#springer stuff
lovecraft-oasis · 6 months
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Unique Crochet Handmade Mascot shiba inu
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A Delightful Dog Decor.
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Each One Is A Distinctive Piece Of Handcrafted Art, Versatile In Decoration, Creating A One-Of-A-Kind Charm.
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Suitable For Backpack Charms, Keychains, And Personalized Gift
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fantasy-gif-world · 1 month
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blondiiebaby · 4 months
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im missing when my puppy was a puppy but it would be rlly irresponsible to get a second dog right? (say no)
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dorkicon · 8 months
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xaaron leading the wreckers
(meme under the cut)
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electrosquash · 7 months
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Yikes! ChatGPT will get special access to the reactionary sensational rightwing shitrag network with an actual bodycount that has been stoking the flames of anti-palestine sentiment in germany for decades (it's in Springer's foundational declaration) and combats any political event even slightly left of the christian democrats. And that's what all kinds of other publications will replace their journalists with.
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20th June 2024
Little Red Hood out on the Appalachian Trail, specifically at Springer Mountain.
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scentedluminarysoul · 30 days
Ja auch ohne 5% Hürde sind kleine Parteien zu klein um was zu reißen
Reading comprehension on here, I swear
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darrenpeace · 1 year
Zach: So... I saw you spending a lot of time with Warren lately.
Will: No Zach it's not what it looks like! I swear!
Zach: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous?
Will: No, you're the only one for
Zach: Is that so?
Will: I swear to god! Warren and I are just dating, ok? He's my boyfriend!
Zach: So there are no best-friend-feelings involved?
Will: You are still my one and only best friend! He's just the love of my life, nothing more!
Zach: But I'm still the platonic love of your life right?
Will: Of course bro!
Zach: Bro-
Warren: What the-
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mapleleavesart · 4 months
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I've been here for an hour now. Lost Wyllow, but Oreo is still going strong (read: doesn't give a shit about circumstances, will cuddle regardless)
Oreo is the mostly white one up on my lap - Wyllow is more black and is down on my leg
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dandelioney2 · 10 months
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i love them :((((
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butchdykenormallen · 4 months
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was doing something for school and ended up with. this.
i cant submit this
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marleysfinest · 1 year
if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen; jean & connie x reader
 thank u @uwubraun for the inspo for this I owe u one
  NSFW. minors dni.
It’s hot, and sweaty, and you get home smelling of oil and sweat, but a job’s a job. Although, you could tell from the way that the waistband of your jeans digs into your skin a little tighter recently that scooping up rogue French fries and letting those line cooks whip you up a little something every shift was starting to take its toll. You didn’t care, though, because it just made you feel like there was more of you to go around.
   Despite the shitty customers and the even shittier tips, your shifts were always made bearable by those line cooks. Jean and Connie, the kitchen dream team who made it their duty to dote on you every goddamn day. You never thought of yourself as much of a catch, but since being on the receiving end of their affections, you thought twice about it now. 
   You pull on your trusted black jeans and polo shirt uniform – not the sexiest outfit in the world – and head to work for yet another hot and sweaty shift. As you swing the door open, you hear the jibes echo from the back.
   “Shit, girl!” calls Connie, glancing up at you, “hey Jean-boy, you seein’ this?!”
   Jean’s head pokes from round the corner, and he flings his head back while biting a knuckle.
   “It’s a good day to cook, my man!” he yells in reply, turning his attention back to his food preparation. Thankfully, there aren’t yet any customers, but that doesn’t stop you feeling embarrassed in the best possible way. 
   After throwing your bag and jacket in your locker, you head to the kitchen to collect the sauces for the tables. 
   “Good afternoon, boys,” you coo as you swan in, “workin’ hard?” 
   Jean looks up at you but doesn’t once stop his slicing, although he slows his motions. He gently rolls his shoulders which click gently, like he’s limbering up for something. 
   “Always workin’ hard when you’re around,” he replies with a wink. 
   “That’s too tongue-in-cheek, man, even for you,” jokes Connie, breaking the spell Jean seemed to be under. They fall into their usual ritual of aggressive but jovial banter, allowing you to get on with preparing for the wave of customers due in any minute.
   Once the tables filled and the orders flooded in, you fell into the rhythm of service. Top ups, plates, spills, and complaints; every shift was essentially the same, but you got through it hardly breaking a sweat. One particularly sour old woman is unhappy with the way her steak has been cooked, and demands you take it back to the kitchen. With a shrug and wry smile, you agree, and head to the heart of the restaurant to scold those chefs.
   “Now listen, boys,” you call, swinging the door to the kitchen open backside first, and setting the plate down between the two of them, “there’s a sweet, little old lady out there insisting that you’re trying to poison her with this here steak, alright?”
   You looked between them, your faces hardly a foot apart, with eyebrows raised as if to make it seem like you were genuinely complaining.
   “Are you gonna fix it?” you ask. 
   Connie flits his eyes down to the steak before looking back to you, clearly not bothered in the slightest about the old woman’s complaint. 
   “We can fix it,” he replies, glancing up to Jean, “you want us… both to fix it, or…?”
   The grin that appears on your face answers the question for you. 
   “Make the little old lady happy. Burn it to a cinder, please, and stick it on the pass.” 
   You head back to the dining room to await your steak, making sure to add a little extra swing to your hips as you went.
The old lady is placated with her overdone steak, and soon enough the dining room empties. You sweep up the rogue crumbs and napkins, and thanks to the muscle memory of cleaning this place for the past three years, you’re done in no time. As the staff filter out one by one, you soon find yourself in a familiar situation; left with the keys to lock up, as Jean and Connie dawdle to finish cleaning the kitchen. You hear them still at it, ribbing each other mercilessly over mishaps that had happened on shift, or indeed ones that happened a week ago. Deciding that tonight was the night to show those two the consequences of all their flirting, you lock the front door and flip off the lights of the dining room, and head through to the kitchen to join in the camaraderie. 
   The metallic clang of the keys on the prep bench alerts the two of them to your arrival in the kitchen, and soon the jibes quiet down, both of them suddenly devoting their attention to you entirely. 
"Hey, you," says Connie, "you lookin' for some dinner?"
You can't help but smile.
“Damn, don't you know what a girl wants."
He looks pleased with himself as he hoists himself up onto the counter, apparently not intending to make you anything to eat at all. Grabbing your confidence with both hands, you make your way over to him slowly, batting your lashes gently as you went. You could've sworn you saw a flush of red in his cheeks, but he soon regained his composure.
“Everyone's gone home..." you say, utilising your most sultry voice and letting it trail off. Connie's eyes are suddenly filled with lust as he stares back at you, unblinking, as you gently use your hips to drive a wedge between his knees and place yourself between his legs. Acutely aware that it wasn't just the two of you in the kitchen - nor did you want there to be - you turn your attention to Jean, who watches the situation unfold keenly from the corner with arms crossed.
“I've got an appetite, but not for steak," you say to him, "got anything I might like back here?"
He unfolds his arms with a cursory glance at Connie, and slowly makes his way towards you. Meanwhile, Connie’s hands find their way to your hips, before sliding them around and beneath the waistband of your trousers just beneath the small of your back, pulling you closer. He leans down and firmly pushes his lips against yours, immediately slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Jean appears from behind and gently brushes your hair away from your shoulders, before planting breathy kisses all along your neck. Connie slides his hands to the front of your jeans, and he barely fumbles with the button and zipper as he loosens them up, showing off your lacy pink underwear, and eliciting a sigh of anticipation from his lips. Jean takes over to slip your jeans down enough so that gravity does the rest, and no sooner had they hit the floor was he moving on to removing your shirt, succeeding in one swift movement.
"Matching bra and panties?" he whispers, "you plan this, baby girl?"
You blush as you feel his breath on your neck, and Connie releases you just long enough to allow you to turn your attention away and reward Jean with a passionate kiss. You run your fingers through his hair, holding him in place, and the feeling of his growing erection against your hip confirms that he enjoys it. While you tease all the shuddering sighs you can from his lips, Connie has turned his attention south. With the gentlest of touches, he slides your panties to one side and firmly presses against your clit, causing you to catch your breath.
"Oh, she planned this," he mutters, peppering kisses across your chest as he slides the straps of your bra from your shoulders, "baby has been wet for a long time."
You submit yourself to them fully, and what ensues is a masterclass in pleasing one's woman. Not only do they take it in turns mercilessly fucking your sweet, dripping cunt, but every so often they switch to more tender methods. Jean takes great pleasure in lapping you up, using his tongue skilfully, as Connie kisses you like it's the last time he'll ever be able to; they both save themselves just long enough by using their fingers in every way they knew how to practically make you beg for release, and it's not until you have tears streaming down your face that they finally let you come. your cheeks and chest flush red, and in a moment of pure, primal desire you allow them both to fuck your pretty mouth until they both spilled over in climax.
Being the gentleman that they are, they make sure that you're well tended to when emotions return to earth and the clarity sets in. They clean you up gently with warm water and soft towels, always checking in with you to see that you're satisfied which, of course, you are.
It's just a job, but despite the shitty customers and even shittier tips, those line cooks might just make it one worth sticking with a little while longer.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
The MesoProwl kids refuse to be born except when it can inconvenience everyone the most.
Roddie has twice, Twice, had to play midwife. Which is a weird two penny situation.
Once, when helping Meso unpack Ostsros/Springer from his test tube and Arcee defended them while the ship was invaded.
Then, while helping Prowl pull the "piping hot gray gooey blobmination" (Roddie's descriptor) of Blackarachnia off his spark chamber while they were kidnapped by an alien race who cold into a the black and gold spiderling of Meso's dreams and their unsuspecting shipmates nightmares.
It was the Vok who kidnapped them.
Roddie refuses to endure this a third time, but Sunstorm, polite sane nice Sunstorm, has everything happen as scheduled in the medbay with doctors, Mesothulas, and the recently recruited Anode presiding. Admittedly, everyone spent that day paranoid and suspicious waiting for the other shoe to drop with some disaster.
Glitch is having to make a system and rules addressing this and is frantically studying organic laws about "work daycares" and "parental time off" with increasing despair.
He has no idea what the growth rates should be, so how can he get a number? Should he include maternity leave? What is baby proofing and how does it apply when Blackarachnia has natural defenses that can take down Overlord (she bites him once) and Ostsros has a weapons system?
Only he would be stuck with this kind of nonsense.
When he meets MTMTE Roddie he gets to commiserate about the love boat aspect but not even they have experienced pregnancy.
(Brainstorm and Perceptor are a little too interested in Mesothulas new science. And the Scavengers met Connie so are a little less fazed.)
Oh Roddie
Also yay! Sparklet: squishy goopy addition!
Of course it was the Vok.
You know I don't think I've ever seen Sunstorm described as polite and sane but on the Towards Peace (which I think is what we named it)? Ohhhoh yeah.
Yep yep makes sense, the other two newly invented children decided to come at the exact wrong times and everyone's waiting for a catch on the Sun² kid
Glitch making the smart move: research time
Bae I feel like that's when you need babyproofing the most: when you get a kid who can be wayy destructive 🥰
Only he indeed indeed
Yes. They'd have such interesting interactions, not gonna lie.
Juuuust a little too interested😁
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ducktracy · 1 year
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the LTC crew continue to appeal to me specifically in new ways never thought possible
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spaciebabie · 1 year
The only question I have is kissing Daycare Attendant's teeth.... Or Peepaw's Teeth?
ohhh thats a good question. tbh it depends. if springtrap washes his stupid mug i would b all over those chompers. im tellin ya i would sprint and smash my face inta his at the smallest inkling that hes clean. but if he doesnt he gets no kiss kiss. that will hafta go 2 the dca
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jeansashaconnie my loves i care about them so much. also i have not watched season 4 part 3 yet
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