#st. thomas
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tropic-havens · 12 days ago
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Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
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goshyesvintageads · 8 months ago
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US Virgin Islands Division of Tourism, 1978
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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National Reptile Awareness Day
Every October 21 is National Reptile Awareness Day. Godzilla. Reptar. Yoshi. The Geico Gecko. Those two lizards that always hang out around your back porch. These are just a few of the famous reptiles we love. But on October 21, we celebrate all of our cold-blooded friends. This day is observed to educate and raise awareness of  threats to the natural habitats that our reptilian companions rely on to survive.
History of National Reptile Awareness Day
While the history of reptiles may go hundreds of millions of years back, National Reptile Awareness Day has an unfortunately short history in comparison. Additionally, it wasn’t really until 1966 when the first Endangered Species Act was passed that awareness of the needs and threats facing reptiles (or any animal, for that matter) started to make its way into our cultural mainstream. 
With the passing of that act, a mid-century push toward conservation started taking the forefront. Updates were passed in 1967 and 1969. Additionally, in 1967, the Environmental Defense Fund created their historical efforts to ban DDT from usage in the United States. Much of this was movement was sparked by Rachel Carson’s seminal book, Silent Spring, which documented the adverse effects pesticides and other chemicals have on the environment. 
National Reptile Awareness Day wouldn’t exist without the efforts of that movement. In fact, many reptiles wouldn’t be around today without the help of the Endangered Species Act. While National Reptile Awareness Day may have a small history compared to its subjects, its still part of a historically important movement to help protect and conserve all species of animals.
National Reptile Awareness Day timeline
315 million years ago
Prehistoric Reptiles Evolve
Reptiles are considered to have evolved from amphibians around this time. While many have perished along the way due to mass extinction, many (such as crocodiles and sea turtles) still remain
66 million years ago
The End of the Reptilian Era
The end of "The Age of Reptiles," a period of time where dinosaurs and other massive reptiles roamed around as if it were Jurassic Park. This began "The Age of Mammals," while, despite the name, reptilian species continued to diversify and thrive but at a much, much, much smaller size. 
The Loggerhead is Listed
The loggerhead sea turtle, one of the more famous reptiles, is listed as endangered, mostly due to bycatch in fishing gear but also because of loss of nesting habitats. 
See Ya Later, Alligator
The American alligator is officially removed from the protected species list, making a remarkable comeback from near extinction after spending twenty years on the list.
National Reptile Awareness Day FAQs
When is National Reptile Awareness Day?
National Reptile Awareness Day is every year on October 21. 
How do I celebrate National Reptile Awareness Day?
There are many ways to celebrate National Reptile Awareness Day, such as donating to a reptile conservation, visiting a national park, or learning to identify reptiles. 
Is a turtle a reptile?
The placement of turtles within the reptile kingdom has historically been up for debate, but so far they are still considered to be reptiles.  
National Reptile Awareness Day Activities
Donate to a reptile conservation programThere are a lot of different organizations that want to continue educating the public about our reptilian friends. One way they do this is by also advocating for us to have the ability to keep reptiles as pets. Donate to your favorite organization to help them continue being the voice for reptiles.
Visit a National ParkRegardless of what part of the country you live in, reptiles play a major part in your ecosystem. By visiting your nearest national park, you're helping promote a place that is dedicated to preserving the natural habitats for all animals that live in that area - including, of course, the reptiles. Some notably reptilian parks are Joshua Tree, Big Bend, and the Everglades.
Identify a reptile (or two, or three)Consumer science is an important part of helping researchers understand where our cold-blooded friends live and their population densities. Many identification apps are created by institutions to help draw in that data. If you see a lizard or other reptile, use an app to ID it. This helps scientists understand where certain populations live and how well they're adapting among us. The Audubon Reptiles & Amphibians app is a great place to start.
Why We Love National Reptile Awareness Day
Their body armor: Reptiles are known for having thick skin, literally. Their armored body is made up of scales or boney plates (yes, some have their bones on the outside) to protect them from the daily wear and tear. How cool is that?!
Lizards, turtles, and snakes, oh my!: Because some of the most awesome characters/creatures on TV, or in the films we watch, are reptiles. They are sometimes dramatized to be huge and scary, like Godzilla, and other times are hilarious, like the Geico Gecko.
They make the best pets: No backyard to have a dog? No problem! Most reptiles can be kept indoors in naturally adorned tanks. They are easily maintained and make for an educational experience for kids learning about the environment.
National Reptile Day
Not every person can look at a boa constrictor named Barbara or a toad named Frank and think lovable thoughts. However, National Reptile Day is the perfect day for the squeamish and admirers alike to appreciate the role these creatures play in our ecosystem. We celebrate these reptiles on October 21 — where fans take the time to educate others about habitat loss, conservation programs, and the importance of keeping reptiles off the endangered list. Below we share what you can do to celebrate this holiday — even from a distance.
National Reptile Day timeline
​400 BC
The beginning of recording reptiles
​The methodological study of reptiles dates back to the time of philosophers Aristotle and Pliny.
A prehistoric discovery was made ​
​Traces of the oldest known reptile, called the Hylonomus lyelli, were discovered in a fossilized tree stump in Nova Scotia.
​Saving the Galapagos
Ecuador enacted the Galapagos Special law, to create the Galapagos Marine Reserve and protect the island wildlife (including the Galapagos Tortoise), manage fisheries, and inspect quarantine measures.
National Reptile Day Activities
Reacquaint yourself with reptiles: Spend some time holding and interacting with reptiles — perhaps at a pet shop — where snakes, frogs, or lizards are just a short car ride away.
Donate to a conservation program: Contribute to programs designated to protecting endangered species. Many reptiles are still hunted for their use in leather or to meet consumer demands. In several regions, this type of hunting is a big problem due to the role most reptiles play in their specific ecosystems.
Read about reptiles: Spend a day at the library researching and learning new things about reptiles. You may even find your future pet in the process.
​5 Quirks Only Reptiles Could Have
​The Fantastic Four​: There are four orders of species: the Crocodilia (crocodiles, alligators, etc.), the Tuatara (lizard-like), the Squamata, (includes lizards and snakes), and the Testudines (turtles, tortoises, and terrapins).
​Baby it's cold inside​: The majority of all reptiles are considered ectothermic, meaning they rely on their environments to regulate their internal body temperature, reproductive health, immune system functioning, and daily stamina.
​Larger than Life: One of the largest reptiles on record is the salt water crocodile, which can measure over twelve feet long and weigh more than a thousand pounds.
​Circle of life: ​All reptiles play an important function in their ecosystem; for example, lizards control insects and pests in homes and gardens, while snakes keep rodents under control in urban life and in the countryside.
Survival! The way reptiles adapt to their environments allows them to create defensive behaviors in fights, to reproduce, hunt for their food, or anticipate a dangerous situation.
Why We Love National Reptile Day
A time to love our pets: Reptile owners get a special day to appreciate their best friends every year with this holiday. This day allows us to treat our buddies and give some never-ending love and care!
A day to relax with some reps: For those of us who don’t own a reptile, but are curious, this holiday allows us to take time to observe them in their natural element. For those who are very nervous or scared of anything slithery, this is the perfect day to face those fears.
We expand our knowledge: Taking the time to learn about these different species allows us to appreciate the environment we both share. This day is perfect to teach children about animals and nature.
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archinform · 6 months ago
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St. Thomas the Apostle Church is a historic site at 5472 S. Kimbark Avenue in Hyde Park, Chicago. A Roman Catholic church of the Archdiocese of Chicago, it was built in 1922 and opened in 1925. The church was designed by Barry Byrne, who was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright and incorporated elements from Wright's Prairie School of design and from the modernist movement. Byrne had previously built the convent at St. Thomas Apostle in 1919.
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i-am-aprl · 1 year ago
“Don’t Look Away.” The “leaders” do not speak for the people. X: QudsNen
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dark-ethereal-visions · 6 months ago
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When your kid needs an exorcism & you promised them dinner afterward.
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lgbtqreads · 10 months ago
Happy Caribbean American Heritage Month
Happy Caribbean American Heritage Month! We’re celebrating as we do, with queer Caribbean fiction! Middle Grade Hurricane Child by Kacen Callender Being born during a hurricane is considered unlucky where twelve-year-old Caroline Murphy lives, and she has had her share of bad luck lately. She’s hated and bullied by everyone in her small school on St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands. A spirit only…
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View On WordPress
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brianfrench1995 · 6 months ago
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Lime Tree Beach Hotel St. Thomas Virgin Islands Postcard
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fictionadventurer · 1 year ago
NaPoWriMo #6
I didn't like either of today's prompts, so I decided to write a poem inspired by this Sunday's Gospel and my recent reading about St. Thomas Aquinas. Apologies for any theological accuracy that may have been sacrificed for the sake of the rhyme scheme.
The Two Thomases
The Twin heard tale of how the Lord did rise yet could not bring himself to take their part until he saw the Christ before his eyes and touched the wound the spear left through His heart. Such proofs left doubt no place within his mind; the skeptic fell before Him wholly awed. Then faith could see what reason could not find and knew Him for his mighty Lord and God. The Ox in later years did reason heed and knew that Christ had not gone from man’s sight. Creation gave all sign a man could need to know his God within faith’s holy light. O holy pair, we see the truth through thee That God gives faith to those with eyes to see.
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tropic-havens · 9 months ago
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Water Bay, Koke Point overlook, with sail boat and Turtleback Rock. East End, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
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junipersthirdplace · 11 months ago
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St. Thomas
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rabbitcruiser · 24 days ago
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National Pink Shirt Day
Be the one who stands up for kindness and respect. Together, we can make a difference and create a world without bullying.
National Pink Shirt Day is a vibrant, national movement to fight bullying. It encourages everyone to wear pink shirts as a stand against bullying and brings people together, promoting kindness and inclusivity.
This day also emphasizes that everyone has a role to play in promoting kindness and stopping bullying. The movement continues to grow, spreading its message worldwide.
How to Celebrate National Pink Shirt Day
Pink Parade Party
Host a pink parade party! Invite friends and family to dress head-to-toe in pink. Decorate with pink balloons, streamers, and confetti.
Serve pink cupcakes and pink lemonade. Play games like pink-themed trivia or “pin the tail on the pink unicorn.” Snap lots of pictures to capture the fun!
Kindness Campaign
Launch a kindness campaign at school or work. Encourage everyone to perform random acts of kindness. Leave positive notes on desks or lockers.
Share uplifting messages on social media using the #PinkShirtDay hashtag. Offer a helping hand to someone in need. Small acts can make a big impact!
Pink Art Extravaganza
Organize a pink art extravaganza. Set up a space where people can create pink-themed art. Provide supplies like pink paints, markers, and glitter.
Display the masterpieces in a public area to spread awareness. Consider holding an auction to raise funds for anti-bullying programs. Creativity meets charity!
Story Time Session
Arrange a story time session focusing on kindness and acceptance. Read books that highlight these themes for kids.
Discuss the stories and their messages. Invite a local author or storyteller to share their work. Make it interactive with activities like drawing or acting out parts of the stories. Learning through fun!
Virtual Pinkathon
Host a virtual Pinkathon for those who prefer online activities. Participants can wear pink and join a video call. Plan activities like virtual games, a dance-off, or a talent show.
Encourage everyone to share their pink-themed photos and videos. Connect with others while staying safe at home!
Reasons for Celebrating National Pink Shirt Day
The event started as a response to a bullying incident and has grown into a symbol of support for those affected. By wearing pink, participants show their commitment to creating respectful environments in schools, workplaces, and communities​.
Bullying is a growing problem in the world today, and every year, people hear of more and more incidents coming up regarding bullying in schools everywhere.
Although bullying is certainly a problem in schools, it doesn’t stop there. It extends to the world outside of school and even into the virtual world of the internet, where young people have created a bit of a world of their own.
Bullying can have serious effects on mental and physical health. It also targets vulnerable groups, such as LGBTQ+ individuals and those with disabilities. Pink Shirt Day raises awareness and funds to support anti-bullying programs.
History of National Pink Shirt Day
The roots of National Pink Shirt Day began in 2007, inspired by an act of kindness from two high school students. Travis Price and David Shepherd, from Berwick, Nova Scotia, noticed a new student being bullied for wearing a pink shirt.
They decided to take action by buying 50 pink shirts and encouraging their peers to wear them in solidarity. The next day, many students showed up in pink, creating a powerful statement against bullying.
The event gained momentum quickly. It was not just a school initiative anymore; it spread across Nova Scotia and then Canada. People from different regions started participating, and the movement grew each year.
National Pink Day became a national event recognized for raising awareness about bullying in schools, workplaces, and online. It emphasizes the importance of standing up against bullying and promoting kindness​​.
National Pink Day’s impact extends globally, with support from people in over 180 countries. The day focuses on creating safe, inclusive environments where bullying is not tolerated.
Funds raised on this day support various anti-bullying programs, helping to foster a culture of respect and understanding. Through simple actions like wearing pink, individuals show their commitment to a bully-free world.
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haly-reads · 2 years ago
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aug 16, '23: st. thomas cathedral, bombay//
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pplndplcs · 5 months ago
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The island of St. Thomas celebrates Carnival for a month in late spring. In this photo from the 1950s, a group of people dressed in saris await their review at a parade competition.
Charles Allmon
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jazzstandardspoll · 8 months ago
Descriptions & Propaganda
St. Thomas
Composed by Sonny Rollins
Notable versions: Sonny Rollins and Tommy Flanagan (x), Ron Carter and Jimmy Hall (x), Joshua Redman Quartet (x)
Propaganda: When I was in highschool this was the audition piece for saxophone players looking to join the jazz band. I remember sitting at the theory bar (a cozy little nook in the music room with fairy lights and posters of all Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald and etc.) listening to St. Thomas seep through from the practice rooms. Deeply beautiful and nostalgic piece.
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
Composed by Charles Mingus
Notable versions: Charles Mingus (x), Jeff Beck (x), Joni Mitchell (x)
Propaganda: None submitted.
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