#stage 4 bowel cancer
kaizenhospitals · 1 year
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What is Colorectal Cancer?
Colorectal cancer is a neoplastic disease of the large intestine from Ileo-cecal junction till the rectum. Unregulated growth of their cell lining lead to polyps and cancers.
The exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, but several factors can increase risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Age: Elderly people are at risk of colorectal cancer. It is most common in people over 50 years of age.
Family history: People with history of colorectal cancer in family (first degree relatives) are at increased risk. 
Genetic factors: They are associated with some hereditary syndromes like lynch syndrome, familial Adenomatous polyposis, etc.
Lifestyle factors: A diet rich in red and processed meats and low in fibres or lacking fruits and vegetables can increase risk of colon cancer. Obesity, reduced physical activity, alcohol consumption or smoking also increase risk of colorectal cancer.
Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) can increase the risk of colorectal cancer.
It is important to note that having one or more risk factors does not mean that a person will develop cancer. Regular screening tests such as stool occult blood and colonoscopy, can help to detect as well as prevent it at the early stage. 
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itsgood4you · 1 year
I hope tonight is your last night suffering. I can’t stand to hear you struggling to breath. I can’t stand to watch your once vibrant color fade to grey. I can’t stand grabbing for your warm loving hands…but catching cold frail lifeless ones. I can’t stand the thought of losing the most important person in my life.
This makes every heartbreak feel like a splinter in my finger. This makes all betrayal feel like a joke I just didn’t understand. This makes all the horrible things happening all around the world feel like simply an annoyance in comparison to this.
I hate all moments in the past when I was angry with you. I hate the cruel words I spewed your way. All you ever did was love me unconditionally… why did I feel the need to test that so often?
I’m sorry Mommy, for not always being easy to love. And thank you Mommy for always choosing to love me through it.
Without your love, I would have never learned how to truly love myself.
I love you Mom. I will miss you everyday until the end of time. You are the best.
Please rest easy, and please don’t be afraid to let go of that painfully sick body holding you back. You were meant for more.
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bodybybane · 2 years
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urie · 2 years
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my sister would have wanted me to politicize her death so that is exactly what i will do here.
on december 28th, my sister went to the hospital due to severe abdominal pain that she attributed to a UTI. they did a CT scan and found a 14cm tumor. they diagnosed her with stage 4 ovarian cancer and told her to start seeing specialists. for reasons unbeknownst to me, they didn't do a biopsy, or even attempt to schedule one for her, and she went home.
she spent the next 5 weeks being turned in circles by various specialists. the first oncologist told her that she would be fine, that she was young (only 42) and otherwise healthy, and she "wasn't going anywhere anytime soon." however, she could not afford the biopsy that was needed at the time, because she didn't have insurance. the out of pocket cost was too high, and there wasn't an option to be billed later.
these oncologists told her that her best bet was to quit her job and apply for medicaid in order to receive care, but my sister was a normal everyday person living paycheck to paycheck, and that was an impossible request. even if she did quit her job, she would still need to wait to be approved by medicaid.
she called my father on friday, in tears because she was just told by the hospital that she needed to come up with $800 upfront for a PET scan, a 20% downpayment. he had to scrounge up the money to pay for the scan himself.
on monday morning, she woke up with abdominal pain, vomiting, and loss of bowel control. she decided to stay home from work, something she never did, and her roommate offered to stay home with her in order to look after her.
her response: "no, we can't afford for both of us to miss work. i'll just take a shower and go back to sleep."
he came home and she was dead. 5 weeks after diagnosis. she was told she had years but she had a matter of days.
this was her final post on facebook, 2 days before she died. this is literally just the reality of how healthcare works in this country. and she'd want people to know that.
she was a good person doing what was expected of her, she was proactive and aggressive trying to get care, and this is what happened to her. no one gave her care, or tried to help her understand her diagnosis. they just would pat her on the back and say she was going to be fine, without knowing anything, and while refusing to find out.
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skippyv20 · 9 months
Our Prayer List 2023🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I will keep posting this until our 2024 Prayer List grows.   Prayers and good thoughts for Christians in Nigeria.  Praying for them to be kept safe and out of harm’s way.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s cousin who had a bad fall, is in hospital.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family.  They have lost many family members to cancer, and are all being tested.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is having a mastectomy, and reconstructive surgery on December 15th.  Praying that the surgery goes smoothly.  Praying that she has no issues being off work as she recovers.  Also our friend is very worried about her pup being upset seeing her mother recovering.  Also, we pray for our friend’s mother to feel comfort and no stress as she worries about our friend.
Prayers for our friend’s mother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in terrible pain due to sinus problems.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is hoping she will be offered employment that will help her so much financially. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is desperately seeking employment.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is in the hospital after suffering a stroke affecting her right side.🙏🏻❤️
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who was in hospital and is now recovering.  Pls keep our friend in your prayers as well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose BIL has been diagnosed with cancer and is going or more tests.  Prayers for her sister as well as she faces this trial with her husband.
Prayers and good thoughts for Matthew to let God guide him through his life.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who has run away from foster care.  Her mother is sick with worry.  We pray for Kylee to return home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Paul, who has received bad news regarding his health.  He has lots of love and support, however, prayers will really help him.
Prayers and good thoughts for the family whose mother has passed away from cancer.  Prayers for their father who is now in hospice with cancer, and will pass in the next couple of days.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs funding for dentures.  She is feeling very overwhelmed as she struggles financially.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who not only is mourning the loss of her husband Jim, but now faced with the possibility of losing her home they shared.  It seems his daughter is to receive the home, and our friend has been blindsided.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s daughter and SIL.  They have lost their way. Prayers for our friend for strength during these trials.
Prayers and good thought for our friend whose husband is suffering from mental illness.  Also, for his mother as she struggles to accept his illness.  We pray for our friend who wants to save her marriage.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother Adam.  He has stage 4 cancer and limited time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from anxiety.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has arthritis in her ankles and feet.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Ann.  She had bowel cancer, they missed her 5 year checkup and when she went for another minor operation her scan showed the bowel cancer has now spread to her liver so she is classed now as Stage 4 (terminal) cancer.  Prayers also for her dear grandson and his mother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter, who has many health issues and is feeling very overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother  (Spain) who had vascular bypass in an effort to save his leg.  He is doing so well, he is on his way home next week.  He is doing so much better.🙏🏻❤️
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She was her father’s caregiver until his passing and now is her mother’s caregiver.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and is having difficulties with her family.  She struggles with her faith at times.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is mending a broken heart.  We pray he meets his special “one” and finds love.
Our friend is mourning the loss of her mother, and facing financial problems.  She is very overwhelmed at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that is struggling with faith.  She feels God isn’t with her.  She is lost and frightened and feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband is very, very ill.  Prayers for the whole family.  They are facing many obstacles for healthcare at this time.  Her husband’s pancreas is all but dead tissue but it keeps swelling and then going down, this has caused his liver to start failing.  He is facing many medical issues.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who we pray will join AA.  We pray for success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
We pray through Christ our Lord🙏🏻❤️
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I'm not doing good tonight boys and squirrels.
My housemate's mom went from "mystery sick for a few years" to "stage 4 non-operable pancreatic cancer diagnosis" 4 weeks ago to "perforated bowel, septic, and a surgery she is not waking up from" tonight.
She's basically gone and my housemate is gonna be a fucking wreck and I'm driving from Colorado to Oklahoma tomorrow and everything just. Sucks. It sucks.
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toyhousedramas · 5 months
delete this please I have depression, anxiety, panic, post traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chikungunya, black plague, polio, infantile paralysis, osteoporosis, swine flu, yellow fever, meningitis, meningitis b, gonorrhea, herpes, pharyngitis , Chagas disease, bronchitis, leptospirosis, cancer, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, mumps, gastritis, tetanus, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, stroke, whooping cough, labyrinthitis, scabies, leukemia, rabies, cirrhosis, scoliosis, microcephaly, anencephaly, ebola, ingrown toenail, autism, asperger's syndrome, arrhythmia, pneumonia, diabetes(type 1 and 2), heart failure, petho envy, dwarfism, gigantism, down syndrome, asthma, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer , leprosy, homosexuality, herniated disc, thrombosis, elephantiasis, passion fruit heel, phimosis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, parkinson's disease, headache, malformation of the ovaries, lymphoma, lead poisoning, severe allergies, endometriosis, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, chronic migraines, graves disease, blindness, deafness, stage 4 kidney disease, organ failure, 90% stage 3 burn, urinary tract infection, cervical cancer, uterine tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, dermatillomania, coronavirus, contact dermatitis, eczema, athletes foot, fungal infection, bacterial infection, and veganism
Have you tried yoga.
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jennydodgson12 · 3 months
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Dear Friends and Community,
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request to support our dear friend, Dan, who has bravely for the past 18months been battling stage 4 bowel and bladder cancer. After a year of intense chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the side effects caused Dan to have many hospital stays away from his family, by helping to keep him fit, well and infection free this will allow him to spend quality time with his family at home,making memories that they all deserve.
At just 38 years old, Dan is a loving husband to his wonderful wife Laura and a devoted father to two beautiful daughters, aged 6 and 15.
Dan's journey with cancer has been incredibly challenging, with one set back after another these included bowel blockages, infections, 3 major abdominal operations, blood clots alongside a missed diagnosis of bladder cancer.
Dans strength and determination are truly inspiring. In May this year Dan and his family were told that Dans cancer was no longer curable, however, his oncologist has agreed for Dan to start on Immunotherapy ASAP, as a family we are thankful to have been offered this treatment on the NHS as we know from data that immunotherapy on the NHS is very rare. We now as a family have a little bit of hope.The care, empathy and support we have had from palliative care and district nurses has been incredible.
Alongside his conventional treatment of immunotherapy Dan is seeking complementary therapies that can provide relief and improve his quality of life during this difficult time. These therapies, however, come with significant costs that are not covered by the NHS.
We are rallying together to raise funds to support Dan and his family in accessing these vital complementary treatments. Your generous contribution, no matter the amount, will make a tremendous difference. It will not only help Dan manage his symptoms and side effects but also give him the strength to continue fighting for the sake of his beloved family.
Please consider donating to Dan's fund and sharing his story with others who might be able to help. Together, we can make a profound impact and offer Dan and his family the hope and support they need during this trying time.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity.
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nickybarrow15065 · 9 months
Hi all, thank you for taking the time to read our story.
My name is Nicky, wife to my lovely husband Jim.
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Things took a drastic turn in May 2022 when Jim was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 bowel cancer that had spread to his liver. I knew cancer was a cruel disease but never in a million years did I expect it to turn our worlds up side down in the way it has!
Jim began gruelling chemotherapy shortly after diagnosis leaving him bedridden for days on end, however he had an excellent response to treatment and things were looking positive.
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After recovering from this op he went on to undergo more chemo, an intense course of radiotherapy and caught Covid twice! Unfortunately Jim did not have such a good response to the chemo and the cancer started to progress.
If the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy wasn’t enough to contend with the tumour was also pushing on nerves causing unbearable pain in his back and rectum. He spent 2 weeks in St Helena hospice in July for pain management and after many hurdles managed to come home and continue with chemo.
However Jim’s pain returned with a vengeance along with a high temperature which saw him back in hospital. It was discovered Jim’s tumour had perforated causing a large abscess in his bowel and was the cause of ongoing infections. This was managed for 7 weeks between hospital and hospice and eventually after much conflicting information, finally it was drained. Wow what a relief, maybe now Jim could get some quality of life back and we could enjoy some much needed family time.
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Jim has now moved on to third line treatment Lonsurf which is an oral chemotherapy. After much research I have discovered another drug Bevacizumab, also known as Avastin that studies show strong evidence to suggest it works effectively alongside Lonsurf and has shown to extend overall survival compared to Lonsurf alone.
Unfortunately this drug is not available on the NHS and has to be self funded privately.
This is an opportunity we CANNOT turn down, after the battle Jim has been through he deserves the chance to stabilise the cancer in the hope it will improve his quality of life.
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This drug is extremely expensive to fund. We are looking at over £1000 per treatment which is given every two weeks plus additional fees for follow up consultations. For 12 months of treatment we are looking at around £25,000!
Just to add into the mix, Jim was made redundant after diagnosis so as you can imagine we are not in a position to fund this alone.
Asking for help is not something that comes easily to either of us and we have thought long and hard about whether to set this page up. However, without additional support we wont be able to fund this treatment.
Jim, nor I are ready to give up, he has two young children that need him here for as long as possible, as well as the rest of his family and friends!
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If you are unable to donate then please don’t worry. If you could share Jim’s story to raise awareness of bowel cancer that would also be amazing.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and thank you in advance.
Loads of love Nicky Jim, Archie and Izzy xx
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motherforthefamicom · 9 months
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depression, anxiety, panic, post traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chikungunya, black plague, polio, infantile paralysis, osteoporosis, swine flu, yellow fever, meningitis, meningitis b, gonorrhea, herpes, pharyngitis , Chagas disease, bronchitis, leptospirosis, cancer, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, mumps, gastritis, tetanus, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, stroke, whooping cough, labyrinthitis, scabies, leukemia, rabies, cirrhosis, scoliosis, microcephaly, anencephaly, ebola, ingrown toenail, autism, arrhythmia, pneumonia, diabetes(type 1 and 2), heart failure, petho envy, dwarfism, gigantism, down syndrome, asthma, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer , leprosy, homosexuality, herniated disc, thrombosis, elephantiasis, passion fruit heel, phimosis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, parkinson's disease, headache, malformation of the ovaries, lymphoma, lead poisoning, severe allergies, endometriosis, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, chronic migraines, graves disease, blindness, deafness, stage 4 kidney disease, organ failure, 90% stage 3 burn, urinary tract infection, cervical cancer, uterine tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, dermatillomania, coronavirus, contact dermatitis, eczema, athletes foot, fungal infection, bacterial infection, and veganism
certified joko moment
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ms-cellanies · 2 years
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bodybybane · 2 years
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kionkris · 25 days
Pediatric or General Clinic: How To Decide?
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth to 18 years of age. A doctor who specializes in pediatrics is called a Pediatrician. Pediatric consultation is a common medical process that involves the assessment and diagnosis of conditions affecting children and, to a certain extent, teens, as well as the management of the overall health and wellness of the patients through certain preventative measures.
Pediatrics also have sub specialties, including oncology, cardiology, nephrology, neurology, and psychology just like other branches of medicine.
Pediatric clinic vs. General clinic:
By choosing a doctor from a Pediatric clinic, instead of visiting a general clinic, you and your child will benefit from building a strong relationship with a provider who accesses your complete medical record and is willing to work to manage care. A pediatric network will also give you access to the practices and technologies of healthcare today.
Build a relationship from birth:
A child’s relationship with their pediatrician begins as soon as he or she is born. Parents are expected to find one pediatrician prior to their delivery to ensure the newborn’s health.
A huge part of the pediatric consultation is called a well-child visit which ensures healthy growth at the important stages of their early growth stages. This refers to a point where children have to see their doctor several times within a year. It starts from the time the child is born until he or she is around 5 years old. Each appointment should include a thorough physical exam and counseling. The doctor can provide the parents with much-needed information on anything that concerns the child such as nutrition,  sleep, mental and physical development. The doctor can also provide preventive tips to increase a child's immunity. Immunization or vaccination may be provided during these visits.
Importance to have a pediatrician:
Pediatricians are responsible for the physical well being and mental health of a child from infancy to adulthood. Beginning in the early stages of the child's life a pediatrician’s careful observation is essential to ensure proper development through structured assessments and early medication. A pediatrician can diagnose and treat acute and chronic disorders when it is necessary. They also treat health issues, illness, injuries, and injections and administer health screenings and immunizations to keep your children healthy.
Types of Pediatric Specialists:
These are some of the many kinds of pediatric specialists a child might need.
1. Neonatologist: Trained to handle complicated and high-risk health situations in delicate newborns and infants, including a baby who has a health issue while in the womb or is born early or with a birth defect.
2. Pediatric Allergist: Helps prevent allergic reactions from molds to food and more, which could result in asthma, a rash, or dangerous anaphylaxis.
3. Pediatric Cardiologist: Diagnoses and treats heart conditions in children, including congenital heart disease and abnormal heart rhythms.
4. Pediatric Endocrinologist: Treats anything related to hormones, such as diabetes or an issue around proper growth.
5. Pediatric Gastroenterologist: For issues with digestion or gut health, such as nutritional problems, belly pain, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome.
6. Child Neurologist: Deals with brain and nervous system issues, including seizures, brain tumors, and migraines. 
7. Pediatric Oncologist: Works with children who are diagnosed with cancer.
8. Pediatric Emergency Doctor: Found in emergency rooms, managing the care of children and teenagers who are very sick or badly injured.
What conditions does a pediatrician treat?
• Common illness and infections:
Coughs, colds, fevers, rashes, ear infections, pink eye, etc.
• Injuries
Falls ,burns, sprains,fractures,eye injuries etc.
• Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children:
Pediatricians assess and treat symptoms and help families understand about asthma so they can manage the care.
• Chronic Allergies:
Pediatricians can test for food, skin, pets, seasonal and other allergies on specific treatment plans.
• Childhood obesity : 
Pediatricians work with families to prevent long term weight gain or obesity by addressing related health issues and creating a specific plan of action specifically coordinated for the child.
• Special needs:
Children with cognitive, physical and developmental conditions or chronic illness.
• Cancer:
A pediatric sub specialist in the cancer field is a benefit in the treatment of a child or teen diagnosed with cancer.
Benefits for pediatric care:
• Preventative care and health promotion with each individual patient in mind.
• Education for patients and parents to lead a healthy lifestyle.
• Tracks developmental progress and growth
• Collaborative care for additional expertise.
• Treatment and control of severe and life-threatening diseases.
• Decrease rates of infant and child mortality.
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skippyv20 · 5 months
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s niece who is five months pregnant. She fell and hurt her hands and knees, to protect the baby. She is only 22 and having severe migraines. Apr 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is caregiver to her husband. Praying for them both. Praying for her to have extra stamina as caring for a loved one is so hard both physically and emotionally. Apr 10
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s cat Winter, who has an abscess. Winter is healing but needs more prayers. ADD: Winter has been to the vet, and has breast cancer. This is believed to have a good prognosis, however, she will have tests on lungs, praying for tests to show clear lungs. Apr 10
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s partner and family who are mourning the loss of a brother who has passed and left all in shock. Apr 1
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s friend who has been diagnosed with cancer, and now will need to have her thyroid removed. She also has to have her throat examined to see if any cancer there too. Mar 28
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s oldest daughter. Her daughter is on dialysis now. She did test positive for drugs, and her boyfriend is a known drug dealer. This is of great concern. Mar 27
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who lives a distance from her elderly parents who are not well. Prayers for her and for her parents. Mar 25
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is trying to find the right maintenance dose of medication. Without it she is susceptible to many different illnesses. We pray this appt brings good results. Also, prayers for her mother who is still recovering from surgery. Mar 24
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s grandmother who has passed away. Prayers for our friend and her family as they mourn the loss of their beloved grandmother.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s neighbor who has been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She is having surgery on Tuesday ( Mar 19) to remove part of her bowel. Mar 17
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Paul. He passed away today and we pray for him, his family and his friends. Mar 16
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew Emmett (11 yrs old) who had open heart surgery. Surgery was successful and now in recovery. Also, praying for a quick recovery for him. Mar 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s FIL who has been diagnosed with cancer. Still waiting on results as to what type of cancer. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Mar 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s treasured son-in-law. He has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his abdomen. He has a very poor prognosis - less than a year, probably just a few months. He is only 48 years old. Our friend is heartbroken, her son-in-law has been in the family for 17 yrs, and he is so very loved. He is scheduled for a PET scan next week. Mar 05
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother. She has had brain cancer, bladder cancer and the cancer had already grown into the muscle layer and also the uterus so what they planned is a cyctectomy and hysterectomy combined with a chemotherapy afterwards. Mar 24 UPDATED
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s sister who was burned badly and must be under nurses care for the next two months. Mar 01
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who is feeling poorly and is suffering from pain and struggling. Please pray also for our friend who is his caregiver and is under much stress. Feb 29
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who will be having surgery. The waiting list is one month long. Also prayers for our friend to feel God’s loving presence during this trial she and her husband are facing. Feb 26
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is awaiting results from test. Feb 24
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family who are mourning the loss of their beloved SIL who battled so hard after surgeries. Feb 15
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved husband. Due to a recent bout of illness he has been having investigations. He had his Prostrate removed due to cancer and all has been well for 5 years. The investigations have shown some abnormal blood results and it has been suggested he be referred back to the Urology department. He also has raised liver enzymes too. So obviously he is not 100% health wise and the obvious concern is that the cancer may be back. Also, prayers and good thoughts for our friend to feel peace and God’s loving presence. Feb 13
Prayers and good thoughts for our friends in New Zealand. It’s the one year ago today, their region was struck by cyclone Gabrielle and almost completely destroyed. So many people are still waiting for the insurance companies ( and the local authorities) to release funds in order for them to rebuild. Some areas are still covered in silt. Feb 13 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is feeling anxious. Feb 13
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is struggling. Feb 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who must have surgery on her foot once again. Also, she is having heart issues. Feb 6
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs to have re-surgery to repair her broken femur bone, which has not fused. She was told that it was surgery failure the first time, and she would have to travel to back to Singapore to have the re-surgery done. Feb 5
Prayers and good thoughts for our King Charles III as he battles cancer. We pray also for his family. Feb 5 (Princess of Wales prayers scroll down to Jan 17)
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Feb 3
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who has a benign autonomous nodule which produces the T3 hormone nonstop. She is scheduled for surgery on March 21. Also, her grandson contracted mono and developed an enlarged spleen - which means he has to be careful with lifting things, etc. and is 19yrs old and thinks he is invincible. And also our friend who hurt her knee and dental surgery. Feb 01
We pray for all children who are being bullied. We pray for them to be kept safe and out of harm’s way physically and mentally. Jan 19
We pray for our friend who for 36 years has suffered from a progressive, painful, debilitating neurological illness that has her housebound, and she is tired.  Jan 19
We pray for Princess of Wales as she recovers after major surgery. We pray for her recovery to be quick and without any issues. We pray for Prince of Wales and children as they go through this trial as a family. Jan 17
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend who again is facing struggles, that don’t seem to end Jan 11
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend and her daughter who is going through some things. Jan9
We pray and send good thoughts for Jenna. She has just lost her dad to cancer and it’s hitting her hard.Jan8
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend who is struggling with family issues and is looking for answers as to how to resolve them. She is very hurt by it all. Jan8
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend’s two daughters.One has multiple health issues and is feeling overwhelmed. She has appointments with two specialists in January and I am praying for some positive outcomes. Her other daughter is an addict and has been in hospital since New Years eve with a serious blood infection. Once she is discharged she plans to return to a very unhealthy living situation, even though her brother offered to take her in. Even after discharge she will require home care for the picc line. Jan7
We pray and send good thoughts for one of our Tumblr friends who has stepped away and we await her return. Jan6
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drdhavalmangukiya · 1 month
Understanding the Different Types of Colorectal Surgery Procedures
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Colorectal surgery is a specialized field of medicine that deals with disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus. These procedures are crucial in treating various conditions, from colorectal cancer to inflammatory bowel diseases. In this blog by one of the best colorectal surgeons in Surat, Dr Dhaval Mangukiya, we will get comprehensive guidance about different types of colorectal surgery procedures, helping you understand what each entails and when they might be necessary.
1. Colectomy
A colectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing all or part of the colon. There are several types of colectomies:
a) Total Colectomy: Removal of the entire colon.
b) Partial Colectomy: Removal of a portion of the colon.
c) Hemicolectomy: Removal of either the right or left side of the colon.
Colectomies are often performed to treat colon cancer, severe cases of inflammatory bowel disease, or recurrent diverticulitis. The procedure can be done through open surgery or laparoscopically, depending on the patient’s condition and the surgeon’s recommendation.
2. Low Anterior Resection (LAR)
Low Anterior Resection is a procedure primarily used to treat rectal cancer. It involves removing the diseased portion of the rectum along with surrounding lymph nodes. The remaining healthy bowel is then reconnected to allow for normal bowel function. In some cases, a temporary ileostomy may be created to allow the anastomosis (connection) to heal properly.
3. Abdominoperineal Resection (APR)
According to Dr Dhaval Mangukiya, one of the best gastrointestinal surgeons in Surat, this procedure is performed for low rectal cancers or anal cancers that are too close to the anus to allow for a LAR. During an APR, the surgeon removes the rectum, anus, and part of the sigmoid colon. Because the anus is removed, a permanent colostomy is created to allow waste to leave the body.
4. Proctocolectomy
A proctocolectomy involves the removal of both the colon and rectum. This procedure is often necessary for patients with severe ulcerative colitis or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). There are two main types of proctocolectomy:
a) Total Proctocolectomy with Ileostomy: The entire colon and rectum are removed, and a permanent ileostomy is created.
b) Total Proctocolectomy with Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis (IPAA): After removing the colon and rectum, a pouch is created from the small intestine and connected to the anus, allowing for more normal bowel function.
5. Strictureplasty
This procedure is used to treat strictures (narrowing) in the intestine, often caused by Crohn’s disease. Instead of removing the affected portion, the surgeon widens the narrowed area. This helps preserve intestinal length, which is crucial for nutrient absorption.
6. Haemorrhoidectomy
A haemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of haemorrhoids, which are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. The best laparoscopic surgeons in Surat perform this procedure only in severe cases that don’t respond to more conservative treatments. There are several techniques, including conventional excision, stapled haemorrhoidopexy, and haemorrhoidal artery ligation.
7. Rectopexy
Rectopexy is a procedure used to treat rectal prolapse, a condition where the rectum protrudes from the anus. The surgery involves pulling the rectum back into place and securing it to the sacrum (lower back bone). This can be done through open surgery or laparoscopically.
8. Fistulotomy
A fistulotomy is performed to treat anal fistulas, which are abnormal connections between the anal canal and the skin near the anus. The procedure involves opening the fistula tract, cleaning it out, and leaving it open to heal from the inside out.
9. Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM)
TEM is a minimally invasive technique used to remove early-stage rectal tumours or polyps that are too large to be removed during a colonoscopy. The procedure is performed through the anus using specialized instruments, avoiding the need for abdominal incisions.
10. Ostomy Surgeries
Ostomy surgeries involve creating an opening (stoma) in the abdominal wall to allow waste to leave the body. According to the best stomach surgeons in Surat, there are several types:
a) Colostomy: An opening connected to the colon.
b) Ileostomy: An opening connected to the small intestine.
c) Urostomy: An opening for urine diversion (though not strictly a colorectal procedure, it’s sometimes performed alongside colorectal surgeries).
Ostomies can be temporary or permanent, depending on the underlying condition and the specific surgery performed.
Colorectal surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, each designed to address specific conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus. From cancer treatment to managing inflammatory bowel diseases and correcting structural issues, these surgeries play a vital role in maintaining colorectal health.
If you’re facing the prospect of colorectal surgery, it’s essential to have open and detailed discussions with your healthcare team. Understanding the procedure, its potential risks and benefits, and what to expect during recovery can help alleviate anxiety and contribute to better outcomes.
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drvishantdeo · 2 months
How To Recognize The Signs Of A Fistula
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An anal fistula is an abnormal tunnel that develops between the outside skin and the inside of the anus. When an infection starts in the anal gland then it can lead to an anal fistula that causes some painful symptoms. This infection causing the anal fistula is often called a perianal abscess which nowadays has become one of the most common anorectal conditions. You need to contact an experienced doctor to undergo fistula surgery in Siliguri which can give you permanent relief from the distressing symptoms. 
It is vital to recognize the signs of fistula at an initial stage to get an early diagnosis and intervention. If the symptoms are left ignored for a longer period then it can make you extremely uncomfortable while severely impacting your daily life activities. You must know that without proper treatment and management of the symptoms of fistula, it can lead to various serious complications such as fistula extension, persistent infection, and even cancer.
Common Signs And Symptoms Of Anal Fistula To Recognize 
1. Swelling or redness around the anus
One of the most common symptoms that can help you identify an anal fistula is sudden redness or swelling around the anus. This is the main sign that indicates a persistent infection under the skin which is also known as cellulitis. You must know that this inflammation can also be present inside the anus. 
2. Pain 
Anal pain is another sign that most people suffering from a fistula experience. Patients often explain this pain as throbbing and intense which can disrupt your daily life. You must know that in most cases this anal pain associated with fistula deteriorates while coughing, pooping, or sitting for long hours. Due to this pain, it may feel extremely sensitive to touch around the anus.
3. Blood or pus drainage 
If you experience any fluid drainage around the anus then without any delay you must contact the best doctors for fistula treatment in Siliguri. The drainage can come from anywhere inside or around the anus which can either be pus or blood. In most cases, this drainage that comes during bowel movements can have a bad smell. 
4. Increased sensitivity in the anal area 
High fistula is a type of anal fistula where the fistula tract is present in the upper regions of the external sphincter muscle. If you suffer from this type of fistula then you may experience an increased level of sensitivity in the anal area. This constant sensitivity may increase when you move around, sit, or cough. 
5. Fever 
Another sign of anal fistula is fever, which is mainly caused due to the underlying infection. Due to this elevated temperature, it is normal for the patients to experience body aches, chills, fatigue, and lack of appetite. Treating the fistula at the right time can eventually lead to normal body temperature. 
6. Abnormal skin changes near the anus 
Abnormal skin changes around the anus are one of the most noticeable symptoms of anal fistula. When you have a fistula then you may notice a small hole in the skin that is connected to the abscess. These abnormal holes are often red with ooze drainage and can be quite painful to touch.
7. Inability to control bowel movements 
Even after treating anal fistula, there can be a chance of fistula recurrence and development of symptoms. One such symptom that can help you to identify fistula recur is the inability to control bowel movements or fecal incontinence. The removal of some of the parts of the anal sphincter can be the main cause of this symptom.
8. Irritation or itching 
It is also quite common for patients with anal fistula to experience severe itching and irritation. This mainly happens around the anus which is also called pruritus ani. You must know that continuous itching can make the anal areas red or swollen which can increase the risks of severe sensitivity. 
When To Seek Immediate Medical Assistance
If these symptoms have been persistent for a few weeks then without any delay you must visit a healthcare professional. Herein, you also should seek immediate medical attention when the fever is above 101 degree Celsius and you’re also experiencing painful anal spasms. 
In some severe cases, patients experience serious signs of infection such as increased pus drainage, swelling, and redness which makes them unable to sit or move around seamlessly. It is vital to get proper treatment in these situations to stop the progression of the fistula towards a cancerous stage. 
Treatment Options To Manage The Fistula Signs 
There are various advanced surgical and non-surgical treatment options that can help you manage the painful signs of anal fistula. However, the doctor will select the ideal treatment plan based on the underlying causes, location, and complexity of the fistula. Some effective treatments include- 
Surgical options: You can undergo fistula surgery in Siliguri for both simple and complex anal fistula. Herein, Fistulotomy is the most common surgical procedure where the internal opening is cut to remove the infected tissues. Some other advanced techniques that can also treat the fistula are ligation of the Intersphincteric fistula tract and endorectal advancement flap. 
Non-surgical options: In case of a simple fistula caused due to Crohn’s disease then the doctor might prescribe certain medications. The other non-surgical treatments that the doctor can perform to manage the fistula are collagen plug and fibrin glue, and Seton placement. These procedures can clear the anal tunnel and drain the infection. 
Treatment for complex cases: If the anal fistula has progressed to a complex stage then the doctor may adopt a more invasive procedure to control the symptoms. Muscle flaps, ostomy, and stroma are some of the advanced procedures that can offer you long-term relief. 
Along with undergoing fistula surgery in Siliguri, the doctor might also recommend various lifestyle modifications for symptom management. Starting from using a warm sitz bath and eating a high-fibre diet to taking pain medications, there are various strategies that can control the painful signs. 
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