jiminschanelearring ¡ 1 year
I feel
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 1 year
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 1 year
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I’m finishing Law of Attraction now because wtf Jungkook
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
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Welcome to the Born To Sin kpop writing collaboration. Writers will create their darkest and most sinful stories about the dangers of the crime world using their idol of choice as a muse. This event is strictly intended for writers that are 18 years of age or older. See below to apply.
No longer available: BTS
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
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Rating: T
Genre: smut(none in this Drabble), non idol au, angst if you squint
Warning: none
Word Count: 1k
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Note: It’s finally done and unedited. Sorry!
“I don’t see why we have to be up at 3 am, Y/n” Jimin groaned while sipping his steaming coffee. “We know you’re going to do well during your speech.” You paced feverishly, your stomach doing somersaults as you ignored Jimin’s pleas. “Please, can you just listen to me one more time?” You sigh, collecting your notes once more. Jimin sluggishly nods.
This was your first presentation at your company’s annual work summit and you were a bundle of nerves with each passing minute but Jimin didn’t understand that. In his eyes, it would be the same as presented in your typical workplace but it was wrong. Because now, Jungkook will see you in action. He would see you in front of a podium by your lonesome- spewing whatever information you retained to give an exceptional presentation that you, your colleagues, and your boss would thoroughly be impressed by.
You and Jimin spent a few more hours reciting your notes while Jimin asked questions. Things were going great until he accidentally bumped into the table, wasting coffee on your notes. Everything happened instantly: the table slamming against the wall, the pot of coffee soaking into your notes, and the internal dread that fills your body when you salvage the delicate papers. Jimin’s rushed apologies were sounded out by blood rushing to your ears. 12 hours’ worth of material down the drain and you couldn’t be mad at anyone but yourself. Maybe you did overdo it?
“Min, it’s okay. I know it was only an accident. I’ll clean this up.” you reassured.
“But ___-“ Jimin’s eyes held this worrisome appeal-it almost made you want to pack up everything and sleep for his sake but inevitably you say.
“Please, I got this.”
You most definitely did not have it. You KNEW that you did not have the mental capacity to perform well during this presentation. After convincing Jimin back into his room, you were left with unpleasant aftermath: your ruined notes-smeared black ink reflects your internal conflict to just muster up any idea and bloviate it, but you quickly dismiss it and finish cleaning up the mess. Huffing a short breath of air, y/n packs up her laptop. Maybe retyping your work in the hotel’s business room would equip you with the motivation to bustle through 20 pages of notes. Sadly, it did not and by your third cup of brew, you became restless.
“____?” A muffled voice inquired. “Are you okay?’
Tethering between reality, you didn’t realize that someone found you half-asleep by your partially completed notes. It was all a blurred, kaleidoscopic vision as the figure adjusts your seating into a more comforting position.
“Sleep well,___” you finally hear before sleep consumes you once more.
Four Hours Later
You groan with the sounds of birds chirping. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you glance at the alarm-eyes widen at it. It was noon, also two hours after your presentation. YOU MISSED YOUR PRESENTATION! Climbing out of bed, you frantically slip on your shoes and blazer, almost missing Jungkook sipping on his beverage across from you.
“The meeting is over ___.” He stated, halting your rushed movements.
“Why am I here?” You panic now realizing that you were in Jungkook’s room. “ I saw you asleep in the board room and felt you must’ve been uncomfortable. I’m sorry if I imposed it.” He apologized.
“No, you’re fine. I was exhausted anyway.” You brushed off, in which he nodded.
“Well, would you like to have lunch? I ordered way too much.” Jungkook scratches his neck. It was a buffet-like feast with different dishes that made your mouth water. “ I guess I could stay. No need to turn down free food.”
You had no idea where this newfound bravery came from but you relished this impromptu lunch date with Jungkook. It made you forget about missing your presentation. The endless hours, high function anxiety, and a minor caffeinated overload all vanished. Because you were here, next to Jungkook sipping on sparkling water.
You check the time and see that it is currently 3:00. Being with Jungkook made the time fly by literally. Your ringtone interrupts your conversation about your favorite home-cooked meals.
Jimin: Are you dead? Where are you?
Jimin: You and Jungkook missed the presentation.
Jimin: Did you finally fuck him?
Jimin: I’m telling Joon you’re ignoring me again.
A long chain of messages from Jimin decorated your Home Screen, each becoming more chaotic.
“I should probably get going. Jimin is wondering where I’m at and he might issue a missing person alert if I don’t respond.” You tell him. “Also, you missed the meeting too?”___asked.
Jungkook scratched his neck
“I didn’t want you to wake up without knowing where you were, so I sent an email to Tae saying that we were caught up on this breach case,” he confessed. The breach case? You almost forgot about it. “That was smart. I need to review it again.” Spending restless nights took its toll, a breach case is crucial and demands optimal focus, something you’ve been neglecting for a few days. “I could always help if you need it?” he inquired, sipping on his guava juice.
You gulp. Chatting over steamed veggies is one thing but having a legal discourse with Jungkook is another. He still makes your palm sweaty and your heartbeat race at the speed of light especially when he was in his lawyer persona. Stoic and suave. Persuading each individual with convection, a smooth crusader of a linguist. He has been around a lot lately since you flaked on the lunch date and informed him that you didn’t need his help, but this presentation took its toll.
“I don’t know. Wouldn’t want to give you any unnecessary work.”
“It wouldn’t be a problem! Anything to help.” He rushed out. “Plus, it’ll be a great way for us to finally collaborate. It’s quite peculiar that two of the best attorneys in the firm have yet to do a case together.”
You hesitated. It would be nice to have Jungkook around more often,and plus he was the best attorney at the firm, but he was also a major distraction. You could never focus on anything with him around.
“Y/n, what do you think?”
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
One of those days when I want to read some of the most saddest stories. Like endless angst
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
The Drabble is 95% done 😭😭 this shouldn’t have taken this long but we move
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Law of Attraction (1)
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Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, non idol au, angst if you squint
Warning: misuse of a tie, thigh riding, slight degrading language, jealous Jungkook, sex dream, fingering, I believe that’s all
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Note: It’s finally done and unedited. Sorry! Also first time writing smut…
Keep reading
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Traffic Light (Teaser)
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Rating: 18+
Pairing: YoongixReader
Word Count: > 300
Plot: You wanted to be with him forever. Dedicating time and money on a relationship to end with him cheated on you with his best friend. The same best friend he said not to ‘worry’ about. Well, you received your driver's license and wanted to tell him, personally.
TW: blood, violence,  dangerous fem reader, misuse of a vehicle, best friend Yoongi, etc, crash into literal houses, horrible driving skills,
“So y/n, you know why you’re here today. What made you want to kill your boyfriend?” The detective interrogated her. Y/n picked at the hangnail on her freshly cut hands. They have been asking her questions for the past hour. She’s been acting obtuse about the situation and it seems as though the detective was at his wits end.
She sipped on the lukewarm water they provided and stared at him with the same blank expression since she was dragged there. Her eyes held no remorse towards her ex nor his lover…if anything she was relishing in the fact that she did it. The sheer terror on their faces when they saw her headlights made her briefly gleam at the thought.
If you were to tell me that I would get my drivers license, find my boyfriend sleeping with his best friend, and my car crashing into his house all within 24 hours, I would’ve laughed and called you crazy yet here I am. Bloody, bruised, and broken after witnessing him on top of her. Seeing him hold her so lovingly while I watched from the window. I honestly don’t know what came over me. I just knew one second I was wiping away tears then I somehow ended up with his blood splatter across my windshield or was it her blood? I really couldn’t tell the difference.
“I told you that I didn’t kill him!” You wiped away fake tears as the detective sighs. It was going on hour two and he was becoming restless with your refusal to comply but why should you? You were at Yoongi’s house when the accident happened or at least that the alibi you and Yoongi conspired. It all is deemed as a hit and run in your eyes.
“Okay, Ms.L/n can you give me another recount on where you were during the time of this accident?”
(coming soon)
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
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dream boy
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Tae Drabble
A/n: not feeling the best right now, but I wrote this drabble. 
word count: >200
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
“I will never be good enough! Will I Tae?” you were fuming. “I’ll always be someone you see as inferior because you can’t seem to take off those rose-colored glasses and see how much you are hurting me! Time and time again I defend you when I know you are rotten, but I foolishly believed that you could change, that you could feel compassion, or that you could ever be so gracious in just breaking up with me.”
Why did everything seem so gray? A melancholy on your once colorful life quickly vanished into nothing but deception and broken hearts. You’d have done all you could with your relationship with Tae and each time he goes out he returns with lipstick stains and perfume on his shirts. At first, you ignored the pit brewing in your gut about his infidelity, but at this moment standing face to face with his mistress as she announced her pregnancy to you. Her sinister smile made you physically ill and Tae’s blank expression did little to alleviate you of your sorrows. 
This was the end. He knew that. You knew that. And she proudly knew that. 
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Law of Attraction (1)
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Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, non idol au, angst if you squint
Warning: misuse of a tie, thigh riding, slight degrading language, jealous Jungkook, sex dream, fingering, I believe that’s all
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Note: It’s finally done and unedited. Sorry! Also first time writing smut...
“You have to keep it down unless you want us to get caught, Y/N.” Jungkook whispered mercilessly as his finger glided against your glistening pussy. “You wouldn't want our supervisor to know how much a cock-hungry whore you are.” his cherry lips latched onto the crook of your neck, temporarily marking you with hickies. You never had claustrophobia but at that moment everything seemed to have increasingly become more confined as Jungkook made quick work by removing his fuchsia tie. Being stark naked in your office lounge room was not something on your bucket list but Jungkook was seething when Jimin sat with you during your annual lake summit retreat. You knew that it was merely platonic and Jimin has a wonderful spouse already. Again, Jungkook did not care. It was as it went into one ear and out the other.
“ You make it seem like I’m not doing my job when you zone out like that, baby.” His snide comment matched the curl of his slender fingers that are currently making you a stuttering mess. “I want you to cream on my fingers. Can you do that, baby?” His lewd remarks only make you clench his fingers even more. The hollowed breathing intensifies the never-ending sensation that was coursing through your body and he hasn’t even penetrated yet. That is what makes Jungkook so intoxicating. He can make you breathless with his words alone-his dick was just a bonus. All too soon, you feel your arms being tugged and tied together with the forgotten tie.
“I bet you were thinking about Jimin, huh? You wished it was him here instead of me?”
You softly pant. Every logical thought you could process shifted into a puddle that was currently being teased by Jungkook’s fingers. The immense pleasure raptures throughout your body, but almost as if Jungkook had a sixth sense he removed his fingers.
“Nah, I don’t want you cumming yet. I think you deserve to be punished for what you did today.” He teases you further with his fingers ghosting past your clit until he grabs your waist so that you are meshed together like ice sticking on a car window. You felt the outline of his clothed cock brush against your pussy and hungrily you made quick attempts to remove his belt; he chuckled when he saw how much you struggled with your tied hands. Allowing some grace, he stripped himself of the restrictive three-piece suit, but not long after his sight was set on edging you again. He sat down on a nearby chair, placing you onto his thigh. The cool flesh ,in addition to your rising body temperature, puts you into a brief delirium.
“Come on, Y/n. Ride my thigh.” A simple yet extricating request sent shivers down your spine. Gradually, you rode his thigh, whimpering as each time became unbearable to withstand.
You felt yourself reaching an orgasm, gingerly digging your nails in Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Jungkook! I’m about to cum.” you warned. He replied by engulfing you in another steamy kiss as you saw flashes of white conceal your vision.
“Awf, Awf, Awf”
Startled, you woke up hearing your dog, Georgie, barking and your alarm blaring beside you. It was all a dream. A simple ruse that your innermost thoughts conjugate into an imaginary occurrence. Jungkook. Couldn’t seem to get the man out of your mind. He was an associate where you both worked and everything about him was charismatic, persuasive, and diplomatic in a way, for he was a people person but also exuded a certain reserved nature. You found him mysterious yet charming. No wonder everyone in the office loved him-your friends included.
Namjoon and Jimin knew about your crush towards Jungkook and wasted no time in tormenting you every chance they could. Joon worked in I.T. while Jimin worked in H.R. and you as an associate. By chance, Jimin and Joon knew each other from university and you clicked with Joon after technical issues transpired. A precious bean in your eyes who sometimes loses your stuff but a great companion nonetheless and then there's Jimin. Quite literally your best friend. When Namjoon introduced Jimin, automatically you were lured to Jimin and his contagious laugh, so it was no surprise when you confided in them about your crush towards Jungkook. You saw the trio conversing amongst themselves about a new recruiter once before. They never went into details about the interaction but they assured that it was work-related discussions.
“It was about nothing important.” It still rings in your head profusely.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you text your assistant about any upcoming meetings you had that day. Jihyo was another friend you made while working and she was the sweetest person. Granted, she is your assistant but the point still stands.
“Did you receive my message, Ms.Y/n” Jihyo walked alongside you into your cubicle. She informed you of a breach in security that resulted in confidential information being leaked on social media. It was your job to diffuse the situation before it escalated. “Yes, I can confirm that this situation will be resolved by today. Can you please brew me a few cups of coffee please? It is going to be a long day.” She nodded before scurrying down the corridor.
You were just about to begin your research when you heard some co-workers gossiping beside you.
“Did you hear Dana and Jungkook hooked up last night?” one whispered.
“No way! I heard he was hanging with Jen all weekend. They even said he held her hand.” the other retorts.
Mind numbing gossip that always seems to circulate in this building. It never fails. Copious amounts of rumors whether it be about a cheating scandal or someone getting fired- news would spread. It was one of the many reasons as to why you have yet confessed to Jungkook. Pressure. Dreadful pressure that consumes you within. So, longing after him was an outlet that contains you. In addition, caffeine and busying yourself with piles of documents aided as well. Call it suppressing your emotions.
“Hey Jungkook, how was your weekend?”
There he was. Cladded in a custom made suit, freshly iron and pressed to fit his muscle build so perfectly. He was perfect. Perfection wrapped in a bulgy stature with gentle eyes. Jungkook made brief eye contact with you when he greeted everyone while heading to his desk; his desk is across from you, which results in you sometimes staring at him instead of working.
Compared to Brandy’s Cinderella, Jungkook would be a noble prince, walking down an elongated stairwell as his henchmen guarded their precious leader. Coworkers flock to him like commoners rushing to at least have the handsome sire glance at them And you would be lucky enough to even be included in this fairytale.
“Why can’t you just confess already?” Jimin inquired, furrowing his brows in confusion. “ The worst that could happen is he says he’s not interested.” Namjoon nods.
“It’s more complicated than that. What if I tell him and we get assigned a case together afterwards? It’ll be so awkward plus it’s best to keep a strictly professional relationship. You both saw what happened with Kai and Dawn.” We all shuddered at the memory. Who knew rotten lunch meat would leave a car smelling for months, but it’s a valid point. Office relationships hardly last, subsequently Jungkook is known as a loner, so it is useless to even try. .
“ True but Jessi and Key's relationship is going strong. They have been married 12 years now.” Joon interjected. “ Office romances can flourish. You just have to first put it out that you are infatuated with Jeon Jungkook.”
“I do. Y’all know I like Jeon Jungkook.” You mutter.
“ Does Jungkook know that?” Jimin smirks.
“Does Jungkook know what?” A voice appeared making you all turn,wide eyed when you see who asked.
Kim Taehyung. Also known as Jeon Jungkook’s best friend. Those two are inseparable, practically stitched at the hip which is why you’re panicking. What if he heard your conversation ? Would he tell Jungkook? Why is he smiling like that ? What did Jimin just say!?
“Y/n wanted to know if Jungkook was free for lunch? She really needs help with this case she was assigned.” Jimin quipped.
Tae chuckled.
“I’m sure Jungkook has no problem. Lemme take you to him.”
Taehyung all but yanked you over to Jungkook who was conversing with Jen. However, the pair quickly stop when they see you and Tae approach them as they cursorily wait for either of you to speak. Taehyung finally cleared his throat after what felt like a lifetime.
“Kook, are you busy during lunch?”
Awkwardness was the only word ideal for this situation. You didn’t know if it was you pricking at your blazer or Jungkook nervously laughing at the question-maybe it was both- but at that moment everything moved entirely too slow. “I don’t think so, what’s up?” He answered. “ Y/n here need some help on a case and wanted to ask you.” Tae smirks, tossing his arm around you. “ Right Y/n?”
Tell the truth! Please, do not entertain Jimin’s lie!”
“Yes, it has been a data breach over the Christmas break and would like some assistance on this case.” You lied straight through your teeth. Everyone who has ever worked alongside you knew that you could handle even the most difficult cases on your worst day, but the way Jungkook skin gleamed under these fluorescent lights made you reconsider keeping your crush a secret.
“Oh, I would love to help out .Is today at 1 okay ?”.
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Guess who decided last minute to finish typing 🙃 I’m not done yet but it’ll still be publish tomorrow.
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Yeah, it’s pretty tame angst 😭 but I’m sure they worked it out somehow. Thank you for reading it 💗
On Break
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Rating: T
Genre: Hint of angst, fluff, full on angst (sorry)
Warning: none, just feels ig, pain
Word Count: 1.1k 
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Note: Rewrite of a two-shot that is now a one-shot
Chamomile tea mixed with honey was currently being stirred by Kim Y/N. A 20 something retired barista is casually awaiting the arrival of their husband, Kim Namjoon. He was an hour late for  their dinner reservation that Y/n reserved a week ago and they were becoming restless. Lately, their marriage has been on the rocks with Joon constantly touring, interviewing, and shooting for whomever they were promoted for at the time. He was busy so when the announcement about an upcoming break started circulating Y/n tried to pry their way into Namjoon’s schedule. It started with requests to stoll in the park or bike together during dusk- things they always used to do quickly were shut down by their spouse citing that he was too tired to do those things. You understood this and allowed him to relax. 
However, a week of relaxation turned into a month of going out, partying, and ignoring your presence. By your lucky stars, he finally agreed to this dinner with you a few days before he had to return back to work. Your heart leaped out of your chest when his dimpled smile spread across his chiseled face; it felt like you were dating again with the butterflies roaming in your stomach. Now it seems more like moths chewing through the organ as each minute passes by. The waiter smiles apologetically at you probably because you were sitting here with just a cup of lukewarm tea keeping you company. With each entrance, you’re hoping for it to be Namjoon but you’re disappointed each time. Roughly around the two hour mark, you left the restaurant with  the small glimmer of hope you had diminished as you scrolled through your instagram and saw Joon’s story. He was out with his friends again at a karaoke bar. Drinking and mingling happily as if they had no care in the world. 
You wanted to call. You wanted to scream. Hell, you wanted to cry but what good would that do. He leaves in two days, so it seemed that quality time just wasn’t as important as living a normal life was. Ultimately, you decided to fall back and let him enjoy his vacation away from work and from you. Maybe this was a sign that your marriage wasn’t as strong as you assumed-a mere mirage that you constructed for yourself. Namjoon probably didn’t even love you anymore.
These insecurities rang off in your head with each step you took to your car, although quite a reach, it didn’t ease your sorrows when you saw Jin’s instagram story and saw Namjoon’s  stylist on his. 
“You know I’m not one to be in people’s business but why do you want to stay over here?” Your eldest sister wondered. “Shouldn’t you be disgusting with Joon somewhere?” 
It’s disheartening to hear since Joon decided that he would rather chalk it up with others instead of you. Normally, you would be tucked under his bicep watching whatever show either of you have selected or go to your favorite hiding spot Joon found a few years ago. You know your sister meant well because you and Joon used to be inseparable but now it’s like torture seeing him at all. 
With a heavy heart, you tell your sister everything that has been going on between you two-including Jin’s instagram story.  The smirk on your sister’s face depletes with each new detail you tell her about your woes with your husband. You didn’t expect her to engulf you in her arms as she whispered soft assurance. 
“You can stay as long as you want, okay? Namjoon is being very selfish right now and I understand if you don’t want to be around him at the moment.” She smoothed your hair down as she cupped your face to wipe away tears you didn’t know had fallen. 
Namjoon P.O.V
“Another round on me!” a tipsy Jungkook bellowed into the sea of party goers. 
Namjoon, face flushed from drinking one too many shots, hiccuped when his shot was slid to him. Clear poison in a brightly colored shot glass. He relished in his mini vacation from work, for it was the most he has actually spent his break with friends. Any other time he would be laid restlessly on his bed lounging or in the studio doing overtime. It felt nice to live a semi-normal life again. He even put his phone on ‘do not disturb’ so no one could ruin his night out. Jin was up on stage belting out some cheesy love song while everyone else danced or sang along to the lyrics. He was blissfully intoxicated until Jimin sat next to him.
“Joon don’t you think it’s getting late? I’m sure y/n has been trying to contact you.” 
He smiled fondly about you. Although he didn’t invite you, he was appreciative with you giving him his space to do whatever he wanted. He knew that he had at least two more weeks before he had to step back into reality, and he was dreading every minute of it but considering that this was his last day entertaining his friends before giving you all of his attention was worth it in his eyes. 
“I’m sure y/n is asleep by now.” he stated. 
“ I don’t know man. You didn’t really tell them where you were tonight nor did you tell them how long you were going to be out.” Jimin tried to explain to him. “Jimin, y/n is my spouse not my parent. I don’t have to tell them where I am at all times.” 
“I’m just wondering since we only have a few days left and you haven’t spent any time with them.”
A few days? Didn’t they leave in two weeks?
“ What do you mean a few days? We leave in two weeks!” he didn’t mean for the whole bar to hear him but his nerves were working overtime. 
“No. Our break is over in two days. Check the group chat and calendar.” 
There has to be a mistake! Reluctantly, Joon scrolled through his calendar sharply inhaling when he noticed the interview scheduled for next week. His break was over and he never got a chance to spend any of it with you. A month. A whole month wasted with him bull shiting while you probably waited until he was fully partied out. He was sick to his stomach and it wasn’t the 5 shots he threw back 30 minutes ago. It was guilt - complete anguish settling deep within him as he finally took his phone off of DND. 10 missed calls and never ending text messages from you cluttered his Home Screen. 
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Yoongi cowboy era is here to stay
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
On Break
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Rating: T
Genre: Hint of angst, fluff, full on angst (sorry)
Warning: none, just feels ig, pain
Word Count: 1.1k 
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Note: Rewrite of a two-shot that is now a one-shot
Chamomile tea mixed with honey was currently being stirred by Kim Y/N. A 20 something retired barista is casually awaiting the arrival of their husband, Kim Namjoon. He was an hour late for  their dinner reservation that Y/n reserved a week ago and they were becoming restless. Lately, their marriage has been on the rocks with Joon constantly touring, interviewing, and shooting for whomever they were promoted for at the time. He was busy so when the announcement about an upcoming break started circulating Y/n tried to pry their way into Namjoon’s schedule. It started with requests to stoll in the park or bike together during dusk- things they always used to do quickly were shut down by their spouse citing that he was too tired to do those things. You understood this and allowed him to relax. 
However, a week of relaxation turned into a month of going out, partying, and ignoring your presence. By your lucky stars, he finally agreed to this dinner with you a few days before he had to return back to work. Your heart leaped out of your chest when his dimpled smile spread across his chiseled face; it felt like you were dating again with the butterflies roaming in your stomach. Now it seems more like moths chewing through the organ as each minute passes by. The waiter smiles apologetically at you probably because you were sitting here with just a cup of lukewarm tea keeping you company. With each entrance, you’re hoping for it to be Namjoon but you're disappointed each time. Roughly around the two hour mark, you left the restaurant with  the small glimmer of hope you had diminished as you scrolled through your instagram and saw Joon’s story. He was out with his friends again at a karaoke bar. Drinking and mingling happily as if they had no care in the world. 
You wanted to call. You wanted to scream. Hell, you wanted to cry but what good would that do. He leaves in two days, so it seemed that quality time just wasn't as important as living a normal life was. Ultimately, you decided to fall back and let him enjoy his vacation away from work and from you. Maybe this was a sign that your marriage wasn’t as strong as you assumed-a mere mirage that you constructed for yourself. Namjoon probably didn’t even love you anymore.
These insecurities rang off in your head with each step you took to your car, although quite a reach, it didn’t ease your sorrows when you saw Jin’s instagram story and saw Namjoon’s  stylist on his. 
“You know I’m not one to be in people's business but why do you want to stay over here?” Your eldest sister wondered. “Shouldn’t you be disgusting with Joon somewhere?” 
It’s disheartening to hear since Joon decided that he would rather chalk it up with others instead of you. Normally, you would be tucked under his bicep watching whatever show either of you have selected or go to your favorite hiding spot Joon found a few years ago. You know your sister meant well because you and Joon used to be inseparable but now it’s like torture seeing him at all. 
With a heavy heart, you tell your sister everything that has been going on between you two-including Jin’s instagram story.  The smirk on your sister’s face depletes with each new detail you tell her about your woes with your husband. You didn’t expect her to engulf you in her arms as she whispered soft assurance. 
“You can stay as long as you want, okay? Namjoon is being very selfish right now and I understand if you don’t want to be around him at the moment.” She smoothed your hair down as she cupped your face to wipe away tears you didn’t know had fallen. 
Namjoon P.O.V
“Another round on me!” a tipsy Jungkook bellowed into the sea of party goers. 
Namjoon, face flushed from drinking one too many shots, hiccuped when his shot was slid to him. Clear poison in a brightly colored shot glass. He relished in his mini vacation from work, for it was the most he has actually spent his break with friends. Any other time he would be laid restlessly on his bed lounging or in the studio doing overtime. It felt nice to live a semi-normal life again. He even put his phone on ‘do not disturb’ so no one could ruin his night out. Jin was up on stage belting out some cheesy love song while everyone else danced or sang along to the lyrics. He was blissfully intoxicated until Jimin sat next to him.
“Joon don’t you think it’s getting late? I’m sure y/n has been trying to contact you.” 
He smiled fondly about you. Although he didn’t invite you, he was appreciative with you giving him his space to do whatever he wanted. He knew that he had at least two more weeks before he had to step back into reality, and he was dreading every minute of it but considering that this was his last day entertaining his friends before giving you all of his attention was worth it in his eyes. 
“I’m sure y/n is asleep by now.” he stated. 
“ I don’t know man. You didn’t really tell them where you were tonight nor did you tell them how long you were going to be out.” Jimin tried to explain to him. “Jimin, y/n is my spouse not my parent. I don't have to tell them where I am at all times.” 
“I’m just wondering since we only have a few days left and you haven’t spent any time with them.”
A few days? Didn’t they leave in two weeks?
“ What do you mean a few days? We leave in two weeks!” he didn’t mean for the whole bar to hear him but his nerves were working overtime. 
“No. Our break is over in two days. Check the group chat and calendar.” 
There has to be a mistake! Reluctantly, Joon scrolled through his calendar sharply inhaling when he noticed the interview scheduled for next week. His break was over and he never got a chance to spend any of it with you. A month. A whole month wasted with him bull shiting while you probably waited until he was fully partied out. He was sick to his stomach and it wasn’t the 5 shots he threw back 30 minutes ago. It was guilt - complete anguish settling deep within him as he finally took his phone off of DND. 10 missed calls and never ending text messages from you cluttered his Home Screen. 
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jiminschanelearring ¡ 2 years
Remember this ? If not, I’m rewriting it and reposting it later on tonight or tomorrow. I feel that it is better written than before.
On Break
Kim Namjoon
While on break, you receive a message from your husband, Namjoon. Things have been rocky lately and you suspected the worst until he showed up at your job.
With a heavy heart, Y/N sent the final text to their husband. They have been having a few marital problems for a few months and Y/N was finally fed up with Namjoon inconcisty to be there for them. It was always work,kids,and friends. He never has time for them anymore! Whenever Y/N does say anything, it gets brushed off or broken by his lack of shattered promises. Y/N honestly felt like they were in a relationship by themselves instead being in a 5 year long relationship with the supposed love of their life.
So that is exactly what they told him.
{Text Messages}
15 mins ago
Y/N: Are we still on for karaoke tonight? My parents said they were willing to watch the kids.
Namjoon: Karaoke? I thought that was next week, baby. I’m sorry but I already made plans with the boys and it's my turn to pay.
Y/N: You promised me first! Can’t you reschedule with them?
Namjoon: Honey, you see me everyday. It is very rare that all of our schedules are free.
Y/N: I might see you but when was the last time we did anything? You’re always busy Namjoon and it seems to me that you don’t even care!
Namjoon: Stop being dramatic Y/N. I’ll spend time with you this weekend. Happy?
Y/N: no. You promised me the same thing last weekend but music was just so much more important. I’m starting to feel like a complete stranger in my own house and I’m tired of that Joonie.
Namjoon: What are you getting at?
Y/N: I think it’s best that I stay with some family for a few days. I’ll be at home during the day for the kid’s sack, but I will be sleeping at my sister’s.
Namjoon: You don’t have to do this.
Y/N: I think I do. Everyday I see the man I once loved fade away and that is so heartbreaking. Goodbye Namjoon.
You wiped away the stray tear that fell as you blocked his number.
“This is for the best.” You kept reassuring yourself.
“ Are you sure you don’t want to call him?” Your sister asked.
She was concerned after witnessing you bawl your eyes out after leaving your house. Namjoon was rushing inside to find you leaving. He screamed for you to come back, but you knew nothing would change if you did. You were so quick to be there for him whenever he needed you but somehow he couldn’t do the same. It became emotionally draining being the support while you were slowly falling with no one to catch you.
Suddenly, you two hear rapid knocking on the door with Namjoon pleading sorrorly.
“Y/N! I’m sorry, can you please come home.” you almost wanted to rush into his arms and you almost did until you stopped yourself. You wanted him to feel how you felt, so against better judgement you went up stairs while his pleas faded.
Namjoon P.O.V
I let out a sigh when I heard the door unlocked but seeing Y/S/N instead of Y/N was a blow to my heart.
“Namjoon, what are you doing here? Y/N made it pretty clear that they need space right now.”
“Please Noona, I just want to talk to them. Please.”
“ I’m sorry Joon, but they had it with you giving them promises only to break them in the end. So, go have your fun until Y/N is ready to talk.”
“Fun? You think being alone without my partner is going to be fun? I almost lost my mind when I found out they blocked my number and when they ran away from me...like I was a complete stranger. It hurts, Noona.”
“I bet it does, but for now you promised your friends your time so go to them.”
And with that Namjoon was left alone.
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