#stage: infinit force
yagirlomega · 3 months
that tails and infinite used to be online friends talking about sonadow
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woven-song · 8 months
i do kind of hate that infinite's definitely wearing a scarf.
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in the first one you can even see the fucking neck hole
and also, when it zooms in enough you can even see the knitted texture
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why is it a scarf i dont like it i know this has already been said for years but it still bothers me IT SHOULD BE FLUFF LIKE NECK FLUFF WHAT THE FUCK
actually no he was just cold during sonic forces and he has neck fluff under the scarf, trust...
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Saw your ship name post, and I'm curious. What made you decide to make crystalbond and Metalicchaos? What type of dynamics did you have in mind for both of them?
Also own any thoughts on PhantomFox? It's definitely an odd one, but I'm willing to be sold on it.
Okay, so before I say anything, here is the rarepair list (in case someone reading doesn't know what these ships are)
The "why" for this one is fairly simple honestly. The short answer is that as far as S3 of Prime is concerned, the reason we explicitly saw Nine create Alpha Grim Sonic and call him friend (despite proclaiming all of the Grim robots were his new friends) was so we would understand just how Sonic backstabbing Nine (in his eyes) affected Nine. In short, Nine pretty clearly was trying to fill the hole Sonic left in his life (while acting like he and Sonic can just easily part ways). Creating someone as a replacement for someone you try to pretend you don't care about anymore can be handled in a compelling fashion, especially when you add in that Alpha Grim Sonic is supposed to be a "mindless" robot on top of that.
The longer answer is that between S2 and S3 I actually became compelled by the idea of Chanine (or, more specifically, Nine using the prism to revive Chaos Sonic after the ending of Prime S2). I thought making Chaos Sonic Nine's companion and giving them complicated feelings (for example, Chaos Sonic being a robot who has feelings for Nine, but it's true these feelings began because Nine reprogrammed him to be loyal to him vs Nine very much using Chaos Sonic as a stand in for Sonic and to ignore his lingering feelings, but it’s also true that Nine is coming to value Chaos Sonic's existence too (and not just because he's his only link to Sonic without having Sonic himself)) was just a fascinating thing. And although I would be sad not seeing Chaos Sonic in S3, I sort of naturally channeled this disappointment into Alpha Grim Sonic
Or, to be more specific, I carried the basic idea from my chanine thoughts to Alpha Grim Sonic and Nine and imagined how their dynamic would be in this situation. I also thought "I mean, if people can imagine this situation with Chaos Sonic and Nine and ship them, then what if I shipped Alpha Grim Sonic and Nine for this same reason?"
As for the crystalbond dynamic, this one is largely focused on the idea that the Alpha Grim robots aren't actually mindless thoughtless robots, and the idea that Alpha Grim Sonic is growing a soul. Post canon, I know Nine would miss Sonic a great deal, so it’s only natural for me to come up with the idea that Nine would try to rebuild Alpha Grim Sonic (so he doesn’t feel lonely and so he doesn’t feel unprotected against the universe).
For Nine, Alpha Grim Sonic becomes a comforting presence. But as time goes on and Nine grows more attached, he deals more with his hang up over the idea that he'd created Alpha Grim Sonic to do his bidding and protect him. In other words, on occasion, he feels stupid finding comfort in the robot, asking him to stay with him or hold him or do anything intimate, because this robot cannot feel back or think or make its own choices. To Nine, it feels stupid to be attached to a robot who cannot feel for you, a fact that (to Nine) can never change.
For Alpha Grim, he's slowly growing a soul, attachments, feeling new things. He is aware of what a robot like him should be capable of, and he isn't sure exactly what he is feeling at all times and why. But as time goes on, he yearns for Nine to understand just how much they care for him. They want to be considered someone important to Nine. And yet, he is unwilling to push boundaries or overstep their position, even by accident.
This dynamic is built upon a mutual slow burn yearning + miscommunication that revolves around Nine's statement that he'd made the Grim robots to be unable to talk back or think or have minds of their own so they'd obey unquestionably. They are both hung up on how Alpha Grim should be like as a robot despite the truth of what is going on, and it's tragic for the longest time (because Nine can't believe the robot could learn to feel for him of its own accord, and Alpha Grim refuses to possibly push boundaries or do what he has not been commanded (because to him, even as he wants to be important to Nine, he also makes himself okay with his place as long as he can be with Nine and protect him forever))
I'm not sure if it's ever resolved, but this relationship is meant to develop over time as Alpha Grim develops his soul and Nine grows more selfish at wanting the robot with him.
If you'd like to see more about this dynamic, though, I'd heavily suggest reading this post, this post, and this post, or looking through the #crystalbond or #crystalbondshipping tags.
Okay, so there actually was a brief period before S3 dropped that people shipped Alpha Grim Sonic and Chaos Sonic. When all we had was a clip and a design, Alpha Grim Sonic was quickly dubbed "Chaos Shadow" and all depictions of this ship labeled as "Metal Sonadow".
However, as far as I can tell, after S3 properly dropped and Alpha Grims Sonic's name was revealed, this ship sort of died down.
I actually shipped this ship for funsies during this period, but even though these two never ended up meeting I didn't see a reason to give up on the ship. So that's pretty much it. I shipped it for funsies because I'm a Sonadow fan and I kept shipping it when S3 came out and we learned more about Alpha Grim because I still liked the ship idea
But, of course, they can't very well be called "Metal Sonadow" at this point (even if I do still feel like Alpha Grim is more Shadow's robot countepart than Sonic's), especially with the name reveal. So I collaborated with a friend to come up with a proper ship name for them
The other "why" is that I was shipping Chanine and Crystalbond and was like "why don't I just complete this triangle?"
In all honesty, two different dynamics exist for them in my head.
The first is considerably less "shippy" than the second, but it’s their dynamic during these post prime S3 au ideas I've been rambling on about. Essentially, at the beginning, the two start out growing jealous of each other's interactions with Nine. Each one wants to be the one™ at Nine's side and is afraid the other will be confirmed as Nine's #2, even though each refuses to believe they'd be replaced. Alpha Grim Sonic gets irked when Nine talks to Chaos Sonic more and treats him more like someone who lives and cares about him (Nine), and he dislikes how much more insubordinate Chaos Sonic is to Nine (since Chaos Sonic is willing to call Nine out, collaborate in the conversation by coming up with plans, talk back, is unconcerned at times with annoying Nine, etc vs Alpha Grim Sonic who cannot speak and largely only does what is commanded of him). Chaos Sonic fancies himself Nine's one and only best friend, so he's stuck between jealousy for how Nine trusts Alpha Grim Sonic and cares for him and being prideful, putting stock in the fact that Alpha Grim Sonic is a mindless robot (in other words, he covers up his own insecurity by insisting Nine would never replace him because they're best friends and because Nine couldn't become best friends with some soulless robot anyways). If he believed Alpha Grim Sonic had a soul and thoughts and feelings, he'd probably imagine the robot to be haughty (although I'm sure Chaos Sonic can feel Alpha Grim Sonic's feelings about him exerting more freedom in general and in his interactions with Nine than it). Over time, though (a lot like Clara and Asmodeus from M!IK), the two grow to understand each other. While I don't think either would ever admit the jealousy, they grow to understand each other and form a pact of sorts as other people start to enter Nine's life. They bond over their mutual protection of Nine from others, from their shared/similar experiences, and they grow to feel secure in the fact that the two of them will be constants in Nine's life.
Now, the second dynamic is very different. I have a hard time thinking over the first dynamic as a shippy one so much as I imagine it as a strong platonic bond (although it's not impossible for it to be romantic/queerplatonic/what have you), which is why I created a second sort of dynamic for them I can muse over for shipping purposes. This dynamic revolves around creating a situation in which the two are rivals.
So, I propose a brief concept. Nine revives Chaos Sonic post S2, who ends up getting lost in the void or something like that. Then, he creates Alpha Grim Sonic and the other Grim robots. At some later date, Chaos Sonic returns (perhaps claws his way out of the void?) and comes across Alpha Grim Sonic (who is either performing a mission for Nine or also looking for Nine for some reason) while looking for Nine. Chain of memories Sora and Repliku style, the two begin to fight about the fact that both consider themselves the robot in Nine's life and believe the other is lying about their assertions of their place as Nine's friend. Each starts out believing the other is an imposter meant to hurt Nine, and neither wants to believe that they could be replaced/be a replacement for the other. While this kind of dynamic can be coupled with the first, giving them this kind of dynamic to start out with I think gives them more of a reason to be specifically fixated over each other and to be rivals before they inevitably bond over Nine.
Well...why not? I don't have any particular profound reason for liking this one, I just seem to have an affinity for shipping versions of Tails with different characters and I think (with their aesthetics) they look really neat paired up together.
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Although, all in all, I must confess that when I was thinking over rarepairs for the post, a friend of mine posed the idea of this ship and sold me on it in like 2 seconds
The cool thing about having a ship where the characters haven't met is you can do whatever you want. Personally, I kind of like the partners dynamic with them.
To explain, I like to think about the au idea my friend came up with. Essentially, the idea is that Nine gets ahold of the Phantom Ruby somehow and, while studying it, ends up freeing Infinite. Of course, depending on the point in Nine's life, this situation could go differently, but in general I think of Infinite (a jackal I personally read as a bit aimless, without true passion) ending up following Nine, and Nine who (even if he rejects it a bit at first) ends up willingly taking Infinite on as his companion.
While Infinite/Tails to me is interesting because of Tails' trauma and the idea of why Infinite might fixate on Tails, Infinite/Nine is interesting to me simply because I think it would be neat if the two worked together as partners (and maybe Infinite finally found ambition along the way?)
Not sure how well I'm explaining this but yeah.
If it's pre-canon, I can see a lot of freak out from both of their ends, and if it's Infinite who proposes a partnership, Nine would probably need more confidence/assurances to agree to partner up with him. With that being said, I can see Nine being naturally interested in the science behind Infinite and the ruby, and the two sort of holding each other at arms length initially as they use each other to perform their goals.
If it's post canon, I can see Nine being a bit more open to companionship (I mean. He *is* pretty much alone in the Grim as far as we know), though he'd naturally be a bit guarded.
Either way, no matter what time in the timeline Infinite and the ruby are placed in, I can see these two getting into a situation somehow where they end up choosing to work together for some reason. My ideal dynamic with them is like. Two people who hold each other at arm's length but choose to work together initially due to mutual gain of some kind and initial interest in the other person –> morally grey partners who are a power couple
Thank you for the ask, anon! I enjoyed getting to talk a bit about these ships🥰
And with that being said, if you'd like to know about/have any questions about/want me to talk about more of my rarepairs, more about these rarepairs specifically, or anything else, don't hesitate to send me an ask! I love the excuse to talk about ye old hyperfixation and make up relationships that don't exist
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doomzday-zone · 3 months
stage 16 metropolis capital city means so much to me. capital city is soooooooo pretty. only gripe i have w it is: why is it all white
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luxrayz64 · 2 years
thinking. about the things I love the most about sonic. and how those have all been almost absent since unleashed. and how obvious it is that sonic team has been fucking terrified of doing anything interesting with their games since. and just. god. god. please, please let sonic frontiers be good. please let it be what I want from this series. please let it be successful. please let it push sonic team to push sonic again. I love these games so much. I want them to be good so badly.
#I love the scale I love the over the top plots and giant eldritch bosses and the gods and aliens and the grandiose adventures#I love the characters I love playing as different characters I love seeing them all interact#I love exploring every nook and cranny of the levels I love finding hidden one ups and special stages and items#I love sonic the hedgehog so much. I want it to feel heartfelt the way it used to#colours and generations and lost world are all so bland. boom tried to be a reboot but it nuked the characters#(nevermind the games barely releasing given the development hell the team went through)#forces was a step in the right direction with its massive cast and massive plot and the villain team#but it fell short in so many ways#banking on nostalgia w ghz and chemical plant and classic sonics whole existence#weak level design and control carried over from colours#the plot falling short - shadow is never fought. chaos is never fought. infinite is kind of boring then dies. zavok is here#none of the supporting cast do anything but talk at you. tails gets his entire sa1 and 2 arc just undone#it could have been good. yknow? it could have been so much MORE. but it's not#the animation is stiff. the cutscenes look bad. everything about the climax of the game. no pre rendered cutscenes.#I need frontiers to be good. I need it to be good and I need it to have a soul. I need it to say something.#I need it to have a reason to exist.#just. god. I watched the kingk 06 video that just dropped. it got me thinking#please be good frontiers please please please be good#espeon cries
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typicalnoise · 5 months
god i love women so so so so so so much
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gaast · 8 months
I also ended up not liking Sonic Forces, which should tell you something considering that I actually really like Sonic 2006.
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artemismoorea03 · 8 months
DP x DC Prompt: Backup Plans
Danny had a list of 'backup plans' and plans for his backup plans. If his secret got out and his parents didn't take it well he needed a backup. If the world found out he had a back up for that. If both happened there was a third plan. If the worst came true and his loved ones all died in a fiery blast and he was potentially forced to live with Vlad - there was a backup for that too.
Most of the back ups meant living in Sam or Tuckers house without knowing, leaving with Jazz to another city, moving into the Ghost Zone, or leaving America all together (he was thinking Antarctica because of the cold, distance and frequent Ghost Portals that opened there).
But there were backup plans for that too, because if Vlad was determined enough he would go to the ends of the earth (literally) to find him. So, with Clockworks blessing and very vague gesturing towards one section of the Zone he started looking for backup plans in the Infinite Realms.
Which is how he ended up in Gotham City when a natural portal opened up. It was the middle of the day - not ideal - and he appeared right in the middle of a crowded room - even less ideal. It seemed like some kind of... reward ceremony? There were people in spandex on a stage, looking surprised as Danny got ready to book it.
At least that was until one of the spandex wearers approached him. He was wearing all black with pointy... ears? and some kind of bat symbol on his chest.
"Alien, Meta or being from another dimension?" He simply asked.
"Uh... the third one?" Danny replied, looking around anxiously as the bat-guy reached into his belt, pulling out what looked like a PDA but without buttons. Seeing Danny's confusion he turned it on, the screen lighting up with a form.
"Alright. Come stand over here with me and fill this out."
Danny didn't know what was happening but was even more concerned when he actually read what the not-PDA said.
Alternate Dimension Traveler Documentation Form 301
"Do... you get visitors from other dimensions a lot?" Danny asked, following bat-guy to the corner.
"Oh... and that's okay?"
"If they're not here to cause trouble, yes."
Danny smiled at this, "Well I'm definitely not here to do that. I'm looking for a backup plan."
"Backup plan?"
"Mhm." Danny said looking at the not-pda curiously as he tried to figure out how to work it. "You know, in case my parents find out what I am and try to cut me open, my Godfather tries to kidnap or torture me, or my Government captures me and performs legal experimentation's on me as a way to destroy an entire dimension and potentially all connecting dimensions - including yours... say to you have a stylus or something? I'm not sure how this works."
Bat-guy simply blinked slowly, then put his hand on his shoulder as he lead him further from the crowd and sat him down. "You use your finger. See, tap where you want to type and go from there."
"Oh, neat! Thanks bat-dude."
"It's Batman, and you are?"
"Phantom. Danny Phantom. Nice to meet you."
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rainba · 5 months
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Here it is... The fic where Luka kidnaps both his darling and Kairos.
TWs/tags: human furniture, dubcon, kidnapping, slight depiction of violence, pet play, NSFW, mind break, cucking (?), dark content, use of shock collars
Reader is GN, however, there is one paragraph where the reader is gendered. The asterisk* will mark the paragraph with afab reader, and the one in parenthesis is amab. :3c)
MDNI! 18+
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In one previous post, I mentioned that Kairos and Luka do live in the same universe and city– and in a few other posts, I mentioned that they’d never share their darling. If one of them tries to kidnap darling, they’ll just report the other to the police. 
Then another idea came up, a way that Luka could circumvent that predicament: Luka figures that Kairos would instantly report him if he kidnapped his darling. So… In order to stop that from happening…
Luka would kidnap both you and Kairos.
Luka’s house is definitely big enough to keep both of you. In the beginning stages, he’ll keep Kairos locked up in the attic while he keeps you in the basement. The basement is much cozier– meanwhile the attic is all dusty, hot, and muggy.
Between you and Kairos, Luka will be much, much nicer to you. He’s (quite literally) obsessed with you, so of course you get the better treatment. He cooks your favorite meals and feeds them to you by hand. He gives you plenty of water and always showers you in attention– sometimes he’ll even place a TV down in the basement and let you watch random stuff. You know, just so you don’t get too bored. He wants you to feel at home–! When you learn to accept your new life, he’ll spoil you rotten.
But for Kairos..? Luka is absolutely brutal.
Luka will rub in the fact that he beat Kairos in “winning you.” He’s simply just the superior man– the superior partner. Luka loves you too much to ever let you go. After all, you're the only person that has ever made him feel anything at all. And he really drives in the fact that you belong to him, and that Kairos will never have the chance to even touch you.
Luka will walk circles around Kairos as he mocks him relentlessly.
“Nobody is looking for you.”
“You’re pathetic. Disgusting freak.”
“They’re all mine, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Kairos will scream, squirm, and cry as much as he possibly can– but nobody can hear him. Luka is right: nobody is looking for him. Kairos doesn’t have any family. He doesn’t have any friends. He’s stuck in this hell forever.
To keep Kairos alive, Luka gives him his leftovers. He dumps it onto the dirty ground and drags Kairos next to it, commanding him to “eat up.” Kairos is forced to pathetically writhe on the floor and eat without his hands– all because Luka refuses to untie him. As for water, Luka forces Kairos to drink out of a dog bowl.
Most of the time, Kairos can’t hear anything. Luka’s house is eerily quiet at night. And during the day, Kairos can sometimes hear the sounds of children laughing and playing outside, or he’ll just hear Luka casually going about his day as if there aren't two people locked up in his house.
It’s torturous.
Over time, Luka will get you to warm up to him– call it stockholm syndrome kicking in, if you will. Or maybe you already loved him and he just needed to build trust with you. Either way– you eventually upgrade from the basement to his bedroom. And that’s when things get infinitely worse for Kairos.
He’s not just listening to Luka going about his daily routine now– no, now he has to also listen to the two of you fucking multiple times a day. The way you’re moaning out another man's name… The sound of the bed creaking and banging against the wall… Kairos finds himself choking and sobbing as he’s stuck tied to the chair. Sometimes he starts to dissociate and pretends that he’s somewhere else.
Most of the time he pretends that the two of you just got married, and he’s playing out different scenarios of honeymoons in his head.
After a few more weeks or months go by, Luka will grow bored of keeping Kairos tied up in the attic. If he’s gonna keep a hostage, he might as well put them to good use. So what does he do with Kairos?
He uses him as human furniture. Forces him to also be a pet.
You’re horrified as you watch Kairos crawling around the house with a gag in his mouth and a leash attached to his throat. If Luka feels bold enough, he might even have the words “Luka’s Bitch” decorated on the collar. Oh– and it’s not just a regular collar, either. It’s a shock collar.
Any time Kairos acts out and disobeys Luka, he earns himself a shock so powerful that it causes him to seize and collapse onto the floor.
…This entire time, you thought it was just you in the house. You didn’t know there was another person. You’re not alone.
It makes your stomach churn.
And Luka encourages you to use Kairos as furniture as well. Use him as a footrest, use him as a table or a chair– do whatever.
Over time, deep down, incomprehensible and guilty thoughts begin to appear in Kairos’ mind. Things that made him once want to throw up now make him feel… Funny. He’s so happy that he gets to see your face again–!! He’s finally reunited with the love of his life, it’s just a shame it’s under such horrible circumstances.
Kairos doesn’t mind if you use him like furniture. It’s okay if you do it. But he loathes it when it’s Luka who’s using him.
The difference between you and Luka is like night and day. While Luka berates and degrades him, sometimes even depriving him of basic necessities, you always sneak around and give Kairos lots of love and extra food. 
Kairos always breaks down and cries in your arms when you show him kindness– he’s so very thankful for it. But be sure that Luka doesn’t catch you. If he sees you being sweet towards Kairos, he’ll harshly punish Kairos and then fuck you right in front of him. Every time.
Kairos always feels so pathetic as he's forced to watch you getting ravaged by Luka. The way you're moaning under his touch... The hot, sticky sound of Luka's cock sliding in and out of you... All of this happening while Kairos is tied down and unable to do a thing. He's so fucking hard, and there's nothing there to relieve him. Luka punishes Kairos if he dares to look away.
In order to gain more privileges, both you and Kairos need to work to gain Luka’s favor. If the both of you prove that you’re capable of being trusted, he might give you more freedom. He’ll let you look out the windows every now and then– might even let you use the kitchen. He's much more open to giving you privileges than he is to giving Kairos any.
Except, of course, he always hides all of the sharp objects in the house. He doesn’t want you two to have access to weapons. And if you try to poison him even once, he’ll immediately make the kitchen permanently off limits when he's not around to watch you.
Also, over time, another funny thing happens. Luka doesn’t really like punishing you outside of sex- he'd much rather shower you in rewards. He’d rather save the roughness and punishments for more intimate settings. After all, he’s trying to earn your love– not make you hate him. So, what does he do instead?
Every time you act up, he’ll drag Kairos by his leash and punish him in your stead. After all, he knows that you care about Kairos and his wellbeing, so he uses that against you.
Oh, you just tried to break out of the house? You tried to poison Luka? Well, that deserves a proper punishment. Luka will tie you to a chair and force you to watch as he brutalizes Kairos. Whips him with a belt, kicks him in the stomach, takes away his food privileges for the next 48 hours... It’s horrible.
And in a way… This would cause Kairos to start policing you, too. Which is exactly what Luka wants. Kairos really, really doesn’t want to get punished. I mean, deep down, he’s absolutely happy that he gets to take the beating instead of you– it’s like he’s your hero!! …In some weird and twisted sense. But also, he really doesn’t want to get punished, so… Please don’t act out.
However, when the months keep rolling in, Luka will slowly warm up to Kairos. All of the punishments will grow less severe– and sometimes, Luka just lets you all off with a warning. It’s obvious that a big change has happened when instead of Luka just fucking you in front of Kairos, he lets him join in on the fun.
Except Luka doesn’t really want to touch him– so, he’ll let you touch Kairos instead. It’s what Kairos always wanted– Right?
Kairos should thank him. 
Luka will tie his arms behind his back and keep him firmly locked to a chair, completely naked. Kairos feels so ashamed that he’s hard– but god, he can’t help it. He’s so excited to finally be able to touch you, his darling, the person that should’ve always been his–!
And Luka will make sure it’s enjoyable for everyone. Luka will strip you of your clothes, but he might put you in a cute pair of thigh highs, just for the fun of it. Luka will grab you by your hair and push your face into Kairos’ lap as he utters one phrase, “suck it.”
You’ll do as you’re told– you don’t have much of a choice. Kairos’ eyes instantly light up as you wrap your lips around his sensitive cock.
Finally– his dreams are coming true…! 
Sort of.
As you suck him off, Luka will lift your ass into the air and he’ll fuck your tight hole. He’ll keep his right hand on your hip while his left hand grabs the back of your head, lacing his fingers into your hair. He doesn’t care if you can barely breathe– he’ll shove your head all the way down on Kairos’ dick as he bottoms out inside of you. Occasionally, he’ll lift your head up and lean in to kiss you on the lips.
It’s all so hot– but ultimately, it’s all for you and himself. Luka will always make sure you cum, that’s his top priority. His second priority is to make sure he gets to fill you up. As for Kairos? Well… Luka doesn’t care all that much.
If Kairos doesn’t cum? That’s too bad. It’s Kairos’ own fault that he didn’t come undone. But if he does cum? That’s alright too. 
However, don’t expect Luka to make you stop sucking. Kairos will be squirming in his chair whining like crazy as you overstimulate him, his body trembling from the sensation, but you can’t stop until Luka says you can stop.
The second scenario is much more likely to happen than the first. The moment Kairos looks down and sees your fucked-out face choking on his length… He’ll cum right on the spot– every single time, without fail.
After the first instance of Luka letting Kairos join in the sex, he earns a lot more privileges. He can finally sleep in the same room as you two–!! But he’s not really allowed to rest on the bed. He’ll be forced to curl up and sleep on the floor– but hey, it beats the attic any day, right?
Luka also takes off Kairos' shock collar. Since Kairos has proved himself to be a good boy, he's now allowed to roam around freely. Hell, sometimes Luka will pet Kairos and give him some praise. It... Makes Kairos feel strange, but in a good way.
Kairos is also now allowed to cuddle you sometimes. When you’re simply sitting on the couch and trying to relax, Kairos will immediately hurry over to your side and rest his head in your lap– desperate to feel even an ounce of affection from you. He might ask you to stroke his hair and kiss the bruises Luka left on his skin.
* If Luka is at work and Kairos knows there’s no cameras around, he might beg to suck on your tits– you know, for comfort reasons! It would really make him happy to have them in his mouth– it would be therapeutic, even.
((And if you’re a guy, Kairos will instead beg to frot you. While it’s a lot more dangerous and the punishment for getting caught is heavy, Kairos is willing to risk it all. Don’t worry–! You can just sit there and relax; Kairos will be the one doing all the work with his hand.))
You know how stressful and traumatizing this whole situation has been for him… He needs to be comforted so badly… So.. Pretty please?
In some sick and twisted way, over time, Kairos grows to like the way things are– perhaps his mind does this as a way to cope. He tries his hardest to find all the positives in living this kind of life:
> He gets to spend every minute of every day with you!
> He doesn’t have to worry about talking to strangers.
> He doesn’t have to work and maintain a job.
> He doesn’t have to cook and clean for himself.
The list goes on. Kairos gains all of these benefits, and all he has to do is give up most of his basic human rights and submit to another man…!
Okay, Kairos still admits that is pretty bad. But… At least he has you…! That’s all Kairos really cares about in the end!
For Luka? He’s satisfied with the way things are. Not only does he not have to worry about Kairos ratting him out to the police, but now he has both the love of his life right by his side and a fun little pet to take his stress out on. 
So… Everyone… Wins? In the end? ❤️
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
do you have recommendations for introspective fiction? :) i've been craving for something for my brain to much on that will also cause me pain, but i honestly have no clue where to get that. any advice?
Hello! I had trouble finding ideas at first because all the introspective & thought-provoking books that came to mind were nonfiction (diaries, etc—especially when it comes to women writers) but here are 10 suggestions, with excerpts :) Note that I took your "cause me pain" request seriously; these are not exactly feel-good reads.
Steppenwolf, Herman Hesse Man is not capable of thought in any high degree, and even the most spiritual and highly cultivated of men habitually sees the world and himself through the lenses of delusive formulas and artless simplifications—and most of all himself. For it appears to be an inborn ... need of all men to regard the self as a unit. In reality, however, every ego ... is in the highest degree a manifold world, a constellated heaven, a chaos of forms, of states and stages, of inheritances and potentialities. It appears to be a necessity as imperative as ... breathing for everyone to be forced to regard this chaos as a unity and to speak of his ego as though it were a one-fold and clearly detached and fixed phenomenon. Even the best of us shares the delusion.
Notes From Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky Why, suffering is the sole origin of consciousness. Though I did lay it down at the beginning that consciousness is the greatest misfortune for man, yet I know man prizes it and would not give it up for any satisfaction. Consciousness, for instance, is infinitely superior to twice two makes four. Once you have mathematical certainty there is nothing left to do or to understand. There will be nothing left but to bottle up your five senses and plunge into contemplation.
The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa I asked for very little from life, and even this little was denied me. A nearby field, a ray of sunlight, a little bit of calm along with a bit of bread, not to feel oppressed by the knowledge that I exist, not to demand anything from others, and not to have others demand anything from me — this was denied me, like the spare change we might deny a beggar not because we're mean-hearted but because we don't feel like unbuttoning our coat.
Ishmael, Daniel Quinn All sorts of creatures on this planet appear to be on the verge of attaining self-awareness and intelligence. We were never meant to be the only players on that stage. [But] man is the first of all these. He is the trailblazer, the pathfinder. [….] Man’s place in the world is to be the first without being the last. Man’s place is to figure out how it’s possible to do that—and then to make room for all the rest who are capable of becoming what he’s become.
The Lady and the Little Fox Fur, Violette Leduc Her hope was stored in a safe place. On tiptoe, avidly, she gazed through the windows. ... She was filled with a fixed determination to pay the next month’s rent, to sally forth once more to the pawnbroker’s, to offer him the clothes off her back, to sell her teeth, ... but at all costs to go on living against the panes of strangers’ windows. She bumped into women hurriedly buying food for their dinners; she was breathing the oxygen meant for people who had spent their day working. To cry out that it was impossible for her to begin her life all over again would be useless.
The Last Summer of Reason, Tahar Djaout The city with the many forms of iridescence that once danced on the foam ... is now a field of merciless thorns. Love is a recumbent effigy, a dead tree. Song flees into exile. ... Books—the closeness of them, their contact, their smell, and their contents—constitute the safest refuge against this world of horror. They are the most pleasant and the most subtle means of traveling to a more compassionate planet.
The Royal Game, Stefan Zweig They did nothing—other than subjecting us to complete nothingness. For, as is well known, nothing on earth puts more pressure on the human mind than nothing. ... There was nothing here that could release me from my thoughts, from my obsession with them, from my pathological reiteration of them. And that was exactly what they intended: I was to choke and choke on my thoughts until they asphyxiated me.
Dawn, Elie Wiesel [Words] serve only to give meaning to our actions. And our actions, seen in their true and primitive light, have the odor and color of blood. This is war, we say; we must kill. ... And what else can we do? War has a code, and if you deny this you deny its whole purpose and hand the enemy victory on a silver platter. That we can’t afford. We need victory, victory in war, in order to survive, in order to remain afloat on the surface of time.
Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler All our principles were right, but our results were wrong. This is a diseased century. We diagnosed the disease and its causes with microscopic exactness, but wherever we applied the healing knife a new sore appeared. Our will was hard and pure, we should have been loved by the people. But they hate us. Why are we so odious and detested? ... Whenever had a good cause been worse represented? When and where in history had there ever been such defective saints?
All the Lovers in the Night, Mieko Kawakami The job that I was doing, the place where I was living, the fact that I was all alone and had no one to talk to. Could these have been the result of some decision that I’d made? I heard a crow crying somewhere in the distance and turned to the window. It occurred to me that maybe I was where I was today because I hadn’t chosen anything. I had faked it the whole way. ... I was so scared of failing, of being hurt, that I chose nothing. I did nothing.
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
chrollo & nobunaga reacting to the gf tax ( they want a gf so bad that comes at a cost of food being stolen of their plate)
i'm sorry this concept is fucking hilarious. 😭
Yan Chrollo + Yan Nobunaga / The Girlfriend Tax.
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Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, some infantilization from Nobunaga, and mentions of violence against the reader/other people.
Word Count: 1k.
“What is the matter, dearest?”
If you didn’t know him as well as you do now – which isn’t a lot, but it still counts for something; probably, someway, somehow – you’d think that Chrollo is attempting to be concerned about you. Attempting to be kind, attempting to be content, attempting to be something so human and real. But you unfortunately knew better now.
He wasn’t concerned; he was simply losing the patience you thought was as infinite as the number of stars in the night sky.
You don’t answer him until his grasp on your chin feels more like a pinch than a sweet caress. Despite him having short nails, you can swear that if you simply move away one more time his thumb will cut you and you will bleed. Perhaps he is more of an animal than something like you and thus perhaps he will lick your wounds clean.
Perhaps he will eat you if he smells your intoxicating scent.
“I have done as you requested, have I not?” He stares at you with such intensity, like he is one second away from biting your head off. “Why do you continue to resist?”
You’re not sure how to answer him, how to make up for the fact that you haven’t done anything affectionate towards him all evening. Kisses, nice words, sitting on his lap, helping him make the dinner that you requested; none of that.
None of what you promised, while Chrollo put his whole heart into the feast set in front of you two. He did his part. You haven’t done yours, and you flinch at potential consequences that are shown through your imagination.
You fucked up. Big time. To put it plain and simple.
“[First].” Chrollo never says your name unless you step way out of line – and even then, you’ve never heard his tone be more irritated than now. At least he isn’t fully angry, and at least he isn't going to threaten you with violence – that role was always reserved for how he treats your loved ones and how his friends treat your loved ones. “You know I never make deals that don’t benefit me, correct?”
Something slips from your mouth before your brain can stop it – it’s a survival instinct maybe, somehow. 
“I’m scared.”
Chrollo’s gaze seems to soften at that; this isn’t the first time that you had voiced such concerns when you are forced into doing ‘couple activities’ with your captor, and this isn’t the first time Chrollo stops what he is doing to assess the situation at hand. But still, this all feels so unfamiliar to you, like a show put on pause because you weren’t a good enough actor for the director and the audience.
His hand moves from your shoulder and there it stays. It’s so cold, but the hot food warms you up. At least you think.
“We can still take it slow. We are still in our… beginning stage, after all.” 
He presses a kiss to your forehead, and suddenly all the fear comes back. 
But that wasn’t the intention, was it?
“You aren’t understanding me.”
You put your bare feet onto the front of the chair’s cushion and scoot yourself back until your spine is pressed against the wooden frame. You tuck your knees underneath your chin and bend forward hugging the lower part of your legs.
In front of you was the same type you were always given, but even more of it – brown sludge with something on the side so disgustingly green it couldn’t possibly be a plant and halfway-cooked grains of rice. You asked for takeout instead of Nobunaga’s cooking. Well. You requested it nicer than that. You said that bonding during mealtimes was the easiest way to progress a relationship. You gave some meal ideas; pizza, ramen, stir fry; anything but the alien food he gives you daily.
Nobunaga still has some of the rice in his mouth, chomping away without a care in the world. The sounds are so loud, so painful, that you are tempted to ask him how he could just eat raw rice.
“Yes, I do,” His words are muffled, gnat-sized pieces of broccoli coming out of his mouth as he talks. 
“Why can’t you get something else?” You whine – it’s a desperate sound that comes out of your mouth more regularly now, not that you know why. “To… change the pace a bit.”
You added the last part not to sound rude – you’ll get sent to the bedroom right away for a ‘time out’ if you sound too aggressive again.
“There is a change to it, sweetie.” Nobunaga shakes his head, a tsk leaving his lips. “I added some spinach to the rice. Can’t you see it?”
You must remember that with Nobunaga, you must pick and choose your battles; whether that be not protesting to wearing a skirt that seems a few tads too short or refusing his kisses and touches that felt so cold and slimy somehow despite you knowing that he is human and he is made of the same things you are made of.
Somehow he is human, but he is stronger than you ever will be.
The way he broke your heels months ago, the way he punched and kicked his way through a building to get to you during an escape attempt, the way he restrains you to the bed when you are being too rowdy even for his tastes… They are all proof of that.
So… So… So…
So… So…
So… you slurp up the somehow simultaneously wet and raw rice into your mouth and close your eyes, wishing to be anywhere but here.
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percheduphere · 11 months
The entire series is a love story in every sense of the word. It is a love story, and it is both triumphant and tragic.
The finale was gorgeously executed. It answers every point in Loki's development poetically.
1. He never wanted the throne. It was not about power but loneliness and the need to belong.
2. To have purpose is to choose your burden.
3. Love does not make one soft, it transforms us to be unimaginably strong.
S1 focused primarily on 2 things: 1. a second chance, and 2. Self-love.
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The 3 main characters have a relationship in which love cascades. While Mobius loves Loki for who he is outright, his friendship and support allows Loki to have compassion for himself. Sylvie represents all of Loki's trauma and flaws. In loving her, Loki grants her a second chance expecting nothing in return. The second chance Mobius extended to Loki, thus extends to her.
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S2 focused primarily on the love between friends, which I do believe turned into unrequited love for Mobius in S1E4 (manifesting as rage and jealousy).
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That love turns resigned, and the jealousy reemerges in S2E2 albeit in a constrained, milder form.
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Unbeknownst to Mobius, his romantic love is finally returned in S2E5, after Loki experiences enough platonic love for Mobius that the nature of affection shifts upon losing Mobius a second time.
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The timing of this realization is profoundly tragic. When they are finally on the same page, the finale sets the stage for Loki to engage with the fourth, most powerful form of love:
A selfless love for everyone. Loki could not have reached this point without first experiencing self-love, platonic love, and yes, romantic love. All forms of love are demonstrated in the series, which gives Loki the strength of sacrifice, confronting his worst fear: being alone.
I find it deeply poignant that Loki uses his magical life force to create Yggdrasil, the tree of life, replacing the cold force of HWR's technology with his own heart, allowing everything and everyone to grow infinitely through space and time. There cannot be a more powerful ending for Loki's character, and the tragedy is the point.
But Loki embraces this burden willingly, lovingly, for all of them, most especially Mobius.
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It is only Mobius that senses something is deeply wrong. The first time, he asks, "Are you okay?" The second time, he notes Loki's odd comment, "This time?" The third time, (first for Mobius since he didn't remember each reset) instinctively, he becomes desperate. He grabs Loki by the lapels, "What the shit are you doing?" He tries to stop Loki, but Loki won't let him.
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The fourth time, he simply says, "Loki?"
Throughout S2, it is Mobius that Loki turns to when he is afraid, doesn't know what to do, or seeks comfort. He returns what Mobius provides him in S2E2 in the pie automat. In S2E4, he defends Mobius's character to Sylvie and compares where he is now, as a person, with Thor's experience with Jane, a mere Midgardian mortal.
In S2E5, it is Mobius Loki timeslips to the most and the first person his heart seeks out once OB provides him with an answer to his fiction problem.
That Loki seeks Mobius's wisdom one last time and holds onto Mobius's hand as long as he can in the finale is significant. Mobius's words about choosing your burden are devastatingly true. These words propel Loki to make his choice.
And Loki walking out onto the platform in the finale is a direct reciprocation of this (S2E1):
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This is an all-encompassing love story. Let noone tell you otherwise.
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moonsaver · 6 months
A dance, A death, A dream,
for humanity slumbers for the final rest, and dreams after the final rest.
➸ On the neverending stage of Penacony; there lies a mysterious masquerade that serenades those whose dreams stretch further than the expanse of the night sky. In this masquerade, the marble floor extends infinitely, and the windows are dimly lit by the full moon. Several hands extend to you. Whose do you take?
➸A/n; NOT IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER AS TITLE SUGGESTS. my writing's gotten a bit rusty, and this is majorly inspired by the Acheron and Black swan dance. Please read it with a grain of salt. 2.2k words. Yandere themes, gn reader but they're implied to wear heels, so just yassify your self insert. Bad writing because I've been out of it for so long.
A death
Scars, calluses, and a plethora of secrets remain buried on and under the skin of Blade's hand. He gently and firmly guides you out of your seat, and into the centre. The grip of his hand is firm on your waist, and the warmth seeps into your skin.
“I've seen you, many, many times..”
He whispers into your ear, as the music begins. The rasp of it sends chills down your spine, forming a few goosebumps along the way.
“We've scarcely met.” You reply,
“In my dreams.”
You stay silent. He continues,
“The long thread of destiny lingered around you. Our souls were tied.”
He turns you, and pulls you in again, your back pressed to his front. He leans down in an instant and whispers into your ear again,
“You waited for me.”
The clicks of your heels coincide with his agile footwork.
Blade remembers the same dream, played over and over in his mind. The bite on your jugular, the hand over your nape, the red blood staining his teeth like wine.
“You didn't leave.”
Your heart picks up. You close your eyes for a momentary relief that never comes. You feel your body tense, and your lungs slightly constrict.
“I.. didn't mean to.”
His grip only further tightens on you, and he pulls you in closer. The spinning almost leaves you dizzy, or perhaps it's something else?
“You left. Intentions seldom matter.”
“I know. I'm sorry.”
He stays quiet. His hands make gentle work, and gracefully guide you through the steps.
“those threads.. all came together and formed a tapestry of us.”
There were a multitude of them, although more monotone in nature. White occasionally graced the vibrant red thread, but was sooner stained with a murky black the further it went, infecting the red with its impurity. The vibrancy dimmed to a dull, dreary maroon.
“Some of them..”, he continues, his rough fingers snake around your wrist, bringing it up to his lips, where he tenderly kisses the inside, “..were tied around your wrist.”
“Around your waist..”
You turn again, your back presses into his chest momentarily,
“Braided into your hair,”
He pulls you in, leaning close into your face, to the point your noses almost touch,
“..wrapped around your throat.”
To you – it's like the dance halts for a moment. Something wrong happens.
His tone is warning, bubbling over the edge,
“You were mine.”
He turns you again, and roughly pulls you in, knocking your breath out of your lungs. Your shocked eyes meet his.
“You are mine.”
Your heartbeat thumps loudly in your ears. Blade pushes you around, almost mocking the gentleness and grace the dance is supposed to exude, stripping it of it's vulnerability like the harsh snap of a bear trap over the tender leg of a rabbit,
“I've pined, longed and stained you. I've ripped you apart and put you back together. Do you think it matters whether you left intentionally?”
Your lungs struggle to fill completely, you almost stumble from the harsh and swift movements Blade forces you through, and you stutter trying to get any word out, 
“Yingxi–! Wait!”
He pulls you in one last time, your face buried into his chest,
“You can not leave. Not anymore.”
The music halts to a break.
The dance stops.
His breath fans over your neck, the constricted space between you two rebounding the warm air. His teeth graze your jugular.
“Our flesh is tied. Struggle all you want, but we are intertwined further than dried blood over a wound.”
And this is how it is meant to be. Your hand on his weakness. His mouth on your heart.
The music starts again.
A dream
Sunday's familiar gloved hand wastes no time wrapping around yours. He flashes you a smile as you give him a look.
“There are far too many spectators present tonight.”
You sigh, and smile.
“Of course. I'll do my best.”
“Thank you. As will I.”
His hand settles on your back, settling into the slight curve, and you straighten up, muscle memory kicking into action.
“Tonight's crowd mumbles and scatters to mystery as a moth akin to a flame. Dreams are not enough to quench their curiosity.”
The dance starts, and you relax after the first few steps, synchronising effortlessly with him,
“However, tonight's realm extends far beyond a dream.”
This was new.
Sunday always answered your questions about Dreams in a shapeless, vague manner. He often said it was to protect you.
This time, it was a warning.
“How so?” You ask. You don't expect him to go beyond surface level.
“Prime System Hours are during Midnight. A beautiful time.” He gently turns you, and brings you in,
“And why is that?”
“At this time, dreams become heavy. The memoria is dense enough to tear the thin membrane between reality and illusions.”
His wings slightly flutter. You feel almost hypnotized.
“The Dream realm and parts of The Reverie merge and collide. It bizarrely stabilises the lavish, shared dreams.”
You blink at him, slightly confused.
“And at this time, it is also easy to awaken from one's dreams, or sleep too deeply.”
You suck in a breath. A vision flashes into your mind.
Sunday stands across the empty ballroom. The candles are blown out. The windows creak with the gentle air of the night. The deathly pale light of the moon illuminates the side of Sunday's face.
Wake up? Sleep? Dream?
You breathe out, almost as if your soul had been snatched out of your body and harshly shoved back in. 
“Guests confuse their dreams and reality. They believe it's time to awaken, when reality seems pleasant, and dreams become bitter. Memories and presence blur together in an incoherent puzzle.”
He swerves you effortlessly, muscle memory keeping you from stumbling. But this time, your mind feels hazy.
“By the time they feel their consciousness return, they've already deeply penetrated into the dream realm.”
You blink again, and you're back at the same place. Except, this time, Sunday is closer. He takes your hand, and pulls you in. The emptiness of the ballroom is almost frightening, especially due to your confused and hazed state,
“As to whether they've woken up or not, relies solely on their ability to distinguish Reverie and the Dreamscape, which blurs more with the effect of the memoria.”
His voice echoes in your head with clarity, but your eyes blur the two figures, the contrast inducing dizziness in you to the point where you're afraid you might even fall,
“As for you..” He continues, golden eyes gently grazing over your confused and hazy expression, a smile stretching out onto his eerily perfect face,
“It's not time to decipher that yet.”
The silhouette of Sunday's fingers snap over the pale backdrop of the moon.
You open your eyes.
Sunday is standing before you with a warm smile. The candelabras are still burning. The crowd applauds you two. You breathe heavily, unsure of what has happened, your body suddenly zapped of energy, exhaustion straining your muscles.
“You seem to have overexerted yourself.”
Sunday's gloved hand trails up your back to your shoulder, guiding you gently back into the crowd, towards an empty table.
“Come now. The dust of this ballroom may be dulling your senses.”
You blink for a moment, head slightly hanging as you collect yourself.
Sunday breathes out an ‘o’, and then chuckles softly.
“Do not mind it, dear”,
Sunday eyes the creaking windows. It has been a while since they were repaired. The room may need to be renovated. The dust on the floor is reminiscent of all the people that one witnessed your first dance with Sunday. The lack of it was always a reminder of your time with Sunday, the dust clinging to your heels instead. He stares towards the empty hall, where you dream of an everlasting dance.
“It is my mistake. I was thinking about something else.”
A dance
“What makes you think I'd really want to dance with you?”
You ask, almost disgruntled. Rightfully so, too. The blonde man had been continuously pestering you throughout the night, asking you to accompany him. For a dance, a walk through the garden, a visit to the food table. Finally, he'd asked you to strike a bet with him, if it meant you'd at least spend an iota of your time with him and solely him.
“I have my ways, you know?”
His agile fingers flick and swerve a coin between his hands, tossing and turning it skillfully. The tablecloth slightly crinkles under the movement of his arms,
“I'm not betting, by the way.”
You say, pausing for a moment to confirm if he's listening. His eyes are intent on yours. You continue,
“If you have to go so far just to dance with someone, aren't you better off just giving up?”
Your gaze lands on the coin for a moment, and you continue watching it with interest. At some point, you force yourself to look away from the coin he was toying with, and take a sip of your drink. You lean back into your chair.
“Like I said, I have my ways. What I really want from you after all this time.. isn't it tempting? Don't you want to know?”
He tosses the coin into the palm of his other hand, and encloses it, before opening it. The coin vanishes when he opens his hand. Mirroring you, he leans back into his seat, although his body language is much more open than yours.
“making bets is easy, isn't it? But it's more trustworthy than pulling a few strings behind your back, right?”
He gets up, and languidly walks over to you. He leans down slightly, his sunglasses slightly skewing enough so that his vibrant Signoian eyes bore deep into yours.
“And for you.. I've thought about an offer that's taken me a while to cultivate. Join me for a chat on the Balcony?”
You think for a moment, and hesitantly ask,
“..Why not talk here?”
Aventurine only casts a side-glance somewhere in the distance.
“Prying eyes, sweetheart.”
He extends an open hand to you. You slowly place yours in it, with a self-assuring sigh.
“Penacony's relationship with the IPC has been quite bitter. Even our reception wasn't ready to welcome us.”
The air of the night sky was cold, forming subtle goosebumps on your skin. Various clinks and muffled conversations could be heard from behind you, the glass door blurring the view of everyone inside. 
“Not even my friends were allowed to enter the dreamscape except me. How lucky, right?”
He says, sarcastically. His eyes continuously gauge your face for any expression and hint as to what you feel.
“You’re a little too quiet.. am I not interesting enough for you?” 
You stay silent for a bit too long. Aventurine knows what you're going to say next.
“Listen, that night..” you start, your voice gradually softening at the remembrance of the memory,
“Don't.” He cuts you off.
Neither of you speak. You open your mouth to, but close it after being unable to decide on what to say.
“I mean, you don't have to remind me.” His languid tone returns, but you don't believe it was the same as before.
“I know everything ended that night.. I didn't think you were so averse to blood.”
You stare at the bubbles in your drink, rise slowly from the bottom of your cup to the surface, and pop. You don't know when, but the background of joyful conversation and ballroom music fades into distant screams, ones that have haunted your dreams ever since then. Aventurine continues,
“It won't hurt to.. act one last time like it used to be, right? Just for one night. It's a masquerade, and everyone hides who they are for a moment's time of detachment. Their past, their decisions, their mistakes. All of it is buried for a single night.”
You hear the shuffle of his stiff jacket as he moves closer to you, hesitantly moving your gaze to him as you steel yourself.
“Just one last time. For old time's sake. As lovers from the past.”
His hand extends out to you. His other hand is behind his back, his grip tightening over a coin.
Heads, or tails?
You take his hand with a sigh,
“Just once. Never again.”
Aventurine smiles. Luck has always been on his side. If it works well, then your expectations will never be honoured. His greed is fatally more important to him than your wishes. It won't be the last time, as far as he's concerned.
The coin shines under his palm, the moonlight creeping through the gaps between his fingers hitting the metal just right, but neither of you catch the glint. Your eyes are trained onto the main floor, and his are trained onto you. The coin decides both of your fates.
And Luck has always been happy to write it in his favour.
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Monarch pilots knew missiles well. The small, the medium, the large; the heat-seeking, the antiradiation, the radar locking; the agile, the powerful, the arcing.
Monarch pilots knew missiles very well. It was their domain.
Not all kings could control their subjects.
Dawn Always Comes went into a steep dive; Lux strained against a force several times stronger than gravity and felt her mech strain with her. Her knuckles were white around the controls as her thumb pressed down the button for the first stage countermeasures.
Twenty thousand metres, falling at 600 metres per second and increasing. Slivers of metal exploded from small boxes in her mech, obscuring her back in a haze of metallic film.
Respite. She kept diving, just in case—
—that happened. 670 metres per second and increasing. Eighteen thousand metres above sea level.
1000 metres and closing. Lux knew that instinctively.
Dawn Always Comes screamed warnings at Lux as she kept diving, jinking left and right all the while in an effort to find some sort of space or measure of safety. 730 metres per second and falling. Sixteen thousand metres above sea level. The air was growing thicker as she shot downwards, meaning the missiles following her would need to expend more fuel to keep up and retarget. Her fuel, on the other hand, was functionally infinite.
Fifteen thousand metres. Her pursuer had fired more ordnance. The lock-on warning tone howled in Lux's ear as she did her best to evade while her subjectivity suite screamed warnings directly into her mind. Her thumb pressed down the button for her countermeasures again.
As slivers of metal and thousand-degree magnesium flares shot away from her back, she felt a momentary searing heat, then a wash of fire as a missile detonated too close. Instinctively she flinched away, only to feel another missile detonate too close again, sending small electric shocks rippling across her frame.
The feeling jolted her brain, made something stand out over the haze of warnings. Gandiva. She was being shot at with Gandiva missiles.
Reality smashed back into her with the warning tone of ten thousand metres. 810 metres per second and falling. No time to think about how the hell her opponent, a small-time pirate lord Union wanted dethroned, had gotten their hands on mainstay BELLA CIAO weaponry. Only time to react.
Nine thousand metres. She kept moving, dodging back and forth, trying to evade whatever she could.
In her mind she weighed a choice. It was clear she couldn't outrun the missiles, even as she closed in on Mach 3, and the countermeasures hadn't worked the second time. Her Javelin rockets and Avenger mini-missiles could function as an ad-hoc point defense, but to fire them she would need to turn around, bleeding away speed—and while yes, speed wasn't going to win this fight, it did give her time and time gave her options, which was something she was sorely lacking.
Eight thousand metres. 920 metres per second.
Seven thousand metres. 930 metres per second. As seconds passed by so did distance. Distance gave time. Time gave options. She was running out of all three.
Six thousand metres. 940 metres per second. Her thumb hovered over the countermeasures. She could feel herself pushing past the redline; the subjectivity suite that linked her neurons to her mech made it feel like her heart was straining to keep up.
Five thousand metres. 950 metres per second.
Four thousand metres. 950 metres per second.
Three thousand metres. 950 metres per second. Lux braced for the force of gravity on her to multiply even further.
Two thousand metres. 950 metres per second. This was insanity under the best of circumstances—suicide under the worst. Bleeding off nearly a thousand metres per second of speed in less than a second was near impossible.
Lux strained as hard as she could to level out before throwing herself around and firing every micromissile she had at the incoming ordnance. Her body felt like it was being crushed into paste as her momentum fought against the thrusters on her back and lost—900 metres per second, 700 metres per second, 500 metres per second, 400 metres per second, 100 metres per second. It made her ill. Her bones howled, her organs screamed, even with the interia cushioning provided by the Monarch—had she not had that cushion she would have been emulsified. Her micromissiles blazed away, seeking out the incoming missiles and detonating them prematurely a mere 100 metres away. Slivers of metal and white-hot flares shot out from her metal back, [RADAR LOCK BROKEN] finally freeing her from the enemy targeting lock, and [SCAN COMPLETE] her IFF system tagged the enemy mech as a Monarch named Dark Sky Stalker as it silhouetted itself against the setting moon.
Dark Sky Stalker, the personal mech of the pirate lord Lux was hunting.
She pressed the trigger, bore witness to a hundred shooting stars, and then the light of dawn.
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo: A Beginner's Guide
For all of you newcomers out there, here's a list that I've wanted to do for a while now. For those who are new to Halo, likely introduced by the TV Show, and want to get into it, here's my 2 cents on how to ease into the franchise.
The Games
Play the original four games PLUS Halo Infinite in chronological order. The spin-off games (Reach, ODST, the Wars games and the Spartan games) are all completely optional, but they are there for people who want play other games that aren't centered around the Master Chief. I recommend just watching all of the cutscenes of Halo 5: Guardians in some supercut "movie" Youtube video, since the 5th game is... bad and, story wise, you're not missing much.
So in this order WITHOUT the spin-offs:
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Halo Infinite
If you want to play the games WITH the spin-offs included, then in this order:
Halo Wars
Halo Reach
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 3
Halo: Spartan Assault
Halo: Spartan Strike (Note: This game takes place in two different time-periods, so just play this after Spartan Assault for convenience sake)
Halo 4
Halo Wars 2
Halo Infinite
My advice: Play the main four (+ Infinite) FIRST, then replay the main-games WITH the spin-offs in chronological-order.
Books & Comics
Here comes my favorite part!
Halo: The Fall Of Reach, Halo: First Strike & Halo: Contact Harvest - The FIRST books in the entire franchise, these books set the stage for the entire setting of the Halo world. The first half of The Fall Of Reach is Master Chief's origin story, while the second half is about, well, "the fall of Reach." First Strike is a book that takes place in-between the first and second game AND, for a high-octane action-book, has a shocking amount of shipping material. And finally, Contact Harvest details the early years of the Human-Covenant War AND further fleshes out the Covenant as an antagonistic force by showing their side of things.
Halo: Silent Storm & Halo: Oblivion - For those who want MOAR Master Chief, these two books focus on a younger Chief fighting the Covenant in the earlier uears of the war. These two are probably my favorite Halo books thus far.
Halo: Ghosts Of Onyx & The Kilo-5 Trilogy - It's crucial to read Ghosts Of Onyx first BEFORE delving into Glasslands, the first book in The K5-Trilogy, since Glasslands takes place IMMEDIATELY after Ghosts Of Onyx. Anyways, these stories are for those who are bored of Master Chief and want to read about other, admittedly more fascinating Spartans. Kurt and Naomi are definitely among my favorite Spartans that aren't named "Master Chief," "Blue-Team" and "Silver-Team."
Halo Evolutions - An anthology book with each story taking place in some corner of the Halo universe or another, this is a book I recommend for world-building purposes.
Halo: The Graphic Novel - Just like Evolutions, Halo: The Graphic Novel is an anthology series thay tells different stories from different corners of the Halo universe for world-building purposes. These stories are all new stories and are NOT comic-adaptations of any of the stories in Evolutions, so don't worry about basically reading the same stories twice; The Graphic Novel has a similar concept, but all of the stories are different.
Halo: Blood Line - Black-Team is the coolest group of Spartans in the entire Spartan-II Program; they're group of misfit loners (who secretly have feelings for each other) who answer ONLY to ONI (the CIA of the Halo universe) and wear black suits of armor with roman-numerals etched onto their visors. They do cool-guy shit together, and this comic follows their story.
Other Material
I Love Bees - Taking place in various different points in time, I Love Bees was an ARG that was turned into an audio-play long after it was deciphered. I won't spoil anything that happens, but I will say this: Shit gets kinda crazy.
Hunt The Truth - Another ARG. This fictional podcast was made to promote Halo 5: Guardians and... it's the best damn part to come out of that stinker of a game; Hunt The Truth's narrative is SO much more interesting than Halo 5's story, it HURTS. Anyways, it's about a reporter uncovering the truth of the Spartan-II Program as ONI starts a smear campaign against the Master Chief to cover their own asses.
Movies & Shows
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - This web-film was promotional material for Halo 4 (as it's title suggests), and it follows a group teenaged military-school students going about their lives as Lasky, a confused cadet who is struggling to find a direction in life and live up to his family's reputation, grapples with the struggles of military-life in his academy.
Halo: The Series - If, by some off-chance, you WEREN'T introduced to Halo via the show, here's the recommendation. Form your own opinion, but here's my advice: Like what you want to like and don't follow the word of mouth.
Halo Legends - An anime anthology that, just like Evolutions and The Graphic Novel, world-builds the mythology of Halo by telling different, disconnected but ultimately in-continuity stories set within the game's universe. Odd One Out, Homecoming and The Package are my favorite shorts in the film.
Red Vs Blue - What else? Seasons 1 - 14 are my recommendations, don't watch anything else beyond that because it SERIOUSLY drops in quality. Just wait for it's final season, Season 20, to come out; you're not missing much with seasons 15 - 19.
The Spartan Legacy - A seriously underrated series. Made by a Youtuber under the name: 'Chronicler177,' The Spartan Legacy takes place in an alternate-continuity where Chief disappears and never comes back after the events of Halo 3. As a result, the Spartan-IVs and Vs (both of which are more interesting than in-canon; and the Spartan-Vs are a new creation within this web-show itself) are created to take his place.
WHEW! That's all, ladies and gents.
@authortobenamedlater, @silverpelt3600, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @biomecharnotaurus, @killer-orca-cosplay, @cheezbot, @caffeineyum, @asimplesimpsimping.
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gyuswhore · 5 months
Tugs and Strands
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anniversary event [closed]
boo seungkwan x reader
prompt(s): absentmindedly playing with their hair at all times
word count: >1k
[a/n]: wrote this so fast i loved this prompt with kwan so much 🥹
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The first time Seungkwan hugged you, he buried his fingers in your hair. 
A couple months of fist bumps as greetings and linked arms under the pretense of a budding friendship, he hadn’t actually hugged you until after you practically trauma dumped on some park bench outside a convenience store. It was 3 AM, no one to witness your exchange aside from the teenager at the till with his headphones in, playing some shooting game that required aggressive taps and shakes of his phone screen. 
It was comforting, the usually scary empty alleyways and the faint smell of city smog all becoming part of the moment. 
Tear-stained cheeks, yet a light heart, you rest your cheek against his shoulder in an attempt to physically relax, registering the hand on your back that holds you tight, and the other that’s wound itself in your hair, pulling your head closer to him. 
You had thought it was simply a ‘hugging habit’ of his, having seen him guide the heads of your other friends who would hug him on whatever occasion. The particular preferences don’t truly set in until after you start dating. 
Innocent enough movie night, popcorn and chips ‘n dip long consumed and digested, all that’s left is Kwan’s flat coke that sits dejected on the coffee table. 
Hair falling free, head on your boyfriend’s shoulders, attention (mostly) on the screen in front of you. It isn’t until you’re nearing the climax that you fully realize that there’s something very gently shifting your hair. 
To your right, Seungkwan’s fingers have gotten hold of a small chunk of your hair, twirling the strands between his digits, curling them around his finger, and then letting them fall. He picks them back up to go back to playing with them like an infinitely more relaxing fidget toy. 
A quick glance at him and you realize he’s doing it subconsciously, his full attention on the scene that unfolds on the screen, eyes glazed yet concentrated. He feels your poignant stare and head shifting on his shoulder, turning to inquire. 
“What?” he asks. 
You shake your head, smiling a little as you rest your head back where it belongs, eyes training back to the film. 
“Do you want me to change the movie?” he asks. 
“Eyes on the screen, mister,” you huff humorously, taking a hand to his head to force it back forward. 
You notice him doing it more frequently after that, reaching a stage of attention where you feel weirdly empty without feeling in the roots of your hair. Perhaps it was strange, but it had become a crutch of sorts, a more physical stimulant for instant calm. 
The pinnacle, however, was when his hands would find your hair as you’d fall asleep, the familiar fingers playing with your strands having you snoring before you could even register falling asleep. 
It’s been a long day, your spine screaming for some scalding hot water and the plush of your comforter. It’s earlier in the night when you retire, planting a kiss on Seungkwan’s awaiting lips as you bid him an earlier than usual goodnight. He promises to join in a couple hours. 
“Do you want me to tuck you in?” he mumbles against your lips. 
“Mm mm,” you hum against his own. “I’m a big girl.”
You both have smiles on your faces as you part. 
The next thing you register as you open your heavy, bleary eyes is the familiar massage of fingers against your scalp and hair and a quiet hum of conversation beside you. 
When you come to, you realize it can’t be too much later as Seungkwan is on the phone with someone, ready for bed, back against the headboard. His fingers have found your head beside him, casting his usual comforting movements. 
“Yeah I saw the pictures, Bookkeu’s getting old, his fur looks wild.” He’s snickering, insults laced with affection for his dog that stays with his parents. He continues to very gently pat your resting hair. 
“Bad groomer? Are you sure your daughter hasn’t been slacking?” 
He speaks to his mother in a low voice, nothing that’s ever woken you before, but you don’t mind that you get to register the low buzz of his conversation paired with the free massage. Helps that he smells like heaven, picking up on his post shower dampness as you nuzzle your face into his waist, registering the oh so familiar scent of his stupidly overpriced body wash. 
He’s off the phone now, leaning in closer to whisper to you, “Hi baby, did I wake you?” 
You grunt out an incomprehensible noise that’s neither here nor there, too drunk on his scent and the way he’s petting you like a dog. You’re enjoying it too much, but so is he. 
Seungkwan only exhales in a laugh, clattering around his bedside table. You don’t try to decide what he’s doing, because you’re half gone already, waiting for the final push into dreamland. 
When you wake up, the room is a little brighter from the light that seeps in, Seungkwan’s arms rest beneath your head as a better pillow, and the hand that’s attached rests tangled in your hair. 
Right where it’s decided it belongs. 
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