#spoiler: of course Leah gets a happy ending in this story though.
since0202 · 2 years
I know it’s not gonna happen but keye being Leah imprint would be iconic
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Bestie, I am LOVING this take!
I mean, I read this and started screaming/crying/throwing up because that is so..god damn...SWEET.
But, ya girl loves angst soooooo....it's not that. Unfortunately. Tragically.
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taletheoldcrowtold · 4 months
Pride - 2024: Day 3
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Movie: Love, Simon
Made: 2018 – Set In: 2018
Starring: Nick Robinson, Keiynan Lonsdale, Katherine Langford, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner, Alexandra Shipp, Jorge Landeborg, Logan Miller, Talitha Bateman.
Rated PG-13 for: Thematic elements, sexual references, language and teen partying
A young adult rom-com about a teenager named Simon whose life is like any other teenager’s except he has a big secret.
Love, Simon is a light-hearted and feel-good moving that shows how being a gay teen can be hard when you fear teasing, judgment and hate. Simon doesn’t want to hurt anyone and just wants to feel open but through the course of the movie, he ends up making a big mess trying to keep himself from being seen by the judgmental kids in his school.
Spoilers under Keep Reading Line
No one dies in this and Simon and Bram get together. Though there might be some places of second-hand embarrassment.
As a young adult movie, it has a lot of high school, which I never went to but frankly, I don’t feel like I missed much. The pressure of being seen as ‘normal’ and not being teased or treated different keeps Simon from coming out. What I like about the movie is it isn’t just a coming out as gay story, but a coming out as yourself story. I never felt like being gay was such a big thing that people needed to say ‘I’m still me’. Of course they are still them. It isn’t like you become a totally different person when you come out. But I understand the fear of not wanting to be judged or being treated different. Especially when family is involved. I really love the part where Simon wonders why it’s just gay people who have to come out and then it showing his straight friends coming out as heterosexual and their families reacting like how parents would if their child was gay. But Love, Simon shows a brighter side of it all. It isn’t all so bleak. Simon’s friends and family accept him and he ends up with the boy he’s crushing on. Though I hated the moments that gave me second-hand embarrassment, it’s easier to handle when you know it ends okay. I could barely stand the vice-principle (and all I saw was Buster from Arrested Development) but he isn’t in it too much, at least. I can understand why Simon does some of the things he does but he does do some shitty things to his friends to keep his secret. And I don’t think Martin was a terrible guy (I actually kind of chuckled with his Halloween costume) but he’s a socially awkward teenage boy who wants a girl because she’s cool and pretty and not because they have things in common and it makes him do a really, really terrible thing. I was happy to see it all work out in the end and his scenes with his parents after he’s come out to them gets me a little emotional. It’s always good to see accepting parents. I feel like more movies should be like this, showing the positive and supportive instead of always shoving sad, hateful and harmful moments at us. It’s also good to see the less sexual side of it all, as it is very hard to find movies in the queer genre that aren’t overly sexualized. It’s innocent and sweet and encouraging. Love, Simon says to love yourself and be who you are. And that people will love and accept you.
Mom’s Thoughts: Simon has been best friends with Leah since they were in kindergarten together. Other close friends are Nick, who he has known about as long as Leah; Abby, who is new to their school their senior year; and Bram, who joins the group pretty often. When Simon answers Blue’s post on social media about feeling a bit lost and like he’s different than everyone else, Simon gets hints about who this person might be as they share thoughts through emails. Like any other teenager, Simon is curious who the person might be and whether he could possibly know him. He imagines him being different people he runs into and knows in school and at different places he goes. As teenagers often are, Simon is unsure about telling his friends he’s gay because he doesn’t want his relationship with his friends to change and is afraid it might if he “comes out” to them. He’s also hesitant how his family will react—one evening when his family settles down to watch a movie, his father makes uncomplimentary comments about someone being gay. Naturally, Simon doesn’t want the possibility of his family thinking less of him because he’s gay. When Martin (a boy in his class) accidentally sees Simon’s emails and threatens to out Simon unless he helps Martin woo Abby, Simon feels forced into lying to his friends. It all comes to a head when encouraged by Simon, Martin asks Abby out at Homecoming and Abby rejects him. Martin blames Simon and tells the school Simon is gay and Simon’s friends learn Simon has been lying to them. And Simon’s family learns his secret, too. For a while it looks as though all is lost, but Simon apologizes to his friends and Martin redeems himself by helping Simon connect to the boy he has fallen for. It’s a feel-good movie, full of teenage angst and uncertainty, with a happy ending. One of the things I liked about the movie is the positive reaction and support from Simon’s friends after he apologizes and his family’s support and show of love. Also I liked that Simon stood up for himself with bullies at the school, and told Martin it was Simon’s decision of when to come out, not Martin’s, and Martin took that away from him. Simon showed emotional maturity doing these.
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my-mt-heart · 4 years
I wasn’t expecting the early reviews to contain heavy spoilers, but since they’re out now, I have a few thoughts on 10x18. You can read Julian’s full article here. 
“The opening between Daryl, Carol, and Dog is one of the best openings to any Walking Dead episodes I have seen within the last few years since “A New Beginning.” I thought it was charming, light-hearted, and warm to see them all in a care free spirit. Any fan of The Walking Dead will love that scene.”
Seems like the purpose of this scene is to not only give us a glimpse of what the spinoff will look like, but to remind us of the end goal for Carol and Daryl. They are going to find their happy place with each other eventually, but there’s a storm to get through first. 
“Dog is also in these flashbacks and the original owner of Dog is Leah. In fact, Leah is the one that gave Dog the name “Dog” and I thought that Daryl was the one who named him.”
I too am a little surprised, maybe even a bit disappointed, that Leah is the one who names Dog. Seems more characteristic of Daryl, no? 
“I think that Leah was just thrown in for the sake of expanding Daryl’s five year journey. When they first met, she was about to kill him. And in due time, it becomes a will they/won’t they situation to be together. Daryl told Carol that he told her about Leah a while back, but Carol did not know the full story until now. This did upset Carol as she found more pieces to the puzzle such as a note Daryl left for Leah, and some of her belongings that she found.”
A lot to unpack here. First of all, Leah’s introduction does sound very contrived as most of us expected it to be, and I’m glad Julian agrees. I’m choosing to believe that is intentional. 
On one hand, a will they/won’t they situation over the course of time (it doesn’t sound like they were together for five years) is very reminiscent of Carol and Daryl, and I wonder if Leah and Daryl are meant to mirror them. On the other hand, perhaps this is meant to show Daryl’s reluctance to get into this relationship because something is holding him back (more on that later). 
If I’m interpreting this correctly, Daryl did not tell Carol about the full extent of his relationship with Leah despite having several opportunities to, which I find very telling. I’m wondering if Carol is upset because Daryl never told her or if she’s sad/jealous that Daryl wanted to leave with Leah. 
The one thing that’s been bothering me about this entire storyline, the one detail that makes me question what I know about Daryl’s character, that makes the difference between a believable or faulty episode is that damn note. It seems like he really did leave it for Leah, and I know it supposedly happens after Carol tells him she can’t visit anymore, but nonetheless, it doesn’t sit well with me that Daryl would ultimately choose Leah. What leg does he have to stand on when he’s telling her “he knows where he belongs,” the implication of that being that he is dedicated to Team Family, if he almost left them for good? I know I’m just going to have to watch the episode before I make any final judgements, but...sigh. 
“But unfortunately, Leah gives Daryl the ultimatum to be with her or not. She decided to not wait as she left Daryl. But it was not all about Leah and Daryl in these flashbacks as Daryl and Carol also meet up several times during that time. Carol was still with Ezekiel, and Henry was still alive during this time. She updates Daryl about Michonne, and what is going on with the communities.”
It seems like we’re getting more Daryl and Carol flashbacks then I thought we would, which is just more evidence to me that this is supposed to be their story. They are the throughline. Leah is the plot device testing Daryl’s loyalty, and to be clear, I’m not blaming Daryl for his choice necessarily. I get that he is super lonely and losing Carol and all that jazz. For me though, it just opens up too many questions about who Daryl is at his core that I suppose will have to be explored more in S11. Ugh. On the bright side, it seems very obvious now that Carol is the one thing preventing him from fully committing to Leah. So there’s that. 
“This was raw and emotional as real life couples or best friends argue like this from time to time. You can feel it when it comes out of their mouths and it is one of the most heartbreaking conversations in the history of The Walking Dead.”
Once again, the emotional journey we are tracking here is Carol’s and Daryl’s, and Julian comparing them to real life couples is very interesting, hopefully hinting that their argument will be romantically coded. 
Even with all this new info, I still feel like we are missing a lot of context that could put everything into perspective. The wait for this episode is going to drive me crazy. 
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superleeleehipster · 4 years
Theories on Season 11
Hey! So, as I’m sure you all are very aware, Find Me is out, and I can honestly say that I’m somewhat relieved it did. I was tired of all the theories and anxieties I was feeling about it. At least now we know what we’re working with officially.
I don’t want to make a review, as most blogs have already done their own. For this post, I’m going to jot down some theories on what Leah’s role will be in Season 11. Some of these theories I’ve thought of and others I’ve seen from other bloggers, but I just wanted to get my thoughts down. 
Of course, it’s just my opinion, and if you don’t agree, that’s perfectly fine.
Spoilers and theories under the cut... 
So is everyone ok after 10x18? Yes? No? No worries on whatever your answer is; your emotions are valid.
Anyways, even though the episode was a bit painful to watch as Caryl shippers, I really don’t think it sunk the Caryl ship. If anything, the subtle (not really) parallels between Caryl and Daryl and Leah just showed that Caryl could very possibly happen despite all the naysayers saying they could never sleep together. 
Also, can I say that the whole fish scene was freaking hilarious.
But I digress... I have a few predictions on how Leah’s going to fit into the storyline for season 11. I might hit the nail on the head, or I might be so off that I break my thumb instead, but that’s ok. It’s what makes it fun.
1) I’ve made this first part into a group of theories instead of just one. These are theories that I’ve heard about or read, but I really don’t think are going to happen. They’re just interesting enough for me to list them, but they’re unlikely in my opinion:
- Leah is in Season 11 but in flashbacks - I don’t think they would go this route, because it would be even lazier writing than what we’ve gotten, and it would be more interesting to have her in person instead of being in flashbacks. If they went that way, it would be incredibly obvious that she is a plotpoint for Daryl and that’s it, and that’s pretty crappy writing even for TWD.
- Leah is in Season 11 but she isn’t real - Now this one is an interesting concept admittedly. What if Daryl was in such a crappy mood in the woods, and is thirsting for companionship, so he makes someone up in his head that is pretty similar to Carol, but doesn’t look like her b/c he wouldn’t want to be that kind of creepy friend. Then in Season 11, the viewer realizes one way or another that she was made up, that he made her up in his head to help with his woes, but now that he’s better and with Carol he doesn’t need her anymore. Really neat theory from a mentality standpoint, but I highly doubt that’s where the writers would go.
- Leah is in Season 11, but she dies - I know some folks have said this before, and I get it. Some of us are so done with the drama, we’re just thinking the worst case scenario at this point. What if Leah comes back and Daryl’s all happy and thinks that he’ll spend the rest of his life with her but then Leah dies somehow and he decides to go on a roadtrip with Carol to help with his man pain. I know some peeps feel like that would happen, but in my opinion, I really don’t think so. Angela Kang does have a lot of respect for Daryl and Carol (I know we don’t feel that way right now b/c of 10x18 but bear with me), as she’s said that this is about their story and their journey I really don’t think she would have the story go as low and as misogynistic as that. I honestly don’t.
Now these next two theories are the ones that I believe have a much higher chance of happening in season 11:
2). Leah is in Season 11, and is a part of the new antagonist group (Reapers) - So it wouldn’t be a season of the walking dead without some sort of antagonist being around. The Reapers have already made their presence known with the first extra episode, and I’m sure is going to cause issues throughout the season. An interesting theory that I’m a fan of that people have thought up already is that Leah is part of the Reapers. Whether she’s the leader or one of the followers, it doesn’t really matter, for she’s still a plot device for Daryl. 
The current fantasy I’m having is that Leah comes back and tries to get close to Daryl, which Daryl isn’t necessarily against but is still wary. But then Carol notices things about Leah and catches her doing stuff and she’s like “wtf?” and she tells Daryl her concerns but he brushes her off because he doesn’t trust her judgment very much right now. Most ASZ peeps think Leah is a good person but Carol’s like “mehhh something’s off”. Then the reveal happens where Leah is a double agent of sorts and betrays them all by having the Reapers infiltrating Alexandria or some crazy shit like that. Then it looks like she kills Carol in some way and Daryl’s absolutely gut wrenched because his Carol just died at the hands of his crazy ex girlfriend that he believed more than his best friend and what the fuck is wrong with him?? But then Carol comes back and butchers the Reapers cause she’s a goddamn queen and Daryl looks at her like she could fart fairy dust and gives the biggest smile we’ve ever seen him give on the show. Then he hugs her fiercely and starts sobbing, telling her how sorry he was and how relieved he was at her being alive and... same old story that’s happened on MULTIPLE occasions with other shows and books.
Now considering how Leah is made out to be in 10x18, I would say this theory is ‘less likely’ than what I thought it would be originally, but there’s still a decent chance. I don’t think Leah’s a cold blooded/narcissist, but it’s possible she could get roped up with the Reapers... and lets face it, Daryl isn’t the same person from who he was in the woods, so there’s a good chance she won’t be either when she comes back.
3). Leah is in Season 11, and pushes for a relationship with Daryl - Admittedly, this one would hurt to watch, but I think it’s a fair possibility we can’t rule out. Daryl is arguably at a better headspace now than he was way back when in the woods, and he knows he belongs with his family. But then Leah shows up and wants to start things over with him, and it could go multiple ways. He could realize right away that he doesn’t want that, and maybe he and Leah both get closer together. Or maybe he will give it a try for old times sake, but then he realizes that she’s not the person she was, or whom he thought she was, and they’re not actually a good pairing, and then he realizes “you know who I really want? That grey haired queen”... it would probably more emotional than that though.
I mean, we’ve all been there. We break up from a long term partner and it hurts like hell but we heal and we’re stronger for it. But then the ex comes back and is wanting to be with you again, and you’re at the very least tempted to give it a go b/c you were happy with them at one point. But then you’re with them and you realize that maybe this wasn’t a good idea, and maybe you should’ve listened to your goddamn gut all along b/c it was warning you that there’s a reason why it didn’t work out the first time.
Arguably, this theory would be more satisfying than the last one, because it would be Daryl who would choose who he would want to be with in the end. Think about it. We were initially bummed that Ezekiel wasn’t going to get his comic death in season 9 (and of course we were pissed about Henry), but then it turned out for the better because Carol willingly chose to leave him instead of being forced out of the relationship via death. So for Daryl to choose Carol over Leah in the end would be incredibly satisfying, albeit looooong overdue...
I still very much think Caryl is endgame despite the tough road we’re facing. I know folks are taking this last hurdle really hard because it’s been ingrained in our heads that Daryl is a “one woman kind of guy”, but... maybe that’s still the case. Maybe his heart is a “one woman kind of organ”, but Daryl’s been able to move past his traumas enough to be physical with more than one person. At least that’s how I’m seeing things at the moment. Obviously, it’s not good taste to go completely backwards on what is “known” about a character and assume that the audience would catch on as to why it would happen (like how Daryl reading the “children of abuse” book was never addressed in the show, but we’re having to assume he did b/c Norman said he did). Hoping the audience assumes the things that the writers are thinking of has always been an ongoing issue with TWD, so this whole shindig wasn’t necessarily surprising to me.
Anyways, that’s my two cents on things. I still think they’ll happen, and I still trust Kang. I’m just thinking of this as just the angsty part of a fanfic that I love and adore, and I just have to grit my teeth and wait for the author to finish writing the next chapter before hauling ass to my computer to see the update and breaking my desktop in the process. We’ll get to the healing part, I promise.
And if the spin is anything like the playful banter between them in this episode (albeit more mutual and fun), then sign me the fuck up and let me be a voyeur in their passionate travels.
Cheers my loves! 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
More Spoilers!
All right. I have lots to talk about and probably won’t be able to get it all into this post. But everything I’m going to say here is about spoilers for episodes 10x17 and 10x18. As always, let’s remember that we always have to take spoilers with a grain of salt because, while they’re probably mostly true, some of the details might not be. 
***So if you don’t want to read spoilers, stop reading now! You’ve been warned!***
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Yup! This is true. Check it out below:
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Okay, let’s unpack this. First of all, we’ve been told Beth would be mentioned, but not by name. I’m seeing two different places from the above spoilers where she’s mentioned, but not by name. First, Daryl’s “some people are just gone” line. Yes, he’s talking about looking for Connie. But she’s been a Beth proxy since she showed up. And of course the “just gone” line is a direct callback to what Daryl said to Rick back in 4x16, which WAS directly about Beth. 
It also occurred to me more recently how interesting it is that that conversation (in 4x16) happened between Daryl and Rick, rather than Daryl and Maggie or Michonne or anyone else. I mean, many seasons later, Rick was “just gone” too and we believe he and Beth are in (mostly) the same place now. So it was a foreshadowing. Annnnnddd once again we KNOW Rick is alive.
Searching for people has been a theme for Daryl since Sophia in S2, so from a symbolic standpoint, this “just gone” line is freaking huge!
Second, there’s Maggie and Kelly’s convo where Kelly asks if Maggie is a big sister. I’m kind of thinking this is the reference that first reviewer referred to. It doesn’t sound like they mention Beth by name, but it’s definitely a reference to Maggie’s younger sister.
But then we get this bit about Daryl and Maggie’s convo. We have two different references to Beth there. First, Maggie telling Hershel, Jr stories about her (and Hershel and the rest of the family). 
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And then Maggie saying that after Beth’s death, she and Glenn talked about going to the ocean. 
Now, let me put a disclaimer here that it’s possible neither of these references will actually use Beth’s name in the episode. It’s possible the reviewers/spoilers just wrote it up this way for ease of explanation. 
But even if they don’t actually say her name, these references sound really specific. It mentions stories about Shawn, Beth and Hershel. Why not just say “my family.” There must have been something particular (a name or something else) that made the reviewer mention these names. And as for the “after Beth’s death” thing (I’d be surprised if she actually uses the word “death” but that remains to be seen), what else is Maggie going to say? After we left Atlanta? After Grady? No matter what it is, it’s still a reference to Coda and what happened to Beth. 
So guys, we have not one but FOUR different references to Beth in one episode. 
Third, it strikes me how MANY sister references we have. Obviously the ones about Beth I covered above. Then there’s Connie and Kelly, and even Elijah who apparently lost a sister. So....what? Now EVERY character has lost a sister and everyone decides to mention it in the same episode? Come on! No way this is accidental. 
And, I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. Because these are bonus episodes and somewhat outside the usual structure, we need to view them as their own season or at least their own half season. (Even though there are six instead of eight, we should view this as it’s own half-season arc. Many people are referring to them as 10C, which I think is fitting.) 
And the end ALWAYS mirrors the beginning. 4x01 they mention Macon. 4x16, the group goes to Macon (where Terminus was located). 6x09, Daryl blows up the Saviors on the road. 6x16, Negan/Saviors symbolically blow up TF (by killing Glenn and Abraham). You get the idea. We have so many mentions of sisters and people Daryl has searched for here, I really think there’s a good chance we’ll see Beth in 10x22. (Which airs on Easter, btw.)
Finally, there are all ocean references. We know Beth = Water, and we’ve always seen her symbolism around Oceanside and water/ocean locales and other references. So again, this is pretty huge! 
Not to mention, this Maggie/Daryl Convo definitely seems like a callback to their 5x10 convo about Beth in the barn. 
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Here are more spoilers from this episode:
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I’m not gonna say much about the Reapers right now. I’m excited to meet these new baddies (I’m always intrigued to learn who the next villains will be). But what catches my attention here are the stars and talk about how “she’s out there, under the same sky.” References to stars, and missing family members who are out there somewhere, alive. 
So yeah. These are great. I could go into much more detail than this about the symbolism, but for now, I’m just posting spoilers. Best to watch the episode before going down more detailed rabbit holes, lol.
But didn’t we tell you there would be TONS of great symbolism for us to dissect?
The only other thing I’m going to address today are the pictures of Daryl and Leah laying on top of a refrigerator. Yeah, really not kidding.
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Exactly, Nonny. It’s definitely a choice. I mean, obviously there’s some kind of board across the top so they don’t fall in. But who opens a refrigerator of the woods and decides it’s a comfortable place to lie down in the middle of the day? So weird. 
@wdway​ also pointed out that this is out of character for Daryl (just as with all things Leah) because he doesn’t seem to have his crossbow or any weapon within easy reach, and it’s not like him to let his guard down that far.
So, it’s a weird picture and a weird scene, for sure.
But do you all remember @frangipanilove‘s Cooler Symbolism posts? The refrigerator (anything with water running through it, actually, so coolers, air conditioners, etc) are Beth symbols.
So I know no one likes to see this picture, because it’s Daryl and Leah, but it’s just more proof to me that she’s a Beth proxy and/or will lead to Beth in some way.
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And I know people will ask what they’re looking at. We don’t know. In the bts shot, it’s blank. Probably a map or something they’ll put in with the computer. 
This isn’t actually uncommon, and I’m actually glad this is the case. See, we’ve noticed that in bts shots, there are other things that are also blank during filming. One of them is license plates. But that makes me happy because it’s shows we’re right to look at the license plates as clues. They aren’t just generic plates for whatever car is being used. They’re purposely and thoughtfully put in by the writers after the filming. Which means they’re symbolic clues.
And I think this map will be the same way. It probably won’t be that important in terms of the plot of the episode. Just something Daryl and Leah are scrutinizing. But I’m very curious to see what’s actually on it in the episode, as I bet it’ll be chalk full of Beth symbolism. 
Of course, my fellow FB groupie fixed these pictures for us. This is the way they really SHOULD look. 
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Thanks Bella! 😊
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noahstayed · 3 years
Hi. I am the anon from ao3 who told you about taking time to read the second story. Just finished the treaty chapter. Amazing as always. I just want to say, when i started reading the series- i didn’t care much about Edward. But now? He is a good 17 years old kid in the series. He deserves a good ending. I might or might not have a spoiler regarding bella and edward from Earthshine. But whatever. I hope Edward's story arc ends in a hopeful way. He is the only single member of the family. +
+ i feel bad for him. Many writers have the tendency to make some "tragedy" or "not everyone needs love" type of thing in the end for liteary reason. But i just don't agree you know. We don't get to happy in real life as we want. We come to fiction to feel some hope and happiness. So what,if some literature rule is not being followed? Let the fictional good characters be happy. Of course the decision is yours. Take care.
I spent a while looking for your original comment, and I couldn't actually find it? I feel bad that I can remember vaguely that you said you were going to take your time slowly reading the rest of the series but not the rest of it. Not surprising though because i have a horrible memory [there's a reason I outline these stories to death] Glad to hear you're so far in an still enjoying it! This series, to me, is a heap of self indulgent schlock so I'm just in continual awe of all the people who like this series. So thanks for giving it a chance!
As for Edward. Yeah. SOG!Edward is over all a nice kid who's a little awkward but sweet. You saying you may have been spoiled for his story Earthshine is a bit weird and I'm not going to ask even though I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK YOU'VE BEEN SPOILED WITH lmao. I honestly love him and he's easily one of my faves to write right next to Leah. I get that now he's the only single member of the family but he's also the youngest. He's got plenty of time, it's a miracle his siblings found their match so early because [in SOG at least] Carlisle has waited nearly half a millennia and Kate has been waiting MORE than a millennia. Overall I just think his story is one that might not be able to be told/finished in the main line but in my head there IS someone out there for him. I'm not done with him yet though! SOG is nowhere near being finished!
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spearfeld · 4 years
So I just finished Love, Creekwood
Some spoiler-filled thoughts under the cut!
tl;dr 4/5, it was super cute but I was confused about some things and didn’t think everything worked
Overall, I liked it. It was cute as fuck, and it was nice getting to see the squad again. I have some good to say about it, some bad, and then just some...questions. Let’s start with the good:
Becky’s writing style is as cute and as charming as ever. There were multiple parts of the book that had me laughing out loud, even if maybe not as strongly as I did while reading Simon, Leah, and watching Love Simon and Victor. Drunk Simon makes a reappearance, and it is everything. EVERYTHING. I love that boy so much and he only gets more adorable when he drinks lol.
I love the whole theming of “save states” and wanting to keep moments forever and go back to them, and the idea of holding onto the past. That’s a really unique way of tackling an interesting topic, and I love it quite a bit.
And this isn’t really a bad thing, sort of just an observation, but when Plot Things started happening, it really shocked me, because I forgot that books are supposed to have a plot lmfao. Maybe it is a bit of a criticism, but the reason that surprised me so much is because up until conflict started arising, it really was feeling just like supplemental material, just some cute fluff, the kind of stuff I would go on ao3 to read fanfic about. That’s not necessarily a bad thing--it is very cute and very fluffy and very fun to read--but books do need conflict, even short 100-page novellas told entirely through e-mails.
That being said, the conflict is definitely an interesting one. Long-distance relationship stories are nothing new, of course, but this kind of conflict was teased at the end of Leah on the Offbeat, and I think it’s handled mostly well, narratively. I especially like the contrast between Simon and Bram’s relationship trying to manage long-distance, and Leah and Abby’s who are literally living together and could not be closer if they tried (except Abby does, lol, by suggesting they push their beds together, which, cute).
I’m not entirely sure the e-mail format entirely works for this story. It’s serviceable enough--Becky does a really good job at filling in blanks without spelling everything out for us, with a few exceptions that we’ll get to later--but the e-mails don’t lend themselves to enough character insight, and I found myself getting kind of lost through some of it.
For example, the main “plot” of Love, Creekwood is that Simon and Bram are struggling in their long-distance relationship (did Becky read The Whole Story, should I be pursuing legal action? /s), and that much is apparent through Simon’s e-mails with Bram, but when Simon e-mails Abby and Leah, it seems like he’s worked things out. But then Leah and Abby have their own correspondence where they’re like, “I’m worried about Simon.” And I was like...why? Oh I guess he was trying to make things seem better than they were? Okay, that didn’t super come across in the e-mail. So it was hard to tell what was actually going through the characters’ heads during the story at times. 
But trying to change the story from an e-mail format to a prose format with e-mails like the first Simon book would have taken more time and effort, and I know that Becky probably didn’t want to spend more effort than necessary on a project like this--she’s said on multiple occasions that Leah was the last book in the Simonverse and that she didn’t want to write any more books featuring Simon. I definitely think she was excited about writing this book and getting to spend time with these characters again, but I think digging them up for a full-length novel just wasn’t something she was interested in doing. I can’t blame her for this, either. She spent years in the Simonverse. Simon was her debut, and her next two books were directly related to it in some way--one being a sidestory featuring characters from Simon, and the other being a direct sequel. It’s easy to get burnt out on a world when you spend so much time involved in it, and I think Becky wanted to work on different things. So, for what it’s worth, I think this is probably the best form of this book that we could have gotten.
Also, very tiny nitpick but it was hard to see who was writing who sometimes, since all of the e-mail addresses tended to blur together sometimes, particularly in the group messages, and I think that if Becky wasn’t so dead-set on “e-mails are the thing it has to be e-mails!!” then she could have gotten away with making that an actual group chat/text and it would have read a lot cleaner.
Those are the only real negatives I can say about it, unless you count these questions I have as negatives, which, I kind of count them as half-negatives because they’re not inherently bad things, and I think ambiguity was the intent here, but it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied. Maybe this will change the more I think about the book, but regardles:
What actually happened between Simon and Bram? What’s going on with them? We spend a lot of their e-mails talking about how much they miss each other, and then there’s the whole weird Birthday/Marriage Proposal thing. And we never actually get a concrete answer as to what happened with them on the Ferris wheel. Apparently Simon said two words to Bram that “destroyed” him. And I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what those words are supposed to be.
He doesn’t seem to be upset by them, judging by how he wants to “keep that one,” so it has to be a good “destroyed.” But their emails seem to become a lot more strained after that point, and Simon has been neglecting messaging his friends, leaving Leah worried he’s spiraling. What could Simon have said to Bram that night that would change their relationship like that, and cause Simon to retreat the way he did? “Marry me?” “It’s you?” “Fuck Martin?” “Hello, lover?” Like I seriously don’t get what exactly he said there, but I get the impression that I was supposed to have inferred something, that there was something I should have picked up on to lead me to a conclusion, an answer to that question.
Did Simon ask Bram to marry him and he say no? That can’t be, because when Simon finally responds to Leah, he says that, while he does believe Bram is the one, he knows he’s not ready for it to happen right now, so I can’t imagine he would have gone through with proposing. Did he say, “It’s you,” in a callback to when their identities were first revealed? Maybe it’s supposed to be a callback to something from Simon vs that I just don’t remember, because it’s been a while since I’ve reread it.
Going back and rereading that section, it really seems like it’s a one-sided Simon thing at first, that he’s just figuring stuff out. So, if he said “it’s you” what else is there to figure out? Like, they’re still together, they’re spending their breaks together, Simon spends a whole two weeks and then some in New York with Bram, and then they hit that “This isn’t working” point. And so I’m wondering, did something happen when Simon was in New York? It’s never really said, though Abby and Leah do point out Washington Square Park and...I’m not entirely sure why?
Okay, and finally, the ending: I’m still really confused by it. Not Simon transferring to New York, that makes sense, but Bram’s reply to it doesn’t. I mean, it’s in-character and makes sense as his reaction, but I don’t understand it’s significance. What is he calling Simon about? Just, that he’s happy they’re going to be going to school together? To talk about his transfer? I don’t know, something about it just felt incomplete to me.
All of this being said, I did still enjoy this book. It was super cute and exactly the follow-up to this series that I didn’t know I needed haha. Don’t take any of my criticisms of the book as hate or anything. I love Becky, I love her writing style, and I love her characters. This book could have been fifty pages of Simon e-mailing Bram his interpretation of the themes to the Bee Movie and I’d have loved the living hell out of it. It just didn’t click all the right boxes for me, in ways I can’t entirely place my fingers on.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
The End
Yes, we have 5.04, the episode titled The End, with the whole end!verse, but every time this phrase pops up in the show since then, I think this is the first thought a lot of people have. And I think it’s... wildly misleading. I mean, since we haven’t actually had a return to this specific “end.” And I don’t think we ever will. As everyone will recall, the show did not actually end after 5.04.
So to that end (pffft), I wanted to cobble together a history of the phrase as it’s been used throughout canon. Just for my own reference purposes. Here’s the big ones, though:
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK types "THE END" and takes a drink.  CHUCK: No doubt – endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? 
(spoiler alert: fuck you, Chuck)
11.22: We Happy Few:
AMARA: My brother will dim and fade away into nothing. (Outside, ROWENA staggers to her feet. The sunlight is no longer just rosy, tinting the sky purple.) AMARA: But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash. (Outside, ROWENA turns, lifting a hand to shield her eyes.) AMARA: Welcome to the end. (She disappears.)
(lol, bzzzt, wrong, try again)
13.23 Let The Good Times Roll:
CASTIEL (to Michael): How do we stop him? MICHAEL: You don't. After consuming the Nephilim's grace, Lucifer's juiced up. He's super-charged. He'll kill the boy, your brother. Hell, he could end the whole universe if he put his mind to it. And you thought I was bad. DEAN: No. No, you beat him. I saw you. MICHAEL: When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart. But now in this banged up meatsuit... not happening. This is the end, of everything.
(way to horrifically manipulate the situation!)
14.20 Moriah:
CHUCK: (angrily): Fine! That's the way you want it? Story's over. Welcome to  The End.
(cue things happening for another 20 episodes... he’s 20 episodes too soon)
and since there were *a LOT* of results:
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yes each one of those open tabs is a reference page I’m pulling quotes from, and yes there are so many open tabs they’ve blurred together. one big drawback about watching a show that has apocalypses every now and again. i’m omitting references that aren’t directly about narrative ends, too (like casual “at the end of the day” references and the like). this is gonna be long so it’s going under a cut:
2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two:
YED Oh, Jake. It's got to be you. I've been waiting for you for a very long time. You're my leader. You open that crypt, and you will have your army. JAKE You're talking about the end of the world. YED No, not the end— the beginning... a better world, where your family will be protected. More than that. They'll be royalty. Buddy boy, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor of a thrilling opportunity. Whaddya say? It's your call.
(spoiler alert: pffft... the whole “Demon Army��� thing was always a sham, I think pulled ON Azazel by Lilith, even if that was only retconned in later in canon. but also, endings are beginnings, the spiral loops ever onward, and it’s laughable now eleventynine loops of the spiral down the way from this moment, isn’t it? Jake who? Azazel the fanatic who wasn’t even trustworthy enough to be let in on Lilith’s real plans? Incredible)
4.05 Monster Movie:
DEAN: You think "elegance" is really the word for what you did to Marissa, or Rick Deacon, or any of the others?! DRACULA: But of course. It is a monster movie, after all. DEAN: You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie? DRACULA: Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he’s... electrocuted. And tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero.
(spoiler alert: the monster does not win)
4.06 Yellow Fever:
Sam: So uh...so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean. Dean: Oh, besides a cop beating my ass? Sam: Seriously. Dean: Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me. Sam: Right. Dean: No, just the usual stuff, Sammy. Nothing I can’t handle.
(spoiler alert: it was definitely not anything Dean could handle)
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer:
ANNA: Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true. PSYCHOLOGIST: It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen. ANNA: The end... is coming. The apocalypse. PSYCHOLOGIST: The apocalypse. Like in the Bible? ANNA: Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
(spoiler alert:... we know how this turned out)
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday:
DEAN: You know what I mean. We're talking the end of the world here, okay? No more tasseled leather pants, no more Ramones CDs, no more nothing.
(spoiler alert: Pamela’s cool with that since she’ll get an endless show at the Meadowlands in her personal heaven)
4.22 Lucifer Rising:
DEAN: But me and Sam, we can stop... (he cuts off, having an epiphany) You don't want to stop it, do you? ZACHARIAH: Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you.
(spoiler alert... it bombed at the box office)
5.02: Good God, Y’all:
Dean: Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory— Castiel: He is out there, Dean. Dean: Or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us. I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?
(spoiler alert: i mean he really wasn’t far off the mark was he...)
5.03 Free To Be You And Me:
REPORTER: —the town of Tully? tonight, John. Locals say that what started as a torrential hailstorm late this afternoon suddenly turned to massive lightning strikes that triggered the fires now consuming more than twenty acres here along the Route 17 corridor. County officials are advising all Tully residents to prepare for what could become mandatory evacuations. The BARTENDER shuts the TV off. BARTENDER: Damn. Is it me or does it seem like it's the end of the world? SAM looks away.
(spoiler alert: that was an observant bartender)
5.07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester:
A WOMAN, MRS. XAVIER, is reading the Weekly World News, headline: "LEADING PSYCHICS AGREE: THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE! Experts confirm the end is upon us!" She chuckles. The door opens.
(spoiler alert: that time the Weekly World News was actually right)
5.08 Changing Channels:
Dean: Hey there, Sam. What's happening? Sam: Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: lol)
5.09 The Real Ghostbusters:
CHUCK: Ok, Ok, just..okay, it's okay. so, next question. (hands shoot up) Yeah, you. FAN: Yeah, at the end of the last book, Dean goes to hell. So, what happens next?
(spoiler alert:  how do you feel about angels? Yeah, because let me tell you, they're not nearly as lame as you think.)
5.11 Sam Interrupted:
Dean: It's the end of the world, okay? I mean, it's a damn Biblical Apocalypse, and if I don't stop it and save everyone, then no one will, and we all die. Dr. Cartwright: That's horrible. Dean: Yeah, tell me about it. Dr. Cartwright: I mean, Apocalypse or no Apocalypse... monsters or no monsters, that's a crushing weight to have on your shoulders. To feel like six billion lives depend on you...God...how do you get up in the morning? Dean: That's a good question.
(spoiler alert: this is actually Dean talking to himself)
5.17 99 Problems:
SAM : Busy night? PAUL: I’m telling you, since The End started, it’s been like one long last call. That round’s on me. 
(spoiler alert: welcome to the apocalypse, pull up a bar stool)
DEAN: We’re all gonna die, Sam. In like a month—maybe two. I mean it. This is the end of the world, but these people aren’t freaking out. In fact they’re running to the exit in an orderly fashion. I don’t know that that’s such a bad thing. SAM: Who says they’re all gonna die? What ever happened to us saving them?
(spoiler alert: hey remember that other time Dean went all nihilistic about the end of the world? yeah good times)
DEAN: So the demons smoking out—that’s just a con? Why? What’s the endgame? CASTIEL: What you just saw—innocent blood spilled in God’s name. SAM: You heard all that heaven talk. She manipulates people. DEAN: To slaughter and kill and sing preppy little hymns. Awesome. CASTIEL: Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it’s…just beginning. She’s well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit. 
(remember the whore of babylon’s MO? manipulating people into doing stuff they never would’ve out of fear? yeah)
LEAH: This is why my team’s gonna win. You’re the great vessel? You’re pathetic, self-hating, and faithless. It’s the end of the world. And you’re just gonna sit back and watch it happen. DEAN grabs the stake, punches LEAH, and stakes her. DEAN : Don’t be so sure, whore.
(remember that time the whore of babylon taunted Dean about rejecting his destiny as the vessel of Michael, basically trying to manipulate him into doing the thing? And then he tried to go out and do the thing in the next episode but Cas stopped him? yeah good times)
5.18 Point Of No Return:
PREACHER : The end is nigh! The apocalypse is upon us! The angels talk to me, and they asked me to talk to you! The apocalypse— DEAN: Hey! I’m Dean Winchester. Do you know who I am? PREACHER: Dear God. DEAN: I’ll take that as a yes. Listen, I need you to pray to your angel buddies and let them know that I’m here. 
(spoiler alert: good thing that guy prayed too loud)
5.20 The Devil You Know:
CROWLEY Now...For the record, I'm against this. Negotiating a high-level defection -- It's very delicate business. SAM What are you talking about? CROWLEY I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away...from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my "corn chute." SAM (scoffs) CROWLEY So, go ahead. Go --ruin our last best hope. It's only the end of the world.
(spoiler alert: considering this entire thing was a demonstration of Crowley’s ability to manipulate things to his favor... nice tug on the ol’ apocalypse card to get your way)
5.21 Two Minutes To Midnight:
Pestilence: Hmm. You boys don't look well. It might be the, uh, Scarlet fever. Or, uh, the meningitis. Oh! Or the syphilis. That's no fun. However you feel right now? It's gonna get so very, very much worse. Questions? Disease gets a bad rap, don't you think? For being filthy. Chaotic. Uh, but, really, t-that just describes people who get sick. Disease itself... very... pure... single-minded. Bacteria have one purpose -- divide and conquer. That's why, in the end... it always wins. So, you've got to wonder why God pours all his love into something so messy! And weak! It's ridiculous. All I can do is show him he's wrong, one epidemic at a time. Now... On a scale of 1 to 10, how's your pain?
(spoiler alert: blowing up the bacteria actually kills them)
Death: As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless -- at the end, I'll reap him, too. Dean: God? You'll reap God? Death: Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean. Dean: Well, this is way above my pay grade. Death: Just a bit.
(spoiler alert: *taps watch and raises eyebrow at Billie*)
5.22 Swan Song:
CHUCK (VOICEOVER): Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.
(spoiler alert: with the context that this is God speaking, RUDE)
6.15 The French Mistake:
BALTHAZAR Hello, boys. You've seen "the Godfather," right? DEAN Balthazar... BALTHAZAR You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop? (Balthazar finds a container of salt and pours it into a bowl on Bobby's desk) DEAN Hey! BALTHAZAR  "Dead Sea brine." Good, good, good. You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door? DEAN I said "hey." BALTHAZAR You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb. (looking through Bobby's fridge contents) Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb. Yes! Blood of lamb! SAM Why are you talking about "the Godfather"? BALTHAZAR Because we're in it – right now, tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone – The archangel Raphael.
(spoiler alert: Raphael was playing at being a Michael wasn’t he...)
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King:
CASTIEL You want to make a deal? With me? I'm an Angel, you ass. I don't have a soul to sell. CROWLEY But that's it, isn't it? It's all of it. It's the souls. It all comes down to the souls in the end, doesn't it? CASTIEL What in the hell are you talking about? CROWLEY I'm talking about Raphael's head on a pike. I'm talking about happy endings for all of us, with all possible entendres intended. Come on. Just a chat.
(spoiler alert... it all comes down to the souls in the end, happy endings for all of us, or we can hope)
Bonus, for the sake of hilarity, because of the implication that Hell is a spiral narrative that begins at the ending, All Along The Watchtower style:
CROWLEY Yeah. See, problem with the old place was most of the inmates were masochists already. A lot of "thank you, sir. Can I have another hot spike up the jacksie?" But just look at them. No one likes waiting in line. CASTIEL And what happens when they reach the front? CROWLEY Nothing. They go right back to the end again. That's efficiency.
(spoiler alert: THAT’S EFFICIENCY!)
Double bonus, because I said so:
CASTIEL If you touch the Winchesters... CROWLEY Please. I heard you the first time. I promise -- nary a hair on their artfully tousled heads. Besides, I think they've proven my point for me. It's always your friends, isn't it, in the end? We try to change. We try to improve ourselves. It's always our friends who got to claw into our sides and hold us back. But you know what I see here? The new God (pointing at Castiel) and the new Devil, working together.
(no spoilers, this is just Cas giving everything, selling himself out, for his loved ones again)
6.21 Let It Bleed:
March 15, 1937 Providence, Rhode Island
(A man, H.P. Lovecraft, is typing on a typewriter. He drinks and continues typing. He types "THE END" then places the final paper on top of the others. His door creaks open, seemingly by itself. At the same time, there is a crack of thunder and the lights flicker. He looks up, afraid
(spoiler alert: guess what happened next? *screams and blood splatter* *title card*)
CASTIEL: It's a means to an end. Balthazar, you understand that. BALTHAZAR: Oh, absolutely. But what's the end here exactly? You know, raid Purgatory, snatch up all the souls? CASTIEL: Win the war.
(spoiler alert: or option B, exploding and taking half the planet with him... always an option, apparently, and the one that kinda happened...)
7.20 The Girl With The Dungeons And Dragons Tattoo:
CHARLIE: So what's the end game – steal our resources, make us some slaves? DEAN: Planet-wide value meal. We're the meat.
(spoiler alert: sorry they weren’t kidding, Charlie. the Leviathan’s end game was pretty miserable)
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental:
DEAN picks up a “Sorry!” card. CASTIEL: You know, we weren't sure at first which monkeys were gonna make it. No offense, but I [DEAN moves a marker on the board] was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was... just amazing. It's in perfect tune [CASTIEL picks up a card] with the spheres. But in the end, it was you – the [CASTIEL moves a marker] homo sapiens sapiens. You guys ate the apple, invented pants. DEAN: Cas, where can we find this, uh, Metatron? Is he still alive? CASTIEL: I'm sorry. I – I think you have to go back to start. DEAN moves a marker. DEAN: This is important. CASTIEL motions for DEAN to pick up another card. DEAN does and moves another marker. DEAN: I think Metatron could stop a lot of bad. You understand that? CASTIEL picks up another card. CASTIEL: We live in a "sorry" universe. It's engineered to create conflict. I mean, why should I prosper from... your misfortune? [CASTIEL puts down a marker and moves DEAN’s marker back to the start.] But these are the rules. I didn't make them. DEAN: You made some of them. When you tried to become God, when you cut that hole into that wall. CASTIEL: Dean... it's your move. DEAN pounds a fist on the table and swipes the board to the floor. DEAN: Forget the damn game! Forget the game, Cas.
(spoiler alert: In the end, it was you... I mean humanity won the evolutionary lottery and ended up being able to make the rules for ourselves. All through this, Dean’s looking for other potential avenues toward saving the world from being devoured by Leviathan. Remember when Metatron might be able to do a lot of good? while Cas dodges the actual subject and plays a game that literally continually sends Dean “back to the start” to make the same moves again, maybe slightly differently this time, different strategy, as he repeatedly tries to get Cas to answer HIS question about the actual world-ending game they’re playing against the Leviathan? THIS IS THE SPIRAL NARRATIVE IN ACTION IN ONE SCENE. “WE LIVE IN A SORRY UNIVERSE ENGINEERED TO CREATE CONFLICT” “BUT THESE ARE THE RULES” And when Dean is tired of trying to work within the rules? *game goes flying* *smashes God’s guitar* heck this is a perfect scene... have I mentioned that I love Ben Edlund lately?)
8.01 We Need To Talk About Kevin:
DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. SAM: What exactly does that mean? DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go.
(spoiler alert: Dean’s already rewriting this ending in his head because he can’t accept the truth of it. Endings suck, and this one would not stand.)
8.12 As Time Goes By:
HENRY : John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the ways of the Letters. DEAN : Well, he learned things a little differently. HENRY : How? DEAN : The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood, a stinking war... only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon... and later killed by one himself. That man got a bum rap around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end, he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad.
(spoiler alert: see, Dean’s already made a hell of a lot of peace with John even way back then)
8.14 Trial and Error:
DEAN: I'm a grunt, Sam. You're not. You've always been the brains of this operation. SAM: Dean— DEAN: And you told me yourself that you see a way out. You see a light at the end of this ugly-ass tunnel. I don't. But I tell you what I do know – it's that I'm gonna die with a gun in my hand. 'Cause that's what I have waiting for me – that's all I have waiting for me. I want you to get out. I want you to have a life – become a man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and – and – and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra – that is my perfect ending, and it's the only one that I'm gonna get. So I'm gonna do these trials. I'm gonna do them alone – end of story. You're staying here. I'm going out there. If landshark comes knocking, you call me. If you try to follow me, I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn leg.
(spoiler alert: just look at the title of this episode to see how this all turned out. It ain’t called “Trial and Major Win”)
SAM: I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it. DEAN: Sam, be smart. SAM: I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius – when it comes to lore, to – you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen – better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please – please believe in me, too.
(spoiler alert: hell if this doesn’t sound like the speech Sam gave Dean in 14.12, but like way less frustrated, angry, and afraid)
8.17 Goodbye Stranger:
Meg: You ever miss the Apocalypse? Castiel: No. Why would I miss the end of times? Meg: I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot. We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?
(spoiler alert: Cas doesn’t miss the end of times. And the only reason he was “kind of bad” here was because he was being mind-controlled by Naomi so... Meg will be dead by the end of the episode, and Cas will be freed from Heaven’s control. Good times. Better than the apocalypse anyway)
8.19 Taxi Driver:
BOBBY: Yeah. Yeah, well... You know, I always figured that'd be the end of it... You know, just a Hunter's funeral. Zip. Nothing. And I was okay with that. Imagine my surprise. SAM: Well, I guess if there has to be an eternity, I'd pick Heaven over Hell. BOBBY: Yeah. 'Cause there's nothing screwy going on up there. SAM: I wish I made the rules. BOBBY: Well... I'll, uh, do my part, get to the end of this, but... I ain't exactly the retiring type, so, you idjits figure out a way to spring me...
(spoiler alert: apparently what’s burned doesn’t stay dead, s8 version? Also Sam wishes he made the rules... I love all these mentions of “the rules”)
8.21 The Great Escapist:
DEAN: We got the other half of the tablet. KEVIN: What? DEAN: It's the light at the end of your tunnel, kid. Don't say we never got you nothing.
(tfw the light at the end of the tunnel is actually a locomotive)
Dean: Cure a demon. Okay, ignoring the fact that I have no idea what that actually means, if we — if we do this, you get better, right? I mean, you stop trying to cough up a lung, and, and, and bumping into furniture? Sam: I feel better, yeah, um, just having a direction to move in. Dean: Well, good, cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic. Sam: But we're heading somewhere. The end.
(spoiler alert: LOLOLOL thing again bub.)
9.20 Bloodlines:
ENNIS: Look, I don't need no apology from you. DAVID: I lost someone, too, okay?! But I'm trying here. ENNIS: I'm sorry about your brother. He spoke about you at the end. He said, "David, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."
(I wasn’t gonna include this, because it’s purely conversational on top of being from this episode which doesn’t really count but... when they’ve both lost people in a sacrifice play, and one is mistaken for the other and his dying words for his brother are “I didn’t have a choice?” um... that just felt relevant)
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles?
Gadreel: I sat in this hole for thousands of years thinking of nothing but redemption, of reclaiming my good name. I thought of nobody, no cause other than my own. Castiel: You've been redeemed my friend. Gadreel: The only thing that matters in the end is the mission: protecting those who would not and cannot protect themselves. The humans. None of us is bigger than that, we will not let our fears, our self absorption prevent us from seeing it through. Not anymore. Castiel: No, no of course not. Gadreel: Move to the other side of your cell Castiel, and keep your head down. When they say my name, perhaps I won't just be the one who let the Serpent in, perhaps I will be known as one of the many that gave Heaven a second chance. Run sister.
(spoiler alert: redemption, selfless sacrifice, Gadreel meets his end to prove Metatron’s manipulative duplicity and reveal his real motive... that was just another game in a different loop of the spiral. In the end, it’s the only thing that matters)
10.20 Angel Heart:
CASTIEL: So do you think she's better off on her own? SAM: Cas, she just turned 18. CASTIEL: You were alone when you left for college at that age, weren't you? SAM: Yeah, but that's different. CASTIEL: How, Sam? SAM: Here's all I know ... going it alone, that's no way to live. You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you. CASTIEL: Maybe, in the end. SAM: In the end.
(spoiler alert: things don’t just get better right away, and they’re hard but family sticks together, loved ones stick together, even when they say they don’t want to... it might not be easy now, but in the end...)
11.02 Form and Void:
SAM: I was infected last night. You? RABID MAN: This morning. SAM: Wait a second. Then why -- RABID MAN: . . . am I further along? Don't know. This thing, it ain't math. I seen some people change fast, some change slow. But in the end . . . We all end up the same. We go psycho. And then we go boom. SAM: Well, that's not -- I'm gonna fix this. RABID MAN: LIAR! You and me, we're dead. We're just taking our sweet time about it. So if you were smart, you'd put a bullet in me . . . and then eat one yourself.
(Sam wasn’t lying, Rabid Man. You just didn’t make it. And Sam was smart not to put a bullet in either of you.)
Bonus, for extra manipulation:
HANNAH: Where is it? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then who would? The Winchesters? Castiel, if this is true, it's the end for all of us. Sam and Dean -- where are they? CASTIEL: I don't know. HANNAH: Then think harder! CASTIEL: How did you find me?
(because that’s the thing, Cas realized Hannah wasn’t there to help, not there to heal him, and that she’d been in charge of all of this all along. She could’ve helped Cas like he’d asked and earned his trust and he probably would’ve shared what he knew of the Darkness with her, but she resorted to the old Heaven Way Of Doing Things instead... and he saw through the manipulation)
11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
Man: Repress your sins. Beg for his divine mercy. When the end comes – and come it will – only the forgiven will ascend to holy grace.
Amara raises both her arms skyward, compelling lightning bolts. One by one the members of the crowd are struck down; with the final lightning bolt hitting the man who had been preaching. They are all dead, completely scorched. The blood on the fountain turns back to water. The thunderstorm ends. Amara surveys her work, her gaze resting on one body, still holding a sign that says: THE END IS NEAR!
(gotta love those wackadoo religious nuts in this universe, right?)
Dean: What is it exactly that you want? When you make the world of bliss and peace, what’s in it for you? Amara: What I deserve. Dean: Which is? Amara: Everything. Dean: Everything? Amara: I was the beginning and I will be the end. I will be all that there is. Dean: So, you’re it. [Dean turns away from Amara]. That would make you God. Amara: No, God was the Light. I’m the Dark.
(So Amara was the beginning and will be the ending, all that there is... kinda... sounds a bit like... the empty?)
11.10 The Devil In The Details:
Lucifer: Okay, you don't like me. I get it... I get it; sometimes I don't like me either. But Gabriel and Raphael are dead. God went out for a pack of smokes and never came back... and Michael... well, let's just say prison life hasn't really agreed with Michael. These days he's usually sitting in a corner singing show tunes and touching himself. Sam: So you're it. Lucifer [laughing]: I'm it! And hey, I'm not the good guy, we both know I'm not, but the Darkness, she's the end of everything. Lucifer crouches down so he is face to face with Sam, imploring with him. Lucifer: But I can beat her. We can beat her. You and me, together. So come on, Sam. Make the right choice, the big sacrifice one more time, man. Sam, it's time to save the world, man.
(hooooly shit there’s a lot of lying and manipulating happening here... and the Darkness? even she wasn’t the end of everything)
11.16 Safe House:
(mostly included for flashback-to-the-apocalypse lolz)
BOBBY: The apocalypse is on the horizon, and you wanna hunt a damn ghost! RUFUS: Well unless you found a way to stop the end of the world during your little siesta, we got jack all on any of that business. Now I knew you were in the area, heard about this possible little gig, I thought a win would be nice.
(because it’s the end of the world and weird random “wins” help. Plus things that exist outside of time and space in convenient pocket dimensions for easy storage outside of God’s lil creation)
11.17 Red Meat:
Michelle: I... I just wanted to see how you were doing. And to tell you th... [Her voice shakes with emotion and she pauses.] I'm sorry. You saved our lives and... [another pause] well, my mom used to say, um... I didn't believe her then, but I... I think I do now. She used to say... death... it's not the end.
Dean’s spirit: You know, the Darkness is out there... and the world is gonna burn. And once she gets started, that's the end of everything, including you. Now, Sam's the only one who can stop it. Billie: Hmm. How's that? Dean is lost for words. Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario. Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead. Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.
11.21 All in The Family:
Dean: You're right. I am drawn to you. And it bothers the hell out of me, 'cause I can't control it. Amara: Then why fight it? What you're feeling is that I am the end of your struggle. Something stops you. Keeps you from having it all.
(lol Amara REALLY wants to be the end doesn’t she... poor thing gonna get stuck with Mr. Infinite Loop Chuck... no wonder that’s like her worst nightmare. Heck, being locked up in nothingness sounds better, since that IS her deal... she’s not just the “end” though... she’s also the beginning...Alpha and Omega... Chuck is all the middle bits)
11.22 We Happy Few:
CHUCK: I can’t say I’m sorry if I’m not. (He places plates of pancakes in front of SAM and DEAN.) What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity. For the world. Look, Lucifer wants what everybody wants: Amara gone. ‘kay? Let’s just give him a little time to cool off. (CHUCK sips from a mug labeled WORLD’S GREATEST DAD.) DEAN: Okay, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is frickin’ nigh.
(omfg it’s all the Dabb era themes... god Chuck has always been a dick)
CLEA: End times shouldn’t bother you though, Ro, you a rat. Find your way off any sinkin’ ship. ROWENA: Damn right. The spell I’m working on is Book of the Damned magic, and it can get us back. We can buy ourselves a few more centuries of life. Turn back the clock for us before the world inevitably goes (sing-song) ‘bye-bye.’ CLEA: You scared. ROWENA: Aye. I came face-to-face with the Darkness. The Apocalypse bell’s been rung a few times in our day, but when I looked inside her, I saw it. Not just the end of the world, Heaven and Hell. The end of magic. 
11.23 Alpha And Omega:
CAS: The angels are—Heaven won't help. DEAN: They know that this is the end, right? Of everything. CAS: Yes. SAM: And they don't care? CAS: No, it's not that. It's... They know—They know God is dying and they don't think we can win this. Souls or no souls. They're sealing Heaven, and they're "dying with dignity".
(spoiler alert: it’s like they keep trying to do this all through Dabb era... even after the Shadow throws open every gate. They’re still dying. Kinda makes me think it’s Chuck’s doing... literally... all of it, since it was Humanity’s Plan in this episode that CHANGED things from Chuck’s plan to just... wait for the inevitable blast wave ending)
[Sam, Cas, Crowley and Rowena, and Chuck pull up in the Impala to ‘The The Lazy Shag’ bar/restaurant which has a ‘Closed’ sign on the door. A man walks by with a sign that says ‘The End Is Near’.]
(and a bit later Cas comments that Chuck looks terrible >.>)
12.12 Stuck In The Middle (With You):
[organ music plays, Castiel is sitting in his truck listening to the radio] RADIO: Each of us has a time the physical body dies. We all face God’s judgment in the end. There’s not one of us alive walking on this earthly plane that will not pay the consequence for their actions. [the Impala pulls into the parking lot, distracting Cas from the radio] RADIO: The Lord will hold us in the palm of his hand, and he’ll weigh our souls. Brothers and sisters, are you worthy? [Cas turns off the radio]
RAMIEL: Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted up angel? CROWLEY: I admit they don’t sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody, “this is the end of all things,” a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they’re an asset we can’t afford to lose.
(Crowley being sensible, there’s something much bigger than Ramiel’s surface-level read at stake here)
12.20 Twigs And Twine And Tasha Banes:
KETCH: It's the end for the American Hunters. Their time has passed.
WOMAN: I'm reaching the end of my very long life, and it's a problem. Max and Dean are also in pain. Another image of Tasha in the cellar bleeding profusely from her stomach area flashes. WOMAN: 'cause I sold my soul for power. So when I pass, my soul goes to Hell. Unless I can find someone to take the burden, to take my magic.
(spoiler alert: that’s YOUR problem, lady)
12.22 Who We Are:
SAM: Is this how you pictured it? The end? DEAN: Oh, you know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like... Butch and Sundance style. (Sam chuckles) SAM: Yeah. Blaze of glory. DEAN: Blaze of glory. (Dean smirks) Son of a bitch.
(spoiler alert: the grenadebaiting payoff. Gonna die anyway? May as well get the big boom.)
13.02 The Rising Son:
SAM: These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin’, huh? DEAN: Mm—hmm. And hopefully this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family. SAM: According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it’s the end of the line.
(hey, for once, reaching the end of the line is a relief)
13.16 Scoobynatural:
SAM: Dude, what's wrong with you? DEAN: They don't know that they're in a...a C-word. And we're not gonna tell 'em about anything. Not where we're from, not about monsters. Nothing. Capiche? (Dean looks over to the Scooby Gang, standing across the room) DEAN: They are pure and innocent and good, and we're gonna keep it that way. SAM: Look, if you've seen this episode, why-why can't we just skip to the end? DEAN: Well, 'cause sometimes it's about the journey and not the destination.
(we can’t “skip to the end” because it’s about the JOURNEY, which is still ONGOING, and therefore NOT THE END)
Sam: Ha! Velma was right. It was a shady real estate developer after all. Jay: It's not fair. I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids. Dean: He said it! He said the line! Scooby Dooby Do! Sam: What are you doing? Dean: Well, I mean at the end of every mystery, Scooby looks at the camera and he says-- Castiel: Dean, you're not a talking dog. Dean: I know that. I... Sam: Yeah. Dean: No, but come on, I-I do look cool with the ascot, right? No? Guys? Come on, guys. Look, red is my color!
13.20 Unfinished Business:
KEVIN: I didn't have a choice! I… Y-you don't understand. I… I… I never used to believe in anything. Well, ex-except science-- quantum mechanical unpredictably. But then the end of the world happened, and everyone around me-- my friends, and my… my mom-- they all started to die. But God chose me? What… What does that even mean?! Michael said he wanted to save the world, not kill it. But he… he hurt so many people. When I couldn't perfect the spell, Michael, he got mad and threw me in the dungeon. And I was so scared, but I fixed it. B-but I… I couldn't do it anymore.
(aah, the poor Worst Version of Kevin, no choice, thought he was doing the right thing, manipulated by circumstance and empty promises...)
GABRIEL: I had it made-- all the booze I could drink, all the, uh, entertainment I could handle. [Sam interrupts and Dean looks disappointed, but the action returns to the motel room] SAM: Okay! Why don't we just skip to the end? [Gabriel sighs and skips to the end of the story, asleep in bed with the two women, when Sleipnir, Narfi, and Fenrir bound him with a sigil and kidnapped him from his bed] GABRIEL: So this is how it ended. By the time I came to, they had sold me to Asmodeus. SAM: Why would they do that? GABRIEL: Hello? Lucifer? In case you don't remember, there was an apocalypse brewing at the time.
(LOL Sam asked Gabriel to skip to the end of the story, and unlike Dean in 13.16, Gabriel did... no wonder Dean was disappointed, he was enjoying the journey even if most of Gabriel’s story was embellished beyond recognition)
LOKI: You think you're some… poor, innocent victim? [he strolls over and punches Gabriel again] Gabriel, with his deadbeat daddy and his mean older brothers. [he stomps on Gabriel] “Who will help me?” “Who will save me?” [he picks Gabriel up and pins him to the wall by his neck] I did! But you… you couldn't keep one promise. And then you had the audacity to ask me to help you again?! [he throws Gabriel down the hall, where Sam and Dean have arrived in a doorway behind him] You think I deserve to die for your spinelessness?! That my sons deserved to die?! [the fight continues, as Dean slides Loki’s sword to Gabriel and Gabriel finally gets Loki pinned to the wall at the tip of the blade] LOKI: Of course, of course you would need someone to swoop in and save your pitiful ass. GABRIEL: Shut up! LOKI: Face it, old friend, you're a joke. You're a failure. You live for pleasure. You stand for nothing. And in the end, that's exactly what you'll die for.
(heck... I mean, Loki dies here, because that “promise?” Gabriel didn’t break it. Loki just wouldn’t listen to facts or accept the reality of what happened. Gabriel had been trying to SAVE his father in 5.19, but THEY also wouldn’t listen... so... poor Gabriel was just stuck in the middle again, and he was imprisoned and tortured for it. Heck he better still be alive and that was another projection that died in 13.22)
14.03 The Scar:
Dean: You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. Sam: Yeah, I know. Dean: You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. Sam: Dean, you did what you had to do.
(ugh there’s that awful “you did what you had to do.” there was NO CHOICE. NONE. and Dean just wanted revenge at any cost for having been used like that... not even just by Michael, but in the Grander Scheme he has context for after 14.20)
14.07 Unhuman Nature:
Rowena: It's as I suspected. A Nephilim, for all its power, is an unnatural presence. Part human, part angel… It -- It doesn't quite fit. It's delicate. Its grace is what holds it in balance, and when Jack's grace was taken from him, his being fell into chaos. The -- The cells are gobbling each other up. Castiel: Well, if it's grace he needs, he can have mine. Rowena: No, dear, it won't do. Jack is part archangel. He needs a much stronger force and probably some kind of magic, and he needs it quick. Dean: How quick? Rowena: I don't...I don't exactly know, but he's enterin' a critical phase. Sometimes he'll look just fine, but then his body will give way and...it'll be the end of him.
(interesting phrasing...)
14.10 Nihilism:
Mainly, I wanted to make note of the song choice that plays in Rocky’s Bar, “Searchin’ for a Rainbow” by the Marshall Tucker Band. Because the lyrics repeat on a loop about looking for the end of the rainbow
14.11 Damaged Goods:
SAM: Mom, we don’t hug. I mean, w-we do, but only if it’s literally the end of the world, you know?
(yet... Dean awkwardly hugged him... sign of the apocalypse)
14.12 Prophet and Loss:
DEAN: Hey. Man, I-I just want to make sure that you’re still with me on this thing. You’re gonna see it through to the end. SAM: Well, I gave you my word, didn’t I? DEAN: Okay, alright. Just, you know, after what you said last night, I-I-I don’t need you and Mom coming up with some way to stop me. SAM: You know, Mom hates this. I hate this. DEAN: I know. SAM: And Cas and Jack, you haven’t even told them. DEAN: Okay, well, yeah, that’s because I’m not good with the whole big goodbyes, alright? I-I-I don’t need to get shaky on this thing. SAM: Wouldn’t be the worst thing. DEAN: You know what Michael wants to do, you know that this will stop it, and you know that there’s no other way. So, just put the end of this trip outta your head, okay?
(spoiler alert: oh look it’s nihilistic Dean from back in 5.18 come for a brief visit. good thing he got clocked on the noggin instead of doing this dumb thing)
Bonus that’s not really a bonus, because boy’s obsessed and it’s just not healthy:
DEAN: I believe in all of us. And I’ll keep believing until I can’t. Until there’s absolutely no other way. But when that day comes – if that day comes… Sam, you have to take it for what it is – the end. And you have to promise me that you’ll do then what you can’t do now, and that’s let me go. And put me in that box.
17 notes · View notes
Hot take: 13x23 is 5x18 “Point of No Return” but they’re married and they’ve adopted the anti-Christ. And also no Adam.
counterpoint: Jack is Adam but filtered through 9 years of Dabb regret for introducing both Jesse and Adam to the story and then constantly being asked about them when neither were intended to play any further part in the narrative but THIS is the child he would sculpt from that experience if Buckleming are gonna force more creepy baby stories on him :P 
5x18 starts with Dean defining himself by all the things that are the dismal tools of his trade and core identity, boxing them up to give away (technically the Lisa exchange was also written as the opening of the episode but it got shuffled over one episode to be the end of the previous, which I think is a solid decision but I’ll throw it in here for sake of argument). Dean is primarily defined by his leather jacket, gun and car keys, all of which hark back to John and the identity that he crafted to be half a John knock off, half what he thought John would want Dean to be which may be better/different than John but only to John’s own specifications. Stripped down of all that he wrote his “where we’re going we don’t need roads” letter to Sam and Bobby, meaning for that to be pretty much it.
In the open of 13x23 the “good times” define Dean in a completely different way. He has Sam and ~a~ Bobby, but also his mom, Cas and Jack. Cas plays a pretty small role in the very open of the episode, not being included in that letter, and it makes sense to me in the way that Cas is still very much a fellow solider rather than a family member - he’s very much deep in the stuff that even just the next year will have solidified him to Dean as so important that season 6 hurts like it does, but they’re still in that forging fire and having crucial bonding conversations - my favourite from season 5 is literally in the previous episode. 
And it’s interesting in the open of 13x23 that we see a sort of ~normal life resumes~ period for them, which includes Dean driving around hunting, but he’s doing it with Sam and Cas and Jack, and it’s so wildly different from the grim identity as a hunter that he inherited from John. They’ve made it their own way to the point that they have an angel that’s got their backs and a lil nephilim baby who is making a normal werewolf hunt devastatingly easy to the point of being kinda comical. (Obviously that’s not a lasting thing since Jack is depowered by the end but they got to enjoy it). And this leads to a dead opposite version of Dean’s suicide note, where instead he daydreams out loud to a present Sam, taking their life from a POV where he can think about a HAPPY endgame, the beach holiday, the drinks with lil umbrellas, and Cas is there. Then he wanders off and is parental towards Jack.
The whole Lisa and Ben endgame was also one of isolation and removing hunting and personal life, but the Good Times construct a world where Dean has it all - present parental figures rather than an absent memory, his brother, a spouse and a kid. Jack overlapping with Dean’s parenting of Ben in his emotional landscape doesn’t subtract from his life - Jack’s the reason he can even wonder if he and Sam and Cas can take his beach vacation he has been craving out loud basically since John died. Where they’re going they still need the car but only to get around for good reasons, you know? 
So these being the two underlying mindsets Dean has before attempting to/actually saying yes to Michael is fascinating because one of them strips him bare as removing all his personhood, putting the weight of the world on his shoulders, and painting him the idea of a paradise where the lucky few survive and everyone lives happily in Heaven. Michael’s endgame is in Pamela and Leah’s descriptions that convince Dean in the 2 previous episodes - that maybe it’s not so bad that some people get to go to Heaven. But Leah then goes evangelical club of lucky 1000 people style Heaven ascending, and this is where the spoilers about Michael in season 14 overlap with her message so obviously 5x17 might be a key thematic episode as well, as 5x16, 17 and 18 make Michael’s mission and intent so extremely clear. (5x13 too but brr, there’s so much that happens in that exchange I’d need another post :P).
AU Michael sees them as Paradise AU, while they’ve been viewing his world as Apocalypse AU, and I think those 2 perspectives are a very clear meta commentary on the way that his vision was presented back in season 5 as well - that he was going for that full Christian judgement day where the sheep and the goats are separated or whatever, and the planet is cleansed. He already attempted it in the Apocalypse AU but it clearly went awry and it sounds from spoilers like he’s gonna have a second go at realising this properly? I haven’t really been paying clear attention to the spoilers but it stood out to me having Dabb tease the sort of stuff I’ve been describing because that was barely implicit in season 13 since of course AU Michael made such a hash of the apocalypse on his first go at it. But of course for budget reasons he’s being more careful and less openly destructive in Paradise AU. And the very fact that the main SPN verse is Paradise AU to him is utterly fascinating when layered over season 5 and what we glean of Michael’s plan post-Lucifer killing, which our original Michael seems to see as an irritating first step even back then. 
And then to get to season 13, Dean in this wonderful happy good place is going to be the time he ends up saying Yes because it’s not the weight of the world on his shoulders - I mean, yeah, it is, but. It’s the weight of his family. And Sam and Jack are the ones who are taken - the haemorrhaging brothers Zach casually used as leverage in 5x18 - and we get Dean bargaining with AU Michael just like he bargained with Zach and Michael in 5x18 to worm his way to a change of mind and a “no”, he ends up in the place where to save his brother and son the only option is a yes in another room.
Carver being Carver - and we have his whole showrunning to use as a focus lens on this - went the route of that codependency debate about whether Dean would even care to save Adam or just Sam’s sweet bacon and manipulated Adam into feeling like they wouldn’t care, that they were the cause of all his problems, and Adam was caught in the middle, lied to, and wanting to see his mom again and Zach’s abuse of him in this way to get what he wants is the mirror of Lucifer getting to Jack and trying to prove he can be a good father while attempting to sweet talk Jack enough to agree to zap them off Earth and away from Michael’s plan. It DOESN’T get framed as a Sam and Dean us or them, the break comes before that when Jack for himself sees Lucifer being an abusive ass, and disowns him, and rather than a loss of Adam it’s a distinctive gaining of Jack as a permanent family feature. 
The confrontation with him, Sam and Lucifer goes on to finish making that extremely clear, with Sam and Jack competing to die for each other - not for Dean - and showing the bonds and strength they have as their own father and son relationship that has grown outside of the Sam n Dean codependency that Michael manipulated to make it look like even in the last moment they had “lost” Adam to it, rather than him stealing him from under their noses. They did actually intend to rescue him, though I think the staging of it was more like a careless moment of Dean helping Sam through the door first, it wasn’t a Huge Choice To Ditch Adam - though that careless priority of Sam comes back around in 6x11 as well so it’s not like a non-element, it was still not like, a Fuck You Adam I Only Care About Sam. 
Obviously in 13x23 with Jack the focus of the abduction and Sam leaping in on it HEROICALLY, there’s of course the sense that is heightened for us the audience that Sam is in trouble as well but while 5x18 had a Save Adam thing and this was a Save Jack thing, in every other way the emotional lines come down about family as a unit not a playing favourites game OR any commentary whatsoever on codependency except in its absence, while 5x18 is one of the only episodes to even actually use that word to describe Sam n Dean. It happened to be Sam and Jack in this situation but any combination of his peeps could have triggered this response in Dean, I feel. This is just the narratively neat way it played out.
And, of course, to get to the worst part… Which i still can’t even handle even when it’s been the focus of my icon for at least a month… Cas having to deal with Dean saying yes, after 5x18 was such a huge argument and point of pain between them, the one time Cas has turned violently on Dean was for attempting to give up and say yes to Michael in that episode, and it caused him a complete loss of faith, and was his impetus to help them get to Adam but in the cattiest fuck you possible in that last moment outside the warehouse. He describes going into the suicide mission to clear out the angels as not having to deal with watching Dean say yes, so of course in 13x23 his role is to chill with Dean as his accepted husband, third wheel, whatever else, part of the beach vacation, unquestioned part of the family, only for Dean to suddenly do the thing in front of him that in 5x18 had been their lowest point, personally and emotionally and interpersonally. When they had no faith in each other, and were both suicidal and miserable. 
And Cas is left in moments having to deal with losing potentially his entire family - son, brother, husband - to Lucifer and Michael, and it’s like they’re right back at the start. So much has changed and it’s not about faith, it’s not about believing in each other… He and Jack are part of this Winchester family and their investment is so different. But it’s seeing Dean make this sacrifice for family in front of him when of all of them Cas and Dean know the stakes of saying yes to Michael the best in the sense of having fought it out like that before. Because it’s the thing that forged them. That on the other side of it, Cas told Dean he wasn’t the broken shell of a man he thought he was or whatever he said in 5x21 when apologising for his lack of faith in his surprise that Dean hadn’t said yes. That last minute reconciliation and forging of what was the core of their bond from then on…
I think for Cas, still, his belonging is a bit more tenuous and Jack helps - he’s helped all of them by the brief “good times” montage at the start - but he’s always doubted his place in the family and the role he has and Dean’s always been his strongest connection, and having Jack and a settled few weeks to months with all these people around feels like a good way to give Cas time to feel truly in a part of the family unit. But even in 13x06 you can see they all have all their different bonds and dynamics and with Jack there it gives Cas another purpose and connection and Jack is also firmly connected to Sam and Dean. It’s sort of a joke that they’re all his dads when Rowena says it, but it’s seriously not untrue. For lack of any other relatable life experience and the circumstances of Jack’s existence, Dean, Cas and Sam are his fathers for the roles they’ve played to him, and those new bonds are like a thicker glue between TFW that none of them can really argue their way out of when it comes to emotional doubt about belonging. If Cas struggles to see the Bunker as home and his purpose on earth, then Jack DOES, and can clearly name his family, who matters to him, what he wants and where he wants to be, by the last moments that Lucifer steals his grace, Jack is avowedly a part of their world, and that’s a link Cas now has that sort of chains him there one step further than he ever had before that his doubts are going to have to listen to. And, you know, 10 seconds later Jack is gone and Sam is gone and Dean is saying yes to Michael. 
It makes Cas in 5x18 even more interesting just because this is the moment of shattering for him, and thinking back to how he was and what he stood to lose then is both deeply personal but so removed from what he has in season 13 that it’s hard to grasp at it, except that it’s so so connected to Dean and Dean only, that in the same way that losing Jack and Sam at once challenges the codependency set up that Zach presented via Adam, you have Cas no longer laser focused on Dean. And yet, of course. He stays behind with Dean to see him say yes, because in 5x18 that was his laser focus of emotional characterisation and as much as Sam and Jack mean to him, this is how to hurt Cas to his very very core. And still, even in this new family, shows the pressure point is Dean, and this very personal history they share when it comes to saying yes to Michael. How Dean represented Cas’s faith, and when they lost their faith they lost it together, and then gained it back together, because of each other. Leaving Cas to watch that happen… ugh, it’s illegal. I don’t even have words for the magnitude of what Dabb put him through and I’ve been wrangling with it all summer and now it’s September and it still hurts on a cosmic level :P 
And yet in the end the episodes end the same - hubris and losing a character to Michael, who still manages to sneak a victory and a vessel out of the scenario, even after Dean bargained with him and stabbed a smarmy adversary and seemed for a moment like the biggest badass and a fuckin hero to Sammy and defended their family and independence and place in the world. But in this case, Dean had already let Michael through the door, and he didn’t have to settle for a second rate vessel. Dean always bargains with himself and this time, the bargain that he gets to kill the bad guy in exchange for Michael’s cooperation failed, and like in both scenarios Michael took his vessel by force and trickery, because for Michael, the “yes” has always been a pretty hypothetical necessity in the first place >.> 
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scarletwelly-boots · 6 years
Books Read 2018
I read 20 books in 2018, about 15 fewer books than last year (I work longer hours and have a further commute is my excuse). Technically I’m not even done with one of them, but I have like an hour or two to go of it and it’s an audiobook so it’ll be read faster than I could read it.
This is the third year I have done the Reading Challenge, which lists a number of categories to read books under (there were 40 categories this year, so I got a solid 50%). You can find the challenges I’ve done at least last, this, and next year, on Popsugar. (I don’t remember if I got the 2016 one from the same site). I also took some liberties with the categories and even changed a few to entries from last year’s list.
1. Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton (A book made into a movie you’ve already seen). ‘Kay so. I liked it, of course I did. I like the movie and I’m in love with Ian Malcolm. It was interesting because it provide some context fro scenes in the movie or left out of the movie that I didn’t get when I watched it. It was different from the movie in a lot of spoiler-y ways that I won’t get into. Most of these differences were good with one exception that really upset me. I would recommend to read it anyway.
2. Leah on the Offbeat, by Becky Albertalli (The next book in a series you started). This is the sequel to Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda and I’m gonna be honest. I LOVED it. Was it better than Simon? No, probably not. But the representation made me really happy. I’m also a fat bisexual and though I’m not always a woman, I was raised AFAB, so it was still really relatable to me. There were some plot holes, because I’m pretty sure Albertalli decided Leah was bi after Simon was published. I thought it was really cute, though, and I definitely recommend it.
3. Weird Ireland, assorted authors (A book involving a mythical creature). A very small, independently published book about paranormal, supernatural, and extra-terrestrial sightings in Ireland. It was okay. I finished it in two hours. I knew everything that was in it, and some of it they even got wrong. Even if you’re crazy-obsessed with Ireland like me, you can skip this one.
4. Wild Irish Women, by Marian Broderick (a book set in a country that fascinates you). This is the kind of history book I like. Each chapter follows the biography of a different person and provides some context about the time period in which they lived. I learned a lot about Irish women I had never heard of, learned more about women I already knew about, and reread what little is known about my hero and historical crush, Grainne Ni Mhaille. One shortcoming of this book was their inclusion and insistent misgendering of Dr. Barry, an Irish physician who made great strides in natal care for women and who at this point is pretty widely believed to have been a transman. As a genderfluid person, this frustrated me so much that about three sentences into his entry I grabbed a red pen and actually corrected the pronoun usage. All the same, I recommend the book if you like women’s or Irish history, or los dos, like myself.
5. A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle (a book with a time of day in the title). Hey, it had the word ‘time’; I say that counts! Guys, if you have never read this book, you need to. Even if you watched/sobbed during the movie. Dear god this book is so good. The theoretical physics is confusing, but that’s to be expected (my fifth graders were like ‘wth does this mean’ and I was like ‘you got me; this is why I teach elementary’). But it had some of my favorite themes, and Meg does her job as the oldest sibling, which as an oldest sibling, I respect and expect. (Never bring up the movie The Wind that Shakes the Barley with me; I am very, very firm about my Oldest Sibling Job responsibilities.) Anyway, read this goddamn book please.
6. Heart of the Fae, by Emma Hamm (A book with a villain or antihero). I am a sucker for all things Beauty and the Beast and all things Ireland, so when I saw a recommendation for this independently published Irish retelling of Beauty and the Beast on tumblr, I ordered it immediately. I really loved it. It’s also the first in a series and listen, the only thing better than a Beauty and the Beast retelling is a TRILOGY of a Beauty and the Beast retelling. I started the sequel but I haven’t finished yet. This book is so good. I highly recommend it.
7. The Upside of Unrequited, by Becky Albertalli (A book with alliteration in the title). This was...okay. It’s a companion to Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda, and it follows Abby’s cousins. In a way, it was gayer than the others, because her cousins have two moms and one of the cousins is gay. But it’s from the POV of the straight one, so not as gay. Plus I really like the characters from the first two, and we didn’t even get very much Abby in this one. You kind of have to read it like its own novel with a couple cameos from Abby. As a standalone, it wasn’t bad, but as a series it was a bit of a letdown.
8. The Once and Future King, by TH White (a book about time travel). Look, Merlin ages opposite to the passage of time, so it counts as time travel. I have been trying to read this book for ten years. I liked most of it. I had a few qualms but given the climate in which it was written it makes sense for the time period (not that that should excuse some of the cringe-worthy parts). The last like fifty pages White waxes poetic on the capitalist system and it’s like, we get it, you’re a white man from the middle of the Cold War, but read a goddamn book. Additionally, at least three men were raped by women with some not-so-subtle victim blaming which pissed me the fuck off. But the overall story, the legend of King Arthur, was good. It’s definitely a cornerstone in the Arthurian saga. I might try to read Le Morte d’Arthur next year and see how it compares.
9. All the King’s Men, by Nora Sakavic (a book with song lyrics in the title). Humpty Dumpty is close enough to a song. This is book three of the All for the Game trilogy, and holy shit you have to read this. It’s the best book in the trilogy. It is a series about a college sports team who play a made up sport called Exy, which is basically a more violent version of lacrosse. I’m not a huge sports fan, but the way she writes Exy matches had me on the edge of my seat. The team is made up of all “at-risk” students, the main character being a kid on the run from his mob boss dad. Trigger warning for the series for violence, sexual assault/rape, abuse, drug use, I may be missing some things. It was so good though.
10. The War I Finally Won, by Kimberley Brubaker Bradley (A book with an LGBTQ+ protagonist). This is a really great sequel to another children’s book. See below for the synopsis.
11. The War that Saved My Life, by Kimberley Brubaker Bradley (a book about mental health). Okay, I don’t know why that is the category I put it in, other than the protagonist was told by her mother all her life that she was mentally disabled even though it was just physically. This book and it’s sequel above were AMAZING. It’s about a little girl and her brother in World War II England. The girl has a club foot and spends her life locked away in her abusive mother’s flat in London. She teaches herself to walk, and then she and her brother run away to join the other children being evacuated to the country. They are taken in by a woman who doesn’t want to care for them but in less than a day becomes totally ride-or-die for them (I love that trope). The woman is heavily implied to be gay and is grieving the death of her companion (hence the category above). I loved both books and highly recommend them.
12. Norse Mythology, by Neil Gaiman (a book by an author of a different ethnicity than you). British isn’t that different of an ethnicity from my pasty ass, but I was hard-pressed to put this wonderful book in a category. Apparently my disaster wife Loki is a dumbass and they just look clever because the other gods are stupider than they are. I loved all the stories but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t just pick this up exclusively because I’m fucking in love with Loki. I do really recommend it though.
13. Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow (a book that is also a stage play or musical). I’ve been meaning to read this for ages. It was really interesting, and a lot of it didn’t make it into the musical since it’s like 600 pages long so I learned a lot. I’m still reading it, and I’ve reached the duel so I’m almost finished. Thank god for audiobooks; if my slow-ass self were reading this, I’d still be on page like 100 and I’ve been reading it for a month. If you liked the musical I recommend you read this.
14. Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee (a book that you borrowed or was given to you as a gift). I had a hard time following this book. Lee went back and forth between the present (Scout in her twenties) and the 15-or-so years in between the end of TKAM and the beginning of GSAW. It wasn’t bad, but given the stories from Scout’s high school years that were really amusing and the most engaging of the whole book, I’d have preferred if the sequel took place during those years. I think this is the proof as to why most classics don’t have sequels. Read it, but don’t expect much.
15. Making Thinking Visible, by Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, etc. (a book by two authors). I had to read this for work. Meh.
16. Fence, by CS Pacat (a book about or involving a sport). This is a comic by the same author as The Captive Prince trilogy. I’m behind in issues, but I did really like it. It’s about fencing, which I love, and it’s supposed to be gay eventually. And I’m pretty sure there’s a genderfluid or gnc character which I was super excited about. I recommend it.
17. The Orphelines in the Enchanted Castle, by Natalie Savage Carlson (a childhood classic you’ve never read). Okay, don’t tell my mother, but I don’t remember anything about this book. This year (at twenty-four) was the first time I read this old, old book that I have had since I was six or seven (don’t tell my mom that, either). It was from my mom/the tooth fairy and she loved it as a kid. I guess read it if you can find it and remind me what happened in it?
18. Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda, by Becky Albertalli (a book you meant to read in 2017 but didn’t get to). Obviously I really loved this book if I also read the sequel and companion books. It was really good, and I definitely cried. If you liked the movie, read the book. It’s different in several ways. I think if you’re thinking in terms of trueness to the book, the movie was maybe not as good, but they’re both good as their own standalone things. But I highly recommend both.
19. Because of Winn-Dixie, by Kate DiCamillo (a book that involves a bookstore or library). This book is so good. It was interesting to reread it as an adult when I last read it as a third grader. I think I understood more than I did then and got different things out of it. I think everyone should reread books from their childhood because the books can still impact you, and they’ll probably affect you differently than when you were a child. So if the last time you read this book was as a young child, pick it up again. If you’ve never read it, still read it.
20. Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo (your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 Popsugar reading challenges: the first book in a series you haven’t read before). This was so good. It was a really interesting book with characters I’ve already kind-of met since my DM recycled some names from the book into our campaign. But I’ve come to know Waylan with similar traits but in a different context, so it was fun to be reintroduced to him. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where I was already attached to a character in a different context before reading the book, so that was new. I’m terrible at synopses, so if you want to know what this book is about, Google it I guess. And then read it.
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beckyalbertalli · 7 years
Your 2018 Spoiler-Free Mega Guide to Albertalli Stuff
Deep breath. Big year. I’ve got lots of cool things coming up, so I’m creating this info-packed timeline to help walk you through it!
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January 30th
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- 2 pages of black and white movie set photos from my personal collection
-11 pages of conversation transcript with Angie Thomas, Adam Silvera, and me, including the infamous boner story.
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-15-page excerpt from THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED
-11-page sneak peek of LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT
- and, of course, 19 pages of Simon and Blue’s very first emails.
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Where can I preorder/purchase this in the US? Links here. 
Where can I preorder/purchase this outside the US? Book Depository
Can I order a signed/personalized copy? Yes! Call FoxTale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA or email [email protected], and be sure to request that they hold the book for personalization. They can ship internationally for an additional fee. 
Will the special edition bonus content be translated into any other languages? I don’t think so - this content was acquired specifically by my US publisher. I’m so sorry for any frustration!
Will the bonus content be available electronically? As far as I know, no.
Did you write the bonus emails? Yes. 
Did you really tell Nick Robinson to enjoy his boner? Yes. 
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Also January 30th
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-9 pages of me in conversation with Greg Berlanti and Nick Robinson
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-4 pages of black and white official stills from the film
-7 page excerpt from the LOVE, SIMON script
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-6 page excerpt from THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED
-8-page sneak peek of LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT 
Where can I preorder/purchase this in the US? Links here.
Where can I preorder/purchase this in the UK/AUS/NZ? Links here. (PLEASE NOTE: At this time, I cannot verify what bonus content may or may not be included in the UK edition.) 
Where can I preorder/purchase the US edition in other countries? Book Depository 
Can I order a signed/personalized copy? Yes! Call FoxTale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA or email [email protected], and be sure to request that they hold the book for personalization. They can ship internationally for an additional fee.
Will the MTI bonus content be translated into any other languages? I don’t think so - this content was acquired specifically by my US publisher. I’m so sorry for any frustration!
Is the text of the book the same as other editions of SIMON VS THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA? Yup, same book!
Will this edition include the Simon/Blue bonus emails as well? No - that’s only in the Special Edition Hardcover. 
Will the bonus content be available electronically? As far as I know, no.
Why is the LEAH sneak peek shorter in this edition than in the Special Edition Hardcover and UPSIDE paperback? It’s the same chapter, but it cuts off sooner. This is a different edition with different content.
Can Nick actually sing? Yes.
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Also January 30th 
THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED: paperback edition! 
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-11 page sneak peek of LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT
Where can I preorder/purchase this in the US? Links here. 
Where can I preorder/purchase this outside the US? Book Depository 
I’m confused - my copy of UPSIDE has always been a paperback. You probably have the UK/AUS/NZ edition, which has been paperback from the beginning. 
Can I order a signed/personalized copy? Yes! Call FoxTale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA or email [email protected], and be sure to request that they hold the book for personalization. They can ship internationally for an additional fee.
Will I still be able to purchase THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED in hardcover if I want. Yes!
Do I need to read SIMON VS before reading UPSIDE? No. You��ll miss a few Easter eggs and references, and UPSIDE occurs chronologically after SIMON in the same universe - but UPSIDE does not spoil Simon (and Simon’s love interest is not mentioned by name in UPSIDE). Many people have read UPSIDE first. 
Does this edition include the recipe for edible cookie dough? Nope. Google it! 
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March 16th
LOVE, SIMON releases in the US!
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Full length
Is LOVE, SIMON based on a book? Yes. It’s based on my book, SIMON VS THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA. 
(This is, in fact, a frequently asked question.)
Is the film being released in my country? I’m afraid I’m not given up-to-date information on international release dates. It is being released widely, and dates have been set for many countries. However, changes to release dates are common, and I’m unable to keep up with that info for every country. I recommend checking IMDB and/or the major film distribution outlets in your country. 
How involved were you in the creative process for LOVE, SIMON? Are you happy with the film? My team was very collaborative, and I obsessively love this film. Check out my film-specific FAQ here.
Will there be any early screenings in my city? I’m not involved in organizing screenings, and I usually don’t have up-to-date information on this.
Is Blue’s identity the same in the film? Yes. 
Something from the trailer looks different from the book. WHY??? Check out my film-specific FAQ here.
Have you seen the film yet? Yes, and it’s even better than you think it is. 
What songs are on the soundtrack? Check out this writeup in EW and preorder the soundtrack here!
Tell me about the cast and crew of the film. Check out my film-specific FAQ here.
Will there be merch?! I don’t know! Hopefully?
Do I need to read the book before I watch the film? I can’t make you, but I hope you'll check out the book either before or after the film! 
Would you consider making a film of UPSIDE, LEAH, or WHAT IF IT’S US? I have no control over whether a film gets made of any of my books. I’m sorry! 
April 24th 
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Where can I preorder/purchase this in the US? Links here.
Will it be available in the UK/AUS/NZ at the same time? Yup, via Penguin UK - I just don’t have a link yet. 
What about other countries? Translation rights for LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT have already been acquired by multiple countries, but I don’t have updated information yet on their publication dates, covers, and purchase links. In the meantime, you can preorder the English language version from Book Depository.
Can I order a signed/personalized copy? Yes! Call FoxTale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA or email [email protected], and be sure to request that they hold the book for personalization. They can ship internationally for an additional fee. There will also be copies signed without personalization at several retailers. 
Do I need to read SIMON VS before I read LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT? What about THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED? You’ll probably want to read SIMON before LEAH, since Leah’s story is a fairly direct sequel to Simon’s. LEAH definitely spoils the ending of SIMON VS. You’ll miss a few Easter eggs if you haven’t read UPSIDE yet, but it’s not necessary to read UPSIDE first. 
Can you send me an advance reader copy of LEAH ON THE OFFBEAT? No ARCs will be available for this book. It’s embargoed until its release date. 
Will you be touring for this book? I will be, but I don’t have updated information on that yet. 
Will Simon and the rest of the Creekwood High School gang make an appearance in this book? Yes - basically every character you know from SIMON VS makes at least a short appearance. Most make significant appearances. Simon in particular plays a very large role.
I heard Leah might be bi. Is that true? Yup! She’s bi (Simon doesn’t know yet, which is why it’s not mentioned in his book). That said, this book is not about her discovering or coming to terms with bisexuality. She has known she was bi since age eleven. 
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Nope, you’re not.
Is Leah fat in the book? Yes. 
Will you write about <insert character> next? No, it’s very unlikely. The Creekwood gang are graduating seniors in this book, so it feels like a very natural ending point for the Simonverse. 
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October 9th
WHAT IF IT’S US hardcover, co-written with Adam Silvera
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Where can I preorder/purchase this in the US? So far, here! 
Will it be available outside the US? Translation rights for WHAT IF IT’S US have already been acquired by multiple countries, but I don’t have updated information yet on their publication dates, covers, and purchase links. In the meantime, you can preorder the US version from Book Depository. 
What imprint of HarperCollins is publishing WHAT IF IT’S US? We have two imprints and two editors! WIIU is both a Balzer + Bray book and a HarperTeen book. 
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Here’s the team! Editor Donna Bray (who has edited all of my books), agent Brooks Sherman, a tall dude, and editor Andrew Eliopulos (who edited Adam’s THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END). 
Who wrote Arthur’s sections, and who wrote Ben’s? If you don’t already know, you’ll get a clue in the first line of the book. 
Did you know your title is a lyric from a song in DEAR EVAN HANSEN? Yup, that’s intentional.
Will it have a Becky ending or an Adam ending? You’ll have to read to find out! (Seriously, though, if you need to know about possible triggering moments in the book, reach out - we can give more information if you need it to be safe!)
Can I get an Advance Reader Copy? No ARCs are available yet. When they’re available, please reach out to HarperCollins (we won’t be handling ARC requests directly). 
Will you be touring for WHAT IF IT’S US? Yes, but we don’t have the details on that yet.
Will this book contain kissing? OH YES. 
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December TBA
DEAR HEARTBREAK: YA AUTHORS ON THE DARK SIDE OF LOVE (anthology edited by Heather Demetrios)
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No FAQ yet, but learn more about this anthology here! 
General FAQ:
Will we get a book written from Blue’s POV? No, that’s very unlikely. However, check out this series by Bansheee on Ao3, which is what I would have written, only better. SPOILERS!! Seriously, check out Ao3 for so much incredible, original work in the Simonverse. 
Please follow me on Twitter! I’m so sorry - I don’t respond to any follow requests. It’s not personal at all, I promise. 
Do you ever intend to write a book about a character from <a particular marginalized community>? This gets complicated! I’ll never say never, but I always want to make sure I can do this character justice before I attempt to write from their POV. For many marginalized communities, mainstream YA representation is so scarce that I am mindful of how much space I’d be taking up by writing outside my lane. That said, writing diverse casts of characters is incredibly important to me, and I hope to get better and better at including thoughtful, nuanced rep of a broad range of communities. It’s also REALLY important to me to read widely and boost the amazing (often #ownvoices - hashtag cr: Corinne Duyvis) work other authors have already put out there. A few fantastic resources: LGBTQReads, Latinx In KidLit, We Need Diverse Books, American Indians In Children’s Literature, Coretta Scott King Book Awards list, Disability in Kidlit, and Rich In Color. 
You haven’t replied to my email yet! I know - I’m sorry! I’m super behind. I get lots and lots of emails, and every single one of them makes my day. I will hopefully have the chance to write back to each of the personal ones eventually.
I have a question that wasn’t addressed in this post. Where’s the best place to ask it? Email my assistant, Matthew, at albertalli.requests at gmail.com. He’s much quicker to reply than I am, AND he’s awesome, AND he knows everything. 
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That is literally Matthew sitting behind Bram Greenfeld. He’s in the movie!
Okay, y’all! That’s the latest. I love you, thanks for reading this far, and don’t forget:
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Thanks for answering my question! I have something to add about the books I mentioned.
During the promotion of Midnight Sun in 2020 SM said that she has planned at least 2 more books after Breaking Dawn. The first book was already outlined (like the main plot and stuff), the second one not so detailed, but she said she knew the actual ending to everything. And she also said the second book might be too long, so it could be not only 2, but 3 books instead.
As for the narrator, the plot will focus on the same characters, but from Renesmee’s POV (though she didn’t mention Jacob’s name). Also the part of the first book (not sure about the second one) will be narrated by Leah Clearwater, whose life will get a little rougher (that’s what SM said).
As for the plot, nothing was actually mentioned because of spoilers, but she did say the Volturi will have to be dealt with, and that Fred will reappear, but only in the second book, not in the first one. She actually was all smiling while talking about him, and her friend Megan who helped with the questions said that he’s alive for a reason. So I don’t have any other proofs that his appearance has something to do with Nessie, but still I feel like it can be possible, and if a love triangle has to happen, it better be with Fred, not with Nahuel (who I think can’t be any more than a friend to her). The rest I wrote in my previous question to you is just my speculations.
So we don’t know anything else, and more painful is that she said she’s not going to write those books right now, she wants to do something brand new first, but still almost 2 years later we haven’t heard about ANY coming book from her, whether it’s Twilight related or not. So how long it’ll take is a question.
As for the TikTok rumour about SM writing a Jacob/Renesmee book called Moon child (maybe you’ve heard of it), don’t believe it, it’s a complete fake. The TikTok user has made this up and laughing at people who believe her.
Right now we don’t know anything about what SM will publish next and what’s her progress with the sequel if any.
That’s all I know, and I’m pretty sure it’s all the news we have for now. If something is up, of course I’ll update you, and I wish it happens sooner rather than later.
If you have any questions in return, feel free to ask. Thanks for listening and have a nice day.
I know I shouldn't be happy about getting more books from sm but actually I can't wait !!!
Especially if she gives more time and development to Leah. Also develping the political side of her world through the Volturi ?? I really feel like she spent a lot of time on tumblr and took notes lol. But if she pulls a Grrm and publishes her books in 10 years it's going to hurt tbh.
I'm too old for tiktok so i wasn't aware of this rumor but it's funny that so many ppl believed this story, bc it's awful but sm from 2005 would proabably write it. Fortunately she got better !
Thanks for the news about the books !! And sorry for not answering before, my internship just began and it's hell.
Have a nice day too and don't hesitate if you have any other theory (or news) !
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cicinicole-14 · 6 years
14x19–– Beautiful Dreamer [episode review]
can we talk about Grey’s here for a second? I’m gonna review this episode because it’s been a really great episode. I think one of the best we’ve seen in a long time. so lets start off with saying this: I am sorry for how unorganized and choppy this is going to be, I’m apologizing in advance but my brain is going a million miles an hour. ALSO. WARNING::: SPOILERS AHEAD!!! 🚨🚨
first off–– Richard and Ollie
this was so, so sad. this gave me Amelia and Michelle, on PP, parallel feels, how Ollie is much like Amelia’s best friend Michelle and Amelia and Richard both watched their friend die a slow death. I really think and hope this is going to bring Amelia and Richard closer as friends and support systems. this storyline (Richard and Ollie) was very real, heartbreaking and sad. I really liked it even though it was rough.
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two things here, first; Carina. I just. I don’t like her. it’s half “she’s never going to be callie” and half idk I just don’t like her character. she’s useless and just no. I really don’t like her. and I would really like for her to go back to Italy. like Arizona said, her study there is almost up… also, the comment at the beginning of the ep “I have no kids, thank god” like okay, I get that people don’t always like kids but coming from Arizona, someone who broke up with her girlfriend over children, this just made my heart swell. like carina you don’t say that to the person you’re with if they fucking have kids. thats like almost as close as basic human decency as we get here…and second; Arizona’s idea of the crash cart thing, that was amazing. seriously. “treat every delivery as a trauma” I can’t clap loud enough. this is amazing. I’m so glad she figured something out and she can stop stressing just a little bit. take a breather babes, you’re awesome, you’re a rockstar. [also, another note; I really am dreading JCap leaving and this is sad af, because we only have like what 3 episodes remaining?]
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Bello and Deluca
I actually have a lot to say about this and this is where its going to get very unorganized. I love that they’re incorporating real life like this, fucking neurosurgeons in the making, who have been living here their whole lives, facing deportation to a country they don’t know just because of our terrible choice in leaders. I can talk a while about this but I’m not going to. I thoroughly enjoyed Bailey stalling the ICE agent [we will address this later] and how literally the whole hospital was banning together to help Bello out. I genuinely like her and I’m really sad to see her leaving. I loved all the scenarios of running, getting married, Jo telling her how to fake her death with a guy in New York, I actually laughed so hard. like this was so great. this whole storyline. and then when amelia asks Owen to call Megan to help out because her “favorite intern” is going to get deported for rUNNING A FUCKING RED LIGHT. A RED LIGHT PEOPLE. we can’t even put rapists in jail, and you’re exiling an innocent fucking surgeon to a country they spent barely a year in when they were born, because she ran a red fucking light? okay moving on, coco. I loved that amelia said that, it was really cute. and like then Meredith using one of Maggie’s old papers [im assuming] and telling her Sam got accepted in Zurich and is working with Cristina. that was actually so sweet and I can’t. and then poor Andrew. I really loved them as a couple. they are really sweet and I wish we got to know more about their story, but sadly we won’t since Bello left. their goodbye was so adorable and bitter sweet. I hope she comes back one day or Deluca leaves to go be with her, he deserves happiness and an actual storyline like this because Giancomo is kinda getting screwed with Deluca’s character here.
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as @jordan202​ said last week, “jaggie is gaggie” and literally, yes. I was really excited to see Maggie ignoring him, because Jackson can be kinda dickish and like he should’ve told her April kissed him. if you want a relationship to work, be honest. and Jackson should’ve told her from the beginning. now to be honest with you, I skipped every jaggie scene, and caught the little bit at the end. I did want to point out, while I do not support Jaggie at all whatsoever, I find it very sweet Maggie showed up and made the speech and stood up for herself about not telling her because she said Jackson didn’t think he could handle it. go Maggie. and then I gagged again and skipped the scene that followed that… gross.
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the interns
okay I love love loveeeee seeing Jo be the chief resident [I mean not like there can be any other chief resident because lets see, mousey died, Stephanie left, ben became a firefighter and where the fuck did Leah disappear to?] anyway, I love seeing Jo be the chief res and then bringing the interns around for rounds and no one letting them into rooms for rounds, that was actually quite funny.
Matthew and Ruby
okay, so I feel bad for Arizona because this was her case, but I empathize with Matthew, and he’s hurting and this is a lot. and I’m glad Owen could be put on this case, tho really fucking weird since he worked as a trauma surgeon in the army I didn’t peg him for a peds stand in, but I know this was just a little veer in his path for his storyline [which we will talk about as well] and I’m really grateful for April here. I know that everyone kinda looked weird at her for leering around Matthew and yeah I get it its weird, but her mother’s intuition was calling, and hey, guess what, it was fucking right. I’m really glad she was able to help and the end scene with her and Matthew was really sweet. it was full circle for them and I really enjoyed that.
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lets go with the ICE agent next, and Bailey.
so I thoroughly enjoy that Bailey was at first just trying to stall him as long as possible. great tactic. and then her instincts kicked in and she pretty much saved this man’s life. I think that was really cool. and the scene with Maggie telling Bailey that she’d run all the tests, and then Bailey actually being serious about it. this was really nice. Bailey was being sincere to this man, she was serious because this guy, who is trying to take her intern, she could’ve easily just ignored his symptoms. but she didn’t and telling him, jfc that was great. “I swear to god this isn’t a joke” or whatever. bailey’s being serious, might I even say as serious as a heart attack… [okay, okay, I know, terrible joke I am sorry] anyway, this was really sweet that even though she deemed him as the enemy, she stilled helped save his life because its her job, just like, while he hates it, being an ICE agent is his job.
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um what’s next? ou, Catherine.
can I start out saying I’ve never liked her? she’s always fucking shady and untrusting. seriously. and first off, do not go blaming your fucking son for this issue with the neurosurgeon lady. this is your fault. your “oh its nothing” thing with harper Avery and this lady. well yeah, we’re gonna think its nothing if you say it like that, of course Jackson won’t think anything of it and try and fucking fix things, there’s a child’s life at stake. if you weren’t such a shady bitch and were honest with Jackson, y’all won’t be getting into this mess, whatever the fuck it may be. ugh I do not like Catherine at all. Richard deserves better.
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um, who else… Owen okay Owen.
so, I am still logically confused why Owen was placed on ruby Taylor’s case… like I mentioned before, he’s trauma not peds, but whatever, I guess if a hospital can have a bomb, shooting, 2 plane crashes, a fire and a billion other things happen, I guess a trauma surgeon can double as a peds one for a day. now, onto why. I’m really actually genuinely excited for Owen to take this step into singlehood and hopefully soon-to-be single fatherhood. I’ve been saying this forever, but give the man a child. he’s very similar to Alex in a way, he doesn’t act very decent with other adults, but in front of children, he’s an angel and its what he really needs. I can’t wait to see what comes of this storyline!
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okay, wow! this breaks my heart. part of me is like “yes! go to NYC, go sing on broadway, explore the world while you still have the chance” and the other half of me just screams “stay strong just a little longer and stay at GSM for Alex and amelia to fix you, because I know they can”. Alex and kimmie’s dynamic is so sweet and their relationship just kinda melts me [and jo, but we will talk about that next!] I really hope this isnt the end of kimmie’s story. I hope she’s not going to just leave. side note: where did Tom go? is he back in New York? did he go back and I forget? anyway, whatever.
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last but not least, the best, jolex.
okay, we got literally the sweetest scene I’ve ever fucking seen. I think I like this more than the proposal. actually, this and the 9x24 “I love you” scene are tied for first because ofc, that was my fave but also this one was. Jo telling Alex that she wants kids with him and wants to wedding plan and get married at joe’s bar and soon and ugh I cannot. and then her telling him she wants his last name because “I’ve never had the last name of anyone who’s loved me before” okay get out. bye. I’m dead. spoiler alert: I’ve been typing this from beyond the grave. this scene fucking melted me into a pile of goo. I cannot. bye!
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bonus! 14x20 promo! 
I AM FUCKING DEAD. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS EPISODE. ABSOLUTELY CANNOT FUCKING WAIT. this looks so goddamn fucking hilarious I literally almost started crying. first of all, Arizona being the innocent lil bean to unknowingly give everyone pot cookies, I’m in tears. then, Alex wearing the fucking whatever that was on his head and “oh yeah, it was so good” pissing myself. also, fuck, was that deluca hugging a bush?!? and Bailey professing her love to Meredith. I can’t I can’t. seriously, I have high expectations for this episode, and I hope it doesn’t disappoint.
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end note: no gifs are mine and I’m sorry for not crediting artists, I just pulled these off google. thank you for letting me borrow your work.
37 notes · View notes
autographedcat · 5 years
A Fistful of Mithril: The Journey Begins
I was delighted recently to be invited by my friend Aron Wolf to participate in a D&D one-shot he was putting together.   I’m a long-time RPG fan, but I haven’t really had a group of my own recently.  Our old regular weekly D&D group in Atlanta scattered across the country, and while we managed to get things going again for a while over Skype, life intervened and we never got it back up again.  So I was really excited to not only play, but play around a table in a room with a bunch of other people I already knew i liked and enjoyed spending time with!
Because this was intended as a shakedown cruise for the world Aron is building, he gave us all pre-rolled 3rd level characters with specific backstories, which let us drop into the “meeting the party” phase without a lot of time for chargen.  This was useful, because our group was pretty evenly divided between D&D veterans and folks who had never played before, and even among the vets, some of us hadn’t really played 5th edition yet, so our knowledge of the system was rather out of date.
(Author’s note: I am not the DM of this campaign, so all of my reports will necessarily be titled towards my own perspective as a player. I will do my best to report on the happenings fairly and accurately, but I won’t always have all the information to hand about what is important, and that may influence my account.) Our setting is a land that is somewhat modelled on the Italian renaissance, and is set about 10 years after a very nasty war with a neighbouring nation-state devastated the region, and from which it is still recovering.  Our characters all had various connections back to that war. 
My own character’s story had a lot of interesting and tragic threads.  She was born into nobility, but her family’s house was betrayed by collaborators and  fell during the war, when she was a child.  Her parents were executed by the invaders, and she was held hostage for a time in the occupier’s court.  When the war ended, she found herself without land or title, and has been making a life on the streets in a variety of shady pursuits, with a speciality in skycraft and the acquisition and brokering of information to those willing to pay for it.  As a result, she’s had a hard life for one so young, but can still, thanks to her upbringing and early education, still move as easily through high society as she does the criminal underworld.  She’s still bitter about being cast out, and has ambitious to one day reclaim her birthright. 1 In addition to Kyrial, my rogue, we had the following PCs to round out the party: A cleric, Jane (Julie), A dwarven bard, Belle (Shawna) A fighter, Gordon (Marcos) A musketeer2, Lex (Jasmine/Leah)3 Another Rogue, Splendid (Paul) (Shawna helpfully live-tweeted some of the better dialogue, which I will be including throughout this report. Thanks, Shawna!) We had all been brought together to guard a caravan that was taking supplies up from the regional capitol to a mining town on the edge of the mountains, about two days travel away.  Our benefactor, Elmo Bartolo, was one of the scions of the frontier town, which was still rebuilding after the war. We had a fit of giggles over learning the name of our employer, which lead the the DM referring to him exclusively by his last name for the rest of the session.
Elmo does not travel! Elmo is the money!#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
The first day of travel passed uneventfully. We set watches for the night, which also passed uneventfully. Well, one of us heard a noise and investigated, but it turned out to be nothing.
“Bunny.” “…Bunny?” “Bunny.”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #belle #gordon
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Midway through the second day, we were approaching the entrance to a narrow gulch in between two rises.  Off to one side, the wreck of an overturned wagon could be seen.  Though the first two wagons in our caravan had passed into the gulch without incident,  Splendid decided he would stealthily try to circle wide and scout it out from the higher ground.  The bard was already wary of the entire scenario.
Belle, singing “It’s prooobably a traaaap, it’s prooobably a traaaap”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #belle #bard
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Successfully sneaking up onto the ledge, Splendid spotted four goblins–one rather larger than the others–waiting in ambush behind the cart, which he signalled back to us via a message spell Belle had established.
Belle: “It’s deeefinitely a traaaap, it’s deeefinately a traaaap” Gordon: “Really, Belle?” Belle: 🤷🏻‍♀️#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #belle #gordon #bard #captainobvious
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #goblin #ogre Image description: four goblins and an ogre on a rise of rock. pic.twitter.com/uiPvdKfm72
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Just as the wagon in front us had passed through the ravine, a rock slide fell down into the path.  Above the ridge on the opposite side from where the previously spotted goblins were hiding, there were four more goblins and an ogre.  All of whom came from hiding to engage the party.
Spoiler: it was a trap.#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #goblinsandogresandrockslides #ohmy
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
With the trap sprung, we leapt into action.  Splendid pegged the goblin leader in the back with a arrow from his hiding spot, while the cleric sent a spiritual weapon spell forward to smack him in the face as well. Between the two of them, he was not having a very good ambush.
The goblin boss is, obviously, not happy.#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #jane #goblin #boss
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Lex went wide to the left and fired a shot off at the ogre, which hit but, thanks to poor die rolls (a theme of the evening), it did so little damage the ogre, not knowing what a rifle was, didn’t actually associate the loud far off noise with the damage.  Meanwhile, Belle and Gordon moved forward to engage the smaller goblins with their preferred weapons, respectively an enormous warhammer that was taller than she was and…a cast iron frying pan4
Kyrial, who had been brought up never to walk up to a strange group of goblins without a proper escort, kept to her perch on top of the wagon and took crossbow shots at whatever target appeared most favourable from that vantage point, declining to take a move action at all unless she was forced.
#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #jane #lex Image description: dnd minis, 2 on a cart, one on the ground, and two horses. pic.twitter.com/wS1XDL6YLj
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Aron (DM): “Are you gonna fall off the wagon?” Kyrial: “It depends on my Dex check!” 😅#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #kyrial #dm
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Belle's first attack with the hammer left hes target on death's doorstep, a mighty blow that nearly reduced the hapless goblin to pulp.  ((Put a pin in that thought.  We'll be back for it later.)).
DM: “He is hurt, but not paste. (He has one hit point left.)”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #belle #Goblin #dm
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
In the second round, the ogre and his retinue of goblins had scrambled down the hill.  Lex took a second shot at the ogre, and this time connected with a more substantial amount of damage.  The ogre, now aware that the human with the boom stick was creating the hurt, peeled off to make a beeline for the musketeer, and tagged him for half of his hitpoints. (Ouch!).  Belle, meanwhile, cast a shatter spell on the four goblins he’d just abandoned, obliterating two and badly hurting the others.  At one point, Gordon did a massive amount of damage to a goblin who didn’t have much health left, and Aron wrapped his knuckles on the edge of the table while reaching out to turn over the mini.
“You did so much damage, you killed the goblin and injured the DM!”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #gordon
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
The goblins did manage to get some minor hits in against their melee targets, poking them with their rusty short swords, but it was clear the battle was not going the way they had planned.
“Does tetanus count as poison?”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #belle #rustysword #goblin
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Of course, this being our first combat (even for the D&D veterans in the group, this was the first time a lot of us had been playing 5th Edition, so a lot of what we knew about combat was no longer applicable. One person noted it was a lot like trying to figure out the controllers on a new video game, and not being sure which button was the one to attack with.
“Which of these buttons isn’t crouch?”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
At one point, I was asking about attacks of opportunity, recalling that in 3.5 days the rules were so complicated that our friend Mary had written an entire song just to teach everyone how they worked. 5
“@DrMaryCCrowell wrote a song just to explain attacks of opportunity.” “Remember that that was for 3.5.”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #filk
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Meanwhile, between spells, arrows, and melee, the goblins were in a world of hurt, and the Goblin Leader decided that the better part of valour was abandoning his cannon fodder and going to gather more, healthier cannon fodder.  He turned to flee, but in the process ran right past our hidden rogue, who managed to tag him for the last of his health.
DM: “The goblin sees you.” Splendid: “I wink at him.”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #splendid #goblin
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
Lex, on the other hand, took one more shot at the ogre before deciding also to abandon his now close-range target for the warm embrace of the cleric’s healing spells.  Unfortunately, leaving the ogre’s threat radius did provoke an opportunity attack, which was substantial enough to help him cover most of the distance between himself and the cleric in the air.  Luckily, the cleric was prepared with a healing touch.
“Boop of Healing!” 10 points!#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #jane #lex
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
The ogre closed the gap to where Lex, Belle, and Gordon were standing.  At this point, between Kyrial picking them off and Belle and Gordon smacking them with hammers and pans, the goblins were pretty much off the table, but the ogre still had a big mad on, and he was looking to take it out on someone.  Kyrial suggested this was not how the creature had expected his afternoon to go.
“He just wanted to read you his poetry.”#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
With three targets to choose from, the ogre picked randomly, but missed, but so did we trying to hit.  But that set up the moment in the next round that brought us victory. Splendid, having run out of targets, had moved around to the front of the ridge, and managed a critical sneak attack with his bow that brought the giant foe crashing down.
DM: “How do you want to do this?” Splendid: “It’s through the femoral artery, pinning him to the ground.” Ogre: “blaaaghlrrlrlrlrlrlrlrrrrllllll” x_x#dnd5e #fistfulofmithril #splendid #criticalrole
— Shawna Universe (@SheIsTheWeather)
November 23, 2019
We looted the bodies, which didn’t net us much, and then surveyed the rest of the caravan.  The lead wagons had been fighting off a goblin band of their own, but had dispatched them.  Unfortunately, the path was no longer navigable, so we were told to take the longer way around through a nearby pass and meet up with them in town.
And thus ended the first combat.  I have to say I’m quite impressed with the way combat flows in 5e. They’ve managed to streamline it substantially, without taking away all of the strategy or skill synergy that makes putting different builds and styles  in a group to see how well they work together.
The session continued when we reached town, but this post is already long and full of tweets, so I’ll continue that story in another post.
Much of this information is still largely unknown to the party, and in turn, I only have some glimpses into the backstory of the other characters myself. ↩
Gunpowder is a relatively recent and rare invention, so this is a notable character ↩
Jasmine was not feeling well, and had to leave partway through the game, so Leah took over her character for her. ↩
Don’t judge.  It was super effective. ↩
It’s true, and it’s a bop.  You should listen to it even if it isn’t necessarily useful for teaching D&D anymore, because it’s a bop. – https://marycrowell.bandcamp.com/track/opportunity-tango  ↩
0 notes
residentlesbrarian · 5 years
Embrace the Suck!
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
I actually saw this book on the hold shelf at the library I work at and was drawn to the bright green cover. When I first picked it up I had no idea it was the sequel-ish book to Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda until I looked up the author and realized they were connected. Being my usual OCD self I had to read Simon first just in case I would miss something and I am so glad I did, because it did give some good insight into the characters that became the focus of this story. I do think it goes without saying though that if you have not read Simon there will be spoilers for it in this review as the two are very closely connected. You have been warned! Onward to the review!
Unicorn Rating: 
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Blurb: This book was a fun look into the life of a high school girl who acts like she has it all figured out but is actually as lost as the rest of us. Sometimes you just have to embrace the suck and not think so much! Leah is a dead-pan sarcastic genius that made me laugh through the entire book.
Disclaimer: I will try my best to not spoil anything from this book, but my book loving rambles may give more away than a traditional review. Here we go! Ramble time!
All I feel I need to say is I read this book in 3 hours. I picked it up planning to read a few chapters before I went to bed and next thing I knew I had finished it and it was 1 am. My exhausted self regretted it the next day but it was also so worth it. I was intrigued by the character of Leah when I read Simon but didn’t know much about her outside of what Simon told me. This was a look inside her head that I couldn’t get enough of, but before we dive into that let’s talk about the plot.
The plot here was very well woven and made it so I didn’t have to read Simon to understand what was going on so it made since that this was called a companion book and not a direct sequel, even though chronologically it does take place during the group’s senior year at Creekwood high. Things are very much the same as where we left off in Simon, Leah is rocking out in her girl band and dealing with being a senior in high school, but all is not exactly as we knew it from Simon’s POV. One of the biggest changes is now that we are seeing the story from Leah’s POV we know that she is bisexual and has been out to her mom for ages. This is a good segue into shining element of this book. The characters, oh boy!!
I don’t know if I just related to her more but I loved Leah even more than I loved Simon, and that boy is precious! Leah was so relatable to me in the way she overthinks everything and ends up coming off as aloof and disinterested, but I loved how much deeper her thought process was. I also loved the dynamic between her and her mother. I have a similar relationship with my own mother and I have never really felt that represented in a story so this was refreshing. I know I must be sounding like a broken record at this point but I do want to point out how Leah’s sexuality was something figured out long before even Simon’s story in the first book. Does it inform on her decisions in this book? Of course, but it isn’t about her being bisexual outside of the romantic aspect. The other part of Leah’s character I really liked was how she is a bigger girl and she doesn’t let it hold her back from what she wants to do most of the time.
We do get the return of Simon and Braum, which are just the cutest couple it is honestly sickening (in a tooth rotting fluffy way). I am really glad we got to see that months after the first book ended they are still together and happy. It sends a really good message that young queer couples can be happy and that not all their stories end badly.
Now the rest of the cast is just as quirky and endearing as they were in Simon but we get to know a few of them a bit more, mainly Abby, who was someone we got to know through Simon’s story but seeing her through a different lens gives us even more. I don’t want to say too much because of spoilers, but I was very pleased with the way her part in this story unfolded.
I probably connected to this story a bit better simply because I could understand and feel what Leah was going through more than Simon. I feel this book did an even better job of capturing what it feels like to be a queer teen in high school especially with knowing Simon’s story first. It shows that every experience really is different even within the community itself. For those wlw fans of Simon I wholeheartedly recommend this follow up that I devoured in record time even for me.
Queer Wrap-up: Okay so let’s break this down! We have our sarcastic bisexual lead, Leah, of course. I am tempted to count Abby because there really isn’t a plot outside of the romance in this book, but since I did not count Blue/Braum in the first I will not count Abby here for fairness. Then we also have Simon and Braum back in all of their adorable cuteness. Just like with the first book we have a few throw away characters that are also hinted at being queer as well but those don’t really count. So now the important question? Why did this book get five unicorns when Simon only received four? The main reason for it is that in Simon’s story he was the only character that the audience knew was queer, aside from Blue/Braum, but as stated in the review I don’t count him. Now that we have read this story we know that for the entirety of Simon’s story Leah was also queer and Abby was at least questioning, but the audience did not know that so it felt like much more isolated queer rep, where this story felt a lot more true to life, because queer people tend to congregate together. That feeling is enough to earn the last unicorn in my book.
Becky Albertalli’s Website
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Review - Link Tumblr post
This story is one that I devoured and then went back to re-read certain parts that were favorites. If you have any questions or want to start a discussion about the book please send me an asks. Also I will eventually do a discussion post comparing the first book in the Creekwood universe to the movie. A lot of my opinions are also connected to this book as well so I will link that when I post it. As always if you want to read this but don’t want spend the money without knowing for sure that you are going to like it, go to your local library. You’d be surprised what they have on their shelves just waiting to be discovered. Trust me, I’m a lesbrarian.
0 notes
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Title: Leah on the Offbeat • Author: Becky Albertalli • Number of Pages: 352 • Rating: 5 / 5 Published: April 24, 2018 • Read: April 24, 2018 - April 27, 2018
Goodreads Synopsis: Leah Burke—girl-band drummer, master of deadpan, and Simon Spier’s best friend from the award-winning Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda—takes center stage in this novel of first love and senior-year angst. When it comes to drumming, Leah Burke is usually on beat—but real life isn’t always so rhythmic. An anomaly in her friend group, she’s the only child of a young, single mom, and her life is decidedly less privileged. She loves to draw but is too self-conscious to show it. And even though her mom knows she’s bisexual, she hasn’t mustered the courage to tell her friends—not even her openly gay BFF, Simon. So Leah really doesn’t know what to do when her rock-solid friend group starts to fracture in unexpected ways. With prom and college on the horizon, tensions are running high. It’s hard for Leah to strike the right note while the people she loves are fighting—especially when she realizes she might love one of them more than she ever intended.
My Review: So it’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve read a book on release day, and since I know that many of my followers on here have not been able to read it yet, the first half of this review will be spoiler free. I will clearly mark where my spoiler-y thoughts begin, don’t worry.
To begin, as a huge fan of Becky and Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, I was super excited to read this book and I had very high expectations for it. Although I really didn’t like Leah at first when I read SVTHSA, I’ve really grown to love her; I really identify with Leah as a bisexual plus-sized girl myself, so I was really looking forward to seeing someone like me represented in this book. The cover especially makes me so happy : ) Let me just say that holy heck, I was not disappointed. There were so many things I loved about this book. First of all, Leah is really freaking relatable! I found myself thinking “me” to myself after like most of her thoughts. I also really liked seeing other characters through her eyes, especially Simon, because wow do we really get to see just how clueless that boy is. But also, their friendship warms my heart. I loved all of the adorable little Simon / Bram moments throughout the book, of course, and all of the Harry Potter references were so wonderful. This book also has so much rep, even more than SVTHSA: fat rep, non-binary rep (!!!), bisexual rep, and all of the rep that SVTHSA had. What I really loved, though, was really getting to learn about Leah and her life. In SVTHSA, the plot focused more on Simon, Blue / Bram, Martin, Abby, and Nick, with Leah taking more of a backseat in the plot. But in LOTO, Leah really gets to take center stage and I loved seeing her shine as the main character in her own story. I loved getting a whole new story with my favorite Creekwood squad, and their jokes and banter when they’re all together make me smile so much. And of course, the freaking fairy-tale ending was beautiful, so beautiful that I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished it. Leah finally lets herself be happy and she just <i>goes for it</i> and I couldn’t be prouder of her. I could not stop grinning the entire time I was reading.
Still, even with a five-star rating (because let’s be real, I will not give any book Becky writes anything less), there were a few things I didn’t like. LOTO felt a heck of a lot different than SVTHSA, which makes complete sense because how could a story narrated by a Hufflepuff be anything like a story narrated by a Slytherin? For real, though, it was less pure emotion and hopeless romantic stuff like Simon’s perspective and a bit more cynicism with some hidden sweetness underneath; it all fits their characters perfectly, but it does take a bit of getting used to. Speaking of characters, while many of the returning characters felt just like their old selves, Nick and Garrett felt different. Sure, people change in a year, but not that much. I found myself wanting to punch both of them the entire time. Also, as wonderful and amazing as the fairy tale ending was, the time jump to Leah’s email at the end left way too much unsaid. The resolution I was waiting for and expecting between some of the characters didn’t happen. I still really love the ending, but it could have been even better. I also felt that the plot was less straightforward and obvious than SVTHSA’s was, but that may have just been the way Leah’s jumbled thoughts came across. This is just a little thing, but I was hoping for something about [UPSIDE SPOILER] Molly and Reid and Cassie and Mina, but there was only a vague mention of Molly, Cassie, and Mina and no mention of Reid at all.
Despite all of that, though, the stuff I loved about Leah on the Offbeat definitely outweighs the stuff I didn’t, and I still think it deserves five stars! I’m so glad Becky decided to revisit these characters one last time to give us this novel. She’s incredible, and I cannot wait to thank her in person at BookCon <3
Now, for some spoiler-y thoughts : )
Okay, here are all of the adorable and hilarious moments I want to mention because they made my freaking life.
Garrett making a reservation at the American Girl Bistro by accident
Bram’s promposal that came right out of Simon’s fanfiction
The fact that he figured out in like three seconds which one was his
Bram melting at photos of middle-school Simon
Leah noticing just how much Bram freaking loves Simon
All of the Spierfeld kisses. All. Of. Them.
Also, Simon freaking out about the distance between Philly and New York honestly made me laugh because he makes it sound like it’s such a huge deal but I take that train ride all the time and it’s not bad at all. Simon, I know you love your boyfriend, but you need to chill. Last thing, I promise: Leah shopping for a prom dress was almost exactly like my experience shopping for a prom dress. It was so real, and I really appreciated that.
Ahhhhh okay I swear I’m done talking about this book now and I apologize that this review is so long. I love Leah, I love Abby, I love Simon, and I love Bram, and I love Shady Creek, Georgia. I will really miss these characters, but I know that I can always visit them anytime by rereading <3
Next stop, What If It’s Us : )
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