super-incorrect · 1 year ago
[During a dinner with Archangels]
Y/n - Have I told you how much I love you?
Gabriel - You might have but feel free to remind me
Y/n - Well I lov-
Michael - Enough! You have reminded him 11 times during this dinner alone! He remembers! We all remember!
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kazuiislazy · 1 year ago
Basically a masterlist of stuff i write except i haven't really written much (haha, i'm crying, i'm so busy rn)
Supernatural "Don't Leave." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"You're Perfect To Me." [Jack Kline x reader]
"Oblivious or Obvious?" [Castiel x reader]
some spn characters as college/highschool students [no pairing, just headcanons in general]
"Entranced." [Castiel x reader]
"Stop Pulling Away." [Sam Winchester x reader]
"No One Deserves That." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"Don't Stop." [Sam Winchester x reader]
"Take My Hand." [Dean Winchester x reader]
"All For You." [Michael x reader]
"Kill For You." [Michael x reader]
"You Drew Stars Around My Scars.." [Dean Winchester x reader]
LOTR/Lord of the Rings
"There's No Need To Apologise." [Aragorn x reader]
"The Plan." [Aragorn x reader]
"What's There To Like?" [Aragorn x reader]
Shadow & Bone
"You Should Be Scared Of Me." [The Darkling x reader]
"Did You Just-" [Kaz Brekker x reader] "Promise Me?" [Kaz Brekker x reader]
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6lostgirl6 · 9 months ago
Dean Winchester Masterlist
🩸 = Smut/18+ Themes 🩸
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Yandere Alphabet - Demon!Dean
Dean As Your Boyfriend HCs - Coming Soon!
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cheynovak · 6 months ago
Michael/Dean Winchester x F/Reader Y/N   
Warnings:mentioning of emotional damage, slight sexual tension, ...  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
*Does not follow The SPN storyline * 
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Dean made the mistake of letting Michael take over his body. While Michael made plans on destroying the humanity he met up with different monster leaders, a few of whom he meets up in a jazz bar he started to appreciate or was it the waitress, Y/N.  
A spark of curiosity hit him when he the young spiritual woman crossed his path. Realising he might have more in common with humans than he wants.  
Michael set foot in the dark lit bar downtown, marching to the same spot he had been claiming almost every day this week. He didn’t need to scan the area to know she was here. The soft smell of her parfum lingered in the air, mixed with the smell of alcohol.  
Michael noticed how a lot of women in this era smelled fruity and flowery, to him it smells cheap, but not her, no she had a scent that smelled like old money, deep and warm, almost...divine. 
He folded his coat neatly over the back of the chair next to him, the flat cap on top of his coat. Before he could turn around a glass of scotch appeared on the table in front of him. He saw how her nails were perfect as usual, slightly longer and a deep red colour, elegant.  
“The usual I presumed?” She said with a steady and sweet voice.  
His lips twitched almost into a smile. Slowly Michael looked up to the young woman next to him. Her lips were coated in the red lipstick that matched her nails. He noticed she wore that lipstick almost every night.  
Michael’s brow lifted while he looked at her.  
He saw how her lips turned into a soft smile. “I noticed you’re becoming a regular on my shift. If this is not what you wanted tonight, please let me know, sir.” Oh, he liked the respect she gave him. “This will be fine.” she nodded before turning on her heels.  
While his fingers moved the glass to his mouth, taking a slow sip, he couldn’t keep himself from glancing over to her. Seeing how she walked around with a flair, he could almost compliment his father on his creation. 
Almost a shame she too would soon be gone.  
After a few hours Y/N noticed him still sitting alone, the bar ran empty as she walked over to him.  
”Can I get you anything else, Sir?” She saw the look on his face, how it shifted from irritated to calm and well put together. “No, I think I might leave.”  
“They didn’t show up, did they?” She didn’t want to cross the boundaries, but she was too curious not to ask. Wanting to know a bit more about the handsome stranger walking into her bar every day for the last week.  
His eyes frowned, “The business partners, you meet here every day.” she added. Micheal realised she had been keeping an eye on him just like he had on her. “No...” he started “But why don’t you join me?”  
Y/N’s eyes widen, she looked around the bar, the place was empty, except from one customer at the bar who was talking to the bartender. She glided elegant on to the chair in front of Michael, “why not...” she lingered a little on the last word, wondering what his name was.  
And almost like he could read her mind he said “Michael.” she nodded slow, looking into his eyes. “Y/N” His eyes broke the connection and glided down over her. Stopping at her necklace. “You’re religious?”  
Her fingers instinctively reached for the small golden cross on her neck. “Well, I guess I am.” Michael’s eyes lock on hers again. “I hear doubt.” She smiled nervous “I believe... in god and... heaven and hell.” she thought for a second.  
“But?” he pushed. “I don’t believe in blindly following what people think is gods will.” Her breath hitched when Michael’s brow lifted again, his beautiful eyes scanning her body again. The weight of his eyes makes her feeling warm and blush.   
“How about Angels?” he asked casual. She smiled, “please don’t tell a cheesy pick-up line going to follow.”  
“Don’t worry, I know you are no angel.”  
Even though she hated the “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, or heaven is missing an angel” lines. But his brutal answer did sting. “Jesus, thanks.” she sighs soft. Just as she wanted to lift her off her seat he continued.  
“But there is something... graceful about you.”  
A short silence fell upon them before she broke it. “How about you Michael, do you have fate?” This was the first time she noticed him smiling. He looked away when he answered. “My father made it impossible not to.”  
“I get it.” - “I doubt that” he answered sharp.  
“My father was a preacher.” She said, “A self-proclaimed man of God’s word. As a kid I called him a storyteller.” Michael’s lips curled into another soft smile. Fuck she burned up when he did that. “I guess our father are more alike than I thought.” 
“Anyway, I should leave you to it.” She said after a short silence between them. Just as she lifted herself of her chair Michael did the same. His hand wrapped around her arm. Even though it was a normal gesture she could feel the strength in his muscles.  
“Have you ever visited the old church on the edge of the city?“ he asked.  
Her eyes met his, only now realising how tall he is. “No, I haven’t it is supposed to be sold to an old art collector, many years ago. It’s private property now. Or that was what my dad said.” Michael nodded, “ I know the man who bought it.”  
“Let me take you.” he said stretching his arm out to guide her to the door. He saw how Y/N doubted. “I promise it is worth your time.” While she looked at the door her thoughts slipped past her mouth. “You know that’s what serial killers say.”  
There it was again, the grin on his perfect face. “I’m not planning on killing anyone tonight. “she could feel his eyes lingering on her. “Specially not you.”  
Once outside he put his hat back on, looking how she raised her hand.  
Y/N called for a taxi, which quickly stopped. Michael opened the door for her. “What a gentleman” she winked. The ride there was silent, filled with nerves and maybe even a little fear.  
The taxi dropped them off at the gate near the old church, the premisses seemed abandon but there was a soft light coming through the glass stained windows.  
Michael opened the large doors like he owned the place. “Who is there? Show yourself!” An old man yelled holding a riffle in his hand. “Joseph, it’s me old friend.” Y/N could see how the old man who seemed nearly blind was trying to figure who he was talking to.  
And then it hit him.  
“M-Michael?” he whispered “Oh good lord... You came back!” The man rushed towards the entrance. “I kept everything like you wanted sir! No one came in, everything is still in place! I told you it would be a good idea to keep me! I-I listened to every word you said, sir.”  
Y/N didn’t pay much attention to what the old man was saying.  
Her eyes roamed the inside, eyes trailing the paintings on the walls and ceilings, the stories that were told on the windows, the marble statues that were displayed. “Amazing.” she said while breathing out softly.  
“Leave us be Joseph.” Michael ordered the old man when he saw Y/N walking up to a painting hidden behind a curtain. Her perfect manicured hand pulled the fabric aside. Revealing a painting of Michael as an angel.  
Y/N felt the warmth of Michael’s body behind her. “Michael” she started mesmerised by the beauty of the painting. “What is this place.” her head turned to him, but her eyes lingered a second longer on the art before looking at him.  
“Call it a private collection.” He noticed how she really took in his features before looking back at the painting and again back at him. To distract her he decided to test her on her knowledge. “What do you know about archangels?”  
She answered on autopilot, she blurred out everything she had been told on Sunday school. 
Michael noticed the warm feeling he got when she started to talk, even though all she said was what humans learned in church.  
Michael could feel the warmth radiate from her skin, he wondered how soft her flesh would feel under his strong hands. “I often wondered...” she walked closer to his painting, breaking his thoughts. “Why god made humans while he already made angels.”  
“I mean...” she turned back to Michael. “When I got older, I noticed the similarity in angels and humans. Did that disappoint me, he just made more useless angels in human forms.” - “Explain yourself” Michael’s voice echoed in the empty church.  
“Well, take my family for example. I’m the oldest of 4 daughters. My dad used to be in church everyday, leaving me to take care of my little sisters. And whenever they did something they shouldn't it was my mistake.”  
“In a way I presume that god and his angels are just another fucked up family. I feel for Michael, the way he carried the weight of the family on his shoulders, while every last one of them took all he did for granted.”  
“You’re the oldest?” he asked taking a step closer.” hm-hm.”  
“No mother? Just a father?” she nodded in response to his question.  
“Let me guess, you did anything to please him, your father? But when the youngest fell out of line you were to one to blame, he needed you to get them back and punish them or their behaviour.” His voice sounded very close.  
Y/N looked beside her, seeing how Michael bended a little forward so his lips where near her ear.  
“Y-yes, how did you know...” the words came trembling out of her mouth, goose bumps covered her spine. Y/N turned fully around to look at Michael. He didn’t take a step back, their faces almost touched.  
Michael’s eyes looked back and forward between her glistering eyes and her soft red lips. Starting to understand why many of their angels where seduced to having intercourse with a human.  
Y/N’s eyes wander back into the old church, not idea of the thoughts roaming his mind “Joseph doesn’t own this place, does he?”  
“No.” Michael’s voice was stern, trying to get a grip. “How long have you known him? “ She added, trying to break the electric feeling rushing through her veins.  
“Few years.” He saw how the wheels in her head were spinning.  
“You know, Michael this place was sold over ten decades ago... So, when you said you know the owner you were referring to...” Her eyes locked back on to his perfect green pearls. “Me.” Her eyebrow flicked up before she started to laugh.  
“Nice try, but serious.” her smile faded.  
Just when she thought he couldn’t get any closer to her, he did. Her head tilted back. “You know... you and I are much alike.” the back of his hand caressed her cheek. “You really get me, Y/N. I never thought a human being would see through the stories that have been told since the beginning.” 
“Human being, beginning, what?” she repeated. He didn’t answer her. “I never thought I would be so invested in a human’s life. But you... you trigger something in me.”  
Y/N tried to take a step back, every warning sign inside her went off. Nerves where jumping, she wanted to get as far away from him as she could. But when she planned on taking the step she felt his free hand on the back of her neck.  
“It’s such a shame there is no inch of grace floating inside your veins.” Y/N’s breath hitched. “M-Michael, you’re scaring... what do you mean, who are you?”  
“I am, Michael.”  
Y/N’s brows frowned and then she followed his glance over to the painting behind her. “Wha... No.” she turned back and all she could see was the beautiful white blueish glow coming from his eyes.  
And although she knew it was best to run for her life, the revelation in front of her nailed her to the ground. As Michael took a step back the walls behind him covered with a black shadow portraying wings.  
Y/N breathed heavy, unable to tear her gaze of him while he walked slowly back to her. His hand took its place back on her cheek while his eyes looked at her slightly parted lips. Her hand hold onto his side. 
Trying to understand all that happened, she felt scared yet excited, a rush she couldn't quiet explain. When Michael bowed closer to her, she didn’t move.  
And right before he closed the gap between them, placing his angelic lips on hers, he whispered:
“Oh help me father, for I am about to sin.”  
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thebiggerbear · 5 months ago
WIP Wednesday - 6/5/24 - Michael!Dean x Female!Reader
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A/N: Just a little preview of something I'm currently working on for this character. My first foray into this one. Hope it's okay. Also got some Demon!Dean, Hunter!Corp Dean, Gadreel!Sam, and Soulless!Sam coming as well.
Warnings: Language; Violence; Possessed!Dean (sort of)
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Dean Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @mariahoedt; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
SPN Taglist: @just-levyy
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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You crashed back into the wall, letting out a pained gasp as your back met the drywall and you fell to the ground, the breath literally knocked out of you.
Slow, methodical footsteps came to a stop in front of you. “Now, let’s try that again. If you could have anything, what would it be?”
You scowled up at your attacker as you held a hand to what was most likely a couple of broken ribs. “Would you skewered on an archangel blade happen to be on the menu?”
He smirked down at you, seeming delighted at your reply. “You know who I am.”
“Aside from the blue eyes and the Jedi mind moves,” You grunted as you struggled to get up, trying to ignore the screaming pain in your side. “It’s common knowledge that Dean Winchester is allergic to anything that isn’t flannel. Plus, the coat and tie…dead giveaway.” 
You had just managed to get to your feet when an unseen force slammed you up against the wall, making you yell out. “Fuck,” you hissed as the pain sharply radiated throughout your body. You couldn’t move though; you were being held in place. 
Dean—Michael approached, studying you. “Y/N…” It sounded almost as if he was trying out your name for the first time, as if he was seeing how it fit as it rolled off of his tongue. “I know all about you.”
You couldn’t help but snort at that. “Oh, good. If a GQ-wearing psychopathic archangel from some shithole reject planet knows all about me, then that must mean I’m famous.”
He didn’t react but the truth was, you didn’t expect him to. You knew you were going to die, you’d known it from the moment he appeared in front of you, but you refused to cower, placate him, or even beg for mercy. You weren’t getting any; his sneer of disgust as Dean’s green eyes roamed over you confirmed that even before he started throwing you around.
“I know because he knows.” Michael lifted a finger to his temple.
You started to laugh; you genuinely couldn’t help it. “Dean? That’s who you’re getting your intel from? Did he also manage to sell you a bridge?”
He moved closer until he was eye to eye with you. “Y/N Y/L/N, a hunter. Obvious issues, low self-worth, and quite the…hot mess. You lost your—”
“Yep, when I was six and then found out years later that he disappeared on a hunt. Yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen this one. Why not try something new and original for once?” Geez, did all bad guys spout the same shit day in and day out? As if that was going to make you, what, drop to the floor and weep? First, you weren’t dropping until he released you or forced you down. Second, he wanted tears from you? The only ones he’d be getting were either from laughter or physical pain, nothing else.
A hint of a smirk appeared on his face…well, Dean’s face. This really was quite the mind fuck. The Apocalypse Bringer aka another dick angel was wearing the face and body of someone you care about. To say you hated it was an understatement. “So then you already know you’re lost and not worth—”
“--Saving? Yeah, pal, nice of you to catch up with the rest of the class.” You purposely exaggerated your eye roll. “You’ve more than made your point. Now, you think you can quit monologuing and finish what you came here to do? As fun as all of this is, I’ve got a 3:00 in the seventh circle of Hell, with a quick pit stop at the second on the way, so if we could move this along…” If you could lift your hand, you would’ve made the hand gesture for him to keep it moving. And give him another infamous hand gesture while you were at it. 
His brow furrowed slightly before it smoothed out and his smirk widened. “You’re not going to ask me why I’m doing this?”
“Already know.”
“Or ask me what I want?”
“Don’t care.”
“Or plead for me to let you be?”
You let out a loud snort. “Is that even an option?”
“Or beg for your miserable existence?”
“No fucking way,” you snarled, glaring right at him. "That's never happening so you better kill me now Lucifer 2.0."
The creepy smile only grew more. You were definitely fucked.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 1 year ago
Phase 2
Pairing: Apocalypse World!Michael x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: angst, getting kidnapped, hating all humans
Request by anon: Bonjour Jordan, can i ask a spn imagine where the reader is apocalypse world Michael wife and Sam, Castiel, and Jack take her because is the only reason for Michael to show up because she is the only human he cared about and love? The reader can be Michael weakness. The reader is a super shy, sweet, innocent, intelligent, and introverted person
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Castiel need a way to take down Michael once and for all. When they go to his world to wage a war, they find you, his innocent wife who is a human, and they decide if you're not going to give information, then you'll be bait.
Square Filled​: dimensional portals (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Jack, Dean, Sam, and Castiel step through the portal to enter the Apocalypse World. The new threat to humanity is the big bad archangel, Michael. The one in their world is still rotting in the cage with Lucifer, and to prevent this Michael from obliterating their world, they need to kill him and kill him fast.
Wherever he might be.
“They’re here,” Michael says as prepares for the fight.
“Now? You’re not ready,” you say.
“I’m gonna have to be. They’re early but my plan can still work.”
“What shall I do?”
“Stay here.”
“No, I want to go with you.”
“Y/N, darling, you’re only human. I can’t let you put your life in danger for me. I can take care of myself,” he sighs and finishes gathering the things he needs.
“That doesn’t matter. You’re my husband. If what we hear is true, two of the invaders are human.”
“Hunters, my love. They’re hunters. You’re not. Please just stay here. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Michael kisses you sensually and before you know it, he’s gone. Your house is in the middle of the warfare you call this planet. There is a refugee camp for humans somewhere that Michael can’t locate. Whatever they’re doing is keeping him from finding them. You have no choice but to wait here and pray for Michael’s safe return, if praying will do anything for him.
An hour goes by and the sounds of battle grow closer to your house. The ground shakes with angelic power and you look out the window to see a white light in the sky that’s getting closer. You run to the back of the room just as someone comes crashing into your house. You gasp and shield yourself from the debris. 
A man wearing a trench coat stands up and wipes the dust from his coat. He looks around the place and spots you through the dust.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Michael’s wife. Who are you?” The strange man doesn’t answer you. The hairs on the back of your neck raise in alarm. “You need to leave now.”
The strange man approaches you with bright blue eyes, and the last thing you see is a bright white light.
Sam and Dean have joined the local’s side to fight Michael, and Castiel returns after splitting from the group. Sam sees the angel emerge from the smoke with something on his shoulder, and upon closer inspection, he sees it’s a person.
“Cas? Who the hell is this?”
“Michael’s wife. We should go.”
“Wait, what? You kidnapped someone?” Dean gasps.
“Look, we can discuss this later. Do you want to wait for Michael to realize she’s gone or do you want to head back to our world?”
He’s right. Michale will obliterate them when he finds out you’re gone. Castiel, Jack, Sam, and Dean head back to the portal they’ve created to get back to their world. As soon as the last person breaches the portal, it closes.
“Cas, I can’t believe you took her.”
“We can gather intel about Michael through her. I don’t see the problem. It’s not like you two haven’t done this before.”
Castiel brings you to the dungeon where he chains you to the chair in the middle of the room.
“Cas, she’s a kid.”
Anyone under the age of thirty is a kid to Dean. You’re in your mid-twenties and have your whole life ahead of you. Why the hell are you wasting it on Michael?
“Well, we can’t give her back now. Michael must know she’s gone. Even if we return her with no harm done, he’ll still kill us all. We need to come up with a plan.”
You gasp awake and jerk away from Castiel who jumps back in surprise. Tears immediately roll down your cheeks from how scared you are. You don’t know who these people are, where you are, or where Michael is so your panic is coming out in tears.
“Who are you? Where am I?”
“Look, we’ll explain everything but you need to calm down.”
“Where’s Michael?” Castiel walks closer to you but you try to back up as much as you can. “No, don’t come near me!”
“Cas, let’s give her some time,” Sam says.
Both brothers leave with the angel, allowing you to cry by yourself in the dimly lit dungeon. It takes a couple of hours for you to calm down, and when they return, you’re sitting there silently with a stoic look on your face.
“My name is Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean and our friend, Castiel who is an angel.”
“I know who Castiel is. Michael killed him,” you say.
“Right. Well, I’m sorry with the way we handled things but you can imagine why we can’t allow Michael into our world. He’s a big threat and we need as much information on him as we can get. We thought… well, we thought that--”
“That you’d kidnap me and I’d spill everything about him?” you finish for him. “Do you really expect me to be compliant in your demands when you kidnap me, tie me up in your dungeon, and leave me here to cry alone? No, this isn’t how this works.” You’re not sure where this boost of confidence is coming from. You’re usually very shy and always let Michael handle the tough talk. “I might be more willing to give you information if I had a bed and some food and a proper room. I am no threat to you. I’m only human.”
Sam, Dean, and Castiel step off to the side to discuss the pros and cons of letting you free. There are two angels inside the Bunker that can subdue you if you decide to go rogue, and there are two hunters that will keep an eye on you the whole time.
Castiel allows you out of your chains while Sam escorts you to the bathroom to freshen up. Your world is dirty, dusty, and filled with soot and smoke so taking a shower to clean yourself from that filth is amazing. Your world has really been set back from the wars Michael has started. Things like showers don’t come easy since there isn’t a lot of running water.
After showering, you are escorted to the kitchen where a hot meal is waiting for you. That’s another thing you don’t have--hot meals. When you’re constantly fighting angels in a world where power is limited, you don’t have access to things like microwaves or ovens. You only have fireplaces where you can heat canned food or small meals.
You immediately dig into the food gratefully. All three men are watching you with careful eyes and you start to get annoyed with the way they’re treating you.
“I’m not a circus animal. You don’t have to stare at me while I eat.”
“What is Michael planning?” Dean asks.
“You want to kill him, don’t you?” All three men are silent. “Why would I give you information on how to kill my husband?”
“He’s killing an entire world. He’s slaughtering millions. He wants to come here and do the same,” Dean gasps.
“The people he’s killed deserved it. He’s not taking innocents despite what those refugees say. Michael isn’t a bad guy, you just perceive him to be bad because his actions don’t fit your criteria of being a good guy.”
That silences all three of them. You continue to eat and they leave to talk about what the next steps are going to be.
“She’s not gonna want to give any information on him, but she can be bait. He’ll come for her.”
“As much as I hate it, he’s right. If she’s not going to be any help to us, then she can be bait. We can trap him here. He might stop killing and leave us alone if he sees his love is in danger.”
“We’re not going to actually hurt her, right?”
“Yes, Sam. We won’t harm a hair on her head.”
“Alright, let’s get started.”
Just like they predicted, it didn’t take Michael long to figure out you are gone. If he is ruthless when you’re by his side, then it’s a whole different ball game without you there. All of his followers are scared to be around him for fear he’ll kill them for them looking at him wrong.
“WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!” Michael yells angrily and slams his fist into the wooden table so hard that it cracks in half.
“The invaders must have taken her,” one of the angels says.
Michael looks at him with a deadly glare and the angel shuts up. Another angel walks through the front door with a note in his hands.
“Someone opened another portal to drop this note off.”
Michael takes the note from him. It reads “If you want her, come get her”. Michael crumples the paper in his hand angrily and turns to his angels with fire in his eyes.
“If they want a fight, we’re going to give it to them.”
“Sir, this could be a trap.”
“Of course it is. It’s time for Phase 2. Get it ready because Y/N is coming home.”
Just as much as Michael is preparing in his home, Sam and Dean prepare in theirs. You should have known the nice treatment wasn’t going to last. You went from being in the dungeon to eating in the kitchen to being tied up in the library. Michael taught you everything you know about breaking out of rope ties and Sam isn’t that good at tying knots.
There is an angel’s trap right outside of the portal they’ve opened so that when Michael steps through it, he’ll be trapped. He’s been trapped before but it takes some time and a lot of energy to break through but then Sam and Dean will have what they want.
Right on cue, Michael steps through the portal and you break free from your binds. You leap forward to be in his arms but Dean holds you back.
“Get your fucking hands off her!” Micheal yells.
“I’m okay, baby. I’m not hurt,” you reassure him.
“You better let her go.”
“That’s not gonna happen. What is gonna happen is you not going back home. Your reign of terror is done.”
Micheal locks eyes with you and sags his shoulders in defeat. You know this is just a ploy to get them to trust him. Violence and confrontation is and never have been your forte. Whatever Micheal gets himself into, you tend to stay out of. However, this is your business. You hate humans for what they’ve done to him. They all deserve to burn for what they’ve done, and Sam and Dean aren’t any different.
“Let her go home. She has nothing to do with this. She’s innocent,” Micheal negotiates. “I’ll stay here with you if you let her go home.”
“Micheal, no, I don’t want to go home without you,” you say, keeping up the facade.
“It’s going to be okay, love. I want to stay.”
Of course, he does. Phase 2 is starting, otherwise they all would be dead.
“Let her go, Dean,” Sam says.
Sam takes you from his brother and escorts you to the other side of the portal so that Micheal can’t get to you.
“Don’t worry, my love, I’ll see you soon.”
You step through the portal into your own world and watch as it closes behind you. If he wants to initiate Phase 2, then so be it. You have a lot of work to do.
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aayo-whatt · 2 years ago
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I tagged 617 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 71 posts
#supernatural - 60 posts
#castiel - 49 posts
#dean winchester - 48 posts
#destiel - 47 posts
#dean spn - 43 posts
#my question has been questioned - 38 posts
#castiel spn - 37 posts
#destiel spn - 34 posts
#spn incorrect quotes - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you're actually too powerful interesting and vocaloid to be dated by anyone. you're eternal and godly and no one can own you. you're a star
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Pirates Of The Caribbean - Will Turner x Reader (platonic)
Request: (from @gay-destiel ) ooh could you do a potc sibling!reader x will? mb the reader could have injured themselves doing something stupid and will is patching them up or something? dunno.. gn!reader used a/n: sorry this took so long, and it's still really short 😭😭 was this what you had in mind? it's how I took your idea, I hope you like it~
"Again? Really?" Will sighs, as he cleans the scratch on your face.
You give a lopsided grin, "Well, what can I say? I know how much you love when you get to patch me up."
He sticks a bandage to your face, "What did you do this time?"
"Someone didn't think I could jump from the tallest mast of The Black Pearl and not be injured."
You stay silent, "Me. It was me. I had to prove a point to myself."
Will chuckles, "Your an idiot."
"Ya know ya love it." You stretch as you stand up, and before walking off you turn to your brother and say, "I've got a few more points to prove to myself."
12 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
just harassed my friend into watching supernatural, feeling good
18 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
~got bored so i put the winchester gays and their angel "buddies" in an incorrect quotes generator~
Adam, ordering coffee: I’d like a light roast. Dean: You're kinda ugly.
Cas: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a. Michael: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Gabe: Fuck you.
Sam: Oh my Gabe. Dean: Don't you mean 'oh my god'? Sam: You worship your god, I'll worship mine.
Michael: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined. Dean: Heck. Michael: You're on thin fucking ice. Michael: Oh no-
Michael: If I had a face like yours, I'd put it on a wall and throw a brick at it. Gabe: If I had a face like YOURS, I'd put it on a brick and throw a wall at it.
Michael: What's my sexuality?! I don't fucking know! I'm not straight, and that's all that matters. Well, maybe that's unfair to the straights. Some of my best friends are straight! Well, one of them. Well, I know them, and Dean is perfectly tolerable person in small doses!
Cas: Dean, you're an asshole, man. Dean: You are what you eat Cas.
Michael: A mouse! Dean, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you. Gabe, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal! Adam, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy. Cas, gasping: It's Ratatouille! Sam: His name is Remi, dummy. Michael: I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Michael: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase? Cas: I accidentally fell down. Gabe: DEAN PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent! Sam: Cas bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money. Adam: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Sam.
Michael: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? Cas: We're chopsticks! Michael: Well... that's cute! Michael: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly? Dean: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Dean: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’ Sam: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
*Dean dies in a game with ships* Cas: This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us. Cas: The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury. Gabe: Legend has it that Dean still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking drinks. Dean: Of course I do.
Adam with a gun to Sam's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven? Sam: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
See the full post
56 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
got bored so i put the winchester gays and their angel "buddies" in an incorrect quotes generator here are the highlights-
why is there so much of gabe- ALSO THE GENERATOR SHIPS SABRIEL-
*out grocery shopping* Castiel: *takes a free sample twice* Castiel: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Gabriel: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you. Gabriel: Ask me to kill for you. Sam: ...First of all, calm down-
Michael: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small. Castiel: I would say infinitesimally. Gabriel: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Sam: You know, Gabriel, when you generalize, you tell general... lies. Gabriel: ... Gabriel: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Gabriel: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Gabriel: Wait you like me? For my personality? Sam: I know, I was surprised too.
Sam: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Dean: I'm a knife. Castiel, from across the room: He's the little spoon.
Gabriel: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Sam: Did you just make that up? Gabriel: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once. Sam: Gabriel: A really long fortune cookie.
Adam: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life. Castiel: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Adam: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gabriel: Edible.
Adam: Go big or go home! Michael: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home. Adam: I'm going big!
Sam: That's not funny. Gabriel: I thought it was funny. Sam: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
there will almost definitely be a part two-
@gay-destiel ?
69 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Stranger Things -- Robin x reader
non-binary!reader used a/n: idrk what i did with this but yeah, its really short also this was my first time writing something like this, so i hope you like it! ^^
Robin sighed, walking into your room. She flopped over to the bed where you were lying, and sat down on your legs.
"Rough day?" you ask.
"Mmf," Robin smooshes her face into the crook of your neck.
You wrap your arms around Robin's waist, pulling her closer to you, "I'll take that as a yes, then."
requested by @alonezz on a blog by lyralit, not sure if this is what you wanted but I tried.
72 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ms-rampage · 4 years ago
Hi! I really liked your response to my request. That story about Lucifer and his sister was just great! Can I ask imagine for Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel (separately) and their fem!s/o? Chuck came to visit his sons to meet their chosen ones. During the conversation, he repeatedly hints that he wants grandchildren, embarrassing his sons. I thought it might be interesting and funny. I'd be glad if you'd take it. If you haven't had enough of me yet :)
No problem! I’ve been wanting to write more Y/n + SPN character content for a while now. 
Grandfather God
Fem!Reader x Archangel Michael (Supernatural) 
Warnings: Nothing bad
Summary: Archangel Michael has finally found his soulmate. His father, Chuck, pays him and Y/n a visit, and hints for them to expand their family. 
I’ll be posting something similar with Lucifer and Gabriel sometime this week!. Hope you enjoy my writing 😊😊.
Note: Y/n = Your name. Y/L/N = Your last name. Y/E/C = Your eye color. 
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Michael, the oldest Archangel heard that he has a soulmate, but he didn't really ever search for her. He knew of his soulmate for several centuries, and who would’ve known it would be a human. Y/N Y/L/N. 
At first he watched her from a distance, seeing how her hair moved in the wind. How the sun shined down on her, making her Y/E/C eyes reflect. How beautiful she is.
When he finally showed himself to her, she was very skeptical at first. She thought he was just some random dude flirting with her, then she saw his wings and everything changed from there. 
Fast forward to 3 and 11 months later, you and Michael are happy together. Kissing on your guys couch, his soft lips moving from your lips, down to your jaw and moving further to the crook of your neck. Titling your head up to give him better access.
As much as you wanted kids with him, he told you the consequences with humans and Angels having kids, ending with you dying when giving birth to it. 
“Michael, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but I think we should have kids” you tell him. He looks at you with a look of uncertainty. You knew he wanted to say something but he didn’t know how to put the words together correctly. 
“Y/n, I love you, and as much as I would love to have kids with you” he pauses for a second, “But there’s something you should know about humans and angels having offspring”. 
Tilting your head in confusion, “What is it?”. Getting a bad feeling about what he's gonna tell you.
He takes a deep breath, “Humans and Angels having offspring are called a Nephilim. They’re very powerful. More powerful than Archangels, you getting pregnant because of me, will cause very bad things to happen, but most importantly it will cause you your life to deliver it”. 
You give him a sad look, then you look down at the floor. Part of you knew there would be a catch to being soulmates with a celestial being. He suggested you two could adopt, but you wanted to have your own kids, but if getting pregnant by a celestial will cause you your life then adoption is another option to entering parenthood. 
Despite being very bummed that you wouldn’t be able to have kids with your soulmate, you still loved Michael the same way. Nothing changed.
Then you get a surprising visit from Michael’s father, Chuck aka God. To be honest you were expecting him to be slightly taller, having a long white beard and have some sort of Heavenly appearance. 
“Father?” he mutters in confusion. 
“Hello son” he greets his eldest Archangel son with a smile. 
“What are you doing here?!” he asks.  Surprised by his father's unsuspecting visit.
He steps further into your guys home, “I just wanted to drop by and meet your chosen one” he says. 
He looks over at you, a slight smile on his face “Hello Y/n, it’s finally great to meet you”. 
There he is standing before you, God, “H-Hi God” you respond, hesitantly. 
“Chuck” he says, “You can call me Chuck”. 
He has a seat on the couch, “So another reason why I came here was to-” he stops talking all of a sudden, and looks around the living room. 
“Is something wrong??” you ask, concerned. Worried that you might have offended or upsetted him. 
“No, no nothing is wrong, but uhh, I'm noticing there aren’t any small furniture or toys in here" he says looking around, getting up off the couch.  
“Small furniture? Toys?” you question him. Eyebrows furrowed at him. Confusion in your voice.
“Michael?” he says, turning to face him, “Is your pullout game a little off?”. 
Making the Archangel turn bright red, and making you giggle softly. 
“W-w-what?!” he asks stammering, feeling completely embarrassed. Trying to avoid making direct eye contact at his father, and also with you. Laughing awkwardly.
“Yeah, I mean. Are you missing your shot? Coming off a little short?” he asks, patting his shoulder, laughing, “I mean you can always try again and again until you get it inside her”. 
You look back and forth at the two, after a few minutes of Chuck embarrassing Michael. It finally hits you to what he is hinting at. 
"No need to be a child about it" he tells the Archangel. Michael who is probably acting like he has no idea what his father is talking about, or maybe he is delusional to having sex with you.
“Wait, wait are you saying that Michael should impregnantate me?!?” you ask, breaking the embarrassing tension between Michael and God.
He nods, “That’s exactly what I’m saying”. You look over at Michael and back at Chuck. 
“But, but Michael told me about the dangers of humans and celestials having offspring” you explain to him, “That I could die!”. 
He nods in agreement, “Yes, Nephilims are very powerful. Giving birth to one will cause you to lose your life, but I can prevent that from happening”. 
You both stare at him with wide eyes, “What!?” you both exclaim in unison. He smiles at the two of you. 
“Yes, I can prevent Y/n from dying when giving birth to the child” he tells you, “I mean Grandfather God has a nice ring to it”. 
With the snap of his fingers, he makes you protected from the death of delivering the half human, half angel into the world. 
“What was that?!” you ask, confused. Looking around the room, and down at your body. 
“You’re protected” he tells you, “So when you and Michael do it, and when the time comes for you to give birth. You won’t meet Death when you give birth to my grandchild”. 
Michael looks at his father with a concern look, “So Y/n won’t die? Heaven won’t be going after her? Or our child?”. 
God nods once again, a huge smile on his face “That’s right. You all will be protected, and you two can have as many kids as you want. To be honest with the both of you I just want the title as a grandfather. We can be the most superior, and powerful family in the entire universe”. 
You look over at Michael, a hug smile on your face almost in tears, and you hug him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Kissing him.
“So I suggest you two get busy” he tells you both before disappearing.
Later, You and Michael spend that night making love, conceiving your first child together.
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marsmoonqueen · 6 years ago
A Divine Help
Archangel!Michael x Reader
Warning: Just school stress.
Prompt / Summary: Michael loves the reader, but he does not know how to act around her and ends up usually hurting her with his words. But what if he tried to be nicer and help her?
Note: This is the second part of Confessions and Advice but I do not think is necessary to read it to understand this one.
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‘Bloody hell!’ The girl thought.’ I know the answer, but what was it?’
After a lot of classes and walking through corridors, Y/n arrived to her classroom with 3 minutes to spare. ‘Thanks Chuck I’m here.’
The easy part of her day was done: Arrive at school on time to take her test. Now, the hard one: Answer open physics’ tests in sixty minutes without falling asleep in the process.
Question one was easy, the second was theory so nothing to worry about, but then, the third one got her stuck, she tried the fourth, fifth, but her nerves and tiredness would not let her concentrate.
‘Damn it, I’m lost.’
   Just like he could feel her distress, Michael was anxious, walking from one side to another, he saw the tiredness in her expression before, was she doing okay?
“If you are so madly nervous, why don’t you go and check on her? It won’t hurt nobody, but I will hurt you if you don’t stop moving around like a lost puppy bro.” Lucifer stated irritated after thirty constant minutes of his brother walking around.
The eldest archangel stopped in his tracks, he turned his gaze to his brother, he tried to say something, but after thinking better he just disappeared.
He transported himself where the girl currently was: in a room full of people who looked like they wanted to either cry or break something. When he spotted her, his worry increased. She had fallen asleep in her chair!
“Students, you have exactly twenty-one minutes, I would recommend you to think faster, if you can think at all.” The teacher said with a mischievous grin.
Rapidly and taking advantage of his divine nature, Michael walked to Y/n’s seat and without being noticed, he touched her shoulder.
“Y/n… Y/n… Wake up.” He whispered to her ear, while kneeling next to her chair.
She made some sleepy noises, that Michael wished he could have heard in a different situation, before muttering the word “what?”
“Hey, love, wake up, you have to finish your test, you still have twenty minutes.” He told her louder, awaking her completely.
She opened her eyes widely and looked at her test, she still had seven damn questions to go; gazing at Michael for the last time, and with his right hand still resting on her shoulder, she submerged herself in the test, answering as fast and as correct as she could. She was in the eighth question when the bell rang.
“Times up! Hand me your exams students.”
She felt defeated, damn it. ‘Bye twenty point.’ And the angel next to her just squeezed her shoulder as he moved behind her and putted his left hand in her other shoulder, giving her more squeezes, trying but failing in making her feel better.
“No, wait! Give us nine more minutes, please.” A red-haired girl yelled from the crowd. “Not even Alex has finished, and he is the smartest of the class!” The girl stated, making the boy ‘Alex’ blush furiously under the intense gaze of the teacher.
“Five more minutes, now run.” The man granted, with an irritated frown in his expression.
Y/n continued writing and calculation for the gifted minutes with Michael’s hands still in her shoulders, giving her support until she finished, she was the last in the classroom, and she had just dropped her pencil when the alarm in the teacher’s phone went on, but her test was all answered.
Walking with the archangel by her side, she gave her test to the teacher and got out of the room not without saying ‘have a nice evening’ to the man.
Getting out of the room and with Michael raised a lot of questions, why was he there? Why did he help her?
Without a warning she stopped in the middle of the empty corridor and faced him.
“Why are you acting like this? Why help me when you have always acted like a jerk to me? What are you up to? Greeting me in the morning? Okay, fine, acceptable. Passing me my favorite cup and preparing me my coffee? Sweet, but weird coming from you. And now, this? What’s your plan?”
Michael was taken aback. Those were far too many questions, and he just had one answer. He looked their eyes together as he got closer, waiting for her to step back. She didn’t.
“I… I just wanted to make it up to you… I have been a-”
“A son of a bitch.” She interrupted, stepping closer.
“Yeah, that.” He accepted ashamed as he scratched his neck with a hand and slowly placed the other in the girl’s hip, testing her reaction.
“It’s just that… you drive me crazy, since the day I met you, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I tried to be rude to push you away, but it didn’t work and I’m tired of denying my feeling, the thing is that, when I realized that, I didn’t know how to act around you, and I pushed you further.”
The girl’s expression softened as she processed his words “What do you want from me?”
“A chance, that’s all I’m asking for.” Then, he placed his other hand in the free side of her hip as he pressed his foreheads together.
When the girl didn’t answer, he mumbled a last “please” before he connected his lips with hers, kissing her as sweetly and slowly as he could, trying to make her feel all his love and passion for her; hugging her waist as her arms surrounded his neck.
She separated from him just enough to take a breath as she pushed their foreheads together again and locked their eyes, staying in a peaceful silence as she regulated her respiration.
“Y/n! Who’s there with you?” One of her friends asked, peaking his head from the ends of the corridor, where she forgot she still was in. This caused her to push her body away from the warmth of Michael’s embrace.
After a short and awkward silence, she gazed at Michael who had a pleading look.
“Come Ryan, I think you haven’t met my boy, his name is Michael.” The girl answered, with her eyes still glued to Michael’s.
“Really? You have a boyfriend? Awesome! I’ll call the others to meet him too!” Her overexcited friend yelled, as he disappeared from the corridor; Y/n turned in his direction to see him running, and then, Michaels arms distracted her. She hid her face in his chest as he kissed her hair and whispered a sweet “Thank you” as he wore a proud smile.
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holylulusworld · 3 years ago
Michael!Dean - Series
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Masterlist for all Michael!Dean x Reader series
Legend status:❌ on hiatus // ❗ ongoing // ✔ complete // 🆕 upcoming // 🖊 rewrite
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Watching over you Masterlist ✔
Black Wings Masterlist (contains dark elements) ✔
Glowing Wings Masterlist (Sequel to Black Wings) ✔
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Michael!Dean divider by me *for my blog use only*
Fine more Dean Winchester stories here: Dean Winchester Masterlist ​
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ikilledsparky2 · 3 years ago
Dean: Y/n I need to tell you something--
Y/n: if you are going to say that you are in love with Cass and you are breaking up with me. That's fine infact my ship sailed.
Dean: I was going to say, "Be safe" but WHAT THE FUCK
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angelkissiies · 3 years ago
archangels on a road trip with Y/N
CW/TW : none
Michael : The driver. He’s the best behind the wheel and the rest know it. He’s practically the mom of the group, especially when it comes to taking good care of all of Y/N’s human needs. He doesn’t get tired so he doesn’t need anyone else to take over driving, he likes having control. Knowing that Y/N was safe with him behind the wheel.
Gabriel : The snack god. He began stocking up on snacks for the ride a week before the group left out. He made sure to work with what Y/N liked as well, so he made the decision to cut down on sweets and pack something that will keep her tummy full. He could sense when they began to get hungry and with a smile passed them a snack. He became very attentive.
Raphael : The pillow. He sat in the middle row, right next to Y/N. With such long trips he knew humans couldn’t withstand motion sickness. He allowed Y/N to rest on his lap while he soothed them into a peaceful sleep. He lulled the sickness away, keeping his human steady.
Lucifer : The DJ. He spent days making a playlist of all Y/N’s favorite music (as well as a few of his own) He made different playlists for different times of day. One for night when Y/N was sleeping. One for evening after they began to mellow out. One for the afternoon and one for the morning. He wanted to keep them engaged and comfortable being in the car for so long.
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carryonmywaywardcaptain · 4 years ago
What’s in a Name?
CarryOnCap’s Masterlist
Pairing: Michael!Dean x reader, Dean x reader 
WC: 2,135
Summary: Weeks after Michael disappeared with Dean as his vessel, you decide to take some time away from the bunker. Nothing could have prepared you for the talk you have (or the tearful goodbye) when he pays you an unexpected visit.
Square Filled: Midnight Snack
Warnings: Season 14 spoilers if you haven’t seen it. Some angst. Sort of sappy fluff. Revelation of feelings and implied mutual pining. Minor mentions of injuries. Kind of a corny, abrupt ending. Also this gif by @teamfreewillbettertogether​​ (I mean LOOK AT HIM.) 
A/N: This is my first submission for #spndeanbingo challenge round 1 hosted by @spndeanbingo​​ Inspired by this 14x01 gif and the end dialogue of 14x09. (I do not claim to own the dialogue from those episodes, I just paraphrased for this fic.) This was supposed to be a drabble but it got away from me. lol
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You had just finished a case up north-- nothing big, just a few werewolves preying on teenagers who were exploring the woods on the outskirts of town at night for “something to do.” You had tracked down the last of the pack just in time to save a young girl from becoming an unfortunate midnight snack. After driving her home and observing a tear-filled reunion with her parents, you returned to the motel you’d been staying at.
You were exhausted, covered head to toe in cuts and bruises from the hunt, and you knew you needed some rest. But sleep didn’t come easily these days and, when it did, you often found yourself dreaming of Dean. It kept you up at night knowing he was out there somewhere locked away under Michael’s control, and dreaming about him only seemed to make you miss him more.
It was late, but you decided to venture to the gas station up the street to grab a midnight snack of your own, hoping the cool evening air and a little food might help ease your mind. After cleaning up a little, you slipped out of your room and back into the night.
It had been weeks and there'd still been no sign of Dean or Michael. Sam had been working tirelessly trying to find him, but so far he still hadn’t had any leads. In an effort to help with the search, you packed a bag and set out to connect with some of your old contacts.
...At least that’s what you told Sam.
Truthfully, you had decided to leave because you needed a break from it all. The bunker had begun to feel crowded with all of the new inhabitants from Apocalypse World. Sam, Mary, Cas, and Jack checked on you at all hours of the day because they all seemed to know about the feelings you harbored for Dean. You appreciated their concern, but the lack of alone time and space left you feeling suffocated and on edge.
On top of it all, the bunker somehow also felt eerily empty without your favorite green eyed hunter. Reminders and memories of him seemed to haunt every inch of the place. With how overwhelming everything had become, it was liberating to work a case or two while you took some time to grieve and process everything in peace.
After buying a sandwich, a six pack, and a mini pie, you thanked the cashier and began the short trek back to your motel. Still lost in thought, you had taken a shortcut down an alley when a noise from behind stopped you in your tracks. It was subtle and if you hadn’t recognized it immediately, it might’ve gone unnoticed-- drowned out by the bustle of cars, sirens, and drunken bar-goers still enjoying what was left of their night.
The familiar rustle of angel wings.
Realizing you’d left your angel blade in the duffel bag beside your bed, you tried to remain calm. Cas had no way of knowing where you were and you knew the few angels left in existence were doing all they could to keep heaven running. Grappling with the fear and hope you could feel rising in your chest, you wracked your brain for any other possible explanation for who could be behind you. But even before he spoke, you knew it was him.
“Hello Y/N.”
It wasn’t his voice-- not really. Even so, the sound was oddly comforting after so many weeks without it. If you’d kept your back to him, you might’ve been able to let yourself pretend it really was him. That he had managed to break free from the archangel somehow and track you down.
But it was the way he said your name that let you know who it really was. His voice was hollow. Almost formal. 
One thing you’d always loved about Dean--whether he was angry or worried or teasing--was the way he said your name. There was always so much emotion behind it. Always a trace of the unconditional love he gave to everyone he cared about. When he spoke your name, there was always a deeper implication: no matter what he was feeling or what you had done, you knew he would always protect you and have your back. There was never a need for him to say those things outright, because somehow you’d always understood.
But this wasn’t him and those weren’t the feelings you had when your name rolled off of his tongue. Taking a deep breath, you slowly turned to face the man behind you.
The corner of his mouth tilted into a smirk. He wore a gray three piece suit, a long coat, and a newsboy style cap. His head was slightly bowed, casting a dark shadow over his eyes. Instead of the relaxed, bow-legged stance you were accustomed to, his posture was stiff and typical of the angels you’d grown familiar with over the years.
“It’s nice to be able to skip the introductions.”
He raised his head and the motion seemed almost robotic. His jade eyes briefly flashed a bright electric blue and the longer you looked at his emotionless face, the more unsettled you began to feel. Everything about him seemed detached and unnatural-- a stark contrast to the man you knew.
“What do you want?”
“What do I want? It’s a little...ironic.” His lips stretched into a wry grin, but there was still an emptiness behind it. “That’s what I’ve been traveling all around this world asking people. ‘What do you want?’ Their answers are always the same: Peace. Power. Revenge. Love.” 
You exhaled upon hearing the final word--recalling the countless number of fantasies you’d had about Dean confessing something similar to you.
“They say the things they think I expect to hear. Give answers they hope will ensure their survival. It’s all so very...weak. Pathetic. Human. But I will admit free will does keep things marginally these ‘wants’ seem to motivate you. To give you a cause to fight for.”
You stood motionless, soaking in every bit of the speech he was delivering. The way he spoke was flat and unhurried. You reminded yourself over and over that it wasn’t him, but as his voice washed over you...the hold he had on you was undeniable.  
He took a few steps forward, hands behind his back as he began circling you like a predator stalking its prey. 
“He’s still in here, you know.” He tapped a finger on his temple when he circled in front of you again. “Resisting me. Squirming and trying to claw his way out. To get back to all of you.”
“Is there a point to this monologue?” Your voice wavered, sounding feeble instead of assertive.
“I can sense how vulnerable you are in my presence because of this pretty face. Haven’t you ever wondered what it is that Dean wants most?” He began slowly pacing back and forth in front of you. “I know his thoughts. His desires. His reasons for fighting. I know all that you’ve been through together...”
“He wants the same thing we all do. To take out as many of you douchebags as we can until--”
“You are what he wants.”
You tried to swallow, but your throat had gone dry.
“Why do you think he said yes to me? Why do all of you sacrifice yourselves for each other? Again and again...and again.” He paused and met your eyes when you didn’t say anything. “For love. For the fear of having to live without each other. For the ‘family business’ or whatever. Now, Sam? Mary? His angel pal and even the nephilim-- sure, he loves them. He would die for them. But you…well, there aren’t words for how devastated he would be if anything ever happened to you.”
“You’re...lying,” you whispered.
“I’m just a messenger, sweetheart.”
He spun on his heel and held his hands out to his sides, chuckling as he shook his head. You wanted to believe everything he was saying, but you had no reason to. Michael had lied to Dean-- why wouldn’t he do the same to you?
“Why are you telling me any of this? Why bother finding me at all?”
“Because his squirming is like an incessant gnat that simply won’t go away. So, as a small attempt to put his floundering to rest, I decided to pay you a visit. To say the things he never could. To put an end to his doubts...the worry and the fear and the anger that keeps him fighting. To show him there’s no need to resist me any longer. Lucifer is dead and all of you survived.”
“So you’re pretending to care about his well-being now?” you scoffed. “That’s your play?” 
“He’s angry with himself for saying ‘yes’--but he wanted to save his brother and the boy. To beat Lucifer and, together, that’s what we did. He’s so worried about his family’s safety but, with my help, you were all spared from Lucifer’s wrath. Now, after everything I’ve told you have any idea what Dean’s greatest fear is? His reason for continuing to resist me?”
As the gears turned and every fiber of your being seemed to have a hunch about what he meant, your mind refused to even consider the possibility. There was no way he could possibly mean--
“You,” Michael sighed impatiently. “You’re the one he’s most attached to. The source of his deepest fear and regret. Because what if something happened to his beloved Y/N? What if he never had the chance to tell you that he loves you? That he’s always been too much of a coward to admit it.”
Feeling like the air had been knocked from your lungs, tears began to well in your eyes at his admission. You weren’t sure if he was telling the truth, but if there was any way to reach had to try.
“Dean? If you can hear me--”
“Dean’s not home right now. He’s served his purpose and his mission is complete. Now it’s time for mine.”
You knew you should ask what he meant, but right now you couldn’t care less about Michael’s mission. Taking a measured step forward, you gazed into his eyes and hoped he could hear you, no matter how deep he was buried.
“I love you too, Dean. More than you could ever know… And no matter what happens, none of this is your fault.”
Michael scoffed at your attempt before suddenly hunching over to stare at the ground. His expression quickly grew irritated and he shook his head as he rolled his shoulders back.
“So...very...pathetic,” he mumbled angrily.
He stood abruptly, jaw clenched and nostrils flaring as he closed the distance between the two of you. You watched as he curled his lip in disgust and placed two fingers on your forehead. When his pupils flash blue once again, your body went rigid as a warm energy spread from your head to your toes.
As he withdrew his hand, you breathed heavily and rolled your sleeves up to discover the wounds from your hunt had been healed. You glanced back at him with a puzzled expression and let out a small gasp when you noticed how drastically his demeanor had changed.
Instead of blank, dead eyes, you were met with tender emerald ones. He reached a hand out and lightly traced his fingertips along the edge of your jaw.
It was nothing more than a whisper; a silent plea for you to hear everything he didn’t have time to say. When the word escaped his lips, he drew his eyebrows together-- all of the raw emotion Michael had kept locked away painted clearly on his face. 
You understood completely, hearing it all in the way he said your name.
“I know, Dean. We’re gonna find a way to get you back. Just hold on.”
He cupped your cheek and a sad, longing smile graced his lips when you leaned into his touch. Without warning, his eyes flashed blue once more.
In the blink of an eye he was gone. 
Clenching the bag of food and beer in one hand, you wiped away a few stray tears and fished your phone from your pocket. After selecting a number from your favorite contacts, you began jogging toward the motel. The line rang several times before going to voicemail, but you quickly hung up and dialed again. 
Arriving at your room, you unlocked the door and began frantically packing your bag. You huffed in frustration when the call went to voicemail again but, on your third attempt, you finally heard Sam’s groggy voice.
“Sam? It’s Y/N. So, get this--”
CarryOnCap Crew (Forevers):
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Cap’s SPN Crew:
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spn-imagines-nation · 5 years ago
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hells-angel · 4 years ago
Hi :) can I request Michael from supernatural + no. 11?
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Michael x Reader
Word count: 391
Warning/s: ----
Summary:  from Prompt #11: Telling them a dumb joke just to see them smile. Taken from here
The bunker was unusually peaceful, there was no Dean playing his loud music, no Sam continuously knocking on his door to make Dena stop and no Castiel that questions everything you do that he doesn’t quite understand.
You love them but a time for yourself from time to time is not that bad. Unfortunately, your free time comes to an end with the familiar flutter of wings.
Looking up from your book you take a glance at your favorite archangel, and one look at him you knew he was grumpier than usual.
"What happened? You look like you've been through hell" you commented as you close your book and set it aside to pay more attention to him.
"That's because I just been there" he replied while you pat the space beside you, gesturing him to come join you on the bed.
Michael gladly let himself sink on the soft bed, his head resting on your lap while your arms immediately went to his hair. A sigh of relief leaves Michael as he relaxes on your arms.
"Feel better?" You softly asked, Michael just hummed in response as he look up to meet your eyes.
"somethings missing" you mumbled while you stare at his gorgeous face. Getting lost at his eyes.
"What's missing?" He asked his eye brows furrowing in confusion.
"Hey Michael, how do angels greet each other when they meet?" You asked
"Halo there. Get it?" you giggled, it took a while before he understands what you meant.
A look of realization passes his face before a smile formed on his lips as he sat up to face you. A smile so rare as him and a smile that seems to be only available for you.
"There it is! You look so much better when you smile" you chuckled, gently pinching his cheeks causing the archangel's smile to widen.
"It's a dumb joke but the kid like it" he said referring to Adam, the body he was possessing.
"It's a terrible joke, but as long as it made you feel better" you said grinning from ear to ear.
"Thank you" he mumbled as he pats your head in appreciation. Michael would often found himself seeking your presence whenever he feels down or just when he simply wants to see you, so he often visits you, not that you complain.
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ms-rampage · 4 years ago
The 5th Archangel [Part 3]
New series
Female reader
Sunmary: Y/n is an Archangel and is also the little sister to Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel.
Due to popular demand here's part 3!!! Also this one is not that long. Part 4???
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
Art sketch by @athenalillystar ❤❤❤
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Preparing for your aunt Amara’s visit. You put on your best, and cleanest robe, making sure your hair is styled nice and neatly. Making sure your wings are groomed. 
Your father calls all of you to the main halls of Heaven. Waiting to greet your aunt, his older sister. 
“Okay, I’m gonna check if you’re all ready” Chuck tells the 5 of you. You’re all lined up in order from oldest to youngest. 
“Y/n. Check” he moves down the line, “Gabriel check. Raphael, check, Lucifer” he stops and pays slightly more attention to the 2nd eldest. 
“Check” he moves on to the eldest, “Michael, check”. After he is satisfied with the outcome of all his children looking formal and dressed nicely for his sister’s arrival. 
Not long later, Amara arrives. 
“Hello brother” she greets Chuck, walking pass the large white doors. 
“Hello Amara” he responds back, trying to keep his posture professional looking. 
She comes to a stop, and sighs. “Where’s the new edition?” she asks him. 
“She’s right here” he tells her, motioning to you, standing at the end of the line. She looks over at you, and approaches you. 
Towering over you, wearing a long black sleeveless dress. She kneels to your level. 
“Hello Y/n” she says, with a slight smile. 
“Hello aunt Amara” you respond, showing some good mannerism. She meets the rest of the Archangels, and to be honest you thought she would be terrifying but she’s actually really nice and not very intimidating, not to you at least. She’s supposed to be the opposite of your father, since she is called The Darkness. 
Later that day, you’re practicing with your powers. Making candy, squirrels and flowers appear in your hands. 
You tried to do the same trick Lucifer showed you with the fire palm trick. You tried a few times but failed to do so. 
As you’re frollicing with the planteries in Heaven, Raphael approaches you. 
“Y/n” he says, you turn around and see your charcoal gray winged brother. 
“Hi brother” you respond with a smile. You’ve never really spoken to Raphael, he’s very introverted and keeps a lot to himself. 
You two have a few things in common. You both like nature, and bright colors. The conversation was about 5 minutes, Heaven time. 
You have a close relationship with Gabriel. Since you two are twins, or at least you two think you are. 
“Sister!” Gabriel calls out for you. 
“Brother!” you respond back. 
“I heard Michael speak with father, and heard that you’re gonna be the last of the Archangels” he tells you. 
You tilt your head in confusion, “What does that mean for Heaven??”. 
He shrugs, “Nothing bad, it’s just we’re Heaven’s most powerful and dangerous weapons”.
“Why am I the last Archangel?” you ask him. 
He shrugs again, “Father might create more angels. Lower ranking angels, our younger siblings”. 
Your eyes wided, excited that you’re gonna have younger siblings. 
“You’re still the youngest one” Lucifer informs you. 
You both look back at him. Looking at your white winged brother. 
“Regardless, you’re still the youngest Archangel” he tells you, “We’re more powerful than the newcomers. Higher ranking”. 
Chuck had all of you line up once again, and he tells the 5 of you about the new Angels that are gonna be born/created. 
“There are gonna be more of you running around here” he tells all of you, “But these are gonna be regular, lowering ranking angels”. 
The rumors are true, new additions to the Heavenly family. Expanding Heaven’s monarchy, more of Heaven’s soldiers, and warriors. You being the last of the Archangels, but not the last of Heaven’s soldiers. 
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