lyssak09 · 6 months ago
Hey can i ask a Yandere archangels hcs (separated) where their obsession is their soulmates?
Pronouns for the reader can be She/her
I didn't know exactly if you meant them in like a soulmate AU or something so I just did some soulmate AUs from the wonderful @creativepromptsforwriting. Some have different soulmate AUs than others. I really enjoyed writing this! Happy reading 💙
Yandere Archangels soulmates
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Name & Telepathy
Archangels weren’t made for humans, so why the fuck did a name replace his vessel’s soulmate’s name. 
When Lucifer took over Nick’s body he never thought about the soulmate thing his father put in place for you humans. Nick’s soulmate had already died so he didn’t really think about it.
Til he felt a burning sensation on his left arm one day, Lucifer saw Sarah’s name (Nick’s deceased wife) disappear and a new name replace it, Y/N.
You on the other hand were born with the name Lucifer on your left arm. Your parents couldn’t believe someone would name their baby Lucifer! When you were old enough to fully understand the whole soulmate concept you just thought your soulmate had cruel parents to name them that.
The thought that the Lucifer is your soulmate never even crossed anyone's mind. 
Lucifer wanted to know why he had a soulmate, he did research and found nothing about archangels having soulmates. This must be another cruel joke from his father. Like he could ever have a soulmate.
He tried to ignore it and pretend nothing changed. But a part of him wanted to know if you were real or not. Lucifer thought about you more than he would ever like to admit. To the point you could hear his thoughts, sure you’ve heard of soulmates being connected telepathically but never thought you’d be one of those who are.
“Why the fuck would he give me a soulmate? I fell from heaven because of humans, I wasn’t his favorite anymore because of them! They’re a broken, flawed, and murderous species! It's so like him to make one be my soulmate�� You heard someone say, you shot your head up, looking for the owner of the voice. Finding nothing you try to brush it off and continue with what you were doing. “I wonder if I’m her soulmate? Now that would be a plot twist.” You hear the voice laugh. You’re either going crazy, or you can hear your soulmate. “Imagine, having the devil as your soulmate! HA! ‘Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Lucifer’ that would be fun to see.” The voice cackles. Yep, you’re going crazy.
Hearing him in your head has caused you to think about the crazy person who’s your soulmate, causing the telepathic connection between you to reach him.
“I can’t believe my soulmate is crazy. He thinks he’s the devil! He’s gotta be in an institution or something.” Lucifer hears right as he’s killing a lone angel. He stares at the angel whom he has in a choke hold, “Did you say something?”. The angel looks at him like he’s nuts. “Yeah, you’re right, it's probably nothing. Anyways, enjoy your snooze fest wings!” Lucifer grins then disintegrates the angel. “The person who is supposed to complete me says he’s the devil. I mean, that's crazy! I hope he gets help before I meet him if I ever meet him.” He hears the voice again, Lucifer whips his head around but finds no one is near. He thinks before he gains a smirk, “I guess she is real. I have a soulmate.”. Lucifer laughs before looking up at the sky, “Thanks pop, this should be fun”
Since hearing your voice Lucifer is interested in meeting you now, there’s got to be a reason why God made you for him. He won’t admit it but he enjoys hearing you when you talk to yourself, he gets to learn more about you. And unfortunately, you are in fact interesting.
The more he learns about you/hears you the more he feels for you. Finding you has become a priority for him now. Lucifer finds your inner thoughts and monologues you do to be both stupid and adorable at the same time. He’s falling for you without meeting you, not that he would admit that.
Lucifer will finally figure out where you are because of your thoughts. He comes to stake you out, he doesn’t expect to be smitten by your idiotic and stupid pretty face. It makes him angry how he feels about you now, not only was he falling for you just from hearing you and your thoughts, but now he’s actually physically attracted to you!
Lucifer will secretly watch you, either he’ll do it himself or have a demon do it for him if he has matters to attend to. Watching you, your daily routines, and how you interact with people doesn’t help Lucifer in trying to find out why you’re his soulmate. But it does unfortunately cause him to fall for you even more.
He’ll ‘coincidently’ bump into you sometimes, just to interact with you, even if it's just for a second. Lucifer tells himself he does it to learn about you and your weaknesses, but he just wants to see you and talk to you.
It starts to become less of a coincidence that he’s almost everywhere you are and more of a very creepy purposeful thing in your eyes. To the point where you just straight-up confront him on it one day.
“Look Nick, I’m starting to think you’re following me everywhere and it needs to stop. If you have something to say then just come right out with it.” You scold the man, expecting his smile to fall, but no… He smiles wider. The man you call Nick seems like he’s about to say something but he stops himself. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N,” He says giving you a look you can’t decipher. You shake your head and continue walking home.
The next day you would in fact see him again. Not knowing everything is about to change.
You enter your living room and find ‘Nick’ looking around it, picking up and staring at the photos you have up. “What the hell are you doing Nick? Why are you in my house!” You scold the man and her turns to face you. “I’ve come for my soulmate” ‘Nick’ smiles then pulls up his sleeve a bit up and shows you his left arm, your name clear as ever on his arm. You feel a shock and panic course through you, you scramble to look at your arm, knowing that it has said Lucifer all your life, and it still does. Confusion washes over your face. “My arm says Lucifer, not Nick.” You replied, your eyebrows furrowing. ‘Nick’ walks towards you. “My name isn’t actually Nick babe, it’s Lucifer. And we’re meant to be” He smiles and then his eyes flash glowing red…
“I know why my father made you my soulmate, why he made us soulmates. The irony of me falling for a human, the very species that caused me to fall and no longer be favorited or accepted by him, is too much for him to not enjoy.”
He takes you to your new home, Hell. Lucifer will confess how he didn’t want you at first but you’re so special and different. How could he not fall for you?
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Telepathy & Dreamy
Archangels don’t sleep, right? Then why is he dreaming?
Ever since he went to earth and became one with his vessel (who is unnamed) he blinks and then finds himself in some weird place. A dream maybe?
He’ll be in said place for however long then ‘wakes up’ back wherever he was, more like he blinks then is back in his house or whatever. Like he never left.
The times he was shoved into this world/place (?) would vary. He couldn’t do much in this place. Mainly watch what happens. The main constant in the place was a girl, which happens to be you.
As he witnesses what must be dreams, he learns more about you.
You’re the best part of humanity he’s seen in a very long time.
Gabriel will start doing research, finding out what he’s witnessing is in fact someone’s dreams, his soulmate’s actually. He learns this is a part of the soulmate thing his father put in place for you humans. 
Why he’s yours or why you’re his, he doesn’t know. But he frankly, doesn’t care as to why. He just wants to know more about you.
Gabe will learn how to gain more control of your dreams, trying to manipulate them slightly, in hopes of talking to you.
Gabriel was quietly watching your dream from the sidelines. He found you so cute and adorable. Seeing what your brain comes up with as you sleep was also fascinating to him. He can’t wait to finally be able to interact with you and your dreams. Gabe is already picturing all the dates he’ll take you on in your dreams. 
You didn’t believe you had a soulmate for a long time, unlike most people when you dreamt you never saw someone consistently in your dreams, aka your soulmate. So when you started to see this man in your dreams you didn’t really think he was your soulmate, just something your brain conjured up.  
Until the man came up to you in your dream and spoke to you. You were happy to finally have a soulmate. The man you learned is named Gabriel and he was beyond giddy to finally be able to talk to you.
From then on when you would dream Gabe would change the dream, making it like dates. So you could learn more about him, don’t worry he already knows everything about you now ����
Gabriel doesn’t tell you that he’s an archangel or that angels and god actually exists yet, so when he tells you about himself he makes it simpler. “Oh, do I have siblings? Yeah, I have 3 brothers I was close to, the others I never really interacted much with since they were made way after me.” “Do I still see my brothers? HA! Hell no, not after the war- I mean the falling out between two of them.” “Am I close to my parents…..uhm no, my father abandoned us basically.”
But the longer this goes on he starts to show more of himself to you, his unhealthy feelings towards you. Becoming too touchy, sharing way more information about yourself than he should know, and getting irritated when you mention any male in your life. 
Gabriel starts to come off too strong. “You people believe in marriage right? We should do that then. Secure the deal legally!” 
He says that the 3rd time you talk to him in one of your dreams.
Gabe starts to push the idea of meeting you way quicker than you’d like. If you mention that he’s moving too quickly for you he’ll get upset. 
“What-what do you mean? We’re soulmates Y/N! You were literally made for me! My father made you for me! We’re meant to be!” Gabe exclaimed in frustration. You give him a strange look. “What do you mean ‘your father’?” You try to question him, Gabriel lets out a sigh before explaining that he’s an archangel and his father is God, who happens to actually exist. ‘He’s crazy! He thinks he’s an angel? He cannot be my soulmate!’ you think before trying to wake up and get away from him.
He didn’t appreciate you cutting your time together short. Nor will he appreciate it when you start trying to avoid him by not sleeping. Not only is that unhealthy for you but you’re staying away from him! He hates that. It feels like you’re abandoning him, and we all know how he feels about that.
Gabriel starts searching for you, which isn’t too hard since he knows way too much about you. While you’re trying to find out if you can get rid of a soulmate, or at least keep them out of your dreams.
Unfortunately for you, he knows what you’re trying to do, luckily for him, he can hear your thoughts if he focuses on you. You don’t know he can do that as your soulmate. 
After the fifth night of staying awake, you’re starting to get the sleep deprivation effects, such as hallucinating. Which will give Gabriel a huge advantage.
He’ll come for you after finally figuring out where you are in the world. It’s late at night and you’re too exhausted to fight against him or even realize that he’s real. You just think you're hallucinating when a man looking like your soulmate randomly appears in your room.
You honestly made it way easier for him to take you home, if you had slept more you’d be able to fight against him, maybe he wouldn’t have had to take you so quickly if you slept and met him in your dreams. But it's too late for it now. He easily scoops you up and takes you to your new home, his home.
“Welcome home, sweetcheeks”
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Danger alert & name & telepathy
When Michael took over Dean’s body he didn’t expect to gain a soulmate, especially you. You were Dean’s soulmate, your name was on his left arm and everything. But after Michael was in his body for a couple of weeks he felt a weird sensation on Dean’s right arm, your name was starting to appear. 
He was more confused than anything. Why would his father give you two soulmates? Why would he make you his soulmate in the first place? 
Michael couldn’t understand why Chuck gave him, an archangel, a soulmate.
As much as he would have liked to ignore this, he couldn’t. He was intrigued. Not just because he somehow has a soulmate, but because you are his soulmate. His destined vessel’s soulmate is also his! That is fascinating to him.
So he’ll go through Dean’s mind to learn about you, even change up the imaginary bar he made to keep Dean preoccupied, to involve an imaginary you. He’ll learn more about you and why you’re so special to Dean that way. And it keeps Dean from realizing he’s locked away in his own mind/body for a bit longer.
The more he learns about you and sees memories of you from Dean the harder he falls. Who could see that coming?
Michael becomes obsessed with you, you’re not like other humans. Maybe that's why his father made you his soulmate.
He’ll also start to become overprotective, especially since he can feel when you’re in danger thanks to Dean’s soulmate connection to you.
You could be on a hunt with Sam or a dangerous research mission (to find a way to get Michael out of Dean’s body) with Cas, and be in danger till whatever creature was about to/was harming you all of a sudden disintegrates. But there won’t be a sign or a trace of what killed the creature.
You were pinned down by a vampire, trying to get it off of you while Sam fights his way towards you. This was supposed to be a simple hunt and research mission! “Y/N!” You hear Sam yell your name as he gets closer to you. “Y/N! I’m coming!” He yelled just as the vampire was going to bite me. I close my eyes and wince, but the weight against me disappears. I sit up a bit, All that's left of the vamp that was on me is some ashes. Sam and you look around trying to see who or what saved you, but find nothing. Not noticing Michael hiding in the shadows of the warehouse with you guys.
He won’t get to meet you for a while since you’re off helping Sam to get him out of Dean’s body, and he’s busy running around Earth. 
Michael has the upper hand though. You and Sam don’t know that he can hear your thoughts, because that's not a typical soulmate connection to have. You don’t know that you’re his soulmate yet either. So whatever plans you and Sam come up with are easily foiled by him.
Michael likes to try and implant thoughts into your subconscious using the telepathy he’s gotten as your soulmate.
He might convince Dean to work with him by manipulating him and telling him you can be his forever if he just works with him, Michael will even supply that apple pie life Dean wants. 
Michael will still be in control more often than not if Dean agrees though. He’ll let Dean control his body much more often than he currently is if works with him.
And how could Dean resist? Not only would he gain control of his body back, but he’d also get his soulmate and the dream life he wants, and he’d be able to finally act on all of his dark feelings for you while being able to blame it all on Michael.
You still only have Dean’s name on you though. This will infuriate Michael once he finds out. How can you be his soulmate but he’s not yours? It makes him angry and jealous. Shouldn’t he be meant for you just like you are for him?
But it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re with him then everything is fine.
He is extremely manipulative. During one of your attempts to get him out of Dean’s body, Michael takes note of how much you love Dean and how you’re willing to do anything for him. He wants you to feel like that for him. 
So one day after another failed attempt to save Dean Michael makes a deal with you. Give yourself up and you’ll have Dean back. You want to immediately agree but why does he of all people want you specifically to give yourself up?
You demand to know why and he smiles. “Because I want my soulmate by my side.” His smile turns into a grin as he pulls up his sleeve on his right arm, revealing your name on it. You gasp, your jaw unclenches, going slack, and you scramble to look at your left arm. You’re afraid that his name has taken Dean’s place but find it hasn’t changed. “As much as I would love to explain it, I don’t know why my name isn’t on your arm when we’re destined to be together. But that doesn’t matter right now. Will you come with me or not?” He leans towards you as he crosses his arms. You pace in thought for a moment before looking at him, shoulders slumped and frown. “You promise you’ll let him go? Like vacate from him, find a new ‘vessel’ or whatever?” You question and nervously fidget. He licks his lips quickly before gaining an even wider grin, “Yes. I’ll leave his body.”, Michaels lies right through his teeth. He’d be stupid to give up his true vessel, the one that makes him even more powerful than he already was. But you don’t know this, so you reluctantly agree, thinking you’re saving Dean. No matter how much Sam screams at you to not say yes, that we’ll find another way to save him, you can’t hear him over the thought of Dean being free again. “I’ll go with you.”
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super-incorrect · 1 year ago
[During a dinner with Archangels]
Y/n - Have I told you how much I love you?
Gabriel - You might have but feel free to remind me
Y/n - Well I lov-
Michael - Enough! You have reminded him 11 times during this dinner alone! He remembers! We all remember!
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manwiththemagic · 18 days ago
Being a supernatural fan is wild bc wdym the healthiest (and best) ship is comprised of an anti evil archangel who stopped because he fell inlove with a human so unimportant the show forgets he exists, 1 episode of screen time, the same actor x2 who overall played in like 5 episodes (once as a ghoul pretending to be lil bro), 1000+ years in prison together, and love so powerful it undid years of blind devotion to an absent father and when one died (poofed away) the other betrayed everything he learned just for the hope to get the other back.
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kazuiislazy · 1 year ago
Basically a masterlist of stuff i write except i haven't really written much (haha, i'm crying, i'm so busy rn)
Supernatural "Don't Leave." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"You're Perfect To Me." [Jack Kline x reader]
"Oblivious or Obvious?" [Castiel x reader]
some spn characters as college/highschool students [no pairing, just headcanons in general]
"Entranced." [Castiel x reader]
"Stop Pulling Away." [Sam Winchester x reader]
"No One Deserves That." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"Don't Stop." [Sam Winchester x reader]
"Take My Hand." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"All For You." [Michael x reader]
"Kill For You." [Michael x reader]
"You Drew Stars Around My Scars.." [Dean Winchester x reader]
LOTR/Lord of the Rings
"There's No Need To Apologise." [Aragorn x reader]
"The Plan." [Aragorn x reader]
"What's There To Like?" [Aragorn x reader]
Shadow & Bone
"You Should Be Scared Of Me." [The Darkling x reader]
"Did You Just-" [Kaz Brekker x reader] "Promise Me?" [Kaz Brekker x reader]
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kaleldobrev · 11 months ago
Knew You Would Come Around
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Pairing: Michael!Dean x Fem!Reader | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael's happy you've finally come around
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Nudity (but no smut), Y/N is the best actress ever, Michael being absolutely delusional, Sad!Reader
Authors Note: Set in the same universe as Once Mine | Please read Once Mine before reading this one | Some non-con elements but nothing graphic (very G Rated in description) | Y/N deserves an Oscar for her performance | Y/N misses Dean :( | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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It’s been weeks since you’ve been trapped in this penthouse, weeks without any kind of contact from the outside world besides room service, the occasional monster that Michael had invited in, and Michael himself. Michael, the archangel who was currently using the love of your life as his meat suit. The same man who refused to believe that you weren’t this other version of you. There was a part of him though, although you couldn’t quite pinpoint it, that may have been slightly delusional due to the grief that he had faced when his world version of you was killed. A version of you that he loved more than anyone or anything. A version of you that he absolutely refused to let go of.
You tried for weeks resisting him. Resisting any ounce of change that he had tried to make. He wanted you to be the version of you that he had fallen in love with, not who you truly were. Dean loved this version of you, but Michael didn’t. And in order to survive, you played along. Played along with his delusions of you being his one true love. Pretending to actually care when he talked about certain subjects. Pretending to enjoy when he would kiss you. Pretending to enjoy him holding you in the middle of the night while lying in bed together. This was the only way, you had thought to yourself.
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Your mind was racing as you watched television, as there was really nothing for you to do while Michael was away. There was relief whenever he had left for the day, but at the same time, you had found yourself sometimes feeling a strange sense of loss whenever he did leave; and you weren’t quite sure why. This man had taken over Dean, the one man you had loved more than anyone or anything — your soulmate, and Michael ripped him away from you, and you despised him for it.
But the more you thought about it, the more your mind had started to wander. Maybe you had found it relatively easy to pretend because it was technically still Dean on the surface? Maybe that strange sense of loss that you felt when Michael had left is because it felt like Dean was being ripped away from you all over again? Then again, maybe you were just starting to become delusional like Michael.
When the door opened, you were instantly snapped out of your thoughts. Show time, you thought. “Hey Mike, how was your day?” You asked him, trying to give him that sing-song like tone he had preferred compared to your actual voice.
“Rough, but making progress,” he stated, closing the door behind him. You turned around from your position on the couch to look over at him, where he was currently hanging up his 1920s style jacket on the coatrack. Progress? What type of progress? You wanted to ask. But you knew better than to ask.
"Well, that's wonderful that you're making progress," you said, getting up from your spot on the couch to stand in front of him. "But, I'm sorry you had a rough day," you continued, as you started to untie his tie, making sure you kept the right amount of eye contact.
"Thankful I'm finally home with my girl," he stated, giving you a slight smile as he watched you carefully removing his tie from around his neck. You almost stopped removing his tie, as the nickname he had just given you had thrown you off, as My Girl was one of Dean's go-to nicknames for you.
Forcing a smile, you finished removing his tie. "Happy to have you home," you lied. His hand moved to cup your cheek, admiring the delicate features of your face. Despite you not being his original Y/N, you were good enough for him in moments like these, moments where he needed comfort.
"I'm going to take a shower," he said, before leaning in and kissing the top of your head. Strangely, you felt yourself slightly melt into the kiss, as it was a feeling that you had missed. Top of the head kisses and forehead kisses were ones that you had cherished the most from Dean. Despite it not actually being from him, you pretended it was; and pretending helped.
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You found yourself on the couch again, watching some cooking show on FoodNetwork, mentally writing down recipes that you knew Dean would have liked. Recipes you’d probably never get the chance to make for him “Y/N!” Michael called; his voice making any previous thoughts you had disappear.
“Yes Mike?” You yelled back, muting the television as you did so.
“Come join me,” he said. His voice wasn’t demanding in nature, but you knew he wasn’t giving you a choice in the matter.
You took a deep breath before answering. “Be right there!” You replied back.
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Walking into the bathroom, the glass shower was steamed up just enough that Michael's figure almost looked like he was some kind of blur, almost dream sequence like. And for a brief moment, you felt some sort of bliss; as if you were in fact in a dream, a dream where you had walked in on Dean in the shower — something that you had done so many times before. But that brief moment of bliss was fanned out the second the Archangel spoke. "Come on in Sweetheart," he said, opening up the glass door for you. Sweetheart, yet another nickname that you had once loved now made your skin crawl.
Removing your clothes quickly, they fell onto the floor into a pool of fabric. Taking a deep breath, you walked into the shower and closed the door behind you. Upon entering, Michael's back was facing you, his face toward the showerhead. You found your fingers reaching toward his back, wanting to trace little circles — something that you were so used to doing to Dean when you were either in the shower or lying in bed.
But as you were half-way to his back, he started to turn, and you retracted your fingers; looking up at him almost with a sorrowful look on your face. "Glad you could join me," he said, giving you a small smile. You tried your best to give a similar smile back, but you found it hard to, and you knew he could sense the struggle. "Turn around, I'll get your back," he said, trying to break the uneasiness between the two of you.
"Okay," you replied, slightly nodding. Turning around, you felt more vulnerable than ever, hating this current feeling. You felt your eyes close in anticipation at the touch of him. A moment later, you felt a washcloth start running along your spine, just stopping above your ass before it came back up and went from your left to your right shoulder blade.
"You're very tense," he whispered in your ear. He kissed your temple, and again, you found yourself slightly melting into it, again finding yourself reminiscing about all the times Dean had kissed your temple in order to comfort you. "Want me to help you?" He asked. "I know you like massages."
"But you're the one that's had the rough day, not me," you said, your voice sounding a little timid. But he seemed to ignore your comments; placing the washcloth on the small built-in shelf before he started using his thumbs to make circles on your back.
You wanted to resist the nice feeling, but you couldn't. It felt nice having his hands rubbing your back, finding those exact pressure points that Dean knew all too well. “I know this has been difficult for you,” Michael said after a few moments of silence between the two of you; leaning down and kissing your shoulder. Understatement, you thought. “But you’ve been really receptive of me lately,” he said, almost as if he was giving you a pat on the back. “Which is very much appreciated. I’m glad you can finally see things my way.” Again, he kissed your shoulder, but this time you felt your body slightly shudder at his touch, hoping that he didn't notice this reaction.
“Of course,” you began, “like you said, this is very much a win-win for the both of us,” you said, forcing a slight smile on your lips. You turned around to face him, and you cupped his cheek, slightly rubbing it with your thumb. God I miss you, you thought. The feeling of the stubble on your fingertips making you strangely sentimental.
“I love you,” Michael admitted, and you felt as if your heart was about to stop. You weren’t in love with him, there was no chance you could ever be; not after everything he had done. He was simply a monster disguised as your soulmate and nothing more. But you had to keep up the pretending, keep on acting in order to survive.
“I love you too,” you said, and you felt like you had wanted to throw up.
“Told you you’d come around,” he almost whispered, a small smirk on his lips. A moment later he leaned in, crashing his lips into yours.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @octoberclidan @kidwhofixates @crystal555 @hannahisthebanana @seamlessepiphany @madzzz0797 @livingordeadwhoknows @writinginfear @Roskar16 @syrma-sensei @k-slla @justletmereadfanfic @deans-daydream @midorimachisenpaii @rachiem4-blog @jackles010378 @mrsjenniferwinchester @globetrotter28 @deans-spinster-witch @mrlonelycat @frozenhuntress67 @coldspoons If you'd like to be added to a tag list please follow this link
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ovulatingwatermelon · 1 year ago
Adam and Michael in the cage 100% annoyed the shit out of lucifer and thing is luci didn’t even realise Adam was there so he just thought that Michael had finally pulled the stick out of his ass. Adam found out luci didn’t know he was there and used it to his advantage, he’d take over and say shit just to piss him off and luci was really confused because he didn’t know that Michael even knew about half the shit Adam was rambling on about and when he found out Adam was with them in the cage everything kinda clicked for him and instead of getting pissed he just suggested that they all play go fish. Luci and Adam kept losing to Michael even though Michael hadn’t been paying attention to how to play. Adam beat both of their asses in uno though. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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theyonlyhadeachother · 10 months ago
the first thing angels always say always boils down to "be not afraid."
do yall ever think about how, after michael gets shattered and brought back, and goes to adam, he'd start with the standard "dont be afraid"
but adam would just be looking at him, and thinking about how stunning michael is, and how much he missed him. there would be no fear, only joy.
how much of a foreign feeling that must be, for michael, whos only been thought of as a weapon -- never someone to be loved and cherished
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lab-trash · 1 year ago
Adam: Hey, Michael? Michael: Yes, Adam? Adam: What's your last name? Michael: I don't have a last name. Adam: Oh. Adam: Do you want to have mine?
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6lostgirl6 · 9 months ago
Dean Winchester Masterlist
🩸 = Smut/18+ Themes 🩸
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Yandere Alphabet - Demon!Dean
Dean As Your Boyfriend HCs - Coming Soon!
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spn-lesbian · 2 years ago
Chuck: I don’t want my only loyal son dating a screw up
Adam: oh yeah? Well I don’t want my only boyfriend soning a jerk dad
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lyssak09 · 2 years ago
Hello. I hope I am not disturbing you. I wonder if you are getting requests, would you write to the Supernatural yandere as husband or lover, for Archangels Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel? The reader can be either an angel or a human or a witch.
EVERYONE APPLAUD ME! I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO WORK ON SOME OF MY REQUESTS. Also this gave me so many ideas for stories, oneshots, and more hcs. So be on the look out for more archangel writing. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. Happy reading 💙
Yandere archangels hcs
Yandere Gabriel
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Gabriel is a soft, possessive, and protective yandere.
He will never hurt you unlike some of his brothers. You're his sweetheart
Yes, all of his pet names for you are sweet/candy themed
Gabriel first met you when you were aiding the boys in a hunt against the trickster. Yes, you met him when everyone thought he was the trickster.
But eventually you all learned who he truly was and that he wasn't all that bad.
He tried to woo you the human way. But it was taking longer than he would have liked. So, snatchy snatchy time.
You are so sweet and addicting. You become his new addiction. And you won't rot his teeth, just his heart and brain 💙
Gabriel is very paranoid about you being a mortal and the constant ending of the world. So be ready for him to be very very over protective.
To the point you're not allowed out without him anymore.
But why would you wanna leave when he can make and give you everything.
There is no point in leaving. Nothing good is out there. So its not a big deal that he has kidnapped-I mean transferred you to a saver home with no way of leaving without him?
Now, you being an ex-hunter you're gonna try to escape him but remember, he is an archangel. He has power.
So no matter how much you know about the hunting world or how much the boys have taught you, there is no way you can escape him. For now.
Gabriel was smart enough to take away anything that could hurt him or you.
But you have everything else you could want.
Gabriel has a sweet tooth as we know. And since you're his sweet addiction. Expect a lot and I mean a lot of kisses and touching from him.
"Oh Baby cakes!!" He yelled out for you. But you didn't dare move. You are not in the mood for his touches. So you hide. Gabriel starts to get paranoid. He knows you can't escape, but what if the Winchesters got in. "Sugar?" He lets out a nervous chuckle, "Where ya hiding honey?" Gabriel starts to look in any nook and cranie. You squeeze deeper into the back of the laundry cabinet. 'If he finds me I'm gonna sock him in the face.' You thought, you seriously weren't in the mood for his crap. "Buttercup? You may think this is fun but its not!" Gabriel sounded like he was in a panic. And he was getting closer. "Okay, ok. When he opens the cabinet you're gonna speed out. And maybe you'll find the front door open? Hopefully" you thought to yourself. The floor creek with Gabriel's weight. He was right in front of your spot. "We're just playing hide in seak right? Yeah...we are." He said mostly to himself. "If I find you I get a prize!" He said as he leaned to open the sink cabinet. You were quickly yanked into his arms. Too quick for you to escape. "Found you." He said,kissing you madly.
Yandere Lucifer
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Lucifer learned about you when he was in the cage with Sam. You being one of the boys girlfriend gave him the ability to learn about you. And eventually fall in love
He has escaped multiple times just to take you.
But Team Free Will always kicks his ass.
Lucifer is a cocky, possessive and angry Yandere.
He will punish you physically and mentally but he prefers to do it mentally for whatever his reasons.
Lucifer is trying to help train you to show your 'love' for him with punishments and rewards.
If you're curious your rewards tend to be a hell of a lot more affections from Luci or your silly little human things you miss.
He at first hated you, you, a stupid putrid human, made him fall for you. You made the king of hell for for you!
So he takes his anger out on whoever is in the cage with him. Untill he escapes again and has a master plan to take over heaven. And take you as well.
But it falls, so why not destroy the world instead, and maybe his little human will sacrifice herself to him.
And you do, much to everyone's dismay. But its worth saving the world right?
So now here you are, trapped in hell with Lucifer. He loves it.
Hell has a queen now
And if anyone in hell has a problem with then they're gonna get disintegrated.
Lucifer made you a nice little area for you to be his little wife. But if you are being bad then enjoy your personal cage.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" You cried out and shrunk further into your little ball. "You should have thought about that before!" He screamed in rage, kicking your best friend's decapitated head like a soccer ball. "Lucifer, I'm sorry! I love you, I truly do. Just please stop!". He squat down to your size, "After all I do for you, tell me you hate me? Should I just kill anyone else you love?! So its just me!". You lunged at him holding on to him in a hug, "Please please don't. I'm sorry. I do love you! So-so much, just please don't. I'll be good" Tears more started to pour out of your eyes and land on Lucifer's shirt. He held on to you in a crushing hug. He couldn't decide whether to continue punishing you or throw you a bone. And honestly, you voluntary hugging him made his vessel skip a beat. "No more fighting?" He questioned. "No more fighting! Just don't hurt anybody else please. I'll be good" you held on tighter. "You love me with all of your tiny being?" You paused for a slight second, "I love you with every fiber in my being". You felt like throwing up when you said that, causing you to cry harder. "Come on baby." He stood up with you in his arms carrying you back to your 'home'. "My sweet queen." You looked up at him, "oh, my dad, you're so adorable." Lucifer gave you a smug smile and forced a kiss. "The things I would do for you
Yandere Michael
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I didn't have any ideas for John!Michael but if I do and make hcs I will tag you! Enjoy
Michael first heard of once he chose Adam to be your vessel. Adam has had a major (kinda scary) crush on you ever since he met you all those years ago with his brothers. And he kept tabs on you.
When Michael figured out that he should just use Adam instead he learned anything that would be leverage to convince him to be his vessel.
And you happened to be the giant leverage.
It worked, but they were still put in the cage.
So as years went on Adam became crazy over you and Michael began to as well.
Eventually once they got out it was time to take you.
So they did.
Now they will be forceful and more physical than Gabriel. But its cause they love you and deserve to take the love they want from you.
"Let me go! You have no right to do this!" You screamed at Michael or Adam, whoever the hell was talking. You started to pound against the door, "Thats where you're wrong Y/N. Adam has been wanting this for years. As have I.". Michael (you gathered), yanked you away from the door then carried you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You kicked and squirmed but he wouldn't let go, so you fought harder but all you received was a huff and thrown around a bit more. Once you two reached your destination, the bedroom, Michael quickly tossed you on the bed, climbing on top of you. He snatched your wrists in his hand then immediately cuffed them to the bed. After you realized what had just happened you start to panic and freeze in place. "I think we deserve something for dealing with you and your tantrum." His hands crept under your shirt, caressing your skin, "don't we Adam " You noticed his expression and presence changed, Adam was in control now. Adam lifted up your shirt and gave you a shit eating grin. "Yes, yes we do." Then you were pulled into a rough and forceful kiss. You heard a loud rip and notice Adam had ripped your shirt. And all you could do is lay there and cry.
I hope you all enjoyed this and if you did please like, repost and or follow me!
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lovealwayssay · 4 months ago
My brain has completely forgotten almost everything about Supernatural seasons 9 and 12-15. I remember bits and pieces, but I cannot for the life of me tell you what the overarching plot was for any of those seasons. Here’s what I know about each of those seasons:
9. Sam is possessed by an angel? Dean dies in the end and becomes a demon idk
12. Peak Destiel vibes, Mary’s back, Cas is killed?
13. Widower arc, Jack is there
14. Jack kills Mary at some point idk
15. Lets kill God, divorce arc, “You changed me, Dean”, worst finale ever
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aleskyyy · 2 months ago
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kazuiislazy · 1 year ago
“All For You.”
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Pairing: Michael x reader Summary: Reader gets injured, Michael heals you and kills for you (we love to see it guys, we love to see it)
You were on a hunt with Dean. Castiel had “angel business” and poor Sammy had to stay back in the bunker to ‘babysit’ two archangels. You felt bad but the older brother kept insisting that you were ‘not mature enough to take care of them.’ He was right. You are and always will be horrible at taking care of someone, let alone archangels. 
– A few hours ago – 
“Why not (Y/N)? I don’t want to watch over them anymore.” Sam was done with trying to deal with two of the most stubborn beings that he has ever met. You gave an awkward smile and a thumbs-up. “Sam, if you think (Y/N) can be left alone with Mr. High And Mighty and Mr. Pay Attention To Me Or Else, there’s something wrong with you.” His brother explained. 
– After the hunt – 
You ended up getting horribly hurt. It was supposed to be a werewolf. Not a whole pack of them. Dean had gotten injured too but it wasn’t as bad as yours. Normally, he would berate you for ‘bleeding all over Baby’ but you were losing too much blood. If you didn’t make it back in time, or if Castiel didn’t get his ass down and heal you in time– you would be dead. 
Dean drove as fast as he could. Calling Cas didn’t work, so you were left to writhe and groan in the backseat– clutching the wound. “Cas.. where are you?” You heard Dean mutter. If Dean called Cas and he didn’t answer, you knew you was fucked. 
They reached back in time, but no one could possibly stop the blood. You needed to be healed and fast. “Sam! Sammy!” Dean yelled, carrying you. You were starting to lose consciousness– you fought it as best as you could. When Sam opened the door, he was shocked. “Shit. Shit.” He panicked, he moved out of the way. 
You closed your eyes. “(Y/N). (Y/N)! Stay with me!” A voice pulled you out of it. Your eyes shot open. Sam was basically ripping his hair out and Dean was able to lay you down on a bed. Michael and Lucifer were alarmed by the screaming and came to check it out. 
Both archangels froze. They stared at you – well, at your scratched opened stomach more like it, but you get it. “Move.” The older archangel commanded. Dean and Sam stared at him dumbfounded. “I said.. move.” Michael ‘gently’ shoved them out of the way. He put two fingers on your forehead. You gasped for air. The wound was gone. 
“What happened?” Michael asked, brushing a strand of hair behind your ears. Dean and Lucifer looked like they wanted to say something but decided not to ruin the moment. “Pack of werewolves..” You replied. “Are they still alive?” You nodded. “Do you have names?” Dean helped you answer. The archangel was gone in a second. 
“So.. are we gonna talk about that or..?” Dean started. “Talk about what?” You were confused. “The whole Michael thing…? Healing you, and all that.” You weren’t sure how to answer. To be honest, you didn’t know either. You gave Dean a shrug. 
Two seconds (or more) later, Michael was back– covered in blood. Dean and Sam took a double take. “You killed those werewolves didn’t you?” Sam asked. Michael wiped his face with his sleeve. “Yes. I did.” He stated. Dean opened and closed his mouth. “Why would you help us?” The older hunter questioned. Michael’s eyes shifted to you. 
“I’m not helping you.” He squinted at Dean. “For (Y/N) then?” The archangel shrugged but the answer was quite obvious– yes, for you. “I’m going to get cleaned up.” With that, he walked out the door, leaving four confused people to stare at each other in silence. “Never once in my life have I seen my older brother kill for someone.” 
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kaleldobrev · 1 year ago
Once Mine
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Pairing: Apocalypseverse!Michael x Apocalypseverse Fem!Reader | Michael!Dean (Dean Winchester) x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael thinks him possessing Dean can be a win-win for the both of you
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Michael not taking no for an answer
Authors Note: Flashbacks are in italics | Yes, I really did call the Archangel Michael “Mike” | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Apocalypse World
Y/N was sitting cross-legged on her usual chair reading through a book she has read through hundreds of times. That was one of the things she had missed most pre-apocalypse: books, and having access to them. Since the apocalypse happened, she still had access to them but they were scarce; a lot of them had been burned to ash and she salvaged all she could.
She closed the book she was currently reading, her eyes starting to get tired looking at the text. As soon as she placed her book down, the door opened, and a smile formed on her face — it was as if he knew she had been done with reading. “Hey Mike,�� she said.
He rolled his eyes at her. “You know how I hate when you call me that,” he stated, his voice stern.
“But yet, you never correct me,” she said, getting up from her spot on the chair and walking over to him.
As soon as she met him, her arms instantly wrapped around his waist, and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around hers. “True,” he stated. “Don’t let the other angels hear you, cause they’ll start calling me Mike.”
“I’m sure they’ve heard me plenty of times,” she stated. “Particularly moaning it,” she grinned, whispering.
“True. You aren’t particularly quiet,” he grinned back.
“I love you, you know that?” She said, her hands moving to wrapping around his neck now.
He nodded. “And you know I love you too right?”
“I sure do,” she answered, their lips finally meeting.
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Main Universe
Michael looked at you, sitting on the couch across from him — a coffee table was the only thing separating the two of you. The way you held your hands he knew you were nervous and he honestly didn’t know why, as nervous was the last thing that you should be.
Michael got up, and he couldn’t help but notice your eyes move as he walked; your heart beating rapid fire. “Want a drink?” He asked you, as he found his way behind the bar, taking out two whiskey glasses.
You shook your head. “I’m good thanks,” you stated, your voice meek.
“You sure? I know you like whiskey,” he said, starting to pour the amber colored liquid into his glass.
You looked at him, slight confusion on your face. “Um, I don’t actually,” you confessed. Oh yeah, my Y/N liked whiskey, he thought, not Dean’s Y/N. “Sorry,” you apologized.
“No need, must of misremembered,” he lied. He never misremembers. “It’s Dean that likes whiskey, not you.”
You nodded in agreement. “I don’t like beer either,” you said, your voice still meek sounding but it started to become more comfortable at the same time.
“So what do you drink?” He asked, genuinely curious. It slightly amazed him how different you were compared to the version of you in his world. Although you were an exact copy, you were still very different in every single way.
“Rum and coke, wine, vodka cranberries,” you said, naming a few. “I guess I like drinks that don’t really taste like alcohol. Dean he would…” you sighed sadly, starting to pick at the skin around your nails. “He would always jokingly of course, make fun of me for my quote on quote girly drinks.”
“How would you like a rum and coke?” He asked you.
“I’m honestly okay,” you responded. You didn’t know why he was being so nice to you given the situation. He had taken complete and total control over your boyfriend and he was acting like nothing was remotely wrong. You weren’t sure how to feel right now: nervous, scared, or both.
“Alright,” he said, drink in hand as he sat back down. He looked at you for a moment, admiring your face, a face that he hadn’t seen in quite some time; in person anyway, as he did have several pictures of you…of Y/N and him together from his world, from his other vessel.
“So why am I here?” You asked. “You clearly have what you want. You have Dean. Why do you need me here?”
“I feel that we can make this a win, win for the us both,” he stated. “You see, although there was no Dean in my world, there was a you there,” he began, taking a sip of his drink. “Her and I well…the way you feel about Dean is the same way her and I felt about each other.”
“You were in love with her,” you stated, and he nodding confirming. “So why aren’t you there with her? I mean, wouldn’t she…I don’t know, be confused with this new vessel of yours.”
“Well, based on yourself, if she were still alive, she’d have absolutely no problem with my current vessel,” he grinned. “Sorry about that by the way. This must be…hard for you.”
“That’s an understatement,” you slightly snapped, choosing to ignore his comment about the other you being deceased. “You mentioned there being a win, win. How can there be a win win when you have complete control over the man I love?”
“You see, we can both get what we want here if you agree to stay by my side,” he began. “My Y/N was killed by my brother, and there is no replacing her she was…perfect in every single way but, you’ll have to do despite being the downgraded version.” Ouch. “But, as long as I’m controlling Dean here, he can’t die. So, you’ll never lose him.”
“I already have,” your tone still snappish. “As soon as you took control I lost him.” Dean might of as well as been good as dead once Michael took control of him, as you knew you’d never be able to actually talk to Dean again. Yes, you’d still technically see him, but you weren’t actually seeing him. The look behind his eyes weren’t the same, the way he talked wasn’t the same, and the way he moved wasn’t the same. He may of looked exactly like your Dean but he wasn’t your Dean anymore.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you a day or two to think it over,” he stated, starting to get up from his chair. “I think you’ll find I can be…very persuasive.”
“And if I still say no?” You asked.
He grinned at you, a grin that had made you uncomfortable. “Let’s hope it won’t have to come to that.”
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Apocalypse World
“I need you to promise me something,” Y/N said, looking Michael in the eyes.
“Anything,” he said.
“When I die —” she began.
“You won’t,” he interrupted.
“Mike, you have to be realistic. I’m not going to live forever. I’m just human,” she said, her tone shifting.
“I can get an angel to possess you, but make sure you still have complete control,” he suggested.
“Mike, you know I don’t want that,” she said. “I know you’re afraid of the aspect of me dying but, it’s going to happen one day. And I need you to promise me something.”
He looked at her, not wanting to hear her, but he knew deep down that she was right. She one day was no longer going to be here and he needed to be prepared for that. She was human, which meant she was one of the most fragile beings, the simplest thing could kill her or take her out, especially now in the current world. “Okay,” he finally said, his tone changing.
“When you find someone that makes you happy, don’t force it, and don’t try to make them me,” she said. “Because I know you Mike, I know you’ll do that. I know you’ll try and turn them into me, but…no one is exactly like me okay? You gotta remember that.” Y/N knew him far too well, knew that he was going to do the exact opposite of what she had told him when she ultimately passed. He loved her too damn much to want to be with anyone but her; he loved her too damn much to want to let her go.
“I promise,” he said, unsure if he was lying or telling the truth.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 @mrsjenniferwinchester @syrma-sensei @k-slla @justletmereadfanfic @deans-daydream If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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stevetonyss · 1 year ago
midam nation! since jake abel has confirmed that michael and adam do, in fact, smash; how do you think they do it?
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