#spy x family ch 86
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choco-mooooose · 2 years ago
someone: Why are you smiling so much??
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youuuimeanmee · 2 years ago
Alright Twillight
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So, according to your logic, since Yor managed to survive this long, she is perfect in your eyes.
Okay 😌👌
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noxribles · 2 years ago
so what yor was trying to say is
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deonideatta · 2 years ago
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The fact that yor marrying loid has been the single source of like 90% of yuri's lack of peace since he found out makes this panel absolutely hilarious
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local-lamppost · 1 year ago
Something I've Been Reminded Of
Spoilers for Ch 86
Kicking off season 2 of Spy x Family we have the long awaited date of Loid and Yor-which was just lovely-and in that we got this line from Loid:
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Of course, this is just him drastically missing the actual cause of Yor's poor mood, but Agent Twilight believes that he has made Yor cross with him for asking for help running the household. This is a marriage of convenience after all, not an actual partnership.
While it's never made the forefront of a scene, at least not in an overtly plot heavy way, Loid is often shown doing the majority of the house work. He cooks, cleans, helps Anya study, cares for Bond, etc. He'll even make sure that dinner is ready for Yor when she comes home late. Not to say Yor doesn't do anything, she's often shown preparing drinks and will help clean up now and then, but the implication is that Loid does 90% of the chores along with raising Anya, caring for Bond, his work as a fake psychiatrist, his work as an actual spy, along with whatever day trips/misadventures the family gets up to.
But he will not ask for Yor's help, because this whole thing is a marriage of connivence; it's 'for the mission'.
Then we get chapter 86. Twilight is hurt from a gun fight with his brother-in-law, has just faced a representation of his worst traits in Winston, and gotten into a "fight" with Yor which he has no idea the cause of. Loid has officially been pushed to the limit and the moment he gets home-the moment he feels safe-the sight of Yor smiling through the threshold causes him to collapse and ask:
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And Yor:
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Which shocks Twilight. He is at his lowest point and is expecting for Yor to actually get upset with him, under the impression that she'll see his need for help as a burden.
Yor has always been eager to help Loid, but never wanted to overstep this unspoken boundary they have. She isn't his actual wife, not actually Anya's birth mother. She's there to keep up appearances, it's not her place to be a wife helping her husband. She will still hesitate around Anya for actions that are unavoidably motherly. It's not her place, Loid is handling it even if he's struggling.
Which is why Yor is glad to be asked for help.
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How many characters both acknowledge Twilight needs help and actually offer help? Let alone with no ulterior motives. WISE is under the impression that everything they ask is within Twilight's capabilities and even Franky, the only person in his life who could be considered a friend, needs to maintain a certain distance as to not arouse suspicion for either of them.
Yor's position as mother for the Forger family has granted her both the closeness needed to see how ragged Loid's been run, but also be in a position to offer help that can be reciprocated. The only thing holding her back has been Loid not asking for assistance and her being to worried for her position in the family to ask.
And now that Loid has reached out, Yor will do all she can to ease his burdens. Even with Twilight resolving to be better, to be the perfect spy he's been slipping from, I don't think Yor's going to let him go back to bad habits. He needs help, he's asked for help, she's going to help.
Yor is going to aggressively care for Loid, and through shenanigins break down those barriers of his.
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sweetpsyche · 2 years ago
Y'all can't tell me—
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This man wasn't starstrucked by his fake wife
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Body language experts say men subconsciously lift their eyebrows at the sight of the woman they like or love.
Y'all can't tell me he's just surprised when HE LITERALLY SEES AN ANGELIC HALO AROUND HER AND SHE IS SO PRETTY FROM HIS POV but if I'm wrong, then let me be delulu pls endo.
I'm soft. I'm weak. MY PARENTS.
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aurorarose2112 · 2 years ago
Spy x Family Manga Ch86 Spoilers
He became her strength
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But she became his weakness
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cocktailjjrs · 2 years ago
This is the only good thing in my life right now...
The wholesomeness that is Twiyor ♡
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Man really was so tired, that as soon as he stepped in the safety of his home, his adrenaline wore off and his body decided it was okay to let his guard down. i find it so funny that it did not happened with his subordinates who even know his true face and is supposed to trust with his life; but with the found family and wife, where everyone is putting on a facade on daily basis. That's so sweet.
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And the way Twilight, the master Spy of WISE, just comforts Yor putting it clear in words leaving no room for second guessing. And the way Yor is starting to respond to it by doing the same...
This chapter might setup a stage for future angst, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
For now, enjoy Yor being Yor!
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He fell again (literally). LOL!
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rumblingappendix · 2 years ago
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Nightfall has thoughts which should only occur in fever dreams
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rlbbackup · 2 years ago
Fantastic meta!
To add, if I may. It's very telling that the angle of Twilight's face when he tells Nightfall "Yor's conditions" and when he tells Franky "people like us can't afford relationships" are the same. It's harkening back to it (it was the short mission where Franky attempted to ask Monica out) and Endo is specifically calling attention to Twilight's eyes here. He's pretty purposeful when it comes to Twilight's eyes in particular as it's the only window (besides Anya reading his mind) that allows us to see when he's truly conflicted or emoting.
These moments, while tainted by "dirty lies", are important. Cracks in Twilight's armor. And I personally love seeing it.
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As many fans pointed out, it’s ironic how Nightfall has the best perception of Twilight’s developing feelings for Yor and his family and yet has the most deluded fantasies about him (sproing! sproing!).
I love that she rightly assesses Twilight’s “dirty move” and how he basically can’t bullshit her anymore.
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Him saying “Yor” again in his thoughts is of course in response to Yor’s wish that he allows himself to be imperfect but after Nightfall’s deduction, just him saying her name drives harder at the fact his interrupted thought is lingering on Yor. Just Yor 😭
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Again, Twilight’s unreadable expression on their family island vacation, with his gaze lingering on Yor.
Which reminds me of an earlier chapter (likely after Franky’s disastrous date) where Twilight reiterates this:
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Budding romantic feelings for Yor confirmed?
Would his thoughts end somewhere along the line of “Which is why I can’t indulge in my feelings for you”?
I’m not too big on the possibility that the thought ends with something something Operation Strix because as our analysis queen Nightfall rightly pointed out, that’s just his official liner. This chapter ends with Yor articulating her wants (even then, it’s a want for other people’s needs than her own—gracious queen) and teases at what Twilight wants but can’t afford as a spy.
Even surrounded by people who would readily support him, Twilight is such a lonely person and my heart aches for him.
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choco-mooooose · 1 year ago
*laughs in twilight shower scene*
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beansforlunch · 2 years ago
Spy x Family Ch. 86 manga thoughts/spoilers
We all know the significance of body language, regardless of how subtle it can be or if we’re even aware of it. Twilight feels guarded a majority of the time because it’s the nature of his job. Even though he personally trained Nightfall and has known her for a while, he still keeps his walls up around her.
When they are both sitting on the floor in the sewers, he’s not facing her. His body is turned away and there is a distance between them. She looks his way but there is a gap there that she knows she can’t cross.
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With Yor, there is no distance. He is facing her. He’s looking at her. And she’s facing him right back. He is sitting on the floor of his home and sits close to her. Maybe I’m reaching but they both know (at least subconsciously) that they are safe when they are in each other’s presence.
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I remember a post done by Shinybluebirdwizard that Twilight has some sort of epiphanies during the hours of twilight. And these can be better appreciated in the anime. When he meets up with Yor after disguising himself as an SSS agent and she tells him she’s happy she married him.
When Yor comforts him and tell him he’s a good dad to Anya and he puts her to bed and asks what it would be like to have a real family
After his briefing with Handler and he buys treats for Yor and Anya. (I wish I could’ve saved the post bc they explained it really well)
So is it safe to assume that he’s reflecting and realizing his feelings for Yor during twilight hours here too? It’s still light out when they exit the sewers and we see that it’s night time when the agents are driving back to Berlint.
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deonideatta · 2 years ago
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The tag reached number 2 on trending lol
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tare-anime · 2 years ago
Totally love this analysis 🥰🥰👏👏
I recently caught up with the latest chapters of spy x family and woah I have a thing to say
So, we can probably all agree that Yuri noticing that Loid’s arm was twitching and checking him for an injury is the closest thing we’ve had so far to this whole spies and secrets thing coming into the open, right?
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Well, I wanted to wax poetic about what this scene might represent for a moment.
Twilight, as we know in these chapters, is struggling with his own ‘weakness’ (ie his actual wants as a member of the Forger family to not break up/ hurt the family unit which includes Yuri). This weakness is personified by the wound on his arm. The injury is proof that he is human, that despite Twilight’s best intentions, he is not perfect…
But the thing is, he’s only just barely covering all of this up.
The wound on his arm is the personification of the ‘weakness’ and feelings of Loid Forger, the family man, the one who truly cares about Yor and Anya. Which means that Twilight is the disguise he uses to cover up that part of himself.
I know the expression is to ‘put on a face’ but that’s literally what he’s doing here. He’s attempting to hide his true feelings, which yeah sure is a thing he does all the time, but the thing about it this time is that this ‘weakness’, his true feelings, are still showing through. They are still noticeable.
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Twilight falling to his knees in front of Yor is a perfect example of this. His true feelings (feeling safe and relaxed around his wife) leaking through.
And he doesn’t dress the wound before coming home either. Which in this metaphor would be equivalent to addressing and trying to understand his ‘weakness’, but instead he ignores it. Slaps a disguise over it and leaves it to be ignored.
The cover-up Twilight puts on his wound is the same as the lies he tells himself. They are thin, and easy to break, and have to be consciously put on by Twilight.
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Because now Loid Forger is the man, Twilight is the mask.
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sweetpsyche · 2 years ago
The slow-burn twiyor trope is indeed slow burning.
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deonideatta · 2 years ago
Spy x family chapter 86 you will always be famous
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