊 someone get this man some social anxiety meds😭
🤍 physical affection and words of affirmation.
🤍 mf can't go anywhere without you 💀
🤍 it's like the that one scene from family guy with Donna and Cleveland.
🤍 you'll be walking to the kitchen to get a class of water when suddenly you hear name being shouted by a sobbing silver who's stuck under the sheet 😂
🤍 he follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy, y'know privacy? Yah forget her you have silver now.
🤍 he's like the worse clingier version of shadow and sonic....
🤍 can and will go into heavy detail about how you should be a nation wide treasure
🤍 although while he's a simp who can't leave you alone for one millisecond your very much protected with him.
🤍 not a single hair on your head will be harmed as long as he's here...
*silver walks in to see sonic and knuckles fighting over who gets you*
Silver: 😶....what do you mean it's not my turn??? *Insert angry silver using his telekinesis to throw them out the window*
Also silver: *Insert hysterical sobbing near y/n* "YOUR MY BABYYYY"
Shadow: I already told you idiots that I'd have them for the week...I have... nothing to do anyway *awkwardly hides the piles of darks he forgot to do*
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aonungyou-shit · 1 year
hey, i love ur fics🤍🫶 (louder than everyone else)
can i request an ao’nung x fem! metkayina! reader? he’s REALLY overprotective of her and when the sully’s arrive, he notices how neteyam is being flirty with her and she’s completely oblivious to it. so ao’nung gets jealous and eventually just goes off on neteyam, they start fighting, it’s just a MESS. so while y/n is patching up ao’nung’s bruises, it just turns into a little comforting moment w/ reassurance and yeah (sorry if this is a lot, i tried to be as specific as possible😭)
Oblivious of my heart
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Ao'nung x Fem Metkayina Reader
//Aw Thank you anon! I love when people love my fics. Dont worry i actually prefer a lot over too little! You did great
Ao'nung adored you. You knew that. Ever since the farthest of your memory could serve you.
And you adored him just as much
Truthfully it was a no brainer when he stake claim over being the one who would court you. But it still surprised you nonetheless.
It was nice to feel wanted and that's the life that you had known for the mean time.
Until the Sully's arrived.
At least that was what Ao'nung felt.
You were excited to finally have something new. Not that it wasn't an eventful life you lived. You taught the kids the basics with Tsireya, Went on hunting trips with Ao'nung and the rest of the hunters.
Or you helped the weavers as they taught you new things here and there.
and it had been not that long ago that Ronal sought that you also learned the ways of the Tsahik.
But it had grown a little boring. Same schedule same routine. You craved something different.
And that's when they showed up.
You were just as excited as Tsireya to help teach the Sully's. Though obviously you could tell what her reasoning was.
Without much thinking you went to help the girls with their things. Making eye contact with the eldest boy.
You giving him a smile as he returned it. But unaware to you his eyes lingered just a little longer that Ao'nung deemed okay.
You Followed behind them. Next to Ao'nung and Rotxo who were close behind you.
"im not all to happy with you dearest" You said not even turning to look at Ao'nung
"You two no better than to make such crude remarks"
Ao'nung rolled his eyes as Rotxo nodded and apologized that you managed to somehow see that.
You handed over the bags that you had helped carry, The eldest taking it and looking at you with something in his eyes. Something Ao'nung held to you before you two became a pair.
"Thank you, Sorry i never got your name"
"Y/n. And you?"
"Im Neteyam. Nice to meet you"
You smiled Shaking his hand smiling at him. "I cant wait to teach you two"
"I cant wait to learn!"
The ever swinging tail that he had was overlooked by you. His growing smile and blush was as well. But Ao'nung saw, and the distaste he had for the sully's now had its target
Now You found that you liked Neteyam's company. You did. He was kind always willing to help and really it was almost like having an elder brother.
However Neteyam took this time to get closer in other ways that you hadn't really thought off. He would steal you away for things that he wanted to 'learn'
You loved to teach the wonders of the Metkayina life.
During this time Ao'nung would often stalk you. And with good reason. He often heard Neteyam compliment you, Throw little jokes your way. He made you laugh. He was flirting.
"you are beautiful"
"Your eyes are stunning"
"you look great today"
And he wasnt gonna disagree with it either. You were everything and more. The Purest of fruits and the beauty that radiated out of many.
Today he decided to seek you out. No doubt around Neteyam as he wouldn't be far from you.
"I think i should like to know about you? What didn't you have anyone at home you miss? no girl? or guy?"
Neteyam laugh a little his gaze now turning to you. The softness was one he knew to well. That gentle feeling of adoration when he saw you. He knew too well
"No. I never found to like anyone like you"
You were by far too oblivious. He knew that. Often when he voiced that he didn't like Neteyam you would brush it off telling him that everything was fine. And all you did was smile
"im sure you could find many women here that like you! Im sure if you look they'll be willing to give you a shot"
"Would you?"
That was it. Ao'nung thought. He had enough of you doing nothing about it cause you liked to believe he wanted to be your friend. Ao'nung marched out to the shore and glared daggers at Neteyam.
"I think its time you back off"
"me?" Neteyam asked raising a brow as he couldnt believe his eyes. Every time he tried to talk to you more intimately Ao'nugn would steal you away. Anytime he wanted to ask you about where you two stood Ao'nung ruined it. And he had enough.
"Yes you!"
"You're the one always getting in the way!" Neteyam yelled back.
It happened honestly too quickly. You couldn't react quickly as you watched Ao'nung and Neteyam hit the ground hard. Punches being throw and you did your best of breaking them apart. But yelling to get any attention for help.
You heard the crunch of Ao'nung's nose being broke but saw the busted lip on Neteyam.
Rotxo and Lo'ak bless their soul had come to help you finally seperating the two fighting Na'vi's
"Stay Away From What's Mine! Or So help me"
"That's enough Ao'nung" You yelled looking over his wounds. You prayed for the patience to not twist his arm in two.
"She is mine! My Tsahik! My Mate Get it through your skull Forest boy"
You hit him again. Not caring for his injuries as you then turned to Neteyam. He didnt look as bad as Ao'nung but none the less still hurt.
Taking a small little bow from your medicine pouch you gave it to him. Excusing Ao'nung's actions too
"I'm so sorry for Ma Ao'nung! I swear he's never this way"
But when you spoke it really did solidify what Ao'nung had said. You were his. And he was stupid enough to believe or even see how he was also yours.
Bidding him a goodbye you left to go treat Ao'nung. No doubt about to have an earful from his mother too.
"I pray for the strength that i myself dont break your nose some more" You said patching up Ao'nung here and there with the help if his mother.
Ronal had been quiet. She felt prideful that she didn't have to scold him. no Doubt you would get to him much more than herself.
"I mean what goes on in this tiny mind of yours to think it was a good idea to fight?"
"I told you many times, He keeps flirting with you its about time he learned a thing or two"
You sighed. Biting down your tongue as you looked at Ronal. "May we be left alone Tsahik?"
Oh this was juicy. She thought but she respected your wishes and left.
You two sat in silence for a while. You throwing on the paste harshly at his bruises and split open skin.
"Dont be upset with me please" Ao'nung said. Now not being able to fight back the tears of frustration he held on for too long. " I cannot bare the thought of you finding someone better than me. Someone who is so deserving of all you are"
"Ao'nung no no!" You said now putting the bowl down and going to give him a tight squeeze. "what ever made you think that?"
"Every time i saw you with him. You seemed so much happier. Like an Atokirina floating blissfully within the world. Happy and light at your feet with him. And im afraid, Im terribly afraid you will leave me dearest"
You sighed. Kissing his temple laying him on your lap. Stroking his hair as you let him sob a bit.
"I cant wait to mate with you"
"I can not wait to be your mate. To be one in the eyes of Eywa. I can not wait to be your muntxate. I cannot wait to have kids with you. Cant wait to be the Tsahik to your Olo'eyktan. I cannot wait to grow old with you. But you have to trust me that you make me the happiest"
Ao'nung and you sat there in silence for a second. The words sinking into ao'nung before you looked back to him.
"do you?"
"I do, Ma yawntutsyìp"
//I hope you liked it Anon! Be sure if you got any more great ideas to send em my way! I love writing requests!!
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ozarkthedog · 2 months
Happy birthday Ozzie, and congratulations on your follower milestone!!! You beautiful bean, I'm so glad this hellsite put us in each others' paths.
📝 For location-based smut prompt, Tim Rockford and dealer's choice of
public -8 inside one muses’s office. OR public 9 - inside a third party’s office they shouldn’t have access to. 
Just need this man to get freaky with me in an office setting is what I'm saying because look at him:
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😭 i’m thankful everyday that we’ve gotten so close! here’s my token of gratitude. 😘💙
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18+ mdni. Tim Rockford x f!reader. oral sex (fem receiving). public but private setting — office. special guest.
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This is so wrong. 
It was bad enough that Tim was your superior and that you'd been sneaking around for the last month, fucking each other whenever he had a few moments of free time, but using a random co-worker's office? That was flat out stupid. 
Tim drops to his knees in the small room, making quick work of your skirt and hooking one of your legs over his leather holster encased shoulder.
He breathes in deep as he presses the lower half of his jaw against your panty clad mound. "Been thinkin' about this sweet pussy all day." He holds your weary gaze as he slots the thin material to the side and latches his lips around your clit.
Your fingers card through his hair, tugging just so to make him groan into your slick heat. His tongue dances along your slit, dipping between your folds, earning him soft hisses and mewls from your gasping lips.
This is sure to blow up in your faces, but as Tim slides two thick fingers into your dripping core and rubs expertly against your slick walls, you couldn't care less.
"Shit- you're fuckin' soaked." Tim groans as your velvet walls mold to the shape of his girthy digits.
Your spine bows against the corkboard nailed to the wall; it's pinned with a precise diary of information: crime scene photos, newspaper clippings, and various stake-out notes. The small plastic tac heads dig into your skin as Tim sucks your clit into his mouth and vibrates the little button with a deep groan.
Your chest heaves under your blouse as the pleasure steadily mounts. Your hips move on their own, grinding against Tim's stubble and tongue. Brute hands circle your hips, keeping you safe and balanced as your peak draws closer.
He leans back on his heels and stares up at you. His cheeks are flushed a desert pink, and his lips glisten under the dim light as he works you closer and closer to the edge.
"Come on my tongue. Wanna taste you." Tim husks before diving back into your cunt with a feral energy you'd only come to know since being with him.
Your eyes flutter closed as the pleasure envelopes you, drowning all your senses. Had your eyes been open, you would've seen the shadowy figure slink through the door just as you were starting to come.
A heavy wave of arousal coats Tim's tongue as he pushes it further into your drenched hole. He grunts at your taste, greedily drinking you down and licking every creamy drop from your swollen cunt as you bite back the wanton moans that threaten to slip from your lips. 
Tremors rake your body as you catch your breath and come back into your body. The foreign, bitter smell of smoke perks your senses. Your heart slams into your throat as a red ember glows from a dark corner of the room. 
"You put on quite a show, Gatita." A deep voice praises from the black abyss. 
Tim moves lightning fast, spinning on the spot and shielding your body from the unknown figure.
Javier Pena steps into the light. Your co-worker and whose office you now had the pleasure of corrupting. 
He stalks toward his desk with a glint in his eye, pinning you and Tim to the floor as he retrieves a folder that's left on top of a mess of papers.
The men exchange silent words while Javier takes a long drag from his cigarette. Tim relaxes, his broad shoulders slightly sagging once he realizes the threat is neutralized. Javier smirked at your wide eyes while he exhaled a lungful of smoke toward the ceiling.
"You should lock the door next time," Javier suggests as he moves to leave. He hesitates, hand perched on the shiny, brass knob before looking over his shoulder. "Unless you're looking for a third person to join." 
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Ozzie’s 11k birthday sleepover
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silviakundera · 5 months
DRAMA REC: So I feel like any real review of Thai drama Moonlight Chicken is hard without heavy spoilers because honestly I don't know how to talk about what makes me passionate about it without discussing all the character relevations that occur over the course of its 8 episodes. I'll try to be generic as much as I can.
The thing about why it's hard to discuss without spoilers is that the characters and their full baggage are revealed slowly episode by episode, because like in real life you often learn about new friends & love interests slowly as intimacy deepens...
But from what I can see online, it's very subjective for viewers - depends on the person if they find these themes and personal challenges compelling or not. This doesn't fit with the typical "BL asian drama" format.
My personal viewing stake: There's an otp that has TAKEN OVER MY BRAIN. I have been searching for this energy ever since finishing Lighter & Princess. Gotta confess that I couldn't care less about the second couple who are teenagers. Apparently MDL and a lot of tumblr only liked the teen couple (valid!), but I just skipped over them mostly because when my brain locks in on Real Adults with Adult Problems I often cease to connect to high school student storylines. But the age gap couple with a 39 year old character who is FEELING his age... Jim & Wen. I've watched all 8 episodes now and they are like cocaine to me.
Ep 1 setup: We're not in Bangkok! (gasp) Jim is almost-40 and runs a late night diner in the less upscale part of town. Wen, about 10 years younger, is drunk at his diner as he's trying to close for the night. They pick up on the unspoken signals, instant electric connection, and end up wandering back to Jim's place and having what looks like fantastic sex together (without exchanging names).
But then after that first night, in the remaining 7 ep of the show you get a slowburn build up from zero as Jim doesn't want a relationship - with anyone. This is truly, sincerely a 'it's not you, it's me" situation. He is mired in baggage and the angst is SO DELICIOUS to me. Angst and soft hand touches and late night conversation. There's YEARNING. SO MUCH YEARNING.
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And then my darling Wen! Who brings almost the same energy as the Lighter and Princess FL. @dangermousie I never thought I'd see this irrepressible determination and tender, good humored patience again! He is deeply sure that there is something special here with Jim and is unrelenting about trying to scale Jim's walls. I know that sounds like psychotic SML material lmao but it's all about the tone and context. It's very clear that Jim is allowing Wen in his life and doesn't, deep down, want Wen to give up on him. He's damaged and scared but I always felt he wants Wen to be right - that they are falling in love and can build something real together. He just can't make himself take that step. I mean, in their 2nd meeting he is EQUALLY INSANE to agree that it's v normal and hinged behavior to let his 1 night stand start randomly showing up to work shifts at his diner as 'temp staff' he can't afford to pay because... um. Basically to stalk him? idk I don't think it's stalking when u have a mutual agreement?? 🤔
Wen falling deeper into Jim and KNOWING the feeling is mutual no matter how many times he's (so gently!) pushed back... can be sooooo personal. 😭😭😭 The vibes of this "we're Not Together™" but it's inevitable, I'm just waiting for the timing to be right... reminiscent of the last 10 episodes of Lighter & Princess. This building intimacy and tenderness that stretches on until as a viewer you feel like... They ARE in love, they're together but just without the sex. They just have to stabilize their lives first before committing whole-heartedly. THE BITTERSWEET PINGING. (screams)
One thing I've observed is many people seem to struggle to connect with Jim's character. The closest thing we have to a protagonist (?) Maybe. Anyway, I suspect it might be a generational thing. I found the drama incredibly compelling, but I grew up queer in the 80s and 90s. I'm well into my 40s, a bit older than Jim, but I think the generational queer experience overlaps pretty well considering the sociopolitical differences btw us/thailand.
The screenwriter is an older out gay man, so I presume that's also a factor in how he did a pitch-perfect depiction of Jim's struggles to find home.
Wen has his own baggage that feels very real and raw. I loved his storyline because I could personally relate to it also from my queer relationship experience.
I've blabbered on here before about how I feel like there's something different about queer stories being told to other queers, not targeted to straight viewers primarily - I'm not saying it's better than the big brands and popular international media including lgbt rep. It's just different imo and I do think it's valuable. I want to see stories about the complexities of the experience & about the gay community that can't just be mapped to straight people. Where the story would not feel the same if you flipped the sexualities. That's what Midnight Chicken was to me: the characters of Jim and Wen and their personal development & slow love story together felt very queer and the age gap was a relevant part of this. And that called to me. I could recognize parts of myself in them and my personal experiences as a gay woman.
I was impressed by the writing. Strong acting. The directing of individual scenes is excellent BUT the 1 big flaw is the editing. Very amateur, super abrupt scene changes! Just jarring. But whatever, I've seen some terrible editing in cdramas too. Also note the storytelling tactic is to show a series of meaningful moments & interactions over like 6-8 months of time. Events progress in ways we don't always see and it's not always spelled out to the audience, everything that happened since we last saw them. That may or may not work for the viewer.
[Plus there's a very sweet & wholesome teen love story that also gets a happy ending, if you're into that. One of the teens is deaf and there's no "cure the disability" nonsense, don't worry. I was adult-focused but I did appreciate the complicated family relationship subplot with Jim trying to caretake his nephew and their relationship to the mostly-absent sister.]
ok so now into spoiler territory. Letting the relevations come out organically would be a much better viewing experience BUT...
Jim's whole deal is he had a big love in his late 20s-early 30s that fucked him up good. He grew up being told gay love isn't real, leaves his rural farming town with his sister in their teens, disconnected from his family... But even his sister, who loves him, had the perspective that it's Just A Phase. Jim expects to Prove Them Wrong. Then his boyfriend cheats on him.... With a woman. Activate that generation's internalized homophobia and self-doubt. And then before he gets to truly confront his partner, his partner dies in an accident. So he never gets resolution.
And he's stuck under a mountain of debt, on the edge of poverty because he didn't get any of the guy's assets when he died of course. No rights under Thai law. Partner's family takes it all but the old car & the cat. All he has is the small chicken rice shop they had bought and ran together and it's killing him, he both hates and loves it. He's this amazing member of the local community but doesn't see himself and his own worth clearly.
Wen is working through the guilt of falling out of love from his 1st gay relationship that lasted 5 years of his 20s. Broken up but still living together. Trying to stay in each other's lives (I've seen this a lot, because in small gay communities you don't just cut ties with good people you care about). But living together is toxic for both of them, despite the real care that's there.
He also feels disconnected from a community at the start. He has work collegues, all straight friends, and his now-ex boyfriend. But you get the subtle sense that his local ties are all with the boyfriend Alan's family and mutual friends with Alan who don't all know about the breakup yet and he doesn't know how to interface with them anymore now that he and Alan aren't the same. He's the one who fell out of love, so he's "the bad guy" here and the straight friend he tries to talk to about trying to co-habititate with his ex and stay close friends doesn't really get it, because that's just way more typical behavior for older generation queers - it's notable that when the situation is fully explained to Jim, he doesn't seem to find it bizarre at all (as said, I've gone through that myself, and known friends in that situation; found that subplot to be very well done.) (I read that many viewers were disappointed this wasn't a standard infidelity situation where Wen is just regular cheating on Alan, but I have to say that I feel the opposite. The subplot and how it played out felt very relatable to me. I didn't need a cheating angst plotline in this drama that could be transplanted into a straight drama. I wanted more stories that represented my lived experience as an adult lesbian, and Wen's narrative gave me that.)
Wen keeps searching for a home even while living with Alan and having loved him in the past. Which to me was a sign that he'd moved to this smaller city, living in Alan's condo and in Alan's life with Alan's extended family... He started eating beef because Alan did and following along. He doesn't know where HE feels at home, what Wen needs to be comfortable and happy. When he more & more starts to believe he can make this home with Jim, he's determined to make it happen.
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carpedzem · 6 months
ok i'll bite. what the hell was the Sparrow Discord Incident
sorry for disappearing for 48hours.
um so. sparrow once got an invite to c!primeboys server and gods till this day i dont know if they didnt realise sparrow is like The Father of dreblr or that was just some sick way of harassing us more but well. he accepted, was even excited about some new friends. i obv dont know all the details bc i didnt see it, can say what i remember from what i was was told (and this also happened like almost two years ago) but that discord was. well they hated my group of freinds. in the nastiest way. people who we blocked ages ago would send each other our posts, proving that they did stalk out blogs even when they are blocked (and doing that regularly takes effort okay you have to log off/have another tumblr acc, especially if youre blocked on main). they were taking about us constantly. they were censoring our names in random messages bc apparently some of the people were so invested they would get triggered just seeing some people mentioned 💀💀💀 and yet they would not shut up about us 💀💀💀 on a server not about us, not with us 💀💀💀
it all made sparrow very uncomfortable - especially that he was openly friends with people they would constantly insult - so he left, even on the same day he joined i think. maybe even in the same hour lmao
it was fucked up but its kinda funny now and it was a little funny then like
edit bc dr3 reminded me THAT LATER THEY MADE POST ABOUT US TRYING TO STALK THEY DISCORD EVEN IF SPARROW LITERALLY HAS A PROOF OF BEING INVITED AND THEN LEAVING SHORT AFTER LIKE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 crazy how they tried change narrative after staking our discord so extreme literally failing during every possible step. clowns
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kozmicmizuu · 5 months
sigh, guess who suddenly got some giyuu/akaza/kyojuro brain worms…. i hate them/affectionate
could be seen as romantic or platonic, whatever you sillies want to believe <3
here’s some headcanons and some silly ideas for them :3
kyojuro survived cause giyuu was sent in!! he blocked the attack that would be fatal and kill kyojuro, cause giyuu is all about dramatic entrances
akaza became their lil fan boy for them and it’s torture for them. kyojuro is much more passive aggressive when akaza appears, but giyuu? mf is HATING the whole time, he literally wants to be left alone 😭
akaza: giyuu!! become a demon and spare for the rest of our lives!!
giyuu: can’t you just leave me alone…
akaza: what- no, you must become a demon!! don’t be like kyojuro and let ur strength go to waste
giyuu: well, thanks for the compliment???
akaza: no problem
giyuu: so…. can i leave now
akaza: no
the following of these two has gotten so bad that giyuu and kyojuro sometimes can’t even hang out with the other hashira. kyojuro proposed that it’s best that the others are completely unaware of the fact that a whole ass upper rank was fanboying for them, giyuu agreed (he KNEW that sanemi would try smth)
sanemi: what’s up with you two?? you guys haven’t been staying after meetings or anything
kyojuro, sweating bullets (he can’t lie): uh- i- hm..
giyuu, aka the poker face king: kyo and i are busy with demons in our territories. a spike of demons have been causing a lot of trouble
sanemi: fucking demons… alright- good luck with that i guess
giyuu: thanks, let’s go kyo
kyojuro: huh-? oh! right- yes, demon troubles
even if there’s one sided beef with giyuu and akaza and some passive aggression with kyojuro, they get along weirdly enough. the stalking of akaza literally made kyo and yuu bond a LOT and train together way more. akaza is suffering a lot less with the other demons, he’s got some new pals out the mugen train and he’s happy with that.
new dynamic rn is a passive aggressive poly between two hero’s and a villain guys make it trend/j
i’m so sane about them i promise guys don’t burn me at the stake 🙏
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 9 months
OK BUT LIKE WHY DID THEY KILL TIFF!??? or was that like their plan? Like they invited her to like making her think it was a get together or to hang out but it was actually to kill her? Did tiff do anything to make them kill her or were they just like “omg vampires! We need to get rid of them cause they’re bad!” LIKE WTF THERES SO MANY QUESTIONS and how did the fam feel to losing they’re baby??? :( can’t imagine how Paul and chrysta felt😭 ((I’m literally mad at you for killing tiff off like that tsk tsk tsk)) and who is stephs aunty???👀 or is it just a random character in the au
((Also want to know who called dibs into killing steph😈)) sorry my words are everywhere-
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So... How and why was Tiff killed?
Tiffany's death was... Partially accidental, you could say. She wasn't necessarily planned to be killed, but Stephanie, Jessie, and Meghan weren't about to go into a cave full of vampires without being prepared for the worst.
And it wasn't exactly Steph's fault either! You could say they met in the middle on the whole incident...
See, after a messy situation the night before- where Anastasia decided to take matters into her own hands on turning the three, after the night before Chris coward out on turning Steph. Anastasia, like daughter like father, introduced the gruesome side of being immortal to the three and offered them a permanent life good times and partying... You can imagine how that went.
Stephanie needed to speak to Chris, and at a time where he would be alone or... Vulnerable... Daytime. Just in case he decided she was looking like a delectable juice box LMAO.
And as much as she begged her friends that she had to do this on her own, they weren't about to leave her with TEN sleeping vampires to fend off if things went sour- and without weapons either. So, gathering up some of her aunts now very useful equipment, Stephanie and her friends went to Hudsons Bluff.
The vamps were all sound asleep, hidden away in the rafters... All but two. Chris and Chrysta were asleep on the Victorian couch, Chrysta huddled with her son snuggled in her arms, seemingly fallen asleep in a distraught position and mental place, his face hidden away in the comfort of his mother's shoulder.
Stephanie split from her two friends, who went to explore or keep lookout for any stalking vampires waiting to pounce... Bad idea.
Being the cluzt she is, Jess had gotten too close to some broken mirror shards and cut her thigh wide open- leaving a long trail of blood, the scent already wafting through the air at the second her skin split.
Tiffs her dad's daughter. The guy is the more wreckless and spunking of the coven... The one to probably be the more... Feral, less talk more killing. Who's to say his daughter isn't the same?
the smell of blood already got most of the other vampires stirring awake, but Tiff was quick to wake at the mouth watering scent, and cascaded from the rafters like a predator, making her appearance known the second she pounced for Jessie.
Steph was only seconds away from trying to wake Chris, before she immediately stepped in to sheild Jessie with herself- forgetting the stake Jess had equipped her with at her hip.
The position she fell to the ground in left the stake perched upright... And the second Steph pushed Jess out of the way, the human and vampire both hit the ground, Tiffany falling right on top of the stake... Straight through her undead heart.
The scream was one no one in that cave would forget. Especially Chrysta and Paul.
By the time all the vampires awoke to the sounding screams of both agony and terror, a dull ache in their chests, the three horrified girls had practically sprinted out of the cave.
And the first thing Paul had been met with the sight of as he hurriedly left the rafter with the rest if his coven members, was all the girls on their knees, wailing and sobbing while clinging to limp, limbs of their sister, being cradled in the arms of a distraught Chrysta, unable to tear her eyes away from the gut wrenching sight of bloody wood pierced through the pale flesh of her daughters chest, and tearing straight through her back.
As Stephanie, Jess, and Meg left into the safety of sunlight, outside the cave, the echoing sounds of heart shattering, devastated, enraged, blood curdling screams followed from the darkness of a very, distressed Paul.
(You know that scene at the end of the movie when Max finds Davids body and you can hear that little kid singing 'Cry Little Sister' IMAGINE THAT PLAYING AS PAUL HOLDS TIFFS FACE IN HIS HANDS WHILE PLEADING FOR HIS BABY TO OPEN HER EYES. IT HAS ME IN A FETAL POSTIOTION ON THE FLOOR)
Anyway, thanks fir coming to my Ted talk I sure hope i don't get beat up for this 🙂
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oh-soo-diabolik · 1 year
Hello again! So I wanted to ask beforehand because I wanted to request a certain pathetic... Attention starved depresso of a vampire Ritcher. This is a nonromantic ask btw.
Imagine if, while in the early stages of being obsessed with Cordelia and still had a way out (hard to believe, I know but IMAGINE) he was attacked ked by a small group of vampire hunters from a church. Goes to the church, wrecks havoc and while doing so finds a little boy primary school age nonverbal in the basement. When he checks it out, all the other church members were killed and the child is dirty, wearing what amounts to a potato sack.
He quickly reduces the child was abused and neglected and this stunted the child's growth with 🌟religious trauma🌟
Ultimately he takes the bab in and raises him, practically spoiling the child in what ways he wasn't and his brother was. When the child sees that Cordelia's a bitch, Ritcher eventually drops her because she's toxic and caught her abusing his adopted child the way she does Ayato.
Basically I'm asking for soft head canons or short little blurb of Ritcher being a good dad and learning that "omg love can be precious."
Father Figure!Richter
A/N: I rushed this because I didn’t want to keep you waiting 😭 but i will definitely write more content for him 🩵
Remember guys my inbox is open! 🥹🩵
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His eyes watch as she dances with her beloved husband.
Richter hated his brother, the good for nothing man he called his brother, KarlHeinz.
“My dear husband, you’re the one who completes me.” she mutters to KarlHeinz. Richter sucks his teeth in response, consumed by the feeling of jealousy.
He stalks towards the entrance of the manor and exists.
The cold bitter air greets him, he needed space, he couldn’t bear facing the bewitched woman named Cordelia, and her wish-washy ways. She didn’t care for him, per se, she just wanted fun.
There he begins his journey into the forest, he continues to walk before approaching a large church, there it stands with pride and beauty, taunting him with their ill faith in a man who doesn’t exist. But what did humans know anyway?
The sound of a child whimpers catches his attention. He teleports to the source of the cause, appearing in front of a boy no older than the age of seven or eight years old.
He was skinny, and frail, his hair was unkept, and he stinks. As if he was left for dead, the older vampire peers down to the boys level.
“What happened?” Richter questions, he waits for the boy’s response but to no avail. “Speak child.” he says more firmly.
“They told me to be a good boy, t-they said it’s what God wants.” he finally replies, Richter’s ruby colored eyes stares down at the boy.
As if he almost felt guilty?
“Get up, come with me, child.” He orders, he watches as the boy struggles to stand, but nothing surprised him more than what he did next. The sudden feeling of the boy holding his shirt for support, catches him at bay. His cold being felt something he hasn’t felt before, he felt responsible. Responsibility of caring for this child.
“Shall I carry you?” He questions, the sounds of men shouting and yelling causes him to turn to face them.
“Step away from the child, Vampire.” An old man snares, gripping the stake at hand.
Truth be told, Richter was tired, tired of dealing with selfish people, first the damned woman Cordelia and then his brother and now these lowlife vampire hunters.
“Your stakes have no effect on me, I will take my leave and I will be taking the child with me.” he replies, as he picks up the child and vanishes.
“Dammit! That fucking bastard took him.” another man says.
“After him, you fucking idiots.” another man shouts, the men grunt in response as they start on their journey into the world of the unknown.
The boy grips Richter’s shirt, “Worry less, you shall be safe with me.” He mutters the boy could only nod in response.
Richter knew, from this day, he would risk his life to ensure that child was safe. Even if it meant killing His own blood and the townspeople, along with that damned woman.
He finally felt a purpose, protect the unprotected. Even if it meant losing his life.
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littleoanh · 2 years
Albie may I request something 🥺 It can be Mikey or Hanma from Tokyo Revengers - whichever is easier for you and x reader. Cat and mouse kinda themed where reader is a cop/detective chasing them around with increasing “totally not sexual tension” each time they meet and he gets investigated. I don’t know why I want this - but I do.
Also sorry if this is dumb and I’m not very clear. I’m sleep deprived now and also I never know exactly what I want ever. 😭😭😭😭
A/N: LEEEEEE!! MY DARLING ❤️, of course you can request something from me 🥺. I remembered your favorite version of Mikey is Manila Mikey and instantly my brain came up with the perfect title and got a storyline. This is not dumb, this is brillant!! I hope you enjoy this :DDD (my triple chins 😂).
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Catch Me If You Can
Characters: Manila!Mikey x Detective!Reader (no pronouns used)
Warnings: Cursing, mention of murder (not by reader), alcohol consumption, some sexual tension (subtle flirting and touching), mentions of tear gas (reader not affected), chase scenes, making out, small bit of sexual fantasy, implied stalking, manga spoiler and angst ending. 
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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You are a well known private detective, who helps on cases that the police force can’t solve by themselves. At first, you reject Izumi because you are well aware how unattainable Mikey is. Why chase something impossible? But you changed your mind when a pattern in Mikey's sightings was discovered. Izumi left a file of what the police had gathered on Mikey. The photos from street security cameras have dates on the bottom left corner. It appears Mikey comes to this particular cafe on the third Thursday of the month at a specific time. 
He should be here. Your eyes remain staring at your phone, pretending to read something. Each time the doors open, you use your peripherals to see if the incoming customer has black hair. No, it’s a woman.
He should be here. Your eyes remain staring at your phone, pretending to read something. Each time the doors open, you use your peripherals to see if the incoming customer has black hair. No, it’s a woman.
This is the second month you have staked out the place. Why isn’t he here yet? Did you misread the pattern? Or was it just pure coincidence Mikey just “happens” to be here to trick the police? Feeling stumped, you give another fifteen minutes to see if he would come… but he never shows up. Damn, you finish drinking your beverage and step outside of the cafe. 
Lost in your thoughts, trying to think of the next steps, “Psst!” Your eyes flicker in an alleyway and spot a familiar face. “Detective.” Akito, your most trusty informant gestures for you to come over. 
Quietly and swiftly, you slip into the alleyway. “What is it, Akito? You are not normally in these parts of the area.” You arch one of your eyebrows. 
“I’m not but,” Their eyes look at the surrounding area, making sure no one is around, “I got some information.” You scrunch your eyebrows together.
“Information on what? I am not officially-”
“It’s about Sano.” You tense slightly, hoping it wasn’t noticeable, how’d you know I was looking for him? “He’s going to be at Roppongi Square Lounge tonight.” What? This doesn’t make any sense. From the file you read about Mikey, he is not known to be in social settings. 
“Does it matter? Have my sources ever been wrong?” Akito questions you, it’s true… Akito has never given you bad information. 
“No, you’re right. Thanks, Akito.” You both part ways in the opposite direction, your doubts are very low about this intel but you are willing to take this risk. If this is your chance to find Mikey, you will seize it. 
You put on formal attire for the strict dress code at Roppongi Square Lounge. You make sure your hair is not out of place, your face is clean and done up, and you put on your most attractive scent. Upon entering the lounge, you blend into the crowd, bopping your head to the music, feeling out the crowd. Your eyes survey the area to see if Mikey is here, your eyes fixate on a familiar black hair man.
Mikey is sitting alone on a private couch, being standoffish. Need to find a way to get to him. You amble your way to the bar to order a drink, still keeping your eye on him. His dark eyes are blank and empty and his expression is unreadable. What is on his mind? All he is staring at, is the drink in his hand. Once you grab your drink, you walk in the direction of the private couch area not directly towards him. You don’t make it obvious that he’s your target of the night.
Showtime… you innocently stroll by his seat and clumsily trip and spill your drink content onto his black trousers. You gasp and forge your innocence, “Oh no, I’m so sorry.” Mikey’s reaction doesn’t seem to be faze, his dark pupils are now on you. You grab the table napkin, kneel down to dab on his trouser to dry it. “I hope it doesn’t stain.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Your ears perk, you never heard his voice before and it’s actually… quite pleasant but quiet. “Are you alright?” Mikey surprisingly asks you, for a notorious criminal his mannerism seems too polite. 
“I’m fine, please don’t worry about me.” You laugh softly, you finish dabbing his trouser and stand back up. “As an apology, may I order you a drink?” His unpredictable expression makes you nervous but you remain composed. 
“You are the one whose drink spilled,” Mikey’s black orbs flicker between the empty glass in your hand and your face, “I’ll buy you a drink and you can keep me company.” Got him, you mentally smirk at your success. 
“Thank you, you are so thoughtful.” Mikey pats on the cushion for you to take a seat beside him. You graciously sit a bit closer to him than he expects, and his eyes twinkle. He lifts a finger and a waiter comes over in an instant, taking your drink order. He oozes a commanding aura that you unawarely get attracted to. 
“Tell me about yourself.” He takes a sip of his drink, the smell of alcohol tingles your nostrils. 
“Oh, there’s really not much to tell.” You don’t want to be the center of conversation, “I’m really not an interesting person. Very mundane.” Mikey’s lips spread into a melancholy smile and his eyes softened as well.
“I’m sure you are more than mundane.” His hand lightly grazes your leg, then firmly rests on your thigh. Strangely enough, you feel sparks when he touches you. The warmth of his hand feels nice, he notices how you like his hand on your thigh. He starts moving his hand dangerously up and down. “What’s your name?” The waiter brings you a drink and swiftly leaves you two alone.
“[Alias Name].” You take a sip of your choice of beverage. His black eyes are staring into yours, deciphering if you are telling the truth or not. His melancholy smile didn’t falter from his face.
“Nice to meet you… [Alias Name].” He momentarily pauses before leaning into you, the smell of whiskey and cologne fills your nostrils. Your heart starts pounding furiously, the way he intensely looks at you brings heat to your cheeks. “Nervous?” Damn, can he feel your heart thumping against your ribcage. 
“What’s there to be nervous about?” You boldly caress his cheek, Mikey’s cheek is smooth and surprisingly soft. His hand moves to your inner thigh, getting closer to your nether region. His lips are a breath away from yours, his eyes show a hunger to have a taste of you. Then someone clears their throat, having the both of you lean back.
“Sorry to interrupt,” They nervously glance over at Mikey, whose expression is once again unreadable. “I need to speak with you… privately.” This must be one of their lackeys. They take a quick glance at you, Mikey squeezes your thigh one last time before getting up.
“See you later, [Alias Name].” He takes one last look at you before walking with the other person. You watch where Mikey walks off to before following that trail behind him from a safe distance to not be caught doing something suspicious. They walk through a dimly lit hallway that leads to the back of the building. You stop and crouch near the slightly ajar door where they enter, hearing some voices.
“-is at Tokyo Bay at 10 PM tomorrow night to make the exchange.” The person passes on the information to Mikey, perfect! I can catch him in the act and put this bastard in jail. Mikey dismisses the person, glancing back at the door. You hold your breath, making sure to stay statue-still. After a couple of minutes, he nonchalantly strolls out into the busy streets of Roppongi. You let out a sigh, feeling determined that you will catch him and you make a phone call to Izumi for back up. 
9:55 PM is when Mikey shows up at Tokyo Bay, alright … let’s see what you’re up to. Izumi and you hold your position waiting for the right moment to jump in to arrest Mikey. Exactly 10 PM, a different lackey meets up with Mikey for the exchange. The lackey hands Mikey an envelope and Mikey gives him something in return. Now!
“Hold it right there, Sano!” You and Izumi step into your positions, along with back ups. “Both hands in the air and-” Mikey doesn’t let Izumi finish, he aims his gun at you and pulls the trigger. It miss you literally by a hair, then a lackey throws a tear gas bomb towards your direction. 
“Detective!” Izumi pushes you away, making sure you won’t be affected by the smoke. You quickly notice Mikey getting away, oh no you don’t!
You chase after Mikey, picking up your pace and running through the busy streets in the heart of Tokyo. Gaining momentum, you catch up to him. Just a little bit more! Grasping his arm, you actually grab him! Got you, you bastard! You pull him into the closet alley to handcuff him but the moment you step into the alley, you get slammed against the concrete wall.
“Ah!” Your head bangs against the wall, disorienting you. Mikey takes the time to place his knee in between your legs and trapping your hands above your head. “Mikey, you-” Mikey captures your lips and kisses you hungrily. What the-?! You try to fight back, but his lips set your lips on fire, the way his lips mold into yours amazingly well. You couldn’t help but to moan, giving him the chance to slip his tongue into yours. Dominating and exploring the depths of your mouth. Feels so good, you stop resisting and letting him take control over you. 
His hand loosing his grip on yours and sliding down to your waist, squeezing them. You want nothing more than to wrap your legs around him. The kiss finally breaks, leaving you in a steamy trance. Mikey steps back and leaves you there in a daze before you come back to your senses. What! No! You step back into the crowd again, you only see a glimpse of him but he slips into the busy crowd. UGHHHHHH! DAMN IT!! 
It’s been a week since you had last seen Mikey, there are no leads and traces of him. It’s as though he never existed. But no, you know he is real. You haven’t stopped thinking about the kiss in the alley. Did he do it on purpose to escape? Or did he truly feel something for you? Your office phone starts to ring, it is an unknown number and you pick up the receiver. “Hello, Detective [L/n] speaking.”
“Detective, it’s Akito.” Your informant Akito normally calls you using a burner phone. “I got some information on Mikey.” Your ears perk again and abruptly stand up from your chair.
“What is it?!” You accidentally shout through the phone, you are at your wits end. 
“He’s leaving the country,” Your eyes widen in bewilderment, “I’m not sure where and what time but he’s leaving today. He will be at Narita Airport.” 
“Thanks Akito!” You hang up the phone, then make a phone call to Izumi’s data analyst team and you relay the information to Mai, their hacker. 
“I am not seeing his name anywhere on today’s flight list.”
“Just keep trying-” 
“Hold on.” She sounds confused over the phone, “I found something strange.” You hear fast typing on her end. “I don’t see his name here, but yours is.” Your heart beats erratically, what? How was that even possible? “There’s a ticket with your name that is leaving for Brazil in 20 minutes from now.” You let out a string of curses. She provides you with the terminal and gate number.
“Thanks Mai, call Izumi for me to get me clearance at the Narita Airport!”
“Got it!” You rush out of your office, climb into your car and zoom into the streets like you’re a race car driver. You use an emergency siren that Izumi gave you and luckily, cars split up to give you a quick route to your destination. You make it to the airport in about 15 minutes, I still have time to catch him! You rush over to the security lane pre-TSA and you lift up your detective badge for TSA to verify your identity. “Please let me through!”
Another TSA confirms your clearance and allows you to pass security. Gate 53, you run through the crowd trying to find your objective gate. You have less than 5 minutes left to try to find that gate. You do your best to not brush or accidentally bump into other passengers. There it is! You use the last of your energy to increase your speed, however the doors are already closed and the plane at the gate is now gone. No! You approach the TSA by the podium huffing and puffing.
“Good Afternoon, may I help you?” The TSA lady questions.
“I-I need you… to contact the pilot… and tell them to turn back around.” She looks at you, surprised.
“There’s a criminal escaping the country! I need you to contact the pilot and have them turn the plane around.” You flash your badge.
“Um, I’m sorry but I cannot do that unless there is a warrant. Do you have a warrant?”
“...No, I don’t.” She frowns.
“I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do.” You let out another string of curses, blaming yourself for not making it to the gate on time. “Are you [Y/n] [L/n] by any chance?” You are puzzled how she knows your name.
“Yes, why?” She grabs something from under the podium, it is an envelope. The same envelope you saw a lackey handed over to Mikey the night at Tokyo Bay. 
“This is for you.” She politely hands it over to you, “I was informed to give this to you.” You take the envelope, it’s fairly light but you can tell there is content inside of it from the light. You open the envelope and take out a note. Something slips out of the note as you open up to read it.
Thanks, it’s been fun playing with you.
“What?” You look down to find several polaroids on the floor, bending over to pick them up. “What the hell…” The polaroids are of you interacting with Akito prior to meeting Mikey and your own investigation. 
All this time… you were the mouse and Mikey was the cat. 
[Mikey’s POV]
Mikey’s staring off in the ocean breeze in Manila, feeling the cold water splash his feet, and taking in the smell of the salty sea. His mind wanders, remembering you and chuckling softly. 
He immediately noticed you through the window of that cafe. He usually comes on the third Thursday of the month but didn't come in at his usual time when he saw you sitting near his normal spot. Mikey could tell you were a detective from a single glance but there is something about you that draws him to you. 
Was it your eyes that kept looking at the door to see if he came in? Was it your pouty lips that kept getting disappointed? Or perhaps it was your focus expression when you were looking at your phone?
He easily found Akito, your general informant, and cornered them. Mikey was the one who informed them that he will be at Roppongi Square Lounge. He also knew you would be following him to the back of the building and even slowed down for you to catch up when you two were running in the crowd. Let’s be honest, he can definitely outrun you but… this would be the last he will ever see you again. He wanted to give you the false sense of hope and to kiss you before it’s too late. 
It’s been a week since he’s been in Manila. Tomorrow is January 20th, the day he is planning to meet his long time friend, Takemitchy Hanagaki, and end everything. 
“It’s been nice knowing you… [Y/n].” He softly smiles towards the ocean and wishes you well.  
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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neopuppy · 1 year
I went to the Dallas show too and everyone I talked to said the GA situation was mess. I had seated tickets so it wasn't that bad for my friend and I, but our friend in GA said the line/fast pass situation was insane.
I was so ready to be bias wrecked by renjun but jaemin just wouldn't let it happen
I high-key want to see the dreamies again
MANNNNNNN i wont get into it abt the line drama too much, idc what they venue said either it was 1000% their fault. As someone who was raised by armys to smarten up abt how kpop works when I first got into it I rly never wanted to do a GA crowd again after how wings tour went down💀😅 but 7dream……
the whole everyone show up at the same time to get in line without any staff to handle how it goes is the venues fault, they were letting people get crushed, smothered and injured just bc we’re “kpop stans and the worst fandom they have ever had to deal with.” and then going on twitter to make fun of us 💀 also idc what anyone says there are a group of 20-30 foreign girls cutting lines at every stop and will not allow anyone to talk to them rationally. There are also about 15-20 American fans doing the same thing- thinking they control front of the line and saying the most ridiculous shit…..unfortunately most of them are Haechan stans too. They make it harder for the rest of us bc they were acting crazy as fuck, everyone else I met was pretty normal and calm😭 but those people were rly insane and staking out the venue by hiding in bushes/trees and piles of dirt the nights before. GA crowds need to be abolished bc some of these people are just abnormal.
idk I have been to well over 50 kpop concerts and ykw, Dreamzens are the worst. like, hands down the worst fandom experiences I have had irl have been in Neo City, they rly do have some of THE worst sasaengs I have ever encountered and it’s not limited to Asian fans, a ton of Western fans have adapted that behavior. It’s rly weird and sad to see.
BUT!!!!! None of that can deter from how fun and amazing the concert was oh my god I love them so much I almost cried a few times I’m ngl, like I’m not that person but NCT Dream mean a lot to me(despite how awful the fandom is, online AND irl), I heavily deep-dived Dream during the pandemic/lockdown and they in many ways became my safe space throughout the mental strain covid put me through(and still does). Their music and them in general bring me more comfort than I realized, like finally getting to see them all together felt idk….. I felt happy again, like my heart was full. It was so nice, I’m crying just thinking abt it, I love them so much bfjwixidcn.
I have really been getting over kpop and very disheartened with it ever since lockdown restrictions have been lifted(even prior bc the way kpop was moving during the pandemic made me pull back big time). Concert etiquette is lost, younger/new generation fans are the most disrespectful and entitled pieces of shit literally ruining the fun, and people are more insane than ever……like I cannot handle this culture of newer fans that truly believe they will become y/n and get an NDA by acting like a wild animal and holding up not only stupid signs but also crossing lines between fan/artists.
There are more problems in this fandom beyond Judy(iykyk) for example, but the fact that people enable her delusion by saying she is pretty and they aren’t doing much to shove her away. SHE READS MY JENO FICS LIKE THE REST OF Y’ALL……. She is not fucking anyone in NCT and its sick how even the fandom has no respect for these artists as human beings
Like I have traveled for many concerts now, and it is 1000% extremely easy to not stalk or ‘conveniently’ show up at the same place as kpop idols. People with the same flights/hotel/at the same restaurant/off-schedule events etc etc are going out of their way to harass these idols.
The whole experience of being a kpop fan is an everyday struggle for me bc on one hand I love these artists for their work and talent so much, on the other hand being associated with fans who act like wild animals that were raised by apes is sooooooo humiliating and not in a nice kinky way either.
I keep saying this is my last year with anything kpop idk. I just wanted to see the neos a few more times in concerts bc they rly do have the funnest concerts imo, but something rly shifted after lockdown, bitches went too crazy fr. I wanna go back to 2019 when concerts were more abt having fun with your parasocial friends and less abt getting attention lmao. Ok I ranted butttttttt yeah. Asking for kpop stans to act somewhat normal is…..outlandish I suppose.
Hopefully the next time I see the Dreamies will be more pleasant! I know this arena is much safer and more prepared for kpop stans bc they handled enhypen’s crowd rly well when I saw them there. Either way I’m going to have fun! Hope everyone stays safe💚
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hughungrybear · 9 months
Me while watching Dangerous Romance Ep. 10
1. Based on last ep's preview, I think Name will somehow frame Saifah in this episode. But why??? Saifah has been good to you 😭😭😭
2. I hate Kang and Sailom (not really) for their effing sweetness so early in the morning 😅😅😅
3. Look at our baby Kang maturing as the series progresses. He willingly faces the consequences of his actions now. Also, Guy and Nava tag teaming Kang and Sailom is ☺️
4. Saifah, shut the eff up 😭😭😭 It looks like Name is casing Kang's place. I just hope Grandma Ging does not get hurt in the process. "I remember everything about you" is so sweet though 😭😭😭 Name better not betray Saifah.
5. Oh no. Maybe Name did not intend to betray Saifah after all. Maybe the "big boss", whoever he is, will cause the upcoming mayhem and Saifah will be falsely accused of causing it. I thought Name is related (as in they are family) to the big boss though.
6. Eeew. Big boss could have washed his hands before putting it on Name's face.
7. Ah, Kong. Just let me slap you. You chose to go to somebody's party rather than support your son. Are you really Grandma Ging's son? 😅😅😅 <after 5 seconds> Oof. At least, Kong changed his mind. Also, at this point, Sailom knows you better than your son. WTF.
8. Oh, no. Did Name roped Saifah into helping him loot Kang's place?
9. Did Kang even noticed his father in the stands earlier? <after 5 seconds> Oh, that's too bad. He didn't see his dad cheering for him. Also, Dad took his promise to Kang's late mum to the extreme in the worst possible way.
10. Gods, why is there an ambulance??? Please, don't tell me Kang's dad is dead. Maybe just badly injured? Also where the eff is Name in all of this???
11. At least, Kang's dad is okay - for the most part. He just have to wake up. 😭😭😭
12. I think it is pretty messed up that the media and authorities revealed Saifah's name and face when it is still not proven that he did the crime. I suddenly appreciate Australia's way of keeping everything hush-hush until they are sure who the real criminal is.
13. Saifah confessed??? HE CONFESSED???? Yeah, I don't think Kang will stay after that 😭😭😭 I mean who can blame him?
14. Ah, Name, you effing a**hole. You sacrificed Saifah, didn't you?
15. Guy having a knee surgery - is that a career ending injury??? It looks like it's time for Nava to shine. 😅 It is incredibly sweet of Nava though.
16. Noooo! Sailom. Don't trade your morals for this. <after 5 seconds> Oh, Name. If you want to "help", then you shouldn't have set Saifah up. Piece of sh*t.
17. Grandma Ging is a saint. A SAINT.
18. Guy and Nava. Nava and Guy. Yeah, you should have checked the forecast LOL. Still, if Guy didn't fall in love with Nava for this, then he is goddamn moron. 😅
19. Nooooo, Saifah. Tell Sailom the truth 😭😭😭 Your love for your little brother should weigh more than whatever you feel for effing Name. Dammit.
20. Why choose to go back being an escort? You could have just borrowed money from Pimfah. I think she is rich enough to pay for Saifah's lawyer 😭😭😭 Also, eff that old guy who spikes other people's drinks. Goddamn r*pist. How did Kang find Sailom that fast though?
21. Kang, why the fvck do you still care?
Okay, Episode 11 seems to shine a light at the end of this sh*tty tunnel with Kang's dad waking up from coma. If Name did set Saifah up, I would like to see him burn on a stake. I still don't get how Kang changed his mind and why he is stalking Sailom now 😁
And why they are taking their sweet time to set my GuyNava ship to sail 😭😭😭😭
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rosyfingered-moon · 1 year
Six Flying Dragons episodes 16-18
The chaos of an early morning in Gaegyeong when all these different troops are at everybody’s house ready for battle and no one’s home and no one knows what’s going on. The Goryeo-era version of fake news. Congrats to Hong In-bang for committing to the bit! (I also want to give a shoutout to the Yi uncle who stalks into Hapha’s house with his huge fucking Mongolian saber. You do you bestie.)
Meow meow 😭 Just give him his breakfast!!!!
No but seriously Gil Tae-mi. What villain will EVER live up to this level? I love the way he got to go out, with an epic duel after laying waste to half the city. I love that all the mains wept while the people cheered (the writers must have been as fond of this character as the audience). I love my murder kitten who died soaked in blood but with his eyeshadow still flawless and sharp enough to kill a man. Rest in power greatest swordsman of the Three Kingdoms Gil Tae-mi! No one has ever done it like you or will ever do it like you.
Poor Bang-ji slowly turning into everything he hates and unable to stop it. But I do enjoy this budding dynamic of sullen bodyguard x visionary prophet x lethal secretary. I must say @drivingsideways I am beginning to feel the ot3 in this Chili’s tonight.
Sambong’s final murmured lines to Hong In-bang at the execution site!!! Goosebumps!
(Also Sambong writing the constitution and inventing checks and balances. VERY HOT.)
One thing about this show is that it is chock-full of Awesome Moments, which makes for very entertaining tv, but it’s sometimes to the detriment of character development when we only see some of them wrapped in fast-paced, high stakes drama. Please give me some filler episodes soon writernims. You’ve got 50 of them!! Let us breathe!!
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lowel1 · 2 years
Okay shame me but I want to hear your hcs on Aaron
Gonna talk about my rewrite mcd Aaron’s backstory cause canon mcd Aaron bores me 🥱 (This is so long, I apologise 😭)
Anyways, Aaron was born to a werewolf mother and a human father. There used to be a wolf tribe in the forests surrounding O’khasis and that is what Aaron called his home for many years. Aaron wasn’t really accepted by his tribe, but he howled at the moon ceremony and gained a name so they couldn’t really reject him now. Aaron was clingy, constantly hanging onto his mother like a flea because she was the only one who could stop the harassment from his pack mates. Life wasn’t ideal but it was bearable. That was until O’khasis attacked.
Most don’t take lightly to wolves on their doorstep and O’khasis was the same. They were brutal, coming and going in the night, burning any hut and staking any wolf. Sadly Aaron’s mother was one of many victims. The small group of wolves that reminded banished him, they saw him as a bad omen. They believed the moon gods were punishing them for accepting a “defect” and Aaron didn’t really protest. He knew he had a father, a father in the near by Falconclaw so he set out to find him.
It was a long journey, a dangerous one but he found the village soon. He didn’t find his father but he did find a new family. The lord of Falconclaw and his husband, two men of great power. The lord was ageing and desperate to find a male heir when they heard of Aaron, a werewolf who had survived a brutal attack and weeks in the wilderness, they were fascinated by his strength. The took him in after observing the true potential of his physical strength, he had gone from no father to two, he even gained a sister (Eve). She was an orphan, considered a blessing by her farthers, the two bonded and Aaron finally had the best friend he had always desired.
Sadly, happiness can’t last long. After a few years the lord died and by the time Aaron was 16 so did his other father. Aaron and his sister were orphans once again and Aaron took on the responsibilities of being lord. They were co-leaders of the village, the rising tensions with O’khasis caused a lot of stress for the teens. They were loved by the people, this made O’khasis worried. Aaron tried his best to live a normal life, having a wife and producing an heir, keeping his identity a secret from most. To the people he was a human, to his family he was a werewolf.
Falconclaw was a village of many treasures, legends say it was once home to Shad the Destroyer and that he hide his most precious artefacts within the village walls. When Zane stared his crusade for the treasures of the divine he was determined to get his hands on them. Zane was corrupt from the start, staging various attacks on Irene’s churches pinpointing the blame on Falconclaw. Eve and Aaron protested their innocence but no one wanted to side with Shad worshippers, Falconclaw was isolated and it’s reputation was tarnished. Zane’s plan had worked, he was given permission to attack by Garte and wasted no time.
They attacked at night, burning all the wood, shooting canons and slaughtering all in their path. Aaron wasn’t prepared, no one was. He took his family deep into the walls but they were followed. O’khasis made a mistake that night, they used Iron instead of silver. While Eve, Jacob and Lily took their last breath Aaron slipped away with a gapping hole in his chest. He lived and Zane knew it, they all did. Aaron became part of folklore, a story desperate parents told to keep disobedient children at bay. He was the reincarnation of Shad himself, slashed by the hero’s of O’khasis and cursed to roam the lands, looking for a new vessel to replace his ruined form.
In reality Aaron was a changed man. He seeked refuge in his wolf form in an attempt to heal but his mental pain was too much. He was trapped in the beast, only speaking in a language of growls, howls and violence. Aaron stalked O’khasis for days, hiding in the walls and sewers. He killed many guards, devouring their bodies till only a few bone fragments remained. One guard had an amulet, a communication amulet that was used by many high profile O’khasis officials to record their alliances and future attacks. Aaron held onto it, this stone gave him a new hunger, the hunger for revenge. He was going to make them all pay.
With the amulet in hand, he travelled all over the region to follow Zane’s every move and pick off any ally he may have. When Aaron heard talk of Phoenix Drop, a village that had declared itself an enemy of O’khasis, he immediately stared sailing. Phoenix Drop had declared a rebellion and he was desperate to find the lord responsible. He spent months observing the village, recording every scent and every entity who entered or leaved. When the livestock started to go missing he knew she’d find him eventually. He waited for her to come to him, stalking her like the many prey he’d devoured before.
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
ok so I was stalking your master list earlier and I didn't know that Darkhold had a part 4 OMFG
yes because the WandaWhores ™ of the world were about to pull an agatha and burn me at the stake if i didn’t post another part 😭 (i’m glad they did tho)
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