#sprocket stall
itsbenedict · 11 days
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 5/18 | 6/6
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MS. OVEREAGER is happy to help you out with your problems- you need to do what, again? STALL AND REMOVE GEARS? No problemo. She'll get started right away! And by "get started", I mean "dissolve into nothingness because she was a hallucination masking an abstract concept"! You're on your own, buckos.
Okay, so... Adea thinks that this ODD TAIL AVATAR DATA VALIDATOR is after the gears that Walter ransacked from this place to heal himself earlier. If he can get them out, it'll probably stop chasing him. But removing them- even though they're clearly hurting him at this point- will hurt more, like pulling a knife out of a stab wound. He's going to need to stabilize somewhat before you can risk it.
Right here, with a Defrag Point to heal with, is the best place to do it- but he "healed" about 15% STINGY OUTLIER SOUL INTEGRITY earlier, so he should expect removing the gears to do at least that much damage. He'll need to stay there healing for at least enough time to go through two hunger, probably three, to not die on the spot. So it's a question of... how much time does he have to heal before the DATA VALIDATOR arrives and it's time to operate?
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Zero. Zero amount of time. It's right here.
Five NOBLE BELT TUTS remain in the DENIAL OF SERVICE gun. Is it worth it to spend them fending this thing off? By the numbers, no. It's more efficient to just buy SOFTWARE PATCHes. But Adea isn't putting up with this thing chasing after her husband one moment more.
Error: architectural entity field 0x07CF referenced without blueprint key. Update loop deferr-
Error 403: resource reclamation process not configured for I/O operations. Interactions with entities other than entity with field 0x07CF rejected. Error 403: resource reclamation process not configured for I/O operations. Interactions with entities other than entity with field 0x07CF rejected. Error 403: resource reclamation process not configured for I/O operations. Interac...
Four left. The undulating thing is frozen in place. Slowly- achingly slowly- the Defrag Point starts knitting Walter back together. As it does, Adea pries clockwork out of his chest, causing him to shudder violently. It's slow, and harrowing, and every gasp of pain from her scrungly little man makes her wince- but she pulls out about a third of it before the thing finishes rattling off rejection messages for the packets.
Error: architectural entity field 0x0--
The two of you, on top of being injured, are practically starving. Adea suggests-
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Walter says we absolutely not resorting to cannibalism on purpose! That was an accident! He wasn't in his right mind! No way no way no way!
Adea says fine, and Walter lets out a cut-off scream as she rips out a driveshaft assembly that was pretending to be his lung. She's got about two-thirds of it out, now- and she's got an idea to conserve ammo.
Error: architectural entity field 0x07CF referenced without blueprint key. Update loop deferred until resource is released.
Yeah, you want this stuff, right? Go get it, Adea says- flinging a gear like a frisbee. The DATA VALIDATOR swoops through the air after it, snagging the gear on a tooth with frightening speed. But... not so frightening that she can't delay it a little more with what she's got.
She hurls the lung-driveshaft like a javelin behind the thing, and then starts chucking the rest of the clockwork every which way, scattering it over a wide area. Like a vampire confronted with grains of rice, the DATA VALIDATOR starts scrambling for the pieces of its precious architectural entity field 0x07CF, twisting itself into knots.
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While it chases down cogs, sprockets, gears, and springs... Adea hurries back over to Walter, and rips the rest of the machinery from his chest cavity. This one hurts. He's a huge baby about it and screams like that one time she accidentally bought chili oil instead of lu- uh, like it hurts a lot. This would definitely kill him if he weren't being actively defragmented. She tries not to think about that.
You were kind of hoping this thing would immobilize itself from tying itself in knots, but it's able to stretch itself out and slip through gaps in its own Gordian nightmare. It's all you can do to get the rest of it out before it closes in on you again.
Daintily, it pries open a hatch on the sidewalk with one tooth- and then, piece by piece, delicately reassembles the machinery that Walter mistook for spare parts earlier.
Update loop resumes.
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With an audible TWANG, and the sound of rushing air, the tension in the DATA VALIDATOR's tail is released. The knot undoes itself, and its head shoots off backwards into the distance as it's recalled to its starting point in the blink of an eye.
It's gone.
...Now what?
The FILIAL TWINS are still here, and you could always go somewhere with a phone and participate in a NAIAD RUMBLE- but there's a few other possible priorities.
There's this moronic cook who doesn't realize he's not welcome. IDIOT CHEF WON'T GO, so you've got to do something to get rid of the jerk.
You could explore the CURVE HOUSE, a weird distorted funhouse-mirror version of a normal building with all its right angles. Seems disorienting!
There's this guy named Pete sitting on the sidewalk nearby who won't stop crying. EMOTIONAL PETER should probably go to actual therapy, but maybe the two of you can help?
There's a FIENDISH ELF ARISING, and it may or may not be your duty as legendary heroes to stop it from becoming a new Demon Lord or somesuch.
Mom's trapped! OH, RELEASE MOM! From her prison that happens to be here for some reason! ...Which one of your moms is it, anyway?
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 2
Episode 5: Captain Man Goes On Vacation
Ah, geez. It was a stressful time right now for the Man Cave's resident lovebirds for several reasons. 
Firstly, Ray was supposed to be going on a trip for his cousin's wedding and that meant he'd be away for a few days, which, in turn, meant that Henry and Charlotte had to be on hand to help (y/n) through a few days of pining and misery. She knew it was a family event that he couldn't miss and she wouldn't dream of keeping him away from what little family he had left, but that didn't mean she wouldn't miss him. Even the thought of him leaving was enough for her heart to ache and her energy to be sapped. 
Ray felt a similar way about the situation. He knew he had to go to his cousin's wedding. He couldn't fail to show up after he RSVP'd, it would be unbelievably rude and he wanted to stay in his family's good books. But it didn't feel right to go to the event alone, he felt in his heart that he was leaving behind the one person who truly felt like family to him. 
In his mind, he should walk into that reception room with (y/n) on his arm, so he could send his gossiping aunts into whispers. He could perhaps introduce her to his father, even though they hadn't spoken in years. With all his heartache in mind, he was doing everything in his power to stall himself. If he missed the plane, he wouldn't have to leave her, right?
Well, technically no, but his slowness irritated his teen assistants and stressed out his helper. How could he be so nonchalant about his lateness? (y/n) was nervously pacing up and down the Man Cave's floor, thinking about the disaster that would unfold if he couldn't attend the wedding. Her jumpy personality meant that she took pride in being organised and was nearly always on time for things, a trait that she tried to rub off on her friends. 
"Where is he?" (y/n) asked the kids, looking up to the sprocket where Ray was meant to be. He should've left like ten minutes ago.
"Ray, come on, you're gonna miss your plane!" Henry yelled to the man, who was currently struggling down the sprocket corridor with his king-sized mattress in his grasp.
"I'm coming!" He yelled back, shuffling through the sprocket and tripping over the mattress as he tried to move it.
"What is he...?" Charlotte looked at her friends in confusion as (y/n) and Henry groaned. They didn't have time for this.
"Ray, what are you doing with that mattress?" Henry asked his boss, who had lifted the thing over his head so he could walk down the steps. (y/n) was nervously biting her lip and checking the time on her phone; at this rate, she'd have to kick him out of the door.
"Taking it on my trip." Ray answered struggling to stop himself from falling over.
"Oh, sweet cheese, you can't take a mattress on a plane, doofus." (y/n) facepalmed, not believing how stupid he was being. It was like he didn't want to leave.
"Yeah, you're right." He sighed, knowing his girl knew best. He slammed the mattress down on the floor in frustration, making the woman walk over to him.
"What's wrong?" She asked, straightening out his jacket and hair. Her soft touch only made his heart hurt more, he couldn't bear the thought of three days without her.
"Maybe I shouldn't go." He said quickly, dashing over to the supercomputer so she wouldn't see his yearning eyes.
"See, I knew it!" Henry exclaimed, having had a sneaking suspicion all along that his boss was terrified of leaving (y/n) alone for a few days. He couldn't be there to protect her, to provide for her. What if some criminal came along and kidnapped her? Or worse, what if some cute guy came along and stole her heart? The notion of him coming back and finding her in love with another made him feel sick. It would be best if he stayed.
"Ray, you can't blow off your cousin's wedding." Charlotte scolded him as (y/n) put her hands on his shoulders, hoping he'd turn around and face her.
"He'll be so disappointed if you're not there." She told him, making him stroppily turn around in the chair.
"I know, but most marriages don't work out. I'll just go to his next wedding." He told them, leaping up from his seat and trying to run away. (y/n) was too quick for him though, and used whatever upper body strength she had to hold him back. 
"Just admit that you're afraid to leave town 'cause you think me, Charlotte, Schwoz and (y/n) can't handle things without you," Henry called him out, making sure he didn't add in the bit about his boss not wanting to leave (y/n). That would open another can of worms.
"Well, what if there's an emergency?" Ray asked the three. He was nervous to leave Swellview, thinking that even though Henry was a skilled fighter and he had three amazing people working in the Man Cave, they wouldn't be able to keep the city safe.
"Henry will blow a bubble and Kid Danger will deal with it." (y/n) pointed to the boy over his head and he and Charlotte nodded in agreement.
"What if he suddenly gets that disease, huh? Nu-nu-numb tongue and you can't blow a bubble?" He looked at his friends who squinted at him with puzzled faces.
"Numb Tongue?" Henry reiterated.
"That's not a thing." Charlotte rolled her eyes as the elevator door opened and Schwoz started to walk over to them.
"You're chatting shit. People don't talk normally one second and then all of a sudden, blerughhh, bleur, bluh, blergh!" (y/n) acted like she couldn't speak properly, not seeing that Schwoz was behind her.
"Uh, oh, does she have Numb Tongue?" The genius asked, making the woman turn around so she could glare at him.
"See?" Ray exclaimed, his presence making Schwoz check his watch.
"Hey, shouldn't you be on your way to the airpoot?" He questioned in his funny accent.
"Yessss!" Henry elongated the word as he and (y/n) grabbed Ray's arms and began to lead him over to the elevator.
"Whoa, whoa, wait, I need my suitcase." He wiggled out of their grasp.
"Bork! Hey, Bork, bring it over here." Ray instructed the large, muscleman, who was carrying an enormous trunk. He dropped it in front of the group, the impact of the extremely heavy box making a loud noise and causing the ground to shake.
"Thanks, buddy." Ray gave Bork a piece of meat as a reward, the guy taking a bite out of the steak as he walked away.
"What the hell have you got in here?" (y/n) asked her best friend in disbelief as she tried to move the trunk with her leg, but it wouldn't budge.
"Just stuff I might need, like, cotton swabs, shampoo...and non-cotton swabs. You know what, let's talk about all the different kinds of swabs." Ray smiled at the teens.
"Stalling!" Henry exclaimed, him, Charlotte and Schwoz gesturing to (y/n) who was too busy looking at the box to notice. 
"It's just--" Ray tried to give them an excuse as his cheeks blushed, knowing he'd been rumbled.
"It's only three days." Charlotte butted in, not needing to hear some lame excuse.
"We can handle it," Henry added as (y/n) looked at her friend.
"Me and Schwoz have all the experience and Henry knows how to fight. And if there's some cataclysmic disaster, I can whip out my emergency super suit and give him a hand." She told him softly, ignoring how teary she felt at the prospect of saying goodbye. She didn't want him to go and find the girl of his dreams in some other city, she'd have no hope of convincing him that she'd been there for him all this time.
"Okay...after one last hula dance with Leilani." He smiled, thinking of anything that could make him stay a little longer. He didn't see the way (y/n) faltered at his words, the Hawaiian girl being exactly the type of girl she was afraid of. Beautiful, elegant, perfectly capable of capturing his heart and making him forget all about her. 
"No!" Henry and Charlotte protested together, already afraid of what (y/n) would turn into after he left. They didn't need him stoking the fire with references to pretty hula girls and whatever else he did to distract himself from his love for her. Ray growled in frustration and flopped face-first onto the mattress he had left on the floor before swiftly getting back on his feet.
"Okay, fine! But you better not let any bad guys get away with crimes while I'm gone!" He told Henry in a childishly stern voice, the ache in his chest making him crabby.
"Stop being a child and grab your huge box-trunk thing!" (y/n) instructed him firmly, jabbing her nail into his chest like a mother scolding her petulant son. Not wanting to leave on a sore note with her, Ray grabbed the trunk's red strap and tried to lift it, but he had filled it with so much junk that he couldn't lift it, even with all of his super-density strength.
"Well, too heavy, better stay here!" He gave up easily, walking rapidly towards the sprocket so he could hide in his bedroom. 
"No, wait. I'll get the anti-grav!" Schwoz thought on his feet, rushing off to grab his invention so Ray could leave on time.
"Anti-grav?" Charlotte queried, she hadn't heard of that gadget before.
"Yeah, it's a device you attach to really heavy things to make them a lot lighter." (y/n) explained, grabbing the large man's hand so she could steady her nerves and stop him from running away. Schwoz dashed back over with a long stick-like device that he attached to the trunk. He pressed a few buttons and activated its gravity-defying effect.
"There!" He backed off with a flourish, letting Henry step forward to test it out.
"Whoa, man! It works!" He smiled at the adults, marvelling at how the box simply floated up in his hand. 
"Hey, what do these do?" He looked at some glowing buttons on the side of the devices and pressed them before anyone could stop him.
"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Ray, (y/n) and Schwoz cried, but it was too late, he had already started to fly up to the ceiling. It seemed like Ray would never get on that damn plane.
~The next day~
It had been a difficult goodbye for (y/n) and Ray. After getting Henry down from the ceiling, they had given each other a tight hug, not wanting to let go. He had buried his nose in her hair and took in her perfume for the last time for three days. God, he hadn't realised how small she was until he had had her in his arms. He felt like a giant next to her and he couldn't help but want to pin her down and ravish her in a sinfully delicious way. If only he had time to stay and the courage to do so.
Still, she had soldiered on and had been monitoring the supercomputer when an emergency had come in. Putting down her mug of tea, she flicked on the hologram machine so she could call Henry. Whilst waiting for him to pick up, she sent a quick text to Charlotte so she'd get to work ASAP; what was going down was serious and she'd need an extra pair of hands around.
"Hey, (y/n/n), what's up?" Henry's little hologram appeared on the computer as he opened his whiz watch.
"There's a robbery going down at that eyeglass store in Midtown, uh, what's it called...Specs in The City." She told him as she checked what little information she had on the monitor.
"Okay, I know where that is, I'm on my way," Henry replied, popping a gumball into his mouth in preparation.
"You better hurry up. We need to prove to Ray that we're not completely useless when he's not here." The woman urged him as Schwo and Charlotte walked up behind her.
"Hey, Henry, look, it's me Schwoz!" The genius jumped in front of her so he could say hi to the sidekick.
"I got no time for you, Schwoz!" Henry snapped and closed his watch, effectively ending the call. Well, it was up to him now.
~Specs in The City Shop~
Two thugs were threatening the owner of the store, who was fearing for his life.
"Come on, man, hurry it up!" A robber with a leaf blower said, pointing his odd choice of weapon at the owner.
"Look, why do you just s-steal my m-money and get your glasses made wherever you want?" The terrified storekeeper asked, willing to let his money go so he could keep his life.
"No! This place has the best reviews on Yarp! So you're making my glasses!!" The other criminal shouted, pointing a hammer at the owner. The threat was definitely real now. However, the criminals' attention was stolen when Kid Danger cleared his throat and made his presence known.
"I don't think so, jerk," Henry told them, pointing to his eye as he made a pun.
"Kid Danger! Thank god you and Captain Man are here!" The storekeeper praised god that his salvation had come, now these criminals would get a taste of justice.
"Uh, actually Captain Man's at his cousin's wedding in Cleveland," Henry told them, which piqued the criminals' interest.
"Captain Man ain't here?" One of them smirked, thinking that if they didn't have to face Swellview's superhero, then taking on his sidekick would be easy.
"No," Henry said nervously as the criminals returned to threatening the man behind the counter.
"All right, you just keep making my glasses, and those lenses better be progressive!" The hammer-wielding thug yelled, sending his victim into an obedient panic.
"Hey, man, you love your mother?" Henry asked the criminal, confusing him.
"Yeah." He answered honestly.
"Then freeze, mother lover!!" Henry quipped, pulling out his laser control, but the criminal wasn't very scared.
"NO!" He hissed and moved to whack Henry with his hammer, but the kid just shot him with a laser, sending him unconscious. 
"You should've freezed..." Henry smirked at his sleeping body, quickly switching his attention to the other goon when he fired up his leaf blower.
"Hey!" Henry tried to shoot the second criminal too, but he used the leaf blower to blow his weapon out of his hand, the strong wind making Henry stumble back.
"Oh, what?" Henry groaned as he tried to keep the glasses on the displays, not wanting to clean everything up after he was done here. He struggled against the wind and put his hand over the blower's nozzle, forcing it into the man's face as the two began to battle. Using his strength, Henry punched the man on the nose and took the leaf blower off of him and used it to blow him into a wall. Some shelves collapsed on his head, rendering the man unconscious like his partner. 
"Well, sir, looks like I just saved your life," Henry told the delighted owner as he threw away the leaf blower and leaned on the counter. However, it seemed like someone didn't have any faith in him.
Captain Man dropped down from the ceiling, ready to fight since he thought that his sidekick couldn't deal with a simple robbery on his own.
"I'm here," Ray announced, much to the owner's happiness and Henry's shock. The nerve of this guy.
"Captain Man!" The owner cried as Henry looked at his boss in horror.
"Captain Man?" The kid asked in a hurt voice. He had lied about leaving?
"Just a moment..." Ray growled and lifted up the man who had the hammer. He punched him in the face, despite the guy not being a threat anymore, but he wanted to act like he had been instrumental in ending the fight.
"There, you're safe now," Ray told the owner, who excitedly came out from behind the cash register as Henry spluttered in confusion.
"Thank you, Captain Man. Oh, I gotta go tell my wife what you did." The man said, running off to report Captain Man's actions, even though he hadn't done anything useful.
"What are you doing here?" Henry asked Ray.
"Fighting crime!" He replied, kicking out his leg as he smirked.
"No! You're just here because you don't trust me and Charlotte and (y/n) and Schwoz to handle things while you're away." He called him out, feeling extremely irritated.
"You don't have my experience." Ray hissed, keeping his voice down since the storekeeper and his wife were close by.
"I don't have your enormous ego." Henry snapped back.
"That too!" 
"I've been doing this job for over a year and I can handle things for three stupid days without you. (y/n) can help me—you're just scared some other guy will date her while you're not here." The boy pointed out, his anger meaning he couldn't keep a lid on his feelings.
"Oh, really? Like you handled this crime? And I'm not scared of (y/n) dating. She can...date whoever she wants." Ray swallowed as he said the words, the idea of his girl with someone else making him feel tremendously sick. Not that he'd let Henry see that.
"Yes, I completely handled this crime. And you're totally afraid of someone else taking her." They argued back and forth.
"Yeah, I guess, I mean, you handled this, like I can handle (y/n) with a boyfriend who's not me," Ray said moodily, making Henry roll his eyes.
"Dude, you can't be jealous if you won't even try to ask her out." His sidekick berated him, not wanting to let him escape from the fact that he wanted the young woman, but did nothing to make her his girlfriend.
"Okay, fine, I'll go." Ray whinged, walking out of the door until the voice of the storekeeper stopped him.
"Captain Man...this is my wife, Nancy." The man introduced a smiling woman, who was beyond excited to meet the hero.
"Oh, hiiiiiiii." Ray smiled back, hoping this would give him an excuse to stick around.
"Out! Before I call her and let her know you're still in town!" Henry threatened his boss, making him briskly walk out of the store before he could let (y/n) know he had lied to her and had not caught his flight. Seeing her hurt and upset because of him would break his heart.
~Later that evening~
Needing to get (y/n) out of the Man Cave, Henry and Charlotte had taken her to a milkshake bar for a much-deserved break. She felt 'floopy' without her soulmate and kept pouting and plodding around the room. Seeing that she desperately needed a pick-me-up, they bustled her out of Junk-N-Stuff, trying their best to make her laugh and take her mind off her absent hero. It worked; (y/n) had perked up after they told her their best jokes, and being with her friends made her feel a lot better.
The three of them stepped out of the elevator as they entered the Man Cave again, feeling refreshed for work again. Only, Schwoz had taken advantage of their absence and had turned the hideout into a discotech. 
"AHHHHH!" Their laughter was stopped by the loud music and odd characters that were dancing all over the furniture. What had Schwoz done? His cousin was dancing around, his pig was in a paddling pool, people were playing around in the tubes, the place was in pandemonium and (y/n) was pissed off.
"What is going on?!" Charlotte yelled over the music, as she took in the party scene.
"I don't know!" Henry shouted back as (y/n) seethed beside him.
"I know exactly what's going on. Come on!" She growled, walking over to the small man jumping on a mini-trampoline as he laughed with Bork.
"Schwoz, you little fucker!" She hissed, separating the two men and dragging Schwoz away from the trampoline.
"Welcome to the party. Charlotte, what's happening?" The man greeted them happily, thinking they were here to party with him.
"How could you have a party without Ray's permission, or me knowing?" (y/n) asked him angrily, furious that he had done this behind her back.
"Easy! He's not here and you were drinking milkshakes! Hahahaa!" Schwoz chuckled, irritating the woman more.
"You know, we promised Ray we'd be responsible!" Charlotte reminded him as (y/n) rubbed her face in frustration.
"What's gonna happen?" Schwoz scoffed, not worried about any consequences.
"Oh, I don't know, how about a criminal in Mongolia hearing this damn music!" The woman shouted as Bork grabbed Charlotte and lifted her over his shoulder, not liking how everyone was being a party pooper.
"Henry!" She yelled at her friend for help.
"Hey, Bork. Charlotte is not a toy, put her down!" The boy scolded the freakishly tall man, but he was distracted as Winnie, Schwoz's sister poked his shoulder. Bork then started to swing Charlotte back and forth with Larry, Schwoz's cousin, which terrified the young girl.
"Who did that?" Henry asked, spinning around to see the neighing woman.
"This is chaos! Come on, Schwoz, I have to live here!" (y/n) tried to calm everything down, but between Charlotte's squeals and Schowz's laughter, her efforts were useless. She or Henry couldn't even hear the emergency alarm go off. Ah, geez, Ray was going to kill them.
~The next day~
After a whole night of partying, Henry, Charlotte and (y/n) returned to the Man Cave to see what had become of Schwoz. The young woman had crashed in a downtown hotel for the night. There was no chance of her getting any sleep with the blaring music and numerous weirdos dancing around outside of her bedroom. They stepped out of the elevator and holy cow, they were greeted by a mess.
Schwoz was passed out on the floor, much like his guests, who had all partied the night away. There were decorations, streamers, food, trash and confetti littering the floor and the sight of the destroyed room made them all groan in disgust. It was normally so well-organised and tidy in there, thanks to (y/n)'s diligence, but after one night of Schwoz and his friends living it large, it looked like a bomb had hit it.
"Sweet cheese." (y/n) breathed out as she hesitantly stepped into the Man Cave, cringing as she heard bits of confetti and crumbs crunch under her sneakers.
"This place looks disgusting." Charlotte gagged, choosing her steps carefully so she wouldn't step in anything gross.
"Yeah. So does Schwoz." Henry grumbled as the three of them walked over to the genius, who was sleeping on his trampoline, a large rubber ducky tucked under his arm.
"Hey, Schwoz, sleepy times over. Come on, wake up." Henry tried to get him to wake up, even going as far as slapping him about the face with a slice of cold, slimy pizza, but it was useless. He just mumbled something in his native language and snuggled back into his ducky.
"Okay... WAKE UP, YOU ASSHOLE!" (y/n) screamed at the top of her voice, startling the man into consciousness, his pale face looking around in alarm. Even the kids winced at her sharp tone.
"How long did this party go on?" Charlotte asked him as he yawned.
"Uh, we broke up around 6 AM. Oh, look. My sister, Winnie, fell asleep. So peaceful, so beautiful." Schwoz mentioned wistfully, looking at his snoring, horse-like sister, who had fallen asleep standing up, just like an actual horse.
"Yeah." The three replied in unsure voices, not certain that what they were looking at could be classed as peaceful or indeed beautiful.
"Right, Schwoz, I'm going to be very clear about this. You better clean all of this crap up before..." (y/n) tried to be stern, but her words trailed off as Henry nudged her arm and pointed to emergency alarm, which had been flashing all night. Oh, god.
"Oh, shit, shit, shit. The crime light." She cursed as she, Henry and Charlotte dashed over to the supercomputer, worry etched onto their faces. 
"How long has that been flashing?" Charlotte asked Schowz, as (y/n) scrolled through the databank.
"Since 9:37 last night!" She cried, thinking about what catastrophe could have unfolded when no superhero turned up.
"Dang-dangit, Schwoz!" Henry groaned, squishing a balloon into the control panel and making it burst. However, the loud noise made Winnie wake up in alarm and she started to whinny and buck around the room, like a startled horse.
"Ah, you spooked my sister!" Schwoz panicked, trying to calm down his sibling as she trotted across the room in fear. He finally managed to subdue her with a carrot and a pat to the head, confirming that she was probably more horse than person.
"What are you guys doing?" Henry asked the girls, who were working on the computer.
"Since no one answered the emergency call, we're checking to see if someone left a message," Charlotte told him as (y/n) checked their inbox. Pressing play, they listened to the latest voice message.
"You have one new emergency voicemail: Hello, Captain Man? This is Carlos from Sushi Dushi." The message began, the three listening carefully.
"It's Carlos from Sushi Dushi," Henry repeated, despite his observation being completely pointless.
"How'd you figure that one out, Holmes?" (y/n) sassed him sarcastically before resuming the voicemail.
"There's a guy robbing us right now. He's locking us in the fridge so he can steal a huge tuna fish." It continued.
"He's locking them all in the fridge." Henry pointed again, his deduction again being useless.
"Yes, thank you, Henry." (y/n) rolled her eyes with Charlotte.
"Where's the tuna fish?"
"Captain Man, Captain Man, save us!!" The message ended with the criminals intruding on the recording and Carlos begging for help.
"What are you thinking?" Charlotte asked her fellow teen and he stayed quiet and looked thoughtful.
"The robber's voice sounds so familiar." Henry pondered, his thinking making the girls wonder too. 
"I know." Charlotte agreed, suddenly feeling like she had heard that voice before.
"(y/n/n), can you cross-check it against the national voice database?" Henry asked the young, who smiled softly and nodded.
"Sure, easy-peasy, squeeze the lemon." She said, inputting a clip of the message into the databank and waiting a few seconds for the feedback. The computer came back with two matches.
"Okay!" The kids smiled, glad that their plan had worked out.
"So, the robber's either Jeff or Miley." Henry studied the two pictures carefully, even though the answer was pretty obvious.
"I'm thinking it's Jeff." Charlotte theorised, knowing that it was ludicrous to suspect that Miley Cyrus would rob Sushi Dushi for a fish.
"Ugh, Jeff. He's such a moron." (y/n) groaned, smiling fondly when she remembered how she and Ray scattered him off to jail last Halloween. Ah, good times, apart from when he kept calling her "pretty lady", ew.
"Well, you better find him and arrest him or Ray's gonna fire us all," Charlotte stressed, not wanting to lose her job. She needed the money.
"He wouldn't fire his best friend, 'cause...y'know...he likes (y/n)," Henry argued with her, choosing his words very carefully as Charlotte raised her eyebrows and subtly nodded at (y/n). Luckily though, the true meaning of his words flew right over her head.
"Yeah, I'm not sure that even I'd get away with this." She joked, not realising how she could get away with murder when it came to Ray. One puppy-dog gaze from her and he was putty in her hands.
"Then I guess I'll chew some guy and fight some scum." Henry quipped before blowing his bubble and transforming into Henry Danger. The loud noise of him popping the bubble and snapping into his costume made Winnie kick off again, much to the annoyance of Schwoz.
"Ah, you did it again!" He yelled as his sister brayed and kicked.
"Just go, go go!" (y/n) told Henry, knowing he should go fight crime. They could deal with Schowz's weird sister, hopefully, they just needed some sugar cubes and carrots. Yeah, lots of carrots. 
~Jeff's Apartment~
Henry arrived at the building where Jeff still rented the same apartment that Captain Man and Miss Danger had fought him last time. He really needed to get brainier. Deciding to make a Captain Man-style entrance, Henry kicked a hole through the door, confusing the criminal inside. Not that it took a lot to confuse Jeff.
"Hey, hang on, someone's foot just came through my door." Henry heard Jeff tell one of his potential buyers on the phone. Squatting down, Kid Danger looked through the hole he had made and scanned the room, checking to make sure he had the right apartment. Seeing an irritated Jeff sat across the room, he poked his hand through the gap and unlocked the door from the inside. 
"Looks like you're gonna need a door-hole repairman, Jeff." Henry snarked, trying to be all tough after his clumsy entrance.
"Ah, crud. Hey, it's Kid Danger and Captain Man, can you, uh, come bail me outta jail later?" The dumb man said to whoever was on the phone.
"It's just me, Jeff. Captain Man's outta town." Henry smirked, feeling proud that he was being a cool superhero by himself.
"Okay, so after you come pick up this tuna, do you wanna see a movie or something? I heard that the sequel--" Jeff's complacency was cut off by Henry grabbing his phone, the boy having been offended by Jeff not seeing him as a threat.
"Dude!" Jeff grumbled.
"The only movie you're gonna see is the one in jail...on movie night...if they even have that. Now, stand up or get zapped!" Henry rambled, threateningly pointing his laser control at Jeff, who was very intimidated.
"I'm gonna slap that thing outta your hand." He told Kid Danger.
"I'd like to see you try slap--" Henry was cut off as Jeff did what he had said he would, showing a blatant disrespect towards the kid. He was shit scared of Captain Man, but Kid Danger? He could take him easily.
"Okay, that really hurt my hand," Henry whined, but the phone he had confiscated from Jeff started. to ring.
"Oh, it could be my tuna buyer, give me my phone." The criminal asked.
"Oh, you want the phone? This thing right here?" Henry teased him.
"Yeah. Are you playing Keep Away From Me?" Jeff frowned at the teen superhero.
"Yes, I'm playing Keep Away From You," Henry replied in a mocking tone.
"All right, that does it!" The stupid criminal growled and began to chase Henry around the tuna fish. Henry leapt through the kitchen hatch and Jeff tried to follow him, but he was too slow and fat to get through. He fell off the counter and onto the floor, huffing and groaning from the strain. He continued to chase Kid Danger around the room, his breathing laboured, unlike Henry's. The boy could do this for hours. After running around so much, Jeff bent over a chair as his gasps for air became very wheezy.
"Are you all right?" Henry asked the criminal. Yeah, he didn't like him, but that didn't mean he wanted Jeff to have an asthma attack. Jeff was too wheezy to respond.
"Hit the table twice if you're all right." The teen instructed him, but when Jeff raised his hand to smack the table, the rickety old thing collapsed under his weight. 
"Okay, was that one or two?" Henry asked, unsure if he was okay. At least it would make taking him to the jailhouse easy...
"But I'm pretty sure Jeff meant to knock twice," Henry told his friends upstairs in the store. Charlotte was listening intently, but Ray was rather preoccupied with the girl on his knee. His arms were around her waist and his nose was tucked behind her ear. It had been an emotional reunion and they had spent the last half an hour in each other's arms. (y/n) snuggled back into his chest, happy to let his warmth settle in her bones and the scent of his cologne engulf her. God, she'd missed him.
"Anyway, thirty minutes later, he was in jail and the huge tuna fish was back at Sushi Dushi," Henry told his boss, who smiled at the kid proudly, as did (y/n). Sure, there had been some mishaps, but what Ray didn't know wouldn't hurt him. 
"You know, I'm proud of you guys." Ray smiled at his friends, squeezing his arms around his girl's waist, making her blush as his biceps tensed around her. He felt so big behind her and she smiled bashfully at how she felt like he was protecting her.
"Aw, thanks, Ray."
"Thanks, man," Henry and Charlotte returned his smile, delighted that he was proud of them.
"And I'm proud of you too, sweet girl. You really came through for me." Ray praised (y/n), pressing a sweet kiss to her temple, making her face really flush. How was she supposed to stay calm when he said stuff like that to her? The teens smirked at their bosses as the young woman squirmed in Ray's lap, her hips rolling against his.
"I bet those employees at Sushi Dushi were thrilled when you finally let them out of that fridge," Ray told them shakily. He was striving to keep his voice steady as the girl in his lap unknowingly ground her ass into him in wickedly passionate waves.
Henry, Charlotte and (y/n) went quiet at his assumption, realising they had forgotten something really, really important. Those poor Sushi Dushi employees must have been in the refrigerator for hours.
"Yeah, yeah." Henry choked out, his face paling.
"It was a magical moment." Charlotte smiled nervously, hoping Ray wouldn't see her clammy skin.
"We did some good work..." (y/n) stammered apprehensively, not knowing that Ray was praying that she wouldn't notice how her movements were affecting him.
"Well, fantastic work guys," Ray told them, lifting (y/n) off his lap so he could make a quick exit with his growing predicament.
"Now, I'm gonna head down to the Man Cave and install a mirror in my shower!" He smiled at the kids, ignoring (y/n)'s puzzled expression.
"Should I even ask?" She grinned at her best friend's antics, swallowing at the thought of him in the shower, wet, naked, oh, geez.
"Have fun!" Charlotte called after her boss. He dashed to the elevator so he could find sanctity in his room, where he could find relief to the fantasy of a girl with (y/c/h) hair and voluptuous curves.
"I gotta go get those people outta that fridge!" Henry panicked, taking out his gum tube and shoving a gumball in his mouth.
"Bring sushi!" Charlotte told him, as he briskly walked to the door.
"If they're alive!" (y/n) added, hoping the kid wouldn't be greeted with the gruesome sight of chilled corpses.
"Will do!" Henry waved them goodbye and ran off into the night. A hero's work was never done.
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snappydragonsclaw · 7 months
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The sun glistens through the trees of woodburrow as the sun ascends. The trees bristle in the breeze as the scene fades into the training room where Spyro,snap shot, Tessa, Food Fight, and Cynder sit. food fight still holds scars from the previous battle that night.” we can’t just let Wolfgang’s plan go into fruition we have to stop him which means learning to control these forms.” snap shot states. “Aggred. It seemed like food fight had more control over himself last night. Maybe the time you turn you will too.” Tessa adds. food fight fiddles nervously in his seat. He craves fresh air food fight has always been an outside spirit and it is in his very nature as a life elemental to be fond of the outdoors.” uh, Tessa I know this is a rather nutty question but can I get some fresh air? Being cooped up in here has my leaves going in a frenzy. He asked. His voice was laced with discomfort.” alright food fight. Just be mindful and keep an eye out for chop chop.” Tessa dismissed Food Fight who leaped out the window and onto a nearby tree. Food Fight sniffs the air to his nostrils being treated to the scent of autumn-baked leaves.” ah, that’s it…”food fight whispers to himself as his leaves shift up absorbing the sun’s light. Food fight climes the trees and watches people pass by from above.  He then hears his stomach growl and even though Tessa said to keep his attention low he sniffs the air smelling the aroma of apple pie and other sweets. He leaps from another tree to see the marketplace. Foxes and other creatures gathered around chatting away and shopping. Food Fight drools slightly smelling the sweet smell of apple pie.” a slice wouldn’t kill anyone right?” Food Fight thought quietly to himself. Like a cat food fight creeps down from a branch and lands on the ground not making a sound, he strolls through the crowd and locates the pie stall. “Freshly baked pie! Come get your pies! Coated in cinnamon and brown sugar!” the vendor announces. The vendor glances down to see a slice missing with four gold coins replacing it. Food Fight now sits at the border of the market eating the slice. Meanwhile, in the center, someone could be seen pushing villagers and tourists aside forcefully grumbling. It was chop chop, sprocket,flameslinger,fright rider, and Short cut were trailing behind him admiring the scenery, unlike the grumpy skeleton. “Ah, the market of Woodburrow what place is more peaceful?” short cut comments looking at the ginger, warm-toned tents. “I know right? And smell that? The pies? It smells like autumn itself!” sprocket adds. “Focus on the mission! We don’t have time to be distracted by this warm nonsense!” Chop Chop remarked gruffly. “Se détendre chop chop we’ll find food fight. Heck, he might even be here looking with us or just visiting now that I just thought about it I haven't seen him recently! He aime tarte aux pommes!”flameslinger replied coolheaded. “Wait what did you say!? and say it in English!” chop chop rose up having a light bulb moment. “He loves apple pie?” flameslinger repeats. “Hmm…” Chop chop glances down to see a crumb trail. Meanwhile food fight leans against the trees the birds above him nest and feed their young. Food Fight hands them a crumb and the bird feeds it to one of her chicks fostering a smile on Food Fight’s face.
” that pie hit the spot..” Food Fight mumbled. chop chop parts from the group stealthy upon seeing food fight. He draws his swords and stealthily approaches him suddenly something stops him. “Chop chop look at this magical plunger hat! It’s so cool!” Chop Chop grumbles upon hearing rider’s voice in the distance. He pulls himself back to the group before they get suspicious of him. Food fight hearing something looks behind to see no one and decides to return to the guesthouse. Meanwhile in the woods snap shot hunts. He crouches in the long grass with his arrow out watching a chompy. He picks up every sound and scent. His sense is enhanced by the werewolf curse. Snap shot’s eyes glow as he narrows them aiming and then he releases the arrow hitting the chompy with perfect aim.” bingo.” snap shot mumbles. He then walks back to the guesthouse but catches the scent of chop chop around. He looks around uneasily” I hope lil buddy’s okay.” he says to himself. Meanwhile at in the golden desert. the sunbeams on the pyramid in the distance, bone chompies roam the land looking for any form of life acting as vultures. The scene fades into a thrown room with a gold figure atop a thrown leaning on her hands restless. “ dream catcher anything from wolfgang yet?” the figure asks. “Not yet my queen. He somehow blocked out his dreams from my view.” dream catcher responds.” ugh! That mutt is getting on my nerves every few months he’ll do this damn thing where he’ll not appear here for who knows how long!” the figure growls.” golden queen should we send nightshade to retrieve him?” dream catcher asks. “We might have to do that…I need a new stash of gold and I'm getting tired of waiting!” Golden Queen replies. Suddenly dr. krankcase races up their staircase holding a scroll. “My queen! Wolfgang sent this!” he said. Golden Queen snatches it from him. She reads it and her gold face flares red. “That MUTT! Who does he think he is!” she yells. “What is it golden queen?” dream catcher asks. “Wolfgang says he’s leaving the doom raiders!” golden queen flares up. “WHAT!? No one leaves the Doom Raiders!” dream catcher responds.” doom raiders! Gear up! We’re paying wolfgang a visit!” golden queen announces. To be continued.     
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midseo · 1 month
Furnace Charger, Vibratory Furnace Charger Manufacturer India
We are Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters of Furnace Charger, Vibratory Furnace Charger, Remote Charging Furnaces, Furnace Charger Price in Navi Mumbai, India.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I like his idea he has an idea for our motorcycles to convert them into actual motorcycles without changing the motor and you have to put a cooling jacket or it wears it down and I want to keep the price down so I want to assemble them the right way first and just put a small fairing on the front larger tires better sprockets and different ones better gearing if we can it says it's not necessary and a jacket and that's pretty much it it makes a complete bike and yes the 250 will go around 230 mph the 300 will go around 280 or 290 with 150 lb person now we're going to go ahead and do this and we are going to make the bikes from scratch that way in China and people will see it and they'll start doing it it's ridiculous all these people have to modify this damn things I've never had so many asinine calls in my life it's probably to try and get parts over there and it never worked and nobody opened apart factory in it it's this old project that stalled out and it's ours too and nobody figured it out we have a lot of those I'm going to bring it up in a meeting and we need personnel now for this job and project and I'm hiring mine like madness because we're going to trace it down and more and we're going to put them out shortly
Uriel and Goddess Wife
Minor electric they're saying they're building my version I haven't seen that this will compete but not too much mine go about 280 but his gas is complimentary and probably help sales and he says it probably will because they'll use it as cover and I understand that and they might even switch the motor out and switch it out to hide what it is now that's a weird thing but I have seen that and I might order a motors from us and we do sell them and it's going to be crazy as hell
Chow fat
There's a huge number of people who are watching and listening and we will get more news out shortly he's going to get lunch going this is great stuff and it's working
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aggarwalevehicles · 2 years
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Motor Specifications:Rated Voltage: 24 Volt DCRated Power: 250WAmbient temperature: -20°C — 45°CTurn potential: 5VBrake potential: Low potential brakeRPM (after Reduction) – 300rpmRated Current – 10.41AFull load current – 14.2AUndervoltage protection: 20.5VCurrent Limiting protection: 20ATorque Constant – 9 Nm (90 kg-cm)Torque stall – 40 Nm (400 kg-cm)Sprocket: 9Tooth only fits #410 bicycle chains
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berlinlong · 2 years
Xpro 110cc atv
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#Xpro 110cc atv full#
#Xpro 110cc atv full#
Have a look at the full range of genuine products and brands in our Automotive and Vehicles categories that you can safely buy online in Kenya at discounted prices. and simpler starting I X-PRO 125cc ATV with Automatic Transmission w/Reverse. X-PRO 420 Chain Front Sprocket for 50cc-125cc ATV Dirt Pit Bike Go Kart back DIRT BIKES high performance exhaust These vehicles are typically 50-110cc. Original Product Guaranteed - Imported from USAįront Suspension: Double a-arm w/ 10.8 " shock choose from a 110cc pit bike, a 125cc dirt bike, a 150cc pit bike. X-PRO 125cc 4-stroke ATV Engine Semi-Auto Transmission with Reverse, Electric Start for most China made 125cc ATVs & upgrading 50cc-110cc ATVs 4 95 110cc. Some assembly required: Assembly for ATVs include Handle bar brackets, all 4 wheels, front and rear racks (if included), rear shock and battery.Beefy front and rear 14.5x7-6 knobby tires offer excellent traction and help boost ground clearance. X-PRO PZ20 Carburetor for 90cc 110cc 125cc ATV Dirt Bike Go Kart.Waxaa laga yaaWaxaa laga yaaLeave a comment on X-PRO ATV-D02 110cc ATV with Automatic Transmission User Manual. Electric Start provides much easier control and handling, and gives the rider the great convenience in the event of a stall. X-PRO ATV-D02 110cc ATV oo wata Buugga Isticmaalaha Gudbinta Toos ah. Specifications Max Speed, 25+ (Depending on Riders Weight and Road Conditions) Battery, 12V/4Ah Gross Weight (lbs), 187 Net Weight (lbs), 165 Wheelbase.00 to 995 X-PRO 200cc Sports ATV with Automatic Transmission with Reverse. Automatic Transmission ensures smooth shifting and lets the entry-level rider focus on the trail by eliminating a hand-operated clutch. We stand behind our ATVs 100 We Import China 110CC Sport ATV from various.
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zosonils · 3 years
been brainstorming in a txt file and now i REALLY wanna restart my island lmao but hhrhrhgh irreversible nuclear reset scarey
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Here's What Happened To The Car From Corvette Summer
By Arun Singh Pundir Published Nov 26, 2020
So here’s the story of that strange Corvette from Corvette Summer, and where it is now.
The Corvette Summer was a strange, strange movie, as strange as the Chevrolet Corvette in it, although there are stranger ones. The movie featured Mark Hamill, post his Luke Skywalker fame, and Annie Potts, whom we know as MeeMaw in the series Young Sheldon.
Consider the plot: Hamill is Kenny Dantley, a high school senior from Southern California who loves, lives, and breathes all things cars. His shop class project involves a build, so he makes a Corvette Stingray with a right-hand drive. Why? Well, we’ll get into that later.
Sadly, the vehicle gets stolen and Dantley finds that it has reached Vegas. So he decides to go and retrieve his car by hitchhiking, considering he has no wheels. He gets a ride from Vanessa (Potts) who has dreams of becoming an escort and calls herself a prostitute-in-training.
Needless to say, the plot was weak and the movie weaker still because all is well and good in the end. The guy gets the girl, and his car, and returns home the hero. Despite the not-so-stellar performance of the movie at the box office, it’s the car, ridiculous as it may be, that turned into a far more memorable thing than the movie itself.
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The Strange Corvette Build
The actual car underneath all that body paneling was a 1973 Corvette C3 with an L48 5.7-liter V8 engine, the base model, that made 190 horses and ran on something that was called a Turbo 350 transmission. The Turbo bit was nothing but marketing lingo and had nothing to do with a turbocharger at all. Of course, there were two cars involved.
One of the cars had been rear-ended and ended up in a junkyard, ostensibly to be crushed and killed off. But the Producer Matthew Robbins and Director Hal Barwood found it, took it off the junkyard for cheap, and then sent it off to Korky’s Kustom Studios to be actually built, along with the other one.
By the end of the build, it hardly looked like a Corvette anymore, period. The fiberglass nose was pointy, to the point of being witchy and on either side, there were square, almost Caprice-like headlights. The hood scoop also bore sawfish like teeth on either side with little mesh screens. It was turned wide body with wider fenders to accommodate a set of turbine wheels. Two pipes on each side are joined together behind the front wheel to form a muffler.
Dick Korkes’ engine was kept stock but an Edelbrock dual-quad high-rise was added in along with a pair of vacuum secondary Holley carbs as well. The transmission and drivetrain were also kept stock. The frame was rigged to allow the mounting of a movie camera and the hood was also converted into a flip type.
Now, we did mention the cars were a right-hand-drive, why was it so? Apparently, for the driver to get close to the girls on the sidewalk, sprockets and a chain from a Harley-Davidson motorcycle were connected the end of the steering shaft to the box, and this contraption remained out of sight on the left side of the car.
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The Reception Of Corvette Summer
The Corvette Summer stalled. No, not the car, just the movie. Unlike MGM’s Grease that cost only $6 million to make but earned a whopping $160 million, this one cost $9 million and raked in only $15.5 million in the US and some $36 million worldwide.
The movie’s bombing was a result of the plot. As far as the car was concerned, people either hated it or loved it at first sight, with no feelings in between. It didn’t look like a Vette, was OTT in styling, and had pipes running on the side without any noticeable increase in power. The one good thing was that they were not destroyed during the movie production and went on to have a colorful transactional history.
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Where Is The Corvette Dream Now?
Corvette Summer came out in 1978 and the car was mostly forgotten and in the hands of private collectors till in 2011, Volo Auto Museum announced that it was auctioning this car off, along with more zany movie and TV cars.
Yet again, the only thing known is that it was picked up by an Australian private collector, and the last we heard of it from the Facebook page dedicated to this car was in 2015 where one was restored to make it look different from the movie car. In essence, the Corvette Summer was taken out of the Corvette.
The second car was owned by Mike Yager of Mid America Motorworks in Effingham, Illinois and then sold in 2009 to a private collector.
The original mold of the car is now part of the collection of the National Corvette Museum, so at least something is still handy enough for a look-see.
Sources: LSXMag, Autoweek
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
For smutty one liners prompts, 10 or 13?
Hello! Sorry this took two months to get to, but look at me. I am here! This is the last smutty one liner prompt that I have, so let’s celebrate me doing my thing and getting through them. I’ve had so much fun! There are plenty more prompts in my inbox to write that may or may not be smutty, but this here is the last of the one liners. 
Title: Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Sentence: “Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
Rating: Explicit
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Citi Field was immaculate; the grass was the greenest that Vision had ever seen, cut on angles in a criss-cross pattern and sprawling out to the bleachers. It looked so much bigger in person.
Neither Wanda nor Vision were big baseball fans initially. They started by leaving games on for background noise which turned into suddenly watching intently, cheering on the home team as Vision explained the rules of baseball for Wanda while she nursed the twins. Somehow, they'd actually become fans.
When Tony presented them with the tickets and the offer to take care of Tommy and Billy, they jumped at the chance. They hadn't been out together since the twins were born 6 months prior and they really needed some time alone together.
Their tickets - naturally - were incredible. Front row on the third base side, right by the Mets' dugout. The players were out on the field warming up and preparing the evening's game.
"Look!" Wanda whispered, pulling on Vision's shirt. "It's Francisco Lindor!"
The Mets' new shortstop was Wanda's favorite. She said she admired his drive and tenacity and his skills at the game were something special. The way he always was able to stop a ball from going into the outfield was almost magical. Something she could appreciate.
It was almost as if Lindor heard Wanda call his name. He stood up from his stretch position and looked toward the stands as Wanda waved a small wave and bounced where she stood.
Vision looked over at Wanda. Her behavior was uncharacteristic. He knew that Lindor was her favorite, but he wasn't expecting her to be... absolutely giddy about seeing him. Something bubbled inside him, a deep gnawing feeling like a sprocket had come loose and floated around inside him. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before growing hotter as he watched his wife flag down the fit baseball star and grab for the hat Vision had bought her for him to autograph.
The initial interaction was innocent enough. A fan asking for an autograph of someone she admired, but soon it turned to chatting and laughing and Wanda flipping her hair as she smiled at the handsome baseball player.
It was then that Vision decided that he didn't like this man talking to his wife. Not one bit.
As Lindor handed the signed hat back and walked away, Wanda was still smiling, watching as his strong legs took him back to the field to warm up. It seemed that everyone but Vision was smiling.
"What was that?" Vision asked, his voice unusually low.
"I was meeting a player," Wanda said innocently, tapping the brim of the Mets cap on Vision's head. "We should have gotten yours signed too."
Something in Vision snapped again. Something deep in his system was malfunctioning, he thought. He grabbed Wanda by the hand, pulling her up the stairs and closer to the concession stands.
"You were flirting with him," Vision said, placing his hands on his hips. "And he was flirting back."
He wasn't yelling, but the accusatory tone in his voice conveyed his anger perfectly.
"I was meeting a player," Wanda repeated through gritted teeth. "And how dare you accuse me of anything else!"
Wanda stormed off, Vision not far behind. They weaved through fans and around concession stands until Wanda flung the women's bathroom door open and rushed inside. Vision stayed on her heels, not letting the bathroom get in his way when suddenly a stall door was in his face. He heard the lock click and laughed to himself.
"A lock won't help," Vision said, phasing through the stall to see Wanda standing there, arms crossed, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "I didn't like seeing you talking to another man like that."
"Like what?" Wanda whispered angrily. "I wanted an autograph!"
"And you thought it was reasonable to flirt to get it?" Vision asked, stepping even closer to Wanda. "You're mine!"
Wanda froze, her eyes looking Vision up and down. As if she didn't recognize the man standing in front of her. And judging by the way her eyes darkened and her shoulders drooped as she heaved out a deep breath, she liked it.
He'd never spoken to her that way before, but it was too late to try and take it back. And part of him didn't want to, anyway.
Instead, he pressed Wanda against the bathroom stall, his hands roaming her body frantically. Like he needed to commit her to memory before she ran off with a handsome baseball player and left him alone once and for all.
Competent hands slide up Wanda's body, taking a breast in each hand and squeezing just hard enough to get a reaction from her. She squeaked out a high pitched moan, puffing her chest to press her breasts into Vision's kneading hands and then he snatched them away, leaving Wanda empty and aching.
Wanda then returned the motions, running her hands up and down Vision's chest and under the hem of his shirt to touch his skin in a frantic momentum, trying to get him to respond to her advances. He simply looked at her, not letting on whether or not he was enjoying himself.
Without breaking eye contact, Vision's hand settled between Wanda's thighs, the thickness of her jeans making him unable to feel anything but how warm her core already was. He wanted to feel how wet she was for him. To have evidence that she was enjoying what he was doing to her.
"Clothes off," Vision commanded, phasing out of his own clothes. His cock was already hard, bouncing with each breath he took as Wanda continued to stare at this virtual stranger in front of her. "Phase out."
She was slow to obey, choosing instead to tilt her head at Vision and look his body up and down.
"No," she whispered, crossing her arms over her chest. "You acted like a fool back there. And if you're going to fuck me in here, I want you to do it as yourself."
Vision knew exactly what she wanted. He sighed at her defiance but knew that if it was going to get her to phase out of her clothes, he would do it. His body glowed gold as his human disguise disappeared and was replaced with red skin and vibranium. He gave her a look that seemed to say "Is this better?"
With nothing more than a proud smile, Wanda phased out of her clothes as Vision drank her in. Soft skin, breasts full for nursing, the tuft of hair between her legs. Vision needed to feel her wetness. His hand moved back between her legs as two fingers slid between her folds. She was wet, alright. Vision collected it on his fingers and then brought the glistening digits to his mouth, tasting his wife's unique tang. And that's when he let out his first moan, he could never hide that, though he didn't have much to compare it to, he loved how she tasted.
He teased her with his fingers, sliding them in and out of her as she hitched her leg up and started to rock her hips, driving herself down onto his fingers. When that slight color rose to her cheeks, it told him she was close to coming and he snatched his hand away, tasting her again as she whimpered her disapproval.
Then, Vision came barreling back toward her, picking her up with ease and hastily placing her on his cock, sheathing himself inside her in a single motion.
"You're mine," he repeated, lifting Wanda up and down on his cock. The sound of skin slapping echoing in the stall. While all the talking should've drowned out most of their noises, they still had to be quick. Anyone could have seen Vision enter the woman's room and gone to fetch security.
"Mine," he repeated.
Wanda threw her head back, arms wrapped around Vision's neck as a moan escaped from low in her throat signaling that she'd given into Vision's possessive act as his cock moved in and out of her at a rapid pace.
"Claim me then," Wanda challenged as Vision lifted her off his cock for just moment. "Make me yours."
Vision moved forward until Wanda's back hit the stall and he trapped her there with his body, snaking his hand back between her legs and sweeping through her wet folds again, this time to find her clit. One swipe with his thumb and Wanda was calling his name.
"Vis," she moaned, "Keep going."
Without warning, Vision pushed his cock back into Wanda and started to push into her vigorously, his fingers toying with her clit in time with his thrusts. He could tell she was close. That pink to her cheeks, the way she held her breath and closed her eyes. He sped up his movements, and felt Wanda clench around him as her body tensed and she shook above him.
Her voice quivered as she murmured, "I'm yours."
Wanda's words just encouraged him further. The jealousy coursed through his body and he slammed into Wanda, his pelvis hitting her sensitive clit. She yelped, echoing a little louder than usual. He dropped his head to Wanda's neck and took her soft skin between his lips and sucked hard, knowing he'd leave a mark. Wanting to leave a mark.
Wanda's body was spent but Vision wasn't done. He continued to drive into her until his own orgasm hit and he was coming inside her, emptying every last ounce of himself into her before pulling his soft cock out and letting her down.
"There," Vision said, breathlessly, phasing back into his clothes and human form "You can keep some of me with you through the game."
As Wanda phased back into her clothes she spoke, still gasping for air while being a little off balance.
"Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you."
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midseo · 2 months
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writtenfan · 5 years
-When We First Met-   (Pt. 2)
Anakin X Fem-Reader Imagine
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But the heart racing soon stopped as days and weeks passed...
But then, you saw him once more. As you walked around town... or sat in shops. Your moments together started off brief, but soon increased in length.
From experiencing little moments such as smiling at him from across a room. Or a wave across the market. Which progressed as one day as you sat at the nearby park when you saw him leaning in the shade of a tree, apparently meditating. Then having him eerily turn his head towards you with a smile, somehow knowing you were there sitting on the fountain rim watching him.
You two never spoke during those times but as time passed you spent more time together, talking about your life, hearing only bits about his. Learning about what he did that day… and bit and pieces that didn’t seem to add up about what he was learning. Things you would one day find out weren’t true… but this was how you first met each other.
It was the dusk during a festival when you both sat down on a green lawn accompanied by many others doing the same, as you all looked up at the sky at painted lights that shined brightly from exploding flower-like petals when you asked him…
“…What is your name?”
His eyes, trained on the sky, did not flinch. But he took several minutes to respond which did not support the normalcy of the question.
“A-” he stopped himself for a moment and looked down from the sky to the many other people sitting far from you both on the same green ground. The air was warm, the sky had turned darker from the deep lavender shade of purple as the suns set revealing the bright moons.
He then tilted his head towards you and rose from his slouched position holding one of his knees towards his chest while the other stuck out in front of him.
“Anakin.” He says plainly with an emotion you couldn’t make out.
“Anakin…” he repeated looking at your face searching for its reaction.
You smile and hold out your hand playfully. “Well… it's nice to meet you Anakin…”
He stares into your eyes and then your outstretched hand and grins brightly slamming his hand into yours and shaking your hand hardily.
“Same here (y/n)…it’s been a pleasure..”
You both laugh but are drowned out by the continuation of the lights blazing across the night sky.
To sum up that entire night, you…
Tried to taste an exploding petal but was stopped by a hand swatting it out of yours and a scolding voice which resulted with you pouting with a mischievous grin.
Watched Anakin tear up so much grass he had made a small hill between you both which you found and grabbed a handful tossing it at his face, only to start a small grass throwing fight which he had claimed to let you win.
Talked about how he should not knock on your bedroom window just hours after sunrise because you almost died this morning.
Asked him about his lightsaber which you saw now on his hip…
…Learned that he was a Sith apprentice.
                              ...Experienced excruciating silence...
You then asked if it was like a Jedi and watched his eyebrows furrow and his fist clench against the ground as he turned away from you, hearing a stern,
“No, we are better than the Jedi.”  
Then you both sat in awkward silence.
After all that, he asked you about your knowledge of the force.
You told him the truth, which was that you knew little as you grew up here, where little was taught or spoken about relating to the force as they considered it… dangerous.
Seeing his face relax as he told you some of what he knew.
“Sith focus on using our emotions…there is no weakness…blah blah…Jedi refuse to act...blah blah... they are clouded by their supposed positive judgment…blah blah…I enjoy spending time with you and despite me being a force user, I wish to continue seeing you, and I also think you have the most beautiful eyes…”
“Wait. What?”
His gaze is intense. “You have beautiful eyes…” He says curtly waiting for your response looking at you with an overconfident yet serious expression.
Which were the slight stammering of thanks and nervous plucking of grass.
From that night on, you both spend increased time together, becoming close.
Weeks became a month, yet there were moments in between when he would disappear for weeks only to reappear like his absence was nothing. Not telling you the whole truth of his time away.
Only to understand that his “training” was a private matter and only to be happy with his safe return.
He opened up to you… told you some things about his childhood… only his childhood. Showed you his hobbies which included creating robotic parts and gadgets… taking you out for hyper-bike rides...
Showing you what the force was capable of by lifting cars or that one time the market stall that caused that woman to chase after you both...
One day telling you he had felt a strong presence of the force inside you, untapped potential that he was itching to help you release…
“Wait. What?!”
“I’ve felt it the day I first met you, yet I was unsure if you were actually an enemy attending that blasted school... so I refused to tell you I did.”
You went quiet as you remembered the day about three weeks ago...
...when you heard the noise and screams from the institute as you ran towards the building stopped by the guard only to be told that there were bodies being pulled out one by one from its front doors with fatal wounds. Learning that the institute was no longer operating and nothing more...
You had asked Anakin about it. After learning he wasn’t actually attending the school beforehand. Only to get a simple response of
“There was a secret operation of Jedi training there. This was justice”.
You cringed at his voice yet looked into his passion-filled eyes and soon were soothed by a hand on your back.
“Remember what I told you… whatever happened to them was done in order to protect all those who live here…including you”.
You didn’t say a word but felt this sense of negativity that tasted like bile in the back of your throat and in your chest simmer away with his supportive touch.
As you both spent more time together you had built a strong connection of friendship and trust. He laughed and smiled more, goofed around and you did so in return feeling comfortable to be your absolute true self around him which caused him to admire you even more.
He held onto your hands.
Hugged you tightly
Ran his fingers against your hair
Distanced himself, only to find himself by your side once more.
Telling you his fears.
Yelling at your “I don’t care” attitude.
Ah, you both smiled and laughed and teased and then…he began to teach you in secret.
You raise your straining hand towards the bent sprocket that was placed on a stool in front of a tree in the middle of a forest clearing. “Clench your hand” He holds his hand over yours and forces it shut. “Just like that… imagine it crumbling in reaction to your will. Allow your forceful intentions to crush it…” He looks at you focused but with a clear sense of amusement as you look up to him with a “This is stupid, I can’t do it” expression. But he forced you to continue trying.
                             Soon you could crush that metal sprocket.
But not only that…
Ever since that day. Using the force came with more ease. Fueled by your emotions, it soon became hard to control, too hard. Too dangerous. You freaked out at him. As you told him frantically that you could not control it one night in the clearing you used to practice. He calmed you down and after intense thought responded,
“Let me teach you control, how to suppress your emotions and your connection to the force.”
“But you told me-“
“Yes. But the intensity of your power is causing a disturbance…a ripple effect in the force…soon there will be others who seek to find the source of that ripple…Sith and Jedi alike…”
He cleared his throat and stopped pacing around you only to stand in front of you and place a hand on the side of your face unexpectantly. You jolt at his touch, as a wave of electricity seemed to travel from his fingers down your body.
“… and I want neither to find you…” his voice was low and soothing as he leaned towards you. You froze, your whole-body shaking softy as he placed his lips delicately on the corner of your left eye, as he stayed there, you felt the warmth of his lips that almost seemed to burn against your skin.
“… neither but…” you whisper as you try to enjoy the second his lips first touched your skin.
“… You’re a Sith… Anakin… don't you want the Sith to recruit me?”
He pulled away from you slowly and looked at you with pained eyes.
“Not as a soldier…” his words trail off as he gets lost in your eyes.
His hand rubbing the side of your face as you stand with a frightened rigidness. “No… not as a warrior. There is too much harm and sacrifice with being a Jedi or a Sith… it's unforgiving and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“But if you don’t learn to control your energy… the Jedi may not…but the Sith…” his voice grew quiet once more as he took his hand away from your face and turned his back towards you taking a “….would force you to join them….or die…” his gaze turns cold.
“With a reason to why.” His voice was turning more serious.
“Your power… I sense is too strong to be ignored and if you were to refuse to join them…they couldn’t allow you to be taken in by the Jedi…” his voice grew lower and his stare more painful as you took a step back.
“So, let me show you how to hide it.” He reaches out his hand towards you
“Let me make sure, that won’t happen.”
For days you two spent meditating.
 Learning to control the force and keep it from being detectable… it was clear in proximity, but it no longer rippled throughout space….Anakin told you this one day as you two sat together in your house, his arm around you.
Then the dreaded day came.
“I have to go.”
“What do you mean”
“I have to go and I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“Anakin, what?!”
He pulled away from you.
 “I must go, my master needs me even more now than ever. I have succeeded in his expectations and now I must accept a very important position that will require me to commit all my time to, I can’t have any distractions.
You're yelled and pushed him and he didn’t react he let you show your frustrations and sadness with a face that showed a lack of emotion.
“I’m sorry (y/n) but…” His voice went quiet his eyes were stern and his intentions of leaving were clear and strong. 
“There is more than just you (y/n), I have to avenge, I have to fight and you make me nothing but weak… I can’t have weakness… I can’t…” he stares at your eyes and a hint of pain shows through their yellow glow.
You watched him leave.
Still. Frozen.
But you mustered up the courage to follow him.
You glimpsed a ship. You watched a black-cloaked figure walk out as Anakin got on one knee and bowed for the figure. The figure placed a hand on his shoulder and guided Anakin inside, then it took off and his presence was no more.
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Skid steer loader – Different models for multiple applications
Skid steer loader is used for digging, the skid steer is a versatile machine that is light and easily maneuvered, with a range of attachments available for application. It’s commonly found in construction sites and its arms can utilize a range of tools for various landscaping functions. A skid loader can be described as a small, rigid-frame machine with lift arms used to attach a wide variety of labor-saving tools or attachments.
A skid-steer loader can sometimes be used in place of a large excavator by digging a hole from the inside. The skid loader first digs a ramp leading to the edge of the desired excavation. It then uses the ramp to carry material out of the hole. The skid loader reshapes the ramp making it steeper and longer as the excavation deepens. This method is particularly useful for digging under a structure where overhead clearance does not allow for the boom of a large excavator, such as digging a basement under an existing house.
Several companies make backhoe attachments for skid-steers. These are more effective for digging in a small area than the method above and can work in the same environments. Other applications may consist of transporting raw material around a job site, or assisting in the rough grading process.
Different models of skid steer loaders
Skid steer loader with Fuel Efficient Engine
A modern skid steer is designed to work efficiently. These models have the best in class fuel efficiency, lowest maintenance cost and very high productivity. Its unmatched structure & design helps the machine to perform in tougher applications and work in confined areas. All large platform machines are powered by an Ecomax engine, using up to 9% less fuel. These Ecomax engines achieve Tier 4 Final emissions standards without the need for a diesel particulate filter (DPF). An optional electric quick-hitch permits faster attachment and bucket changes, reducing downtime. The system also reduces the chance of hydraulic oil leakage during attachment change-over.
Manufacturers have come up with the cab-forward design which allows the operator to see the bucket edge or attachment without leaning forward and thereby resulting in safe and efficient operation. Visibility has been significantly increased in all directions. A lowered rear screen and cooling package improve rear visibility which is critical while reversing at high speed. Also, the side windows are made larger increasing the visibility to the tires and the sides when the loader arms are raised. The design, balance, and weight distribution deliver more usable horsepower, powerful breakout forces, and faster cycle times. The machines work quicker, lift more, and outperform to meet various job site requirements.Newer hybrid skid steer loaders boost productivity and increase operator comfort. The cabs feature increased headroom and lap-bar width, along with improved forward, side, rear, and overhead visibility. Ergonomically positioned controls, industry-first side lighting, and improved reliability and serviceability help you get more work done daily. The wide door repositioned grab handles and a lower threshold provide easy access to the cab. These kid steer loaders benefit from a cab with up to 25% more internal width, providing greatly improved operator comfort. The cylinder geometry optimizes the skid steer and compact track loader push and pulls power, while the bucket support bearing directly on the chassis of the machine further adds to its pushing power.
In newer models, the extended bucket is different in a way that it increases dump height by one meter(1m). An extended reach design allows the vertical movement to be more straight-up vertical, to keep the bucket forward of the operator’s cab and allows safe dumping into the heightened or tall containers. New models come with an extended bucket built with more power and torque which accelerates productivity and increases operator comfort. The Extended Bucket is beneficial for the task which requires high dumping height.
The new skid steer loader is the perfect machine when maneuverability and controllability become critical. The variable flow of the Closed-Load Sensing System (CLSS) ensures precision and smoothness to all movements and provides quick and reliable power for any required operation. The servo-controls included as standard, make the SK510-5 fast and easy to use. Natural movements and maximum precision guarantee unique efficiency and greatly contribute to reducing operator fatigue. The right joystick controls the movements of the arm and the bucket; the left one controls the translation. With easy access for periodic maintenance, this is an efficient and reliable skid steer loader.New age radial lift design helps in delivering excellent digging performance, superior mid-lift reach, and higher forward reach. Low profile boom provides optimal side-to-side visibility. High-power drive chains powered by heavy-duty drive trains coupled with powerful 60hp engines give the best performance with clean emissions. With only 63 inches in width, 1700R is capable of performing well in cramped and constrained spaces.
A skid steer loader, also called a skid steer or nicknamed a bobcat, is a small engine-powered construction machine used on a variety of job sites. Skid steers can move soil on a building site, dig holes, help with landscaping gardens, clean stalls on a farm, and more tasks. Some skid steers have tracks and are often called compact track loaders. Other skid-steer loaders have wheels.
The two different types of skid steers suit different jobs and job sites. With two different options available, you may be wondering which is better on a skid steer: tracks or wheels. We compare skid steers with tracks and wheels to help you make a choice.
Wheels Work Best on Even Ground
When you’re working on even, hard ground, skid steers with wheels are the superior choice. Wheels don’t like to be challenged too much. They thrive on paved ground, concrete areas, and landscaped sites. That’s why you’ll usually see skid steers with wheels on renovations and extensions instead of new building sites. On these developed surfaces, the extra traction of a skid steer with tracks gets wasted.
Skid steers with tracks are also slower to move on a developed ground than varieties with wheels, and faster-wheeled machines are more efficient on flat ground job sites. Wheels also wear less on hard surfaces than tracks will. Skid steers with tracks call for regular replacement of tracks, bogey wheels, sprockets, and other components. These parts will naturally wear out more quickly over hard surfaces, such as pavers or concrete, than softer surfaces.
The greater the distance your skid steer covers, the greater the wear. When you choose a skid steer with wheels for these job sites, you’re making an economical choice.
Tracks Suit Difficult Terrain
While wheels excel in ideal, flat conditions, tracks love a challenge. Skid steers with tracks make light work of difficult surfaces such as muddy, sandy, and snowy ground. They’ll also do well in wet and uneven ground that wheels alone can’t handle.
“While uneven terrain, slopes, and muddy or snowy ground conditions can be very challenging and tough on skid-steer loaders, compact track loaders are designed and built to handle these types of conditions,” confirmed Rick Harris, senior product manager of Terex Construction, in an interview with Forester Daily News.
Bob Beesley, a product manager for Komatsu, recalled driving one of the company’s skid steers with tracks into an area with soft ground. He got out of the machine and sank to his knees in the soil. However, the skid steer stayed afloat.
Skid steers with tracks do well where wheels can’t because they disperse their weight over a larger surface area. This weight distribution improves their stability.
Skid steers with tracks won’t simply move over a challenging terrain. They’re also easy to maneuver in less than perfect conditions. When you need to steer through narrow clearings between trees, for example, a skid steer with tracks has you covered.
A track skid steer loader that can handle difficult terrain helps boost productivity on your job site. When using a skid steer with tracks, you don’t need to wait for your site to dry out after rain or for winter snow to clear. These tough machines will happily take on the challenge.
You can buy snow tires for your skid steer with wheels. Snow tires won’t usually do as well as tracks will. However, they can make your skid steer with wheels more useful during winter.
Tracks Can Work Under Any Conditions
While tracks do their best work on difficult terrain, they can also work on the flat, even ground wheels like. In contrast, skid steers with wheels can’t work safely on challenging terrain. Having skid steers with wheels makes them a better investment for some builders.
Skid steers with tracks are a relatively new addition to the marketplace. However, their versatile nature has helped them claim 30 percent of the skid steer market, as Chris Giorgianni, vice president of product support government and defense for JCB, told Forester Daily News.
People who rent skid steers don’t have to worry about choosing a versatile machine. They can simply rent the right skid steer for any given project.
You can also buy tracks to put over the tires of skid steers with wheels. This add-on will help your skid steer with wheels tackle the type of tough terrain it’s not usually suited for. Slip-on tracks usually cost between $2,000 and $5,000, and you can install and remove them in 30 minutes. The price depends on variables including the following:
Machine model
Track width
Track length
Think carefully about the type of over-the-tire tracks you choose.
“Over-the-tire steel tracks can add productivity to existing equipment, but they can also damage sidewalks and curbs,” Mike Fitzgerald, a loader product specialist for Bobcat, explained to Total Landscape Care magazine. “You want to use rubber tracks in areas under development, which have improved surfaces, and use steel tracks in areas that are primarily dirt or new construction.”
Tracks Suit Bulldozing and Dig Jobs
Track skid steer loader can tackle your bulldozing and dig jobs better than skid steers with wheels can. Tracks have more traction than wheels so that they can push into piles of soft or muddy soil more effectively. Tracks have more area in contact with the ground than wheels do.
Skid steers with wheels can do these jobs like skid steers with tracks, as both machines use the same attachments. Common skid steer attachments include the following:
Bulldozer blades
Box rakes
Skid steers with wheels take more time to bulldoze or dig than skid steers with tracks do. When time is money, the efficiency of skid steers with tracks is worth considering.
Wheeled Skid Steer Loader Cost Less
Wheel skid steer loader cost less to buy and run than skid steers with tracks. The higher costs come because skid steers with tracks:
Have a higher purchase price
Have higher priced parts
Use more fuel
Need more frequent maintenance
Tires cost less to replace than tracks. However, they don’t last quite as long. A new set of skid steer wheels usually costs between $600 and $1,000, stated Total Landscaping Care magazine. Depending on their quality, skid steer tires usually last between 600 and 1,000 hours. Rubber tracks last longer, between 1,200 and 1,600 hours. But they are pricier, usually costing $3,000 to $4,500 per set.
Since tracks can work in a wider range of conditions, they can be more productive. This greater productivity can offset their higher purchase and running costs. However, for businesses operating on a shoestring budget, the upfront costs may be the most important. In fact, we’ve seen a swing back to cheaper skid steers with wheels after the global financial crisis, according to Jamie Wright, product manager for Terex Construction Americas.
The cost of purchasing and maintaining skid steers don’t need to concern you if you rent your construction equipment. When you rent your construction equipment, you can always get the skid steer that suits your conditions and jobs best.
Skid Steer Loader Tracks Make Minimal Mess
Skid steers with tracks make far less mess than wheeled skid steers. Wheels typically leave ruts as they travel across a job site. In contrast, skid steers with tracks seem to float on the top of the ground without sinking down and making an impact.
You can repair the ruts that skid steers with wheels leave behind. However, fixing the impact of wheeled skid steers takes more time and effort. Repair and cleanup can keep your crew on the job site for longer, which means they won’t be working as efficiently.
Wheeled Skid Steer Loader Require Less Maintenance
Skid steers with tracks need more maintenance than wheeled skid steers do. When you own a skid steer with tracks, you’ll spend much time cleaning the undercarriage and checking track tension.
While you also need to clean the undercarriage of skid steers with wheels, this task is much easier and faster than cleaning underneath a skid steer with tracks. Skid steers with wheels usually don’t get as dirty as skid steers with tracks because the machines with wheels typically work on clean, developed surfaces. The undercarriage is also more accessible on a skid steer with wheels. Wheels don’t cover as much of the undercarriage as tracks do, which makes cleaning easier.
Thorough maintenance is essential for lengthening a skid steer’s life. However, some equipment operators can find the level of maintenance needed for skid steers with tracks inconvenient. If you rent your skid steer, the rental company will take care of much of that maintenance for you.
Most construction equipment makers believe no type of skid steer is better than the other. Instead, skid steers with tracks and skid steers with wheels have their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these strengths and weaknesses is important when you’re renting the best skid steer for your next project.
Whether you want a skid steer with tracks or wheels, BigRentz has you covered. For more about skid steers, visit the BigRentz website to read more about our skid steers and rent the one that best suits your needs.
Remote control skid steer and skid steers are not as sophisticated as Google’s driverless cars, but their seats are just as empty when the machines are operating. That is the whole point — getting compact equipment operators out of the cab so they can work more safely and accomplish some tasks more easily. These are the reasons why mining operations have relied on remote-controlled digging machines for years. More recently, some full-sized quarry equipment has been modified to run remotely to scoop up aggregate in precarious locations. It’s no wonder then that more and more compact and mini loaders are being operated by walking-around joystick jockeys.
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aggarwalevehicles · 3 years
24v 250W cycle kit with li-ion battery
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Motor Specifications:
Rated Voltage: 24 Volt DC
Rated Power: 250W
Ambient temperature: -20°C — 45°C
Turn potential: 5V
Brake potential: Low potential brake
RPM (after Reduction) – 300rpm
Rated Current – 10.41A
Full load current – 14.2A
Under voltage protection: 20.5V
Current Limiting protection: 20A
Torque Constant – 9 Nm (90 kg-cm)
Torque stall – 40 Nm (400 kg-cm)
Sprocket: 9Tooth only fits #410 bicycle chains
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Garage Door Opener Chain Broke
New Post has been published on https://garagedoorprosontario.ca/garage-door-opener-chain-broke/
Garage Door Opener Chain Broke
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With today’s wide selection of garage door openers, a chain drive opener is the most popular drive among homeowners.
Despite the device producing a loud clicking sound, the chain drive is highly durable and practically cheap.
Therefore, the chain opener lives up to its purpose without breaking your savings.
However, owing to everyday use of the garage door, the opener along with its components will deteriorate eventually.
Our hardware will reach its limit somehow.
But preserving its components is our job to keep it working seamlessly.
Garage Door Repair Pros Ottawa offers extensive services to keep your hardware in good condition.
When your garage door opener chain broke, don’t hesitate to give us a call! Our team is up 24/7 to respond to any type of repairs anywhere in Ottawa!
How Does A Chain Drive Opener Works?
Durability and functionality–a chain drive opener provides the required necessities we look for in an opener.
The chain drive is composed of a strip of metal chain, trolley, and a motor.
When prompted, the one responsible for pulling and pushing the chain is the trolley.
It may sound like an older opener version of its belt drive counterpart, but the chain drive has a remarkable lifting capacity.
Moreover, if you want to enjoy its seamless condition, always make preventive maintenance a habit.
By doing so, a chain opener may even outlast its counterpart’s lifespan.
If you’re not convinced with its practical features, a belt drive is a remarkable option for an opener as well.
Furthermore, when you’re considering installing a chain drive, make sure you don’t sleep next to the garage.
How to Inspect the Chain Drive
Everyday use, friction, and other accumulated damaging elements will wear out the chain drive as well.
However, when you ignore to provide it with grease and other upkeep needs, it will snap eventually.
After repairing or replacing your broken chain drive, set your calendar for the next maintenance check.
Usually, when your chain is loose or it has shifted from its position, the sprocket or gear is the main issue.
For now, here’s what we can do to get your hardware back to its working condition.
1. Visual inspection.
Before we proceed to the repairing process, let’s visually inspect and assess the extent of the damage. By doing so, do the following steps:
Prompt the door panel to open and close. If you notice the following problems during the test such as the panel is stalling or sticking, chances are the carriage assembly, motor, or chain is the issue.
Disconnect the opener from its power source. This will help us pinpoint the root cause and avoid accidents while working on the opener
Check for the presence of rust and corrosion
Make sure the bolts and nuts are intact and in place
2. Lubricate the moving component
If the chain opener is covered with rust, lubricate the component to remove the accumulated corrosion.
Moreover, if the component is heavily covered with rust, remove the chain and soak it with lubricant.
Once the corrosion has settled, remove the chain and wipe the excess lubricant with a towel.
3. Check the Carriage Assembly
Don’t reattach the chain just yet.
Check the carriage assembly for rust.
Then, clean and lubricate.
If you skip this part, the rust may transfer to the chain prompting you to remove and repeat the process.
Once you’re done, reattach the chain and adjust the carriage assembly accordingly.
4. Turn the opener back on
Once you’re done, reconnect the opener.
Then, do a performance test by opening and closing the door panel.
To remove any knocking sound, loosen the screws enough to eliminate the nuisance.
If the problem still exists, then it’s high time to call for technical support.
However, if the sound has been eliminated, give yourself a tap on the back.
By now, you have already understood the importance of regular upkeep.
Lack of maintenance is the main factor our hardware will break down.
Since we all consider the garage as the main entrance and exit of our property, keeping the hardware working is a must.
That’s why we should not neglect the hardware’s needed regular upkeep in preserving its working condition.
That’s because we’re not only preserving our hardware’s condition but including our entire household as well.
Keep it functional and preserve its components by regularly maintaining its condition.
Always set an appointment for your garage door’s optimal health.
Call for Technical Assistance Anywhere in Ottawa!
When your hardware lacks preventive maintenance checks, malfunctions are expected to happen somehow.
Given the materials of a chain drive, it does not break or snap easily.
But, in the absence of routine maintenance, it may likely hurt your savings.
To avoid any unexpected garage door malfunctions, call your nearby expert technician in Ottawa!
We have a wide selection of hardware repairs and installations to get your overhead door panel back to its working condition.
Book us and experience excellent services at an approachable price!
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