dekulakization · 8 months
Marko, brate! Natalija, ljubavi! Nema ni mog Jovana! Kuku meni...kuku meni!
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This scenes....Hit me so Hard ❤️❤️❤️
Rukmini Krishna ❤️
Like....These two actually nailed this Roles
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queretarotv · 3 months
Supervisión de trabajo de imagen urbana en La Carbonera, Santa Rosa Jáuregui
Autoridades municipales supervisaron el avance de los trabajos de mejoramiento de Imagen Urbana en la comunidad de La Carbonera, en la Delegación de Santa Rosa Jáuregui. Durante dicha supervisión, el Presidente Municipal se unió a los trabajos de mejoramiento que se realizaron en el parque y en las zonas aledañas, los cuales abarcaron: pintado de topes, guarniciones, bancas, bardas, juegos…
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toshihikonakashima · 2 years
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速読解力講座でお世話になっている 「SRJ」様より、お花をいただきました。こんなのは初めてですねえ。 ありがとうございます! #速読解力講座 #SRJ #津山 #中島塾 (Tsuyama, Okayama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqFIihJ0w4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sooo i may have redoodled that one panel from @spinjitsuburst (can i @ u i AH.) cabinet man auu...,,.,,
i may have gone on a lil little tiny bit too much on my alt,, UHH
i was gonna draw skybound ver but,,, srj was alr on mh mind
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oplishin · 8 months
the more i play "where the water tastes like wine" the less i like it (mostly) but also god, the main theme is such a fucking earworm it is always in my head
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यह एसआरजे म्यूजिक एंटरटेनमेंट का ऑफिशियल यू फ्यूब चैनल है, वह भारत से भोजपुरी म्यूजिक रिकॉर्ड एबल का नेतृत्व कर रहा है। हम अल पॉपुअर भोजपुरी सरगर्स और फिल्मों के गाने और संगीत पेश करते हैं। आकाश दुबे, पवन सिंह, खेसारी लाल यादव जैसे मशहूर भोजपुरी कलाकारों के सभी बेहतरीन गाने. सत्यम जैसवार, ईएफसी और उनके कई कलाकार विभिन्न कैफे के सौ से अधिक ट्रैक जैसे भोजपुरी गाने, भोजपुरी गाना, भोजपुरी ओकी, देवी गीत। छठ गीत, भक्ति गीत, भोजपुरी फिल्म, भोजपुरी फिल्म और भोजपुरी सिनेमा। 👇🏻 channel Link click 👇🏻👇🏻
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flyawaywithryu · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ〔  #PREDEBUT  〕 ・  ❛ 혼자 멍하니 고갤 숙이고 있어 생각을 정리해봐도 어지러운 내 맘 어떡해 ❜ ・ 꿈속에서 너와 춤을 출래,  ‹ JUST DANCE ›  —  2015년 2월ㅤ
ㅤZumbidos en los oídos y un par de manos sudorosas. Shin Ryujin, de apenas quince años, hacía no mucho había empezado a soñar con un futuro que sucedía bajo los reflectores, en escenarios grandes, con miles de personas gritando su nombre y vestuarios llamativos. De hecho, antes de encontrarle el gusto a cierto grupo de siete integrantes, a la miembro más joven de la familia Shin le gustaba considerarse «diferente a los demás», justo el tipo de persona que cumple a rajatabla con los deseos de sus padres y todos los planes que ellos tenían para ella.
 ㅤEs que Ryujin vivía por y para su familia. 
ㅤCon quince años ya sabía con exactitud lo que la vida tenía para ella, lo que el futuro le deparaba. Frente a sí se extendía un camino simple, marcado por la expectativa de la excelencia académica y luego, una carrera afín a la de su padre; una que le permitiera hacerse de un lugar importante en la clínica que manejaba. Sobre sus hombros, como muchas veces le había repetido su madre mientras cepillaba su cabello antes de mandarla a dormir, recaían los sueños que ellos, como padres, no habían podido concretar. Ryujin y su hermano, Ryusung, tenían la obligación de acatar y hacer suyas las aspiraciones de quienes les habían regalado el don precioso de vivir. Entonces, momentos de incertidumbre, para Shin, no eran habituales. Simplemente no estaba acostumbrada. 
ㅤY por eso estaba aterrada.
 ㅤZumbidos en los oídos, un par de manos sudorosas y un nudo en el cuello que poco a poco se tensaba más y más. Una audición privada le había llegado por suerte, removiendo todos sus planes hasta el punto de derrumbar lo que ella consideraba ya escrito en piedra. Bastó tan solo una charla con una representante de una de las empresas grandes del momento durante una escapada a un evento de música para que su corazón latiera con una ilusión nueva y sus ojos se abrieran a la fantasía que se le presentaba justo en frente. 
ㅤEsa noche, mientras los lightsticks iluminaban el lugar y la música retumbaba de las conexiones de sonido, fue difícil no imaginarse sobre el escenario, presentándose frente a una gran cantidad de personas que la reconocieran a ella y a sus talentos, y que la tuvieran tan grabada en el corazón como para hacer retumbar el recinto con un coro de su nombre. Ryujin, esa noche, descubrió el deseo dormido que años antes la había llevado a interesarse en la música al aprender a tocar guitarra y a sentirla tan dentro suyo que de a pocos se abría al baile como una forma suya de expresión. Fue entonces cuando todo lo que alguna vez consideró que debía quedarse solo como un gusto pasajero, no importante en su vida, tomó un peso nuevo, muy difícil de ignorar. 
ㅤZumbidos en los oídos, un par de manos sudorosas y el corazón repiqueteando en el pecho. Sobre su regazo, un montón de papeles decorados con su distintiva letra y un código impreso en tinta negra la diferenciaban del resto de aspirantes de aquella audición privada.
 ㅤEn ese pasillo, mientras aguardaba a que su código fuera llamado, los ojos de Shin no dejaron de reparar hasta en el más mínimo detalle de lo que la rodeaba. Pudo notar como algunos chicos mecían los pies con nerviosismo, como una jovencita hacía bolitas pequeñitas con un poco de papel higiénico y luego las guardaba en el bolsillo mientras repetía, lo que suponía, era la letra de la canción que seguramente había preparado para la entrevista. 
ㅤY mientras tanto ella… Ryujin solo veía al vacío, la mirada perdida en cualquier suceso lo suficientemente llamativo como para hacerle girar la cabeza. En silencio cuestionaba qué la hacía mejor que los demás. En silencio se preguntaba por qué debían elegirla a ella, seleccionarla para moldearla y convertirla en una estrella, y no a esos chicos con zapatillas que delataban su experiencia en el baile o a esas chicas que desde ya deslumbraban con su porte y presencia.
 ㅤ¿Qué hacía a Ryujin diferente de ellos? ¿Qué la hacía resaltar? 
ㅤ—Siguiente, por favor.
 ㅤEra su turno. 
ㅤRyujin asintió. Tragó con dificultad, pasó sus manos por su cabellera suelta y tomó una gran bocanada de aire, intentando no sentirse más nerviosa de lo que ya estaba a pesar de la atenta —y algo cansada— mirada de la señorita que acababa de señalar que era su momento.
 ㅤEstaba tensa y fue obvio en los primeros pasos que dio dentro de la sala. ¿Y si Ryujin no tenía madera de artista? En un breve segundo, menos de un parpadeo, Shin cuestionó sus ilusiones, viéndose incapaz de alcanzar el sueño bonito que desde hacía unas semanas le robaba el aliento. 
ㅤPero así como le llegó esa oleada de duda, de igual manera se vio presa de la calidez que llegaba con el optimismo y la esperanza. De a pocos, como un abrazo, el chispazo de seguridad le hizo perder parte del miedo.
ㅤQuizás habían muchas más personas mejores que ella, que tuvieran el camino mucho más avanzado de lo que la adolescente podía imaginar. Pero entre ellos, aquellos que ya eran aprendices y estaban andando el rumbo hacia sus sueños, y ella, solo una decisión cargada de determinación los separaba.
 ㅤ—¡Buenas tardes! —exclamó de repente, haciendo una inclinación de noventa grados y manteniéndola por un par de segundos antes de alzarse de nuevo. ㅤAún con los nervios encima, una diminuta sonrisa se coló en sus comisuras mientras daba, por fin, un paso en la dirección que ella misma deseaba—. Mi nombre es Shin Ryujin, tengo quince años y mido un metro con sesenta centímetros.
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Always there for U ❤️
It was night time, Rukmini was laying on the bed, waiting for Krishna to come.. Her one hand was on her baby bump. After few minutes of waiting.. Krishna came in with a cute smile adoring his face. He removed his crown and His Jwellery, and Layed beside her, He kept his one hand on Rukmini's Baby bump and caressed it..
Krishna : Are u not sleeping my love?
Rukmini sighed..
Rukmini : i am not getting sleep!
Krishna raise his eyebrow..
Krishna : Why?
Rukmini : because, your baby doesn't want me to go to sleep!! Whenever i lay down and close my eyes, and get comfortable He just gives me a kick!!
Krishna chuckled hearing her ramblings,
Rukmini : Why are u laughing?
Krishna : nothing 😐
Krishna : What should i do to make u sleep??
Rukmini : FLUTE!!!
Krishna laughed, he stood up , and picked up his flute, and sat beside Rukmini, who kept her head on his lap.. Krishna started playing the flute, it made wonderful melodies... A comfortable calmness surrounded the atmosphere..
After sometimes, Rukmini fell asleep, Krishna stopped playing... He looked down to see his beloved wife sleeping peacefully, keeping one hand on her baby bump, a small smile adorning her face.. Krishna smiled, He gently got up and made Rukmini lay down in a Comfortable position, Krishna then layed beside her, and kept on hand on her belly
Krishna : Good night Little one ❤️
And he kissed the baby bump.. Krishna closed his eyes, and slept..
Late Night
Krishna and Rukmini was in a deep sleep, but suddenly felt a sharp pain on her stomach, making her stir, the pain stopped.. After few seconds she again felt that pain, but it was not reducing, it was increasing.. Rukmini was in pain, she started sweating, She then Gripped krishna's hand tightly..
Krishna woke up and saw Rukmini sweating, she was also breathing heavily but her eyes was still closed.. Krishna panicked..
Krishna : Priye?...
Rukmini didn't respond..
Krishna : Priye! Are u ok?
Rukmini tightened the grip..
Rukmini then opened her eyes, and started shouting in pain..
Rukmini : AAAAHHHH!!!
Krishna : priye!!!.. OMG!! Daasi's!!!
Krishna started caressing her hair..
Krishna : sshhh, its going to be okay my love..
At the Right time Devaki, Rohini, Revati and Subhadra entred the chamber..
Devaki : omg.. Putri..
Devaki sat beside Rukmini and holds her hand and started Rubbing it..
Rukmini : AAAHHH MAATA!!
Devaki : its going to be okay my dear.. Take a deep breath..
Subhadra saw Krishna's tensed face.. She went near him..
Subhadra : krishna bhaiyya... Calm down.. Bhabi will be alright..
Krishna : but.... She's in pain... I cant see her in pain..
Subhadra : Bhaiyya, Bhabi is a strong women... She will be fine..
Krishna nods..
Rajvaidya enters the chamber.. And checks Rukmini.
Rajvaidya : its labour pain...
Devaki turns to Rukmini..
Devaki : putri, i know its paining, but u need to do this okay?, i want you to push..
Rukmini nods, she then pushes....
Subhadra & krishna along with the others were standing outside the chamber.. Hoping that everything goes well, Krishna was walking to and fro with a tensed face...
Balram : kanha..
Krishna : yes dau..
Balram : are you the same guy who told me to stay calm a during the birth of Nishanth?
Krishna : dau... *pouts*
Balram : i know.... Its very, you know.. Stressful.. But CALM DOWN brother... You know take a deep breath..
Krishna : Dau... Really?
Balram sighed..
After so many hours, they still hasn't come out..
Krishna : why are they not coming outside yet?!! It has been.. 3 hours!!
Suddenly Rajvaidya comes outside,
Rajvaidya : uhh-umm Dwarkadeesh... We need your help!!!
Krishna : What?!!, Why??!
Rajvaidya : Dwarkeshwari, is stressed out so, you need to calm her down.... And..
Krishna ran to the chamber..
He saw his wife, covered in sweat, she was also grabbing the pillows as she was trying to push down the baby.. Her lotus shaped eyes Filled with tears... Krishnas heart broke seeing that..
He ran and sat beside Rukmini..He held her hands, and caressed her hair..
Krishna : priye?
Rukmini : a-arya?!! Ahhhhh!!
Krishna : you need to do this... Push!!
Rukmini : i-i can't A-Arya!!!
Krishna : y-you can my love... You are a strong women... The one who made Dwarkadeesh sleepless.. You can my love... Only you can..
Rukmini closed, her eyes..
Rukmini *in mind* : come on my baby, you need to see the world, your father is stressing out, cant you see?... You cant stay inside me for so long...
She then did a deep breath, she grabbed krishnas hand tightly and gave a Push she screamed in pain..
Rukmini : AAAAAHHHHH!!!
She gave birth.
The room was filled with the newborns cry..
Krishnas eyes got filled with tears.. And so did Devaki's...
Rajvaidya : congratulations Dwarkadeesh, the Queen has given birth to a boy...
Krishna gave a big smile, he looked at Rukmini who was laying on the bed her eyes was closed due to exhaustion.. He caressed her hair..
The Rajvaidya, passed the baby to Krishnas hand..
Tears were overflowing down Krishna's face as he held his new born for the first time..
He then hugged the baby..
Krishna : welcome to the yadav family putra!!
He then kissed the forehead of the baby.. The baby smiled at him, he also snuggled at Krishna's arms..
Devaki also picked up the baby and cradled it..
Devaki : he looks exactly like you putra..
Krishna smiled..
Devaki then gave the baby back to Krishna and left the chamber..
Krishna glanced at Rukmini, he kissed her forehead causing her to wake up.. He made the baby lay down beside Rukmini... She smiled..
Rukmini : our baby...
Krishna held the babys hand and said..
Krishna : i promise my putra, i will be always there for you...
Rukmini : what shall we name him Arya?...
Krishna looked at the baby, who was now sleeping...
Krishna : pradyumna..
Rukmini : Karsni Pradyumna 🌸❤️
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜... 𝙸𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚑 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜... Do support..
𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓲 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓼 🖋️🖋️🖋️
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stxrrynxghts · 8 months
What I loved about StarBharat
Yup, after relentlessly bashing my fav show, I have finally decided to show a part where I actually praise it. Yay~~~
The aesthetics. The palace and over all aesthetics were on fiyaahh. I may not be a fan of the costumes, but well, they have done pretty well for a TV show. TV shows cannot spend that much on costumes as compared to films.
Music. The BGMs were really good, as well as the Sanskrit shlokas for the characters. C'mon guys we were all jamming to the multiple Arjun themes for sure
The bond b/w the Pandavas. It was so sweet, and how they showed the Pandavas be a team, a family, together in everything, and well, being brotherly in general.
Yudhishthira. Canon Yudhishthira isn't exactly a saint, but the one in this show, is actually competent. He seems conflicted, done with this shit, wondering how much low can someone sink than this, and well, he also knows how to kick some ass, so yup. Approved!
The portions of stories really explained , like the twins getting screentime. They have individual talents, which separate them not only as the twin duo, but as Nakul and Sahadeva, two individuals.
Also Nakul fangirling over himself hehe
Krishna---he may be irritating at times, but SRJ has managed to capture the serious, tragic, godly, loving and naughty Krishna completely. And yeah, didn't Krishna just LOVEE to irritate half of the world- *cue Yada Yada*
Arjun. My boi is so sweet and gentle, and well, the way he speaks is so soft and pretty oMg
#ParAv till death folks
Bhimasena. No words.
The bromance triangle of Dury, Karna and Ashwa.
Karna is a git in canon, but StarB's Karna gives me meme vibes, LOL
All the Kuru bois having beautiful, shiny, lustrous hair, irrespective of their generation. YAAS, they inherited this from granddaddy.
the tilaks, crescent moon with personalized designs for the Kurus, fire for the Panchals, blue for the Matsyas, the Vaishnava tilak for Krishna and snake for Balarama.
oh Boi how much potential did these love stories have
BHIMAAAAA (again, yes.)
The attractive trash-talking done by Arjun and Bhima, as well as their sons
oh my gawd the Kauravas are such memes it is making me laugh
Balarama's irritated expression at everything Krishna does
Abhimanyu being iconic~~~~~~~
Draupadi's eye makeup>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Tbh they tried to make us ship ArDi, but ik we all ended up liking Yudhishthira x Draupadi after seeing this show-
Subhadra's pretty hairstyles
Uttara my bby
Kunti and Gandhari and Madri
Brihannala *heart heart*
Sexy Pandavas while killing Mamashree
"DURYODHAANNAAAAAA!!!!!" *guess who?*
"Dhanush Uthao Arjun"
Arjun being confused
Arjun flying into a rage after Abhimanyu's death and kicking some ass
Duryodhan getting his ass kicked by Abhimanyu in the same way Arjun did 25-30 years ago #nogrowth
"Mitra Karna~~~" #nohomo
Subhadra being a dumb cutie uwu
Uttara, if only u had some screentime
Krishna again
Bhima eating his way through life makes me aspire to be like him
the Pandavas joking with each other <333333333333333
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queretarotv · 2 years
Inicia construcción del quirófano de la UAQ en SRJ
Inicia construcción del quirófano de la UAQ en SRJ
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., 22 de noviembre de 2022. Con una inversión de 2.5 millones de pesos, gestionados por la Diputada Local Beatriz Marmolejo Rojas, inició la construcción de la primera etapa del quirófano de la Clínica Universitaria en Santa Rosa Jáuregui (SRJ). De acuerdo con Marmolejo Rojas, esta inversión corresponde a una solicitud realizada por la rectora de la Universidad Autónoma…
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anns-works · 1 year
League Of Jay Tings (bc that right there? wasted potential)
The customizable character was a cool-ass feature and one of the best ideas Unagami had for the game. Even before Jay got sucked in, there were players running around with the ninjas as their skin.
(Scott got bored at one point and spent his time antagonizing the Red Visors in a Gold Ninja skin that was ridiculously expensive. Hw also lost a life. Totally worth it.)
On that note, I would like to point out that Jay and Scott's skins appear to be similar, so I'm guessing its one of the defaults that they ended up customizing (I imagine its like putting on a mustache or hat on minecraft Steve and calling it a day.
So, Jay's early days mainly included trailing around Scott cuz he was the only interaction he had with another person that wasn't just an NPC.
They finally encounter another another player but this one has a (surprise!) Blue Ninja skin. wat resulted was a ten minute long standoff between Jay and the other player which involved a lot of pointing and unintelligible noises.
The player bolted. Jay followed them screaming the entire time. Scott also followed cuz this was the most entertainment he's had in a long time. It's a miracle they haven't been discovered by any of the Visors yet.
The played leads them to a hideaway that had a LOT of people, all equipped with Blue Ninja skin.
Scott's previous amusement quickly turns into horror as he quietly goes what the fuck over and over again. Jay gets an idea like you know what, lets use this.
and basically thats how the League of Jay born in Scott's garage through Jay's ''diabolical" plan (he's making a safe hangout space for these kids and also letting them cause chaos)
(For convenience sake, lets just refer to og Jay as SRJ (after his gamer tag) ft. some of the other Jays from the league! w/ their nicknames. DeeJay777 is Dee. Jay22Walkin is Walker. BlueJay6669 is Blue. JayBird9000 is Birdy.)
Most of the things these gremlins do is mainly going around to vandalize stuff. Scott is apparently the "Master of Color" or whatever that may entail. It just basically means he can go around graffitiing "UNAGAM I UR MOMAS A HOE" or other stuff like that.
And back to the whole customizable skin bit, it was an instant hit cuz of the opportunities it presented. You could be a guy. You could be a girl. You could be as sexy as a kpop idol (is that in thing in ninjago?). You could be an eldritch creature beyond mortal comprehension if you're willing to spend up a few units.
Dee enjoys not having tits for a while. Birdy also loves the whole transmasc feeling. SRJ just updated his skin to be Like That™ to give everyone gender envy.
Unagami once released a feature in the game that would let you access different levels and mini-games based on your selected binary gender (back when that was still a thing). The League hated it and let him know dearly. So Unagami changed it into something else and threw in a couple units in the mix (a goddamn dance competition). This was an instant hit. They planed their next updates based on the League's reactions.
Unagami: I didn't realize it was you at first. But some of your actions proved to be quite educational.
SRJ, flashback to that one time he wrote "UNAGAMI I FUCKD U MAMA HERE" on a wall cuz he was feeling pissy: Sure man, don't mention it.
Also on that note, SRJ DEFINITELY founded the ninjago LGBTQA+ community. I meant ninjago in itself is a pretty non-heteronormative society and you can kiss whoever you want with no issue. But everyjay was trapped in the lair w/o Scott out nothing to do and he's bored out of his goddamn mind and just suddenly suggests coming up w/ names for different sexual orientations cuz why not? taxonomy is fucked but they're bored.
Walker has an anthropology degree and Birdy is studying gender so might as well begin.
After getting out they get awarded by the NU for their fantastic discovery.
SRJ gave up the mansion he inherited from Cliff Gordon to Scott and it sort of turned into a hangout spot for the League.
One League member said on Chirp (jokingly) that the League of Jay should have their own social media platform cuz they're too weird and are apparently freaking out people on Chirp. They get a reply from Blue who tells them she'll look into it, and two months later there's a new social media in town.
Lentils and beans of all sizes, I give to you TRip, ninjago tumblr. The buckwild experience ever. A huge hit among the serpentine immedietly.
Those iconic posts but ninjago style. Red floor at Darkley's. the three weed smoking ninjas. Don't you love the color of the gi. I like your shoelaces, thanks I stole them from samurai x. Garage ballpit.
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cboffshore · 10 months
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A look for when you're in your Accidental Cult Leader era. This is Soundcheck.
A one-off couture design - and matching playlist - for @nin-jay-go's 900 Followers DTIYS. Congrats on the milestone! I hope I did it some justice.
(It wouldn't be a Lila A original without my design notes under the cut.)
So! Superstar Rockin' Jay! One of my fave LEGO minifig designs of all time, and to be honest, I've been hunting for an excuse to revamp the look. Thankfully, this DTIYS was the perfect opportunity.
For the outfit itself, my basic plan of attack was to take the original DTIYS prompt image and ramp things up to eleven. Little orange touches on the face became sculptural shades and glorious, Gerard-Way-feather-boa-esque fringe; the lightning bolt lapel and bright spotlights blended into one giant, asymmetrical lapel. To bring in a little rock n' roll energy and reference the original Prime Empire avatar theming, I've anchored the sheer lightning arm fringe with black leather straps. Split bell bottoms lend a little retro energy and open up space for more sheer lightning fringe, as well as glitzy mosaic boots that hover on orange crystal platforms.
You may notice that the iconic smiley star pin has vanished. Well, not exactly vanished - again, the M.O. was to crank everything up, and that called for transforming the pin into an electrifying guitar (and custom stand!) It mirrors the outfit as a whole, with a sculpted orange starburst up top to match the shades and the same mosaic pattern on half of the smiley. I'm no expert in guitars, but I know electric ones have a lot of funky buttons, so I threw some around the eyes and mouth as a wink to post-movie Jay's freckles. When it's time to go acapella, there's a coordinating handheld microphone with a lightning bolt finger guard on the handle.
@nin-jay-go, you said you wanted songs for your SRJ playlist. Since I ignored the "draw him performing" rule (to be fair, you did say to draw this in my style and unfortunately I don't draw people in my style), Ig gave you twenty-one tunes that influenced this design. Either scan the Spotify code in the upper right corner or use this link to access it. I love including music with my art, so this was right up my alley! This is a curated, bright playlist with glam rock energy, killer guitar and vocal work, and a splash of classic emo trinity. More than a splash, actually. (In my defense, I saw Fall Out Boy live this summer, so I've been listening to a lot of Patrick Stump recently. In case you couldn't tell.)
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srjinfoauto · 2 years
Watch "BEST SUVs to buy in (2023) Mazda CX 60 vs Kia SPORTAGE 2023 | hybrid | best value" on YouTube
The new 2023 Mazda CX-50 is an affordable, rugged small SUV geared toward adventures, but car shoppers might be curious how it compares to rivals. The Kia Sportage X-Pro is also targeted at adventure seekers, so consumers probably wonder how the CX-50 stacks up. Here’s a look at four advantages the 2023 Mazda CX-50 has over the Kia Sportage X-Pro.
1. The standard 2023 Mazda CX-50 is much more affordable than the Sportage X-Pro
2023 Mazda CX-50 | Mazda North American Operations
Off the bat, the Mazda is cheaper because the Sportage X-Pro is a premium trim. As a result, according to Edmunds, a Sportage X-Pro starts at about $35,000, and Kia customers can pay $1,800 more to upgrade their SUV to the Prestige version of the X-Pro. 
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starwhipnspin · 1 year
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he is the guy ever fr
also omg look!! a themed playlist no waaaaaayy
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dumdaradumdaradum · 1 year
lowkey want to revisit star's mahabharat, the casting was on fucking point and srj really killed it
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