#spiritually we are here 💖💖💖
rosicheeks · 2 years
Hey I love you I’m sorry about yknow everything. Spiritually I am smoking with you in solidarity
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paperlovesadness · 11 months
No, because I'm not over processing "Now & Then" and freaking out about what a perfect epilogue it is for the Beatles, but also what a perfect homage it is to John & Paul's friendship. And how much it feels like destiny.
The words "Now & Then" have so many strange ties to these boys. Because:
-> John's last words to Paul (during a meeting that no one could expect was their last) were: "think about me every now & then old friend".
-> John was murdered in December 1980. In February of 1981 a friend of Paul's - fellow musician Carl Perkins spent a week with him, participating in a recording of a song for his album. To thank him and Linda for their hospitality during the time, the night before he was meant to leave, Carl sat down and spontaneously wrote them a song titled "My Old Friend". He played it to them the next morning and Paul started crying and had to leave to gather himself. Linda McCartney then assured Carl it was okay and thanked him for helping Paul, because he had problems facing his emotions about the attack before that. And then she stopped and asked him "but how did you know?" and Carl had no idea what she meant. She explained that the only people who knew what John's last words to Paul were was her and Paul himself. And then she revealed what those words were. Carl had no idea, but he ended up accidentally including them in that song.
The chorus of that song went as follows:
My old friend, Thanks for inviting me in My old friend, May this goodbye never mean the end And if we never meet again this side of life In a little while, over yonder, Where it’s peace and quiet My old friend, Won’t you think about me every now and then
Paul then insisted on recording that song with Carl Perkins, which they did - and recalling that story later Carl said that Paul felt like that song was sent to him by John through Carl.
-> By now we all know the story of how this "new" Beatles song came to be - After John's death, Yoko found a demo tape of songs he never completed, that she then handed over to Paul so that him, George & Ringo could record the last new Beatles songs in 1995 as part of an anthology that was being released. (they wanted to record new material, but had promised never to do so without all the members included. So using these demos was the only way).
There's lots of places that claim the tape with the demos had "For Paul" written on it by John - but admittedly, I haven't actually seen a source quoted. Still - the fact that one of the songs on that last demo of new material they ever got from John was titled with some of the last words he ever said to his best friend? The lyrics of that song being what they are? Come on.
(It very much also just felt like a song for Paul to me. With how complex that relationship was - how intense all the emotions were - through love and diss tracks to still calling each other best friends while they weren't on good terms. Missing each other).
Then - destiny working the way it did, not allowing them to record that one track in 1995 because of the awful quality. Making it so that it was their actual last song in 2023. Because only now did the technology allow for seperating those vocals and fixing them up so that they can actually be used.
Like are you kidding me??? It was that one. The one that felt most special.
-> Bonus fact. The back of the record sleeve has a photo of a special art piece on it - from George Harrison's collection. One that provides another serendipitous moment in connection to these words:
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Image source: [x]
And I'm just supposed to be alright with all of this?????????
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moonchild033 · 28 days
Astro Observations -3 ✨
Here we go with Part-3!!! 😍🤩
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
Note: All obs here are for D1 chart if I didn't mention the chart name specifically, for divisional charts I've given 'in D4, D9' specification. 💛
Mercury Mahadasha (Major planetary period)- Everybody talking about having relationships during Venus Mahadasha but Mercury mahadasha and having mercury-venus conjunction or mercury-rahu conjunction in chart leads to multiple relationships and heartbreaks 😭😐
Ketu Mahadasha- At the end of 7 years, you'll be a whole different person lmaooo, truly more humbled than saturn mahadasha imo. 🙃😂
Mars-Mercury conjunction in D4 chart- Endless cycle of buying and selling lands/any properties. You'll benefit from this but the pattern of buying and then selling can be seen frequently. 😄😇
Mars-Rahu conjunction - Your own perfectionist tendencies will cause restlessness to you and those around you. If one of your parents has this, good luck, they might be finding faults on every little thing you do. 😬☹
Sun-Ketu conjunction - If you rush through things, it would not end up good for you, slow and steady wins the race is the lesson you would be forced to learn. 🤧
Water risings - Keep some secrets to yourself, showing 100% authenticity will only bring controversies to you. You'll see that ppl who appeared non-judgemental will start distancing themselves or grow judgemental towards you once you spill all the tea. It's because most ppl with this rising can have some WTF kinda secrets 😶
Venus-Ketu conjunction - If you like Electrical, Electronics related subjects, feel free to pursue that, you'll shine like the brightest star. 🤩
Aries moons (Esp. Aswini moons)- Golden child vibes. Your siblings can be more chaotic than you. You could be someone who lives by the rules set by your parents until you become independent. More like, this is not a placement of rebellious or chaotic children, they don't even talk back to their parents sometimes.☺
Mars/Sun/Jupiter in conjunction with 1H lord- This is funny but you'll get a second chance or a time period to escape from your mistakes. Watch out! They won't get caught/framed or struck in any problem that easily.🤫
Venus-Rahu conjunction - Burnt or blackened skin somewhere (house placement can tell the possible body part) and sensitive skin can also be an issue.😷
If Venus placement is present after Jupiter's placement- please save some money for retirement age. These people can have good earnings but fail to save for later. Ex. Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Leo, Venus is present AFTER Jupiter. 💯
Mars-Ketu conjunction in Women - Very sharp tongue and cordial relationship with your spouse could be affected because of this. The catch is the effects are reduced when the spouse's profession is in healthcare, law or if he's spiritually inclined.💛
Rahu & Saturn Mahadasha- Individuals undergoing these dashas respectively should NOT marry each other during this time. Rahu MD person may feel pulled down by Saturn MD person as their inclinations will be different.😌
Taurus risings in D9= Never breaks their promises. They would be putting their heart and soul to maintain their word and can be burdened with loads of family responsibilities solely resting on their shoulders. They can be the ONLY breadwinners in the family or the one who earns more.🖤
Placements who change their jobs/source of income frequently:
Mercury in 2H/Taurus
Mercury in conjunction with 2H lord
2H & 3H lord in conjunction
Venus/Jupiter/2H lord in Gemini
(This can also mean that they like to explore and get bored of monotonous works or have too many interests/talents and end up being confused in what to choose, so they jump from one to another)💯👀
Let's Learn and Grow Together! 💋💅
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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Masterlist 💖
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
💖 2024 Steddie Fic Recs 💖
@thefreakandthehair and i were talking about how so many of the fics we can name off the top of our heads are from right after the show came out because we were still actively making rec lists back then, so:
in no particular order i present to you an incomplete list of fics i love that were published or completed within the last two months
short fics (<10k)
Found God In A Tomato by @beetlesandstarss 5.7k | rated M | fluff, text fic
syrupy sweet strangers to first date fic. without spoiling anything, eddie is a flustered cutie and steve is a fuckin' menace who's lucky he's so hot
he tightened he grip by @steddieas-shegoes 1.3k | rated E | crack not treated remotely seriously
Mickala beloved your commitment to the bit makes me wanna commit myself to you 💍
Slide It In by gayhandshake 1.8k | rated E | multimedia crack
another truly impeccable work of crack fic, i laughed so hard at the first image that i made it the icon for my private discord server
what's that sound? (there's a funny man at my door) by @jewishrat420 4.8k | rated M | spicy six text fic
laughed out loud at this fic so many times i really don't know what else to tell you. as a matter of fact, i went to look at my bookmark note to see what else i had to say about it when i read it, and my note just says "fucking hilarious i laughed out loud like 6 times" 💀 did not do not will never know what else to tell you except that the phrase "the goyim of gender" just randomly pops into my brain once every four or so days now
medium fics (10-20k)
In the Kitchen or the Tulips by @teddywesworl 44k | rated E | telepathic soulmate AU
this fic said "watch me flip this trope inside out like a freshly cubed half of an avocado" and then DELIVERED. i finished this fic and then stared at the side of my husband's head for long enough that he looked over and went "wtf are you doing" lmao hush baby i am contemplating the implications
they're going to send us to prison for jerks by @greatunironic 16k | rated E | social media AU
okay firstly the premise of this fic is so specifically and delightfully unhinged; love that i'm not the only one who looks at a random tiktok account and manically whispers to myself "there's a fic in there somewhere." secondly the execution is a 10 outta 10 outta 10 outta TEN
long fics (50k+)
Sneaky Link by @morningberriesao3 152k | rated E | onlyfans au
the sex is HOT the boys are dumb as goddamn ROCKS what more do you need? oh, what's that? you do need more? sick because this fic also has: the tags "cum slut eddie munson" and "everyone is gay (because i say so)", chrissy the homophobe slayer being the cutest little spy, and jason getting his ass whooped, like, spiritually. on a spiritual level. physically unharmed but that boy's soul is missing teeth do u understand what i am saying
it was love, love alone read by @reena-jenkins 21min | rated E
am i technically reccing my own fic on my own fic rec list? you bet your sweet ass i am, i don't even care how tacky that is reena's performance is hilarious and deserves to be listened to at least 40 more times while doing the dishes
relax (lay it back) read by @flintandfuss 1hr 10min | rated E | yogi dom steve x sub eddie
listen if i'm already being gauche then i gotta include my internet wife's belated birthday present to me, like i gotta. morally and lustfully obligated.
Schiava by @teddywesworl read by aheada_lettuce 1hr 30min | rated E | kas!eddie AU
said it once already today and i'll say it again, i cannot believe one of the best reading voices i've ever heard belongs to a person i mentally refer to as fucking lettuce LOL anyway this read is incredible and i have listened to it Times(tm)
and lastly, if you want more recs (like, 348 more specifically), you can browse my full list of public st bookmarks here
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Synastry I loved 🤍🌹
Hi everyone 💖 I want to discuss synastry and what I liked about it! Sharing some real life experiences here. Feel free to comment, like and reblog.
Moon in the 4th house 🌜💖- This overlay created a lot of emotional intimacy and comfort between me and a friend. This is the best moon synastry in my perspective. The mutual understanding is there, the respect and comfort is reciprocated. Very intuitive bond as well, the moon person knows what the house person needs.
Venus in the 12th house 🧘‍♀️🌟- My best friend and I share this placement. We are long distance, yet our spiritual bond keeps us connected. We dream of each other and when we know something is off, we tell each other. It’s more of an intuitive feeling we get. I am able to channel her spirit guides and any message to her, and I was able to have deep spirit sessions with a loved one for her ❤️‍🩹
Sun in the 7th house 🌷🍵- This synastry is questionable being that the 7th house rules enemies. When in a great bond, the sun person provides ambition in the relationship, motivation and effort. Funny moments are constantly had and the laughter doesn’t end. It’s giving crackhead 🤣
1st moon/sun synastry 💖🌹- This synastry is also questionable being that it can create idolization, competition. But when good, both people can look up to one another and inspire each other to grow. The sun/moon person has qualities the house person adores, and wants to adapt into their life. This synastry is significant for inner work and growth. When both people are mature, inner work can help advance the connection.
Venus in the 8th 🌃🌟- An intertwined relationship. No one quite understands how the connection works except for the two involved. It was a deep experience for me, transformative at best. The kind of love that is rare, or you don’t see all of the time. A spiritual bond extending time and space. This is also questionable being that it led to competition, jealousy, and separation when the two are not able to come together to heal.
Moon in the 7th house 🌹💗- The moon person comes forward quietly, but has a powerful and intuitive way of connecting with the house person. This is debatable too, being that the moon person can have fears and doubts, and hide them. But there is a feeling of giving here, and nurturing when the connection is healthy. The house person feels nurtured, seen and understood, and feels a part of them is in the moon person. I really liked this.
Sun in the 6th house 🌟💘- The sun person brings enthusiasm, passion and drive in daily routine. A friend and I would go out a lot, enjoy our moments and it was filled with laughter. Spending time with her was always fun, warm and filled with joy.
Thats all! Thank ya’ll for reading 💗 feel free to add anything!
Paid Readings 🤍🍵
Distance Energy Healing Services 🧘‍♀️🥀
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astrologylunadream · 1 year
Channeled Messages From Your Person💌🔥💟 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 I'm here to give you a reading on what your person want's to say to you!💖 hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸💞
Pile 1🎀
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Pile 2🍋
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Pile 3🍒
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Pile 4🍾
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🎀
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Sign energy: Earth, Silence, Wounds, Spirit, Concert, Leo, Cancer, Earth, Uranus, Libra, 👼😟💁‍♀️😴
💞Your person's energy: Okay my lovely pile 1's your person is very kind and compassionate, they are such a sweetheart.☺ Your person has a very pretty energy they are so creative and inspiring! Might have leo, cancer or libra placements as well as earth placements (capricorn, taurus, virgo) or aquarius as well. This could be a singer or performer or go to concerts often, they're into things like fashion and music. I'm getting a no contact situation right now, this is someone you really want to hug right now.🥺💗 A very spiritual person too, they are so unique. They make you happy and they heal you so much, but this silence between you is making you both very sad and lonely. One of you might have ghosted the other omg noo you guys are definitely not communicating the best right now. You two adore eachother and you just want to see the other smile, This person has really cute hair and they have a more feminine energy to them (even if male). They have a sparkle in their eyes that makes you feel so safe and at home, you feel like you can trust them and you're emotionally attached to your person.💓
💌Messages from your person: I'm mature now, I can't believe it, You can tell me anything, Don't show interest in me, You really think I would choose you? Close your eyes, You might get scared, I'm going to steal your heart. (Pile 1's person is romantic omg) Extra cards: Outfit, Open, Slow, 12th house, Believe, Jupiter, Venus, Libra, Cancer, 9th house (Your person wants to tell you they have so much love for you omg like they dream of you so often and you're the one for them💗 They wanna take care of you and they are accepting your love with open arms😍)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the bow emoji~🎀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🍋
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Sign energy: Need, Song, Myth, Sacrifice, Unheard, Juno, Gemini, Earth, South node, Uranus, 🍋💤🤭🤐
💞Your person's energy: Okay so your person is so set on you pile 2, like they are so loyal and you have a wondeful bond. This is most likely a no contact between you two like you guys really want eachother but it's complicated😫 This is someone you became close to, could be a friend situation. This connection is somewhat sporadic and unpredictable for the both of you. Your person would risk it all for you because they see you as their other half, you're like a best friend and partner to them.💓 I'm getting that this person isn't big on labeling relationships, they could have wanted to keep things casual hence the reason for this no contact period. This could be someone you used to talk to a lot but now you guys don't talk anymore, I'm getting such an awkward silence between you two. Like someone's really sleeping on this connection omg. You guys may have a past where one of you turned down the other's confession, but I only see that for some of you. Things could have gone sour between you two, and so you don't know what to say. One or both of you are the type to send playlists to the other and you may share a favorite songs and genres, one of you might have stopped replying to the other for whatever reason. They miss you so much and they need you, they worry they messed things up for you both and they keep thinking of the past.😔 You want to be with this person.
💌Messages from your person: Can't we just see eachother? Get it together, No one has to know what we are, I don't want to pressure you, I can feel your love, I need comfort, I made a mistake, Please don't leave me, (Aww🥺) Extra cards: Valentine, Desert, Adventure, Clothes, Accident, Sagittarius, Water, Scorpio, 9th house, Saturn
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the lemon emoji~🍋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🍒
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Sign energy: Pleasure, Adventure, Center, Hurt, Chest, Eros, Virgo, 4th house, 12th house, 2nd house, ❌🤦‍♂️💜🤭
💞Your person's energy: Omg welcome my lovely pile 3 this one is getting interesting already.😆 So your person is really attractive to you like you just can't keep your heart rate down, especially when you're fantasizing of them~ Your person is a thrill seeking yet very comforting individual, they have this charm about them because they seem so hot and then so sweet at the same time.🥰 The color purple could be significant to you or them. This is someone you dream of, some of you get swept away fantasizeing of a happy family and stable life with this person. You think they're so sweet lol lemme tell you pile 3 your person is a riot🎉 They are so fun-loving and passionate with everything they do, and this person is also the life of the party like so many people like them. They may always be the center of attention or mostly your attention, you dream of this person a lot.💕 For signs we have virgo, cancer, pisces and taurus energy, could have virgo 4th house placement so gemini rising which makes sense because they are very charismatic and witty. Just know they turn you on really easily especially their chest area, omg this person may have inner conflict about you like they care so much about you that it scares them. You may have tried to push them and this connection away, but you still care for each other deeply. They put you first and care for your needs, and secretly want to give you pain and pleasure in the best way but they won't force you. They most likely keep this to themselves because they don't want to scare you.🥺 They would hate for things to end, because they're so emotionally attached to you.💓
💌Messages from your person: Are you in love with them? We're more than just friends, What do you think of me? You should smile more, I hate this, This is all your fault, You're my soulmate, I want to hate you, Extra cards: Feelings, Work place, Activity, Performance, Tease, Libra, 3rd house, Water, Earth, Leo
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🍾
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Sign energy: Frozen, Future, 6th house, Libra, Neck, Eros, 6th house, Air, 7th house, 2nd house, 😚✍☔🛑
💞Your person's energy: This is a very strict energy, there's definitely a pause on their responses to you right now. This could definitely be a coworker or someone you have to remain professional with, but the awkward tension is making things harder for the both of you.😫 They have a very put together look about them, they may dress fancy or indulge in expensive care. They could come off as cold or nonresponsive at times but you guys they're putting on a poker face😚 and they are prone to overthinking.💭 Your person worries about your future with them, and they may be the type to buy your trust back to rebuild or secure your relationship. That or they might expect some sort of compensation for their time lol. They are very intelligent and mindful, while also maintaining respectful and well mannered. This could very well be a writer or that could be significant to their work. They have a beautiful way with words and how they think, almost like a poet🌷 This person could act mature for their age, could be older and the neck could be prominent. I sense your person wears turtlenecks often, very well groomed and organized. But don't think they don't get turned on by you because they do😂❤ They seem almost uninterested until you see what's in their minds. Pile 4 your person is quietly hella attracted to you and the little things you do make their nervous system overheat like an oven omg they gotta start fanning themselves because they get so nervous🥵
💌Messages from your person: I won't judge you, You owe me, I can't believe it, How could you? Is this just a game to you? You want it? I'm not on your level, The past is in the past (Omfg let it go reference anyone?? I pulled the frozen oracle card and now this??😂😂) Extra cards: Swim, Dragon, Purple, Pet, Drive, Uranus, 1st house, Mercury, Capricorn, Moon, (Omg you're their property now🙈💋🔥)
Thank you so much my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the champagne emoji~🍾 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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elysiansparadise · 3 months
Hiii! So happy to see that you're back, and I hope the summer season is treating you and your loved ones well! I was hoping you would be able to give your thoughts for Neptune in the 9th House? Thank you for your time!
Hello love, thank you so much. Summer is going just fine, I wish the same for you and your loved ones. I would love to gave my take on this placement. 💖
Neptune in the 9th house 
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Natives with this placement are people who are interested in topics such as philosophy, the human psyche, spirituality and some artistic branches. These people are in constant search for deeper meanings about everything that surrounds them and even life itself, in the same way they can be attracted to various philosophies and beliefs. They have an idealistic and humanitarian perspective on life and it is likely that they have had big philosophical questions since they were little. Many of these people can acquire great knowledge or even be experts in esoteric topics, astrology, some branch of art or psychology. Many of them have the ability to understand, empathize and sympathize with other cultures or people regardless of their differences. They don't like to waste time on pretentious technicalities or superficial topics, they like to delve into topics that people don't usually investigate. They have a deep sense of compassion for humanity, one that is not just limited to those close to them. Many of them may be interested in humanitarian causes and like the idea of ​​working for the well-being of others. They desire to have a deeper and more emotional understanding of topics such as their existence, purpose, ideals and beliefs.
With Neptune here, natives can seek out to visit places that inspire them and provide them with transformative experiences. Travel can be seen as an opportunity for self-exploration and spiritual growth. This placement favors trips abroad, making it more likely that the native will travel even to different continents. One of the things that is not often mentioned about this placement is its creativity, and that is that natives with Neptune in this house are capable of creating deeply beautiful and fascinating things. They have a soul that is not only curious and empathetic, but also intuitive, seeking to find beauty in those small things that people do not usually take into account. They believe that there is more than what the eyes can see, and one of their most beautiful qualities is moving and understanding between what lies on the surface. They find inspiration in content such as music, photography or things related to cultures other than their own. These natives tend to immerse themselves in a topic when it catches their attention. However, if Neptune makes many tense aspects, we can observe a tendency towards fanaticism.
These natives have a particularity, and that is the calm they project. That feeling of not only being in a safe place when they are around, but, due to their sensitive and intuitive nature, the feeling of being with someone genuine and real. Throughout their lives they develop a strong compassion for others, as well as a desire to include everyone and make them feel understood. They seek to make the world a better place, and although they know that they cannot change everything in a snap, they seek to contribute with their small grain of sand. Many of them may enjoy daydreaming or having a little place to retreat to when reality becomes overwhelming. There is a tendency to procrastinate with Neptune here, as well as getting too immersed in one project and then wanting to work on another simultaneously.
-> Go back to the masterlist
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Dive into the ball pit and emerge in a chill and open-minded camp 🌙☕
As you sink deeper into the plastic bubbles, they feel more and more like soap bubbles around you, soft and seemingly fragile, yet unbreakable as they gently lead you down towards your own mind. A campsite stands before you. Creatures of all kinds are lounging in hammocks, laying in the lush grass, sitting across tables. They're writing, drawing, dancing, singing, strumming, sculpting, sewing, filming. The air is light and chilly, but the sun is warm through the leaves shading the group and their colorful tents. They beckon you. Will you join them?
Wandering Wonderers is: ♥ An art server for all types of artists: whether you prefer illustration, photography, video, music, writing or even theatre! 🪁 ♥ A server for all marginalised folks! We are LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent friendly, but not only! Furries, nomads, witches, religious and spiritual people, daydreamers, regressors, kins, misceverse people, and many more are also warmly welcomed! 🌈 ♥ A community server with activities, where you can be yourself safely, meet people, play games, do art together, and much more! 🍻
But what does it look like? 🤔 ♥ A place to share your goals and motivate each other 🍃 ♥ A place to share your projects, both completed ones and WIPs 🍡 ♥ Plenty of resources and forums for artists of all kinds, no matter the medium 🎭 ♥ Activities like a monthly prompt, a book club, penpaling, roleplaying and questions of the week! 🔖 ♥ Forums where you can discuss all sorts of topics with people who share your interests 👽 -> Anything and everything, from art, animals, video games, manga, series and movies, books, social media, life, culture (concerts, drag shows, etc.), travel, sports, spirituality, identity, and much more! 🤗
So, are you convinced? Here's the link 💖
🧭 https://discord.gg/PZhz96BwRC 🧭
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psychics4unet · 6 days
Love Text Message from Your Future Spouse! 💌✨🔮
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1:
The Fool 🌟 The Lovers ❤️ The Star 🌠
The Fool suggests a fresh start and a sense of adventure in love. It’s a message from your future spouse about embracing new beginnings with an open heart and excitement. The Lovers highlights a deep, meaningful connection and a sense of unity, showing that your future spouse feels a strong, soul-deep bond with you. The Star brings a message of hope and inspiration, encouraging you to stay positive and believe in the love that is destined for you. Together, these cards show a message of new beginnings in love, a deep and soulful connection, and a hopeful outlook on the future. Your future spouse wants you to know that love is an exciting adventure and that your journey together will be filled with hope and unity.
Example Messages:
"Hey love, I can't wait to start this new adventure with you! 🌟 Let's explore the world together and make every moment unforgettable. 💫❤️"
"I’ve never felt such a deep connection with anyone before. ❤️ You are my soulmate, and I’m excited for all the amazing things our future holds. 🌠"
"Even on the tough days, remember that I’m always here for you. 🌟 Together, we can face anything with hope and love. 💖"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
The Empress 🌺 The Hermit 🧘‍♂️ Page of Cups 💌
The Empress represents nurturing, abundance, and deep love. Your future spouse wants you to know they are eager to create a beautiful, loving life with you. The Hermit indicates a time of inner reflection and wisdom, suggesting that your future spouse values deep emotional understanding and growth. The Page of Cups is a message of affection and emotional openness, showing that your future spouse is prepared to offer you their heart and share their feelings honestly. Together, these cards convey a message of deep love, emotional depth, and the importance of understanding and nurturing each other in the relationship. Your future spouse is excited about building a loving and abundant life with you.
Example Messages:
"I’m dreaming of building a beautiful life with you, filled with love and abundance. 🌺 Let’s nurture our relationship and make it bloom. 💖"
"I’ve been reflecting on how much you mean to me. 🧘‍♂️ Your love is my guiding light, and I can’t wait to share my deepest feelings with you. 💌"
"Just wanted to remind you how much I adore you. 💌 Every moment with you feels like a sweet dream come true. 🌺"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
The Magician 🎩 Two of Cups 💕 Ten of Pentacles 🌟
The Magician symbolizes manifesting dreams and making things happen with intention. Your future spouse is letting you know they are actively working to make your shared dreams a reality. The Two of Cups represents a deep and harmonious partnership, emphasizing a mutual, balanced love and connection between you both. The Ten of Pentacles signifies long-term stability and abundance, highlighting that your future spouse envisions a future of lasting prosperity and emotional fulfillment with you. Together, these cards show a message of actively creating and manifesting a successful, balanced, and fulfilling relationship. Your future spouse is committed to making your dreams come true and building a lasting, prosperous future together.
Example Messages:
"I’m working hard to make all our dreams come true. 🎩 Together, we’re creating something magical, and I’m so excited for our future. 💕"
"You and I make the perfect team. 💕 I’m grateful for our deep connection and all the beautiful moments we share. 🌟"
"I’m envisioning a future full of love, happiness, and prosperity for us. 🌟 Let’s build our dreams together and enjoy every step of the journey. 🎩"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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m4rried2the-moon · 5 months
( PICK A PIC ) ❤️‍🔥 — what about you can best aid the revolution?
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Funds for Palestinians 🇵🇸🍉
Relief / Other funds 🫶🏾💖
- what about you can help demonstrate your passion for humanity ? ❤️‍🔥🐦‍🔥
woke up angry opening my phone 🙃(understandably so) and figured that you might be too ! so, here is a reading to highlight qualities about you that could aid in the current revolution . it can be difficult to navigate the trauma of what's happening and shock you into stillness but this reading will hopefully give you a good idea of where to start if you've been in a cycle of guilt and deep empathy . that being said, please listen carefully to your intuition and only take what resonates <3
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pile one 🍉
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- qualities you have : the sun, strength/justice
- how to use it : the fool (seven of coins), the moon (the high priestess + the tower)
your radiance and brilliance overpowers false truths, injustice. pile one, you have a strength that comes from a forever knowledge of what is and isn't right. this is a deeply humanitarian energy, like a public defense attorney. very "for the rights of the people" and it's about controlling and directing that passion.
you can put this to use by continuing to hold out hope for a better future for this. i see that you have been wanting to start a project of some sorry to contribute to palestine and other causes---keep it up! don't let doubts of nothing coming out of your dedication and commitment stop you from figuring for what's close to your heart. if you know you must do something then do it! any effort is effort. use this drive for justice to inform and inspire others with your radiance.
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pile two 🍉
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- qualities you have : ace of cups, the magician
- how to use it : two of pentacles, two of wands
you possess a deep and unbridled sense of positive emotional well-being as a strong quality, pile two. your internal atmosphere being as sensitive as it is also marks for powerful manifesting energy. you are well aware of the gift you possess and not even need to be reading this (/j). you are in touch with your spirituality in a way that basically makes you an alchemist of desired outcomes. This also may happen naturally/with minimal intent.
you can put this spiritual sensitivity and connection to the divine to use by expanding your energy into different projects. this may sound overwhelming to some but i can also see this pile as people who are already planning their outreach and discussing with friends/family, boycotting and sharing new info. would say continue to stay encouraged! think about the progress that we've made so far for palestinians and how this will result in a nearly global release! we're so close, do not accept defeat as an option and keep your head up.
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pile three 🍉
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- qualities you have : three of wands, knight of wands
- how to use it : the empress, ace of wands
ready for action and a planner. your dominant qualities are that of a leader, and it's nothing for you to assess and judge a situation that calls for action. i'm sure you've already been putting your for down in the face of neutrality when it comes to palestine and other causes. you are not easily swayed by fears of the collective and hindering beliefs.
the best way you can use these leader qualities to aid those who can't and themselves is continuing to let your voice be heard and trusting that your effort is working in the best interest of those who need it most. It's clear in your pull that you are taking every chance you can already to stand up for what you believe in---yes! so happy and proud, keep it up! I would say you are already aware you're doing everything you can.
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hey guys ! i hope this helped truly & just wanted to say that i know it's hard to see so much anguish and pain on such a global scale but the moment we give into ignoring it, we become a part of the problem. if you've been doing your best to share and inform at least, that's enough. do to the best of your abilities and don't beat yourself up if you're circumstances are limiting to your outreach ❤️🤓👍🏾 okay that's it. love u guys bye
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jordynbreeloa777 · 8 months
h e l l o!💞 Welcome to My LOA TumBlog!🌷🫧💝💘🌸🎀💓
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ This is a law of assumption tumblog! Where I mainly preach on Neville Goddard, and some of Edward Art teachings! Here is a safe, open, place where all positivity is! :D I also talk about: void, subliminals, robotic affirming, askfirmations, placebo affirmations, lullaby method, some other techniques/methods and SATS. (I don’t really talk about shifting, or reality shifting as much but sometimes I do, if so rarely! | This is because I’m not a shifter<3 | I don’t really talk about states as much because im an a+p girlie! | But mainly to grasp, we talk Everything the Law❤️‍🩹
Some back story: I’m a teenager (yes I’m still in school :), I’m African American + Nigerian 🇳🇬 I love ice spice, Beyoncé, Nikki Minaji, Megan thee stallion, rod wave, Ariana grande music and rap in general (there’s so much more but those are just a few🫧 | Believe it or not, { I’m Christian✝️ } I love the law, being spiritual, and I’m obbsessed with getting what I want and I love helping people with there journey as well as mine. I have been in the subliminal community since 2021 and LOA community since 2023! Also, my asks/dm/inbox/messages are open, vaunting, trauma dumping is allowed! I will try my best to respond, & help the best I can~~
Only thing not tolerated is racism, negativity, hate, homophobia , transphobia, fat phobia, sexism, hate against any religion, things of that nature.💌
here is the place to be where we all get what we want so what are you waiting for..‼️💘
daily post because you NEVER STOP MANIFESTING!~🫧
love you all, also I’m a little new so bare with me🌸
my favorite quote that really changed my view on manifesting is {there is no one to change but self } { all changes come from within } {there is no failure in the law, there is only failure to persist } and { SLAM THE DOOR, if you are already in Barbados, why are you worried about how or when your going to get there? } 🫶🏽
💖 i mainly follow back LOA blogs, but sometimes other blogs that may spark my intrest or attention 💖
_💋 master list coming soon?_ ~💋
CURRENT ACTIVITY/ STATUS: inbox /dms are only open for for moots only, because it’s backed up but my ask is always open ( https://www.tumblr.com/jordynbreeloa777/743685515890573312/my-dms-may-be-turned-off-only-available-for-my?source=share ) Link is there🫦 |
| Where I’m at in my “journey?” https://www.tumblr.com/jordynbreeloa777/739449764118233088/a-little-update-on-my-journey?source=share ! (copy and paste) 💝
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swiftsbalaclava · 1 year
matty healy x reader instagram AU
summary: y/n y/l/n and matty healy’s worlds begin to intertwine and the whole world is watching.
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liked by honeymoon, phoebebridgers, and 241,309 others
yourinstagram sign of the times 🙃
view all 9,658 comments
honeymoon 😍😍
y/nstars we need y/n y/l/n 3!!!
headcarsrass OMFNDHGDEH the caption
⤷ rattyhealytruther she has to be talking abt give yourself a try
⤷ seventyfivelqve her VINYL and her COFFEE collection???!?
1975adam r u by any chance spiritually enlightened??
liked by yourinstagram, trumanblack, and others
tokyoskies the y/n x 75 crossovers are too much for me rn 😭😭
haimtheband the coolest
75kicks to the average person this would be a harry reference, but annoying ppl know what it rlly is 😌
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liked by yourinstagram, dirtyhit, and 134,092 others
trumanblack third number 1 baby!
view all 3,493 comments
jamieoborne well deserved lads 👏
rattyhealytruther wishing i was hann right abt now
liked by yourinstagram
⤷ dliddointhecar Y/N LIKED FHIS?!?
⤷ she’s just like me fr
⤷ y/nstars she’s down so bad
liked by trumanblack
⤷ matty liked this,, they love watching us meltdown
carly.rh so proud boys 💖
y/ny/l/ncandle i cant w the way y/n is being so shamelessly feral for matty?!?
rass1975 story
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swipe up to respond
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liked by trumanblack, rinasonline, and 531,092 others
yourinstagram 🥲 thanku for the past couple of months, on to the next! 🫶
view all 28,720 comments
phoebebridgers u done good kid
⤷ yourinstagram 😃
bedforddanes75 ❤️❤️
trumanblack right on mate
⤷ yourinstagram 😬😬
rass1975 on to the next 😉
1975adam superstar
taylorswift so proud cutie 💖💖
⤷ yourinstagram 🥹 i love u
75kicks the way the ENTIRE band commented
⤷ y/nclouds they’re best friends idc what anyone says
tayhearts the 1975 were all at her last gig 😭
⤷ bedfordy/n75 ross’s story 😭😭
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liked by carly.rh, no_rome, and 340,927 others
trumanblack hitting the road
view all 28,967 comments
dirtyhit 🖤
no_rome hyped mate
palewaves 🤍🤍
yourinstagram omg ur going on tour?? that’s soooo crazy #rockstarlife #groupie 🎸🤘
⤷ trumanblack you age me 10 years
⤷ sorry am i giving u an ‘eadache old man
liked by 1975adam, bedforddanes75, and others
⤷ melodramalvr i love them 😩
⤷ rattyhealytruther the way they’re only 2 years apart as well 😭
5791wonderland THEYRE COMING TO AUS!
y/nnation wake up there’s a new matty y/n interaction
swiftiefordays …y/n special guest???
⤷ rattyhealytruther i think ur onto smth here …
these are actually so fun to make! i try my best to get the timeline right but there might be some continuity issues rn or in the future sorry abt that 🫠 anyways hope u guys are enjoying so far xx part 3 as soon as i can <3
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
man… so, this isn’t a kinfession in the way of ‘i kin from this media’ as it is a ‘this media messed me up because i am kin’ sort of thing. we watched ‘i saw the tv glow’ and… fuck man. i’m so messed up. i’m so, so messed up. sorry this is going to be a massive bummer, but that’s what this blog is here for, right?
the ending hit me too hard - and like! it’s a WONDERFUL trans allegory, as a trans person i see that. but as someone who has lived lives far less mundane than this… fuck man!!! it hurt! it hurt so much. you cut open your chest and you see all the potential your life could’ve had and has had in the past, and it brings you reassurance that it’s there, and Yet. i’ll only reach it if i suffocate first. and it’s so miserable, it makes me miserable, i feel so sad and lost because i’m trapped here, i’m trapped in this reality, where i can’t be as important as i have in other lives. i can’t be a world’s savior, or a world’s martyr, or a world’s villain. i can’t change the world i’m in, or affect things in grand ways, or have any sort of power or control.
i can only be me. i can only be me in this life, with this body, with this brain. i can only impact those closest to me because i am too disabled to do more. i can’t Be more. it hurts, so much, and man. that movie just… hit. it hit in a way i didn’t think was possible. and i can’t recover, at least not for a long time.
i dunno. anyways, um, if you have similar problems to me, be careful watching the movie. genuinely. if it’s not something that’ll really mess you up, or it’s something cathartic for you - please do see it! it really was wonderfully done, and we need more wonderful trans media. just… be careful, i guess. especially as a person who is transgender AND who kins (spiritually, psychologically, for fun, for coping, any kind really), just. be careful. 💖
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thousand-winters · 5 months
It's May 4th, aka, Star Wars day! ☄️🌟🌠 May the Force be with you 💖
I haven't had the time to do many Dadrius related things at all lately, but I did have this snippet I wrote for an Star Wars AU a friend and I had and I thought it would be fitting to post it today, since I wasn't really going anywhere with this, I was just having fun with the concepts we had discussed (I mean, I would totally like to expand on this but it seems like a big project and I need to finish many other projects first... maybe one day).
Without further preamble:
Darius grits his teeth as the ship trembles and coughs, because of course they had to happen to steal the one machine that needed reparations. Oh, this is why he has never liked these blasted things. 
There’s another violent shake as they pass the atmosphere, and the only reason he doesn’t hit his head against anything is because he’s firmly settled on the seat, but he hears a thump and a curse from behind. 
“Just a little longer,” He promises. “Hold on tight there, Canis.”
The kid doesn’t respond, and although that’s not unusual in itself, a strange feeling of urgency compels him to look behind. Darius can admit freely that he has never been as in tune with the most spiritual side of his abilities as he was being taught to before… well… it’s simply not one of his strengths, but he has been working half on impulse here, half on vague whispers from the Force, and he has the impression that to continue listening is the right choice.
As soon as he makes sure they’re not gonna crash on anything if he gets distracted for a few seconds, he turns around, just in time for the boy to apparently find his voice.
“My name is…” Canis pauses for a minute, his face scrunching up for a brief moment before looking down. “H-Hunter. My name is Hunter.”
It takes Darius a minute to understand, but when he does, he feels his heart skip a beat. This is important, he doesn’t need anyone or anything to tell him that. 
“Well then, Hunter,” He says breathlessly, in part because of the adrenaline and in part because he finally has an actual name to call this kid. His previous one barely counted. “Grab onto something, I’ll get us out of here.”
Hunter smiles. Small, tentative, but sincere. He looks like the child he is and Darius feels a wave of warmth flooding his chest. Without thinking, he opens himself in the Force, like he hasn’t for so many years, and he feels the contained spark that is this boy, reaching out to him in turn and clinging to him with the desperation of someone afraid and seeking reassurance, but also with some nascent trust that Darius already knows he’s going to cherish no matter what it costs him.
He holds onto it. And the Force sings.
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celestialtarot11 · 7 months
Hiii, how are you doing? 👀 I saw you answered a question about channeling spirit guides during your tarot readings, and I was wondering how you do it without getting your energy drained quickly? Because i want to do that too, but I always get drained easily after one channeling session D: do you have some tips for that? Thank you! ✨️💖✨️
Hi! I’m doing wonderful thank you for asking 💗 How are you as well? And of course! Lets talk about it.
How To Channel Spirit Guides + Protect Your Energy
🤍 Preparation is key when you want to begin channeling. Set aside 1-2 hours to yourself, that way you can relax, get ready and also process what happened after the channeling session.
☁️ Start by eating healthy foods before you channel. For me, I can’t channel on an empty stomach since my energy is being used to communicate with these spiritual beings, so for some of ya’ll, ya’ll need to eat to stabilize your body. And some people I know do fine on an empty stomach which is also valid! Figure out what works for you. Your energy needs to be stable!
🤍 Take some deep breaths to help calm you. You channel best when in a calmer state, and the messages come naturally and easily.
☁️ Set the mood as well, make sure your environment is clean, organized and is to your liking. I can’t channel in a dirty environment, so it has to be clean and proper to invite spiritual energy in. This does help the flow of energy!
🤍 Cleanse your tarot cards for accurate results. This can be done by knocking 3 times on them, blowing on them, or using a crystal to help. Any method can work as long as you’re comfortable.
☁️ Cleanse your space spiritually. It’s important that when working with celestial energy, we want to only hear from them not other spirits/entities (unless that’s something you want, but that’s a whole different rabbit hole!) You can cleanse with runes, incense, candles, crystals, and so much more. Protecting your space is highly important so the wrong spirit/entity cannot attach to you.
🤍 Talk! Openly talk to your spirit guides and now you can begin channeling. Whether it’s out loud or in your mind.
☁️ After, it’s recommended to do some breathing exercises to help cleanse energy, and to awaken your body you can do some stretching! Or go for a walk. You can take the time to process what the heck just happened 😂 which is why it’s important to take 1-2 hours for channeling sessions.
Something I do want to stress: It’s highly important you protect your spiritual space and energy regularly against unwanted entities/spirits. As someone who worked with spirits for a long time, it’s easy to invite a malicious spirit/entity by accident. Or to communicate to it unaware that it is a malicious spirit/entity. Please be safe. If ya’ll would like for me to talk about this in a different post more in depth, I absolutely can! Or you can ask questions.
Something else I do want to mention. I stress the importance of physical care & movement here, because our body is the vessel to receive energy. Our body needs care when channeling, to help support what energies will come through. It’s all connected, our body, mind and soul. It’s like a car, you need to fill it with gas so it can take you to where you need to be. Without gas it won’t work. Our bodies can shut down midway channeling because the energies are so heavy/dense. We can get exhausted, fatigued and irritated! That’s your sign to stop channeling and take a break.
Thank ya’ll for reading 💗☁️🫶 happy & safe channeling!
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lyranova · 3 months
(Shuffles in)
I’ve got questions for you, Lyra~! 🥰💖
4, 12, 13, 22, and 29!
Oooo yay I love questions 🥰💕!! Let’s see 👀!
4 What is your favorite book?
Demian by Hermann Hesse! I read it about…7 years ago because of a song and album that were inspired by it, and I need to re-read it again since it’s been so long! It was a short book but it was really good and kind of changed my interpertation of something which i really liked (it also changed my moms interpertation of the same thing!). I’ll post the summary here 😁:
“Emil Sinclair is a young boy raised in a middle class home, amidst what is described as a Scheinwelt, a composite word meaning "world of illusion," so his entire existence can be summarised as a struggle between two worlds: the show world of illusion (related to the Hindu concept of maya) and the real world, the world of spiritual truth (see Plato's cave and dualism). Accompanied and prompted by his mysterious classmate and friend 'Max Demian', he detaches from and revolts against the superficial ideals of the world of appearances and eventually awakens into a realization of self.”
12 Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
Aaaahhhh i have so many places I would love to visit 😭! My top ones are Japan and South Korea, but I would also love to see various places such as the Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Finland, etc! It would just be so much fun to travel!
13 How do you de-stress?
These days when I’m trying to de-stress I go back to my comfort things that i used to enjoy (such as my favorite video games, tv shows, fanfics, etcs)! Like lately I’ve been watching clips of one of my favorite video games because, even tho it’s sad, the characters in it are so hopeful and make me hopeful and just aaaaahhhh i love it and its been making me happy these days 🥺!
22 What is your most prized possession?
My most prized possession is a stuffed rabbit my mom got my sister when we were 1 and 2 years old. Now, it originally belonged to my sister, but I kind of stole it and never gave it back to her because he deserved a better home imo 😆!
29 Favorite song lyrics right now?
Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days
When our mama sang us to sleep
But now we're stressed out
From Twenty One Pilots “Stressed Out”!
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