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meo-eiru · 29 days ago
Oh wow I missed your drawings! I'm so glad your updating now I can obsess your new and old ocs.
Does that octo hair twink have a tentacle thingy???👀👀
octo hair twink😭
yes, here's a very quick sketch to show his tentacles
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gothiccharmschool · 2 years ago
An aside about the language on TV Tropes: squick is a Very Good Fandom Term that needs to move back into everyday use. For those of you who use "uncomfy", "squick" means pretty much the same thing, but with a layer of "I don't like it, but that's my issue, not anyone else'".
"Squick". Learn it. Use it. It's a useful shorthand, and doesn't have any layers of moral judgement about fiction!
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polyamorousmisanthrope · 10 months ago
Squick is a noble word. It recognizes and honors your own personal taste while recognizing and honoring that your personal taste does not dictate morality.
I wish we used it more.
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hotdoghottakes · 3 months ago
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I love that Satan's face just screams "the fuck did this guy say about his sister?"
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teaboot · 1 year ago
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bon-sides-sw · 2 years ago
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Mommywan and his lil bebe Cal
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isagrimorie · 2 years ago
So... I listened to the Delta Flyers podcast with Garret Wang and Robert McNeill and remember that part where Seven and the other borgs in her unimatrix crashed on a planet? And they had to survive for a few days?
And they were around a fire eating 'bio matter', I always assumed it was some animal they caught and it probably WAS some animal they caught but Garret Wang said he dug up the script for Survival Instinct and, originally according to the script, uh, it wasn't a random animal they were cooking and eating.
It was the dead Borg they were stripping for parts earlier. Uh.
I'm really glad I knew this after I watched the episode.
So... Technically.
Seven and other Borg did cannibalism before.
No wonder in the season finale of Picard Seven and the other ex-Borgs were eager to get replicators back online.
This is a secret only other ex-Borgs know.
(So the Borg Queen eating her own people is... uh, not that far off).
If I had to know about this, y'all have to know about this!
If Seven of Nine stumbled into the adult storyline of Yellowjackets, she'd fit in.
Imagine if Seven accidentally references this in front of Raffi or the other Enterprise-G and simply backtracks with an incredibly neutral face.
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lorekeeper-backset · 2 months ago
TIL that starving is just your stomach eating itself (stomach acid dissolving stomach lining).
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copperweevil · 1 month ago
Hmm I'm probably not gonna post my Daancat fic. Idk I realized that people probably won't enjoy it much and that's cool and all. I just don't want people expecting porn to read it and feel disappointed, or people hoping for character exploration to feel disappointed, because I kinda tried a lot of things out with it. I like it, but I don't think that the people that like my other fics would like it.
Tbh I kinda need to read fics written by other people someday, but I just can't really handle x readers with described genitalia, but like people don't necessarily tag if the genitals are described. I just can't stand reading them. They're just not for me, y'know? It's a shame because like. Idk it makes me worry that other x reader authors who write for the same pairings I do think that I'm a stuck up asshole for not commenting/kudos'ing their fics. So sometimes I go to their fics and leave nice comments without reading them all the way through, because I get too squicked to comment if the reader's genitalia is described. :(
It's such a weird squick and I don't know why I developed it. Afab genitalia makes me feel dysphoric and amab makes me feel jealous, I guess. I'll admit I straight up avoid fics tagged with specific genitalia just because of how much it bothers me. :(
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meo-eiru · 29 days ago
The way I read squick as squip like from "be more chill" just me and my yandere nanocomputer in my brain
Lmao I've never seen that but I'll say Squick is the opposite of chill
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(sorry I only have this old pencil sketch atm)
He's basically this octapus/squid/weird sea creature mix hybrid guy who quite literally cries 24/7 (his tears physically won't stop)
He has quite a bit of lore and I even thought of how is anatomy and biology would work but those are for another day
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tawneybel · 4 months ago
2023 Movie Ranking
Note: Completely forgot this was in my drafts lol.
Again, highly subjective. Part of me wants to go back to posting in depth movie reviews lol. With, like, proper criticism and everything. Completely forgot this was in my drafts lol.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Has the most effort put into it out of the other movies I’ve seen this year. I’m not a fan of every single Spider-Person, but I love, love all the animation styles. Also, back in 2020, I totally called the fact that Miguel is a stud. Totally called it.
Saw X: John and Amanda as villain protagonists? Yess. This franchise’s industrial horror vibe is unparalleled, as usual. 
Barbie: Great litmus test.
Scream VI: To no one’s surprise. *currently wearing a Ghostface tee* 
Totally Killer
The Last Voyage of the Demeter: Seriously underrated. It contains some of the most heart-staking death scenes in any Dracula media I’ve seen.  
Thanksgiving: It’s about time! The trailer came out in 2007. XD 
A Haunting in Venice
The Conference: I’ve been meaning to get back into Nordic noir, but this is the first Nordic slasher I’ve seen. 
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Pretty much the only time I played video games growing up was at the dentist office. So I always felt much less knowledgeable than, well, everyone on Mario. We can all agree Jack Black as Bowser was exquisite though, right? 
Consecration: While I think religious horror should try something besides Catholicism, it’s worth a watch.
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Renfield: Fun horror comedy. Hopefully got at least some people to realize they’re in codependent relationships and seek help. 
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: So I’m not generally big on the MCU. GOTG however has the kind of ragtag bunch of misfits I like watching. Maybe not over and over again, however. The third installment was okay. 
Evil Dead Rise: I liked Evil Dead 2013 better than the original because of its rancid vibes. Rise also pretty much feels grungy, if you’re into that. 
The Boogeyman: Night Shift may have been one of the first King collections I read. (Just After Sunset was the second book I read by him.) The short story was great. The title monster’s reveal at the end? Not in the film. :(
Insidious: The Red Door: So I watched this without knowing they’d made a fourth Insidious. So I couldn’t compare it to The Last Key. Anyway, it had some odd scenes revolving around Nick. To the point where I wondered if someone in production just wanted to see frat boys in diapers. 
Knock at the Cabin: First horror movie of 2023 I watched. Figured it would not be the best and it wasn’t. I’m not sure if reading the book would have made a difference. I just didn’t care for the plot.
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the-bar-sinister · 6 months ago
I have SUCH a stomach churning personal aversion to child rearing fan fiction.
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neryscrossoverparty · 4 days ago
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I Know what he's doing here
Mudsy, if you can't prove that you are still worthy of the toilet (IE Doing it properly, not peeing over the stall and into the next one like a weirdo) then you're gonna have to spend some time in Dips, Y'know what i mean!
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feastofchildermass · 4 days ago
I hate being ‘old man yells at cloud’ on this webbed site. But I seriously wish people tagged their fics better. If I’ve ever missed a necessary tag on one of my fics please feel free to let me know.
Twice in the past hour I’ve been reading with a really good fic that had a massive squick right in the middle of it. Which made me have to immediately nope out.
Tags exist for a reason. I want to bookmark and review and enthuse about your fic with you, but now I can’t because I refuse to comment something negative on a fic unbidden.
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leam1983 · 1 month ago
I just don't get disgust at horror or gore movies, personally. Horror really gets to me when the situation being depicted is harrowing, but if I signed up to see someone boink a resurrected corpse crawling with maggots or to watch a woman give birth to a sexier version of herself from her spine, then you'd have to assume I'm expecting a fair amount of physical trauma to be shown onscreen.
What especially annoys me is when a react streamer has a specific phobia, confronts it through Cinema - and never rationalizes their experience after the fact. I can understand phobias being disabling in the moment, as that is what phobias do; but going through snippets of The Substance with someone yelling "EWWWWWW!" at the barest sight of a needle is a particular experience I don't quite care to repeat, if I'm honest. You'd figure the fait accompli of a movie watched and a theatre room now well-lit would be enough to remind the viewer that this particular Squick had meaning.
As for Nosferatu; I've more or less been witness to two very different reactions to the flick. One was with an American expat of a colleague, who tends to reinforce my growing impression that Yanks are lightweight as fuck - with disgust writ large across their features at the mere sight of Orlok's maggot-ridden coil - and then another one with Sarah and Walt.
Half of my time spent with Steve the Expat Yank, whilst watching Nosferatu, was spent reassuring him that Eggers had made Orlok revolting on purpose. Orlok is Ellen's darkest corners of her Id, made manifest. He's her shadow self, the part of her that confers great power, but requires immense sacrifice and dedication. Some psychologists have even suggested that romancing the Id is a natural part of growing up. Ellen, in effect, is both finding her strength and taming a second strength - that of a monster who insisted he be called Lord. Once they're in bed, however, Ellen clearly lords over Orlok, as opposed to his desired opposite approach.
Steve didn't catch any of that. He got stuck on the Count's dry-humping of Hutter's inert body. He got stuck on the maggots, Orlok having a Slavic forelock and a droopy 'stache, and on his not being, y'know, Dracula. The sexy kind.
Compare and contrast with Walt and Sarah, where we so needed to break the movie down together that we paid for our own tickets, went and watched it together, then went back home and used our VPN and basic Torrenting to pirate ourselves a shitty bootleg of it - so we could pause it in parts and discuss.
Zero squick. Zero shame. Oh, yes, we can conceptualize of Orlok being disgusting by design - but we can frame those choices in ways that make sense. I mentioned Steve's reaction to Walt, and the big guy reminded me of Steve's reaction to the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony, with his best American twang:
It was just too French for me, y'know? That blue guy with the fruits and all? Ew.
I laughed. Philippe Katherine - said blue guy - is probably the tamest Art House French Guy you could ever run into. More hardcore acts like Olivier de Sagazan end up in Top Ten compilations of the "most disturbing videos found online" - and you're again left with the impression that a growing mass of consumers are so white-bread in their aesthetic ethos it's almost sad.
You guys need to find and witness more edgy art - not as bragging rights, but to broaden your ability to process art projects on the whole.
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meo-eiru · 29 days ago
can I suck the tentacles of the octo hair twink
yes but I'll just say there's something in the middle of them you'd like sucking more
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