itseulitodoinog · 2 months
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Eulito Doinog
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
 VERSE I:                                                                                                           Lubos ang aming pasasalamat                                                                                 Sa Gabay ng  paaralan,                                                                                 Talino at kahusayan                                                                                    Maging magalang Mapasaan 
 PRE-CHORUS:                                                                                                 Ilaw na iyong ibinahagi                                                                               Liwanag sa buhay ang hatid                                                                   Tagumpay namin ang iyong                                                                            Batid Kinabukasa’y makakamit 
 CHORUS:                                                                                                  Maypajo May puso                                                                                            Turo mo'y di mawawaglit                                                                              Kalinga saming lahat                                                                                         Pag alalay sa pagunlad 
 Maypajo May puso                                                                                           Turo mo'y di mawawaglit                                                                      karunungang aming taglay                                                                              Sayo lang iaalay 
PRE-CHORUS:                                                                                                 Ilaw na iyong ibinahagi                                                                               Liwanag sa buhay ang hatid                                                                    Tagumpay namin ang iyong                                                                             Batid Kinabukasa’y makakamit
CHORUS:                                                                                                   Maypajo May puso                                                                                            Turo mo'y di mawawaglit                                                                              Kalinga saming lahat                                                                                         Pag alalay sa pagunlad
Maypajo May puso                                                                                            Turo mo'y di mawawaglit                                                                      karunungang aming taglay                                                                              Sayo lang iaalay
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Word of God
• John 4:20-24 [20]Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. [21]Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. [22]Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. [23]But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. [24]God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. •  1 Corinthians 3:16 [16] Hindi baga ninyo nalalaman na kayo'y templo ng Dios, at ang Espiritu ng Dios ay nananahan sa inyo? • 1 Corinthians 6:19 [19] O hindi baga ninyo nalalaman na ang inyong katawan ay templo ng Espiritu Santo na nasa inyo, na tinanggap ninyo sa Dios? at hindi kayo sa inyong sarili; - ang dapat pagandahin ay ang ating mga katawan, ang ating mga sarili. - God is seeking true worshippers. - The truth is the Word of God, it is our instructions. - The spirit and the word of God must unite. - The purpose of gathering is to exercise your gifts. - Ang bibliya ang salamin ng ating buhay. - General term ang specific term of changes. - PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11 - 2
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Word of God
Worship/Pagsamba - iba ang nagsisimba sa sumasamba. - Pagsamba 1. Preparation - we must know how to prepare before going to church. - Cultivate your heart. - prepared your heart. - Why it is important to prepare our hearts? 2. Participation - do not be discouraged. 3. Dedication - 2 Cor. 4:1 - Fil. 1:21 - huwag nating ikahiya ang binigay sa atin ng Diyos. - 1 Peter 5:2 - Fil. 4:4 - Hear and Practice - you need the church and God.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Wor of God
Diyos Na Makapangyarihan Haring Kataas -taasan - First Love *Not every christian was open to Word of God. Mga Gawa 19:23 1 Corinthians 16: *Is the love that we have to others still be seen? *Strong belief and strong feeling. PASSION *Ang dati mong ginagawa ay di mo na ginagawa ngayon. (God's service) *
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Midweek Service
• Matuto tayong makinig sa boses ng Panginoon/Banal Na Espiritu. • Lucas 8:12-15 • Matthew 13:23 • - Daan - naglaho - Damuhan/Matinik - nakinig pero kinain ng sitwasyon. - Mabato - - Mataba - nakinig lumago. - namunga ng sagana. - di natitinag sa anumang pagsubok. - 2 Timothy 4:2 - Mamuhay ayon sa salita ng Diyos. - 1 Corinthians 13:2 - Matthew 6:21
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Word of God
Matthew 6:25-28 • Don't worry. • Trust God in everything. • Daily bread must always we think. • The Lord will provide food for you. • Hindi ka mag aalala kase alam mong may paparating. • Panghawakan mo ang iyong hiniling.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Midweek Service
7. TEACH THEM HOW TO SHARE THE GOSPEL. Jesus didn’t wait long before getting his disciples actively involved in ministry. He sent them out to share the good news of the Kingdom and make disciples (Luke 9:1-6; Luke 10:1-24). This process of spiritual multiplication changed the world forever, leading to billions of changed lives throughout history. The equipping may not be completely evident before the ministry begins, but it will be evident along the way. You will see your growth when you are in fields. If they didn't response are they received the authority and power. Help the person discover his or her unique role in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission. If they develop the habit of sharing their faith early on in their Christian journey, it is more likely to become a natural part of their life. Share with them what you’ve learned about sharing Christ. Take a look at the Exponential Faith and Share Your Faith series, two great tools for training someone in evangelism. God Tools is a handy app they can have on their phone; it provides prompts for communicating the gospel to someone. If they’d prefer to hand out something physical, show them where to buy gospel tracts. As they step out in faith, cheer them on and remind them that “success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God . Make sure you are leading by example — pursuing a dynamic relationship with Jesus yourself. Luke 9:1-6 [1]When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, [2]and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. [3]He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. [4]Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. [5]If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” [6]So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
POTTER'S HAND GLOBAL MINISTRY MIDWEEK SERVICE August 10, 2022 *WHAT IS THE PRAYER OF JABEZ? - Jabez prayer is so short yet powerful. - Jabez means "man of sorrow" birth in so much pain. 1 CHRONICLES 4:10 [10]Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. 1. THAT YOU WOULD BLESS ME. - he believes that God is a source of everything. - Jabez prayer's directly to God. - he ask God to bless him. - This blessings is more than materials but also spiritual thing. A. SPIRITUAL THINGS (and after, material things comes) - relationship to God. - relationship to people. - peace of mind. - good relationship. - passionate heart. - gentle humor. - As well as God bless us with material blessings too. - we should always be reminded that asking God is not a bad thing. - ask God a favor on how to live a good life. - God is after the motifs of your heart. 2. ENLARGE MY TERRITORY.    (Extend your tent) - God's will is always to multiply. - territory means physical land. - yet he ask not only territorial land but also concern by making an impact for God's kingdom. - spiritual territorial. - expand kingdom of God. - What's your hearts desire? - Is your desire for God's kingdom or for yourself only? 3. LET YOUR HANDS BE WITH ME - God's called you by name. - Jabez recognize his limitations. - Jabez knows he need God's help. - Acknowledging that you can't do everything without God's help. - Jabez knows that God is powerful so he ask for help on Him, to guide him on the right path and to hold him in his journey. - simpleng panalangin pero napakarami ng kahulugan. - Simple prayer but hits different. - Worship is the key to enter or to acknowledge God's presence. - Jabez knew that blessings is a good thing when it comes to God. 4. KEEP ME FROM HARM SO THAT I WILL BE FREE FROM PAIN. - Jabez means PAIN. - You are the mediator for the people around you. - Jabez prayed for his reverence in his name. - only God is the source of everything that we need everyday. - prayer is the best weapon - always pray. #pottershandministry
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
PSALM 67:38 - God is a God of love. - But God is a holy God. - Tore ng Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho (Rahab). - Christian but still sinning
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
(19) Paul declares a promise to the Philippians regarding their own financial needs. And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. a. My God shall supply all your need: We shouldn’t think that the Philippians were wealthy benefactors of Paul who could easily spare the money. As Paul described them in 2 Corinthians 8, it is plain that their giving was sacrificial. This promise meant something to them! i. “He says to them, ‘You have helped me; but my God shall supply you. You have helped me in one of my needs-my need of clothing and of food: I have other needs in which you could not help me; but my God shall supply all your need. You have helped me, some of you, out of your deep poverty, taking from your scanty store; but my God shall supply all your need out of his riches in glory.’” (Spurgeon) b. Shall supply all your need: The promise is to supply all your need; but it is all your need (not a promise to go beyond needs) In this, the promise is both broad and yet restricted. c. According to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus: This is a staggeringmeasure of giving. Since there is no lack in God’s riches in glory, we should anticipate that there would be no lack in God’s supply. i. “The rewarding will not be merely from His wealth, but also in a manner that befits His wealth – on a scale worthy of His wealth.” (Martin) ii. Spurgeon thought that this verse was a great illustration of that wonderful miracle in 2 Kings 4:1-7, where Elisha told the widow to gather empty vessels, set them out, and pour forth the oil from the one small vessel of oil she had into the empty vessels. She filled and filled and miraculously filled until every empty vessel was full. · All our need is like the empty vessels. · God is the one who fills the empty vessels. · According to His riches in glory describes the style in which God fills the empty vessels – the oil keeps flowing until every available vessel is filled. · By Christ Jesus describes the how God meets our needs – our empty vessels are filled by Jesus in all His glory. d. All your need: We also notice that this promise was made to the Philippians – those who had surrendered their finances and material possessions to God’s service, and who knew how to give with the right kind of heart.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Romans 8:5 [5]Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind is our battleground where the flesh and spirit fight. - When we live on our flesh we bring death into our lives. - but when we walk in Spirit we brings life and peace. - Flesh against God because ayaw nito na sumunod sa Lord. - In the flesh we cannot please God.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
OBEY COMMITMENT FOCUS Huwag kang matakot magkamali.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
*Napakainam na sinasabi natin ang mga bagay na gusto natin.
Ptr. Rolly Flores
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
- Manatili sa presensya ng Panginoon. - our god is supernatural and expect supernatural fanfiction things.
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
Word of God
- Sa Diyos tayo umasa anoman ang mangyari. - Genesis 4:3-7 [4]And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, [5]but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. [6]Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? [7]If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” - Abel's offering is best while Cain's offering is not enough. - Maganda boses, maayos ang tugtog sira naman ang puso. - As a disciple we must know our obligations. - 1. Halimbawa - maingat sa pananalita, sa kilos at galaw. - Galatians 5:20;22 - Hindi mahirap humingi ng tawad para sa kaligtasan mo. - God choose you para gamitin, pagpalain. - Problems huwag dibdibin wag likurin, luhurin mo. - Binigyan tayo ng kalakasan tas di natin gagamitin sa Panginoon (dance, raise hand) - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Lumayo ka sa kasalanan at lumapit ka sa Panginoon. - ingatan mo ang mga salita mo sa mga taong hindi mananampalataya. - Ingatan mo ang pagkatawag sayo ng Panginoon. - Galatians 5:19-21 - pag natamaan praise the Lord and change it. - Pahayag 21:8 - Only God and His words can Change you. - OFFERING: -offer your heart. - Pahayag 22:7 - Salita ng Panginoon hindi salita ng tao. - Sometimes akala mo naglilingkod ka pa pero lihis ka na pala. - God is not looking on your beautiful voice but He looks upon your good heart. - RULES: - panalangin
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itseulitodoinog · 2 years
THE NINE SINS OF THE TONGUE From online sources 1.  THE LYING TONGUE Lying is one of the things God finds detestable (Proverbs 6:17) and all liars have their place in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). You should also note that the devil is the father of liars. 2.  THE FLATTERING TONGUE God hates flattery (Psalm 12:3-4) . As  believers, we should never praise others because we want to get something from them. 3.  THE PROUD TONGUE A proud/boastful tongue is sinful. Proud believers are full of themselves and learn little from anyone else.God hates a proud tongue. Psalms 12: 3-4 says that God will cut off a proud tongue.  Humble yourself when God uplifts you. 4. THE OVERUSED TONGUE This is simply talking too much. Ecc 5:3 says that many words mark the speech of a fool, while Prov 10: 19 says that the prudent hold their tongues.  Ecc 5: 2 cautions us against been too quick to speak. We are advised to be persons of fewer words. 5. THE SWIFT TONGUE This is talking too quick or being too quick to answer without listening.  Proverbs 18:13 says that to answer without listening is folly and shame. James 1:19 tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to be angry. 6. THE BACK BITING TONGUE A sin of the tongue where somebody says good things to your face but says bad and negative things against you when you are not present. A backbiter is someone who uses their tongue against you when you are absent. Prov 25:23  "The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue an angry countenance." In Rom 1:30, the scriptures say that those who practice back biting, among other sins, deserve death.  According to Prov 6:19 God hates back biters. If you are a believer with this habit, you need to change. If you have ever been a victim of back biting, you need to be still and not back bite back; God will fight for you. 7. THE GOSSIPING TONGUE This is the tale-bearing tongue that's forbidden in Psalm 15:3 and Proverbs 18:8. These people engage in conversations about others, usually involving details that are unconfirmed as being true. Gossip is such a common sin in Churches today. The devil uses believers as altars to harm others. God hates a gossiping tongue. Take caution not to spread information against others; you will not only be harming the other person but also injuring your fellowship with God. 8. THE CURSING TONGUE Romans 3:13 "Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.” “The poison of vipers is on their lips.”  “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” God hates cursing tongues and people that curse have no place in the Kingdom. In your anger and frustrations, do not utter cursing words against the other person. Rom 12:17,18 says that we should not pay evil with evil. We should strive to maintain peace with all men and never seek to revenge; vengeance belongs to the Lord. It is not good for pastors to curse their followers after a fall out. Same case applies to parents as far as their children are concerned. 9. THE PIERCING TONGUE The piercing tongue is sinful as revealed in Proverbs 12:18. While conveying a message to you, these people tend to speak indirectly in reference to something that concerns you.Do not use your tongue indirectly against someone an effort to mock them. God hates a tongue that pierces others. James 3: 9 "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness." Jesus entered into a covenant with us at Calvary when he spat the bitter drink; wine mixed with myrrh offered to him. He cleansed and exchanged all the nine sins of the tongue with clean tongues supposed to be used to glorify God. How do you use your tongue as a believer? In which of these areas are we guilty? We need to make a deliberate and conscious effort to control our tongue lest it leads us to hell. Allow the Holy Spirit to reign over your tongue today! Be blessed
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