#squiddo's fics
squiddokiddo · 19 days
Continuation from this post here:
I'm so glad y'all liked the first part, hopefully this one will be good too, it's angst with some hurt/comfort, sibling fluff and 100% feels.
Thanks to @tracybirds and @mrmustachious for looking it over and beta reading it for me.✨
It wasn't long before a light knocking broke their spiral of doom.
"Hey Squirt, you ok?" A cheery voice called from the other side of the changing room door, the one they'd been dreading, the first and last voice they wanted to hear.
"You seemed a little upset back there, and I just wanted to check in with you. Can I come in?"
They knew they wouldn't be able to avoid him forever.
"Yeah..." Squirt's response coming out a lot more mangled and scratchy than they'd hoped.
Gordon pushed the door gently, laying eyes on the sopping wet, chlorine covered mess that was his little sibling, squished up against the wall. The kid was so ashamed, they didn't even look up as he entered.
Grabbing the big bath towel from the bench, he made his way over, draping it over Squirt as he plopped down on the floor, wrapping his little bud in a soft cocoon. His hands remaining clenched to the fabric, he tried his best to meet Squirt's gaze under all those soppy strands of red hair.
"Hey." He started firmly. "I know what you're thinking..."
Squirt's eyes darted away anywhere they could escape their brother's, they started to well up again.
"I'm sorry..." They whimpered, tears spilling over their cheeks. "I let you down, I- I- you- I mean..." They stumbled over their words, searching for the right ones to patch up the damage.
Gordon pulled his sib a little closer, still clutching the towel like a big net to prevent the little guppy from escaping.
"You were amazing."
Suddenly, the weight lifted, the air was clear and they could breathe. Squirt lifted their head to look at their big brother, wide eyed and relieved. As another batch of tears slid down their cheeks, Gordon released Squirt from their soft prison and took their face in his hands, gently wiping away the damp around their eyes.
"Third place?? That's awesome!!" He beamed "I'm so proud of you, kiddo!!"
Squirt sniffled. "But, I- I should've done better. We trained for months, I'm an IR aquanaut, my coach is an olympic champion, how..." They trailed off. "You've given me so much and I failed."
Gordon sighed. "You're also still learning. How old are you? Twelve?? You were up there with fourteen and fifteen year old kids, they should have had a huge advantage but you still beat 7 of them!!"
Squirt shifted uncomfortably in their towel.
"And it wouldn't matter what happens, you could never let me or the others down." Gordon tilted Squirt's gaze towards him to drive his point home. "I am proud of you."
Here came the tears again...
Gordon pulled Squirt into a tight hug and just let them cry it out for a moment, their face buried in the crook of his shoulder, rubbing their back gently. They needed it.
"I love you, you dork." He muffled, his face smushed into the towel. Squirt replied with an incoherent mumble but Gordon knew what they meant.
"Right!!" Gordon released from the embrace, grabbing the towel and pulling it over his sib's head. An outburst of protests and giggles came from underneath as the aquanaut ruffled up the kid's hair with it. Squirt emerged from the makeshift guppy trap, a mess of wildfire now occupying the top of their head.
Gordon, sensing the possibility of revenge, had already gotten up and made his way towards the door again. "I'll let you get changed." He blew a mock kiss as he backed out of the room. "I wuv you!!"
Squirt scowled but couldn't help cracking a grin. "I love you too, weirdo..."
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xxswagcorexx · 6 months
getting to that point where im actually used to the fact i have free time and that i can write fic now holy shit
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freakinator · 2 months
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recently participitated in aufest 2024 (details over at @mcytblraufest) and this is my piece which is a team awesome pixie hollow au
a huge thank you to the mods for organizing this, this has been really fun to do :D
my teammates are @connor6sex/@blubfishblue and @introvert-in-hell, their fics arelinked below! :D
As Many Candles As Possible (2679 words) by Blubfishblue Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Lifesteal SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mapicc & PrinceZam (Video Blogging RPF), Mapicc & PrinceZam & Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF), Mapicc & Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Mapicc (Video Blogging RPF), PrinceZam (Video Blogging RPF), Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF), ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF), Brandon | MinuteTech Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairies, Pixie Hollow (Disney Fairies), Alternate Universe - Pixie Hollow fusion, It's dualitying absolute duo, MCYTBLR Aufest 2024, She/Her Pronouns for Clownpierce Summary: Mapicc lives and works with a constant itch in his heart for some sort of adventure. Roshambo owns a boat, and Zam doesn't know who he is, or at least isn't telling anyone otherwise. Change is on the horizon for Pixie Hollow, Mother Dove is sick and their supplies of Pixie Dust can't last forever. Something needs to happen, and a bright new arrival may change their course.
A Fairy Bad Problem (1271 words) by Introvertinhell Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Lifesteal SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mapicc & Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF), Mapicc & PrinceZam (Video Blogging RPF), Mapicc & PrinceZam & Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF), PrinceZam & Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: PrinceZam (Video Blogging RPF), Roshambo Games (Video Blogging RPF), Mapicc (Video Blogging RPF), JumperWho (Video Blogging RPF), Florence Ennay | Squiddo Additional Tags: Pixie Hollow (Disney Fairies), Fairies, MCYTBLR Aufest 2024 Summary: When Pixie Hollows dust supply starts to fail, and the royal court won't do anything its up to Zam, Ro, and Mapicc to figure out how to fix it. Inspired by this lovely artwork: https://www.tumblr.com/freakinator/757131911832420352/recently-participitated-in-aufest-2024-details?source=share
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Who’d Even Look Me In The Eye
“You realize we’re screwed, yeah? There’s no getting out of this unscathed, Wem. We’re dead meat.”
He laughs, an empty little breath. “We’ve been screwed since the beginning, Squiddo.”
Hello and welcome to my partykillers manifesto. They rotate in my head like rotisserie chickens constantly so it was inevitable that this fic would be written lmao
This isn’t ship! At best this is a doomed toxic friendship trying to mend itself and failing. If it came off as ship, uhhhhhh. Whoops I guess. Idk interpret it as you want ig I just didn’t intend it to be romantic.
Content warning for mention of vomiting and general lifesteal violence, title from Kiss Me, Son Of God by They Might Be Giants (which is THE Team Nuke song. To me)
Please reblog if u liked it and enjoy!!!
Wemmbu is sitting on the edge of the crater that used to be 4C’s base when Squiddo finds him. He’s idle, swinging his legs back and forth over the yawning gap below, leaning back on his arms as if he were simply enjoying a nice sunset. Conveniently, the sun is in fact setting, orange and pink hues filtering through Squiddo’s glasses. The final few rays reflect off of Wemmbu’s polished crown, scattering light like pockmarks of the wreckage.
Squiddo doesn’t approach him right away. She wasn’t exactly looking for the man- they were simply wandering, as a Squiddo often does, their feet guiding them as thoughts ran wild in their brain. Her feet and scattered mind brought her here either by coincidence or fate, and it’s never in her favor when she walks into a situation blind like that. Around Wemmbu especially, with how he can change at the drop of a hat, laughing one moment and snarling another. It’s best to watch him carefully, first, see how he’s acting when he thinks he’s alone before entering the fray. For that reason, Squiddo hides behind one of the boulders that came careening down in the explosion, hidden eyes trained on the man twenty feet away from them.
They don’t find it strange that he’s devoid of any tension while surveying the wreckage. This is his coup de grace, his shining achievement; a monument of his sheer power in a world that wants to beat him down. There’s a fondness in Wemmbu’s eyes as he casts them across the landscape, soft smile reaching them without any effort. Contrastly, if Squiddo weren’t focusing on analyzing him as if he were some sort of crossword puzzle that was being particularly difficult, they’re pretty sure they would be full to the brim with a manic sort of regret- small fits of laughter would bubble up from somewhere in her chest, despite a lack of a smile. And then she would probably vomit over the edge, because guilt does that to them.
Here’s the difference between Wemmbu and Squiddo, as partnered as they are: Squiddo never wanted this. The first time, when it was just a mean move on the chessboard in a family diner, it was fine. It was funny, even, to watch as people she had just gotten to know fall lifeless, their souls yanked backwards at a million miles per hour. That was part of the game everyone had agreed to play. This—the air strike, the destruction, the days of stress, the sound of Wemmbu’s screaming demands echoing through their head—was a step too far for them, even if 4C had agreed to it, and she had initially been willing to pitch in. Maybe it was because working on the nuke itself had worn them down to skin and bones, sleep abandoning them in moments of need, but something had switched in her head upon watching the TNT fall from the sky. Something in them screamed wrongness, and suddenly, instead of pride welling up at finally getting the damn thing working, regret surged into her for letting this happen. For having a hand in it. The sharpness in Wemmbu’s voice as he made his ultimatum—something he never clued her and 4C on—only solidified that feeling in her stomach.
Speaking of Wemmbu, he’s still just sitting there, kicking his legs. From this angle, Squiddo can’t entirely read his face, but there seems to be no tension as far as they can tell. He’s in his element, something she hasn’t seen from him since the nuke went off. It’s not odd in any manner, it’s just…off putting. Disconcerting. Something Squiddo can’t make an accurate prediction out of. But if fate brought them here, surely it meant something, the same way it must’ve meant something for them to join lifesteal in the first place, so she steadies her resolve and lifts herself from the crouching position she took upon seeing him.
They can tell exactly when he’s alerted to their presence- in an instant, his posture tenses, fingers digging into the rough terrain. His crown jostles a bit as he silently tries to locate the sound. It’s easily missable, those little quirks, but Squiddo knows Wemmbu better than anyone else on this server. She’s had to pay attention to those quirks for days on end, before. She can read him like a book if he lets them. Knowing him, he won’t give them the chance.
“Y’know I can hear your footsteps, Squiddo,” he calls out without moving.
“How’d you know it was me?” They reply, but they know the answer already. Wemmbu just huffs a laugh in response. So far, the tension in the air is minimal- both of them are holding their breath, keeping it light as if their friendship hasn’t been atomized three times over. She can almost pretend that nothing has changed, if it weren’t for the visual reminder in front of them.
Wemmbu doesn’t keep the game up for long, though. “Why are you here?” he asks, and the familiar sarcastic bite to his voice makes itself known between words. It’s less of a question and more of a challenge, a test to see if they’re worthy of his presence. “I thought you hated me, or something.”
That’s odd, Wemmbu getting vulnerable so quickly. Squiddo knows it’s an act, his way of lowering her own guard so he can lure them in, but she’s not entirely mad about it. As much as they wish he would just take the hits as is rather than scheming his way out of every mildly uncomfortable situation, they know it’s in his nature to put up the front as quickly as possible. Usually, the banter lasts longer, is the thing. He’s particularly bothered by them being here. They don’t know if they like that or not.
Instead of lingering on it, though, she moves on, ignoring the sentence that was tacked onto his question. “You know me. I wander. Ended up wandering here.”
“Right.” Translation: cut the bullshit, Squiddo.
The huff that comes out of her is a mix of frustration and relief. It’s still the same old Wemmbu, and that’s both good and bad news. Which Wemmbu it is, Squiddo doesn’t know, but they’ll take their chances on it being the one that won’t kill her on sight.
He doesn’t move when she walks up to the edge and sits down next to him. His sword, if he’s even got one on him, stays in his inventory. The only change between either of them is that Squiddo starts swinging their legs in sync with his, hands gripping the edge of the crater to keep balance. She pointedly doesn’t look down- as much as she dislikes Wemmbu’s lack of tells, she doesn’t want to show her own, and the queasiness would eliminate her already weak poker face.
For a long moment, both of them just watch the sun set in front of them. The air smells of smoke and iron, the lingering traces of their actions hanging heavy on their shoulders. Grass has begun to creep through the cracks in the rock, nature claiming the wreckage as its own once again. For anyone else, it’s beautiful. To Squiddo, it still is, but the gentle beauty is easily trampled by fear and guilt.
It’s Wemmbu who breaks the silence, voice flat and casual. “I don’t regret a thing, you know.”
Her tone is similarly flat. No tells. “Distinctly aware of that, yep.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” he continues, leaning back on his palms, soft smile gracing his face again, “it was hell. Building the nuke, I mean. Those schematics are burned into my retinas to the point where I could rebuild it blindfolded. I tried to, once. Spoke caught me before I could finish.”
“Were you gonna use it?”
He shrugs. Lets the silence between them simmer, as if he’s just enjoying the view. Knowing him, he probably is.
“Eh. Wouldn’t’ve done much, probably. Most likely would’ve just blown up in my face.”
More silence. Something Squiddo knows about Wemmbu: he doesn’t trust silence. This situation is probably eating him alive, with the way they’re dancing around the metaphorical elephant. It’s eating them alive, too, waiting for his reaction, for him to settle on a mood. She swallows her desire to just start crying, or laughing, or something. Now’s not the time for that. Now is the time to just get on with it, either by playing the game of chess he’s laid out with this conversation, or push him off the cliff while he’s vulnerable.
Her voice is steady when she speaks. “I don’t know if I regret it or not.”
“What, like it wasn’t exciting?”
“Our definitions of exciting are very different, Wemmbu.”
He chuckles at that, as if it’s another late night at the launch site and they’re goofing around again. “Squiddo. Squiddo. You can be mad all you want, but you can’t deny it wasn’t at least a little bit fun.”
He’s trying to get a rise out of her, she knows. She hates that it’s working. She hates that they’re sliding back into normalcy. She hates that she can imagine 4C next to her, swinging his legs in time with her. She lets that hate seep into her next words.
“Fun?! Fun was when Zam and Minute were dressed as the FNaF animatronics celebrating my fake birthday. Fun was when you would be away and me and 4C would dick around the launch site like children. Fun was 4C undulating in the wiring! Fun was messing with the secret controls! Fun was filling spawn with water! You?,” Squiddo gestures to the landscape in front of them, shadows forming as the sun dips below the horizon, “This? This was a living nightmare, Wemmbu! And I-“
She cuts herself off with a huff, falling back onto the rocky soil behind her. Tears are making their glasses fog up, so she takes them off, pressing her palms into her eyes to ward off any frustration. The breath they didn’t know they were holding releases from their chest. Wemmbu doesn’t move from his spot on the cliff edge, nor does he pull out a weapon of some kind. He must be in a really good mood today, if he’s not killing her for that jab against him.
In front of them, the sun finally dips below their view of the horizon. Stars speckle the darkening sky. In any other situation, Squiddo could watch them for hours; in this one, they break the silence with a quiet, wavering conviction.
“You realize we’re screwed, yeah? There’s no getting out of this unscathed, Wem. We’re dead meat.”
He laughs, an empty little breath. “We’ve been screwed since the beginning, Squiddo.”
She knew this. Those same words have been going through their head over and over, spurring her to pace, get out, go somewhere. Hearing it from him, though, is a heavy weight on her chest, one that makes the regret swirling in her stomach do flips.
“Then why’d you do it?”
“What else was I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know, not set an ultimatum that couldn’t be fulfilled?”
By the sound of rocks rustling and pebbles tumbling down the side of the crater, Wemmbu has finally stood up. He takes the time to dust himself off, hands brushing against fabric in an almost rhythmic manner. If Squiddo opens her eyes, she can see him standing over her, arms crossed and eyes unreadable, assessing her as if she’s under a microscope. It doesn’t worry her as much as the fact that her eyes were closed around Wemmbu does.
After what feels too long of an analysis, he speaks, falling into his typical tone of monologue. “Power is a fickle thing, Squiddo. It’s not just you have it or you don’t. You have to earn it in a manner that no one has done before, and it never lasts as long as you want it to. But oh, I wanted it. I joined the race for power on a server where everyone has done everything to get it. I had to take the risk.
And you know, maybe it wasn’t worth it. You said it best. We’re fucked. No matter what we do, in the long run, there’s no getting out of this alive. But I have at least some time left before it all goes to hell, so I’m gonna make it count. Every second of it.”
The difference between Wemmbu and Squiddo, as partnered as they will be: Squiddo never wanted this.
Wemmbu holds out a gloved hand. The black contrasts nicely with the neon purple of his skin, bloodstains barely noticeable. Most of that blood is probably Minute’s, if they had to guess. “You’re along for the ride, as much as you claim innocence. Might as well stop crying about it and make it count too.”
They take his hand, hoisting themself up with his help. That heavy feeling hasn’t left their chest, but it’s something Squiddo knows how to live with by now.
“Never said I was claiming innocence, Wem. I was just mad.”
“Aren’t we all, Squiddo, aren’t we all.”
The reason Squiddo keeps teaming with Wemmbu, as different as they are: neither of them know when to stop.
For a long moment, they both just stand there, looking over the crater. In the moonlight, it takes on an eerie sense of calm, a silent mourning underneath the cover of night. That calm washes over Squiddo as she watches the patches of grass away in the breeze. Then Wemmbu turns to leave, shoving a hand in an unseen pocket and placing the other on their shoulder.
“You never answered my question, by the way.”
This time, it’s her who lets out the huff of a laugh. “About hating you? Can’t. I try not to hold grudges, if you can believe it.”
He laughs back in reply, a hearty thing combined with a layer of sarcasm. “God, you sound like Minute, the freak. I don’t think that man is capable of having a mean bone in his body.”
“I have no clue how he’s survived this long, honestly.”
It’s nice, as much as Squiddo doesn’t want it to be, talking to Wemmbu again. Her mind brought her here, and it’s probably because she needed it- she cares about her other server mates, of course, but the same way she knows Wemmbu, he knows her. No one else can rile up their audacity the way he can. No one else can make her feel okay with living in a war zone like lifesteal. Ash tried, but Ash is a different breed of player, and works on a different playing field. Squiddo sticks with what she knows, and she knows Wemmbu, as unfortunate as that can be.
And yes, they’re screwed, but for a moment, underneath the sparkling navy sky, Squiddo pretends that both of them have more time than they do.
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dailysquiddo · 4 months
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doodle I did for the oneshot fic horror au thingy 👍 squiddo gets to be a little unhinged. As a treat
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metaphoricalanimal · 9 months
It's called My Heart's an Autoclave, it's in a collaborative sci-fi universe between us and haunt, and it's :33333 the first chapter came out! Tags and Summary under the cut!
The link is Here on AO3
Tagging our main and our writing account - @my-little-versaille @aperture-science-sys
"Recently assigned to a ship known as the SSC Survival, Dr. Clown is tasked with taking care of the ships newest, state of the art, artificial intelligence. Little does he know, he bit off a lot more then he expected." Rating:
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lifesteal SMP
Branzy/ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF)
Branzy (Video Blogging RPF)
ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF)
Florence Ennay | Squiddo
Additional Tags:
More characters to come
more fandoms too
Robot/Human Relationships
Human ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF)
Slow Burn
Alternate Universe - Science Fiction
Alternate Universe - Space
Language of Flowers
i gave him anxiety
Non Human Branzycraft
Boarding School
Space Flight
Title from a The Mountain Goats Song
Language: English
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lifesteal-headcanons · 5 months
I'm gonna put the glitch in glitch duo right now and rant about them and how their glitches work because I am so normal about them (lie)
Okay, so I barely got into Lifesteal like. Late last year because of Squiddo joining and I lowkey got really hyped for it and seeing Ash and Squiddo together I was like.. Woah.. New fav duo alert.. And then found that there was no fancontent and had to make it myself so.
Anywho! Ashswag, as we already know, has that lil.. Thing over his left eye (?) That a lot of us (me) has interpreted as like. Glitching. So to start us off, I believe that glitching can stem from messing with your own player code/others player code/server codes/using mods with like. Virus' or something idk im not that smart. And from the Ashswag videos I've watched we can kind of tell where Ash fits in there by like. Fucking with how servers work and therefore fucking up his own code.
Squiddo's code is glitched because.. Have you watched Squiddo's videos? Naw but fr, she's constantly putting the most cancer inducing mods on her game, playing mods that can definitely fry their pc, playing minecraft on a USB DRIVE?? Which would DELETE chunks to MAKE MORE OF ITSELF so like. You can see where I'm going with this. So obviously, their code gets fucked up and the more they do these mods and plug ins and - whatever the hell, the more their code because intangible and unable to be fixed.
So, with that, I'm gonna go ahead and explain how I think their glitching works and how it affects their body/like.. Everything else.
Ashswag's glitches, as we can see, are more visible to the eye. Literally over his damn eye. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that gives him some partial blindness in his left eye. Also, from some fics that ive read ive seen people give him like, back problems and chronic pain that he probably had before but the glitches DEFINITELY don't help at all and instead make the pain way worse than it already is so. Yay!
While Ash's are more physical, I feel like Squiddo's are more like. Mental? If you catch my drift? While Ash is stumbling down into a heap of pain on the floor because his back is killing him, Squiddo is standing in the hallway staring at him wondering why the guy from the one house smp is crumbling on the floor in front of them on a server they swore they were not on a few weeks ago.
So yeah. Memory loss Squiddo. Also inspired from a fic that I do know! I'll link the fics I got inspired from at the end because they are genuinely such good reads and great ideas.
But I decided that memory loss best fit Squiddo, because tbh they are pretty forgetful. And I take their goofy hijinks and shenanigans as just. Squiddo having to recollection of anything and just trying to do something (which she's probably done before) to job their memory but oh well. I feel as if the memory loss is more of a living in the farlands thing rather than glitched out fucked-up code inducing thing, but whatever. The only time we see glitched out Squiddo is on thumbnails! So I feel like whenever Squiddo joins a server or world that's previously glitched or like. They're already pretty glitched, it really takes its toll and fucks up the whole thing and makes it a memory loss disaster for Squiddo.
And because of Squiddo's horrible memory, they can never recollect and find out what the hell happened to the world to make it this glitched out when in reality she's the reason the world is so glitched.
Except when joining servers! Surprisingly, they don't experience those things when joining servers while when joining worlds the world would become discombobulated and delete itself just after a few hours. Funsies! Which they realize when they join the one house smp just to explore it and then they find ASHSWAG!! And then realizes that HE'S GLITCHED TOO!! YAYY!!! And then they absolutely BOMBARDDDD him with questioned like "why do my worlds always delete themselves?", "what causes someone to have a glitched code?" And "how are servers able to not glitch out?" Etc etc which Ashswag answers and then BOOM! FRIENDSHIP!!!
Basically the only reason servers are able to work for them is because theres like.. This other thing cody whatever that prevents it to idk im not smart. This is not compliant with my past fics written about this stuff but oh wellsies.
Another thing I have made up is 'glitch fever' where basically they just get sick because of their fucked up code and glitches. Yeah. Also based off a fic I read where being around Ashswag too much can make you sick and stuff. I feel like their are certain people who are immune to it like Reddoons (purely because of Swagdoons and nothing else) and Squiddo (because they also glitch tf out and Swagsquid/silly).
Another thing I've like. Headcanoned (because this is all just me reading too much into things and making too many headcanons about) is that their glitches also like.. Made their body tempature irregular. This is so random but it was just something I thought of and then I wrote a fic about it. Like, Ash is constantly fucking cold and on a hot ass texas summer day he'll feel a little warm. Same for Squiddo just vice versa. I love them. The sillies. I want to put them in a terrarium and study them.
That's.. All I have I'm pretty sure. Hello I am Swagsquid the #1 Glitch Duo Writer/Enthusiast and the #1 Swagsquid Shipper (the ONLY Swagsquid shipper..) and thank you for listening to my ted talk.
Fics I took inspiration from:
"Dear Diary: Today, I killed someone" by Fey_wilde on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/52170592)
"I Feel Too Weak to Stand" by Eternal_Era on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48067240)
"fault lines" by garlic_sauc3 on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41924196)
Fics I've written based on this idea:
"Glitch fever" by (ME!!) Swagsquid on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53400835)
"The warmth of another's embrace" by Swagsquid on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53449573/chapters/135284551)
"Forgotten hot chocolate" by Swagsquid on Ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54350146)
(Please read the tags and ratings before reading some of the fics!)
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astranite · 2 months
Cotton Candy Bubblegum Icecream Means Sticking Around No Matter What.
A fic for @squiddokiddo of Gordon and their oc Sea-Squirt Tracy with some fluffy hurt/mostly comfort between siblings, for a hope this cheers you up even a little as you’re hurt too and this is the closest I can get to giving you a proper (very gentle) squid hug.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57426040
Squirt drawn by Squiddo here!!!
“Hey Squirt, how are you doing bud?
Gordon sat down on the side of their bed, transferring several plushies to his lap so he didn’t squish them.
The kid frowned, hugging the fin of their giant ikea shark closer. That had been a fun trip for them both when they got it together.
“Ouch, yeah no wonder. ” Gordon scootched a bit closer. “I getcha, back and neck injures aren’t fun at all.” He had plenty of experience in that department.
“It really sucks, Gords.”
“I know and it does, a lot. You did really well on the misson though, I’m proud of you. For all of it but also for taking care of yourself too when you were hurt so Virge and I could look after you.”
Squirt reached out the hand that wasn’t holding onto the shark to hold onto Gordon’s hand.
They paused for a moment then cracked a small smile from beneath the pain. Gordon knew that smile well. “I totally did it for the stickers though. I got two, a manta ray and a blob fish.”
Gordon grinned along with them, leaning into the joke, the laughter, the tiny bits of joy that could be grasped in a rough spot. “Aww those are cool creatures. Virgil only gave me one last time!”
“That was because it was a literal paper cut. From y’know, wrapping paper. I liked the gift though. ”
A couple of sea creature erasers wrapped up in shiny yellow paper that Virgil would recycle into an art project was a something just because to cheer Squirt up a bit when they were having a rough week. The tiny paper cut part was regrettably true. Only regrettable that he should’ve known he could find another sea flap flap sticker, it had just been hiding. It would’ve still would up stuck to Squirt somehow.
“I was most grievously injured, young Thunderfledgling.” Gordon pointed out the largest of his hydrofoil scars on his forearm, a long line of pinkish-white sliding up its length.
Squirt snorted with laughter then winced.
Gordon squeezed their hand. “You ‘kay?”
“Yeah. Ouch. Everything really hurts.”
“Alright. You just say if need me and Virge to check you over again if its not getting better and we can work out whether we need to go to the hospital.”
Squirt made a face.
“Yep, I mean my reaction exactly. They’re shit places to be but important.” Gordon ruffled Squirt’s hair, ever so gently and brushing the ginger curls so those deep brown eyes could definitely see him and know he meant it. “I’m here for you though and I’m going to stick by you whatever happens. You’re my little sibling.”
Gordon let it sink in for a moment.
They didn’t need to say anything as Squirt slowly shuffled to lean into Gordon’s side, more difficult with their injuries.
Gordon put his arm around them to give them a hug, extra careful because he cares about Squirt ever so much but sure and steady so they know he’s got them.
“You wanna watch something together or anything?” He offered.
“That’d be nice.”
“There’s icecream in the freezer I can get you too if you want it.”
“What flavour?”
“How does celery sound?”
Squirt raised a scathing ginger eyebrow. Okay they nearly squinted the other eye closed at the same time but they did it! Wow though they were spending way too much time beating John at chess for them to have picked that mannerism up so vividly.
“I’m kidding! I got you bubble gum and cotton candy last time I was doing groceries and I know for a fact where Alan hid the popping candy and where John and Scott decided to put the sauces cause they are way too tall for the rest of us.”
That got another little smile from Squirt as they pulled up the tv menu from the holoprojector in their room.
Even though they were hurting, Gordon loved to get to spend some time with his littlest sib and would take care of them no matter whether that was resting up here or trips to the hospital, laughing with them or comforting them when everything go too much, all the while doing his best to be a safe harbour they could return to in the storms.
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unluckyplanet · 3 months
I made a fic inspired by Squiddo's most recent lifesteal video! Which was truly an experience especially for someone who only watches their and branzy's pov.
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hermit-permits · 4 months
Can I please have the #1 swagsquid/glitch duo enjoyer permit.. I would say #1 squiddo fan but dailysquiddo best me to it. PLEADING MY CASE.
I created the swagsquid ship tag on ao3, and brought the glitch duo tag up FIFTEEN WHOLE FICS! it is currently at 31. It also my USERNAME! I've dedicated so much to this ship and duo.. I love them.
I also have a squiddo shrine on my wall that I've dedicated weeks of begging my teacher to print out squiddo fanart for me. It was embarrassing.
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Tiniest bit of swagsquid/glitch duo on there.
I've been a Squiddo fan since 2020.. during those harsh SHUDDERS dsmp times.. thank you for your time.
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FabFiveFeb Week 2
I was surprised myself by how quickly I came up with this. But since it's Gordon's birthday on Valentine's (somehow - thank you @squiddo-kiddo for the heads up) I thought I'd write something. So here it is.
EDIT: I forgot to say this earlier: in this fic Gordon is 11, making Alan 9 and the two older brothers in their late teens.
Treasure Island
“Gordo, you sure about this?” asked a worried Alan as his older brother led the way through the cave with a flashlight in hand. It was supposedly one of the brightest you could buy nowadays, and yet the floodlight-like dispersal still failed to fully penetrate the eerie darkness of the cave.
“Don’t be such a baby, Alan. Of course it’s safe. What could possibly go wrong?” Alan’s comment failed to wipe the wide grin off Gordon’s face. His sandals made a quiet splash as he treaded through a puddle with Alan close behind him. The waters below flowed soundlessly through the cavern, appearing murky black even despite the lack of pollution in these parts.
“I don’t know about this,” Alan continued nervously. The diving kit Gordon had made him carry for him sank his left shoulder as they tiptoed as quietly as possible on the seawater-drowned rock.
Dad wouldn’t have approved. Neither would Scott—or either of his other older brothers, come to think of it. But when Gordon had dragged him out of bed early this morning, he hadn’t had much of a choice but to go on a crazy adventure resembling something out of Enid Blyton’s Treasure Island. Dad was sure to be out for most of today, but Scott was sure to be looking for them by now. Not to mention Virg.
“Doesn’t seem like there’s anything here.” Gordon waved the light around, illuminating the dark eroded boulders overhead.
“Then let’s go,” replied Alan, tugging the sleeve of his brother’s T-shirt. He turned around hastily, and a scream nearly deafened Gordon when it reached his ears. Alan was clutching his arm, and he directed the torch to the head of the unidentified figure with a frown.
“Virgil?” He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light before Gordon had the sense to lower it. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just about to ask you the same question. You don’t know it’s safe down here,” said the taller teenager with a stern look. Gordon held his ground, though he was already unsettled by his brother’s bushy eyebrows that were tightly crinkled.
“Come on…trust me, there’s nothing to worry about. But don’t tell Scott,” he added quickly, “or John. Or Dad,” he said with a hushed tone. Virgil ignored his plea, his eyes instead directed to the small kit that Alan was still holding onto.
“Anyway…” Gordon decided to ignore Virgil, taking the diving kit from his little brother. He took out his goggles and rebreather, and put the gear on.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” came Virgil’s muffled exasperated remark. Gordon toed off his sandals, and taking a deep breath, he dived into the icy water.
It was February. Arguably not a great month for swimming in the ocean, but that never posed a challenge for the Squid Kid. The ocean was his playground, the corals his home. Corals. He switched on his headlight, the weak beam piercing through the heavy waters beneath Tracy Island. Everything was as dark as it had been above, until he spotted a familiar structure, colourful, blooming with life.
He swam closer still, the small polyps waving in the soft currents. He smiled at the sight. But only a second later he realised what that meant. Corals meant sunlight. And sunlight meant he was no longer underneath the Island.
But he wasn’t ready to go back just yet.
He cruised past the corals, his thoughtful gaze caressing the colourful fingers protruding from the seabed. What a way to spend his birthday—only to have his brothers give him a good scolding when he got back. Not that it mattered, because they wouldn’t have agreed to let him go on a Pendergast exploration trip anyway, even if he asked nicely.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been before he reached the end of the small reef, and decided that it was time to go back. Everyone would be up by now, and probably looking for him as well as Alan.
He made it to the surface to find, just as he had expected, he was now in the middle of nowhere. Tracy Island was but a green dot in the distance, but fortunately he was in a good mood for swimming.
Scott Tracy stood on the cliff, his arms crossed. A sizeable bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, a side effect of the morning run he’d just had, his shirt partially soaked. He should have gone in to get a shower and clean up, but he was waiting for someone. Since Virgil had woken up and decided Gordon had gone on a solo adventure, he knew he was going to greet his maverick little brother personally and give him a good piece of his mind.
Gradually a murky yellow dot appeared in his view, growing larger to become a small boy with a golden mop for hair. Gordon reached the shore below him, greeting him with one of his mischievous, guilty grins. “Hey, Scotty…” He reached up to scratch his wet hair, his eldest brother showing no mercy in his stare. Gordon inched towards him warily, fully aware that this friendly Alsatian was about to turn into a wolf after his blood.
“Gordon, what did we tell you about going around exploring the Island like that?” Scott said simply. Gordon squeezed an awkward smile.
“That it’s dangerous?”
“Yep.” Scott said no more, hoping the boy would understand his meaning. He probably did, but pretended not to. He held the look for a second more before it collapsed into a petulant frown.
“Come on, Scott, none of you would’ve let me go down there anyway! You guys are no fun—and I can’t stand that,” he moaned, raising an eyebrow of his brother’s.
“You know why that is. And it’s not like you found a trough of treasure down there,” Scott said, standing firm. “But since it’s your birthday, I might just let this one slide.” His look softened, and Gordon’s eyes lit up in excitement.
“Really, Scott? That’s amazing!” Gordon sprang towards his brother, where he was greeted with a headlock from Scott that almost strangled the much smaller boy. He looked up with a dubious look to see that big brother was smiling.
“Happy birthday, Gordon.”
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tracybirds · 2 years
So @squiddokiddo and I got to chatting about aroace Gords bc it's super fun to play with and thus a fic was born :D
This be fic no.2 to say happy birthday Gords and a big thank you to Squiddo for both reading over said fic and for making a wonderful piece of artwork that accompanies it <;3
Enjoy and hope you're having a lovely day celebrating Gords, celebrating your family and friends and however else you like to love those around you!
There was a certain irony to the day, Gordon knew that. People had expectations about your love life when you were born on Valentine’s Day after all and sometimes it felt like he’d never escape it. It grew tiring explaining over and over that romance had never really clicked for him, having to endure the same reassurances he’d never asked for again and again and again.
It was easier if he just treated it like the great joke of his life, eyes brimming over with mirth when he told people.
“Yeah, Valentine’s Day. I know right! But think about it – right? – the day was already stuffed to the brim with romance, they’d run out by the time it came to giving me some attraction, you know?”
Laughing about it, laughing at it gave him a certain power over the day and one he’d happily exploit.
It didn’t hurt that any new partner in romance that joined their family soon learnt that there was no such thing as Valentine’s Day in the Tracy household, his family binding around him to celebrate a much more important occasion in Gordon’s entirely unbiased opinion.
His birthday gave him a chance to focus on all the people in his life that he loved, no need to create a meaningless hierarchy of relationship.
Still, there was something about Valentine’s that appealed to Gordon, an expectant pause as the world held their breath and believed (just a little more than usual) in love.
He could get behind that at least, even if the whole romance thing didn’t really sit right.
Much more important, in his opinion, was the ever-enduring holiday tradition of making garish homemade cards for all his friends just in case they needed a Gordon Original to remind them of his love.
Gordy was the name and gaudy was the game.
He looked down at the stack of cards he’d made already – an explosion of reds and pinks and paper snowflakes cut into hearts – and narrowed his eyes.
The gold lettering had been a nice touch but really, he knew he needed more sparkle.
“Virgil!” he yelled, darting from the kitchen table and racing the steps two at a time.
His socks slid across the slick floor, sending him careening into the wall more that once before he burst into his brother’s studio.
“Virg, I need your glitter glue, it’s an emergency.”
“Would it kill you to knock,” grumbled Virgil good-naturedly, still poring over his own artwork, not sounding remotely surprised to see Gordon.
“The door was open,” said Gordon with a shrug. “That means you’re available.”
“Not for ‘glitter-glue’ emergencies, I’m not. You’ll have to wait.”
Virgil’s words began to trail off even as he spoke, a deep frown line evident between his brows.
Suddenly he looked up, frowning for a new reason.
“I’m sorry, ‘glitter-glue’?”
“For my valentine cards,” said Gordon impatiently. “Kayo said she and Grandma were flying to the mainland tomorrow morning so long as there weren’t any rescues going and…”
“And it’s already ten p.m. Gordon,” said Virgil with a groan.
“Virgil, please!” squeaked Gordon, hopping up and down on one foot. “I know I’ve left it late, but I didn’t mean to – there was that caving group in Mexico, then there were the seamount explorers last week, and that lab, what was going on there did we ever find out?”
“No, we did not,” said Virgil.
He stood and stretched, his joints cracking loudly as he yawned and peered around the dimly lit room.
“Alright, I’ll go find it, just don’t touch anything.”
“Red or pink if you’ve got it,” called Gordon, but Virgil had already disappeared into the towering storage that held his art supplies.
He looked around the room more out of habit than curiosity, taking in the neatly stacked canvases and the bright floral arrangement at the centre of the room. Virgil had clearly been working it into one of his larger pieces; scattered papers displayed pencil sketches of the bouquet from a variety of angles and now that Gordon was looking for them, he could see glimpses of the flowers all around the room.
Gently he tugged the thick card Virgil had been working on towards him and his eyes widened to see the delicate and crinkled petals of roses beautifully displayed before him in dreamy watercolour.
“I thought I said not to touch anything,” came Virgil’s voice from behind him and Gordon spun on his heel, trying not to look guilty.
Virgil looked more exasperated than angry however, as he handed the supplies over, and Gordon felt himself relax.
“Sorry,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards in a sheepish grin. “They’re beautiful. Almost alive.”
Virgil said nothing, only cocked his head to one side as he assessed the work himself.
“Almost,” he said at last. “But not quite.”
“Well the day your painting resurrects someone, let me know. I reckon we could make good money out of that.”
Virgil didn’t crack a smile, barely seeming to listen the Gordon.
He was beginning to feel awkward, glitter-glue in his hands – red and pink as he’d requested and more colours besides.
The urgency of his own task beckoned but still, he couldn’t help but linger.
“When did you pick up watercolour again?” he asked, trying to prod his brother into conversation.
“I’ve been taking some classes,” said Virgil, quietly. “Online, at your own pace.”
“Ooh, that sounds like fun,” said Gordon. “Do they have live get-togethers at all?”
There was a beat of silence that stretched out just long enough for Gordon to sit up and pay attention.
The slight uptick in breathing, the distinct pink undertones to his skin, the way his brother’s eyes slid down and avoided his gaze.
“Yes,” he admitted.
“Who are they?” said Gordon, only too delighted to have something to weasel out of him. “Go on, what’s their name? What have you talked about? Do they know you’re an internationally recognised hero who could sweep them off their feet?”
“It’s none of your business, Gordon,” groaned Virgil, burying his face in his hands.
“It is too my business,” he retorted. “We need a new relationship to root for, none of you’ve been dating anyone for months and I need something to gossip about with Grandma.”
“Well, you can keep your mouth shut for now, I’m not telling you anything until I’ve had a chance to talk to the guy.”
“Oh, so it’s a guy,” said Gordon, cackling in delight. “Someone artsy, likes working with his hands maybe, has a good appreciation for nature, perhaps?”
“Oh, yeah right, like you could know any of that.”
Gordon reached down and tapped the watercolour card.
“You’re painting him flowers Virg, and you clearly care that they’re the best you can do.”
He grinned suddenly. “Plus, I know your type.”
“And you can leave now," announced Virgil, his cheeks burning as he pushed Gordon out of the room. “Go make your friends their cards.”
“Thanks Virgil,” called Gordon, waving the glitter-glue as the door was promptly shut in his face.
He grinned and opened his comm.
“Hey, Grandma? Want to help me make my Valentines?”
“If that means you have dirt on your brothers, then say no more kid.”
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classpectpokerap · 2 years
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hi tumblr dont mind me linking my new agent 24 fic called
Opening the Door (Splatoon)
features the squiddos pre Splat3, post Octo Expansion -- Three learns to adjust to her new role as Captain, while Eight seems to have taken to Inkopolis with grace that makes Three... jealous? No, that's absurd...
And isn't it Three's problem if she can't remember how she used to live, not Eight's? Even if Eight is offering her a place to stay, and a friendly face...
anyway it's a cute lil story about the cephalopods! hope my homestuck followers are chill with me posting like Literally Whatever lmao, if it helps the css I used is also compatible with MSPFA (thank you to @flaringk for the coding help, go check out their fic too! It's about Agent 4 and Marie during Splat2's campaign).
hello spaltoon fandom
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stupidsketchpad · 4 months
intro post! ☆
hi i was way too scared to actually talk to people on here. i've mustered up the courage to speak. hello there! you can call this my intro post.
i'm sketch/sketchpad. i'm wayyyy too into mcyt. specifically the life series, hermitcraft, and... laurenzside??? she gets her own category because i love her. she doesn't even do mcyt anymore, but i still love her. she needs more attention <3 this is the basic stuff i guess. more under the cut.
● the life series/hermitcraft (watch me never get rid of this one)
● object shows (fell back into them and i don't regret a thing)
● parappa the rapper/um jammer lammy (VERY specifically ujl)
don't mind the poll. anyways
i also like dhmis! i never post about it, but I like it! i don't know how to describe myself but i guess you could say im passionate???? maybe??? and indecisive. if you can't tell. i (might) have a good sense of humor. i also love to draw and write! i don't post any of my writing but I've got it in my samsung notes. (maybe i will one day but idk) also PLEASE rant about the people listed here to me:
joel smalllishbeans
laurenzside please please please laurenzside i love her so much-
squiddo please
mumbo jumbo
all these people are really cool and i think I've written a fic about all of them. (except for zed and squiddo sorry guys) if your a moot of mine; hi! sorry i never spoke to you! i also can send you ask now!
one last thing is please use tone tags or else i might take it the wrong way. anyway my hand hurts so i gotta go. byebye!
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Squiddo finds Wemmbu sitting on the edge of the crater that used to be 4C’s base.
THE FIC I POSTED YESTERDAY IS NOW ON AO3!!! If you liked it the first time you’re gonna like it the second time so LETS GOOO BABYYYYYY
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mcytrecursive · 7 months
Nomination Update - Art
We're coming up on the close of these nomination updates, but there's one last group that we had to cover before we called it done. And that's art. We've had a lot of fics nominated, but we've also had a marvellous selection of art nominated. There have been some incredible, inspiring pieces nominated, including AUs, web weaves, an entire zine, comics, and more. Take a look!
Title: 52 hertz Link: here Fandom: Lifesteal SMP Author: oneirogen Relationships: Ashswag & Squiddo, background Reddoons/Ashswag Characters: Squiddo, Ashswag, Reddoons Length: 4,370 words and web weave Genre: AU, Character Study, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Weird formatting Summary: > SQUIDDO: So the plan is simple. We’ve got around thirty-six hours of driving to do until we reach the source of this weird frequency, then we figure out whatever is making it and then drive another thirty-six hours back so we can report to the Professor. Easy :D > ASHSWAG: How the fuck did you do that with your mouth. or: squiddo goes on a roadtrip.
Title: Hels to Pay AU/From Eden Link: here Fandom: Crossover Fandom Author: aquaquadrant/lunarcrown Relationships: Tango/Jimmy is the main one I can think of?  Characters: Tangotek, Jimmy Solidarity, ImpulseSV, Helsmits Length: 105,000+ words and art Genre: Angst, AU, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Whump Summary: Tango is a Hermit, a redstoner, a Life Series member, and Jimmy's soulmate. However, before that, he was Tangotek from Hels, a blaze hybrid turned into a living blaze farm by Hels corporation Tek Industries. When Tango manages to break out of the Tek Industries lab and stumbles across a portal near Hels spawn, he doesn't hesitate before diving in, heedless of the potential consequences. Consequences such as his overworld counterpart, Bravo, being stuck in Hels for the next decade, looking for revenge, and ending up at Tek industries to get it.
Title: Together till the very end Link: here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: Avi-mation Relationships: Grian, Cleo, Etho (platonic) Characters: Grian, Cleo, Etho Genre: Canon-Compliant, Fluff, Family Summary: (This is a comic of the secret life roomies) After the gruelling hard task, Grian feels insecure about his place in the team with Cleo and Etho. As the yellow, he is a liability, especially knowing his track record. Cleo and Etho work together wonderfully, is there even a need keeping him around
Title: Good News! Ghostbur Comic Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: sidecast Relationships: Ghostbur & Technoblade, Ghostbur & Niki, Ghostbur & Tommy Characters: Ghostbur Genre: Canon-Divergent, Character Study, Fix-It, Fluff, Family, Friendship, Found Family Summary: Ghostbur happy ending comic! Based on blackout poetry of Wilbur's post about Ghostbur's limbo. 
Title: DSMP Comics vol. 1 Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: DSMP Comics Zine Relationships: all of them Characters: yep. all of them Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Modern AU, Superhero/Superpower AU Summary: In a city brimming with heroes, vigilantes, and villains, a mysterious organization known only as E.G.G. has stepped out of the shadows. Their goal? Total chaos. In their quest to overrun the city, they've developed a device that shuffles people's powers— and nobody is safe…
Title: another visit  Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: yuker Relationships: Quackity/Karl Jacobs Characters: Quackity, Karl Jacobs Genre: Angst, Canon-Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Time Travel, Character Study Summary: [sometimes I see him in the middle of the night but he doesn't really remember me.] In which Karl visits Quackity in between his time traveling, and Quackity cannot be sure he isn't dreaming.
Title: El nido de cuervo - The crow's nest  Link: here Fandom: QSMP Author: wizardsandrain Relationships: Philza & Chayanne & Tallulah Characters: Phliza, Chayanne, Tallulah Genre: Canon-Compliant, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Fluff, Family Summary: A painting of the basement where Chayanne and Tallulah sleep
Title: RvB/HC au Link: here Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: gingermaple Relationships: platonic Etho&Cleo, platonic Scar&Bdubs Characters: Etho, Scar, Bdubs, Cleo, Grian Genre: AU, Crossover, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Space AU Summary: Hermitcraft characters in a Red vs Blue AU, loosely following (or ignoring) RvB canon. RvB is a space opera in a general war setting with a lot of silly shenanigans. Some angst, found friendship-family, and generally just a bunch of idiots getting themselves into crazy situations.
Title: Desert Duo Vigilante AU [DDVAU] Link: here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: kitsuneisi & xmaruu11 Relationships: Scar/Grian [Romantic], Grian & Jimmy [Platonic], Cub & Scar [Platonic] Characters: Grian / CuteGuy & Scar / HotGuy Genre: AU, Superhero/Superpower AU Summary: Hero HotGuy fights crime with Vigilante Cuteguy. There is a love dynamic going on [Grian loves Scar, Hotguy loves Cuteguy, but Scar only thinks of Grian as a friend & Cuteguy thinks Hotguy is annoying] They don't know each others super hero identities but fight crime together. Scar and Grian teach at a school together outside of their hero duties.
Title: the handgun is no longer sexy Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: regicidal-optimism Relationships: Quackity/Wilbur Characters: Quackity, Wilbur Genre: Canon-Compliant, Character Study, Romance Summary: Web weave about Las Nevadas Quackity loving a man who wants to die and not being over Pogtopia.
Title: the wedding before everything went wrong Link: here Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: terracottakore Relationships: etho/cleo  Characters: cleo, etho  Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Humour, Slow Burn Summary: etho and cleo wedding 
Title: Frankenstein Cletho AU Art Link: here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: cerealdog Relationships: Cleo/Etho, Cleo & Etho, Cleo/Bdubs, Cleo & Bdubs, Joel Smallishbeans & Etho Characters: Cleo, Etho, Bdubs, Joel Smallishbeans,  Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Canon-Divergent, Crossover, Drama, Horror, Romance Summary: Full-color art of Frankenstein's Monster!Cleo and Frankenstein!Etho in his lab, as well as three primarily black and white lineart pieces of other scenes from the book reinterpreted with Joel, Bdubs, Etho, and Cleo.
Title: Portal AU Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: lemontarto Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Philza, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit Characters: Tommyinnit, Tubbo Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Fluff, Fantasy AU, Friendship Summary: Tommy & Tubbo r two lads living in the woods with their big brother wilbur (who is overworked stressed and tired) when tubbo stumbles upon a strange,magical portal formed by entwined tree branches ! Its mostly them engaging in shenanigans in this new world and going on adventures(led by sprites/spirits in the shadows) & wilbur getting to relax a bit!
Title: the statue queen and her knight Link: here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: greenix Relationships: Ethoslab & ZombieCleo Characters: Ethoslab, Zombiecleo Genre: character designs Summary: Cleo as a gorgon and Etho as a weeping angel.
Title: Blood for the Blood Child Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: @beckyblah on tumblr  Relationships: tommyinnit & technoblade  Characters: tommyinnit, techno Genre: Canon-Divergent Summary: Tommy holding an axe and a wither skull saying, "Blood for the blood child."
Title: Not applicable Link: here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: lockspick (locksock) Relationships: Ethoslab/TangoTek Characters: Ethoslab, TangoTek Genre: Smut, Action/Adventure Summary: personally, i think almost drowning in a 1x1 tube with ur teammate is a little homoerotic, don’t you?
Title: Last of Us + Tntduo Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: ashthefrogprin Relationships: Quackity/Wilbur Characters: Quackity, Wilbur Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Romance, Slow Burn Summary: A series of images depicting quackbur in a The Last of Us AU, followed by a brief summary of a few scenes the artist was imagining. Wilbur has a shotgun; Quackity has an axe. They're both traveling across the country together trying to find a safe harbor with other survivors-- and, as it turns out, being in close quarters with someone during life-threatening situations means the two of you tend to bond. Odd thing, that.
Title: Scar & Grian TMA AU Link: here Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: qhideduo Relationships: Grian & Scar Characters: Grian, Scar Genre: Angst, AU, Crossover, Horror Summary: In which Scar is an avatar of the End and Grian is an Avatar of the Slaughter. (Grian has trouble finding people to kill to feed his patron. Scar suggests that Grian kill him since he'll come back anyways. Grian has concerns and hesitates, but does it with Scar's assurances.)
Title: super_not_evil_mayor.png Link: here Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: cornpapers Relationships: Scar & Bdubs Characters: Scar, Bdubs Genre: AU, Canon-Divergent Summary: A season 7 swap AU where Scar is mayor of the shopping district, but fighting to preserve the mycelium instead of get rid of it. He’s, uh, not doing so hot.
Title: the arrangement Link: here Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: cornpapers Relationships: Grian & Scar Characters: Grian, GoodTimesWithScar Genre: Superhero/Superpower AU Summary: Art of a meeting between Hotguy and the (seemingly antagonistic) Poultry Man, with a really intriguing dynamic.
Title: tazercraft kagerou days Link: here Fandom: QSMP Author: routeriver Relationships: Pactw & Mikethelink Characters: Pactw, Mikethelink Genre: Angst, AU, Time Loop Summary: Tazercraft Kagerou Daze AU - you know that animated music video with the boy and the girl in a timeloop where they keep having to watch the other die in horrible accidents? This art is a redraw of that video's thumbnail with Pac & Mike as the two characters in the timeloop.
Title: Space Mining AU Link: here and here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: wszczebrzyszynie Relationships: Team Ranchers, Cledubs, Ethubs, Scarian, Treebark, Convex brothers, ImpSkizz, Flower Husbands. Zedaph, Doc, Pearl and Gem are also characters. Everything mentioned as platonic, except romantic Jizzie. Characters: Tango and Jimmy Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Drama, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Space AU Summary: Space Mining AU. Tango was an engineer, became a wanted terrorist after he blew up Callisto, a moon where he was doing illegal skulk mining. He blew it up alongside other miners after finding out that skulk is alive, parasitic and infecting people, but he ended up being the sole survivor of the explosion, and the skulk wasn't completely sealed off. He ends up living with Desert Duo for a while (a pair of also dangerous criminals), and that's where he meets Jimmy. It kind of all goes downhill from there.
Title: i think i would like a quiet life Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: pidgedee Relationships: tommy&a healing arc Characters: TommyInnit Genre: Canon-Compliant, Character Study, Fix-It Summary: A gentle-ending poem comic about c!Tommy.
See something you want to offer or request in the exchange? Horrified that a classic of the genre isn't represented yet (to be fair, maybe we didn't get permission)? Join our discord and sign up today! Nominations close Wednesday night!
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