#spn ship
hexedwinchester · 17 days
Your favourite ship?
hi OTP noni
Sam and Jess ❤️ (Samica? Jessam?)
I know, I know.. not a lot of screen time.. maybe Eileen is the one or the good old wincest.. etc etc
But something about Sam and Jess felt so innocent, real and MFEO (their chemistry was spot on), I can't let it go. To me, Jess was Sam's one true love. I mourned her loss with Sam. Those brief grieving moments we see.. they wreck my heart 💔
I'm still bitter about not getting more Stanford Era glimpses. Would trade Amy Pond's story arc for it 😭😭😭
And you?? Which ship breaks your heart so much you can't help but ship it??
Thanks for this ask.. (I'm sad about them.. but thank you 😭)
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dreampencil · 11 months
Spn locked room mystery: Spn cruise ship...John Winchester turns up, he's found stabbed in the chest...there are a few suspects.
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drulalovescas · 17 days
Happy anniversary to the only ship ever
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16 years?????????!!!!!!! *sobs*
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gracerings · 6 months
we might not have got a destiel kiss but now every time a fictional guy that people gay-imprint on gets to gay kiss someone on tv, destiel and supernatural trend on tumblr in a tribute to those who paved the way. and so the cycle repeats and castiel’s final words live on.. maybe happiness isn’t in the having after all
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liart-ez · 2 months
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hunterevie · 3 months
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There is only one reason Dean would be rearranging himself like that and hiding his crotch.
Yet again Dean trying, and failing, to hide his sexuality.
For those who are unconvinced, please see the gif below.
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Same reaction to a woman he found hot. Checking her out and rearranging himself to hide his crotch. The facial expression is almost identical too.
8.07 A little slice of Kevin
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angel-fruitcake · 3 months
sometimes i watch scenes where Cas is looking at Dean in a way that just screams "i am in love with you" and then i remember that at purcon7, Misha said that somewhere along the way he had just accepted that that part of Castiel's story was canon. way before he even knew that Cas would ultimately end up confessing. he was literally subconsciously playing Cas as being in love with Dean, for god knows how long??? that's why he always stared at Dean with actual heart eyes, like he hung the moon and stars. because Misha had already decided in his subconscious mind to play Castiel as absolutely whipped for Dean Winchester
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i'm so sick
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izzyliker · 1 year
i’m not like an incest shipper (although like yeah me and 10k other people shipped wincest in 2013) but the more i see people absolutely losing their minds over the concept of fictional incest the more i laugh like come the fuck on now like this trope is quite literally hundreds of years old and we’re acting like it was invented by fanfiction writers. “richard siken condones incest” “ethel cain condones incest” you mean the artists who write about the rotten and the wretched and the unhealthy and the abusive enjoy digging into fictional relationships that are just that. have you lost your goddamned minds. do you ever read anything except for steven universe fanfiction. like could you handle a 12th grade english lit module on the god of small things.
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Imo the best ending to Supernatural would have been to just stop with them alive on a random hunt or them finding jobs and living the life they just wanted or whatever.
And then the story just fucking STOP, because Chuck is not here anymore, so they are no longer part of a story they are finally free. And we could still write and read fanfic about how they live after they won.
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So what you’re telling me is that John Winchesters move for Mary was to tell her he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, and Dean decided totally no homo to record a mixtape of his 13 favorite Zeppelin songs and give it to Cas. Peak besties behavior. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.
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lady-disdain221b · 5 months
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drulalovescas · 5 months
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no one does it quite like them.
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goat-fanatic · 7 months
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post case nap in a musty motel
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screamingfrenchfries · 4 months
my mom, ranting about politics: ...and that's why the woke left is destroying our society.
me, with a fanfic tab open in front of me, trying to read gay porn: uh huh, yeah sure mom.
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psych is such a relief compared to other fandoms. we all know shawn is bisexual and has the potential to be in love with all 3 of his best friends but like i never see any active hate about it. like more than one ship? polycule. don’t like any of them? they’re all still besties. it’s just such a calm feeling to scroll through the psych tag and just see them all being silly. i love it here
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bloodydeanwinchester · 7 months
the thing about destiel that hits so hard for me is that cas is thee number one dean understander. no one in dean’s life has EVER gotten dean the way that cas does. no one has ever even tried to. dean takes care of everyone he loves. but cas…cas is the only one who takes care of dean back
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