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theredpilgrim · 3 years ago
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Create your own reality,' I make my own happiness!' strength to change your life and attract love hope health, peace, harmony, honour wealth and abundance of joy. #createyourownreality #beautifullovelylife #happinessartwork #ınstagramhappy #artforjoyfullife #happyartoninstagram #homeofmagicmagnifique #manifestyourownreality #strengthtosucceed #joyfulartofhomemaking #fantasypainting #makeyourownmagic #spiritualcubism Reiki spiritual cubism abstract painting for happiness and prosperity. Fantasy, innocent joy, the home with so much love,as it has wings of lightness and feng shuii. Give your life the wings. Expression of dreams, people, relationships, career, an amalgamation of energy, my life overflowing with love and prosperity. Best feng shuii painting for home to bring harmony and joy. Oil acrylic on canvas, size 35x36 inches. Much Love Light Peace! The Red Pilgrim!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CXA684wIkuv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theredpilgrim · 4 years ago
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Untitled! Inguz! Spiritual cubism Geometric healing painting. Size 37x60 inches,year 2021. #LargeCanvashealingpaintings #spiritualcubism #geomtricartabstraction #abstractspiritualism #inguz #makeawayoutofnoway #breakinglimits #pathways2progress #symbolicart #saatchiartist #printsavailableatgalleryonly @saatchiart https://www.instagram.com/p/CRYZindH3lO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theredpilgrim · 4 years ago
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Simplicity Elegance and a bit of Boldness!! Class is more than money..class is about knowledge passion and Success!! Opulent Spiritual Cubism Abstract Artwork. Spiritual Elegance Oil on oil sketch paper year 2011. Size 21x30 inches. Available for sale by Rizwana A.Mundewadi , healing artist India. #spiritualelegance #opulentart #lifestyleart #artforurbanhomes #spiritualcubism #instagramlifestyle✌ #artplacer #artdisplaysofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CRHjfynHPB3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theredpilgrim · 8 years ago
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Collages of old small cubism paintings, going with the flow, exciting fresh energy! #oldartcollages #workinprogress #vintageart #creativecollage #cubismcollage #spiritualcubism #fewyearsofmylife stop tearing my old art and make something new! God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana Mundewadi!
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theredpilgrim · 6 years ago
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Untitled Copper and Black acrylic on paper.19.5x25.5 inches. #limitedcollection #freshcollection #healingartforsale #ilovelines #copperandblack #spiritualcubism #modernhealingart #contemporaryart #reikisymbolhealingart #dalerrowney #copper #black #healing #selfhealing #modernsymbolism #costlyart #healingart #monochrome #minimalistart #lines #likeloveshare #collectorsart #uniqueart #urbansophisticateart #chokureisymbolart #sacredgeometryart #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BVxZZPJhQ5f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e3kukddzqj0s
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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Spiritual Elegance , a spiritual abstract with soothing vibes. 54x74 inches,oil on oil sketch paper.#spiritualcubism #bluecubism #artforcubismlovers #soothingvibes #artframingideas #bytheurbandecorina #@saatchiart #onlineartist www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
The journey no doubt has been wonderful... I have changed a lot, as a person, human being, soul and artist. I do this clearing every year! 2017 did this twice. It is essential for progress. To let go of good art, in search of Awesumness! #thesearchcontinues #seventeenyearswithart, #nevergiveartfree more than Ten thousand hours of hard work, more than ten thousand dollars of money spent on making art, more than ten thousand hours of time spent in making art, more than ten thousand moments spent with solitude away from family and away from much social contacts, more than ten thousand choices of priorities made with savings for buying art materials, more than ten thousand inner struggles overcome, more than thousands artworks down the drain, wishing for your best when no one wished me, #takingthelonelyroad #selfacceptance #lettinggoofold #chosethepathofhealing #bloodlineofhealers #tenthousandhours #everyartisthasastory #theprocessofprogress #feelingspecial #feelinglighter #clearfocus #ilovemakingart If you see my art , each piece is more than ten thousand dollars worth! My art, My energy! #theredpilgrim #@saatchiart #healingartistinstagram #fengshuireikiart #spiritualcubism #ilovesymbols #artwillchangeyouifyouletit www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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Anchored Mindfulness Limited Collection February 2017. #grey #graycollection #collageart #spiritualcubism #symbolism #mindfulness #zen #zenarts #meditationart #mindbodyspirit #beinginthemoment #wordsthatheal #wallthatheals #artthatheals #clutterfreelife #simplicity #artwillchangeyourlife #healingartforsale #soulhealing #spreadhealingnotpills #emotionalhealing #reikisymbolhealingart #moderncalligraphy #graycolor #minimalist #urbansophisticateart #healingarts #@saatchiart #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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Simply Geometric Peace 12x12 inches. Acrylic on canvas board. https://razarts.com/works/1365892/simply-geometric-peace #geometricpeace #teal #turquoise #geometrypainting #Spiritualsymbolism #smallart #spiritualcubism #peaceart #giftpeace #spreadpeace #soothingart #saatchiartist #fasoartistrazarts #@saatchiart #donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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#combination #artcombination #gifthealing Truly Blue Rejuvenating Anthakarna A Collection of 8 healing paintings. 14.5x11 inches acrylic on canvaspaper.year 2017. #reikienso #iloveblue #bluecubism #healingblue #blueenergy #blueartforsale #spiritualcubism #blue #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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Truly Blue A Collection of 8 healing paintings. 14.5x11 inches acrylic on canvaspaper.year 2017. #reikienso #iloveblue #bluecubism #spiritualcubism #blue #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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There is Music in Silence Listen" Acrylic on hand made paper 21x14 in, https://razarts.com/collections/98943 #sufisymbolart #rumiinspired #modernsymbolism #moderndisplay #artwall #sufisymbol #wingedheart #sufipaintingsforall #artforall #spreadjoy #spiritualfreedom #freeheart #enjoyeverymoment #Spiritualsymbolism #womanartist#energyhealer #spiritualcubism #theredpilgrim #alchemist Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Jalaluddin Rumi" #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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There is Music in Silence Listen" Acrylic on hand made paper 21x14 in, https://razarts.com/collections/98943 #sufisymbolart #rumiinspired #modernsymbolism #moderndisplay #artwall #sufisymbol #wingedheart #sufipaintingsforall #artforall #spreadjoy #spiritualfreedom #freeheart #enjoyeverymoment #Spiritualsymbolism #spiritualcubism #theredpilgrim #alchemist Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Jalaluddin Rumi" #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 7 years ago
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Mini Chiclets of Goodluck https://razarts.com/collections/101205 #smallart #reikisymbolhealingart #fengshuibagua #coloursoflife #healingcolors #energyhealingart #bestgiftever #positivevibes #artforanyoccassion #artforall #spiritualcubism #symbolsthatheal #healingartforsale #lifeluck #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 8 years ago
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Cubism Abstracts, Collages,20x20, oil on paper. Year 2006 #oldpaintings #artgallerywall #artistsoninstagram #theredpilgrim #artgallerydisplay #dreamexhibition #onedayiwill #razarts #collectorsart #conversationpiece #moderndecorart #cubismcollage #modernabstract #urbansophisticateart #geometricabstract #razarts #spiritualcubism #saatchiartistrazarts #fasoartistrazarts #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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theredpilgrim · 8 years ago
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Cubism Abstracts, Collages,20x20, oil on paper. Year 2006 #oldpaintings #artgallerydisplay #artgallerywall #dreamexhibition #onedayiwill #theredpilgrim #artforurbansophisticate #razarts #collectorsart #conversationpiece #moderndecorart #cubismcollage #modernabstract #urbansophisticateart #geometricabstract #razarts #spiritualcubism #saatchiartistrazarts #fasoartistrazarts #Donotcopyforfearofkarma www.razarts.com
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