#spin flash dryer
dingli01 · 1 year
Process flow of potato starch flash dryer
 Potato starch dryer is an air-flow collision vortex flash dryer, which is a new type of energy-saving drying equipment. It uses coal, biomass, etc. as fuel, and the cold air passes through the hot blast stove to become dry hot air, which is mixed with dispersed materials in the equipment to form a suspended state, so that the gas and solid phases flow side by side at a relatively high speed, and at the same time vaporize the water to achieve the purpose of drying the material.
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 Potato starch flash dryer features:
 1. High drying strength, low equipment investment, and large evaporation capacity;
 2. The drying time is short, suitable for heat-sensitive materials, the finished product does not contact with the outside world, no pollution, good quality:
 3. The equipment is provided in a complete set, and the heat source can be steam heating or supporting the use of coal-fired, oil-fired, gas-fired hot blast stoves, etc.
 If you are interested in our flash dryer equipment, please contact us.
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takenbypeter · 4 months
Laundry Day
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Tangerine x reader
Words: 637
Based on the prompt: “you don’t have to waste your day doing this with me.” “Nothing is a waste as long as you’re there.” From @deity-prompts I may have tweaked it a bit.
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Laundry day. Such a mundane thing. Boring but necessary, is what you told yourself as you forced yourself to get up and finally wash that pile of dirty laundry you’ve been meaning to get to for the last two weeks. 
Did you love doing laundry? No, nobody loves doing laundry but you figured with Tangerine gone on a mission for the past three days, what better time to do it then while he’s still out. 
But of course, just like with every plan you make, something else always gets mixed in. 
You had just begun folding the first load, while the second one continued to spin in the drying machine and the third in the washer.
Folding just about the third piece of fabric that you’d picked out, you heard keys jangling on the other side of the front door. Peeking out from the nearby window you recognized Tangerine’s car as the door unlocked and in he came. 
He looked…messy, to say the least. His hair was all over the place, he had blood splattered over his shirt, his tie was thrown about across his shoulders. 
Although his appearance gave off an exhausted look, his expression was just the opposite as he came in animatedly. 
“You would not believe the dumbest—most boring f——g mission I just had, wait till you hear this,” he leaned close and you pucker your lips slightly, as he connected to them almost magnetically before trailing off.
He told his tale of events as he walked around the kitchen munching on a quick snack and pouring himself a small drink. You listened, continuing to fold your clothes (and some of his), adding some hums and surprised noises of your own as you got swept in to some of the details. 
Then after telling you the whirlwind of the story that he claimed was the lamest mission he’s ever been on, he went to take a shower, once again leaving you with the same load.
You folded and folded and when you were just about finished with that pile, the second load in the dryer dinged, ready for you to work on it next. 
You took the warm fabric out pressing it to your face for a moment enjoying the feeling before setting it on the couch for you to begin.
About ten minutes had passed when you heard some steps nearing before a pair of arms snaked its way around your waist. 
“I missed you,” Tangerine hummed, pressing his lips to your cheek, then to your neck, his mustache tickling you as he did so before resting his chin in the crook of your neck. 
“I missed you too,” and of course you had a smile on your lips as your hands continued working. 
“I wish I could just take you everywhere with me.”
“While the thought is nice, I’d rather sit your blood baths out.”
You felt his shoulders lift and then drop against your body as a sigh escaped, while he once again left a single kiss to your skin before letting go. 
You half expected him to leave, being that he’s been out for a few days and typically he was tired after completing missions, but surprisingly he grabbed a clean shirt that was on the couch and he folded it, setting it right down on the neat stack. 
You shook your head at his action, “you don’t have to waste your day doing this with me. Go rest.”
“Nothing is a waste as long as I’m doing it with you,” he flashed you that proper smile of his. 
Although the sentiment was sweet, you knew he was only helping you so he could steal all your attention away for himself. 
“You’re quite cheeky, aren’t you?” 
You already knew the answer to that question. But he feigned innocence. 
“Me? Never.”
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thedevilrisen · 2 months
Summer Quam's
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Description: “It’s like 500 degrees, we are not cuddling!” “But you already threw off all the blankets?!” “I don’t car- STAY ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE!”
Welcome back to thedevilrisen fic's! I am looking forward to writing the more! I think I may be a little rusty, sorry in advance!
Word Count: 1.4k
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Distraught storm clouds rolled over the horizon, their gloomy rumbles accompanied by piercing claps of thunder as blinding flashes of lighting embellishing the cool grey and cinder coloured sky.
With them they brought warm, moist air which was just on the side of uncomfortable, when the summer storm's roll in the humidity dial permanently spins, like a compass without an identifiable magnetic force. The only hope of relief being the rain that would come, days dragged by, elongated as clouds grew larger and larger, dense and weighed down by droplet's begging to be released from their misty prison.
Movement inside the apartment was very little, dehumidifiers hummed in several different rooms, fan's purred as they fought to circulate the hot air. Still nothing changed, the uncomfortably of the night never dulled as the sparkling lights in window's dimmed into a lightless cavity.
However in your apartment, calmness was not achievable not matter what happened. Restlessness was prominent throughout the evening, the constant changing ice packs to keep cool. The refusal to eat hot foods made it very hard for Connor who was trying to make dinner and stick to his meal plan because according to him a pint of Ben and Jerry's was not an appropriate even when you were dying.
Yes. You were told you were being melodramatic and to come and help chop tomato's for the salad Connor was going to make as a compromise to not eat hot food. Thinking that the cold food would be less problematic. He was so wrong.
"Connor." you whined, for most probably the fifteenth time in a span of about five minutes.
"No, Y/N." he stated, slightly irritated, the heat creating a simmering tension that danced like a mirage. Utterly fed up with not only the heat but your complaining Connor was very much now regretting asking for your assistance. "How about you just go and get a shower or something? I'll finish up here."
You frowned slightly at his borderline begging tone, you knew for basically being a polar bear who lived in the cold the heat was not compatible for him. Knowing it would be better than risking a small, meaningless argument you agreed and meandering down the hallway, soft carpet compressing and splaying underfoot as you moved to the bathroom.
Even though it would be sensible to bathe in freezing water, you didn't, finding the cold water jarring and instead opting for a mid-warm shower instead. The water, slid down your body, cooling you off but not dropping your body temperature completely. Taking the edge off the heat but after stepping out of the shower, seeing the steam still curing up towards the fan on the bathroom ceiling which hummed, as the light gently flicked.
Not bothering to wash your hair tonight, knowing that it would be a nightmare to dry with the moisture in the air and running the hair dryer would create more heat which was not needed in the apartment.
Moving back into the hallway and venturing into the kitchen where Connor sat, left leg swinging beneath him on the bar stool. His fork stabbed at the green leaves and cooked meat in the decorative bowl his mother had sent as a gift set when you first moved in to the apartment six months ago.
"Your's is in the fridge, I wanted to keep the smoked salmon cold because I know you don't like it warm." Connor mumbled, looking down, guilt swirling in his stomach at the fact that he had snapped earlier, he didn't want to but the heat did funny things to him.
"Thank you, love." You moved, cautiously across the tiled kitchen, sighing as the grey tiles cooled the bottom of your bare feet. Opening the fridge, squinting slightly as the all-but surgical light shone out, picking the porcelain plate up off of the top of the tupperware containers in which the plate was so precariously balanced on top.
Feet pattering back across the floor as you moved to slide into the vacated chair, that Connor left after he had his food so he could shower before bed. Stabbing into the greens and listening to the crunch as the fork pierced though leaves and you brought them to your mouth. Connor's cooking was always delicious but something about the heat was altering it, or maybe the lingering tension left in the air from the tense exchange previous.
Swallowing the last mouthful food, slipping off the stool and around the counter top. Placing your hand on the corner of the bench that protrudes to stop your hip from bumping it and aiding the already blooming bruise from when you hit it previously that day, you placed the plate into the sink, gently on top of Connor's.
Almost tip-toeing down the hallway to your bedroom, you stepped inside, hand holding the door, opening it slightly before shutting it behind you. Glancing around to see Connor pulling on a pair of sleep shorts, hair still damp from his shower.
Shuffling along the carpet into the bathroom as you picked up your toothbrush, off of the charger. Uncapping the toothpaste and squeezing a blob onto your brush. Coming to life with a purr you brushed your teeth while straining to listen to what Connor was doing.
Spitting out the foamy liquid when the electric brush pulsated to signal you were done. Pulling a folded hand towel out from underneath the sink, cleaning the corner's of your mouth from the foamy remnants before hanging it to dry over the faucet.
Moving with purpose back out into the bedroom where Connor had dimmed the lights and drawn the curtains before clearly settling into bed himself. His large frame, draped in the sheets fidgeting around trying to get comfortable amidst the heat.
Walking around to your side of the bed, picking a loose fitting sleep shirt off of the floor, that you are pretty sure belonged to Connor six months ago but was somehow commandeered during a visit to his apartment in Chicago and gently pulling it over your head. Opting for just the shirt instead of sleep shorts and a shirt.
Pulling the cotton covers back from the mattress and plunking down into the gap made, swinging your feet onto the bed and tucking them under the sheets, before dragging them up your body and shuffling into a laying position, in the same place you normally lay. Close to Connor so you can feel his body heat, and more often than not. End up cuddling.
Tonight though, you hesitated as Connor could potentially be personified as a windmill. Writhing in the sheets as though they were gripping him and trying to force him somewhere against his will. Rolling over away from his flailing limbs as he flug half the sheets to the foot of the bed, in what seemed like a mad ditch attempt at getting comfortable.
Finally after a few more seconds of tossing and turning, whatever vice that was supposedly gripping him and refusing the respite of sleep let go. Settling onto his side you saw this as your perfect opportunity to snuggle in, tucking yourself under his arm allowing the weight to lull you into a floating state.
That was until he snapped, an angry and guttural sound of irritation projected towards you, "It's like five-hundred degrees, we, are not cuddling."
This made you giggle slightly, even in his anger clouded state you knew he would never mean that. Like a defensive child he pushed you across the sheets, clothes gripping as he did so.
"But Con! You already threw off all the blankets?!" You whined back, thinking that once he'd done that would have been enough, but it was not, beginning to wriggle back towards him.
"I don't car-" he cut himself off, feeling your warm skin brush against him again. "STAY ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE!"
You erupted with giggles, rolling around on your side of the bed, finding his defensiveness hilarious, accepting the fact you weren't going to get cuddles tonight and hoping the heat would die off by tomorrow.
Later into the night, when the clouds rolled over and the droplets fell, chasing each other down windows and dispersing the heat from the air. In the slumber that was once restless but now no more, Connor dragged you into his arms where you laid, tangled till the morning sun rose.
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mialikeshockey · 2 months
Dancing in the rain - Nico Hischier
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“I don’t understand why we are doing this.” Nico states with his accent being very thick. “My mother always told me and my family, we would get sick from doing this.” He looks at me worried, knowing he doesn’t like being sick.
“You won’t understand, until you do it.” I grab his hand and run a bit faster out of the house. Nico and I have only been dating for about 2 years. He still hasn’t trusted me on this until seemingly now.
I walk out of the front door guiding Nico out the door. “Come on Neeks, the water isn’t gonna make you melt.” I laugh as he tries to stay inside. “You won’t, it’s okay.”
I stand next to him for a moment and get my phone out with my mini speaker and start playing Shake it off by Taylor Swift, knowing Nico likes dancing in the kitchen to this while we cook. As the song starts to play, he looks at me and smiles.
I grab Nico by the hand, and guide him into the rain. He looks nervous at first, taking seriousness to what his mother told him. “Come on, if we get sick at least we will be together and remember the fun.” He shakes his head and grabs my hand and starts dancing.
We both start laughing and he spins me around. Thunder in the background gets louder but me and Nico are too busy to pay attention. We continue to dance to the song until it finishes until one of the songs me and Nico both like starts playing.
Before Nico could say anything, lightning strikes. I giggle seeing Nico jump a bit. I lay down on our driveway, he lays next to me. “I kinda see what’s so special about the rain.”
“You don’t fully understand, my mom tells me differently than your mom did. She told me when it rains it’s the sky being sad, it’s like us. We shine one day and we rain the next, meaning we don’t always have to be happy. It’s okay to be sad also.” Nico sits there and smiles at me.
“I like that better.” He states getting up off the driveway. “Me too.” I follow him getting up also. “We are totally gonna be freezing tonight.” I giggle running in the house.
Nico runs to get us towels, I head to the kitchen and get some cookies we made from the night before and put them in the microwave for a minute to give us something warm. “Im gonna put some towels and blankets in the dryer to get them warm.” Nico says, taking the cookie I was about to put in my mouth out of my hand.
“Rude.” I flick his back and he turns around and gives me a kiss on my forehead. “Sorry angel.” He says smiling. “Yeah, sure.” I shake my head putting more cookies on the plate walking to our coffee table, sitting them down. I go change into one of Nicos hoodies and some pj pants and lay out another one of his hoodies and pants for him.
After we get settled, Nico cuddles up to me and eats his cookie while we watch The Flash. Weirdly, Nico loves the show. Not saying I don’t, I love the show. I never knew he would also, so it kinda became our show.
Nico starts drifting off about 30 minutes later and I rub his back and play with his hair until I also drift off.
I like the little moments in life when you can see the real world. I hope that me and Nico can now share that.
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luveline · 2 years
oh my, can we possibly have a james x shy!reader, where he gives her flowers but it's her first time receiving flowers? <3
OMG YES tysm for ur request ♡ fem!reader
There's a ferocious knocking coming from the front door. You look down at your naked thighs and decide not to answer. By the time you're dressed they would've already lost interest, a cold caller no doubt.
You sieze up and wait for them to leave. After a few minutes you relax and click play on your movie again.
"Shortcake, I know you're in there!" calls a familiar voice.
"James," you say, startled.
There's no way he would've heard you. His insistent knocking begins again. You practically fly off of your bed in your hurry to stand, searching your slightly messy room for something to wear. There's nothing, of course, because all of your trousers (pyjamas included) are currently on a high speed spin in the tumble dryer.
For lack of any better options, you pull on a hoodie that's always been too big for you and hold it against your thighs to avoid any potential flashing, and then you rush to the door.
"James," you say, opening the door just enough too see him.
Any plans of shooing him away go out the window when you see what he's holding, a bouquet three times the size of your head. It's literally bursting from its cellophane wrapping, a dazzling array of lavender, yellow, rose-red and greens. Fragrant enough to smell it clearly though he stands a good two feet away from you.
"Hey," James says, beaming at your startled expression. "I'm sorry to drop by unexpectedly."
"That's okay."
He graciously ignores your breathlessness and nods his head. "Could I come in?"
"James," you say again, sheepish. "I'm not," — heat like nothing you've ever felt washes over you, so embarrassed that you could just die on the spot — "wearing any trousers."
"Oh." He frowns at your embarrassment. "I'll wait here if you want to find something?"
He doesn't seem perturbed by the gentle rain outside. His sleeves have grown dark with wet, and raindrops play in his curls.
You shake your head and open the door. "You have to come in, it's raining."
"I won't look," he assures you.
You usher him very gratefully and wizz off to the tumble dryer. The jogging bottoms you pull out aren't really dry but you couldn't care less, more than aware that James has likely just seen a lot of skin that he's never seen before. Well, never seen before from you. He's likely seen a lot more than that of other girls.
You fluster yourself thinking about it. You're so distracted by the thought and trying to get rid of it that you'd totally forgotten about the flowers.
You're not sure what to say. Forbid you assume they're for you, you stop in front of James and his bouquet with a hesitant smile.
"They're for you," he says knowingly.
You smile and make a little gasp as you do, self-deprecating and overjoyed at once. "They're stunning. Really, really pretty. Thank you."
He hears the hint of confusion.
"Right," he says.
James runs a hand through his hair. "Would you want to go on a date with me? I know we've been for food after lecture and coffee and things, but I guess I'm trying to ask you out, uh, romantically?"
He offers the flowers.
You take them on instinct. James seems very encouraged by this, his smile near blinding. He presses his lips together and waits for you to speak. All your words have dried up like cotton in your mouth.
"I know you're-" He holds your gaze. He has a very gentle expression in place. "Well, I know you. You don't have to answer now. Or even say yes. But I think you're lovely, and I wanted to get you flowers even if you wanted to stay friends."
You're so happy you could cry.
"Nobody's ever got me flowers before," you say lightly.
"No? That's weird."
You cringe self-conciously. "You think so?"
"Absolutely I think so. Did you attend a school for the blind, before uni?" he asks seriously.
You sigh and raise the flowers up toward your face to hide your smile. His golden laugh rings out, and he closes the gap between you both to bend at the waist and peek at your face in the flowers.
"Yeah?" he asks through a laugh.
You nod, hoping he understands your enthusiasm even if you can't quite show it.
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coffeeghoulie · 9 months
wrote most of this at the laundromat waiting for my clothes, enjoy some incredibly domestic swissalps
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There's a clang, and bright laughter behind him, and Mountain doesn't quite mind that he hit his antlers on the bottom washer knowing that it made Swiss laugh.
He groans, straightening and rubbing his temple, turning to glare at the multighoul, cheeks flushed. There's no heat in it, not when he's not really hurt, just his pride. Swiss's laughter is contagious, fangs flashing in the dingy fluorescents of the Abbey laundry room. It's in the basement, the opposite side of the building than the ghoul den, and the ghouls draw straws as to who makes the trek with everyone's dirty laundry once a week. This week, it's him and Swiss hauling clothes and detergent and dryer sheets.
"Stop laughing," Mountain cackles, shutting the washer door and hitting the start button. Cirrus's clothes start spinning, the barrel filling with water and soap.
"But it's funny," Swiss says, hipchecking Mountain affectionately as he pours detergent into a load of Aeon's laundry. A lot of stolen hoodies, a lot of mismatched socks. "You're alright, though, maple?"
"Yeah, I'm good," Mountain confirms, reaching up to the washer above the one he hit his head on, that chimes as it finishes a cycle, Rain's clothes ready to be sorted onto the drying rack or thrown into the dryer.
There's music playing, a radio station that neither of them really listen to, but some of the Siblings like. Other than that, they fall into a meditative silence, moving between the washers and dryers lining each wall, working on getting ten ghouls' worth of laundry done.
"You ever try not to get dirt on your overalls, big boy?" Swiss teases, holding up said overalls. They're grass-stained at the knees, and the rest of them are more brown than blue denim.
Mountain snorts, shakes his head. "You try working in the greenhouse with ten other ghouls to grow enough to feed the Abbey. You're a little Earth, why don't you come down and join us? Eventually you'll stop caring so much about a little dirt."
Swiss rolls his eyes, tossing the overalls into a washer. "You know I'm more fire than anything, edelweiss," he says, finishing unloading Mountain's laundry into the barrel, pouring detergent into the little tray on top. "It's why I'm so hot," he waggles his eyebrows, play-seductive.
Mountain throws his head back, brushing the auburn waves that escaped from his bun out of his face. "If I had a nickel for every time you've used that specific pick up line since I've met you, I'd have enough money to buy the Abbey."
Swiss snorts, starting the washer. "It worked the first time, didn't it?"
"More like the fifth," Mountain says, tail flicking against the concrete floor as Swiss wraps his arms around his waist, standing up on the pads of his feet to hook his chin over Mountain's shoulder. Mountain leans back, careful not to hit Swiss with his antlers or cut himself on Swiss's horns, and rubs his cheek against his braids.
"Still worked though," Swiss purrs into Mountain's ear. It flicks, bapping Swiss on the nose, and both of them laugh.
Eventually, everyone's laundry is in a wash cycle or drying, the delicates sorted and hung up. Mountain sits down in one of the chairs tucked in the corner, setting a timer on his phone and tucking it back into his pocket. Swiss leans up against the wall of dryers, hands in his pockets. "Do you think we have enough time to go back to the den, or is it not worth it?"
Mountain hums, thinking. "By the time we make it back, we'd probably only have five minutes before we had to come back. Don't want anybody stealing our laundry."
"Or having the good intention of switching it over but not knowing which of Dew's shirts are air dry only and we'd have to face the spitfire's wrath," Swiss jokes, and Mountain snorts under his breath.
"So, we have forty minutes to kill," Mountain breathes, leaning back against the chair, his knees drawn up, the chair too low to the ground for a ghoul with legs as long as his. "What do you wanna do?"
The song playing on the radio ends, and a ballad starts, something low and slow and steady, and Swiss pushes himself from the dryers, taking two long steps to stand in front of Mountain. His hands are outstretched, gently taking Mountain's, running his thumbs over the callouses on his palms, drumstick and garden tool alike.
"Dance with me, maple?" Swiss asks, gently tugging, and Mountain goes, letting Swiss haul him to his feet, a warm smile on his face.
Mountain grins, leaning down to rub his cheek against Swiss's stubble. He rests his arms on Swiss's shoulders as the multighoul wraps his around Mountain's waist, playing with one of his belt loops as they begin to sway to the music. Neither of them know the words, but they sway there, waiting for the laundry.
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aidaronan · 1 year
Every Single Time
Eddie arrives at the empty field with a shoe box and a Zippo in his pocket, acoustic guitar slung over his back.
“Is that all?” Steve asks, nodding at the battered cardboard in his hands. He’s got on a pale blue polo, and his hair has about 10% less volume at this hour than usual.
“Yep. A few flash cards from Mrs. O’s class and some Hemingway.” Eddie had chosen simple too, a white tee and a flannel tied around his waist in case it cools off.
“Isn’t burning books, like, against the nerd code?”
“Usually, but consider this: I really, really hate Hemingway. Loathe. Abhor. Uh…”
“Um. Detest?”
“Detest!” Eddie drops the shoe box, giving it a swift kick midair. The lid is wonky enough that it stays on, the whole box and its contents spinning before hitting the ground and rolling a few times, thumping like tennis shoes in a dryer.
“I dragged a few sticks over already.” Steve glances at a pretty substantial pile of wood. It’s starting to take shape in the dark as Eddie’s eyes adjust, and it’s several feet high already, stuffed with leaves and twigs for kindling. Eddie starts to comment on Steve’s fire-building skills when it occurs to him that he’s probably done this before.
Officially unofficially, it’s Senior Bonfire Night in Hawkins. Every year, the elite upperclassmen get together the week after graduation to burn whatever they want to leave behind. Good riddance to algebra and the scientific method and letters from old flames.
Eddie wasn’t invited to the official-unofficial bonfire. Not his first time around, not his second. Especially not his third. Steve would’ve probably been invited even before he was a senior. He probably would’ve gone to other bonfires too, draping his arm around some pretty girl down by the quarry or out in someone’s pasture.
“You’re… I don’t know. You looked sad.”
“Just thinking, Steve.”
“How the hell we ever got here. You and me. Hanging out.”
Read the rest on AO3
So @sparkle-fiend and I went for the same prompt (bonfire) and I reached out about collaborating. Here's a link to SF's art on tumblr. For @thefreakandthehair's spring challenge.
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Kirishima and the Washing Machines
You lived in a pretty large apartment complex about 150 residents in all. And yet, somehow, you always found yourself using the washer and dryer after this one individual. Every. Time. 
And you now what, they never remember to clean out the lint tray after they’re done.  
You sigh through your nose, inching out the door of the lint tray and seeing a very full cage. Reaching in and deftly scooping it all up in one hand and dropping it into the trash can without second thought. 
Whoever this person was they had the most ridiculously long and lacking hair care routine ever. Seriously, 5-6 inch long firetruck red hairs that were coarse and fried to hell littered your clothes now. Probably because said person never emptied the lint tray after their laundry so now their hair littered your own wardrobe. And this would naturally urge anyone to choose a different washer and dryer out of the apartment laundromat. And it wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, it just seemed that whoever this person was seemed to read you mind — move laundry machines with you, so you’d given up.  
Subjected to a life of dyed red hair in all your clothing. A lifetime supply of lint rollers in hand at all times.  
And in Kirishima’s defense he was a busy prohero — but you’d never seen him in the apartment complex, much less seen him patrolling the neighborhood in order to make the connection.  
Although he’d seen you — only a handful of times though — over the past few months of living here. He thought you were pretty — the kind where you have to mentally acknowledge a strangers beauty just because they are so attractive.
Except for today. 
And You were having a good day.  
You’d hit massive stroke of luck to this week to find that this red-haired person and your secret domestic enemy hadn’t been to the laundromat before you. You couldn’t be more pleased as you sat down on one of the lobbies padded chairs. Content with sitting and reading your book as you waited for the little chiming song of the washer and dryer to alert you that this batch of clothes was free of a strangers weird hairstyle. 
And you were ready, sliding back in the chair, tittering your hips, slipping your finger between the fresh crisp pages and into the sweet spot where your little impromptu receipt bookmark lay nestled next to the spine — a perfect morning.  
you’d gotten through that euphoric breath part of the process before the awkward spinning doors to the complex blew open and you’d dropped the book into your lap — staggering in was a beefcake of a man.  
It was the first thing you noticed, and how could you not? The stranger was shirtless and only clad in a pair of worn joggers that bear the emblem of the most famous hero producing highschool — hung snuggly around his hips, but just low enough that you could see the elastic of his boxers peaking out. And up from there was the defined muscles of his abdomen, not full on bread rolls, but a smoother definition and one that fit him nicely. The slight healthy layer of fat smoothing over the man’s defined and sturdy trunk — which lead to a completely hairless chest — a conscious decision. And then his arms were huge like the rest of him, but had a very strange reverse farmers tan to them. Another conscious decision?  
You didn’t even make it to his face before he was already in the room — and he took up space.   
somehow you found the conscious effort to close your mouth when he turned in your direction flaming locks of hair reaching his broad shoulders. 
Beefcake had noticed you as soon as he had walked in. The gorgeous h/c woman. And he could see the whites of your eyes and the pink of your tongue from the door. 
He flashed you an award winning smile full of sharp canines before awkwardly tugging on a few small strands near his face. The book in your lap now open to a random page, a receipt lay fluttered close to your feet.  
Kirishima chuckled, deep and low, bending down on one knee to hand you the receipt that’d been flung out on the ground from your shocked stare — yeah, that was a perfectly normal reaction he got often as a pro.
 “Sorry to startle you, beautiful. Here’s your bookmark,” he said, holding it out to you. You blinked back surprised before taking it back from his outstretched hand rather stiffly. He could see a crinkle between your brows as you seemingly took in every single detail about his face — tongue prodding the corners of your mouth as you did so.  
You were not, in fact, openly checking him out as much as Kirishima was secretly kind of hoping — a reaction he would naturally have gotten fairly often since you presumed he was a hero of sorts with his build and those flashy alum joggers.  
No — you were busy studying his hair: eyebrows, eyelashes, stubble, the whole lot. All of it thick and black — unlike the hair on top of his head, but similarly matching with the sometimes atrocious roots on those long hairs from the laundry machine.  
“Aha—“ you thrust out the hand with the reciept and waved it in front of Kirishimas face. “It’s you! My laundromat enemy — you’re the guy that always forgets to empty the lint drawer!”
Kirishima blinked back at you crossed eyed. A vague recognition of what you were taking about slipping past his eyes like a montage. He couldn’t remember a single time where he emptied that lint drawer, now that you mentioned it. He swallowed thickly
“I — I, how? How do you know it’s me?” He garbled. 
You shoot him a pointed look that reminded him of his best friend, “You really think there’s that many other people around here with hair like yours?” You hummed, gesturing to his still damp locks. You answered for him, “yeah, me neither.”   
Kirishima was shocked at your certainty, but he was also pretty certain that you were absolutely right. He gulped nervously, adams apple bobbing in that thick neck of his. 
of course he had luck like this, upsetting the beautiful woman in the apartment complex before he’d even meet her. You called him an enemy. A domestic enemy — he was supposed to be a hero! 
He started, “Look . . .”
“Y/N” you supplied. 
“Look Y/N,” he said, noticing the way you perked up more at his use of your name. “I’m really sorry to have bothered you by forgetting to clean out the lint in the dryer. There’s no excuse for me forgetting, or actively ignoring, that in a communal space. That’s really un-neighborly of me and I promise to actually take the time to do it from now on.”  He finished, hand strapped across his heart like a knight of old making a pledge to you.  
he watched as you slowly uncrossed your arms and tapped at the cover of your book. Your eyes of some beautiful color — that he would commit to memory if you looked up at him, stared down in your lap.  
He put placed his hands on the side of the armrests, pleading with the best puppy dog eyes he could give, “anything I can do to make it up to you?” Practically begging. 
you looked up, ahh so they were e/c then.  
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, nose wrinkling. 
He seemed genuine, and charming and polite, but he was large and intimidating — and in your personal space, “you do owe me quite a handful of change in lint roller money.”  
Kirishima grinned, that he could do. 
“How about I take you out — this time, next week. There’s a really cool bookshop cafe on my patrol route. I’ll come by and pick you up.” He noticed your hesitation, a worrying shimmy closer to the back of the seat and away from him. He removed his hands from the armrests and reached for the wallet in his pocket, “— we could just walk then, if that’s not comfortable for you. Or you could meet me there. Here see, Kirishima Eijirou prohero alias Red Riot.”  
That caused you to relax and lean forward, as you examined his hero license.  
He really was a hero. You were already pretty sure with those UA joggers, but it felt good to know you were right. One that wore an oddly terrifying dog-muzzle? You glanced back up at his strong jaw littered with a stiff 5 o’clock shadow. And surely enough there were faint lines of pale skin surrounding his mouth and just under his eyes that confirmed the weird existence of this accessory. Again, what is with the fashion choices here??
You raised a brow, “Ever think this is a little unusual for a hero?” You asked pointing at his ID.  
Red Riot glowed like his namesake. “I thought it was cool back in highschool — now it’s part of my image.” He chuckled, a hand touching at the place where it would be.  
you wondered what that would feel like having that cage against your skin all the time — surely uncomfortable.
Kirishima wondered if you’d consider yanking him by those bars to bring him into a kiss. Metal clanking on metal as the pretty ring on your finger gripped around the edges of its frame. If you’d be a woman he could come home to after a long mission and be fall into lovingly seering embrace like some of his pals. . . 
Clearly two very different trains of thought going on here, but Eijirou was always a hopeless romantic at heart and nothing but a gentlemen. 
He heart leapt into his throat when you placed a cool hand against his forearm with a little conformational pat, “I’ve got work next week, but I’ll go ahead and meet you there.”  
He grinned standing up to his full height and pocketing his wallet, face morphing as a realization dawned on him. He quickly scrambled for his phone, “I — wait you don’t have my number and I haven’t even told you where it is. And it’s pretty far, so I don’t think you’d know it — because it’s all the way in Fatgums district and —“  
and now you were laughing at him. Kirishima tucked a thick strand of hair behind his ear as he looked down at you — washing machine songs lighting up the atmosphere.  
“Actually I do have your number. We — apparently — live on the same floor, Kirishima.” You snorted holding out your phone with the familiar floor group text that he was apart of. A ridiculous dorky contact photo of himself as Crimson Riot as the contact photo he send in the chat.  
Plus Ultra! Forget red, crimson — he was scarlet right about now.  
“Ah right . . .”  
“Don’t be embarrassed,” you waved, “you’re much cuter in person. Ya know, for a laundromat menace.”  
Kirishima scratched awkwardly at his chest which was hardening there randomly — oh wait nope, it’s because he heart was thumping a mile a minute and he was on a mad adrenaline rush right now in the middle of the apartment complex lobby bc was talking to the beautiful stranger of his complex. 
You rose from your chair and stood in front of him, book clutched to your chest. 
the only thought running through his head was don’t move. And you watched as this handsome young pro hero stood stock still — every muscular plain of his body becoming rock hard and just towering over you.  
the chimes started up again. 
“Uh excuse me, you’re kinda blocking the entire door?” You giggled. 
In a flash this Kirishima was hardening even more and now you could clearly see a set of abs in the early morning dim lobby light as he stepped further into the elevator so he wouldn’t be crushed — although with that quirk you think the elevator might take most of the damage. 
Now he was too cute.  
And as he backpedaled into the elevator you could hear him audibly sigh with relief as the sound of your book pages started flicking. 
he looked down, the apples of your cheeks light and bouncy — such a pretty little smile on your face, “you should really invest in some conditioner.”  
And the last you saw was a sliver of a grin and framing tan lines from that muzzle/cage looking mask of his. He beamed staring at the space you were in before the doors closed, a blissful whisper as he realized he was replying to an empty elevator, “yeah I do.”  
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leiawritesstories · 7 months
for @throneofglassmicrofics prompt: "sweater," Elide x Lorcan
word count: 623
warnings: minor swearing
oopsies, it definitely isn't March yet, but this basically wrote itself while i was TRYING to read stuff for my capstone. so...enjoy!!
"Li, where's my socks?" Lorcan's yell echoed down the hallway.
Elide rolled her eyes as she pulled on her short boots. "In the dryer where your laundry still is, babe!"
"Dammit!" With a bout of muffled cursing and a series of thumps and grunts--her boyfriend was many things, but graceful was not one of them--Lorcan jogged down the hall and through the living room, stopping to openly admire his girlfriend's outfit before he ducked into the laundry room.
"You look amazing, shortcake."
"Don't call me that, you giraffe," she laughed, but the complaint was teasing. "Hurry up and get a shirt on, and we can go."
He nodded and went into the laundry room. The dryer door clanged open, he ruffled around for a moment, and there was a moment of quiet before he cracked open the door, scowling.
"Babe?" Elide went over to the laundry room. "Everything okay?"
"Fuck no," Lorcan grumbled.
She raised a brow. "You gonna tell me what's wrong, or are you gonna keep sulking like a kid?"
Slowly--very slowly--he pushed open the door. The scowl etched into his face would have made anyone else pee themself, but Elide knew her grumpy boyfriend too well to be dissuaded. She glanced over at him.
Then she looked for a good long minute, using all of her self-control not to burst out cackling.
"That's 100% wool, isn't it?" she managed to ask.
"Yeah." Lorcan's dark-gray sweater, which Elide loved to steal, clung to his wide shoulders and muscled arms, the fabric stretched nearly to its limit, and stopped just barely past his ribs, exposing the tattoos inked onto his side. "It is."
"Babe...you know you can ask me if you're not sure what to do with your clothes..."
"I didn't want to sound like an idiot," he admitted, his words muffled from him hiding his face in his hands. "And you can laugh, Li. I know you want to."
Elide wrapped her arms around Lorcan's firm, bare stomach and dissolved into laughter, her petite frame shaking against his much larger one. "I was trying not to, but oh my god."
He let loose a dry chuckle. "I know."
"If I had my phone on me, you'd never hear the end of this." She flashed him a wicked little smirk.
"God, no," he groaned. "Aelin is not fuckin' allowed to know about this."
"Don't worry, babe." Elide ran her fingers up her boyfriend's chest. "She won't." She grabbed the hem of Lorcan's horribly shrunken sweater. "C'mon, you still have to change."
Lorcan pulled off the sweater, tossing it to the floor, and pulled a thankfully still normal-sized shirt over his head. "You might as well take it," he said, "it's your size now, shortcake."
"Don't call me that," Elide retorted, her nose crinkling.
"Why not? You're tiny and cute, like a shortcake."
"And you're a big old softie." She winked at him as she reached down, picked up his sweater, and changed into it right in front of him. "It fits perfectly!" she exclaimed, doing a little spin.
"On second thought..." Lorcan's appreciative gaze lingered on the sight of Elide in his clothes.
"Oh no." She shook her finger in his face, trying to be as menacing as possible while pushing aside the way she wanted to climb into that look in his eyes. "We are not putting off this lunch; we haven't seen our whole friend group in months."
"Fine," he grumbled. "Just don't say anything about my sweater, Li."
"I would never," she promised, rising onto her tiptoes and tugging his head down to steal a kiss. "Love you, grouchy."
"Love you too, shortcake." He linked his fingers through hers as they walked out the door. "Especially in my clothes."
~~~ TAGS: please lmk if you want to be added or removed!
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sentientgolfball · 8 months
Ghoulette Appreciation: Week 2
For this week I went with stealing clothes!
Read here or on Ao3
Word Count: 893
Pairing: Mistshine
Summary: Mist reflects on the things she felt during the last Ghoulette Night
What changed? What made me see her like this? 
Mist narrowed their eyes, lost deep in thought. 
Surely it was the wine or Mountain’s herbs. 
Images of Sunshine’s smile flashed in her mind. Echoes of her laugh and snorts followed. Mist’s stomach churned. 
Definitely not. 
Curious. Perhaps it’s just a desire to be closer. 
The loud buzzer broke them from their contemplation. They grab their basket from the small table and lay it on the floor in front of the dryer and begin to put their clothes away. This was one of her personal little rituals. After every Ghoulette Night Mist would wake and immediately scamper to the laundry room, needing to wash everything that was in that room. The scent of weed always irritated her sensitive water ghoul nose. She hated the way it clung to her clothes. 
They always stayed there, watching their clothes spin in the washer and dryer. It was like a little meditation to help them come back into themselves, that and it gave her something else to think about besides the hangover. 
Though this morning's quiet didn’t exist. Didn’t come to her. All she could think about is these sudden feelings for Sunshine that decided to make themselves known last night. She knew she was feeling something, but what exactly that something was was eluding her. Was it friendship? A desire for a companion? A mate? Love? Mist couldn’t place it. 
It frustrated them. It frustrated them like nothing else to not have a grasp on what they were feeling. They were smart. They were rational and realistic. They didn’t get hung up on emotions. Mist was going to figure this out as soon as possible so she can stop feeling like this. She doesn’t like the churning in her stomach or prickle in her head when she thinks of Sunny. She doesn’t understand it and she doesn’t like it. 
It was simple really. Just figure out exactly what she was feeling and then act accordingly. If Mist wanted a companion then she would just make it a point to incorporate a Sunshine visit into her day. If it was the desire for a mate then Mist would tell her so they can be rejected and move on with their life. 
It was simple. 
So why didn’t it feel simple? 
The more Mist thought about it, the stranger she felt. 
Perhaps a visit to Ifrit is in order. It has been very long since it was just him and I alone. He may have insight. 
Mist may not be able to gather the answers to the riddle her heart is whispering, but Ifrit will. Ifrit always did. His very nature confused and intrigued her all the same. Mist loved him. He was the first ghoul they ever said those words to. He was the ghoul that made them finally feel like they belonged in a pack. He gave Mist light when all she had known was darkness. 
If Ifrit couldn’t help her then she was doomed. She briefly considered speaking about it with Omega, but quickly decided that was a bad idea on account of how he skirted around his feelings for Terzo. She may not know what these feelings are but she does know trying to ignore them won’t help a damn thing. 
She sighs, shakes her head, and lifts her basket, closing the dryer with a swipe of her tail. She starts to leave with a plan brewing in her mind, a way to approach Ifrit with these things without him getting so excited he burns a hole in the rug. As she goes another buzzer sounds. The other dryer. It had already been going when they arrived in the laundry room, so they had no idea who it belonged to but they got an itch in their fins when the door didn’t immediately open revealing the ghoul. She set her stuff and walked over to the machine. It was still early in the morning, but she knew how annoying it was to come to do laundry and not have an available space. 
They open the dryer and pull the clothes out. She begins to carefully fold and sort them for the ghoul when that damned water ghoul nose picks up on a scent. She stops in her tracks, staring down at the shirt in her hands. Their ears twitch for a moment, listening. After a beat of silence they bring the shirt up to their face and inhale deeply. Even though the detergent and fabric soften, Mist can smell Sunshine. It’s faint but that orange and vanilla is there. Unmistakable. 
Her stomach swoops and she can feel a blush pricking her cheeks. She quickly folds the rest of the clothing. She had to leave before Sunny showed up to collect her things. They didn’t want to see her until they had a chance to speak with Ifrit. 
She picks up her basket and moves for the door, scrunching her nose to get the scent of Sunshine out. Though, when their hand touches the handle they hesitate. 
This is ludicrous. Are you a teenage kit? 
They squeeze the handle so hard their knuckles turn white. With a huff, she turns back around and grabs the shirt from Sunshine’s pile, stuffing it into her basket. Surely she won’t notice just one missing shirt.
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superblysubpar · 9 months
Ooh I have to ask about Wave!
Love you, have the best day! 💕
Ask Me About My WIPs
Have the best day too, my love!
Hmm, "Wave" she's had quite a few different names. This is a one shot I started back in April, and I just haven't quite ever finished it or gotten the exact vibe I want down? It's a 90's -ish kind of AU? One where Steve is cut-off from his parents finally. So here's a bunch of info on it, cause I have no set date, and inspiration is far and fleeting lately 💛
summary: He's just a sad, rich boy, who doesn't know how to do his laundry - but he certainly knows what he's doing with his tongue.
the tune: Waves by Miguel, feat. Kacey Musgraves
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and here, what the heck, have the beginning of the fic haha:
The familiar clink and ting of zippers and buttons against the metal spinning drum harmonize with the rush of water as machines start their rinse cycles. The buzz of the flickering, overhead fluorescents on their last legs strain to be a part of the melody too. Shouts of joy, flashing lights accompanied by obnoxious buzzers and the clicking wheel of The Price Is Right drift out of the TV in the corner. All of it almost in tune with the rhythmic blink of the red neon sign announcing the hours of Surfin' Suds.
The noises of your every day routine fade in and out, and if someone gets close enough they'll hear soft lyrics spilling from your cheap headphones. Britney sings of being afraid of love as you fold your laundry, your brain a happy blank canvas as your hands move through the motions without thought.
Despite the stinging of your nose from the owner's new 'not-quite-lemon' lemon floor cleaner, Saturday night shifts are your favorite. Usually, you get the entire place to yourself, allowing you to catch up on your own laundry needs. Everyone else is always too busy having a life on a weekend evening.
That is, everyone except for Mr. Clueless it seems.
This is the third Saturday in a row he's ventured to your little oasis. The neon reds and blues on the glass windows highlight the lines of his jaw and sharp nose. They add a warmth to his caramel hair that has to be as soft as it looks - though it seems to get more disheveled each time he comes in.
The first time Mr. Clueless arrived, he was empty handed and looked very lost and confused. When you glanced up from your magazine, and asked if he needed help, he gave a quiet and curt, "Nope, thanks," turned on his heel and left.
The second, you weren't quite sure if it even counted, because he never actually made it inside. He had a bag this time, and as you watched through the glass windows, he walked up to the door and turned around three times, before he got in his car and left.
Today, the annoying chime of the door rattles, and you look up to find him dragging a bulging, black garbage bag and a bottle of what appeared to be fabric softener. He has a plain white shirt on that reflects the neon softly, rumpled, though still nice light blue Levi's that you glance away from as he bends at the waist.
His Nike blazers that have seen far better days squeak against the linoleum floor, coming to an abrupt stop in front of the dryers. The heat on your cheeks receding as you bite your cheek, holding back a smile. When you glance up, he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up further, before he meets your eye. His head dips in a small nod, hand raising in a short wave, before he places both on his hips. He stares at the dryer in front of him like it was the hardest puzzle he's ever encountered.
His mouth moves and you slip a head phone off in curiosity, catching the end of his annoyed and frustrated, "...what the fuck is permanent press?"
Your mouth opens, ready to explain that, number one, that's a dryer and he should probably start with a washing machine, and number two permanent press is-
"Oh, jesus, Harrington. Wash your clothes first before drying them." He spins, dragging his bag across to the washers.
Mr. Clueless taps the top of the machine with two fingers, eyes narrowing as he takes in the dials and buttons. His face starts to twist, hand reaching up and rubbing at the back of his neck, fingers catching a silver chain and hair that's just a tad too long.
"Quarters? Fuck."
Your snort has his head whipping up to face you. His eyes narrow but his cheeks turn pink and you slide your headphones down to your neck as you clear your throat.
"Sorry, I..." you wrack your brain for a polite way to tell him his cluelessness was actually more endearing rather than pathetic.
"I'm laughing with you, not at you?" Your shoulders raise in a wince, shaking your head, "I mean...I...first time?"
His shoulders fall, but he laughs, dragging his hands down his face as he mumbles behind them, "That obvious?"
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fuwaprince · 1 year
At least there's tomorrow. And the rest of today... Last night was fine but not really.... I'm upset. I'm grateful to have ANYBODY in my corner including online amazing friends who truly are my biggest hope/support. I should have higher standards for who I let in irl... but have you ever been so sad and needed more than a call? Something not even a hotline could be equipped to handle? I didn't want a stranger to talk to. I needed to know the person talking to me loved me and cared. I needed someone who could help me feel seen by physically looking back at me. I've been very unwell and stuck with limited support irl. I'm going to talk about how I go about surviving it under here. Read with caution idk some sensitive topics are mentioned
Last night he couldn't grab my stun gun to take it away. Kept telling me to give it to him so that i don't use it (why would I need to use it? you're probably wondering). I had to remove it from my purse and onto my body to keep it (he still tries to grab it anyways, wtf). I made the totally genius suggestion that if he didn't want to be stunned then he could try keeping hands to himself. I flash it. He gets pouty.
Still, he continues to act in ways that make me feel unsafe, with little things like where he decides to park and how. Like taking up 5 spots sideways for no reason and when I ask why he turns and almost yells to say "because they're all MINE!". And like how he goes over the reflective pavement markers in the middle of the road and asks if he made me scared, then holds his hand out in front of me (you know the one that probably should be on the wheel) saying "here grab it and hold tight and never let go" "ask me to stay and I will".
He always does this thing where if I disagree to physicality then he wants to promote a sense of danger so that I cling to him anyways :) i tell him it makes me uncomfortable again.
I am so desperate for a late night distraction that I overlook this to try and be grateful for his company and time. It isn't as bad as being left alone admittedly. It sucks to say but it's real.
He says he wants to go for a walk by a lake in the middle of the night. I'm freezing as is but okay I guess. He puts it in his gps and starts driving.
Before heading out of the car he drinks my meal replacement then says he doesn't like it. This is after I say of course he can have the rest of it in spite of me not actually eating enough calories to sustain myself as is. I want to thank him and show him appreciation for his company somehow and my conversation isn't enough.
Out by the water I ask if he's cold in his shirt. I'm shivering in my blanket that i wear like armor. It makes me feel untouchable knowing he can't access my bare skin.
He says yes he is cold and then goes on about how his plan was for me to hug him to keep him warm. I said wtf no and had to keep MOVING otherwise he tries to get too close and handsy. I was inventing choreography. Practicing my footwork. Spinning and dancing and frolicking away. He says in an upset way that I'm letting him freeze to death. Asks me again, "so you're just going to let me FREEZE?". I tell him that's really guilt trippy. I ask if we can go back to the car and eventually we do.
He ends up touching my hair at some point while pointing out how sleepy I am. I was so relieved to be back in a warm car that i guess I dozed off. I think he literally removed my clip without my consent to let my hair down for no fucking reason. I tell him my ex took my hair dryer when he complains about my hair still being damp. We don't talk about how he touched me.
He drives to the market to pick one up while I wait in the car. I am in the car under the impression he's picking up a soda or something. I have no idea. When he comes back I'm insisting I shouldn't have this because I didn't earn it, because it's a kind thought but it shouldn't be done by him and mostly because I can't be bought and that's how it feels.
He seems excessively prideful and self satisfied in the fact that whenever he takes me back to my place, he sends me in with bags of stuff. I never ask for this stuff. If I decline it then it gets dropped off anyways, you know? He asks if anybody I live with asks who's the guy who gets me "all this expensive stuff".
He goes on about how it'll be a good idea to meet my housemates so that he can come over, which I'm not even comfortable with. They aren't the reason he isn't coming over and he knows this but I guess denied it.
I make it clear I'm not open to that. I couldn't even let my housemates into my room. My room is sacred.
I know, just go to other people. I have so many online friends who reach out telling me i can talk with them. I just feel like an overwhelming sad cloud coming around my friends who might not even be emotionally available. I feel like a lot of people say it to be polite then show resentment so I'm scared of accepting the hands that reach out. I just run to what's familiar and has no problem driving up to my house in the middle of the night. Who will wait hours for me to stop crying just to take me away. It gives my heart a break in some ways but there's a give and take... Sorry guys. I'm sad. Don't know how to feel. Need support for this pressure. Thank you for the relief so far. I need to do better. I hope I'm cool and normal enough to make friends irl soon. That sounds pathetic but I do mean it. I've isolated for so long and mostly everyone has moved on. I try to reach out more now but it isn't enough to sustain a close friendship for most people. My energy is so low and here I'm trying to lift so much. I need a real friend I don't know how else to say it. A harmless hand to hold. Gentle nudge and a look into my eyes like hey it's going to be okay I see your pain but you're still here and I am here with you. Loneliness is so painful
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Spin cycle
by Ava1on
There were Jeopardy reruns on the grainy television, subtitles flashing along the bottom of the screen as the sound would have had little chance of being heard over the churn of the lines of washing machines and dryers.
Stede wasn't watching the television. He was watching the stunning man who was guessing every single answer before the contestants could.
Words: 2085, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Laundromat au
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Roleplay, Public Sex, Blow Jobs, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Bathroom Sex, no beta we die like my sanity
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46110139
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drytechengi · 11 hours
Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer in Libya
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Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer in Libya. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering Systems is a Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Spray Dryers, Flash Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, and Multi Effect Evaporators. Spin Flash Dryer is a specialized industrial drying equipment used to efficiently dry fine powders, granules, or slurries. It operates by utilizing a combination of mechanical agitation, high-speed rotation, and hot air to remove moisture from the material. The design promotes a continuous flow of materials, making it suitable for bulk processing in various industries. Features: High Efficiency: The dryer maximizes heat transfer and moisture removal, significantly reducing drying time compared to conventional methods. Compact Design: Its space-saving design allows for easy integration into existing production lines without requiring extensive modifications. Uniform Drying: The combination of spinning and airflow ensures even drying across all particles, preventing clumping and ensuring consistent product quality. Adjustable Parameters: Users can modify drying temperatures, air velocity, and residence time to optimize the process for specific materials. Continuous Operation: Designed for continuous feed, it allows for uninterrupted production, enhancing overall operational efficiency. Energy Savings: The efficient drying process minimizes energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly option. Applications: Food Industry Chemical Industry Pharmaceuticals Minerals and Metals Biotechnology Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spin Flash Dryer in Libya including locations Tripoli, Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Misrata, Al Bayda, Al Khums, Az Zawiya, Gharyan, Al Marj, Tobruk, Sabratha, Al Jumail, Derna, Janzur, Zuwara, Masallata, Sirte, Yafran, Nalut, Bani Walid, Tajura, Birak, Shaahat, Murzuq, Awbari, Qasr al Qarabulli, Waddan, Al Qubbah, Al Aziziyah, Mizdah, Toukra, Ghat, Az Zuwaitina, Hun, Qaryat al Qiyan, Al Jawf, Zaltan, Az Zintan, Qaryat Suluq, Tarhuna, Umm ar Rizam, Qaminis, Kiklah, Ghadamis, Sukhna, As Sidrah, Al Bardiyah, Al Abraq, Bin Jawwad, Sousa, Martubah, Al Qayqab, Musaid, Taknis, Al Burayqah, Awjilah, Farzughah, Bir al Ashhab, Qaryat al Faidiya, Jardas al Abid, Qandulah, Kambut, Daryanah, Marawah, Jikharrah, Zawilah, Wazin, Qirnadah, Bir al Ghanam, Ar Rajmah, Al Jaghbub, Sabha. Contact Us For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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nel-world · 2 months
hi- set
It's been three days since I lost the pool key, and now my mom is mad at me. It feels like she has a superpower that keeps her angry without a break whenever I mess up, which is why I try my best to never do anything wrong.
It's like there's a flashing neon sign on my forehead: "HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING KID WHO LOST THE POOL KEY. $50 DOWN THE DRAIN!"
I try to explain to her that Cindy and I put up twenty flyers all over, and I understand that fifty dollars is equivalent to three hundred and fifty tomans in Iran, which is a lot of money to flush down the toilet. That's what it'll feel like if we have to pay the landlady.
"Why don't you check the clothes dryer and all your pockets?" my dad suggests, im filled with hope. I search through all my clothes, inspecting the washer and dryer, even go through the vacuum cleaner bag. I c heck between the sofa cushions and manage to find twelve cents.
But still, no pool key. The following day, my dad suggests praying to Saint Anthony, claiming it always works. "Saint Anthony, you mean?" I ask.
My mom , suggests we ask Saint Anthony to come over and look for the key instead. "He's a saint, so he's been dead for a long time," I tell her. "If you think a dead man is going to help you find the key, good luck," she retorts.
but I decide to pray, and, my prayers are answered when a neighbor finds the key gives it to the apartment office.
When I was a kid, I had this bright yellow Yamaha YZ80 dirt bike. It was super fast, and I loved riding it around. But my mom hated it.
"Josep, you ride that thing, and I swear to God you’re going to die!" she'd yell at me. And I'd be like, "Mom, it's fine. I'm totally safe." But she wasn't having it.
"What, do you want to die? Is that it? Ha?" she'd say. And I'd respond, "No, Mom, I don't want to die." But then she'd hit me with, "Or maybe you want to kill me from worrying. Yes, that’s it—you want to kill me." And I'd just stand there like, "No, Mom, I don’t want to kill you."
But she wasn't done. "No, no, maybe it’s better if I die anyway. I go to heaven, at least I don’t have to worry anymore. Go ahead, keep riding the motorcycle." And I'd be like, "Fine. Fine! I won’t ride the motorcycle anymore!" But let's be real, I kept riding that motorcycle.
One time, a cop caught me riding the bike without headlights. He was really mad and told me to leave the bike and get in his car. I thought I was in big trouble, preparing myself for the worst—prison, electric chair, death by firing squad—whatever it was. I'm practically begging to go to jail at this point, but no dice.he took me home.
take me to jail.. dont take me to my mom .. 
When we got to my house, my mom was freaking out because she thought I was missing. She was yelling at my sisters, too. The cop could hear everything, but he didn't seem to care. He walked me up to the door, and my mom answered, acting all polite.
But as soon as she saw me, she flipped out. She dragged me inside and slammed the door in the cop's face. That was the only time my mom ever hit me, but it wasn't physical. It was all the yelling and arguing that really hurt.
My mom supported me when I was in Starmites, she cheered me when I lost my voice and got it back again, and she never, ever suggested I stop messing around with theater and focus on something more practical. There were a few times she didn’t back my dreams, though. Back in freshman year of high school I’d asked her if I could be in the color guard, spinning flags and doing dance routines out on the field. I figured it would be fun. I figured she’d support me. “Mommy, I want to do color guard.” “The what? No.” “Why not?” “You’re an actor, you don’t have time to be twirling flags.”
I was supposed to spend my gas money driving you around so you could twirl a flag? There’s no future in that! You can’t get a job twirling a flag!” “What?” “What kind of job were you gonna get from twirling a damn flag? Huh? Were you gonna go from office building to office building raising their flag every morning? That’s not a salary position.”
Yellow highlight | Location: 595
She went on a fifteen-minute rant about the color guard, I swear to God. It may have even been twenty minutes. She was still livid. “What I look like wasting my gas for you to twirl a damn flag?” She did hate wasting gas. Color guard wasn’t my life dream, and I wasn’t devastated that she wouldn’t let me do it, but still. Some parents might say the same things about acting: there’s no future in it and it’s a waste of gas money. Not my mom. She saw a future in acting for me! Or I thought so. A few years after college, when I was working odd jobs and doing some local theater, my mom decided to lay this one on me, out of nowhere: “Dulcé, maybe you should have double-majored in business….”
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addworldindia · 2 years
What are the types of Industrial dryers?
Mathesis is the leading Industrial dryers manufacturer. Know about rotary drum dryer equipment, vacuum tray dryer, industrial tumble dryers, drum drying process and uses. 
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