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stizzysupremacy · 10 months ago
ahhh I have such a good idea for a secret reverse sugar baby modern AU. it's sprizzy in my head but I think you could substitute other Izzy ships with only minor changes to details.
So basically the premise is that Ed left and took with him half the income that was propping up Izzy's tight budget. now that Izzy has to cover rent and bills in full instead of just half, he is struggling financially. He really can’t afford to live, honestly. But he's a proud man so he tries to hide it. Tries to tough it out and make it work.
But Lucius (or whoever you fancy) notices and tries to help without making it obvious he is helping because Izzy probably won’t accept help, especially from Lucius, off all people.
Lucius, trying to be subtle, starts:
-timing his smoke breaks so he can run into Izzy and annoy Izzy into ‘stealing’ the cigarette right out of Lucius’s mouth. because Izzy won’t ask to bum one, and helping izzy hands avoid nicotine withdrawal is basically a public service. Lucius is a hero for that.
-“ugh, I told them no pickles! Here, eat this stupid sandwich, I don’t want it anymore, I loathe pickles!” (Lucius likes pickles just fine) or getting ‘just sooooo full’ from drinking elaborate iced coffees that he can’t possibly finish more than half of his lunch and he doesn’t want to waste food but he’s going out straight after work and won’t be able to bring it home to put in the fridge for tomorrow and really you may as well eat it, Izzy, or it’s just going to sit in the trash bin stinking up the whole place.
-asking Izzy to walk him to the tube station after work ‘for safety’ but it’s really so Lucius can swipe an extra ride for Izzy on his transit card. sometimes when it’s cold and miserable enough to make Izzy ache Lucius will opt for cab or rideshare instead as soon as they hit the street, insisting it will be cheaper to split the ride. always drops Izzy off first, conveniently forgetting to split the fare
-buying izzy a cozy cashmere scarf and claiming that it was Buy One Get One Free when Lucius was scarf shopping for himself, but he didn’t see any other colors/patterns he liked and this one just screamed Izzy Hands. (And maybe a knit cap that Lucius claims he stole from the lost and found because it coordinates with the scarf so well)
-begging Izzy to come over and ‘fix’ something ‘broken’ at his place, conveniently near dinner time, just so Izzy can spend a few hours somewhere where the heat and lights aren’t turned way down low to save on utilities. Somewhere warm and bright, where the WiFi service hasn’t been turned off because of all the past due bills.
-constantly starting bets that Izzy can win. This backfires when Izzy starts to feel bad about taking Lucius’ money because he thinks Lucius is a typical starving artist type. Not knowing that Lucius makes $$$$ on furry art commissions and just doesn’t tell anyone about it because his friends, much as he loves them, have zero moderation and would cajole Lucius into partying all his savings away.
And all the while he is being sneakily generous, Lucius is trying to figure out how to trick Izzy into letting Lucius buy him a new winter wardrobe, treat him to lunch every day, and buy back the motorcycle Izzy had to pawn to pay off some debts Ed left when he blew town.
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musicallyfomentingchaos · 1 year ago
Petition to change the official Lucius/Izzy ship name to "RevengeAmputees" or "NonPlatonicProthstetics" or "Wood4Wood"
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ripkarl · 2 years ago
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The Bonnets just need a fresh start. When an opportunity presents itself in the form of an unbelievably-priced bit of real estate in France, Stede Bonnet jumps at it. But this charming old château may be home to more than just a friendly staff and a few spiders. A lot more...
Chapter Four: Israel
He was almost asleep when he heard it. Ed screaming his name.
Izzy disentangled himself from the man sharing his bed, tossing off the covers and jumping out of bed. Lucius sat up against the pillows and watched as he stumbled trying to pull on a pair of sweatpants. “What’s going on, Iz?” he mumbled, half-asleep. Izzy didn’t even look back at him, just ran out of the room as fast as he could to the source of the screaming.
When he got to Ed, he found him and Jim on the floor, leaning against a door. Ed had tears streaming down his face and just kept shouting, “Izzy! Izzy help!”
“I’m here, I’m here,” Izzy said, crouching down and squeezing Ed’s shoulder. When Ed’s eyes opened and met his, there was only terror in them. “What the fuck happened?”
Ed didn’t speak. It was Jim who filled him in between gasping breaths and bouts of tears. He dialed the police, and Oluwande helped Jim up and took them to get cleaned up. When Izzy tried to stand up again, Ed grabbed him by the arms and held on. “Alright,” Izzy said, his voice soft. “I’m here.”
He sat on the floor with Ed until the police arrived. By this time most everyone in the house was up, and the story of what had happened was spreading among them. People murmured to each other under their breath. Stede was fucking pacing in his stupid fucking pink slippers. Lucius was nowhere to be seen. Fucking twat probably went back to sleep.
The cops checked the room and found nothing.
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batsarebetterthanpeople · 2 years ago
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buumbaby · 2 years ago
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the men that you are...
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saltysalmonkid · 3 years ago
Spriggyhands singer au as That Image... yea....... im unwell
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maxer-blaster · 2 years ago
You know that tumblr post that's like "imagine the hero gets really hurt and the only person they can think to go to is the villain, who gets really quiet and says, "who hurt you?".
I need that with Lucius and Izzy.
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thetardigrape · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs Characters: Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Jim Jimenez Additional Tags: Minor Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Minor Fang/Lucius Spriggs, Minor Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Kink Negotiation, Safewords, Safeword Use, Israel Hands Has a Pain Kink, Israel Hands Has a Praise Kink, Dom Lucius Spriggs, Sub Israel Hands, Cis Israel Hands, there's a whole coffee subplot for some reason, and a whole filmmaking subplot, I understand the irony in having a filmmaking subplot in a series called filmmakers, Black Pete Loves Lucius Spriggs, Fang loves Lucius Spriggs, Lucius Spriggs Deserves All the Boyfriends, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Series: Part 1 of Filmmakers Summary:
Izzy steps close to Lucius, pushing into his personal space. “I don’t care who signs your fucking paychecks. This is my set, so while you’re on it, you obey my orders. If you can’t do that, you can get the fuck out. Do you fucking understand me?”
Lucius blinks at him, ignoring his own impulse to flirt, given how close to him Izzy is standing. “Okay.” Easiest to just tell him what he wants to hear, probably.
“Good.” Izzy curls his lip at Lucius. “Now fuck off.”
Lucius grins at him. Does Izzy know what he’s doing, standing so close and looking so worked up? Lucius has to bite back a reply about just what “fucking off” might entail.
Blackbeard Studios is making its first film. Lucius is personal assistant to co-director Stede Bonnet, and Izzy is assistant director to co-director Edward Teach.
Lucius isn't really looking for a relationship, but he can't pass up the chance to meet up with a new sub. He gets a lot more than he bargained for.
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smolnono · 3 years ago
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Presented with no commentary
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svorica · 2 years ago
izzy pulling lucius out of the water and giving him very heterosexual mouth to mouth
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dragonmuse · 2 years ago
Fic Complete: Credit for Experience
Chapter 2.  Our Flag Means Death. Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs. Modern AU.
Did you do something? I just got a delivery of the world’s most over the top fruit basket. I’ve never seen so many pears in my life. A truly obscene amount of kiwis. From Teach. The note says ‘Sorry about the near death experience, but hey at least now you know if god is real or not. Let me know. P.S. he goes by Hands, but you gotta watch out for the mouth.’ Is she mocking me, you, or apologizing? All three? Asking sincerely. I have no idea how to react and I got the impression that you know her pretty well.
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kat0nline · 2 years ago
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Lucius Spriggs, a discontented and underpaid assistant at The Gentleman Press, attends his first overseas convention with his boss, Stede Bonnet. But when a violent winter storm grounds them at the resort, and Stede falls for a handsome competitor, Lucius finds himself unwillingly sharing a room with his competition's surly editor, Izzy Hands. Things do not go as planned.
A modern Spriggyhands AU where there was only one bed...and a lot of feelings.
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kaelleid · 2 years ago
Izzy Fic Recs (Aug 28th-Sept 9th)
My favorite of the Izzy fics that I read between Aug 28th-Sept 9th. See other recs here.
A Real Boy by trinityofone
Frenchie convinces Stede to hire the cursebreaker. Stede can see the logic in it: a way to cleanse the ship after all their troubles, clear the air between the reunited crews. “A little vibe adjustment,” Frenchie says.
eyes on me (in the center of the ring) by Anonymous
The crew of the Revenge have been captured, and (for some reason) it's up to Izzy to flirt them out! What happens next (Izzy displaying even one iota of game) may surprise you.
Work in Progress by sweatervest (Izzy/Lucius)
After a disastrous interview, crime novelist Israel Hands abruptly retired, leaving his popular Detective Leyendecker series one book short of finished. For the last 10 years, he's been content to work as an editor at Edward Teach's small press. But now Ed's working on a merger with Stede Bonnet's press, and Izzy's expected to work with their star author: romance novelist L. Steele...
beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth by sugarybowl & wishingonalightningbolt (Izzy/Lucius)
Ed, Izzy, Fang, and Ivan make up the London-based rock band Kraken, which rocketed to fame in the 1990s. When ballad singer Stede Bonnet reaches out about a collaboration, Izzy has to work with Bonnet's songwriter, an overeager composer named Lucius, to write something that aging rockstar Ed and new-on-the-scene Stede can perform together...
Cut Me Back by sweatervest (Izzy/Lucius)
Lucius had never thought what it would be like for Izzy Hands to look at him like he’s a task worth doing right.
Sore Must Be the Storm by unopposablethumbs (Izzy/Calico Jack)
Izzy Hands has had a fucked up time since he left the Revenge in the wake of the Kraken's rampage--Calico Jack shows up just in the nick of time.
Sanctified be the Holy Name by Biweatherman & gapsinthedays (Ed/Stede/Izzy)
Father Hands, a loyal priest of the Kraken, grapples with his devotion to his god and his hatred of Edward’s companion, Stede. As he balances a fickle god, a kind one he has never forgiven, and a seemingly incompetent crew, Izzy must also contend with his own perceptions of what it means to worship.
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gentleranium · 2 years ago
Hello folks! Just gauging interest OR trying to see if someone's already working on this: who would be interested in an Our Flag Means Death prompt event for Izzy/Lucius? Something in the style of the wonderful Our Flag Means Lemons.
Click that heart if you're interested, and if you've got a request for a specific month, let me know in the replies.
If you've got a question, please hang on to it until I know whether there's enough interest to have this event set sail :) please feel free to point anyone who might be interested in participating to this post. Thanks!
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saltysalmonkid · 3 years ago
Forgot to post this here anyway some spriggyhands 4 u + assorted poly doodles cuz i couldnt help myself
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Click for better quality cuz tumblr sux ass 😒
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internerdionality · 3 years ago
Mwah-ha-ha. Your chinchilla get a little nibbled, there, Lucius?
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In which Izzy's snake makes a play for Lucius's chinchilla.
(Yes, I know that sounds like a euphemism. No, I have no idea what a "chinchilla" would be in that context. I leave it to your horrible imaginations.)
I gave Izzy a Suriname red-tail boa, since that's the kind of snake I used to have.
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