#spoiler alert: yes they did
mothervvoid · 8 months
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do you guys think they had a situationship?
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grapecaseschoices · 10 days
so i'm leaning toward briala-celene [ugh] or public truce*. but i wanted to know ...
*I've been reading posts/articles that state that public truce isn't best long run ... but it isn't like the inquisitor would KNOW that.
#dai spoilers#for my mooties that wanna play but havent yet#dragon age#grapecase plays dai#wicked eyes and wicked hearts#aka wicked headache and wicked annoyance#grapecase polls#dai poll#grapecase complains#lmao#i feel these posts dont give briala enough credit#unless im missing something#idk that working with gaspard would long run [or even short term] be better for her and the elves than working for/with celene#[i feel it would be with but a lot of people seem to believe it will be for]#yes celene is dismissive when you show her the [REDACTED] but she KEPT it#the dismissiveness matters sure - bc the type of masks matter - but the fact that she secured it matters as much if not more#and what celene did was heinous but let's not act like gaspard wouldnt be as bad if not worse#i feel briala would be smart with both [but with celene i feel she wouldnt let sentimentaility get her as much as people think she would]#and off chance she did - doubting it - her people would be smarter. i feel they'd be on higher alert with celene#now it is a matter of what power they could milk#and okay i do think immediately she could probably twist gaspard's arms harder bc of the blackmail and celene is still worried of coming of#too soft maybe?#but i think celene is smarter - or should be at keepiing balances. like she owes briala more than a debt. and i can see briala carefully mi#king that. i can see both of them slowly building things right under the nobles noses#idk maybe im being idealistic#i do think celene would try and do better in general and for the elves alone#but idk i nee dto finish to play and see#im mostly measuring this off vibes
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nuclearanomaly · 1 year
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Bookshop AU - The All Saint's Party Incident: Outfits
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leupagus · 5 months
Selyse is not a "who's this bitch" kind of person but honestly, she should be forgiven for meeting Sansa like this and going "who's this bitch"
Just then there was a call from outside the tent, asking for the king. Davos opened the flap and a young solder ducked inside, bowing low to the king first, then to Lady Melisandre, then to Selyse. "Your Grace," he said, "riders were just spotted on the pass below, making their way up to our camp."
"Spotted on the pass?" snorted Davos. "Are they riding snow bears? Or elks?"
As though in answer, an horn sounded in the distance. The king started, his expression as queer as any Selyse had seen on his face in their near twenty years of marriage. It seemed almost...hopeful. "That call," he said, as though to himself.
Davos shook his head. "I don't recognize it, Your Grace. Do you?"
"Oh, yes," said Stannis softly. "I remember it very well."
The party climbing up the pass was small — a hundred men at most — in two long rows, the banners of all of Stark's promised houses unfurled. They were mounted on the great lumbering beasts that passed for horses in the North. In the pearl-grey of dawn, Selyse could see the front pair dragging behind them a curious leather-and plate device. It was shaped for all the world like the prow of a ship and it cut through the snow with ease. The party moved only slightly slower than a full canter; even as she watched, the two horses affixed to the contraption slowed and stopped, their riders giving them full rein to blow out great puffs of air into the snow. The whole party halted in an orderly queue behind them, and the two mounted soldiers directly behind circled round to unhook the lead pair (without bothering to dismount) and attaching their own horses. The party then resumed its swift pace up the mountain pass. The two who had been in the lead rejoined smoothly at the end, where the snow been packed down to a tidy path.
"Ingenious," remarked Davos. Lady Melisandre said nothing, only quirked an eyebrow. Shireen asked some imbecilic question about something, and the king made a patient response.
"Perhaps these men of the North will bring you the miracle you seek, Your Grace," said Lady Melisandre, as the riders at last drew level.
"Certainly they seem to have performed the miracle of moving in this snow," Stannis observed.
Most of the riders remained at the foot of the camp, but a small group began to make their way toward them, their behemoth horses even more ridiculous as they drew closer, with their hoofs near as wide as platters and their tails cut short as a broomstick. As they halted before their king, the riders dismounted. Despite the bitter cold, not one of them showed any sign of discomfort, their thick boots and cloaks making them appear almost as outsized as their horses.
The king took a breath, as if to ask for their leader, when a hooded figure on a great chestnut beast came out from the midst of them. Her cloak and skirts were dirty from the road and snows, her copper-bright hair in a simple peasant's braid as she pushed back her hood. A half-dozen young men surged forward to hand her from her horse, but it was a giantess in armor who helped her down and followed closely behind as she approached them.
It took Selyse a long moment to realize who the girl was: Sansa, Catelyn's eldest daughter. (Eldest child, now that the usurper Robb Stark was dead — and Catelyn too, and Lord Stark before them.) She had more of her mother's look to her than her father's, which must have pleased the Imp when he married her; Tyrion had always liked his whores pretty and clever. There was something in the way that she carried herself, however, that made Selyse suspect Sansa might be rather too clever.
The girl made no move to bow to the king, merely drew within a length as her retinue fanned out behind her. "Your Grace," she greeted Stannis. At least she had the good sense to recognize her rightful king. "I am Lady Sansa, of House Stark."
"Lady Stark," the king replied, or began to, because at that moment the damned direwolf, that unnatural creature the Lord Commander had foisted upon them, came hurtling in from wherever the devils he'd been and lunged for the girl, sending her sprawling to the ground with a scream more chilling than Shireen's, horrifyingly cut off as she—
As she laughed, the creature licking frantically at her face with its great tail wagging. The girl brought her arms around its monstrous neck and hugged it closer to her, burying her face in its fur, unconcerned entirely by the spectacle. Her Northern lords looked well pleased, in fact, nodding and smiling at one another in shared understanding. He'll recognize her, Jon had told Shireen when she'd asked how Ghost would know who Sansa was. The pack knows its own. It seemed the whole of the North knew.
The king's people were nearly as susceptible. Davos was smiling like a dolt and Shireen looked as though she wanted nothing more than to join in the undignified affair. Lady Melisandre, at least, showed little sign of being moved; she was watching with an air of interest but no warmth. Only the king was truly inscrutable, as he stared down at the tangle of girl and dog with another expression she had never seen before. This time, she could not guess as to what it meant.
At long last, the beast allowed Sansa Stark to rise, once again accepting help only from her giantess. "My apologies, Your Grace," she said. Her smile was broad and bright even as she wiped at a streak of mud across her nose. "But as you might guess, Stark reunions are rare these days."
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fallenwhumpee · 21 days
"An Hour."
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Hospital settings, aftermath of captivity, mentioned death.
Medic, despite what their job would suggest, wasn't a caregiver. They were just a mechanic working on circuits, not who carefully kept the whole mechanism running. They could fix people, but it was that. Someone would have to take over the aftermath.
Much to Medic's relief, Leader was a caregiver. A good one, even.
Too good, they lately noticed. Too good that it was starting to make Medic worried. But just like every other day, Medic knocked the infirmary door in exactly same time, before opening it fully. Youngest was asleep in the hospital bed - Medic had said Leader that it was unnecessary, but Leader  brought one anyway - and at last drops of their IV.
"An hour," Leader muttered. At this point it felt like a ritual. So, without a word, Medic moved and changed Youngest's IV to antibiotics as Leader deserted the room silently. Probably to sleep.
Good, Medic thought. Leader needed it.
Medic made their way to the armchair, only to see Leader's office keys on it. For a moment, they considered giving it back. They respected privacy, but they were also curious. For the last one month and a half, all Leader did was looking for Youngest, caring for Youngest or staying in their office. The first two was understandable, but the third...
Now Medic could learn whatever Leader was doing in their office.
Medic hesitated. They shouldn’t invade Leader’s privacy—Leader had done nothing to earn suspicion, at all. And Leader never broke anyone's boundries, so Medic doing it to them was just wrong. But something had been gnawing at the back of Medic’s mind for weeks now, something beyond the usual worry for Youngest. Leader’s behavior, so single-minded, so intense, felt wrong. So wrong for someone almost obsessed with making the future better. And if there was something in that office that could explain it...
Steeling themselves, Medic turned and walked down the hall to Leader’s office. The key slid into the lock with an ease that almost felt too simple. "Where's Leader?" Medic shouted. Leader's room was wide open and Leader wasn't there.
"Went for a quick walk," Right Hand shouted back.
Medic took a deep breath. "Okay," they muttered. With a simple twist, the door creaked open. Medic slipped inside, shutting it quietly behind them slowly. The room was dim, the only light filtering through the half-drawn blinds, casting long shadows across the walls. At first glance, it looked like any other office—neat, organized, professional. Just like how Leader liked to keep everything. Medic opened the lights.
Notes. Dozens of them, pinned to a board on the wall, scattered across the desk, and even taped to the edges of the bookshelves, almost creating a wallpaper. Most were in Leader’s precise handwriting, detailing locations, names, dates, and other pieces of information that, together, painted a picture out of a detective's office. Medic’s gaze was drawn to a map on the wall, marked with pins and red string connecting various points. They moved closer, recognizing the locations as places where incidents had occurred—break-ins, disappearances, attacks. All related to Youngest.
Their heart pounded as they picked up a file from the desk. It had a picture, the person's face partially obscured, but there was no mistaking who it was. Medic had seen that face around Whumper—one of the underlings of them. The person had been found dead two weeks ago, the cause still under investigation. There were detailed reports about them, autopsies, locations, biographies... informations that Medic doubted Leader had the authority to kno let alone storing.
They set the file down, their hands trembling slightly. Leader had been gathering evidence, but it wasn’t just about finding Youngest. It was about something more.
Another photo on the desk caught their eye. Medic took it, revealing more photos, more notes underneath. Some were crossed out, others highlighted. A list of names—people connected to the kidnapping—each one with a note beside it: confirmed dead, under surveillance, possible lead.
Some of these people were no longer a threat because they were dead. Was it coincidence, or had Leader...?
The sound of footsteps in the hallway snapped Medic out of their thoughts. They hurriedly closed the folder and placed thr picture back on the desk, glancing around to make sure everything was as they’d found it. The door clicked shut just as the office door opened.
Leader stepped inside, looking tired but alert. They froze for a moment, eyes narrowing as they stared in the sight of Medic standing in their office.
“What are you doing here?” Leader’s voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, a warning.
Medic tried to keep their expression neutral, forcing a casual shrug qs if they weren’t digging through the room for the last ten minutes. “You left your keys on the chair. Thought I’d drop them off.”
Leader’s gaze flicked to the keys in Medic’s hand, then back to their face. For a moment, neither of them moved. Then, slowly, Leader crossed the room, taking the keys with a nod.
“Thank you,” they said, their tone polite but distant. “Please wait for my return next time.”
Medic nodded, feeling the tension in the air like a physical weight. They turned to leave, but couldn’t help one last glance at the desk, at the folder now lying innocently on the surface.
Leader didn’t miss the look. “Is there something else?”
“No,” Medic replied quickly, shaking their head. “Just... take care of yourself, okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
Leader’s expression relaxed, a smile so soft and tender taking over. “Don't worry. Byt you should get some rest too.”
How could Medic be suspicious of them when all Leader did was worrying and caring for the team? Shoving the guilt down, they forced a smile and left the office.
Later that day, Medic was in the break room when the news broke. The television mounted on the wall buzzed with static before the anchor’s voice cut in, somber and urgent.
“We interrupt this program with breaking news. Henchman, a key figure in the recent string of criminal activities linked to the late terrorist Whumper, was found dead earlier this evening. Authorities are investigating, but details remain scarce at this time.”
Medic’s blood ran cold. Henchman—another name on Leader’s list. Dead. Just like the others.
They stood frozen, the room spinning around them. The timeline didn’t add up. Leader couldn’t have done it—they had only left the office for ten minutes, not enough time to cross the city and back. But the coincidences were too many, too pointed.
When Medic next saw Leader, they couldn’t help but study their face, searching for anything. But Leader looked even more drained than the last time, still trying to hold it together desperately. When Medic mentioned the news, Leader’s response was calm, almost indifferent.
“Tragic, but not unexpected,” Leader muttered, shrugging slightly. They weren’t even focused— they looked like they could just collapse and take a twenty four hour nap. “Agency was after them. It was only a matter of time.”
Medic nodded slowly, but the uneasy feeling in their gut only grew. There was something, something that was beyond their understanding. But as Leader walked away, Medic knew one thing for certain— Leader was doing something wrong. It was either their sleeping habits or the team had a huge problem.
Soo, have another random one. This is standalone, but I wrote this with "A Score to Settle" in my mind. Not quite part two, but I began writing with that intention.
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bobosbillionsknives · 9 months
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I like the plotline in stampede where vash finds the other seeds ship right after the big fall I like playing around with that idea a bit 😇 (no ship)
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
No way they had to actually nerf aventurines story boss fight 😭😭
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dandylion240 · 9 months
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You Deserve It All - John Legend
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its-de · 5 months
I hate you frenzy wanderers that i can't aim at 🫶🏻 i hate you directional orbit 🫶🏻 i hate you trial stage 78 🫶🏻
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sidereous · 7 months
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Hey there, patrolling guardsman of this derelict outpost- Those rumors about a restless spirit haunting this moon are just rumors haha right?
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Ngl, I really think that these bylers that are crying 24/7 about "purity culture" or whatever, are playing dumb when they start with their "but Nancy and Steve were 16 and 17 in that scene of s1!!!1" like... We got introduced to these characters at that age and the people playing them were already adults. So yeah, sorry but I think it's easy to see why most viewers would be uncomfortable with a more sexual scene of Mike and Will and it's not automatically homophobia, I think that would be the case with any of the kids since we got introduced to these characters when they were 12 and the actors were babies as well. We literally saw those kids grow. And I'm not saying byler should only get to peck or hold hands, It'd be cool if they have their epic kiss or whatever, but Will hasn't even had his first kiss yet and some of these people are already talking about sex scenes, like... Be for real 😭
funny you should say that...because i've used the nancy was 15-16 in season one argument (last tag) before while also saying that i understand why people find the sex part of their sexualities uncomfortable to discuss. and i wanna reiterate that, again, i totally understand that people feel like they've seen them grow up etc etc and that they still think of the actors themselves as children even thought they're not anymore.
i don't think it's all homophobia because like you said, people would probably feel the same about lucas and max and discussions of sex (i don't know if anyone is discussing that because there's much less discourse to have there and you can't argue that people are homophobic if they disagree with you) but i don't think it would be justified either. the "but we knew the characters when they were little" argument makes me think me of an ancient disney channel/abc show that old people and girl meets world fans who watched it for the first time in the 2010s will know, boy meets world (1993-2000). classic comic of age show, look at these kids. and eric in the back (he's fifteen).
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they're eleven at the start of the show and then, what happens in any coming of age story happens, you guessed it...
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they grow up. this is them in the later seasons, when the main characters are still in high school i think. they grow up, they talk about sex and about having sex at prom in season five and then they don't have sex right away because they figure it's not the right time yet or something like that, and then they have sex later and get married, the details don't matter. but my point is, who watches a show for five seasons, over years and years and gets upset at the main characters having sex because "this is crazy they used to be children"? isn't that the point of coming of age stories that cover multiple years or that focus on the latter years of adolescence, that they're not children forever and that at one point the characters "come of age" which usually includes their first sexual experiences?
i don't think the having sex part is particularly important in stranger things but also it doesn't have to be for it to be portrayed (see jonathan and nancy), teenagers have sex, it's just the way the world works. i'm not advocating for sex scenes of any kind especially because stranger things isn't a show that features a lot of sex in general, the only "explicit" sex scene being nancy and steve in season one with cuts to barb dying, but i genuinely don't think the duffers would have any qualms about portraying teenage sexuality in general with the party. if they did, they wouldn't have included erica threatening lucas to tell dustin what she found under his bed (it wasn't the communist manifesto) and they wouldn't have had max looking at a shirtless steve for an amount of time that's supposed to make the audience laugh. it's been 7 years. if they do a time jump, the babies will be about 17, played by actors who will all be around 20, the age natalia was when filming season one. the characters are teenagers, babies grow up. it happens to the best of us. i get why people would find it uncomfortable and maybe i would find it uncomfortable too but i wouldn't be scandalized. the duffers had no problem having a child actor portray everything will goes through in seasons one and especially two, i really feel like sex is fine and...not traumatizing or hard to watch compared to every single thing will's gone through lol. and again, i'm not even expecting them to have sex lmao, but i wouldn't cry myself to sleep if they revealed that everyone in the party actually knows what sex is.
last question: do we have any indication that jonathan had talked to more than one other girl (the girl at the halloween party being the one girl i'm counting for him) before he got together with nancy. i'm just asking because of your last sentence, because if we don't he should have slowed down also😭
#yes i'm back to calling people old for no reason. <3#saying that they will all be around 20 isn't a stretch because noah's turning 19 in 4 months and they haven't begun filming yet. thank you#i'm not mad at you anon sorry for not really agreeing with you and again i get where you're coming from and i don't even expect them to#have sex and if they did i would expect it to be implied like jonathan and nancy but yeah#what i mean when i say it's not particularly important in st is that i don't think they need to have sex for will's arc to be complete or#anything😭#i would've been happy with jonathan and nancy only kissing in s2 like idc yk it's a detail#i'm not advocating for sex scenes means HERE in this case i'm not anti-sex scenes in general lmao#i didn't watch bmw over years and years i watched it in like. a month and a half maybe i really was not crying when cory started wanting to#have sex and i was 15...an impressionnable kid who knew what sex was...disheartening i know💔#<- that wasn't me making fun of you anon lmao again i get where you're coming from i just respectfully disagree#i looked up the episode where they have sex and (spoiler alert lol) cory and topanga end up only having sex on their wedding night i think?#and that's not the episode in s5 i'm talking about but they consider having sex and talk about it so still bringing that one up#i found an article about something rider strong (shawn) said about not liking this episode because while they talk about sex at length they#never talk about safe sex and he even talked about his concerns to the showrunner because he thought it was irresponsible since yk young#viewers and all that and he was like maybe you don't get it different generations mine grew up with aids and everything this is really#important and he brushed him off! i thought that was interesting. this has nothing to do with st#ask
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cuteniaarts · 2 months
Me, six-ish hours ago: Yeah, I had the idea for an Avatar Suiren AU pretty much as long as Suiren herself existed, but idk if I'm ever gonna develop it, it's really hard to upkeep interest for it on my own...
Me, as soon as the concept of Suiren and Vaatu bullying Raava together popped into my head while I was typing out that long ass post: Fuck it, new strain of brain fungus acquired–
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(Also yeah traditional art being posted for the first time since... 2020, probably. Don't have the spoons to transfer this to digital rn, maybe I will at some point and I'll do a fuckass Spirit World background or smth. We'll see)
First time drawing Vaatu so don't make fun of me, but honestly he's such a funky little guy and rather fun to draw. You just get that main shape down and then go nuts with the frills :) But also, credit where credit is due, scrolling through the Vaatu tag on @shadelorde’s blog really helped, so thank you for that 😊 And I really had no idea what to do with Suiren’s design here, I think I’ve used up all my character design juices on the nine previous iterations of her that exist, so for now she’s in a random dress with her hair down. I’ll probably alter it if I ever do a proper design for her in this verse
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#sotrl suiren#vaatu#avatar suiren au#I spent so long typing out tags for this post and tumblr fucking deleted them…#I’m going to go bite into a wall istg#I don’t have the energy to rewrite all of them so… quick summary#this takes place immediately after Suiren frees Vaatu during harmonic convergence#he briefly went all big and then shrunk so he could get a better look at her#while all this is going on Raava is screaming very loudly inside Suiren#Suiren is beyond caring. either Raava shuts up or she gets out. no other option#the avatar becomes balanced by fusing with Vaatu too or the avatar ceases to exist and suiren gets to live a normal life#spoiler alert: Raava does shut up but not for long#Suiren begins regretting her life decisions as soon as the two start arguing inside her#I’m pretty much stealing all the lore Kat came up with in bonded and adumbration lmao. hi Kat#oh also like 10 minutes before this Suiren killed Unalaq#his spiritfucker ass wouldn’t let her get to Vaatu that easily. but let’s be real he stood no chance against her#it’s fine though no one liked him anyway#honestly she did everyone a huge favour#anyway. yes Vaatu does have a tendril wrapped around her shoulders. bc it’s cute okay#damn Suiren how come Nia lets you be the weird lesbian daughter to TWO evil dads??#(yes I’m aware neither Vaatu nor Ghazan are evil. I’m trying to joke here but it’s almost 10 a.m and I can’t think anymore#simply everything is hilarious now)#what else did this used to say…#oh right. nia stop making LoK antagonists obsessed with your OC challenge#the Red Lotus are her parents. Kuvira is in love with her. now she’s being all buddy buddy with Vaatu#only one that’s missing is Amon bc I genuinely do not care for him lmao
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chewwypepsicola · 2 years
TALK ABOUT YELLOWBLUE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UHM UHHH UHHHH yellowblue after ep 30 are very much inseparable from each other, the gang has just been made aware of how fucked up Blue was left after The Lava Incident and yellow has become slightly more protective of him, they move in together as in they now properly share a room and it’s all so domestic and sweet yellow decides he’s might be too young in stickman standards but he doesn’t care he’s going to marry blue cause something something celebration of love also he is deadly afraid of losing her so he wants to make their relationship as meaningful as possible and so he proposes, he tells Blue to meet him at the portal wearing his best clothes cause it’s a date a whole day just for them, they go to a new different place which is a minecraft flower field/forest and as they hang out and are being their usual lovey dovey selves yellow proposes and blue has to take a moment to process it all, he definitely cries a lot and for a minute cause of how happy it makes her and aauuughhhhhhhHhhH,,, they are engaged now,,,, they lay on a nice clearing and watch the sunset before going back home, they’ve decided the rest can know about it when they notice the promise rings,
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“Omg Edward and Bella are so Odysseus and Penelope coded” that’s how it sounds to me each time anyone compares a mlm ship to achilles and patroklos
#just say that you only know 3 mlm couples and move on#no one makes that kind of comparasions with straight couples no one#yknow why#because no one lumps them together! they are allowed to be different even if they have physical similarities!#yes this is specifically about rwrb heartstopper and yr#they are like the big three' regarding mIm fiction and i just dont get it??#plus they are ALWAYS compared to tsoa achilles and patroklos#sure theyre good but they are all treated like they are the same thing like all the characters are similar#spoiler alert they arent#(straight) people mix their personalities together to make a palpable smoothie that they can drink and say ‘oh im such an ally dont you see’#plus when comparing them to achilles and patroklus they mean tsoa patrochilles obviously#because their characters are SO BLAND in that book that their personality can be altered for personal enjoyment and still be same#‘alex and henry and charlie and nick and simon and wilhelm are SO achilles and patroclus😍🥺’#do you know literally any other mlm fictional couple? have you ever read a mlm book written by a gay guy?#because as far as i know heartstopper rwrb and yr arent made by gay guys#and while that is fine the representation is very good and alice and casey are both queer#i have the suspicion that the straight women that say that have never read anything writtenby a gay guy because i did and let me tell you#they write things very differently they are unapologetically queer they arent palpable to *that* straight audience#yknow i love casey and not saying their books arent queer (they absolutely are) but for example heartsopper since its idealized#its not something that make you feel the struggles and the hate etc so strsight audiences can binge on it without seeing themselves#reflected on the homophobic characters or have their own prejudices be turned upside down#anyway fck madeline miller fck fetishizing borderline homophobic women who only read mlm and for the love of god leave rwrb and yr ALONE#rwrb#young royals#heartstopper#achilles#patroklos#achilles and patroclus
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scrunkalicious · 2 months
IM TOO LAZY TO DRAW FOR THIS BUT. SHOUTOUT TO 6TH GRADE ME YOU ARE ONE OF THE STRONGEST VERSIONZ OF MYSELF. miss girl survived getting stalked online for 4 (or maybe more) monthz and dealt w feelingz she couldnt comprehend BUT SHE ALSO
was a part of writing a book w 2 otherz that ultimately forgot but itz ok,,,,
said book took place in a sci-fi world and my characterz namez were K-9 & Q-17 (guyz please i have reasoning ok) where everyone was a cyborg and there was this dictator guy ruling them all (he was evil)
and K-9 was practically a self insert me but cooler who didnt wear glassez bc i forgor to write them in and she had bright blue hair & space bunz and was an absolute tech wiz and she beat up the robo copz at one point and was a loud badass and she was also the only full human in the world bc of some interdimensional alternate world stuff ok
uuhhh Q-17 was actually the nephew of the evil dictator guy but hez not evil ok </3 uuuhhh he I NEEDA REMEMBRR OH WAIT yeah he wore these stupid rectangle frame glassez and had brown hair n green eyez and he was also very smart too and he was quite quiet and witty and his main cyborg part was his right leg. 6th grade me what the fuck. what the hell do you mean miss girl wrote a story abt colorful loud girl and her brown haired boyfriend w fucked up right leg.
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that0nebird · 1 year
So I've been really into acnh and our life so I started making a list of villagers I think the characters would have and here's that..!!!
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So for Qiu I was going purely based on vibes I won't lie, I feel like their island be super normal but in a very charming way.
So for their two Smugs I chose Shep and Henry. I think Henry would for sure be their favorite villager like look at that frog he is so Qiu coded. Shep is Qiu coded too so he absolutely stays. I have a feeling Qiu would just in general have a soft spot for smugs.
For their peppy villagers I chose Cheri and BonBon. I chose both of them for the same reasons I think step 1 Qiu would think they look very fun. They'd always be active on the island, like they would 100% be the resident island troublemakers.!!
For their Jock I chose Roald because look at those big dumb eyes, that scatterbrained bird has not a single thought rattling around in there. He would have been a starting villager that was too cute to give up.
For their Normal I chose Goldie and I feel like the reasoning behind this is obvious, Qiu's favorite color is golden (and who doesn't love Goldie?) She would be on one of their first mystery island and they would invite her ASAP.
For their cranky I chose Wolfgang because he gives me such step 2 Qiu vibes it's not even funny. Look at h i m like oh my lord there isn't a world where Qiu doesn't have Wolfgang on their island. He would definitely be a lucky autofill villager.
For their snooty I chose Whitney because of vibes alone. She's so adorable They'd have 0 choice but to keep her. Also step 2 Qiu would love her imo. Once again she'd be a lucky autofill villager.
For their Lazy I gave them Beau because 1 he's orange, 2 he looks like he'd be right at home in golden grove, 3 and most importantly like Roald they're a silly little guy with worms for brains.
And finally for their sisterly (Who I definitely didn't forget to add and had to poorly photoshop her on.) Phoebe. She's a phoenix that lives in a volcano, she is literally so cool they would love her.
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It's TamaTime™ I went in extra hard for my cottagecore queen!
For her normal's I gave her Molly and Stella. I chose Stella for multiple reasons;1, I think she's such an underrated cottagecore villager 2, Not only is she a cottagecore staple she also gives me major grandma vibes so Tamarack would definitely get Stella cause she reminds Tamarack of her Omi. 3, Stella is sooooo step 2 Tamarack coded oh my godddd. Besties for life I say. Now I chose Molly because she's the cutest little duck and reminds me of Tamarack in step 1 based purely on vibes.
Onto her cranky boys ofc I had to choose Dobie. Dobie is the grandpa villager and she would get him for a similar reason to Stella and that's because he reminds Tamarack of her Opa. He would have a home next to Stella and she'd use the Happy Home dlc to make his house a little office. As for O'Hare he was definitely an autofill she got too attached to.
For her peppy(s) I chose Felicity and Tangy. Once again both of my girls are so Tamarack coded. Felicity I'm more of a general sense and Tangy is one again giving me step 1 Tamarack vibes which I love. Also semi-unrelated but step 1 Tamarack definitely would love peppy villagers as a whole.
For her lazy you know I had to go with Erik. He's a cottagecore staple, a sweetheart, he's a sleepy little orange antelope and I hate to repeat myself (not really) but LOOK. AT. HIM. He even has a snazzy lil sweater. Love him and Tamarack would too.
For her snooty I chose Willow because she's so bright, cute, she's a sheep 🩷, her catchphrase is "bo peep" and because shes a snooty ofc my girl is going to tell you exactly what she thinks at any moment. For the third time we have peak Step 1 vibes.
Her jock is Teddy not for any particular reason other than I think he'd be a starter villager she few too attached too and conveniently fit the island theme.
For her Sisterly I chose Deirdre because she's a deer, she has a forrest as her home, and her starter sweater reminds me of one you can choose in game for Franky.
I will be adding to this later but my brain will implode if I think about this anymore right now.
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