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whenever i say sporulation in mold class i say it like flawed peacock says stimulation. SPOR-U-LA-TION!!!
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theyre rly funny
#cordell#sephiroth#rothdell#cordell knew the whole time he wasnt fully human but shes a corpse reanimated by a rotting fungus. shes got worse goin on#anyway cordells outfit is so limited because she needs airflow to sporulate+germinate#however when you put her fit on someone else#such as a 7 ft tall hyperjacked supersoldier#it becomes distinctly slutty#and i think thats beautiful
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researchers trying to grow and isolate arctic microbes 🤝 cyanobacteria 🤝 lichens 🤝 some fungi 🤝 obligate intracellular bacteria 🤝 some protists 🤝 vbnc bacteria 🤝 archaea 🤝 strict anaerobes 🤝 literally anything that isnt pseudomonas or bacillus. pesky lil mfs (microbial friends)
#microbiology my beloved but sometimes you make people lose their fucken mind#the fucken fungi that decided to sporulate only when my job position was near its end. ):<#like i know i made u grow in a temperature that already naturally slows ur metabolism and maybe it was your comfortable temp but like#spores pwease ?? ya lil shits#how do you even grow piezophiles
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After this fact one need not be surprised at the diffusion of the far lighter and smaller sporules of cryptogamic plants.
"Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 1832-36" - Charles Darwin
#book quote#the voyage of the beagle#charles darwin#nonfiction#diffusion#sporule#spores#cryptogam#moss#liverwort#lichen#algae#fungi#fern
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its a beautiful baby Arcyria sp. :-)

a wee slime mold has invaded my mushroom growing tub !! why hello there handsome …. 😻🦠
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☆ В завершение серии иллюстраций с грибами - самая последняя, которая была создана самой первой. Это базидии шейтан мантури - органы полового спороношения базидиомицетов у грибов, которые иногда могут произрастать прямо на мицелии. Простыми словами, базидия это особая клетка или группа клеток, образующаяся в результате полового размножения. ☆ Немного сложные темы и факты о грибах, но это последняя иллюстрация из этой серии. Базидии действительно в большинстве случаев выглядят именно так, имея похожую форму с несколькими отростками из одного тела. ☆ К слову, в нашем сеттинге, на планете Зонгшторн есть один лес, который состоит полностью из грибных структур! Постепенно мы вас с ним познакомим. ☆ Ждите обновлений по новым иллюстрациям к уровням нашего блога Boosty! Скоро Мара начнет разработку первых скетчей, что бы наш блог выглядел более наглядно. ☆ Сейчас на уровнях стоят иллюстрации сеттинга, но хочется чего-нибудь особенного.
☆ At the end of the series of illustrations with mushrooms is the latest, which was created by the very first. These are the basidia of shaitan manturi, the organs of sexual sporulation of basidiomycetes in fungi, which can sometimes grow directly on the mycelium. In simple words, a basidium is a special cell or group of cells formed as a result of sexual reproduction. ☆ There are some complicated topics and facts about mushrooms, but this is the latest illustration from this series. Basidia do indeed look exactly like this in most cases, having a similar shape with several appendages from the same body. ☆ By the way, in our setting, there is a forest on the planet Zongshtorn that consists entirely of mushroom structures! We will introduce you to him gradually. ☆ Wait for updates on the new illustrations for the levels of our Boosty blog! Mara will soon start developing the first sketches to make our blog look more visual. ☆ There are setting illustrations on the levels right now, but I want something special.
#artists on tumblr#digital art#drawing#my art#art#artwork#диджитал арт#мой арт#illustration#illustrators on tumblr#mushrooms#грибы#растения#plants#krita illustration#original art
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Is there a way to test soil for coccidosis before introducing chickens? Or is it more of a "you get chickens, & find out" type of issue?
Coccidia is naturally in the soil and in the gut of chickens in a harmless form. You can assume some type of it is everywhere and there is no safe soil treatment to get rid out it. Chickens aren't the only animal affected either other animals get sick with it as well but chickens are always scratching and pecking at the ground and their own poop which is why they pick it up so easily. Coccidia is actually normally harmless it isnt in-till a bird sheds the oocysts and they have the right conditions to sporulate and THEN a bird ingests them again do they become a problem. Every chicken is bound to be exposed eventually, even indoor chickens.
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x•en: excerpt from “would you believe me if i told you.” when i have nothing left to stay nourished, my insides sporulate with any remaining moisture and any remaining air. and from the decomposition, i will rake up into a new body made from my dead parts.
#poetblr#original poem#poems on tumblr#poetic#writing#spilled poetry#spilled words#writeblr#spilled poem#poems and quotes#poems and poetry#my poem#sad poem#poem#mental illness#mentally unstable#spilled writing#writblr#writers on tumblr#writers and poets#writerscommunity#my words#words words words#excerpts#contemporary poetry#dark poetry#poets on tumblr#poetry#x.en
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Excerpts: MOULD AND YEAST (1927)
An animated diagram demonstrates the growth and sporulation of common yeast strains, both positive and negative. Additionally, it showcases the budding process of yeast and its application in bread-making.
| Hosted at: Internet Archive | Full Video Download: MPEG4
‘The EXCERPTS series by OKKULT Motion Pictures transforms images from open source films of important historical and artistic merit into the internet drug we’ve come to love: GIFs!’ (Vice)
(Thanks to archive.org)
#yeast#bread#yeast bread#okkult motion pictures#gif#black and white#vintage#excerpts#gif art#gifs#animated#mould#diagram#1920s#documentary
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my dryer has a dryness setting that has to be manually adjusted to "fully dry" every time you use it Does anyone know the meaning of this? thankyou i want my clothes to still be slightly damp so i can maximize my mildew output. i wanna be sporulating
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Fast Fauna Facts #6 - Hay Bacillus (Bacillus subtilis)
Family: Bacillus Family (Bacillaceae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Unassessed
These pill-shaped, non-pathogenic bacteria are extremely common, and can be found in soil, in water and as a harmless resident of the digestive systems of animals worldwide. They're most common in soil that is rich in organic matter, and "feed" by absorbing sufficiently small organic molecules across their cell membrane. When food is abundant Hay Bacilli are stationary, but when suitably-sized organic molecules become scarcer they develop numerous flagella (tail-like extensions of their cell walls) in order to swim or crawl to new areas. When faced with a total lack of resources or harsh environmental conditions members of this species undergo a process called sporulation in which they essentially create a copy of their genetic material, encase it in a tough protective membrane and release it into their environment where it lies dormant as an extremely durable structure called an endospore, developing into a new but genetically identical bacterium when conditions improve.
Image Source: Here
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#fast fauna facts#hay bacillus#bacillus#bacillus subtilus#bacteria#bacteriology#microbiology#microorganisms#single-celled organisms#wildlife
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hey i know u said u found god in this prairie but i actually put her there as a restoration effort so im really sorry but if u could bring her back so she can sporulate and inoculate the soil it would really help the ecosystem :)
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slime molds tend to mature quite rapidly from goopy plasmodial slime to a more solid (yet still very delicate) fruit body, which will then dehisce and sporulate. this is the development of a Stemonitis sp. after a few hours by Sarah Lloyd
#stemonitis#sarah lloyd#slime mold#myxomycota#myxomycology#myxomycetes#slime mould#protists#biology#microbiology#microbiota#microorganisms#macro photography#nature photography#forestcore#forest floor
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The Nest of Snakes
What if I told you
That the blind
Might sense more
Than the sharpest
Eyes of Eagles?
The deaf more
Than the keenest
Ear - Infinite Angels
From their pins - dropping like
A cacophony of Wings and Eyes?
Serpent-wreathed bulls more
Animate than animal:
Would you believe?
Me: told as I am (more)
As we are,
Make lies into truth
And Truth into Lies.
Hence, twixt, thus
Play host:
Ghost-with-the most -
Lord of Strangers
For flesh is
Wyrm-ridden and
I: a strait-jacketing inside,
A ward of madness;
Listen to howling griefsong
Psyche cries there for Eros -
Blót, blood poured out,
Swelling, blossoming - a blooming rose
Iron-thorn sacrifice
Bark makes a door
Of skin.
Ever between (inter) betwixt
Masked, hatted, hooded
So the sibilant-prophet
Reveals via concealment:
Mouth of Ash
Hanged-jaw juddering
In freezing, starry silence
Deepest night and richest
Shapeshifting thief of always -
Matter's of Matrix - ever-fugitive
And fork-tongued:
Sing of rivers risng
From their beds
Asleep no more;
They never-were
The doubled, tripled ones
Pouring forth
From the Mount of Venus
Mother i' the Mountain
Pads with feline grace
Bloody muzzle, gleaming teeth
Gold-gleam brewing
Honey of ancestral bees
The grave drones
Of kosmic sporulation
I cannot tell you of
One single thing
But the more
Such as I ken
So must I lie
Would you know yet more?
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Slime today gone tomorrow

Dog’s vomit slime mold photos taken yesterday and today. The first set of photos feature a colony that is sporulating, or releasing its spores.
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