ourlore · 1 year
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Happy Friday the 13th from our vampire Zander and his angel captor Ansiel dressed as one another!
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makeitlookdecent · 2 years
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it's the amoeba
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Repairing the Safety Breach-Rise Up America's SafeHouses for FreeHearts
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heartichokes4all · 2 years
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Some hearts just got to be free...even to tumble.🧐❤️#freehearts (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZfo36utqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bbmpodlife · 2 years
A Prisoner No More...
Written Tuesday Morning 1/3/23 at 7:39 AM by CL The Source
For so long I did not know I wasn’t a free man. 
For so long I did not know a free life.
For so long, my idea of freedom was different.
Freedom to me used to be about doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and however I wanted.
Yes, there is a large element of that in overall freedom that I continuously work towards and yes that is what is largely considered to be the pinnacle of freedom but what I did not know for so long is that in order to reach that state and live in it, I must first work on freeing myself from the prison in my own mind.
This is the story of a prisoner of the mind vividly describing the prison and detailing what for too long kept him imprisoned.
The prison of the mind locks you away from experiencing the true potential of imagination, creativity and limitlessness that the mind is naturally comprised of.
The prison is ran by the guards which are the many different voices in our heads and in our lives. They’re the stories that we repeatedly and unconsciously tell ourselves and believe to be true in our own minds.
The warden of the prison is FEAR in big bold letters because the strength of that fear is what holds the prison up and for far too long I gave this prison too much power.
The warden, which is fear, keeps the locks sealed tight and only allows you to feel “real life” only once in a while by giving you time in the yard outside of the bars. This is complete torture because although it feels nice to be outside as if I was a free man with the ability to roam wherever I please, I was constantly reminded that I was not free. I was still trapped behind these tall walls that were being secured even more by guard snipers trained to shoot me down if I made the slightest attempt at even touching the walls.
The tall walls are my deep conditioning that I developed during the formative years of my life. It is the paradigm that has been running for so long. It is the paradigm that I never knew existed and never knew could be changed.
Even while in this prison, I knew within me that there had to be more to life. This couldn’t be it. There had to be more. There just had to be.
Although I went about life in prison as a prisoner did, I refused to accept these circumstances as the only reality and during that stretch of time I would experiment with different ways to free myself with no real plan or idea of how to do so. I would work longer hours at a job hoping to be noticed for my good work only to be limited by more guards and wardens. I would experiment with different vices and distractions to make me feel a temporary sense of euphoria but when these moments came to pass, I would awake from my slumber still confined behind these bars and walls this time only more depleted and feeling a greater sense of futility.
Still, I knew there had to be more. I was always curious as to what was beyond those walls. How far did it stretch? What else was out there that I was being kept from?
The curiosity is what kept me from sinking further into this prison and accepting the then circumstances as my destiny. I knew that wasn’t it for me even when other cell mates (strangers, co-workers, colleagues, friends, family) didn’t support my vision or even tried to dissuade me from pursuing them and attempted to make me feel like my thoughts were inadequate. They would say things like, “it’s safer to do it this way”, or “who do you think you are?”, or even worse they wouldn’t say anything and their energy said everything they were thinking. They were all operating under the strong arm of the warden: FEAR. They too were guards in the prison of the mind.
For too long I conformed to the orders within this prison but the whole time I knew there was more and I would never stop going for it. I longed to be free and it was going to become reality for me some day. I knew it was going to take a lot of work, a lot of effort, a lot of patience and a lot of strength but after being a prisoner in this jail for so long, I was no stranger to hard work and I had developed the strength and patience I knew it was going to take in order to free myself.
Although there were far more non-believers, nay sayers and opposition within these walls, there was also a select few rare individuals that stood beside me and knew that the possibility of freedom was possible. I clung onto those people, leaned on them and confided in them as I did the most important work of all: I turned to myself.
I looked deeply into my soul for answers and I created a plan, fine tuning it everyday while plotting not only my escape from this prison but also the complete destruction of it so that it may never restrict me again.
As I continued to tap inward and build myself from within, I slowly began to realize that there were soft spots and weaknesses in this prison that I can take advantage of in order to successfully escape.
It wasn’t long after that realization that I figured out there was a door somewhere that was wide open for me to walk right through to get myself beyond the walls of this prison. It was so simple, how did I not realize this sooner? It didn’t matter because it was then that I realized that this prison was self imposed and I could free myself at any time; I just didn’t know it until now. I put myself in there. I created this matrix. I made myself the prisoner of it and I can make myself free from it and be a prisoner no more.
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mari-on-the-atari · 6 months
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A while ago I had gotten back into OMORI so I decided to revive an old oc I had with a new coat of paint, Her names Freeheart cause she’s a mix of Perfectheart and Free, or, rather June, my Oc/sona. I just had some fun making her so I hope you guys like her !!
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rockybloo · 1 year
There's a lot of fun in writing Freebird is how he and Bitterbat have cat-and-mouse dynamic where no matter what stunt Freebird pulls, Bitterbat always outsmarts him.
It'd be hell on my brain cells to write Freebird and not have justice being served after every gross thing he says to or about Sweetheart under the belief she is just playing hard to get.
Bitterbat obviously wants that man dead. He hates him with all his heart and wishes the worse for him.
Freebird wishes the same. In all his years of knowing Sweetheart, he never had a single worry about her ending up with someone else. She was far above of the leagues of all the other heroes.
He was def concerned about Gabe but after learning about him being Delight's boyfriend, he eased up some. He def isn't a fan of Sweetheart having male friends...because of course he isn't, but he can live with it.
So the Freeheart ship survived for a good while as the top ship on the Sweetheart list...until Bitterbat showed up.
And that man flipped Freebird's entire world upside down along with his expectations for Sweetheart.
She was the most professional hero he knew, so imagine the surprise over witnessing her get all flustered and a mess because of this new guy on the block. A new guy who really isn't as new as Freebird thinks because he doesn't know about the whole history between the Beloveds and Flavor Four.
If he did, he would have been worried about Bitterbat since day one of meeting Sweetheart. But being a hero stationed primarily in mainland America means he typically isn't interested in hero lore outside of the first 50 states.
Truly an American hero, some may say.
So the second he sees that Bittersweet has over throned Freeheart on the Sweetheart shipping list, Freebird realizes he has a problem. He can't escape Bitterbat's name either because it follows very close behind Sweetheart. That bird lived in a blissful ignorance where he could enjoy only Sweetheart's name making headlines but now he's hard pressed to find a single thing that doesn't mention her new archenemy right along with her.
He makes his dislike of Bitterbat very clear and verbal. He disses him any chance he is brought up, especially during talk shows and interviews.
He questions his appearance, especially his taste in clothing. Freebird has very traditional western ideals of what he thinks a man should look like and hipless pants that let half your ass hang out along with earrings, nail polish, lipstick, mascara, and what Freebird falsely believes to be fake eyelashes does not fit those ideals. It's needless to say that Freebird thought Bitterbat was girl at first until he heard him speak.
And even then, that man struggled with figuring out if Bitterbat actually had boobs or pecs upon first glance during a live news recording of him battling Sweetheart.
I'd say hearing Bitterbat speak pissed him off even further because of the sass dripping off every sentence he delivers. It just finalized that Bitterbat was the antithesis of all Freebird's ideals of a guy.
So that man was at a complete loss when he saw Bitterbat flirt with Sweetheart and even manage to kiss her along with declaring his love and vow to steal her heart and make her his queen.
Bitterbat basically speedran becoming Freebird's #1 enemy and that bird was a squawking mess of fury after the battle. He tried everything he could to request that bat to be out on his official list of villains he could deal with because he was under the belief that Bitterbat was a weakling.
An idea that was soon stomped out after witnessing some of the leftovers Bitterbat liked to leave behind from previous confrontations with other cocky heroes and villains.
The first chance Freebird got, he flew to Decking City and did his best to talk some sense into Sweetheart, claiming that Bitterbat was too much for her to handle. She obviously rejected the notion stating she was more than capable of dealing with Bitterbat and she was the only one who could.
And when Freebird dared to bring up Bitterbat's more physical romantic advances on her, Sweetheart cut him off before he could tarnish Bitterbat's name by stating how bold it was for him to assume that Bitterbat's actions were unwelcome. She had even gone so far as to say they were far more desirable than his own.
There are no words suffice enough to describe how much Freebird's world and future shattered in just one week. And his world just continues to get shaken up again and again every time Bitterbat rears his bat-winged head.
The most merciful thing Bitterbat does to Freebird is keep his true relationship with Sweetheart a secret, playing into the act it's all one sided and he is merely a villain with the hots for his hero.
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gordon-furman · 1 year
Got any half life/warriors crossover info u wanna say
Kicks my legs like a school girl
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What I'm thinking is that Black Mesa used to be a Clan (MesaClan) and through a huge natural disaster (The Cascade) a huge population of their clan died and only a few select cats including Gordon, Eli, Barney, Alyx, and some other scientists. The 'aliens' are a nest of diseased rats (they have something akin to rabies and are able to infect cats) that lived under their territory. The Military (haven't decided a name) are another clan who use the advantage of the disaster to try and take over their territory, and when they fail, their leader sends in their top warriors to squash any remaining survivors (they're behaviorally similar to Bloodclan or Tigerclan.)
G-man is a Starclan cat (or some equivalent) and took Gordon and Adrian out of reality for bit before dumping them in the future.
In the future Eli has become leader of the resistance. A small human community (the Combine) who have settled in the area MesaClan used to be in. Eli lost his back leg to when the humans first brought their machines to plow and tear up the land before one of the head humans took sympathy on Breen and adopted him as a pet. Breen is a kittypet who encourages the other cats to surrender to the humans while the humans often do experiments/ medical testing on the wildcats in the area.
This where Gordon meets Alyx, gets introduced to the resistance, and (insert plot of half life 2 here). The vortigaunts are lizards.
As for the characters themselves, I imagine Gordon being a brown tabby who looks really big and tough but that's mostly his fur LOL. Eli and Alyx have similar coat textures to the selkirk rex cat breed and are grey and grey/brown in color.
Their warrior names would be Freeheart (Gordon), Greystar, formerly Greyfur (Eli), and Bravespark (Alyx). Breen would've been leader before the humans and his name would've been Flystar/Flypelt.
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hlvrai Warrior Cats au . MesaClan. G-Star. Coolattafur. Bubby . Freem.. ....... . Freeheart. uhhhhhhh Benclaw. Irate gamerclaw. Jayfeather. Sunkist is there.
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bunnyboisasha · 11 months
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Sasha Freeheart DRG Reference sheet by @perichanxiv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeriChanXIV
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mischievousblade · 1 year
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Norrathian Pride 2023
We are getting three new free lion familiars in EQ and EQ II - and they look very similar in both games:
Mithaniel's Aceheart Lion
Mithaniel's Freeheart Lion
Mithaniel's Openheart Lion
Personally I like the bunnies more than the lions but hey, why not let a lion roar once in a while.
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hlwcau · 2 years
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"The right tom in the wrong place can make all the difference in the clans."
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Blackapple(slime black cat with a fluffy tail) = Adam(HDTF)
Freeheart/star(large fluffy calico) = Gordon Freeman
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ainews · 8 months
Gorillas are known for their strength, intelligence, and powerful presence, but there is also another side to these majestic creatures that often goes unnoticed. It turns out, gorillas are surprisingly freehearted when it comes to keeping diaries of gargoyles.
According to researchers at the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to gorilla conservation, many wild gorillas in Africa have been observed creating and maintaining diaries of the various gargoyles they encounter in their natural habitats.
These diaries, which are typically made of leaves, bark, and other natural materials, serve as a way for gorillas to record their encounters with different gargoyles and their behaviors. They are like a logbook of sorts, documenting the comings and goings of these stone creatures.
So why do gorillas go to the effort of keeping these diaries? According to the researchers, it is likely a combination of curiosity and intelligence. Gorillas are highly intelligent creatures and have been known to use tools and engage in complex problem-solving. Keeping diaries may simply be another way for them to exercise their cognitive abilities.
Additionally, gorillas are curious creatures and are known to investigate and interact with their surroundings. Gargoyles, with their unique shapes and features, are no exception. The diaries serve as a way for gorillas to understand and remember their encounters with these intriguing stone creatures.
But it's not just about curiosity and intelligence. Gorillas are also surprisingly sentimental. The researchers have noticed that gorillas tend to revisit their diaries, sometimes even bringing them along when they move to a new area. This suggests that these diaries hold some emotional value for the gorillas, making their efforts to keep them all the more meaningful.
Not only are these diaries a testament to the remarkable intelligence and curiosity of gorillas, but they also have important implications for their conservation. The researchers believe that by documenting their encounters with gargoyles, gorillas are also building a record of their habitat and the changes that occur over time. This data could potentially be used to better understand and protect gorilla populations in the wild.
In a world where animal species are facing numerous threats, it's heartening to see that gorillas are taking the initiative to document their surroundings and the creatures they share their habitat with. It shows that there is more to these gentle giants than just their physical strength, and we have much to learn from them.
So the next time you see a gargoyle perched on a building, remember that there may be a gorilla somewhere carefully noting its presence in their diary.
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bigbadbruno · 1 year
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ourlore · 1 year
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Could there be another Freeheart still out there?
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ttotho · 2 years
On Giving - Khalil Gibran
Then said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving.
     And he answered:
     You give but little when you give of your possessions.
     It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
     For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
     And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
     And what is fear of need by need itself?
     Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?
     There are those who give little of the much which they have—and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
     And there are those who have little and give it all.
     These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
     There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
     And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
     And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;
     They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
     Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes. He smiles upon the earth.
     It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
     And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.
     And is there aught you would withhold?
     All you have shall some day be given;
     Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors’.
     You often say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.”
     The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
     They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
     Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.
     And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
     And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, or receiving?
     And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
     See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
     For in truth it is life that gives unto life—while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
          And you receivers—and you are all receivers—assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
     Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
     For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the freehearted earth for mother, and God for father.
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