#squad 2
x-authorship-x · 7 months
do you have any shisui and the squad content In these trying times Tor 🥺💛
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✨Enjoy, anon ✨
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
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bryndabrick · 7 days
I hope I've got the right blog...
Listen. I've been hearing whispers in the wind. Shamura has some new cultists... Or are they old? I don't decipher the quiet very well.
I hope that Shamura can explain. These thoughts keep me up at night.
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(This should go without saying but this *is* fan content unless @crownsandbishops makes it canon, HOWEVER that Kvarcus drawing was actually drawn by the creator of the blog so that's AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IM CRYING /pos) (ps every other drawing was made by me :>)
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incorrctbleach · 2 years
Omaeda: Are you serious?
Soifon: Almost always. I was once voted the worst audience participant Cirque De Soleil ever had.
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magicgurljhonnie · 1 year
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Soi Fon 💛🐝
Sting all enemies to death, Suzumebachi!!
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dee-morris · 4 months
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bellaartz · 1 month
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They’ve really grown as a team, huh?🥹
Anger looks like he’s hitting them high notes🤣🤣
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lucabyte · 1 month
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siffrin starts the game with oddly empty pockets for a rogue who has a habit of stashing away every little trinket that isn't nailed down
and a hardy pocketwatch is an indispensable tool for oceanic navigation
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itsscottiesstark · 3 months
Can we talk about this for a second?
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Do you see his eyes? He hasn't even stepped foot back in Heaven and he's already forming a plan. He's known about The Second Coming for what? 40 seconds?
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This is an angel who means business. He's already 15 steps ahead.
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And I don't know about you, but this is not an angel I ever want to find myself on the opposite side of. I am honestly shitting my pants just looking at that smile. Metatron, you really dug your grave there.
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etoilesdeglace · 11 months
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"Oh my god you have to tell us everything right now!"
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ramvur · 11 months
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[for people with screen readers u can find the alt text in each image description]
3 times gaz was the rizz master vs 1 time he was the puppy-eyes king
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m-r-moth · 3 months
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who should i add to the giant group pic?
the silly little cats have gotten out of hand, i love them so much
(for the rest just search the catla tag on my blog)
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bwlkins · 5 months
"Aziraphale really thinks demons are the bad guys bla-bla-" HE LITERALLY PICKED OUT THE NAME FELL FOR HIMSELF
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He agrees he's a pathetic excuse for an angel.
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He stands by the demons in the last episode and doesn't even get close to the angels.
He gives the first word to Shax. He agrees with Furfur. And all this while he stands right before the Archangels.
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bryndabrick · 14 days
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Saw @guiltywarden posting about their @crownsandbishops OC Hime a little bit ago so uhhhhhh HERE'S MINE ALSO
Meet Squad 2! One of the many squads in Shamura's cult, did you think "Squad 26" had no meaning? i sure as heck did when i first read Crowns & Bishops i thought it was just a cool number lmao
Here's their kinda short-ish bios:
Kvarcus (The Fox) A natural seeker of knowledge, very curious but very reserved. Puts everyone else before himself and is generally very introverted. Besties with Fino
Fino (The (not-so-red) Red Panda) They have a difficult time with getting along with people because of their more abrasive and distrusting disposition towards new people. Loves books, and is the earpiece for Kvarcus's new studies/information
Tyan (The Wolf) Very extroverted, although never really has anything to talk about. Takes new information given to her in a very "in one ear, out the same ear" method, although is a shoulder to cry on when you need her
Jaryn (The Cat) While very clueless, is very devoted to what they believe in without question. They would be the first to defend someone they know is innocent. Definitely shy although, wants to be more outgoing very badly
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Here's all their pronouns and orientations and schtuff like that
ocs made with permission and also apparently canon so uhhh go right ahead with asking about them
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incorrctbleach · 2 years
Am I boring? Sure. Social skills? None. But I'm loyal if you feed me and I will never leave you because, well, I need the food.
Marechiyo Omaeda
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clownmitts · 1 year
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Trip to The Grassy Knoll
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