#sports application development services
techerasworld · 4 months
Fantasy Sports App Development | Protonshub Technologies
Protonshub Technologies offers the best fantasy sports app development services. From football to basketball, they have expertise to craft immersive platforms that engage fans and drive excitement. They create the ultimate fantasy sports experience with tailored solutions. Contact: [email protected] to discuss your sports app development needs.
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ivanapplab · 2 years
The blog takes you through an in-depth analysis of how the sports betting industry is gaining new heights of popularity. Read the blog to understand how the emergence of sports app development is contributing to the change in the sports betting industry.
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techsolutions-world · 3 months
Fantasy App Development Company | Protonshub Technologies
Protonshub is one of the finest fantasy app development company. They offer customized and white-label solutions, integrating advanced features like real-time analytics, multiple payment systems, and user engagement tools. Their expertise into sports applications, including cricket, football, and basketball, ensures robust, user-friendly apps that enhance the gaming experience. Contact: [email protected] to discuss your sports app development needs.
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gmatechnologi · 1 year
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PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Basically, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC. It allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone searches on a keyword that is related to their business offering. For example, if we bid on the keyword “PPC software,” our ad might show up in the very top spot on the Google results page. GMA Technologies build yours, worry-free. Get award-winning tech, with a fixed price and delivery date before you. Visit us: https://www.gmatechnology.com/
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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F-22 Retirement in 2030 Unlikely as USAF Looks to Spend $7.8 Billion on It Before Then
March 27, 2024 | By John A. Tirpak
The Air Force seems to be rethinking its plan to start retiring the F-22 around 2030, as its spending plans for the air dominance fighter go well beyond that date, according to the service’s fiscal 2025 budget request.
The Air Force’s planned F-22 budget through fiscal year 2029 includes $4.7 billion for procurement and $3.1 for research, development, test, and evaluation, for a total of $7.8 billion. While the RDT&E line closes out in FY29, procurement beyond that date—labeled “to completion” in budget documents—comes to $1.2 billion.
Senior Air Force leaders have described the F-22 program now through 2030 as a “bridge” to the Next-Generation Air Dominance Fighter and its family of systems, and several have said that the technologies being developed for the F-22 in its waning service years will be directly applicable to NGAD.
The budget assumes the F-22 fleet will be reduced by 32 aircraft, to about 153 airplanes, but the documents say only 142 will receive the full lineup of improvements.
The 32 jets the Air Force wants to divest are of the Block 20 configuration, and Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has said it would cost upwards of $50 million each to bring them up to Block 30, the most up-to-date standard. The Air Force prefers to spend that money making the younger models more capable against the anticipated threat; mainly the air-to-air challenge posed by China’s fifth-generation fighters and advanced air-to-air missiles.
The Air Force has also said that a congressional mandate to upgrade the older F-22s—which have been used only as training jets—couldn’t be accomplished until it was almost time to retire them. They would also need all the new capabilities the F-22 is receiving, to preserve fleet standardization, at even greater cost.
Pentagon officials agreed that, despite the urgency of the threat, it would be foolish to upgrade the F-22s at such expense and retire them a few months later. One said that the timing of the F-22’s retirement “hasn’t been decided … and it depends on progress with NGAD” and other factors.
Budget justification documents for the F-22 say that the procurement activities over the next five years will upgrade “the air vehicle, engine, Operational Flight Program (OFP), and training systems to improve F-22 weapons, communications, navigation, pilot-vehicle interface, and electronic warfare suite.”
Updates called out in the documents show the Air Force is giving the F-22 stealthy, range-extending drop tanks, infrared sensors, identification, friend-or-foe improvements, better Link 16 connectivity, software upgrades, and electronic warfare and navigation enhancements, as well as new weapons and hardware changes to make it more reliable and available.
The long-range tanks and infrared systems were revealed in artwork released by Air Combat Command in mid-2022, without explanation at the time. Test aircraft sporting the new underwing tanks and IR sensors have since been photographed near western test ranges, but the Air Force has declined to discuss them.
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Among the new capabilities being prepared for the F-22 Raptor are the still-classified AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile, evoked here in an image released in 2022 by Gen. Mark Kelly, head of Air Combat Command. Developed by Lockheed Martin, JATM is an air-to-air weapon designed to attack targets beyond visual range. It is needed to counter China’s next-generation PL-15 weapon. USAF illustration
The budget documents say the critical design review for the stealthy tanks took place in early 2023 and that technology demonstrations have been underway since. “Required Assets Available” with the tanks, which usually translates to initial operational capability, is set for the second quarter of fiscal 2026.
The infrared detection system (IRDS), which is likely to be the two slender, chiseled pods on the outer wing of the F-22 in the artwork, will enter full-up flight test in the first quarter of fiscal 2026. Production is to begin in early 2028, with deliveries the following year.
A sensor enhancement package for the F-22 includes IRST and possibly radar and other detection systems. Together, they will “improve the F-22’s sensing and tracking and ensures Air Superiority by preserving the first-look, first-shot and first-kill capabilities of the 142 Block 30/35 F-22 aircraft,” according to the justifications.
“The first 71 Sensor Enhancements Group A kits were purchased under F-22’s Rapid Fielding Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) program authority,” the Air Force said. The new sensors are slated for flight demonstration in FY24. A follow-on production decision is scheduled to follow closely. Developmental Test and Evaluation is scheduled for the third quarter of FY25, and in the last quarter of FY26, Operational Test and Evaluation will begin.
The low-drag tank and pylons “are advanced technological designs” which will “minimally increase drag” while permitting longer range, even at supersonic speed, for the F-22.
“The pylons are equipped with smart rack pneumatic technology to accurately control ejection performance and maintain minimum drag without stores,” the documents said.
The program calls for 286 each of the tanks and pylons—enough to fully equip 143 jets, at two for each jet. They have to work at a speed of at least Mach 1.2. Wind tunnel and ground tests were completed in fiscal 2023, and flight testing is targeted to begin in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, shortly after which a critical design review is scheduled. The initial lots will be bought later in FY24. Developmental and operational testing is set to conclude in mid-fiscal 2026, with required assets available soon after.
The F-22 will also get a new Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna to help it navigate in a “GPS-degraded environment,” and achieve resilient position, navigation and timing. Retrofits will be made on 142 F-22s, of which 27 will be operated by the Air National Guard. There will be a production readiness review in June of this year, and flight testing starts in early 2025.
A series of reliability, availability, and maintainability program (RAMP) initiatives meant to make the F-22 more ready when needed are also in the funding plan. Candidates were selected for their ability to rapidly reduce maintenance workload or increased durability of the F-22’s stealth features. There is “high variability in the number of projects and kit quantities,” the Air Force said in its budget justification books.
“The RAMP program includes funding for retrofit installation labor and modifications which address corrosion, reduce maintenance hours, increase safety and provide urgent response requirements identified by the user to the F-22 fleet,” the Air Force said. These projects are also addressing safety-of-flight issues and to ease “technology insertion.” One such program replaces old fiber-optic cabling; another for a “Low Observable Mighty Tough Boot … leads to an estimated three percent increase in aircraft reliability.”
What was originally an ad-hoc Link 16 connectivity program now gives the F-22 a transmit/receive capability with Link 16 rehosted to a system that also plugs it into the Multi-functional Information Distribution Service/Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS/JTRS), with an open architecture to speed insertion of new capabilities.
Much of the F-22 RDT&E request is for software to integrate and exploit all the new sensors and equipment the fleet will receive. The Air Force is attempting to “leverage commercially-based agile software and hardware best practices and tools” to speed the introduction of new capabilities. It’s also funding Software Integration Labs for most of the specific systems.
Other RDT&E efforts include cryptographic upgrades, technology demonstrations, “threat modeling support,” engine enhancements cybersecurity and open mission system (OMS) integration. Software is to be delivered “using a scheduled cadence for capabilities as they mature.”
The RDT&E program also includes “Project Geyser,” described as an “advanced capability” that will be assessed for “fielding configuration options.” No details were given about this project, but there will be “continued flight demonstrations and … test fleet modification into planned production configuration” in fiscal 2025.
@AirandSpaceForces.com via X
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thegreenshota · 9 days
Hi this is the person offering to make the monokubs game. I went through your posts to see what your personal canon is for the characters (And Kurokuma and Shirokuma) so I can be accurate but I didn't find much. Can you tell me more about all of them? I also saw a post with some IDs, but they were kinda small. Do you have IDs for them? Because I can incorporate those.
oh! about personal canon! okay sure i previously wrote short character analyses so that people could understand better, but the original was originally in Russian and I will simply put it through a translator (many letters) .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.
monotaro, aka izamu arai monokabs do not remember their father as well as motherkuma, which is why he does not hold a personal grudge against his father, but, as a ninja whose code is to protect his clan, his attitude towards his father is similar to the views of fumiko izamu is a very active child and has been one since birth, unlike his twin, fumayo, with whom he is the complete opposite a typical ninja fan who decided to delve into the philosophy of these warriors and went too far in this so much so that he awakened in himself a desire to revive the art of the ninja, or to be more precise, to regenerate it in order to create something new on the ruins of the old
valor, honor, complete dedication to his task and not a little stupidity and naivety - a brief description of a young ninja he did not throw words around just like that, but was constantly engaged in training, both physical and spiritual his hyperactivity found application in the art of ninja - this turn of events motherkuma did not expect, giving monotaro to the sports club, but is very glad that brother found a comfortable path for himself obviously, shsl ninja
the previously mentioned twin brother, aka fumayo arai, aka monosuke while his twin was running and jumping on the playground, the boy was immersed in books, but he was fascinated not by artistic or scientific, but by financial literacy most likely, the aspect of a constant hole in the family budget influenced the young man so much that he himself decided to find out how all this works in your business and quickly began to receive not only pleasure, but also real profit various types of services at school for a fee, from homework to spreading rumors - all this to monosuke of course, he was not engaged in dirty deeds - he did not touch any of these aspects, he just surrounded himself with people capable of doing all this an intellectual, overly cultured and having the habits of an aristocrat motherkuma did not lose when she entrusted the financial aspect of her start-up business to the hands of fumayo shsl banker
netsumi arai, aka monophanie
the only girl among the younger generation and this did not embarrass her in any way, probably exclusively thanks to the always nearby fumiko, who was not only a mentor for her sister, but also her best friend since childhood, monophanie adored flowers, which she surrounded herself with as much as possible and noticing this, motherkuma decided to help develop this interest into talent and knowledge so slowly but surely netsumi became a florist who knew both the scientific aspect of flowers and the creative approach to creating bouquets very cheerful and incredibly frivolous monophanie only seems stupid and very incompetent in appearance, but in fact she is a very empathetic person, feeling other people's problems and is ready to be there to support in difficult times for all family members, it was this pink flower that helped them not to lose heart and not give up as was previously mentioned, monophanie loves her sister very much, one might even say more, than her brothers, so she unconsciously adopted not only from her character but also from her appearance a lot from the motherkuma
shsl gardener
kayoshi arai, aka monodam his life fully justifies the phrase: "you have to sacrifice something to find something new", and, unfortunately, he gave too much in order to become what he is at the moment a genius of his family, who, unlike others, did not need to reveal his potential in something specific, because a photographic memory, quick assimilation of knowledge, musical ear and a predisposition to learning languages ​​- all this made the boy a prodigy there was not a single one in his environment or in the family who could beat him at chess when he was only 10 fumiko saw in her younger brother only a sign from above that all their troubles would be solved thanks to such a young supermind but everything changed in one day. cheerful and proud of his skills monodam will forever remain in the memory of those who know him
once on a trip, in which motherkuma accompanied monodam to another competition like "the smartest" there was an accident in which the bus went off the road and crashed as soon as motherkuma regained consciousness, she first of all ran to check on her little brother, but she saw a terrible picture by the feel of a person from such wounds not only not alive, but he can no longer even be called a person - lacerations and open fractures were both on his legs and arms. it was difficult to say what other wounds he had, because kayoshi's whole body was covered in blood rescuers arrived very quickly and took the still living boy to the hospital along with his sister, who only prayed all the time that kayoshi would survive, because at that moment she felt a sense of guilt for what she had done as never before. her worries about the life of her family member were so strong that she didn't even notice that she had suffered in this accident too, she had one whole eye left monodam lay in a coma for a year despite the fact that they were able to put it back together. in what sense? literally. his body was so destroyed that his limbs would never work, but thanks to new techniques they were able to replace the non-working part of his body with mechanical implants he even stopped looking like that boy outwardly but fumiko didn't think of giving up and was ready to fight for her brother's life until the very last day of her own life. fortunately, her efforts bore fruit and one day he woke up emotionless and dead inside, monodam no longer felt joy in its true manifestation, food no longer had taste, the world no longer had colors only hatred and wild resentment towards this unfair world mechanical chips were installed in the damaged brain, which allowed monodam to save his knowledge and even directly upload new ones, but, obviously, from that moment on he was no longer a genius from birth, but only a living example of how far medicine has advanced now in the eyes of society he is not a genius, but a living computing machine, having all this knowledge only thanks to doctors monodam was very disappointed with this news, but not more so than the fact that he can no longer even be called a man he was ready to kill, chop, cut, do a bunch of other brutal things to people, because he harbored hatred for all living things, blaming the earth on which he walks for the situation he is in now, but there was only one thing that allowed monodama to keep his sanity - his older sister, who was always by his side. even when this event happened to him does he blame fumiko for what happened? no, because it was she who gave him that happy childhood that was taken away from kayoshi shsl cyborg, former potential shsl prodigy
teruo arai, aka monokid everything is monumentally simpler with him than with any of the previously described cheerful, wild, the life of the party, even though he is a guest in all companies, number one from the end, whom everyone wants to see the youngest of the five monokubs, although you can't tell by his appearance. well, what can I say, miracles happen thanks to puberty since childhood, his soul lay in music and fumiko supported this passion as best she could, which led to a musical career teruo's rebellious and marginal image, coupled with his brilliant playing, was quickly able to attract a lot of attention, and after the release of his first album, written by him independently at the age of 16, he made it clear to everyone - soon the world will see the shine of a new world star shsl guitarist
the amazing arai family has yet to highlight its youngest talent, who can rightfully be called kanaye arai, aka nanokuma his young age should not deceive you, because the boy's intellect is developed far ahead of his biological age living hand in hand with his wild family since childhood, kanaye adopted the experience of each of them, because in the case of nanokuma, the entire young generation from izamu to teruo, including, of course, fumiko, was involved in his upbringing the boy admired the magic of cinema all his life and always wanted to adopt this knowledge, so from an early age he learned how to use a camera, lighting in the frame and setting the frame. in addition to filming, the guy spent his free evenings creating all sorts of scripts for his short films, in which his siblings were the main actors surprisingly, but in character, nanokuma took more from his mother than monokubs, just like motherkuma, so when these five failed rangers give out cringe again, fumiko and kanaye catch the facepalm together preparatory course of the shsl director
one day, a not very conscientious person, whose name is erased from the family tree, being the definition of a black spot in history, started a family and produced a decent number of children he loved his daughter immensely, as well as his wife, but how it really was - only he himself can answer after a while, he abandoned the family, left his mother with pennies in her hands, and did not even say goodbye to his daughter the problem was that by that time he abandoned not only two girls, but also the other six children, who were so small that they could not even speak fumiko murakami, who thought that her beloved father was her main support in this world, stops believing in miracles and in one moment her world collapses unfortunately, for a child it was too hard a blow, but in the desire to protect her younger children and her suffering mother, she stood against the current, completely forgetting about her own needs she was ready to become the new mother of the family and this time not the murakami family, but the arai family maiden name, which she changed in order to forever erase that bastard who deprived the giant family of any hope not only for a bright future, but even for banal survival
fumiko arai, aka more famous motherkuma a caring older sister who, thanks to hard work, was able to raise her brothers and sister as well as she could while still a child being her mother's housekeeper, she got to know sewing better, which brought her many times more pleasure than anything else starting with ordinary patches on the shorts of the hyperactive izamu or stripes on the shirts of netsumi, the girl increasingly revealed her potential as a tailor, and then completely delved into the professional part of this action a thorny path, because in addition to her own career, she had to pull the whole family on her own back, she coped with it and achieved considerable success obviously, her seasoned character played a role in this
soft character on the outside, but don't let yourself be fooled, she clearly knows her worth and won't let anyone hurt her or her family in addition to the talent that the academy awarded her, she also masterfully copes with raising children, combining a kind and airy nature with strict control and a demand for clear actions unfortunately for her, "they have inherited their father's character many times more than they would like"
motherkuma, shsl fashion designer the girl already has a formal talent because she graduated from the academy and already has her own fashion house, which has a gigantic reach she pulled all the younger ones on her back, because dad went out for bread she has an animal hatred for him and wants to find and avenge what he did she had to grow up very early and temper her character to the limit, thanks to this she was able to give basic education to her siblings she may seem very fucked up from all this group of pipsqueaks, which is formally true, but she still loves and cherishes them very much they call her a second mother and she doesn't like it, because it ages her very much, and she, after all, is a girl only in the prime of her life
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applythaivisa · 1 month
Thailand Privilege Visa
The Thailand Privilege Visa, formerly known as the Thailand Elite Visa, is a long-term residence program designed to attract high-net-worth individuals and affluent retirees to Thailand. Administered by the Thailand Privilege Card Company, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, this visa offers a unique blend of immigration benefits, exclusive privileges, and a streamlined application process.  
Understanding the Visa
The core benefit of the Thailand Privilege Visa is the ability to stay in Thailand for an extended period without the hassle of frequent visa renewals. The program offers multiple tiers, each with varying durations and privileges:  
Gold Card: Grants a 5-year multiple-entry visa.
Platinum Card: Provides a 10-year multiple-entry visa.  
Diamond Card: Offers a 15-year multiple-entry visa.
Reserve Card: Delivers a 20-year multiple-entry visa, subject to pre-screening qualifications.
Beyond the visa duration, the program also provides a range of exclusive benefits, such as VIP airport services, expedited immigration procedures, and access to government concierge services. These privileges are designed to enhance the overall living experience in Thailand.  
The Point System: A New Era of Customization
In a significant development, Thailand Privilege introduced a point system in October 2023. This innovative approach replaces the previous fixed privilege structure, allowing members to select and customize a combination of benefits that best suits their lifestyle. Members earn points based on their membership tier and can redeem these points for a variety of privileges, including golf memberships, spa treatments, accommodation discounts, and more. This flexibility empowers individuals to tailor their Thailand experience to their specific preferences.  
Eligibility and Application Process
While the Thailand Privilege Visa is primarily targeted at high-net-worth individuals, the specific eligibility criteria can vary based on the chosen membership tier. Generally, applicants need to meet financial requirements and provide necessary documentation, including passport information, passport-sized photographs, and proof of funds.  
The application process is relatively straightforward. Applicants can submit their applications online or through authorized agents. The program emphasizes a streamlined approach, aiming to minimize bureaucratic hurdles for applicants.  
Beyond the Visa: Thailand as a Retirement Destination
For many, the Thailand Privilege Visa is more than just a visa; it's a gateway to a fulfilling retirement. Thailand offers a compelling combination of affordability, tropical climate, rich culture, and excellent healthcare, making it an attractive option for retirees from around the world.  
However, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider factors such as cost of living, healthcare accessibility, and visa regulations before making a long-term commitment. While the Thailand Privilege Visa provides a solid foundation, careful planning is crucial for a successful retirement in the Land of Smiles.
Note: While this article provides a comprehensive overview of the Thailand Privilege Visa, it is essential to consult the official Thailand Privilege website or seek advice from an immigration expert for the most up-to-date information and personalized guidance.
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Harnessing the Power of TV Development for Consumers
The world has become increasingly becomes digital. Many applications and TV programs are created to aid people in maintaining their fast-paced way of life. The new xmltv channel list lets you watch your favorite TV shows on your laptop or desktop computer, which is one of the many valuable developments successfully accomplished by many business developers.
Everybody has many responsibilities, obligations, projects to complete, places to go, and enterprises to attend to. All of this takes up time that would otherwise be spent relaxing and watching TV. The World Wide Web is fortunately here to the rescue. You may virtually watch TV outside if you have a laptop or even a desktop computer. You can practically watch your preferred TV programs on your PC, or within the walls of your home. If you have a laptop or even a desktop computer, you can select from a variety of digital TV guide providers on the Internet.
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✱ Disclaimer - Some service providers took advantage of subscribers using their deceiving tactics are hard to spot, of course.  Additionally, you do not need to continue paying high monthly cable rates. Say goodbye to those dull, TV-free stormy days and nights because you are watching with the help of the Internet instead of your local cable provider, which typically has signal problems during bad weather.
However, if you are careful enough to research the website and read reviews on that particular website, you will undoubtedly find a reliable site that works for you.
You can turn your computer into a working TV with ease, by simply using magnet links if you have a reliable internet connection to download a particular software. A speedy Internet connection is essential for a comfortable viewing experience because buffering and extremely slow loading ruin the mood for watching. The software's download, installation, and use are all covered in great depth by the providers. Once XML TV file is loaded, you may enjoy watching a variety of TV shows and even movies from other nations. There are more than a thousand channels available worldwide (more than what your local cable provider can offer). Whatever you feel like viewing, there is a channel available for you to watch, whether it’ll be sports, entertainment, the most recent world news, cartoons, or movies.
You do now need to install a variety of hardware, such as an Electronic Program Guide for IPTV, XML TV file, or even a TV Guide Listings, for able for you to watch your favorite TV Shows or Movies on your own PC. Everything is reachable with a click of a mouse. Without having to worry about local concerns when moving from one state to another, you can watch TV around the clock.
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rudradobhal · 2 months
Discover Excellence in Education at Himalayan Institute of Technology, Dehradun
Are you searching for a prestigious institution to pursue higher education? Look no further than the Himalayan Institute of Technology (HIT) in Dehradun. Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of the Himalayas, HIT offers an array of courses designed to provide students with a comprehensive and practical learning experience. With affiliations to both HNGBU and SDSU universities, HIT stands as a beacon of quality education and professional development.
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At Himalayan Institute of Technology, we offer a variety of undergraduate programs tailored to meet the needs of today’s dynamic job market. Our courses include:
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
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Our B.Sc IT program provides students with in-depth knowledge of computer systems, networking, and information security. This course is ideal for those aiming to become IT professionals, system administrators, or cybersecurity experts.
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Embark on a journey of academic excellence and professional success with the Himalayan Institute of Technology, Dehradun. Visit our website at http://hitdoon.com for more information on admissions, courses, and campus life. Discover why HIT is the preferred choice for aspiring professionals in commerce, business administration, hotel management, computer applications, and information technology.
Choose HIT and take the first step towards a promising future.
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jordanianroyals · 4 months
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14 May 2024: King Abdullah II reaffirmed the importance of the upcoming parliamentary elections as a milestone in the process of political modernisation, adding that it requires the efforts and participation of all.
During a meeting with figures and representatives from Zarqa, attended by Crown Prince Hussein, His Majesty stressed that the parliamentary elections represent the beginning of a new phase of partisan and parliamentary action. 
During the meeting held at Princess Salma Residential City Park as part of outreach visits to the governorates on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee, the King highlighted the developments witnessed across Zarqa in the fields of health, education, industry, and transportation. 
His Majesty pointed to the industrial importance of Zarqa, which also requires working further to increase investments and expand job opportunities for Jordanians.
The King reiterated the importance of continuing to implement the Economic Modernisation Vision across Zarqa and all governorates, stressing the need to speed up the modernisation process in accordance with the vision, which is the benchmark for measuring government performance.
His Majesty said the visit reminded him of his army service in the military camps of Zarqa, praising the generosity of its people, and reaffirming that Zarqa is always present in the memory of the Arab Army.
For his part, Zarqa Governor Hassan Jbour welcomed His Majesty’s visit to Zarqa, which witnessed several Royal initiatives in various sectors over the past 25 years, expressing best wishes to the King on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee. 
Jbour also expressed appreciation for His Majesty’s role in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, as well as his support for Gazans and Palestinians in gaining their legitimate rights.
Upon arrival at Princess Salma Residential City Park, the King was welcomed by a folk performance by a number of local troupes. 
Prior to the meeting, His Majesty inaugurated the Zarqa-Amman Bus Rapid Transit project, valued at JD153 million, and includes 12 new traffic intersections, seven bridges, five tunnels, and five passenger terminals.
The project includes two tracks, the first extends from the Sports City in Amman to Zarqa Terminal, extending over 24 kilometres, while the second track is 20 kilometres long and extends from Al Mahatta Terminal in Amman to Zarqa Terminal.
The King also visited the Modular Concrete Company factory in Hallabat Industrial City, established as part of the Royal initiatives to support the Economic Social Association of Retired Servicemen and Veterans, and was briefed on the factory’s products and their multiple applications in construction and infrastructure.
The factory, which currently provides 170 job opportunities, 80 of which are for Jordanians, includes eight production lines, with a production capacity of 100,000 square metres of concrete boards annually.
During the meeting with Zarqa figures, His Majesty bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on individuals and institutions in Zarqa, in recognition of their contributions to serving Jordan, especially the local community in the governorate.
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and Adviser to His Majesty for Tribal Affairs Kneiaan Bluwi attended the meeting.
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binaryic3 · 11 months
Hiring an Ecommerce Agency: The Complete Guide
“Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.” – Paul Cookson
When it comes to launching or upgrading your ecommerce presence, the stakes are high and the opportunities boundless. In a digital ecosystem brimming with potential, a proficient ecommerce agency is your navigator, engineer, and co-pilot all in one. But not all agencies are created equal. This guide will walk you through the essential points to consider when hiring an ecommerce agency, ensuring your business gears up for success in the virtual marketplace.
Identifying Your Ecommerce Needs
Before you even begin the hunt for an ecommerce agency, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your needs. Are you looking for an impressive Shopify Plus store development? Or perhaps, your needs are more tailored towards intricate UI/UX design for your ecommerce store. Custom application development, integrations with ERP/SAP systems, syncing with an offline store, or other bespoke customizations might be on your checklist. Knowing your exact requirements will streamline the hiring process and lead to more productive conversations with potential agencies.
Experience Matters
Look for a partner with a proven track record. An experienced ecommerce agency brings to the table years of know-how, a portfolio of diverse clients, and the capability to handle the complexity of your project. Being a Shopify Plus partner, for instance, is a significant indicator of an agency’s expertise in delivering top-tier ecommerce solutions. The right agency should have not only the knowledge but also the seasoned skills to elevate your online store.
The Art of Customization
The digital landscape is not one-size-fits-all. Your chosen agency should excel in custom application development and integrations. The ability to tailor your ecommerce store to seamlessly connect with ERP systems or synchronize with your brick-and-mortar outlets can give you a competitive edge.
If your goal is to ensure your digital platform operates in harmony with your physical outlets, reach out to us. Our proficiency in custom integrations stands as a testament to our commitment to your business growth.
Why Choose Us?
As a Shopify Plus partner and a seasoned team of 80 professionals, we are not just experts; we are artisans of the ecommerce space. For over two decades, Binary Web Solutions India Private Limited has been at the forefront of ecommerce excellence, driving sales and enhancing user experiences.
Our commitment to quality and our comprehensive suite of services, from UI/UX design to custom integrations, set us apart. We understand that your online store is the heart of your digital business, and we are dedicated to making it thrive.
In Conclusion,
Choosing the right ecommerce agency is a pivotal decision. With the right partner, you’ll not only build an online store, but you’ll create an ecommerce experience that resonates with your brand and your customers. Remember, it’s not just about going digital; it’s about becoming a digital destination.
Interested in learning how we can help you achieve that? [Get in touch with us today]and embark on a journey of ecommerce excellence with a partner that truly understands the digital retail landscape.
Let’s create something exceptional together.
To know more: https://binaryic.com/hiring-an-ecommerce-agency-the-complete-guide/
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cheap-iptv-premium · 11 months
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PTV Smarters Pro For Windows
Your Gateway To Ultimate Entertainment
IPTV Smarters Pro : If You’re On The Lookout For A Seamless Entertainment Experience, You’ve Come To The Right Place, The Ultimate Solution For Your TV And Video Content Needs. Say Goodbye To Cable Subscriptions And Hello To A World Of Endless Entertainment Possibilities.
Is Your Ticket To A Vast Universe Of Television Content Delivered Directly Through The Power Of The Internet. This Innovative Technology, Known As Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), Is Reshaping The Way We Consume Our Favorite Shows, Movies, And Live Sports Events. It’s Time To Discover It So Special.
Embrace The Future Of Television
With Us, You Can Bid Farewell To The Limitations Of Traditional Cable TV. This Cutting-Edge Application Lets You Access A Wide Array Of Channels, On-Demand Content, And Live Broadcasts, All From The Comfort Of Your Device.
Simple Installation, Endless Entertainment
Downloading And Installing IPTV Smarters Pro Is A Breeze. It’s Compatible With Various Platforms, Making It Accessible To A Broad Audience. Whether You’re Using An Android Device, IOS, Or Even A Smart TV, This Application Has You Covered.
A User-Friendly Interface
Navigating Through The World Of IPTV Has Never Been Easier. IPTV Smarters Pro Boasts A User-Friendly Interface That Simplifies Your Viewing Experience. It’s Designed With Your Convenience In Mind, Ensuring That You Can Easily Find And Enjoy Your Favorite Content.
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Personalization Is Key, And IPTV Smarters Pro Understands That. The Application Allows You To Create A Tailor-Made Channel Lineup, Ensuring That You Only See What You Love. Say Goodbye To Channel-Surfing; It’s All About You.
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FAQ Section
1. How Do I Subscribe To IPTV Smarters Pro?
You Can Subscribe To IPTV Smarters Pro Through Your Chosen Service Provider. Visit Their Website And Follow The Subscription Process.
2. Can I Use It Outside My Home Country?
Yes, You Can Use It From Anywhere In The World, Provided You Have A Stable Internet Connection.
3. What Kind Of Content Can I Access ?
IPTV Smarters Pro Offers A Wide Range Of Content, Including Live TV, Sports, Movies, And On-Demand Shows.
Now, Take Your Entertainment Experience To The Next Level By Downloading IPTV Smarters Pro. Say Hello To A World Of Unlimited Possibilities And Convenient Entertainment At Your Fingertips.
“Disclaimer: No Channels Are Included In The Application. Application Developers Are Not Responsible For The Content Uploaded To It. To Add Content, Please Visit Https://Cheap-Iptv.Co.Uk .”
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computeronrent · 2 years
Advantages and disadvantages of 5G
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5G technology or fifth generation technology offers many features for mobile networks. It is useful for government, students, businesses and professionals. It is a new mobile network designed to connect everyone and everything. It is the new standard in global wireless networks after 1G to 4G. It offers high multi-Gbps data speeds, low latency, large network capacity, and a flexible user experience. As this new technology is deployed, 5G technology should create many new applications.
5G technology features in brief. Speed ​​up to 10 Gbits.
Great app
100 times more device connections
Fast response time
Waste of time
Another software option to upgrade. Great potential
With the proliferation of digital around the world, when live streaming and games, sports, news, movie reviews, social media, etc., the transfer of large amounts of data from one host to another and the Internet of Things (IoT) spurred the development of mobile phone standards. .
However, the 5G technology network has not yet reached its potential because the existing devices and infrastructure are not yet ready to support the 5G technology network. Those who have tested the 5G technology network using it with built-in 4G devices in this application are also called non-stationary 5G technology networks. The full potential of 5G technology will only be realized when independent networks, compatible devices and better communication tower technologies become available.
Advantages of 5G technology
Transfer data faster
The previous generation 4G LTE technology used bands below 3 GHz but in comparison, 5G technology uses bandwidth from 6 GHz in length to 24 GHz. However, it is important to note that 5G technology coverage also requires a base station and a broadcast tower compared to a 4G data network.
Improved network
5G networks are more flexible as they work with different customers, services and market segments. It divides its network in such a way that it will adapt to the needs of the users. It is based on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is also called a "network fragment". This provides high data rates, low power consumption, and reliable low latency.
Moving Beamforming
Moving Beamforming refers to a radio signal processing technique that allows for the transmission or reception of a directional network, unlike a passive antenna that beams the signal randomly in all directions. 4G networks also use beamforming to some capacity, but in a growing sense.
Benefits for companies and businesses
It provides improved machine-to-machine communication for automation, real-time communication and guaranteed network availability, digitization of healthcare and agricultural industries.
Benefits for consumers
It provides fast download and download times when you are streaming users. Stable connection to mobile communications, low response time for online or cloud gaming, virtual reality, high quality live TV and 4K video telephony.
A more secure network
5G technology networks offer more security than previous generation networks. It supports protection against data loss, data corruption and theft. The exchange of sensitive and private customer data, such as hospital patient reports, customer data and student information at universities, is more secure in the 5G technology network.
Disadvantages of 5G
Limit coverage
The 5G technology network is a new technology, it requires a large network of ports and transmission towers worldwide, which requires a lot of time, testing, testing and setting up 5G technology towers.
Reduces durability
If the experts are to be believed, the non-standard 5G technology network undermines the performance of 4G network devices. Although a few manufacturers have started to produce 5G technology network devices, R & D believes that due to high data transmission in the largest network, the longevity or service life of mobile phones and other devices will be compromised.
Involvement in aviation
In January, Air India cancled several flights to the United States because they were rolling out 5G technology services in the country. This is a major setback of 5G technology in India as airlines have suffered losses due to ongoing 5G technology deployment projects. It can also be a hindrance in the future if not dealt with quickly. Internet Security Threats
Although the 5G technology network is said to help improve cybersecurity, it also has its limitations as it encourages cloud computing and exposes more data to risk. of hacking due to its lack of privacy and ease of access to network networks. on the other hand. hands
5G technologyin India
India officially launched its 5G technology network in October this year at an event held in New Delhi. Airtel and Jio have started rolling out 5G technology data plans in select state. However, Vodafone Idea is not planning to launch it in the near future.
In case of Airtel, they are currently placed in Tier I to Tier 8 countries. Jio has launched 5G technology services in limited areas. Many telecom operators are also of the opinion that pan-India 5G technology network coverage will take a few years. Jio recently announced after the 5G technology beta test that no SIM card is required to operate Jio's 5G technology network. However, Vodafone Idea has not yet announced its 5G technology network.
The health risks of 5G technology and the disadvantages of 5G technology for the environment
The International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has stated that increasing radio frequencies above 6 GHz may have biological and health effects. The 5G technology network will increase the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the environment, causing a greater risk of cancer. With the lack of power of 5G technology network devices, there will also be an increase in the collection of electronic waste. The electric current from the cell tower exposed sparrows and other birds to increased egg production and nesting behavior. High rates of energy consumption have also contributed to global warming.
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hoisolutions · 2 years
Raleigh C-Suite Leaders: Step-by-Step Guide for Custom Software Development in 2023
Do you prefer custom software development or an off-the-shelf application?
This decision is often difficult for business leaders.
Software developers in Raleigh can vouch for bespoke software's benefits in meeting local businesses' needs. Businesses will have many options for custom software development by 2023; it would not be too bold to assert.
Why do Raleigh businesses need "custom" software?
What exactly is "custom" software? And why should businesses choose it? Off-the-shelf software can be a pre-made solution readily available on the market. Custom software, also known as bespoke software, is a customized version created to address specific business problems.
The bottom line is that customized solutions can be tailored to meet your business's needs. This prism can be used to examine how custom software is changing mindsets in emerging tech hubs like Raleigh.
North Carolina companies have seen a remarkable increase in the use of technology to address their users' needs. With its strong connections to the Research Triangle, Raleigh is becoming a significant city for startups in tech. Therefore, increasing and modernizing the process and embracing digital change in North Carolina and the Triangle is imperative.
Making the right decision
It is crucial to make the right decision regarding business software. It is crucial to make the right decision about whether you want to buy or build software. A correct choice could result in saving time, money, and productivity.
There has been a significant increase in requests for custom software development services. Raleigh is seeing a rise in homegrown businesses looking for skilled software developers. Many companies choose bespoke software development.
This is a guaranteed way to choose between building and buying apps. Ask:
Are my business doing things differently than others?
Are you interested in digitizing products and processes?
Are the digital solutions that are available today scalable?
These questions will help you select the best solutions. As we have said, bespoke solutions are preferred by businesses.
Raleigh is growing, and so will the need for custom software developers. As C-suite executives, you can help your business with innovative and unique custom solutions.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain a competitive edge. Using bespoke software can also increase ROI, improve your business performance, and provide excellent customer service.
The C-Suite Executive's Guide To Developing Custom Software
Why is it that people like to customize sports cars? You can update the dashboard leather and seat covers. It sounds fantastic, right? People customize their cars for a personal touch and a feeling of belonging.
What is driving the shift towards custom application development? Because you want your brand to be unique and authentic to your business vision and values, this is why custom application development is a growing trend. Although many ready-made solutions exist, personalization can increase customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.
As a C-suite leader, you should be able to develop custom software. This awareness can drive a shift in the mindset of the entire organization. It can also help you to see the positive effects on the bottom line if it is rooted in your business strategy.
These insights will help you stand out from the rest regarding custom software development.
Set clear business goals. Clarity can be a key to getting everyone on the same page regarding the business opportunity.
Why is it worth the investment?
Why is the software necessary? What can technology do to increase profits? As this will help you achieve actual business goals, it is crucial to set clear objectives.
Define and establish the requirements specifications for software (SRS strong>
When the technical, functional, and functional requirements are complete, it is simple to determine what the software must accomplish to achieve the business objectives.
Other operational requirements should be identified.
Create a list of all operational requirements necessary to achieve the business goals. This list could include organizational changes, training needs, process improvements, marketing strategies and more.
Choose an expert Chief Technology Officer (CTO strong>
It's great to have a technical leader who can help you understand the pros and cons of each aspect. Having an expert leader who can guide you through the technical aspects is also helpful.
Choose standard products and tools
It can help you find developers and support groups for your unique digital solutions. It can also help you stick with existing products and methods.
Consider outsourcing.
This is a great way to reduce costs and risk, and you can also benefit from offshore rates. Consider weighing your in-house talent against the offshore developer's capabilities.
Look at past work, client reviews, sample works, and other information to help you decide if the resource would be a good fit for your organization's values. Make wise choices.
All legal formalities must be completed.
You should review the legal aspects of licensing and fixed-price payments. You can also learn who has data and other knowledge by licensing tools and frameworks.
Be agile
Agile development is a faster way to create software. It also minimizes risks before you even start. To ensure that everyone can contribute fully, ensure they are all on the same page about the management approach.
Concentrate on the minimum viable product (MVP strong>
You can use the MVP to assess whether your digital solution works quickly. You can also consider alternative solutions and upgrades.
Test, test and more tests.
It is essential to conduct thorough and systematic testing on your product/application before you make it live.
Testing is crucial, as it can avoid technical problems and provide seamless user experiences.
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Sally Ride (1951-2012) First American Women in Space
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On May 26, 1951, in Los Angeles, California, Sally Ride was born to Carol Joyce Anderson and Dale Burdell Ride. She was raised in Encino, a suburb of Los Angeles, and demonstrated an early interest in science and sports. Ride excelled academically, particularly in mathematics and physics, and graduated from Westlake School for Girls in 1968. She then attended Stanford University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in physics in 1973 and a master's degree in 1975. She accomplished many things throughout her adult life as she was an astronaut, physicist, and educator.
 In 1978, Sally Ride responded to a NASA newspaper advertisement seeking applicants for the astronaut program. Out of over 8,000 applicants, she was one of six women selected to join NASA's astronaut class, known as Astronaut Group 8. On June 18, 1983, Ride became the first American woman to travel to space when she flew aboard the space shuttle Challenger as a mission specialist for STS-7. She later embarked on another spaceflight, STS-41-G, in October 1984. During her time at NASA, Ride served as a capsule communicator (CAPCOM), providing ground-based support and communication with astronauts during missions. She also worked on the development of the space shuttle's robotic arm, known as the Canadarm. After leaving NASA in 1987, Ride pursued her passion for science education and became a professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego. She focused on studying astrophysics and the interaction of energy and matter in the universe. Her work's legacy has changed many things for women and education in America. Breaking gender barriers, Sally Ride's accomplishments as the first American woman in space challenged gender norms and inspired generations of young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Her achievements demonstrated that women could excel in traditionally male-dominated fields and opened doors for future female astronauts and scientists. Sally also created educational initiatives recognizing the importance of science education, Ride co-founded Sally Ride Science in 2001. This organization aimed to inspire young students, particularly girls, to pursue STEM education and careers. Through science festivals, summer camps, and classroom programs, Sally Ride Science reached thousands of students, encouraging them to explore the wonders of science. Sally Ride received numerous accolades for her contributions to science and education. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame and the Astronaut Hall of Fame. Ride also received the NASA Space Flight Medal and the Jefferson Award for Public Service, among other honors.
Her pioneering spirit and dedication to scientific research continue to influence space exploration. Sally's contributions to the space shuttle program and her work in the field of astrophysics have advanced our understanding of the universe. Her legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in scientific endeavors. Sally Ride's remarkable achievements as an astronaut, physicist, and educator not only made her a trailblazer for women in space but also left an indelible mark on the fields of science and education. Her legacy continues to inspire future generations to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams, regardless of gender or societal expectations.
For more information on Sally Ride:
Time Log: 00:45:36
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a-weeping-angel-just · 7 months
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Unveiling the Best Streaming Websites for Latest Sports Movie Updates
If you are a sports movie enthusiast like me, you probably can't wait to get your hands on the latest updates and sources on this exciting genre. Luckily, there are various blogging platforms and streaming websites that provide a wealth of information on the latest sports movies. Let's dive into some of the best platforms to satisfy your sports movie cravings!
IMDb (Internet Movie Database): IMDb is a go-to platform for all movie enthusiasts. It provides comprehensive information about movies, including sports movies. You can find details about release dates, cast and crew, ratings, reviews, and much more. IMDb also offers discussion boards where users can share their thoughts and recommendations on sports movies.
XMLTV Host: If you are planning to subscribe to a service that uses an XMLTV format, xmltv.host is compatible with any service with an on-screen guide of scheduled broadcast programming television programs that offer €0.01 (one cent) per month for every channel. XMLTV Host is an Electronic Program Guide, providing detailed descriptions of data for IPTV users and IPTV providers, with nearly 8000 TV channels from more than 110 countries. If you are looking for a service that offers relevant information on the actual and upcoming programs for your favorite TV Channels directly on your TV screen, XMLTV Host is the best choice for you.
Rotten Tomatoes: Rotten Tomatoes is known for its aggregated movie reviews. It provides a fresh perspective on the latest sports movies by compiling reviews from critics and audiences alike. You can get an overall score to gauge the quality of a movie and read individual reviews to get a deeper understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.
Sports-focused Blogs: There are several sports-focused blogs dedicated to covering the latest news, updates, and reviews in the world of sports movies. Some popular blogs include Sports Illustrated, ESPN, Bleacher Report, and Sporting News. These blogs often feature articles, interviews with actors/directors, behind-the-scenes insights, and recommendations for must-watch sports movies.
Streaming Platforms: When it comes to streaming websites, there are a few that specifically cater to sports movies:
Netflix: Netflix offers a vast library of movies, including a dedicated section for sports movies. You can find classics like "Rocky" or "Remember the Titans," as well as newer releases like "Ford v Ferrari" or "Creed." Netflix also suggests personalized recommendations based on your viewing history.
Amazon Prime Video: Amazon Prime Video has an extensive collection of sports movies available for streaming. From inspirational tales like "Miracle" to adrenaline-pumping documentaries like "Senna," you'll find a wide variety of options here.
Hulu: Hulu also features a selection of sports movies in its catalog. While it may not have as vast a collection as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, it still offers some notable titles worth checking out.
In addition to these platforms, don't forget to follow your favorite sports movie actors, directors, and production companies on social media platforms like Reddit and Instagram. They often share updates, behind-the-scenes photos/videos, and news about upcoming projects.
When it comes to the latest technological advancements in sports movies and mobile development applications, you may want to explore specialized tech blogs like TechCrunch or Mashable. These platforms cover a wide range of technology-related topics, including advancements in mobile development applications for sports movies.
Overall, with the help of these blogging platforms and streaming websites, you can stay up-to-date with the latest sports movie releases, reviews, news, and technological advancements in this exciting genre. Happy watching!
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