#spn debacle
they-them-pussy · 2 years
being a supernatural fan is whatever the opposite of 'tumblr ruining reading comprehension' is, but it's just as horrible. not only are the curtains blue, but several different writers specified the different shades that these curtains are. the curtains are simultaneously turquoise and ultramarine. you might be tempted to go OH!!! MAYBE IT'S A METAPHOR FOR DIFFERING PERCEPTIONS OF THE SAME THING!!! but no, this isn't on purpose. the curtains just accidentally stumbled into a vague idea that MIGHT be deep. but it's really not. or it might be. only the curtains know. you're left either watching it in horror or in intrigue as everything accidentally connects like the world's most disastrously entertaining wine glass stack.
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roastedsoup · 6 months
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lizstiel · 2 years
do you think part of the reason some of the cast (i.e. misha, sp8, etc) were so quiet & vague after the finale is because they knew jensen was trying to get the rights? I couldn’t pin the timelines down if you put a gun to my head but didn’t the attitude shift kind of suddenly from one narrative to “what’re they gonna do, fire me?”
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
cas practising (en/forced) exo-/endo-cannibalism will always be important to me.
#that guy has done it all#however I must say that this show truly thinks everybody's just a vessel and I'm not sure how I feel about that#for instance: Cas without grace is still not human to me. no matter how the show wants to tell me otherwise. I ain't buying that.#he's having human experiences sure. but. like. that's it. and I'm totally fine with that. You go eat burritos darling.#and I like my own take better tbh. 'Cause the show doesn't take a stand to the point that eventually even God is *just* transferable power.#meeeeeeeeh.#And this is the result of the post-kripke-seasons'perversion of the original story about sam and demon blood but it's still NOT the same.#cause angels and demons are not humans. even the idea of injecting human blood to turn a demon.#hypothetically: cool. if you think about it: mmmmh a demon is still an entity possessing somebody.#even if that somebody has been dead for centuries. the demon's been colonizing a corpse. he might experience human stuff again#but the demon is still a demon with a human (resurrected? reincarnated? what happens to the the possesed's soul???) body#(i don't really think that angels and demon can resurrect but they can reincarnate. or not? can they die when they are not in a body?)#so does this mean that being human means having human experiences? eeeeeeeehhhh the show seems to say: bleargh#cause apparently humans too are just vessels for the soul#no soul? not sure you're fully human.cause you can't experience stuff anymore.it's quite complicated as the jack's storyline debacle shows#what i mean is that sometimes I've got the feeling that the show uses its characters like recipes#a little bit of that and you're an angel. a little less of this and you're a monster#it's very quantity-oriented#and i'm like: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.#SO ANYWAY#Cas eating a little bit of his siblings to become an angel really seems to boil down to: you are what you eat.#spn s9#castiel#character of all time#supernatural
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lol-jackles · 4 months
How was that? Oh Jensen doesn't have what it takes to be a leader! oh Jensen doesn't have a q-score! oh Jensen's deal with Amazon is long gone.
Keep your unemployed Jared, and your stupid comments while we celebrate Jensen's well deserved rise to the top of TV. Karma always wins in the end!
Yup, I still stand by my opinion that Jensen isn't a leader. Hopefully he's learned his lesson from The Winchester debacle and step it up going forward. But I have a bad feeling he's going to hand off the pressure and responsibilities onto his co-lead. For years the J2 were publicly credited for creating a good work environment on the SPN set, to the point that Misha promised in the Entertainment Weekly "End of the Road" article to bring the "J2’s legendary team work" magic to your set if you would just hire me! Time and Walker have proven that it was primarily Jared who cultivated a good work environment.
Jensen doesn't have a Q score since 2018, that is the fact. I said Amazon had the option to renew their deal through his production company. CMP is not producing The Countdown.
Nah, I'm going to keep commenting on MY blog. Jensen was unemployed for a total of 3 years compared to Jared's current unemployment of 3 weeks although his prospects is very good so don't worry, Jared will be in another project soon, he just has to make a choice.
Jensen is finally a lead of his own tv show, I'm genuinely happy for his fans, they waited for so long! And a copaganda show at that! (to use AAs' own words in their reactions to Walker lol)
Yes Karma always wins in the end, and Jared has more wins than Jensen when you look at their career side by side. Even if The Countdown goes for 4 seasons, Walker will still have more episodes.
Since Karma always wins, I suggest you remember that the next time you send these messages...
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This is why everybody hate Ackles Army since the time of Days of Our Lives. Fandom history said that the soap opera fandom tried to warn SPN fans that they're going to be in the world of hurt because of Jensen's extreme fans.
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cupcraft · 9 months
I was telling my friend about supernatural and I mentioned how it’s very well known for the queerbaiting and she took it as a negative thing but it’s just so goofy to me
After all I've endured with spn it too has become goofy with me. After Jared Padalecki's weird rant about destiel not being real After it was real at that con, and the "rogue translator which wasn't actually rogue" debacle, and the castiel not on the dean dies of tetanus finale party city wig old age Sam, and balthazar "you know the angel whose in love with you" but it isn't canon, and superhell. Its like. Yeah it's pretty goofy that's how I cope with it. They're gay in love semi-divorced for a period in love husbands that in my mind take drives in heaven together in Baby and that's all that matters to me. It's 15 seasons of goofy.
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jarpadswalker · 1 year
Part II
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I am back to answer the rest of the two questions related to Jensen and the prequel gate...
About my views on Jensen... Early on, especially when I started following con panels and attended two myself. I became Jared girl, Jensen, for me, was an accessory. He was just like any actor, nothing special. When I met him, I knew instantly that though it is an informal event, it is all business for him. Now, it wouldn't have meant much because I am used to actors' behavior, but for me, the behavior stood out coz I had just met Jared, who was the big ball of energy. So meeting Jensen immediately after Jared was like someone sucked the energy out. This is exactly why, for the next day, I kept Jared at the last because I wanted to end my day with the positivity.
So I didn't mind Jensen as he didn't come across as rude or insulting like Misha, nor was he amiable like Jared. He was just like any actor.
For me, the first red flag came during AKF and YANA debacle, which is when I realised that Jensen is not how he appears to be. He is very calculative and shrewd. He supported YANA despite knowing it was a blatant copy for AKF. Still, I said fine you launch YANA. There is no copyright on supporting MH more the support better it is. BUt, Misha and Jensen were totally insincere with the campaign. They didn't take efforts to understand the gravity of the situation nor gave any thoughts on how the campaign was being presented. It was clear that YANA was nothing but a money minting project for M, Jensen, and CW. The worst was when the campaign failed, Jensen bailed, leaving Misha alone to take the fall. He didn't have balls to stand up for the project that was supposedly important to him. The moment it failed, he went. Nope, I wasn't interested in it, I just did it to help M. Everything was M's idea.
Since then, I started doubting Jensen intentions and didn't believe a word he said. I realise that he is opportunist. The moment he sees profit into something, he latches to it. Not only that, but even in terms of putting effort, he does the bare minimum, but when it comes to appreciation, he is first to take credit.
My doubts were confirmed with Prequelgate. At first, the sheer unprofessionalism was appalling, but I thought there might be some miscalculation. He won't stan Jared immediately after the end of the show. But that illusion broke when Kripke tweeted, apologizing Jared and stating that he assumed Jensen must have informed Jared. It proved that whatever Jensen did was intentional. He always wanted to own the SPN brand. I think somewhere it always hurt Jensen that despite being senior in the craft, it was Jared, a conparatively young actor who got the lead. Jared was always in the forefront when it came to media attention. If you have time, then just compare the kind of media that gave coverage to Jared and Jensen and the amount of time they do it, at least during SPN. Jared, with his extrovert attitude, is mainstream media fave. So I feel it was deliberate. He was to slyly make the brand for himself, and he knew he would lose Jared's fan if he told the truth. So he lied about Jared. When he was called out, like a coward, he once again ran and hid.
What is the worst was the MR podcast that showed the world hus true face. Instead of apologizing, he tried to shift the blame on Jared. Which was the dick move and then his constant lying and changing the reason as to why he didn't inform Jared. It was when I lost all the respect for him. In fact, according to me, at that point, he seemed worse than Musha. With Misha, we knew what to expect, but Jensen pretended to be a friend/brother and then backstabbed the said brother. Such people are the worst.
Post prequelgate, Jensen behavior came to light. Things that were ignored becoz his association with Jared came to like. It became quiet telling how Jensen never supported Jared. How he never asked his fans not to hate on Jared PS, immediately after prequelgat Jared actually asked fans not to hate Jensen. Jensen never extended the same courtesy. In fact, he piled on to the hate by making sparky comments. He would always diss Jared. How he never took ant effort to make Jared feel special, not even during his birthday. How he always used Jared and then dissed him from everything . How he would steal Jared's jokes and ideas and pass it as his own.
Infact, now when I look back I feel Jensen always tried to one up Jared. See, everything that he has done it is immediately after Jared. Jared shifted to Austin and bought a house with open field and stuff, Jensen immediately shifted to Austin and bought the house at the lake front. Jared entered pub business with San Jac salon and curated an alcohol with Stephen, Jensen started FBBC. PS: Jensen had zero idea about beer , nor did he bother to learn about it. Unlike Jared, who studied the entire market. Gen started her influencer journey, Dannel tried to copy it and, when she failed, resorted to dissing Gen like a child. Jared and Gen got into production, and so did Jensen and D. He has always copied Jared. Even now, Jensen is trying to copy Jared's long hair look. Over the year, he has seen how Jared long hair look has been appreciated, so he is now trying to copy it. He couldn't do it earlier because producers and directors didn't allow him to. Now we know why they did, Jensen looks like cheap motel pimp.
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laf-outloud · 10 months
//I'll never look at Jensen the same way, even if Jared has forgiven and moved on. //
This. 1000x this.
It’s not that I hate Jensen or anything. I was a Jensen leaning J2 fan. Dean is my favorite character.
He’s just not the person I thought he was.
It’s been 2 years since prequel gate, and Jensen has yet to show any actions that redeems him of his shitty behavior. More so it’s done the opposite. It’s like blinders were removed and I saw the real Jensen, and since then, he seems to double down on the narcissistic and ego-driven behavior. TW, RC, FBBC, the way he never stands for anything except how to gain a buck.
Whereas I always hope to see the old Jensen come back—the person of integrity, the caring and giving character. Fun loving spirit.
I remember Jensen once said the best advice he received was “it’s important to have morals and values, like integrity and strength of character. Because if you don’t stand for something, then you fall for anything.”
Where is that dude??! Where did that guy go?? It seems the greed and ego of running the supernatural legacy made him lose his way and his values. He doesn’t seem to stand for anything now and why he falls for anything.
He tells fans what they want to hear versus standing up for Dean as a character or what the storyline of supernatural is. Where he used to do that before. In the last 2 years it’s just been about seeing dollar signs from the fandom. It’s just about the money and getting his ego fed.
It’s not about whether Jared forgave him.
To me, he’s become a washout. Nothing really special about him anymore. He ruined his own image himself and he’s been unable to redeem what I thought was his moral sensibilities. I’ve come to the conclusion that it may be that’s he’s possibly incapable of redemption. Jensen probably is the greedy, lazy, selfish and arrogant person he is presenting himself to be.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think the old Jensen was who people thought he was. Going as far back to the YANA debacle, he's shown that he's willing to do whatever he can for his own good. (I would even posit that his talk with Jared about quitting in S3 was also for his own good.) It's just that during the run of SPN, his own good aligned with Jared and the show.
i also think he benefited from being in Jared's orbit. Having a really good person around can elevate someone beyond who they normally are, like supporting OutYouth when Jared did, or 'caring' about mental health after Jared publicly shared what he was going through.
I would also say that Jensen hasn't shown his better traits since the end of SPN because they just don't exist, or if they did, it was only ever surface level. That's not to say I would write him off completely. I wouldn't do that with anyone, but like you, I have a hard time seeing beyond the narcissist he's currently portraying to the world.
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Hi! How are you doing? I wanted to get your opinion on another drama in the fandom after The Winchesters finale. All I get from it is facepalm. I don't remember reading it here or elsewhere, but it was saying that after the spn finale, we're in for a deliberate campaign to break the bond between J2 in the public eye. And they clearly succeeded. It's like many fans have gone crazy and can't stop saying for years that J2 were never friends or about friendship breakdown and betrayal. And this is despite the fact that J2 are still close and dear to each other. They still want to work together and will definitely restart spn one day. Not to mention them as a strong couple who have been through a lot. And I think this kind of drama is even good for them. J2 tinhat not much left and not as much attention and emphasis on them anymore. Even just j2 fans are hard to find. There are only individual aggressive fans of each of the J2 and crazy Hellers. At times I think it's even better that way. They can be together without worrying so much about damage control.
I’ve started and restarted this answer so many times, because I feel like it’s such a delicate topic but also something that definitely does need to be addressed.
And I thank you for taking the time to write it out so eloquently!
I guess I’ll start by saying that I absolutely have noticed the number of people jumping onto the anti-‘J2-togetherness’ train, to the point where I’ve been trying to figure out for a while now what factors could be contributing to it.
Mainly because the actual reality of the Js on a day-to-day basis does not match up with what’s been said (with what’s being said), and yes, there definitely have always been those who have projected their own discomforts/disappointments/opposing views etc. onto the Js. Of course we all know that, but you’re certainly right about the fact that it’s become much more prevalent in recent months (I kind of feel like it’s been happening ever since the sequel debacle, really).
And on that note, I do think the issues surrounding the sequel undeniably planted seeds of resentment/negative feelings in probably a pretty big percentage of at least the individuals who were once pro-J2 and who are now anti-J2, and I’m not about to pass judgment on anyone or try to claim that anyone’s feelings/opinions are wrong or bad, because that’s never been what I’m about here.
What I have always said about the prequel drama is essentially this-
The strength of the 15+ year relationship between Jared and Jensen allowed them to heal from all of that, and even in the midst of it, I never doubted they would…and they absolutely, 100% have.
That’s honestly what genuinely matters, at least as it pertains to our discussion about the closeness/trust/love between the two of them, and I guess I would just say…or I would hope…that anyone holding onto their own disappointments might at least be able to distinguish between their own feelings and how the Js have stated and shown they feel.
But again, to each their own.
The other element to mention, I think, is the glaringly obvious one, and something I’ve touched on a few times since the wrapping up of SPN.
It was always going to be really difficult for us, on the outside looking in, to no longer (for now, anyway) get to experience that amazingly personal and constant view of Jared and Jensen’s relationship to the degree we’d all become so accustomed to throughout the decade and a half of SPN, and I think some people lost sight of the fact that just because we’re not able to witness as much of their time together/hear about as much of their relationship/etc. doesn’t mean it isn’t still happening.
And yes, it’s common sense. But I think for some, probably those who weren’t as heavily invested in the first place (although that’s just speculation), the shift was misinterpreted as being linked to a decline in the Js intimacy instead of simply a decline in the amount of that intimacy we get to see.
As for a more formal ‘set-up’ of these rumors and speculations, that’s not something I’ve been privy to or heard anything about, although I’ll absolutely agree with you on the fact that whether there was any staging or simply just the natural progressions one would expect, the dimmed spotlight on the nature of Jared and Jensen’s relationship has certainly allowed them some more freedom and peace, which of course is a good thing.
And it’s not anything we didn’t all realize would happen, those of us who’ve been around for this for as long as we have been. We’ve been talking it over since the start of SPN’s final season.
Digging into these anti-J2 posts, I can tell you that what I personally found is that the vast majority of them, as has always been the case, are originating from hellers, with a small (although, yes, increased) percentage of them seemingly coming from previously pro-J2 folks.
In the end, I guess I’d really love to hear from others and get any additional opinions on this, so please, if you have something to add, let me know!
Edit: as far as J2 tinhats disappearing, I don’t think that’s actually necessarily the case. I know that I tend to vanish for sometimes quite long periods of time, but that’s always been the case, and I see the same group of us (not entirely, but the bulk of us) still wearing our hats and enjoying the Js here on Tumblr. 😊 So definitely hang in there, my friend!
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lightofraye · 2 months
First of all, don’t assume who know Misha and Jensen personally. Just because they don’t scream “we hang out a lot in private” doesn’t mean they don’t hang out in private.
And for the use of the “r” word he didn’t use it in way to harm anyone. He literally said that the crew called him “Misha, the (insert “r” word) angle” Misha was quoting what people had said or called him. The same goes for the “f” slur. So people can’t quote what other people had said or called them now is that it?. Also for your speech about Jensens praise to Misha (which he has been giving misha for years weather you like it or not) have you not seen at Jib Jensen automatically knew Maisons voice and was the first person to point it out?
you need to open your eyes and take of your J2 centered glasses from time to time and actually realise that Jensen is Just as happy with any other cast of SPN as he is with Jared. Because if you have taken those glasses off you would literally see that Misha brings out Jensens fun and mischievous side. On a contrary to your beliefs Jensen does not pander to Destiel or cockle shippers. Misha Fans know Jensen and acknowledges that Jensen is more popular/ well known than misha, a lot of Misha fans ( the cockles shippers are just small yet loud) enjoy the fun those to bring out. Jensen Jokes about misha and Misha does the same back.
let me educate you, you can find genuine friendship that flirts, tease yet supports each other. Misha and Jensen have been supporting each other for years. Maybe you should go out and find some actual friends and experience that before you spit bs
Hi anon!
So much there….
Ok fine, he was quoting someone… Did he not realize the blowback of him doing that from the f-slur debacle? I’m sure he knows how that went over. He just doesn’t care. He thrives on being edgy because he knows he will be forgiven. That’s what his fans want from him in the first place.
Look, I’m not saying they hate each other, but they don’t have this close relationship that people try to insist they have. Of course he knew Misha’s voice, who else would it have been?
Yes, Jensen does pander to the Destiel/Cockles crowd sometimes unfortunately. This weekend was a little over the top. It’s a point of contention I have with him because he needs to pick a side. He can’t do that then turn around and be like “it’s clear text”, “Destiel doesn’t exist”. He was worse than Misha this past weekend. I believe his intention wasn’t to pander, but just to play off of Misha, which he tends to do, but he has to realize the repercussions of those actions.
Plus if you think Jensen was genuinely happy with Misha... I suggest you watch Jensen with Jared, JDM, or even with Rob. BIG difference, anon.
Also, if you don't like what I say, maybe, I dunno... don't read it?
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lunamura · 2 months
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was talking to my bestie abt spn and was looking up about the 'destiels canon but in spanish' debacle (ive never watched spn) and . This was the first thing to come up when i was looking it up
spn fans is destiel canon in the bible
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itspyon · 9 months
i think we should go back to the og era of fandom a la star trek fans writing letters to each other. jk but like. this might be a word dump essay but i am so so happy that fandom in general has become a more mainstream thing where people get to express themselves and talk about the things they like with like-minded people and stuff. but... like u said there is a line. and for a while there was a lot of unspoken fandom etiquette that i think we really need to bring back in full force because, again like u said it's baby's first rpf fandom (and even in non rpf fandoms there were still these rules!!! some things u just don't bring up to the creator of a work!!! fuck spn fans) and a lot of these younger people in fandom grew up/had a lot of their formative years during covid and i think not just in fandom spaces that a lot of kids didn't get some of the social skills that comes with being normal to people online or otherwise. the lines between fandom and the piece of media itself are blurring fast, not just over here in mcyt world but i've also seen it in some of the sports rpf fandoms i'm in, like hockey (that whole booktok debacle that ended with a hockey player and his wife getting harassed on instagram) and f1 (social media admins of the teams and brands are using ship names from the fandom on twitter and tiktok and fans are feeding into it and shit) and its kinda terrifying honestly. tldr my favorite post on this damn website is the "if pete wentz is mad i'm writing about him getting blasted in the ass then he can go look at his bank account about it" because i agree that this is ultimately in the grand scheme of things not a huge issue. BUT i feel like there needs to be more clarity among fans about where the boundaries are not about an individual person, but about where fandom ends and the piece of media/person begins. i have more thoughts on the like. nsfw stuff/side of things but this is getting really long lol so if u wanna hear lemme know and i will essay andy more
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kyberblade · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you so much for the tag @littlemisspascal ❤️
1. how many works do you have on AO3? - For this account? 7. Altogether? *Looks off into the distance hauntedly* Too many…. 😮‍💨
2. what's your total AO3 word count? For here? 315,097 Altogether? *Twitches from flashbacks*
3. what fandoms do you write for? The Mandalorian and The Last Of Us.
4. top five fics by kudos
Back To You
Dincember 2022
Drabbles || Din Djarin x Reader
Dincember 2023
5. do you respond to comments? I try to. Sometimes I don’t know what to say but I try to.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess that would have to be the end of the epilogue for BTY? It’s just kinda while happy, leaves you on a well damn note.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I say BTY people are gonna pitchfork me bc it’s a cut away before the good part. Um…. Probably the end of my Drabble Give it to Me in Basic.
8. do you get hate on fics? I have in other fandoms but not in these so far. 🤞🏻 I didn’t get any until people found out I was a “fake” fan for only seeing the movies and not having read the books yet and then it was a whole gatekeeping thing. Then suddenly my fics weren’t worth reading. 🙄 But, you know, we let shit go here.
9. do you write smut? I haven’t. I have written spice, and lots of heat, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. I don’t think I ever will. I’m an awkward turtle of a human.
10. craziest crossover: @fordo-kixed-rex and I have a crack fic idea for a Mando-TLOU crossover. 🤣🤣🤣 But I have actually written an SPN/Teen Wolf crossover once upon a time, and every time I read it again, I’m like, “Why didn’t this actually happen????”
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, but not that I found it, it was pointed out to me. Once I lived through the massive FFnet duplicate debacle, but also I’ve had people ask me if I thought fics were copied.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Um…. I wanna say no but the back of my head is saying yes.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. In my THG and Teen Wolf days I did it often. @grippingbeskar and I have teamed up a few times here. I say that. She writes awesome things and then I scream about them and make a few suggestions she turns into beautiful things.
14. all time favorite ship? Razor Crest. JK. The N1. JK JK JK!!! ….. Millennium Falcon. I’m just teasing. Chuck and Sarah from Chuck. “Tell me our story.” 😭 Nobody fucking touch me.
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15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Some things from other fandoms, I’m sorry. Drama happened and you just…. There’s nothing there anymore. I’m sorry.
16. what are your writing strengths? I’d like to say fluff and being able to paint clear pictures (usually.) I’m told my dialogue is realistic and writing immersive, and fight scenes high gear, but idk about all that. I cringe at most all of what I write. I’m just glad if it’s not run on sentences or lots of “and”s and “quickly”s. These are just things I’ve been told. Most of the time I’m 🫣 when I go over what I wrote. And then I yeet it out to all of you.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Listed above. I use too many words to say simple things. I say things very confusingly. I use too many words in general. 🤣
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? As someone who has written in Mando’a and Huttese, I am all for it, just don’t like the headache. 🤣🤣🤣
19. first fandom you wrote in? THG 🫣🫣🫣
20. favorite fic you've written? Oh Lordy. Once again, I cringe at most of my stuff, but I’m really happy with how both BTY and Shatter have come together.
EDIT: AGAST! I forgot to tag people!!! Asdfghjkl!!!
@grippingbeskar @the-ginger-hedge-witch @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis @what-the-heckin-heck @joelsgreys
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Explain your answers people
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I’m not gonna lie, this fandom is absolutely draining but I do miss watching supernatural and because of the whole prequel debacle, coupled with toxic and delusional fans, I stopped watching it and can’t stand Jensen or Misha sometimes, but once I realized that they aren’t a reflection of their characters and Dean wouldn’t go behind Sam’s back and completely shit on TW and Jensen (I told myself I wouldn’t be petty in this post, but I couldn’t help it lol), I feel like I can pick supernatural back up again, but this time just stay away from the online fandom, or just interact with Jared fans, normal Jensen fans, and normal destiel fans, because even the last two actually understand what supernatural was about and aren’t toxic as fuck.
It's important to emphasize that ANY "faction" of fandom has extremely balanced, intelligent, loving people just as it has it's cray cray ones, anon. I know I am heavy on AA criticism but please know that when I reference hateful hellers or unbalanced Jensen stans, I am exclusively referring to those sad cases that propagate negativity and lack of balance. None of the SPN loving groups have only cray cray people but sometimes it can seem that way.
My advice to you is to detach as much as possible from the drama and to focus on creating a list of positive aspects about fandom, SPN and why you love watching it. What is the essence behind that show? Love. Unconditional love. Despite flaws, conflicts and high challenges, impossible challenges. How can you include more into your life? Because that's what's at the core of why you love the show.
You could even do an Emotional Diary and write "I love enjoying Supernatural because" and then let your pen flow, write without filter and if you feel yourself controlling your thoughts then start over. (This is an exercise actors use but it is very healing in real life too, you can use it to tap into your deeper feelings and bring forth unconscious patterns, key motivations, etc)
I love that you have already decided to connect with healthy people and have rich conversations, fandom is beautiful precisely because it gives you a chance to connect with likeminded individuals and share passions. Enjoy and thank you for the ask! 🧡
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lol-jackles · 7 months
Idle curiousity: Is it negotiations that determine who gets a picture featured where in convention promotions? Because in Burbank, for example, Mark Sheppard has been in much more SPN and I've met him frequently at cons. He was frequently featured in the show's promotions. Yet I see that JDM is in the banner in a more prominent spot than everyone, plus Mark is not given a picture at all. To SPN outsiders, JDM might be more widely known (based on imdb stats) but Mark also brings multi franchises.
My experience is the promotional pictures are entirely up to the convention owners/organizers based on what they think will bring them money.
Remember the Jensen & Misha banner debacle for the upcoming Chicago con in 2015? Let me remind you....
05/15/2015 - Jared breaks down and goes social media dark. Six weeks later....
06/29/2015 - Misha and Creation Entertainment registers Stands LLC .
08/16/2015 - Jensen and Misha “wins” TCA for best chemistry and tweet their first and only boat ride.
10/16/2015 - Creation Entertainment advertises the upcoming Chicago con with Jensen and Misha and the AKF tagline in their main banner.  Fandom’s outrage forced them to take down the Jensen/Misha banner three days later and replaced it with a Jared/Jensen banner.
02/11/2016 - Jensen and Misha launch the YANA campaign with series of videos filmed on SPN set and lines written by SPN writers.
Conclusion: YANA was a bust and memory holed.
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