pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 178
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Rattlerun is caught eating on patrol and is banned from hunting patrols for the moon + elder duty
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Cybelecrash retires early to the elder's den (by 5 moons if 120 is the average)
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Some harsh thoughts from a compassionate cat . . . perhaps Finchrush is too inexperienced; his apprentice died before training finished after all
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Things seem to have mended with FlightClan, but some cats are still wary of the fact two of their elders have died near their border in the history of PikaClan
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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MOON 11 (part 3/3):
What a way to end the first year, huh? :y
What I found the most tragic is how Bogtwist's trait went from troublesome back to nervous. Also I guess the fact that Splinterpaw was 3 exp away from being a warrior... And after waking up from losing her first life, the first thing Greenstar saw was her first apprentice dead.
MOON 11 (part 2/3)
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plushieclan · 7 months
Moon 4 Gathering
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“Ish dish enough frefkill?” Nightflower muffled through two mice crammed into her mouth.
Darkstar chuckled. “Hey, you shouldn’t have your mouth full when speaking, Nightflower.”
She spits the mice out onto the ground. “Heh, sorry Dad.”
Still, he nodded affirmatively. “With Shimmersky’s fish and Gingerclaw’s bluejay, we should have enough food for the gathering.”
“Darkstar! Darkstar!” a large bundle of orange fur barreled towards the two cats, crashing into Nightflower.
She laughed. “What’s wrong, Tigerkit?”
The ball of fluff straightened himself out until he resembled a normal cat. “Applepaw’s being mean again. She snapped at Pebblekit!”
Darkstar sighed. “Acting out isn’t going to make me change my mind. I’ll have a talk with Blossomtail.”
“About what?” Nightflower asked.
“I decided to have Applepaw stay behind this Gathering. She’s been too irresponsible as of late.”
“I suppose that makes sense.” she probably also would have been sulking if she was left behind.
“You know, since I’m so helpful…” Tigerkit started.
“No Gatherings until you’re an apprentice.” Darkstar sighed.
The Gathering itself was just as bustling. The fresh kill was deposited atop the grates of the flaming barrel for the after-gathering feast. Nightflower still didn’t do well with fire, so she handed off her freshkill to Dawnpaw. She decided to meet up with Lynxpaw and Firepaw while Dawnpaw took care of the food.
Firepaw wasn’t hard to find. Her bright red fur was like a beacon, even among a sea of other ginger cats. She was sat with Lynxpaw, who looked very happy.
“What’s the occasion?” Nightflower asked as she padded over.
“My warrior ceremony!” Lynxpaw declared, the enthusiasm palpable in her voice. “I’m Lynxclaw now.”
Firepaw looked glum. “I wish. My mentor’s been ignoring my training… I’ll never be a warrior at this rate.”
Lynxclaw paused. “I’m sorry Firepaw. That sucks.”
“Ah… whatever. I think Smallcloud is just getting sick or something. I don’t know why he’s been ignoring me.”
“Oh… I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.” Nightflower said. Even Leopardcloud, stuck in the nursery, still made sure she kept up her training when she wasn’t able to be there.
A large silence fell over the Gathering. It was time to start; the first leader stepped to the front. This moon, it was Redstar.
“To start, Swampclan has been well. Our kits are well-fed, and will grow strong. Our apprentices, even more so.” Redstar stated simply, before stepping back.
“I heard that those kits born last moon were his.” Lynxclaw whispered to Nightflower. “Jaggedkit and Sharpkit, I think they’re named. Poor kits. Now they have to turn out evil with those names.”
Nightflower wasn’t so sure, but she wasn’t willing to be scolded for talking during the Gathering.
Next, Finchstar took the front.
“My son and his mate have had a litter of three healthy kits! We thank Starclan for them.” He showed an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, before frowning again. His tone was grave. “Unfortunately, one of our border patrols was ambushed by a coyote. One of our apprentices, Splinterpaw, did not make it. We ask other clans to increase their patrols and stay wary until the coyote has left our lands.”
Whispers carried over the crowd— uncertain, and somewhat panicked, before the Wanderers representative spoke up.
“It will not take long for the coyote to leave. The Twolegs will chase it out once they notice it. Remain alert, but calm, while on patrol.” the representative stepped back, allowing Badgerstar to step forward.
“We have two new warriors, as well as one new cleric apprentice.” he drawled, seemingly not caring. “Lynxclaw, Locustclaw, and Mitepaw.” He paused to allow the clans to cheer.
Nightflower made sure to cheer extra hard for her good friend, who seemed extremely flattered by all the attention. Firepaw, on the other hand, looked like her flames had been doused by a heavy rainfall.
After the noise had died down, he spoke again. “We grieve the loss of our beloved Seedwhisker, who succumbed to illness. May my son carry on his path of benevolence in Starclan, just as he did in life.” he bowed his head, ushering in a moment of silence.
Nightflower looked over at Starleaf. Her mother was close with Seedwhisker, right? He was one of the members of her prophecy journey. Her mother was huddled up with her Grangeclan friends, Dovelight and Pearlheart.
The silence was broken with a single exclamation.
Now, every clan was looking at the three mollies. Pearlheart was staring at the faded outline of a tom, though Nightflower couldn’t pick out any of the details. He was glowing a bright blue, which certainly wasn’t a real pelt color. Was that… a Starclan cat?
“What’s she looking at?” Lynxclaw asked, confusion lacing her voice.
“You don’t see the glowing cat in front of her?” Nightflower said.
Firepaw shook her head. “She’s just staring at nothing.”
“Well, there’s a Starclan cat right in front of her!”
Nightflower quickly looked around. Badgerstar had his head in his paws, and Bonestripe looked shocked. Finchstar merely looked confused, and Redstar was simply annoyed.
Clouds began to crowd around the full moon, blotting out all but a small circle in the middle.
Darkstar took the front, interrupting the moment. “Starclan has spoken. The Gathering has ended for now.” he jumped down, gathering the clanmates.
Nightflower barely had a moment to say goodbye to her friends when she was pulled away with the rest of Crystalclan.
He padded over to Nightflower as they left the Gathering. “Your mother is staying behind.”
“What was that?” Nightflower asked her father.
“You could see it, couldn’t you? How well?” he dodged her question.
“But— well, yes. I could see the glowing blue cat. I couldn’t tell who it was though. Was he from Starclan?”
He nodded to her. “So not well. I see… yes, that glowing cat was a Starclan cat.”
“But why did that ghost appear?”
“To say goodbye.” Darkstar replied. “or maybe to give a warning. We won’t know until we ask your mother.”
“I guess that food will go to waste now…” she said absentmindedly.
“It won’t. Don’t worry about it.” he licked her forehead. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
As he walked away, Nightflower could only wonder what Starclan was thinking. Perhaps she’d ask her mother. Hopefully her mother was willing to share what she’d learned.
“Beware the jagged thorns of the lake, for they will sink into you like a lifeline.” Pearlheart repeated back to the other two.
“What could that mean?” Starleaf asked, worry in her eyes.
“I don’t know Leafy.” Pearlheart had a worried look on her face. “But he said the message was for you.”
Dovelight turned to Starleaf. “If you need extra warriors, Grangeclan will send them.”
Starleaf shook her head. “No. I will not put your clanmates in danger. We will handle this ourselves.”
Pearlheart pressed against Starleaf’s side, letting out a sad huff. “Be safe Leafy. Please.”
“I will, Pearlheart. I promise.” Starleaf spared one last look towards the spot where Seedwhisker supposedly stood, thoughts swirling with confusion and fear.
She turned and walked away.
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mapleclan-lifegen · 3 months
🌿Nightleaf’s age: 20 moons🌿
Moon 21 - Greenleaf
After three long moons, the war with CypressClan has finally come to an end. Flickerstar announced it to the entire clan while she was on top of the highrock, her tail flicking behind her as she looked down at the clan below her. Warriors cheered, but not Nightleaf. Everyone around Nightleaf seemed happy about the end of the war, but Nightleaf would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the conflict. Sure, the war tired him out, made him stressed, and he should be happy but he wasn’t. The war was enjoyable. Moosefreckle seemed to have noticed Nightleaf’s mood, and walked over to the medicine cat. Moosefreckle took Nightleaf aside before the rest of the clan could notice Nightleaf wasn’t cheering, and Moosefreckle asked what was wrong, his tail wrapped around Nightleaf’s shoulders in a comforting way. Nightleaf lied, there was no way he was admitting to anyone that he liked the war with CypressClan. Nightleaf just said he was frustrated about the lack of herbs growing around the territory.
While Nightleaf and Moosefreckle were talking, three more kits were made into apprentices. Firpaw, Antpaw, and Spinterpaw. Firpaw’s mentor is Pigeonclover, Antpaw’s mentor is Fruitshard, and Splinterpaw’s mentor is Strikewhisp. After the ceremony, Moosefreckle went to CypressClan in an effort to smooth CypressClan’s relationship with Mapleclan. Unfortunately, it only seemed to make things worse. Perhaps it was on purpose? Riverfrost no longer has a stomachache
Longpaw no longer has a running nose
Cloverlarch is no longer shivering
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phloxclan · 1 month
Moon 30 - Winter
Copseshiver and Springsprout have 2 kits! Dogkit - Brown speckled molly with hazel eyes and long fur, polite, quick to make peace Halfkit - Yellow/brown marbled molly with hazel eyes, lonesome, quick witted
Laurelpaw has whitecough, and Fiercefern's wound is infected.
Weevilsun recovered, and Peatwish convinced her to help in the healer's den.
Duckplume gives Yellowpaw blueberries to wear.
Aspenswipe checks on Halfkit and hopes Copseshiver notices her. Splinterpaw argues with Aspenswipe, and Copseshiver is annoyed.
Graytooth finds an abandoned kit and brings him to the clan. Thistlekit - Light gray ticked tabby tom with sunlit ice eyes, 3 moons old, lonesome, picky nest builder, has paralyzed hind legs.
Lilacbat finds an injured cat by the thunderpath and brings him to the clan. Squirreldapple - Brown speckled and white tom with heather blue eyes, 44 moons old, adventurous, good fighter.
Moon 31
Lemonpaw realizes that tom no longer describes her. She is now a trans molly.
Lemonpaw earns the warrior name Lemonlily.
Springsprout and Mottledleaf both recover.
Springsprout spars with Thistlekit.
iPod races her Curlclan rival.
Dogkit pretends to be Weevilsun.
Moon 32
Splinterpaw and Yellowpaw become warriors - Splintergale and Yellowtalon.
Laurelpaw recovered.
Fiercefern recovers, and immediately leaves and brings back a litter of 4 kits, refusing to talk about where they came from. Flailkit - Brown tabby and white molly with heather blue eyes, insecure, careful listener. Primkit - White tom with a ginger patch and copper eyes, insecure, moss-ball hunter Haykit - Brown speckled tom with yellow eyes, daydreamer, moss-ball hunter Pantherkit - White molly with brown specks and dark blue eyes, daydreamer, moss-ball hunter
Fiercefern helps Peatwish gather herbs and he admits he's concerned about his legacy. Peatwish reassured him.
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cj-writes-things · 7 months
Love over Law chapter 8
(Credit to my sister for Jadefur, Duskstar, Featherlight, Canyonbreeze and maybe Pebblestep, I can't remember which of us came up with him tbh)
Chapter 1 • Chapter 7
The next three weeks passed in a blur of battle practice, hunting, and evenings spent with friends. Wolfpaw was tired, but happy, and she faced every new day with enthusiasm.
None of the other apprentices had mentioned the "rabbit incident," except for Splinterpaw.
He had shown up in front of her den the next morning to tell her he was sorry for his insensitivity. Wolfpaw had been mildly surprised to see genuine regret written in the young tom's expression, and she accepted his apology. Amends made, the apprentices continued on with their daily lives as usual.
Well, until today.
The black-and-white she-cat padded across camp carrying her fresh-kill. Once again, Sparrowthorn was missing, as she had been several times over the last moon.
Wolfpaw couldn't help but wonder where her mother disappeared to every few days, and her suspicions grew with every absence. Narrowing her eyes in annoyance, she dropped the product of her hunt, a squirrel, on the fresh-kill pile and made her way to the apprentice den.
Fawnpaw was there, seemingly waiting for her. The brown-and-white she-cat looked like she might burst with excitement; she clearly had some news to share.
"What's going on?"
"Wolfpaw! Okay, just one more now…"
"What in the woods are you talking about?"
"I need to tell you guys something, but I'm waiting for all the apprentices to get here."
"My brothers are in Claypaw's log- his is the biggest and therefore the best for meeting in- and now you're here, so now we're just waiting for Lilacpaw. I told her earlier to come by our den when she finishes her duties for the day. Once she gets here, I can tell you all what Jadefur said!"
Fawnpaw's eyes were wide, searching the clearing for the medicine cat apprentice. Her tail twitched restlessly, eager to start the meeting.
"All right then," Wolfpaw laughed, amused by her friend's impatient elation.
She joined the boys in the biggest den, lying down near one end of the log and crossing her black forepaws neatly.
"Either of you know what this is about?" she asked, getting a shrug from Splinterpaw. Claypaw looked out at his sister, a faint grin on his face.
"I might have an idea," he replied vaguely.
Pawsteps in the stone clearing alerted eager Fawnpaw, who leapt to her feet and exuberantly invited the newcomer into the apprentice den. Lilacpaw stepped into the log tentatively, a troubled look on her face, but Fawnpaw didn't waste a heartbeat in starting the "meeting" once her friends were all gathered.
"So," she began, amber eyes bright, "I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you in here."
The gathered cats nodded in confirmation.
"Well, you know how every full moon Duskstar, Featherlight, Canyonbreeze, and a bunch of the warriors get to go to this big gathering of the clans at the Claw Stones?"
The other apprentices nodded again, beginning to understand what she was so excited about.
Fawnpaw continued, "Well guess what? There's going to be a full moon in two nights, and since we've been doing so well with our training…" -at that, she threw a dirty look at Splinterpaw- "Jadefur told me that she and Pebblestep talked to Duskstar, and we get to go to the gathering!"
Fawnpaw finished relaying the news with a delighted smile, hitting her head on the inside of the log as she bounced up and down triumphantly.
Lilacpaw and Splinterpaw didn't share the joy, however.
Lashing his tail, the dark brown tabby stepped forward.
"You said Pebblestep and Jadefur; that's just Claypaw's mentor, and yours. What about Mudleap?"
Fawnpaw ducked her head and glanced up at her brother sheepishly. Splinterpaw sighed.
"I don't get to go with you guys, do I," he said dejectedly; it was a statement, rather than a question.
"No, it's fine. I get it. I haven't 'behaved' like the rest of you. They don't want the other clans to see the 'imperfect apprentice.' What do I care?"
With that, the young tom left the log, disappearing into his own to brood.
Fawnpaw's bright expression faded, her tail drooping. Her chipper attitude cracked as she sighed. "I'll go talk to him… if he'll let me," she added under her breath, and crept out into the rapidly fading sunlight.
Meanwhile, Wolfpaw was left with her two other troubled friends. Claypaw looked like he was disappointed but trying to hide it, and Lilacpaw looked dazed. The slender gray she-cat tilted her head and inquired, "Fawnpaw didn't mention Splinterpaw's mentor or mine; am I going?"
"I think so," Wolfpaw answered without certainty. "I mean, Canyonbreeze goes to almost all the gatherings, and I think the mentors have to bring their apprentices with them. And you've been doing really well with your training so far, right?"
"Well…" the young she-cat trailed off, glancing at Claypaw. "I… Yeah, I guess I've been doing pretty well. I know almost all the herbs she uses and their purposes already. Canyonbreeze says I have a great memory, perfect for my job."
Wolfpaw smiled at her friend and said, "That's great, Lilacpaw! You should be proud!"
The medicine cat's apprentice ducked her head, sighing.
Wolfpaw's grin disappeared; something was bothering Lilacpaw, but she had no idea what it was.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I… I'm just confused right now. Can we talk about this later?"
She was speaking as if to the black-and-white she-cat, but it seemed that her question was directed at someone else. Lilacpaw threw another look at Claypaw, and the young brown tom gave her a small nod, which only increased their friend's bewilderment.
"Sure, I guess…" Wolfpaw replied, baffled, as she left them alone to discuss whatever it was they wanted to talk about. Her thoughts were filled with questions as she wandered across the clearing to get some dinner.
What's going on with everybody? Claypaw's sad, probably about his sulky brother; Lilac's thrown off balance about something. And apparently the two of them have some secret code or something? Splinterpaw… I don't know what's going on with him. Yeesh, and to think, this meeting was supposed to be happy!
Aside from the tension growing among the apprentices, trouble was brewing elsewhere as well.
As much as she tried not to worry about Sparrowthorn's somewhat suspicious activity, Wolfpaw was right to be concerned.
Unbeknownst to the clan, the dark brown-and-white she-cat had been slipping out of camp, traveling across Mountainclan territory and outside the border. There, she met with someone, shrouded in darkness, who spoke from the cover of a bush.
He was no warrior, but the clans would soon come to know his name.
"Hello there," came the voice, deep and smooth.
Sparrowthorn smirked, asking, "Why do you keep yourself hidden like this? What is it, got a nasty scar or something?"
The strange cat paused before answering, his voice lowered.
"Just in case you're not to be trusted." His tone sounded rather menacing, but the queen laughed it off.
"Oh, you think I might spoil your plans, hmm? Why would I be here, running your errands, if I was hoping to do that?"
"Fair enough," he snarled. "But it's also in case you've been followed. I want my introduction to your clanmates to be on my terms, not theirs. I'm thinking maybe... a surprise visit…"
Obscured by the shadows, a nefarious grin grew on the face of the hidden figure, his hiss speaking of danger. Sparrowthorn narrowed her eyes, extended her claws.
"Works for me."
Chapter 9
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foxstride · 2 years
what happens if an intended carrier dies before they can have a litter? - @badgerstep
Oooh I love this question! I've been thinking about this all day. Thank you!
I think there are two ways the Clans could react to this.
The Murder Victim
Let's say a carrier was murdered by a rogue. This would obviously be out of StarClan's paws. The same for if the carrier was killed by a Monster.
But what if a Clan cat murdered a carrier? The murderer would be committing one of the worst crimes amongst the Clans, landing them in the Dark Forest as soon as they died, and they'd (on being found out) be exiled from the Clans.
The Natural Death
Natural death here meaning any death caused by 'nature', whether sickness, a falling tree, fire, and more. If the cats are here praying to StarClan for fair weather, for help with sickness, and more, surely the carrier's death is because of StarClan? But why would they allow the death of the cat they've picked to be the carrier?
This would probably lead to one of two situations: (1) the Clans question StarClan's power, or (2) the medicine cats question StarClan.
In situation (1), StarClan turn from omniscient cats into just ancestors who can't actually affect anything. This brings into question all sorts, including the covering of the moon and thus the truce at the full moon.
In situation (2), the medicine cats could reject StarClan. Why would they pick a carrier only for that carrier to die? Can they be trusted to guide and care for the Clans if this happens?
Depending on the Clans and medicine cats, it could result in going back to the status quo after some time or it could begin seasons of rejecting StarClan.
If it happened with Yellowfang and Splinterpaw's time, Splinterpaw would jump on the chance to question StarClan's power and reject StarClan. If StarClan isn't powerful, he doesn't have to be a medicine cat because it doesn't matter that he was born to be a medicine cat. Yellowfang would definitely reject StarClan herself, putting her through that pain and stress.
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python-clangen · 6 months
12th Moon~
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Stingfluff is jealous of Splinterpaw
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ollifree · 7 months
SparkClan Year Ten
Leader Skystar ♂︎ Deputy Thrushbeetle ♂︎ Medicine Cats Tulipspeck ♂︎, Coneblur ♂︎, Coniferswan ♂︎ Mediators Eaglescar ♂︎, Springspore ♂︎ , Doespots ♀︎, Rainbeam ♂︎
Warriors Johnny ♀︎, Fuzzybreak ♂︎, Bramblegorse ♂︎, Slipfog ♂︎, Ravenfeather ♂︎, Swiftquill ♀︎ (trans), Groveleaf ♀︎, Betelgeuseleaf ♀︎, Palestripe ♂︎, Rainminnow ♂︎, Flail ♂︎, Oddstalk ♀︎, Cloudymask (nb), Sapcloud ♂︎ (trans), Bluedapple ♂︎, Lotusseeker ♀︎ (trans), Sliprock ♂︎, Popppymist ♀︎, Morelbramble ♂︎, Cypresshowl ♂︎, Sunrumble ♂︎, Gustseed ♀︎, Wishcrash ♂︎, Wally ♀︎, Quillthrift ♀︎, Dahliamoss ♀︎, Kestrelmask ♀︎, Sleetdawn ♂︎, Almondgleam ♂︎, Sleetblink ♀︎, Scorchskitter ♂︎, Crowspeck ♂︎, Honeyfade ♀︎, Larkglade ♀︎, Elmspots ♂︎, Woodspore ♀︎, Swampfeather ♂︎, Dew ♂︎, Zuva ♀︎, Cricketspeckle ♂︎ (trans), Mistlebird ♀︎, Stevenspots ♂︎, Partridgeswoop ♀︎, Lowstripe ♂︎, Canopypelt ♀︎, Man With All The Answers ♂︎, Cilantro ♂︎
Apprentices Canopypaw ♀︎, Icepaw ♀︎, Minnowpaw ♀︎, Robinpaw ♂︎, Erminepaw ♂︎ (mentors: coniferswan, kestrelmask, almondgleam, springspore, cricketspeckle) Queens and Kits Butterflyheart ♀︎ (Splinterkit ♀︎, Dartkit ♂︎, Barkkit ♂︎) Flabby ♀︎ (Lilackit ♂︎, Tawnykit ♀︎) Ospreystorm ♀︎ (Pheasantkit ♂︎, Iriskit ♀︎, Rimekit ♂︎) Finchpelt ♀︎ (Slipkit ♂︎) Humphrey ♀︎ (Springkit ♀︎, Fleetkit ♂︎) orphaned Hailkit ♀︎, Riverkit ♂︎, and Juncokit ♀︎ Elders Rosetwist ♂︎, Aetherfreckle ♂︎, Scratchivy ♀︎, Hamburger ♀︎, Peach ♀︎ (trans), Cherrycurrent ♂︎, Marnymask ♀︎
Outsiders Budscratch ♂︎ Strawberry ♀︎, Gir (nb) (loners)
Moon One
i think i'm turning off unknown second parents actually
rosetwist passed away :(
honeyfade and humphrey became mates. gay rights!
coneblur and cypresshowl became mates. gay rights!
delighted at how many medicine cats have mates in this clan
sleetdawn wanted stevenspots to run away with him
honeyfade fell into the river and did the miraculous by not drowning
strawberry joined the clan!
splinterpaw apprenticed to woodspore
dartpaw apprenticed to lowstripe
barkpaw apprenticed to sleetdawn
lilacpaw apprenticed to swampfeather
tawnypaw apprenticed to wally
pheasantpaw apprenticed to wishcrash
irispaw apprenticed to cloudymask
rimepaw apprenticed to crowspeck
erminepaw given the name erminepool
did not give herbs to ganderclan
took a pair of lost kits back to dancingclan and didn't die!
found a dead cat by the thunderpath :(
Moon Two
almondgleam got injured saving ospreystorm from a fox
marnymask died :(
honeyfade gave larkglade forget-me-nots
larkglade got bitten by a snake and lived! i forgot all about our snake problem
canopypaw given the name canopyfern
robinpaw given the name robinfade at 10 moons. knew i chose right with that one
canopypelt gave birth to tigerkit ♀︎ and lionkit ♀︎
skystar has an elder portrait. my favorite guy :'|
showed a lost dancingclan apprentice the way home
another (or perhaps the same?) dancingclan apprentice flashpaw joined the clan and was apprenticed to mistlebird
the elder kittypet baiseltail ♂︎ joined the clan
lilacpaw defended his patrol from a dog
warned ganderclan about a badger on their territory
Moon Three
dew is trans. good for her!
canopyfern disappeared for a few days and came back with a collar. listen missy you're a medicine cat you can't---fine you're right skystar did it as leader you're off the hook
icepaw given the name icehaze
splinterpaw also disappeared and came back with a collar, only this one has a bell
slippaw apprenticed to partridgeswoop
the game rng'ed them to slipfog no i'm sorry i can't do it
also i'm planning retirement for my favorite guy and i want partridgeswoop to be the next deputy
blaiseltail passed away i'm genuinely glad we're a happy home for elders we lose so soon
sapcloud is this moon's heartthrob heck yes king. everyone is so jealous of eaglescar for being his mate
swampfeather wonders how skystar is doing. i'm sure he's got a bit on his mind
oh this is interesting humphrey's kits are listed as "outsider roots" and canopypelt's are "half-clan". there's so much drama in those words
the kittypet foggypaw ♂︎ joined the clan and was apprenticed to gustseed. i think this may be the first apprentice-aged kittypet to join us
Moon Four
johnny has moved on from her deceased mate branchflood
quillthrift is expecting kits. so excited for bluedapple's nepobabies
doespots is nonbinary!
minnowpaw given the name minnowpelt
hailpaw decides to be a medicine cat apprentice and is given to canopyfern
riverpaw apprenticed to zuva
juncopaw apprenticed to almondgleam
flashpaw given the name flashchase
"Scorchskitter is telling Skystar how much they cherish them" aww :)
saved the loner trout ♀︎ from a dog and she joined the clan
everyone look how alike these mentors and their apprentices are
(left to right: wishcrash, pheasantpaw, partridgeswoop, slippaw, mistlebird, flashchase)
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anyway they warned wishclan about a badger on their territory
brought the injured loner spider ♀︎ back to camp
cricketspeckle got scarred by a wolverine cricketspeckle i'm so sorry T-T
...cricketspeckle deputy......
Moon Five
skystar and doespots died of greencough!!
wow that's the first time in all three leaders one's lost a singular life
well agavefern only had one to lose when he died but
zuva and wishcrash became mates
slippaw has a rival in ganderclan
bluedapple "is always first to volunteer when a dangerous mission is announced" good for you buddy
showed a lost wishclan apprentice back to their border
kestrelmask killed a rat king!
Moon Six
flabby is expecting kits. gilf rights
betelgeuseleaf retired to the elder's den
poppymist is nonbinary! good for them!
quillthrift gave birth to poppykit ♀︎ and frondkit ♂︎
lilacpaw is nonbinary! good for them!
irispaw given the name irisdusk
springpaw decided to serve as a mediator, apprenticing under robinfade
fleetpaw given to irisdusk to apprentice, congratulations on getting one so early you still have your apprentice sprite
tigerkit sneaked out of camp and was killed! no!!
4 moons old by far our youngest cat in the stars
minus that dead newborn we found don't know what happened to them
sliprock has brought back everyone's favorite prank: dead snake at camp entrance
"lionkit tries to sneak out of camp" maybe not the best time or idea? perhaps?
drove a dog off the territory
met a wishclan patrol and improved relations
found a dead cat near the thunderpath
Moon Seven
coniferswan and partridgeswoop became mates. and here i was trying to set her and erminepool up
i can't be mad i adore that medicine cats take mates in this game
splinterpaw given the name splinterblink
lilacpaw given the name lilaccrash
pheasantpaw given the name pheasantfreckle
rimepaw given the name rimesun
budscratch died :(
gave ganderclan herbs
kiki (deceased) is looking after newborns in starclan. well we have kits now
wishcrash "tears up his fresh-kill far too violently for others' liking" finchpelt would never find anything too violent
met a ganderclan patrol and worsened our relationship
found the abandoned woodkit ♂︎
Moon Eight
flabby gave birth to tanglekit ♀︎ and sunnykit ♀︎
(icehaze's deceased mom) muffy's housefolk have a new cat will we meet them?
going through mediating cats and i do love that aunts and uncles are 'paws while niblings are full warriors
dew was rejected by lotusseeker
dartpaw given the name darttail
barkpaw given the name barkleaf
springspore gave poppies to fleetpaw aww :)
lionpaw decided her mentor would be flail. you go girl
wishcrash died of branch falling. justice...or vengence? riverpaw, did you kill your mentor's mate?
met mare ♀︎ the kittypet. i choose to believe this is the new cat of muffy's housefolk
darttail survived getting hit by a monster darttail i'm so sorry usually we don't have any trouble with those
Moon Nine
elmspots got rejected by sleetblink
dew got rejected by lotusseeker
partridgeswoop is expecting kits
tawnypaw given the name tawnyberry
canopypelt and man with all the answers became mates
foggypaw given the name foggydrop
"woodkit is scolded after sneaking out of camp" as he should be!
helped a lost ganderclan apprentice
riverpaw fell victim to a falling branch, but apparently nobody sent it falling so he's fine
met the kittypet big man ♂︎
was unable to help a loner and they died of blood loss
took in the abandoned kittypet rodeo ♀︎
she has a deep bond with the dark forest oooohhhh
Moon Ten
tulipspeck and swiftquill became mates. more mated medicine cats!
slippaw given the name slipdapple
lotusseeker has a friend in ganderclan
slipcove (deceased mediator) "feels bored and is trying to use their skills to create drama in starclan" queen i have missed you
doespots "is trying to mediate starclan cats' squabbles" i'm so sorry you have to clean up slipcove's messes
tigerkit wants to give a life to a new leader i trust you
skystar "is giving some advice to bluedapple" aww i love good family dynamics
honeyfade wants to be chosen at the new deputy sorry hon i've already got a backup but if anything happens to the backup
skystar got sprayed by a skunk and this somehow worsened our relationship with outsiders
morelbramble got injured by a fox
took in the elderly kittypet della ♀︎
helped a lost dancingclan apprentice back to their border
lost darttail on patrol, found him succumbing to the cold but were able to save him
darttail i'm so sorry these things keep happening to you
Moon Eleven
elmspots and sleetblink became mates
partridgeswoop gave birth to squirrelkit ♂︎, streakkit ♂︎, firekit ♂︎, and petalkit ♂︎
i know this is all rng but damn the genes on coniferswan for all male kits
poppykit and frondkit are their cousins it's neat having them in the nursery at the same time
riverpaw given the name rivercrash. how's it feel being named for a cat you maybe murdered?
juncopaw given the name juncowatcher
springpaw made a full mediator with the name springstripe
finchpelt and springstripe died of yellowcough
my new mediator and my bloodthirsty queen thanks rng
woodpaw apprenticed to splinterblink
lost della to greencough
aw man springstripe was 11 moons she still has her apprentice sprite :(
gir plays with kits a lot that's sweet
rodeo wants to be chosen as the new deputy now that's fun
frondkit is interested in the dark forest guess who's getting who at the apprentice ceremony next moon
drove away a band of rogues
the wishclan apprentice grasspaw ♀︎ joined the clan, apprenticed to cilantro
Moon Twelve
betelgeuseleaf is expecting kits so proud of my elder parents
flail and rainminnow became mates. makes sense, with flail listed between rainminnow and finchpelt on available patrol cats
partridgeswoop and coniferswan broke up. the stress of parenthood
ospreystorm wants to run away with swiftquill
fleetpaw given the name fleetspeckle
poppypaw apprenticed to erminepool
frondpaw apprenticed to rodeo
slipcove "is getting reprimanded by another starclan cat for walking in brookswan's dreams to meddle with their relationships" queen
streakkit tried sneaking into skystar's den you go lil dude
foggydrop got scarred by a badger
this is the first time i've noticed foggydrop is bloodthirsty. finchpelt's successor....
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silentclan · 1 year
silentclan, 84 moons
snakebelly and petalgaze welcome a litter of two kits: ganderkit and valleykit.
a kittypet is found wandering the territory. after benito asks if they’d like to join the clan, spam says yes and returns to the camp with the patrol.
shadowmark and fumbleface welcome a litter of three kits: fidgetkit, minnowkit, and coniferkit.
whirlivy loses their tail after their sustained injuries cannot be healed.
whorlpaw is given their warrior name: whorlstream.
whirlivy is taken by two-legs while on a hunting patrol.
benito finds an abandoned kit while on patrol. the kit is rushed back to camp, but grows weak and unfortunately passes a few days after.
splinterpaw is named splinterwhisper, and welcomed as a full medicine cat of silentclan.
nightflake struggles with an immense guilt after whirlivy is lost to the clan; the last time they spoke with whirlivy, they quarreled. nightflake is unable to sleep soundly as thoughts of whirlivy occupy their mind.
silentclan decides to help out a neighbouring clan by gifting them herbs.
whirlivy passes on, but manages to find their way to starclan’s hunting grounds all the same.
frondpaw is given their warrior name: frondfrost.
nimblerose passes after sustaining heavy injuries in a fight with a fox.
sunnythorn confesses her feelings to primrose, and the two become mates.
ospreyclaw gives birth to a litter of two kits (dazzlekit and hushkit), but refuses to talk about it or acknowledge it. ospreyclaw also becomes mates with hemlockbriar.
hatchpaw and garlicpaw are given their warrior names: hatchleaf and garlictuft.
hatchleaf brought a litter of three kits back to the camp: timberkit, lyrekit and fawnkit.
waterpaw, basaltpaw and gingerpaw are given their warrior names: waterstripe, basaltspot and gingerquake.
valleykit and ganderkit are made apprentices, and assigned hatchleaf and sporecloud as their mentors, respectively.
a loner named aldrich joins the clan.
frecklestripe dies of an infected wound.
palepaw and erminepaw are given their warrior names: palechest and erminefleck.
quiver dies of a broken bone, having sustained the injury while saving a clanmate from a fox.
coniferkit, minnowkit, and fidgetkit are made apprentices, and assigned saltspeck, erminefleck, and rosespot as their mentors, respectively.
spoon, a loner with healing abilities, joins the clan as a medicine cat.
wishspeckle and coniferpaw are killed by a band of rogues.
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catswithemobangs · 4 years
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I made fanart for @cathedralwc! I was going to draw them sitting together, but I was having trouble making a body for Mothshadow. Because of this, I went for this format! Reminder that these are not my characters. 
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pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 177
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Grief; also mourning is Warmghost, Burrowbillow, Rattlerun, Faithwillow, Howlbumble, Stormbrook, Pricklegaze, and Alpinecave
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Sagepath being sus
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Pricklepaw is (re)named Pricklegaze
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quiet-clangen · 7 months
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The older cats are kinda going through it this moon, on top of having the external threat of EgretClan, they can feel their own internal struggles bubbling to the surface.
I think Minkpaw and Splinterpaw are just naive to the scope of the external threats. Pondpaw wants revenge for the pain that's been caused to her Clan. Nutella tries to offer some advice, his in game text status usually involves him thinking about the cats he's helped in his travels.
Meanwhile Rainbowpaw... is just kinda a lil shit. This will be a reoccurring thing with her, tbh. She's really antagonistic for someone that doesn't have a set personality trait that would suggest that. And Bogpaw feels bad for Limepaw's insecurities being picked at but would rather keep her head down.
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kashasenpai · 5 years
Did a little fan art for @cathedralwc
Featuring everyones rage child Splinterpaw!!!
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Here’s some names for some apprentices/kits I need help w tysm for doing this! Your blog is so helpful: splinterpaw and stickpaw(twin sisters sc) skypaw (tom wc) chickadeepaw(she wc) tanglepaw(nb rc) and carrotkit(she, no clan yet)
Splinterpaw- A mischievous and bold she-cat. Splinterpaw doesn’t really care for the rules, she tends to do what she wants, she is extremely fond of tricks and it isn’t uncommon for her to explore beyond clan borders, a very nervous Stickpaw often in tow, determined not to let her sister go alone. Splinterpaw doesn’t seem to fear anything, she is always the first to try and investigate a dangerous situation, and any time she is told off she tends to roll her eyes and walk away, punishments and dissaproval seem to do nothing to her. But she is extremely protective of Stickpaw, and one thing she is scared about is losing her, so she will hesitate in doing something if Stickpaw is deeply opposed to it, 15/10
Stickpaw - A careful and introverted she-cat. Stickpaw is much more cautious and rule-abiding than her sister, but she will follow her sister into trouble to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Stickpaw always errs on the side of caution, she will never commit to something unless she is sure that it is at least somewhat safe. Stickpaw generally lets her sister do the talking, she prefers to keep quiet and listen rather than speak, besides, Splinterpaw will readily do any talking anyway, she’s great at talking herself out of something, 15/10
Skypaw - A cheerful and creative tom. Skypaw never finds anything dull, he is always happy to do whatever he is asked to, he enjoys being an apprentice and is looking forward to becoming a warrior. Skypaw likes to wonder is out ways that might make catching rabbits easier, and he will often ask his fellow apprentices to pretend to be rabbits to try and test his ideas out, more often than not they don’t work, but he finds fun in trying anyway, and his denmates always have a good time pretending to be rabbits for him, 14/10
Chickadeepaw- A curious and extroverted she-cat. Chickadeepaw is fond of investigating and exploring every nook and cranny of her territory, often encouraging other apprentices to join her, she loves WindClan but she finds her territory so boring, so she tries her best to find anything that might make it more interesting. Chickadeepaw loves company, and becomes uncharacteristically insecure when she has to do something on her own, having cats around her gives her confidence and so she will always try and stick to other cats when she can and often begs her mentor to do training with another mentor and apprentice, 14/10
Tanglepaw - A cheerful and intelligent cat. Tanglepaw is a little clumsy, it isn’t uncommon for a fish to comically slip from their paws when they try to catch it, leaving them embarrassed, and don’t get them started on their lack of tree climbing ability, even for a RiverClan cat, but none of this appears to phase them too much, they will always laugh about it after and take it as a lesson, and they have been improving. Tanglepaw tends to thrive in the memory and problem solving parts of being an apprentice, they know the warrior code and all clan procedures off by heart, they can often be seen mouthing some of the words in ceremonies since they know them so well and are captivated by them, they can’t wait for the day that they receive their full name, 14/10
Carrotkit- A curious and energetic she-kit. Carrotkit is always zooming around camp, you have to watch your paws when she’s awake, she’s tripped up more warriors than her bemused parental figure/s can keep up with, but she doesn’t do this on purpose, and will always apologise with an alarmed squeak whenever she does trip someone up. Carrotkit is always sticking her nose into everything she can, she wants to know all about the world around her and she can’t wait until she is old enough to leave camp, she often fantasies about what is out there, 14/10
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phloxclan · 1 month
Moon 24
Copseshiver ensnares Springsprout with a charming smile. Copseshiver shares gossip with Coppersight. Coppersight argues with Springsprout and reveals something embarrassing. Copseshiver and Springsprout become mates! <3
Fuzzybush recovers from yellowcough.
Raventuft recovers from whitecough, but develops a runny nose. Raventuft appreciates Splinterkit checking on her.
Lilacbat and Duckplume have a friendly chat.
Aspenswipe complains about Duckplume, and iPod hears her being rude.
Moon 25 - Supposedly fall
Peatpaw is given her full healer name - Peatwish!
Umberstar's second litter is apprenticed. Laurelpaw - Lilacbat Splinterpaw - Aspenswipe Lemonpaw - Graytooth Yellowpaw - Mottledleaf
Raventuft's runny nose is gone, but later she is struck by chest pain and is found dead in her nest.
Fuzzybush and Copseshiver are particularly shaken by this.
Splinterpaw has a stomachache.
Peatwish is visited by a Starclan cat, but the presence fades quickly.
Lilacbat takes Laurelpaw hunting, and Laurelpaw is bitten by a fox.
Moon 26
Lilacbat stays up all night thinking of ways to impress Umberstar. - Letting her daughter get bitten by a fox is NOT on the list.
Fiercefern thinks Laurelpaw isn't taking her health seriously.
Fuzzybush calls Copseshiver the wrong name. - Raventuft?
iPod and Peatwish enjoy each other's company.
Peatwish is visited by a Starclan cat, and this one sticks around longer.
Umberstar and Duckplume patrol the border and are ambushed by the large dog. Umberstar tries to lead it away, but falters. Duckplume saves her, but they are unable to lead the dog away.
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