#staff ur app is actually broken
keroinnie · 1 year
my favorite tumblr mobile feature is when it doesnt show me all the posts on my dashboard from blogs i follow lol <3 @staff
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fushiomi · 3 years
Here’s a video on how to reach Liber/Eng staff about the termination of the English server:
[Video ID: Player is in the A3! app, the songs “Insert the Sunshine” and “Slowly Flowing”, both OST from the game, are playing. The player click on the profile icon, (the content isn’t important). They click on their bio and write “Hi” with a kaomoji on the side, then they write a letter “i” and hesitate before deleting it and click off. They exist their bio and leave the profile page. They instead click on the “Support” button which leads them to a page titled “A3! for Appstore inquires”, there’s a hyperlink that reads “For feedback regarding the ceasing of operations”, and below that in smaller writing it reads “Frequently asked questions (FAQs)”. There are four options viable to the viewer, “I want to play on another device”, “I have received my purchased Gems”, “I can’t login. / I got error 904/905/906.” The player clicks on the hyperlink that leads them to a page to give feedback, it has a green banner and says “For feedback edgar ceasing of operations. Below it reads: “Players that have any opinions or feedback on regarding ceasing of operations can do so here. A disclaimer is below that reads “*Although feedback from users will be reviewed, we cannot respond to individual users”. Green text above a box is present after scrolling, it reads “Please input your feedback here.” The user types in “don’t please ahaha you’re (stylized as ur) so sexy” with a winky emoji, they then access their emoji keyboard and place a broken heart. They can clarify “Actually write something serious though (written tho) with a kaomoji of a smiling person, then press done (two exclamation points) don’t spam and remember to be kind (two exclamation points)”. They then click off the page and settings, the video ends with them on the main page of the game. End ID]
Bellow the readmore is what I ended up (actually) submitting, if you want to copy and paste it, please make a few changes! But ultimately what I felt like was needed to highlight:
- Marketing issues and comparisons between other games that handled international marketing.
- The sudden nature of the announcement and how it impacted the player base.
- The fact the game does have a fanbase and has a market (leads back to the point of bad marketing), and that the success in Japan is an example that the game does have ability to be a hit.
- Other options that don’t include terminating the server (such as a temporary hiatus).
Other ideas: Events to connect with the fanbase (example: art contests where winners get “X” amount of gems), twitter events (“Y” amount of retweets in “Z” days will give “X” reward”), subtitles of the stage play so international fans have more content to interact with, etc.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote this while still drowsy from crying and sleep medication, so if you’re able to, please help us write something better than… this.
“Hello, I hope this review/feedback finds you well.
As you can imagine, this is about the ceasing operations of the A3! English/International servers, and the opinions and ideas I (as well as other players) have.
I’ve been observing the way the player base has reacted to the news and, not so surprisingly, the reaction has been pretty negative. A lot of players feel overwhelmed with the sudden news, many disappointed at – what feels like – the sidedness of the decision. While we are all thankful for the amazing localization of the game, we can’t help but feel deeply saddened and, in more extreme cases, betrayed at the decision. The game has garnered quite a community, notably in social media sites such as Twitter and Tumblr, as it became quite a vital and comfort game for many.
Alongside seeing the way the player base has reacted, I looked at the graphics and economical side of things and noticed how players in the server have been lowering. Which, alongside the pandemic and loss of profit Cybrid and Liber have been experiencing as of the last two years, is what I imagine is impulsing the decision to halt activities.
With all of that in mind, I personally still think that terminating content to the English server is a bad idea — in the long run, that is.
The last two years have been quite a financial struggle for many, and to decide to end the game due to loss of profit seems hasty. While I understand it’s not possible to continue operations, I think halting operations until further notice would be a better idea.
Instead of completely pulling the plug, halting operations while focusing on marketing would honestly work better.
The marketing of the game has been, for lack of a better word, quite messy. I think there were lot of missed opportunities, marketing the game as found family and card game — where you accompany a group of people to achieve their dreams — would have been a better strategy than saying it was an otome game - which is what led to a lot of player joining and then leaving due to the lack of romance wh the characters. A good example of marketing, in my opinion, would be the Obey Me! franchise or games such as Cookie Run.
I’m saying all of this, but what I mean is, if the team behind it focused more on the advertisement on social media’s such as twitter and ads on youtube where the nature of found family and the true nature of Mankai (a company where family and brotherly love blooms) the game would find and flourish in the demographic, since it’s not unheard of players wanting a game like that — especially in the west.
Basically, what I’m saying is that I think the idea of terminating operations on the English server is a bad idea especially when there is an obvious marker for it, and A3! really does fit it. Personally, I think halting the events and focusing on marketing the game further — truly pushing the game with ad’s (which could include in game CG’s where we see how the boys grow and connect as a family) where the nature of A3! is shown clearly, A3! English server could absolutely bloom into something amazing.
A3! is about not giving up, even when things get tough, and to try and reach an audience – which is why, I guess, seeing you guys give up on it seems… sad and like a truly missed opportunity.
As someone who’s been with the game since launch, the game has so much potential, so please, please give it another try. Focus on the marketing, push it with ads on youtube and instagram, put the boys’ face out there and make the focus of the story known.
Look into the way games such as Obey Me!, the idol games (mostly female based), and other successful asian/japanese games have marketed themselves and try to adapt it into A3!. An example, instagram ads where you can see parts of a CG (let’s say the Muku and Yuki from Act 1) where Muku comforts Yuki, the voice lines there as you hear the game music and subtitles playing. Be honest about the gameplay, it’s not the most exciting, but market it as fun, add more rewards for when you train the actor — more gems or maybe trophies if you train “X” amount of times in a day instead of just a training card. You can even make more Eng server exclusive cards to insensitive Japanese players to also engage with the English server.
I feel like there are so many ways to go about it that don’t include shutting down the game, because shutting down the game truly feels like the easiest way out… but it doesn’t mean it’s the best way.
Anyway, I hope nothing in this feels malicious, I'm simply passionate about it as someone who’s invested hours and hours, almost 700 days of their life, onto this, A3! and the Mankai company feels like a part of my life, and as many others feel as well, I don’t want to let go. Not when I know there’s so many events and games, gachas and character, left for us as international players to experience.”
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selladaplays · 6 years
here’s a concept for u TUMBLR STAFF why don’t u stop releasing weekly updates to ur mobile app that don’t actually fix anything and hmmmmm,,,,, i don’t know...... .fix the actual problems that the app has? its been months and my notification screen is still broken? i can’t edit tags on published posts? none of my posts are showing the correct number of notes? like how fucking thick are u that you just ignore the issues with the BASIC FUNCTIONS OF YOUR APP??????
i’m sick and fucking tired of getting an update every week, praying if fixes something and always???????? being?????????? disappointed??????????? get your heads out of your asses and FIX YOUR FUCKING APP
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carnelianwings · 7 years
Tumblr media
Don’t forget to do the event and get your Promise Ring!  Goes great with Shepherd of Six Stars Sorey!  XD  It’s actually a really nice piece of armor with a really useful passive on it, since the passive functions like an additional Link Finisher passive.  What this means is that even though it’s a piece of armor, it also has a really nice ATK stat and can buff your hero’s final ATK, so much so that you might want to consider using it in place of a second weapon if you’re like me and you don’t have a ton of UR (or better) weapons for your mystic arte finishers for your team.  Mind you, when you do this, you may actually get a listed attack total that is lower than a dual weapon set up, but that’s because you’re not getting the Link Finisher-style damage buff from the ring when you’re looking at it in the hero set up screen.
Full numbers behind the cut, I don’t actually want to scare people off with the numbers and equations, lol.
TL;DR/I don’t want to see the calculations:
For those of you using Shepherd of Six Stars Sorey, max limit broken with max herbs and a UR+ or better MA: If your second weapon has an attack value that is greater than 657 + 5% of your first weapon’s ATK, go dual weapons.  Otherwise, best weapon and the ring will actually net you higher attack for the mystic, which is important because that’s why you brought him along, right?  Or dual wield rings if you got one earlier.
For those of you using Armatus of Fire Sorey, max limit broken with max herbs and a UR+ or better MA: If your second equipment piece has an attack value that is greater than 717 + 5% of your first equipment piece’s ATK, use those.  Otherwise, highest ATK equipment item + ring will net you better results.
Keep in mind neither of the above takes elemental advantage for the weapons into account, so make sure you equip an appropriate element weapon for bosses with elemental weaknesses to get the most out of your mystic arte!
If you’re interested in just playing around with the numbers, here is a link to a spreadsheet for other MA finishers.  (Spreadsheet not mine.)
Yay, math time!  Figuring out a hero’s total attack for maximum MA damage is kind of tricky because of how all the ATK/equipment boosting passives work.  Here is a link to a page (spreadsheet 100% not mine) to help you calculate out your damage for any MA finisher.  Which is great, and very useful, but if you’re like me and you just want a quick decision on “Do I give this hero a ring + my best weapon or 2 weapons” and you don’t want to spend a ton of time plugging in all the equipment you have, here’s the math on how I did it, using everyone’s favorite Shepherd of Six Stars Sorey (SoSS Sorey here on) as an example (because I’m assuming most of you guys following me probably have him as your primary MA finisher).
Listed out, here’s how the total ATK for SoSS Sorey would be calculated assuming he has all of his passives unlocked (other multipliers such as ATK bonuses from leader skills, chain length, and Link Finisher 4 are ignored, as those would be the same regardless of his equipment set up):
Total ATK (base ATK from leveling up + any bonus ATK from herbs) * 1.1 (for Forcefulness 4) + Strength/Complete Boost/Attack & Heal/Life & Attack bonuses (this value is 0 for SoSS Sorey since he doesn’t have any of these, but you would want to take it into account for heroes like Armatus of Fire Sorey)
Equipment ATK of both equipment:
If they’re both weapons: Add the weapon damage together and multiply by 1.18 (Forcefulness and Weapon Boost are additive bonuses when they’re applied together to equipment, with both bonuses calculated separately and rounded down before they’re added together - I tested this with an un-LB’ed UR++ Ancient Staff)
For 1 weapon/1 armor: Multiply weapon damage by 1.18 (Forcefulness 4 + Weapon Boost) and Armor damage by 1.1 (only Forcefulness 4 would apply) and add them together
For 2 armors: Multiple armor damage by 1.1 for Forcefulness 4, Weapon Boost wouldn’t apply here
If you have a UR+ or higher rarity MA, you get +100 ATK * Forcefulness Bonus.  For SoSS Sorey, that’s an additional 110 ATK.
Any bonus multipliers for Link Finisher style passives, so Bridal Memories’ 5% ATK buff would fall here also, and these are all multiplicative
To keep things simple, we’re going to call Total ATK  TATK, Strength-type boosts PBoost, WATK1 for your best weapon’s attack, WATK2 for your second best weapon (this is the one we’re going to be comparing to Bridal Memories).  Putting that all together, if your SoSS Sorey has 2 weapons and a UR+ or better MA, this is what the formula would look like, after his passives have been applied:
TATK * 1.1 + (WATK1 + WATK2) * 1.18 + 110
If you have SoSS Sorey with 1 weapon and the Bridal Promises Ring (538 ATK, so we’ll use that in the formula):
(TATK * 1.1 + WATK1 * 1.18 + 538 * 1.1 + 110) * 1.05
SoSS Sorey’s total attack is 2325 for being level 99, plus 395 if you maxed him out on attack herbs, bringing him to a grand total of 2720 ATK.  So we’ll substitute that value in for TATK, and then put the 2 halves of the equation together set up so that SoSS Sorey (2 weapons) ATK > SoSS Sorey (weapon + ring), which gives us:
2720 * 1.1 + (WATK1 + WATK2) * 1.18 + 110 > (2720 * 1.1 + WATK 1 * 1.18 + 538 * 1.1 + 110) * 1.05
Simplifying down the numbers into something a bit more manageable, we get (all multiplied values will be rounded down regardless of whether the decimal is greater than 0.5, as that’s how Tales of Link does their calculations):
3102 + (WATK1 + WATK2) * 1.18 > (2992 + WATK1 * 1.18 + 591 + 110) * 1.05
3102 + 1.18*WATK1 + 1.18*WATK2 > 3877 + 1.239 * WATK1
Rearranging the equation so we have WATK2 on one side only (since that’s the attack value of the 2nd weapon we’re interested in:
1.18 * WATK2 > 775 + 0.059 WATK1
Dividing both sides by 1.18, and then rounding up because we’re interested in finding a weapon that would give us a higher attack total:
WATK2 > 657 + 0.05 WATK1
So in other words, as long as your 2nd weapon is better than 657 + 5% of your first weapon’s attack, go with 2 weapons for SoSS Sorey.  Otherwise, go with weapon + ring.
Now, these are just the numbers for SoSS Sorey, but figuring out that value for another hero would be a similar process.
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