#spoon on a string
lovelylotusf1 · 4 months
Magnetism - a carcar poem
A magnetic field is made of vectors that have both a direction and a magnitude.
That burning feeling clawing at your chest. Is it directed at me? Can you feel its strength?
Tell me.
Do you hate me? Do you love me? Are you jealous?
We are magnets, you and I. Sometimes double negatives. Mostly polar-opposites. But magnets nonetheless.
When you go left, I go right.
When you go right, I go left.
When I try to follow you, we collide. It's only natural.
Sometimes I think I can grasp you. Can see you for who you are. Then you repel me and we're back to square one.
But I don't blame you. I never did.
Even when the pull gets so strong we can no longer breathe each other’s air, I am drawn towards you. And you are drawn towards me.
Cause we are magnets, you and I.
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roseverdict · 10 months
don't cry. pour a small-seeming serving of any pasta noodle you'd like in a deep microwave-safe bowl, just barely cover the noodles with water, microwave for roughly 2 minutes 30 seconds, stir, microwave for 2 more minutes, carefully drain the pasta water from the pasta, liberally mix shredded non-mozzarella cheese into the hot noodles, and pour small amounts of milk in (maaaybe a school milk carton's worth or two at most) to taste and to make it creamier, okay?
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gemkun · 6 months
it has been brought to my special attention by @duelmarks that there is no ratio on a string aka bookworm on a string and this should be resolved so who has a pencil or pen and loves me enough to draw it
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phantomrush · 1 month
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switch screenshots are so jpegged and crusty but my beautiful splatoon locker + splashtag combo before i decide to rearrange the locker
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c-schroed · 2 months
The Neath's Mysteries: Under Construction
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Hey, since when is my fav social action Impossible! to perform?
I hope it'll be back soon.
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fructidors · 10 months
hate hate hate that harp is seen as a traditionally "feminine" instrument. this is the energy i'm channeling
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greghatecrimes · 1 year
Tomorrow's goal: a couple hundred words of ITD before hell shift two of four
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Sleep Token fans (of which I am included)!
Let's look at something interesting today! No new pictures, but we'll probably get those tomorrow and Saturday!
No, no, let's look at something really, really interesting that I'm sure we can allllll relate to!
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I am sure we all saw this and still all see it.
Now, we have five (5) days left in July! Five! This hasn't changed, nor have I received an email about any updates on this! But what I have received is a lot of, really, nothing from them!
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Now, I know what you're thinking. Well, isn't Trustpilot open to all? There's no moderation, so maybe, oh, not trustworthy (there's a pun there, but I'm too sleepy) or something. But, with consistent reviews, like these...(and many more in the link above to look through on your own)
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You can't help but wonder!
So, yeah, maybe a shit company for consumers. Especially with policies like this: "We hold NO RESPONSIBILITY for MAGAZINES that may be damaged, confiscated, or not delivered. All sales are final, if shipped."
Because isn't THAT fun. But the keywords there are "IF shipped".
Oh, and Terms of Service, silly me, why didn't I just read the "We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk. [...] We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site."
You know, gosh, I should have expected that! Why not just lie then and say "Coming Soon" like new movies on DVDs! At least then I'd have lower expectations than I have now, which are, in fact, at the bottom of the ocean!
"We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that your use of our service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free."
I mean, wow, no shit, I would have never guessed!
So, anyway, do I have a solution? Nope, I'm still at the level of creative violence that we all know and love! Their customer service is known to be shit, but below, I've listed it along with their Twitter and Instagram.
Revolver Shop Customer Service
Revolver Magazine Twitter
Revolver Magazine Instagram
Overall, shitty company! I hope this isn't just a scam or the wait is over a year. I hope we get our magazine and the other variant or whatever you purchased without it being of terrible quality or actually torn up in transit within the next month or at least recieve some form of update, especially if you or a loved one spent money on those bundles, you may be entitled to a little bit of anger!
But, anyway, I'm angry, it's 7 in the morning, and my crow brain kind of just, ya know, realized it's almost the end of July.
Fuck Revolver Magazine.
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staliaz · 1 year
one thing about stalia is they have the most scenes together, meaningful and beautiful (romantically wise) so we are never gonna run out if scenes to edit bc there are always so many and i notice editors don’t use a lot more i love as well like they’re just soulmates ong.
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thisperfectmonsoon · 1 year
The highlight of my day is coming on here and seeing your blog on my dash. Rather if it's a selfie, just your horny tags, or whatever you reblog. I always enjoy seeing you on here.
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lil-vibes · 1 year
very specific skk cuddling headcanons in my head.... spinning... weaving themselves with two (2) also Very Specific dazai scars headcanons .. mixing....
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wiseseamonster · 11 months
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werebutch · 1 year
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therandomfandomme · 3 months
I've moved and today i did my display closets and i really love how this one turned on, it's my cooky knickknacks shelf:
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swampndn · 8 months
Hot damn, I will never get over all the things I can do as an adult. Yesterday I decided to buy a veggie tray like for parties because I want to have vegetables on hand to grab and go, but living alone (and with this ADHD) I never go through an entire bag and they always rot (plus with the ADHD the cleaning and prep for them is always something I don't want to do, so I don't, and again, they go bad).
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izzy-b-hands · 9 months
i thought writing up the stupidly realistic dream i had would make me feel better abt it not being real. it both did and didn't and I've been telling myself to get my laptop open and start getting some shit done but. i keep thinking abt it. this stupid fuckin dream lmao
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