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rosie-posie1313 · 7 months ago
Bruce Wayne Fic Recs I 🦇
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Link to Part 2
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Police Station  By @chloe-skywalker
Bruce Wayne when his Future child comes to the Present By @cipheress-to-k-pop
On Camera By @bluebellhairpin
Secrets Are To Be Revealed By @funnyexel
Batty’s Masterlist By @battymommastuff
“You call this training?” By @weevil-wallflower
Being an ex-villain and becoming Batmom  By @electronictimetravelmoose
Hush Little Baby By @rynne311
Seized By @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Motherhood By @blackcupidangel
Sharp Dressed Man By @alienguts
First date By ^
Don’t wait up  By ^
Chance meeting  By ^
Cinderella By ^
Sick as a Dog By ^
Chaperoning By @c-nstantine
Netflix and Chill By @bkwrm523
Bubble Bath By @iibonniee
Silent Auction By @alisonwritesimagines
Day In By @flowerpot101
Busy By @writing-essence
Wife By ^
Espresso By ^
Check-up By ^
Melodrama By ^
Bad day  By ^
Batsy By @multifandomimagin3s
Media By @obislittleone
Dating Bruce Wayne HCs By @spilledkauffie
Imposter By ^
Smiles By @lilyofthesword-writes
Becoming Mrs. Wayne By @prettyyoungandbored
Our mum is a what?! By @letaliabane
Ditched By @bubblyani
Self defence  By @fooled-around-and-fell
His secret   By @fooled-around-and-fell
Don’t leave me alone  By @ladyofhellhounds
Take your time  By @mismerccray
Promises By @cas-backwards-tie
511 notes · View notes
Last Updated: 2024-06-05
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite James 'Bucky' Barnes stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Barnes, the by bakugousaysdie • 18+ • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Bucky Barnes has settled down, living in a beautiful home in new orleans with his wife, a former avenger. these are the different stories of how they navigate being superheroes, spouses, and parents."
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✑ A Little Less Restless by majestyeverlasting • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "As Bucky finds himself within the still familiarity of Brooklyn, he comes to realize that he deserves nice things... that he deserves you."
✑ Bean Sprout by coffee-with-bucky • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: You come back home to see that your daughter and your husband had done each other's hair.
✑ Bingo│Prt. II by spilledkauffie • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Sparks fly at Bingo night.
✑ Black Eye by iwillbeinmynest • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "A distracted Bucky and a sparring accident [have you seeking answers] from the Winter Soldier."
✑ Camera View by teamatsumu • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: While triggered into Winter Soldier mode, Bucky nearly kills the reader.
✑ Care by wewritesoyoucanenjoy • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: When your friend & roommate Bucky returns home
✑ Drunk Buck Running Amuck by coffee-with-bucky • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Bucky is drunk and absolutely giddy with affection and you don’t know whether to thank or kill Thor.
✑ Flour by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Sam kisses you to save your cover on a mission, and Bucky punches him... but you still don't believe he's in love with you?"
✑ Girl Next Door by thepokyone • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Goddammit by lokiedokiee-fanfic • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Guilty Pleasure by x-childish-x • 18+ • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Things quickly get steamy when Bucky returns from a long mission, but he's later ridden with guilt from the results of your pleasure." 
✑ Hey There Soldier by thebestandworstdayofjune • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ Honeysuckle by redgillan • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Bucky remembers how he fell in love with [you]."
✑ Hopelessly Devoted by quillsandcauldroncakes • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "…"
✑ How We Met by teamatsumu •
✑ I Like Me Better when I'm with You by themorningsunshine • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Bucky isn't in love with you, nope, not at all, not even a bit, that doesn't mean he has to like that man who is shamelessly drooling over you."
✑ I'll Love You Better by fadingfics • 18+ • 〔M᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: It's Bucky's birthday, and you have a huge surprise prepared for him. But things don’t exactly go as planned.
✑ Independence by imaginativemarvel • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✑ Jessie's Girl by geminiwritten • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Natasha encourages you to date one of the new recruits in the hopes that it might provoke Bucky to confess his feelings for you."
✑ Lay All Your Love on Me by iwillbeinmynest • 〔A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Bucky goes out for a night with the guys but, you can't shake the jealousy no matter how much you hate it."
✑ Lessons in Love by violentdelightsandviolentends • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you."
✑ Never Forget by wewritesoyoucanenjoy •
Summary: "After being put in cryo until Shuri could fix him, Bucky is woken up and feeling more like himself. Shuri needs to talk to Bucky and takes you with her."
✑ Pieces Welded in Gold by quillsandcauldroncakes • 〔F᜶A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "[You were] too good for him. This is something he had in his head from the moment he had met [you]. [You were] a light in everyone's lives, whereas he was just a pathetic excuse for an Avenger..."
✑ Puppy Eyes by coffee-with-bucky •
Prompt(s): "I'm absolutely, completely, utterly, in love with you." + "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"
✑ Repose by coffee-with-bucky • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Still Having Nightmares by spilledkauffie • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You squeezed your eyes closed, trying not to let the tears fall. But they weren't for you—from outside the door, down the hall, and into the living room, you heard the soft mumbling…"
✑ Take Me Home by miserable-sarah • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "A guy hits on you at a club, Bucky takes control."
✑ Tequlia by loving-barnes • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Once the team is gone, it's time to celebrate [your and Bucky's] three months anniversary sex, drugs and rock and roll style."
✑ Unconventional Night Out by teamatsumu • 〔F〕 •
Summary: [You meet] Bucky while [your] are both hiding inside a restaurant, one from a creepy guy at the bar, the other from a terrible blind date."
✑ Under the Wakandan Sky by imerdwarf • 〔F〕 •
Summary: {…}
✑ You Wanna Try That Again Sweetheart by delicatenightfury •
Summary: {…}
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✑ Affection Starved by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Breakfast by iwillbeinmynest • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Bucky's Troublemaker by thepokyone • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Conscience by iamnotoriginalphil •
✑ Death of Me, the by andsheloved • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Drunk Love by writings-of-a-british-fangirl •
✑ Forever and Ever by when-i-was-your-angel • 〔A᜶F〕 •
✑ Go Back to Sleep by randomfandomimagine • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ How About You Make Me by iamnotorginalphil • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Missed You by baseballbitch116 • 〔F〕 •
✑ I Missed You by iwillbeinmynest • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ I Think that Went Well by iamnotorginalphil • 〔F᜶A〕 •
✑ Just as You Are by andsheloved • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Keep Me Alive by freyjhasdesiredreality • 〔A᜶C〕 •
✑ Let Me Take Care of You by andsheloved • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Little Secret by x-childish-x • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Lover by dionysus-drabbles •
✑ Lucious Locks by idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Make up. Make Me. by imerdwarf • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Marry Me? What? by writings-of-a-british-fangirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Meet the Team by baseballbitch116 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Missed You by stuckylaufeyson • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Morning Light by teamatsumu • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Only Thing That Matters by teamatsumu •
✑ Out in the Open by jewels2876 •
✑ Punches by parkersbliss • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Real by andsheloved • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Show Me What You Got by multifandomhaven • 〔F〕 •
✑ Sick Cuddles by randomfandomimagine • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Smile by andsheloved • 〔F〕 •
✑ Softness by imerdwarf • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Starry Nights & Flower Crowns by generallynerdy •
✑ To the Moon by andsheloved • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Touch of Your Skin, the by imerdwarf • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Training │Prt. II by oneshots-imagines-and-that • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✑ Trouble Sleeping by wewritesoyoucanenjoy • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Welcome Home by teamatsumu • 〔F᜶E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Wisdom by parkersbliss • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ You're Perfect by baseballbitch116 • 〔F〕 •
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✑ Being Affectionate w/ Bucky by spilledkauffie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Being Short & Dating Bucky… by teamatsumu • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Caring for Bucky Post-Winter Soldier Mode… by teamatsumu • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Cuddling w/ Bucky by spilledkauffie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Grocery Shopping w/ Bucky… by bakugousaysdie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Having a Child w/ Bucky│Prt. II by spilledkauffie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Having Your First Time w/ Bucky… by bakugousaysdie • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || James Barnes Master Index
Authors: @andsheloved || @bakugousaysdie || @baseballbitch116 || @coffee-with-bucky || @delicatenightfury || @dionysus-drabbles || @fadingfics || @freyjhasdesiredreality || @geminiwritten || @generallynerdy || @iamnotoriginalphil || @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 || @imaginativemarvel || @imerdwarf || @iwillbeinmynest || @jewels2876 || @lokiedokiee-fanfic || @loving-barnes || @majestyeverlasting || @miserable-sarah || @multifandomhaven || @oneshots-imagines-and-that || @parkersbliss || @quillsandcauldroncakes || @randomfandomimagine || @redgillan || @spilledkauffie || @stuckylaufeyson || @teamatsumu || @thebestandworstdayofjune || @themorningsunshine || @thepokyone || @violentdelightsandviolentends || @wewritesoyoucanenjoy || @when-i-was-your-angel || @writings-of-a-british-fangirl || @x-childish-x ||
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pagesfromthevoid · 2 years ago
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | 7
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Nothing but sweet, sweet romance
Author’s Note: twirling my hair, kicking my feet, and giggling over this. Shoutout to @bookxish for their suggestions (ノ‥)ノ gif from @spilledkauffie
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The First
She had repositioned herself on the bed, sitting with her knees gently resting against his thigh. Din was distracted by that, but more so by the feel of her hand in his. It had been so long since he’d touched someone so delicately without his gloves on, skin to skin. Her hand was soft, taken care of diligently just as anyone would expect of a princess. When compared to his own hands —calloused, scarred —it was a reflection of opposites. 
He wondered, momentarily, if other parts of her were as soft as her hands. 
“You know why,” he finally said, looking from their hands to her face. 
How did she always find his eyes without trying? So few people knew where to look —most settled on his forehead or closer to his nose. But she always found his gaze with ease. 
“I need to hear you say it,” she pushed, pulling her hand from his. “I need…I need you to tell me, Mando.”
“Din,” he whispered before he could stop himself. He didn’t want her to move away from him. 
“What?” She pulled back, brow furrowing. 
“My name,” he conceded, leaning in closer to her. He had moved himself closer without realizing, invading her side of the bed. “It’s Din.”
“Din,” she repeated, slow and deliberate. 
His name hung from her lips as she said it again, more to herself now. Then, she looked up at him like he held the very stars she admired the night before. She was still waiting for his answer as to why but Din couldn’t bring himself to say it for some reason. And, he thought, she knew that. 
“Can I ask you a different question?”
Din was thankful, nodding now as he reached out to take her hand again. He wished that the touch was enough to tell her what he wanted; but he knew why she needed to hear him say it. 
Her fingers, quick and nimble, intertwined with his as she spoke. “If you could kiss me —would you?”
Din felt his breathing hitch in his throat. More than anything, he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to run his hands through her hair and pull her into him. He wanted to taste his name on her lips, and draw it out of her over and over. He wanted to know if her lips were as soft as her hands, and then he wanted to know if every inch of her was too. 
“If I could kiss you, mesh’la, I don’t think I’d ever stop.”
The smile that came over her was blinding; bright and dazzling as she leaned in close to him. Din couldn’t resist, bringing himself closer now as well; just close enough that he could reach up and touch her cheek. She leaned into the touch, closing her eyes. 
“I want to kiss you, Din,” she whispered, head turning just enough to press a kiss to his palm. 
It was the simplest of kisses, but just as he suspected —her lips were soft against his skin there. It didn’t satisfy his desire to feel her mouth on his, but it would hold him over for now. 
“I know,” he murmured, closing the space between them in order to rest his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry.”
“You never apologize for what you believe in,” she corrected, taking the hand that wasn’t held by him and reaching up. Din worried for a moment that she was going to try to take off his helmet —but she simply rested her hand against where his cheek would be. “I’ll find other ways to kiss you.”
“I look forward to your attempts,” Din said, and he hoped she could hear his smile in his voice. “But they’ll have to wait until tomorrow. We need to get some rest tonight.”
She nodded, taking a moment before finally dropping her hand from his helmet. Din watched her as she readjusted, moving to lay down beside him. He wanted to lay with her, but he had to wear the helmet to sleep —and he worried about the beskar being too cold or too hard and disturbing her. 
So Din settled on sleeping sitting up. While it wasn’t ideal, it wouldn’t be the first time and he was certain it wouldn’t be the last. She hummed as she settled in, reaching out to him. But when her hand touched his thigh instead of his chest, she sat up. 
“You sleep sitting up?” She asked, head tilted to the side. 
“Not usually,” he replied, hesitantly reaching over to run his hand over her hair. “I can’t remove my helmet; I don’t want to disturb you.”
She closed her eyes at his touch, but only for a moment, before she rolled over and sat up. Din frowned deeply, sitting up further to push her back, but she swatted his hand away and got up. 
“I have an idea,” is all she said as she went through her bag in the corner. 
Din watched her curiously, brow furrowed as she pulled out the scarf she had worn in Nevarro. She held it up to the window, stretched out. She folded it once over, holding it up again then —
She tore it apart. 
“What are you doing?” Din finally conceded, standing up and walking over to her. 
She turned to face him, holding out the folded strip of fabric. “When I was young, I had to sleep with an eye mask on,” she explained, “I had to have complete darkness. If I could see any light, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.” She pushed the fabric into his hands, turning around now. “I couldn’t see anything with it on. My father always made sure of it.”
Din suddenly understood what she meant, staring at the strip in his hands. The offer caused his chest to tighten, and slowly he covered her eyes with the scarf. He was gentle, tying it carefully to avoid pulling her hair into the knot. 
“I’m going to pull it down just a little,” she warned, before doing just that. “I could see the lights on the baby’s pram.”
Slowly, as if waiting for him to stop her, she turned around to face him. Din missed seeing her eyes —how they shined when she looked up at him. But her desire to follow his Creed for him, even if it inconvenienced her to do so, made his heart ache for her so much more. 
“I doubt you can tell, but my eyes are closed under here too, for good measure.”
Din chuckled despite himself, shaking his head. He glanced to Grogu’s pod, ensuring that it was still closed, then took her hands in his. He lifted her touch to his helmet, showing her where to go. There was no need to tell her what to do next —it was an unspoken promise that he was trusting her. 
Cautiously, she lifted the helmet from his head and Din held his breath. It had been years since he last removed his helmet in front of another human —not since he was a child. Grogu was the only one, before he came back to Din. But in such a short amount of time, she gave him too much reason to question his Creed —only to help him follow it without question.
When she held it in her arms, fingers delicately tracing the steel that made it up, Din breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I think you’re handsome,” she stated as he took the helmet from her and set it down beside the bed. 
“What makes you think so?” He asked, his voice no longer hidden behind his modulator. Din took a step closer to her, hesitating for a second before he rested his hands on her hips. 
She brought her hands up to rest on his chest without hesitation, pressing against him softly. 
“Your voice gives you away,” she admitted, tilting her head to blindly look up at him. “Though, I found you handsome even with your helmet on. A knight in shining armor.”
“Saving a princess, no less,” he teased back, relaxing into her touch finally. 
“Do you know what knights get for saving princesses, Din?” 
Looking down at her, with her blindfold covering her eyes, Din suddenly thought that maybe this woman —this life —could be The Way. At least, apart of it. It was an irrational thought, one he knew he shouldn’t entertain. But for tonight, for right now, he would. He had a beautiful woman in his arms, trusting him with her life, and he was going to enjoy it. 
Din leaned down, one hand moving to lift her chin just slightly. She gave him control, allowing him to move her as he thought fit. His eyes scanned over her face, taking in every detail he could memorize before finally leaning in close. She pushed up on her toes, meeting him halfway, as their lips met. 
It was the first time he’d kissed someone, but Maker help him, it wouldn’t be the last. It couldn’t be. She was soft against his mouth, just like he imagined. And when she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer, Din swore there was nothing that would ever compare to how sweet she tasted on his tongue. His grip on her tightened, keeping her close as her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. 
He knew if he didn’t stop now, it would escalate. He wouldn’t be able to stop, and now was not the time. This was not the place, with the child in the room and open windows for the village to see or hear. 
No, when it was time, it would be private, and warm, and she would be safe from those who wanted to take her from him. 
In the middle of the night, during what would be the most restful sleep his father has probably ever had, Grogu wakes up. The princess is asleep, one arm wrapped around his dad’s middle and cheek pressed against his shoulder. Grogu can see that his dad has his cheek resting against the top of her head, his arm around her tight. The child is still sleepy, rubbing his face as he climbs out of the pod and waddles his way to the bed. 
It takes a few tries, but Grogu manages to pull himself up the side and into his dad’s other arm. The child looks between the two for a moment, letting out a little sound that causes his father to stir and open his eyes groggily. 
“Come���ere,” he whispers, and Grogu toddles his way into the crook of his arm and blinks slowly, falling back asleep. 
Right as he is about to return to his dreams, Grogu watches as his father presses a kiss to the top of the princess’s head then does the same to him.
Taglist (OPEN): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @demisexuallover @mxtokko @ellesvoid @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance
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1donoow · 2 years ago
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
Peter(pietro) maximoff
erik lehnsherr
warren worthington
alex summers
Scott summers
Kurt Wagner
Jean grey
Loki laufeyson
Bucky barnes
Peter parker
@weasvlys - NSFW headcannon
@takenbypeter - Is the big spoon when cuddling
- Gives the other “the look” when they crossed the line
- Spends WAY too much time in the snack aisle while grocery shopping
@chiefdirector - Being in a Polyamorous relationship with Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr would include...
@gangrenados - valentine's day with them
Peter(pietro) maximoff
@quickiesgirl -the night the klepto stole your heart
@takenbypeter - text message emergency
- have no fear peter is here
- look me in my eyes
- peter w/ an s/o whos too nice
- snack shopping
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@devilgenics - headcannon
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@softie-rain - opposites attract
@quicksilverownsmysoul - ___
@damnnnelliot - sleeping with pietro maximoff would include
erik lehnsherr
@fanfic-galore-ig - headcannon
warren worthington
@absolutelyfizzing - angels and demons
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@mrsarnasdelicious - first kiss
@tomhiddelstonandzaynmalik - fluff alphabet pt.2
@definitely-not-v - meeting and falling inlove with warren would include
@gangrenados - ___
alex summers
@starshipsofstarlord - summertime
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@mayfieldss - dating alex summers would include
Scott summers
@refiwrites - taking care of drunk scott summer
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
Kurt Wagner
@definitely-not-v - Warm
@peachy-wolfhard - dating kurt wagner
@maximoffs-girl - having a family w/ kurt wagner
- dating kurt wagner would include
- arcade date with kurt
@refiwrites - is that my sweater?
@rubystarpoet - nightcrawler
@dem-obscure-imagines - nightcrawler and the princess
@gabrielsgoldengrace - being a burlesque dancer and kurt seeing a show would include
@thefandom-fanatic - drawing hearts
@spotofimagines - blue
@youreobsessedwithtoomanyfandoms - you can do this i believe in you
@fandom-------queen - headcannon
Jean grey
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@sapphireplums - break time
@starsvck - somewhere only we know
Loki laufeyson
@weasleygirl7 -Glorious purpose
@bonky-n-steeb - the flower crown
@agentofkrypton - ___
- ___
@takenbypeter - you make it better
bucky barnes
@takenbypeter - keep your friends close
- b.b
peter parker
@parkersmaterialgirl - headcannon
@yesitsmewhataboutit - 1:10 am
@realtalkswithfinn - the spiderling(avenger!reader)
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tyblackthornsheadphones · 2 years ago
april fic recs:
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* personal favourites
all nsfw fics are 18+, minors dni
remember all authors have their own boundaries so if you’re unsure you can always ask/check
let me know if any of the links are wrong/aren’t working, and any authors let me know if you don’t like being tagged so i’ll avoid it in the future
moonboys x reader
moonboys reacting to your baby’s first kick @messrmoonyy
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/switching pov | fluff | sfw | cw: pregnancy
moonboys with a jealous reader * @foreverinadais
implied fem!reader (no pronouns, can be read as gn!reader) | second person pov | sfw | cw: very very slight implied sex at the end
adore you @inpraizeof
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/switching pov | dark | nsfw | cw: stalker!steven, kidnapping, non-con references, unhealthy obsessions, housewife!reader, murder, mentioned past pregnancy, reader is a mom
tummy * @starlight-writer
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov/switching pov | hurt/comfort | sfw | cw: talk of body insecurities
“you’re so pretty” @starlight-writer
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov/switching pov | fluff | sfw | cw: literally none
just a touch of your hand part 2 * @mccn-bcys
fem!reader (she/her) | second person pov/switching pov | fluff, hurt/comfort, little bit of angst | sfw | cw: soulmate au, did as portrayed in the show
confectionery * @heladodecerezq
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov | dark, yandere | sfw | cw: yandere moonboys
disaster * @softlyspector
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/switching pov | angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort| sfw | cw: marc centric, excessive drinking, police, insensitive language towards mental illness, pregnancy, talk of abortions, mentions of past child abuse/trauma
cities of love @lunarlockley
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov/reader pov | fluff | sfw | cw: implied/referenced aquaphobia, some suggestiveness (from jake)
steven grant x reader
stupid sexy steven @midgardian-witch
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov/reader pov | fluff | sfw | cw: very brief sad!steven, slight sub!steven
tuesday’s on the phone to me * @spilledkauffie
fem!reader (she/her) | second person pov/switching pov | angst with a happy ending | sfw | cw: one allusion to sex at the end
personal time * @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
fem!reader (afab, pretty sure no pronouns so could be read as gn!reader) | second person pov/reader pov | smut | nsfw | cw: anal fingering, anal sex (with a dildo), dry humping, pegging (sort of), sub!steven, praise kink
marc spector x reader
the agreement @melodygatesauthor
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov | fluff, hurt/comfort | sfw | cw: sad and insecure marc
phases * @stormkobra-5
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/marc pov | smut, fluff ending | nsfw | cw: primal play, breeding kink, unprotected piv, marathon sex, slight dub/non-con, fingering, slight mating kink, praise kink, rough sex, brief jealous marc, biting, marking
“i trust you with my life” @lunathebee
fem!reader (she/her) | third person pov/marc pov | hurt/comfort | sfw | cw: just marc’s usual negative thoughts
bathroom floor * @eyelessfaces
gn!reader (no pronouns) | second person pov/reader pov | hurt/comfort, angst | sfw | cw: wendy spector, nightmares, implied past trauma
din djarin x reader
irrevocably @spctrsgf
gn!reader (no pronouns, reader has at least shoulder-length hair) | second person pov/switching pov | fluff | sfw | cw: none
secret * @peterparkersnose
fem!reader (she/her, afab, use of the term wife) | second person pov/reader pov | fluff | sfw | cw: pregnancy
small fingers * @lordabovehelpme
fem!reader (she/her) | second person pov/switching pov | fluff | sfw | cw: none that i can think of
worth a thousand words * @spectorgram
gn!reader (no pronouns used) | second person pov | fluff, very very light angst | sfw | cw: none
buirs @absurdthirst
fem!reader (she/her) | third person pov/switching pov | fluff? | sfw | cw: none
family part 2 @thesealard
gn!reader (no pronouns used) | second person pov | hurt/comfort, fluff | sfw | cw: nightmares
in a perfect world, you love me part 2 * @theidiotwhowritesthings
fem!reader (she/her) | second person pov/switching pov | hurt/comfort, psychological horror (kinda?), smut | nsfw | cw: injury, derogatory name calling, forced drug exposure, hallucinations, self doubt, anxiety, confusion in reality
santiago garcia x reader x frankie morales
do i really have to chart the constellations in his eyes? part 2 * @moonknightly
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/reader pov | angst, smut | nsfw | cw: cheating/infidelity, piv sex, dom/sub dynamics, pain kink, spanking, cuckold!frankie, mentions of m/m sex, sloppy blowjobs, choking
frankie morales x reader
flowers @fuck-goes-on
gn!reader (no pronouns used) | second person pov/frankie pov | fluff | sfw | cw: none
raspberries @fuck-goes-on
gn!reader (no pronouns used) | second person pov/reader pov | fluff | sfw | cw: none
locked in * @queridopascal
fem!reader (no pronouns, use of the term girlfriend) | second person pov/reader pov | angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort | sfw | cw: mention of ptsd, mention of drugs
belong to you * @flightlessangelwings
fem!reader (afab, no pronouns, use of the term woman) | second person pov/reader pov | smut | nsfw | cw: cnc (consensual non-consent, rough sex, piv sex
sinner’s refuge * @spacecowboyhotch
gn!reader (no pronouns used) | second person pov/frankie pov | angst, hurt/comfort | sfw | cw: ptsd, mentions of alcohol/drugs + addiction recovery, self-esteem issues
the blind dating show part 2 * @guess-my-next-obsession
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov/reader pov | fluff, smut | sfw (part 1), nsfw (part 2) | cw: alcohol consumption, oral sex (male and fem receiving), 69
secrecy @lightsinthedistancee
fem!reader (she/her, afab) | second person pov | angst, hurt/comfort | nsfw | cw: light smut
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spilledkauffie · 3 years ago
Can't Fight The Moonlight
Pairing: Steven Grant + Marc Spector x Female!Reader Word Count: 4.8k T/W: pure smut 🔥🥵 A/N: the relationship is consenting between all parties!! **This is mainly Marc x reader**
Marc's been waiting to touch you for months, but hasn't been able to take control whenever the moment arrives. He finally convinces Steven to just let things happen naturally, and give control when the moment is right.
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
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“I love it when she holds her pencil like that,” Marc’s voice suddenly came into Steven’s thoughts, the comment caused him to look around as if he could actually see Marc, and then over to you. 
You were seated at your desk, on the opposite side of the flat from where Steven’s was. You’d just gotten into some comfortable clothes which consisted of a baggy t-shirt and nothing but panties for bottoms, it was usually what you wore to bed. So, since it was late when you sat down to work, you’d planned on eventually just moving from your desk to bed whenever Steven was going to call it for the night too. At the moment you were holding your pencil between your lips softly, not wanting to cause any bite marks on the shaft of it, you were also busy using both hands to search for something.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cute, innit?” Steven agreed, resting his chin in his hand while he lovingly looked at you.
“Oh, just wait for it, she’ll stretch right after she finds what she needs, and then-” Marc began but paused when you did exactly as he predicted, lifting your hands over your head causing the t-shirt to pulled up higher, revealing the waistband of your black panties, “boom, beautiful.”
“Mate,” Steven said under his breath, quickly looking between you and the reflective glass paperweight in front of him where he’d found Marc’s reflection was, “you have got to calm down.”
“No,” Marc retorted, “she was mine first. After all, I’ve been on the inside for months, seeing everything, but feeling none of it. So that means when you two-” 
“Okay, that’s- that’s actually fair,” Steven said, interrupting Marc’s comment, knowing where it was going, and knowing he’d blush at the mention of it, “I can understand your-” he glanced over to you, now finding you reaching to the far end of your desk for another book, this time you uncrossed a leg, setting it down against the floor for support, conveniently displaying it fully, along with a few more inches of skin, “frustration,” Steven swallowed harshly, trying to look away again.
“Hey, hey,” Marc snapped, drawing back Steven’s attention, “this isn’t about you, this is about what we talked about. Remember?”
“Yeah, but…you’re sure she’ll be ‘right with it? She’ll know, I mean,” Steven ducked his head trying to speak quieter, “because I will not be responsible for what you do if she doesn’t like it.” 
Rolling his eyes Marc sighed, “yes, she’ll know, trust me…I might be doing you a favour.” 
Pulling back, Steven furrowed his eyebrows, “that seems…a bit harsh, actually.”
“You’ll be fine, can we get this going?” Marc asked impatiently. 
“Okay, okay, right, right,” Steven said, nervously, as he stood up from his desk. He kept glancing in your direction to see what you were doing while he set aside his book, marking the page he was on first, then collected his pencils and highlighters, placing them in a nearby jar.
“You’re stalling,” Marc interjected.
“Sorry,” Steven wrung his hands together, “I don’t really know how to approach this…situation.” “Just act normal, you’ll do fine,” Marc reminded him, “but do not block me out this time.”
“Normal, normal, normal,” Steven repeated, nodding to himself, “I am acting normal.”
Looking up from your desk, you notice Steven coming over; assuming he was going to let you know that he was done for the night and ready to try and get some rest since the nighttime calming routine usually took a while, you set what you were working on down and waited for him to say something. He came close to the edge of your desk, still fiddling with his hands as he tried to say something, but there was a gentle smile across your face and a tilt to your head that always made Steven feel calm and comforted. 
“That’s not the emotion we’re looking for,” Marc reminded him again, more agitated than before. 
“You ready for bed?” You asked, thinking he was waiting on you. Getting up and rounding the desk to face him, Steven still looked a little nervous, so you tried to give him some assurance, “my book was getting pretty boring, so I’m ready for some rest too.”
“Steven,” Marc’s voice was clear, frustrated, and firm. 
With a sudden action, Steven took a step forward, grabbing you softly by the arms, he placed a sudden kiss on your lips. Tensing, as it took you by complete surprise, you closed your eyes, and when he pulled back, you opened your eyes again, there was the same expression on his face. 
“I- I‘m,” he began, “maybe not quite ready to sleep, per say. . . just yet.” He added a little head tilt and an overly forced wink.
You could tell in his own way he was trying to give a subtle hint; usually, you started most physical interactions, including sex, so this was certainly new. You liked that he was at least trying to be a little bolder, which meant he was getting more comfortable with it. 
“Okay,” you shifted your weight onto one hip, and swayed side to side, a sensual smile spreading across your lips, “can we at least even the playing field?”
You gestured to his clothes situation, and then yours. Aside from his usual habit of going barefoot in the flat, he was still dressed in his museum work clothes. 
“Oh, right, sorry,” Steven laughed, shouldering off his jacket he hadn’t taken off when he came home. 
Tossing it aside, he began unbuttoning his shirt, staring down at each button. You touched his hands, making him meet your gaze. He waited, dropping his hands a little, and it wasn’t long until you kissed him, a little more passionately than his first one. You managed to work the buttons on his shirt a little faster, which impressed him. Steven kept his hands off you, as he often did, not wanting to seem too eager or clingy, in fact, he reached behind to grasp the edge of your desk for support. Pushing the fabric off his shoulders, you stroked your fingers along his bicep and forearms, humming as you did.
“You wanna take things. . .slow tonight?” You asked, lips still grazing against his as you spoke softly. 
Pulling back from you a little farther, you looked up at him while he dropped the shirt to the side, “umm, actually, tonight might be a little- little different,” he stated. 
“Oh,” you perked your eyebrows nodding to let him know that was okay with you, “I like your ideas tonight,” you smiled, pressing one more soft kiss, before beginning to undo his belt buckle, nimbly. 
It was then that your phone began ringing at nearly full volume. Groaning, you remove yourself from him with an apologetic look. He moved away from the desk, knowing your phone was on the other side of it and you’d need to reach across it.
You grabbed the phone, “let me turn it off,” you bit your lip, hearing his belt hit the floor behind you, “I don’t want any interruptions.” 
Reaching across the desk to shove it in the main drawer, you felt his hands stroke the back of your thighs while you were bent across the wooden surface, sending a shiver throughout your body. As you brought yourself back up, his hands moved along with you, up to caress the curve of your ass, you felt his lips meet the nape of your neck aggressively, nipping just a little when he made his way to the side of your neck. When his hands found your hips, his grip tightened, nails digging into your skin. He brought you flush against his body. You now felt that there was only one layer on each of you keeping you from each other. He nosed at the side of your neck, breathing in your scent deeply with a throaty purr. 
“Oh sh-“ You gasped as he slipped a hand up the front of your shirt, and the other down the front of your thigh slightly turning towards the inside, pushing between your legs, which you had been subconsciously squeezing together. 
His chest was rising and falling heavily as if this was his first time touching you. You arched your back at the stimulation, muscles tight with anticipation, pressing your ass back against his hips feeling his hand inch higher now up your thigh. He took his opposite hand out of your shirt and brought it to softly hold your neck, swiping his thumb back and forth against your sweet spot while he added more kisses and slowly tightened his grip. You parted your lips, closing your eyes enjoying the sheer bliss that came from him hitting every foreplay sweet spot of yours. You were slightly shocked since Steven hadn’t found them. . .
“Good to know those haven’t changed,” he said, this time his voice was without a British accent. 
Opening your eyes and spinning around immediately, you were met with a provocative smirk you knew all too well; standing directly in the moonlight pouring in through the high window of the flat, you knew exactly who you were talking to, “Marc?” You said hoarsely. 
Before he could answer, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him down into the most eager, passionate kiss you’d ever given. You felt as though every sense of yours was being awakened for the first time in a very long time– not the sweet, blissful nature that Steven brought out, but pure chaos of carnal desires. You wanted him, now. Pushing yourself onto your tiptoes, you curl your fingertips into the back of his hair, tugging a little. Your other arm remains around his neck, pulling him against you tighter still.
Somehow he managed to deepen the kiss, tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth every once in a while. Marc dipped to reach the back of your thighs, lifting you up onto the desk, hands gripping the side of your thighs once he set you down. Immediately, you wrapped your legs around him and brought him as close to you as you possibly could. Gasping when his hips hit the inside of your thighs and dangerously close to your heat, Marc leaned forward to resume the kiss you’d broken. He moved his hands to caress your back, feeling up and down your entire body, having missed how hot your skin got when you were turned on. 
Thinking he’d need a moment to breathe since it’d been a while, you tried to pull back, but he only followed your movement. Hand arching with your spine as you leaned back, he let you pull away for a moment but kept a grip on your bottom lip with his teeth restraining your distance from being too far. Bringing you back up with ease, he let go to meet your gaze properly for the first time in months.
“I missed you,” you said first, nearly out of breath.
“I can tell,” he settled his hands on your hips. 
Shaking your head, you pressed your forehead against his, fingertips pushing up into his hair at the back of his neck. 
“I’ve missed you too,” Marc spoke, voice sincere, but dripping with a hunger. 
You sighed, closing your eyes, “I want to feel all of you again.” Marc kissed the corner of your mouth, your jawline, the side of your neck, “please,” you exhaled, slipping your hands down the side of his neck and onto his shoulders, “like when we were in Luxor.”
Marc smiled to himself at your reference and the animalistic nature to feel you as much as he could with the little time he had came back. Sliding his hands up your side, he brought the hem of your t-shirt with him, thumbs stroking a trail up your skin, barely grazing the side of your breast, until he lifted the fabric over your head. Looking at him, it was only a moment before his lips were on your collarbone, sucking tenderly at the sensitive skin. Dropping your head back, you rested your hands on the nape of his neck, clasped together, while he made his way across and down your body. His hands perfectly came up to caress your breasts, his palms pushing softly, but just firm enough against your nipples to stimulate you, thumbs stroking the top of your soft skin.
Biting the bottom of your lip, you hummed happily. When his lips met the side of your neck once more, you gasped, furrowing your brows at the building tension buzzing throughout your body. The movement of his velvety mouth, his hands kneading you, and now his hips grinding up against you was almost too much; you were hot and dripping within moments.
 Marc slipped a hand down your abdomen. His fingertips slide under the fabric keeping you from him. Jaw dropping, a sharp inhale escaped your throat when you felt his fingers dip into your slick fold and spread apart into a V. Closing your eyes, you tightened your grip on his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin. His free hand supported your back, keeping your hips at just the right angle while he began to tease you. 
“You missed me?” He asks, lips and breath still hot against your neck. 
“Mhmm,” was all you could manage while he rubbed deep, slow circles around your pulsing clit. 
“Tell me,” he demanded, adding pressure that sent a shock of pleasure through your body. 
“So much,” you hurried, not wanting the sensation to stop, wanting it to increase.
“Show me,” he said in a similarly commanding voice. 
Smiling to yourself, you answered, “you always were in favour of the physical over the verbal.”
He smirked, knowing there was more than one meaning, but for now, he wanted to stay focused on the sexual side of your relationship. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love it,” Marc bounces an eyebrow, locking eyes with you so he can perfectly see your reaction when he pushes two fingertips into you.
Gasping you try to keep eye contact, but you still feel a heat rise to your face, blushing when you close your eyes. His thumb still busy working circles, you wanted him to go further, but he kept his fingers barely pushing your entrance, just teasing you. 
“Unless you’d rather talk about things now?” Marc asks, facetious.
“Shut up,” you whine, becoming annoyed, dropping your head back slowly, trying to move your hips, but he keeps them in place with his free hand.
“You wanna talk about that aggression?” He tilts his head.
You bring your gaze back to him, locking eyes again, this time a frustrated expression across your face, your chest was rising and falling at a pace he enjoyed and your eyes filled with a fire. He had you right where he wanted you.
“Just fuck me,” you say, voice dropping to a hoarse tone, “ple-”
Leaning to kiss you on your open mouth, Marc presses his palm to the center of your back, keeping you in the perfect position, chest almost touching his. He slides his fingers inside you, smiling against you when he feels how wet you already are. Pumping a little faster, he rocks your hips back and forth with just the motion of his hand. Your knees hit the side of his hips out of a jolt of passion accompanied by a soft muffled moan that he swallows in the kiss. Not giving you a moment to prepare for it, he curls his finger ever so slightly, hitting your sweet spot. Feeling you tighten around his fingers, he knows a few more pumps and you’ll be at your orgasm. 
“Marc,” you pull away from the kiss, dipping your head to look between the two of you, his lips press against your hairline. You stroke your hands down his abs curling your own fingers against him, leaving a few love marks; you see the veins in his forearm and the motion of his hand, “wait, wait,” you whisper, so close to your orgasm, you don’t know if you can hold out, “Marc-” 
He pauses all motions, removing his hand from you and looking at you with both a concern and a dark desire in his deep brown eyes. 
“What do you need? What is it?” He asks, forehead pressing hard against yours as he tried to resist the deep urge to kiss you again while you caught your breath, calming down from the edge you were on. 
Before he can ask anything else you hop off the desk. Pressing yourself directly against his body, you take advantage of that and rock your hips against his, making him smile. His skin shivers at the feeling of your firm nipples rubbing against his bare chest, as you move your body in a rhythm against his. Pressing your fingers against his skin, you snake your hands up his arms, feeling his muscle tense under your fingertips, reaching his neck, you subtly tilt his head back enough for you to get more access to his neck. Licking across a slightly raised vein, you feel Marc clamp his hands against your waist, two fingers still wet from your slick, he coaxes you to ease up on your movement. With the slower pace, you could feel his length more prominently against your lower stomach. Adding open mouth kisses to his hot skin, you feel the vibration of a groan.
Pulling away, you kept eye contact as you slide a hand down his abs, fingernails grazing, and hook a finger into the waistband of the last garment keeping you from him. You bounced an eyebrow and began to sink to your knees. Marc noticed, smirking and chuckling to himself. Right before you got to your knees, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back up with surprising ease. 
“I appreciate it,” he chuckled, before turning serious, “but I don’t think I can wait any longer as is.”
Your pupils dilated at the thought of what was going to come next. In moments, he’s lifted you back into his arms and is carrying you over to the bed, passionate kisses along the way. Hand behind your head, he lays you on the bed, you release your legs from around his waist, but enjoy that he lingers on top of you for a while preoccupied with the taste of your lips and the way his hand feels against your hair. Reaching your arms around him, you push up against him in order ot better reach down his back feeling every muscle, before pushing against the small of his back with your fingers.
“Be a good girl, and turn over for me, yeah?” Marc asks, waiting to see if you nod or say yes to know that was okay with you.
Smiling, you nod, you watch him crawl down your body, bringing your panties with him in one hand; you slip your legs out of them as he goes and turn over onto your stomach. Closing your eyes you hear him undress completely. Humming when he gently squeezes your ass, you remember all the little physical signs and what they meant. Dipping to kiss the small of your back, you feel him line up with you after stroking along your wet folds.
“Fuck,” you slowly exhale, squeezing your eyes closed, reaching your arms above your head and fisting the sheets as you feel every inch of him sink deep into you. 
Marc slips a hand down your arching spine lovingly, as you adjust to the position and his size more comfortably. Your forehead meets the cool sheets, as you take a deep breath already feeling yourself clench around him. Bringing your hands a little closer to support yourself best in the bent position, you take one more calming breath. Soon desiring the sensation of movement again, you lift your head, turning to the side, eyes still closed, and nod.
His hands grasp the side of your hips, holding on roughly as he begins with steady paced thrusts into you. Gasping shamelessly, you drop your head again, letting your body take in every feeling. Marc’s hands keep your hips upright, as he pushes deep inside you again, and again. You hear him curse under his breath and feel his nails dig into your skin, knowing there’ll be bruises forming within hours. After a few moments, you find yourself wanting more, wanting it harder, deeper. Lifting yourself up onto your elbows, you rock yourself back against him every time his hips meet your ass, making the movement faster and deeper. The sound of your skin against his only makes you more aroused.
“Shit-” Marc curses with a heavy exhale. 
Shifting his grip to your waist, he holds on tightly, keeping up with your new desired pace. Pushing yourself harder against him, you feel him counter it, plunging more forcefully into your slick, warm pussy. He’s missed the feeling of you tightly gripping around him, you slipping against every inch of him while moaning his name, the sound of your sighs filling the room. Admiring the way your muscles tense and release, he watches you rock your hips in time. It’s like he never left, you know exactly what he likes and how to do it best for him.
“Fuck, babe,” he groans, holding out. 
Pulling out more slowly, he makes you wait before thrusting back into you, changing up the pace again. You try to speed it back up, but he squeezes the side of your ass with both hands. 
“Take your time, take your time,” Marc coaches softly, eyes closed and head dropped back.
Obeying him, you slowly push your hips back against him, taking it inch by inch instead of all at once. Your jaw remained dropped, there was a sweet knotting sensation tightening in the pit of your stomach when you had taken his full length and thickness. You were close and you could tell. 
“Marc,” you whine, furrowing your brows.
“Not yet,” he says, palming the small of your back.
With that, you’re met with your previous pace, his hips hitting your pass and pounding you just as you’d gotten used to the new pace. Nearly yelping his name, you feel your elbows and knees pressing harder into the sheets just by the force he was thrusting into you with. He reaches a hand to your waist, slipping up your side, you instantly push yourself up, one arm fully extended supporting yourself. With your free hand, you hold onto his at your waist. The knot in your stomach tightened, you knew it was about to snap any moment. This was an orgasm you couldn’t stave off, it was going to hit and hit hard. 
“Marc, I’m gonna-” you say in a quivering voice, hand tightening around his, nails digging deep cresants into his knuckles.
“Shit-” Marc says in a deep voice, as he keeps the pace until he feels you start to pulse against his length, one more thrust deep into you is all he can manage, before his own orgasm hits. He slides his hands all over your body, enjoying the sensation of your entire body softly shaking.
“Oh, fuck,” is all you can whimper as your knees shake and you feel him throb inside you, in a few moments you feel him pull out, cum dripping from your pussy, you lower yourself against the matress. Marc kisses up your spine sweetly, until he reaches the back of your shoulder and you say,  “that was so good-”
“Was? Who says we’re done yet?” Marc whispers against your ear, “you were so eager earlier, I think you owe me, no?”
“What would you like?” You smile.
“I want to see you ride all the time,” he growls, “but now it’s my turn to feel it.”
You giggle to yourself knowing all the times with Seven he’s referring to. He lays beside you, making it easier for you to just lift a leg over him. When you straddle him, you find his cock still hard, slick with your own cum, and ready for you. Sliding your wet folds along his length, you hum at the stifled moan he conceals, ecited to see him underneath you. Feeling his length stroke against you was almost enough to get you off right there, but you want more. Leaning forward to kiss him, you reach a hand between your legs to line him up with you. Easing down his length, you slowly pull alway from the kiss as you slide onto him. 
Marc’s hands rest on your thighs, watching you toss your head back as you begin moving your hips back and forth. Caressing your breast with your hands, you bite your lip moaning, and squeeze your chest, knowing exactly what he likes to see. Bouncing your hips up and down, you press down hard and pull up slow. Looking down, you notice him close his eyes and rest his head back against the sheets. His abdomen tightens, making each muscle more rominant, taking one hand away from touching yourself, you start down low, slipping a hand along the middle of his abs, pressing harder the farther up you go, spreading your fingers out. 
“Fuck,” Marc curses with a smile on his lips and a purr of pleasure. 
Bending yourself over, you press your chest against his, keeping your hips in a rhythm. Placing one sweet kiss to his neck, you don’t shy away, you press your tongue against his skin, licking the length of his neck and up to his jaw line. Withe that you feel him buck his hips just a little bit. You reach your hands to his interlacing his fingers with yours, he supports you as you push yourself back up, sinking deeper on his cock. You guide his hands up your body, bringing them to hold your chest firmly. Caressing his hands, you sigh at the way he strokes his thumbs against your nipples, dragging them and adding a flick every now and then. He then adds a small rock of his own hips against yours, hitting a new angle even deeper.
“Oh shit,” you sigh, leaning deeper into his touch. His hands move to your waist, and you support yourself with hands against his abs, “Marc, I’m gonna cum.”
You keep the pace, lifting and lowing yourself on him repeatedly feeling him hit you perfectly, even more intensely now that it was the second time.
“That’s my good girl,” Marc says, only a slight hint of strain in his voice from the second round of pleasure, “cum for me.”
He adds a hand to the small of your back, keeping you in motion with the rocking of his hips. His opposite hand reaches between your legs, fingertips finding your soaking clit to press circles against.  “Marc-”
“Cum for me, baby.”
You inhale sharply, feeling the most passionate orgasm you’ve ever had come crashing down into full force. Your knees twitch against his sides, you press your hands firmly against his abs, and you squeeze your eyes shut, your mouth moving to say something, but you can’t even speak. Pulsing around his cock, still deep inside you, the sensations last longer than ever. Marc holds you firmly by the hips, keeping you on him. Feeling him pulse against your tightening muscles only sends you over another edge.
“Shit,” you whine in a small voice, almost crying from the pleasure, you claw at his abs, chest heaving hard. 
“Damn babe,” Marc sighs, his own chest rising and falling from the ecstasy of it.
When you come down from your high, you grip onto his biceps for support, forehead coming to rest against his shoulder. He feels you shaking as you try to breathe quietly. With your chest still heaving, Marc hushes you sweetly, stroking your sides with his hands. Kissing the top of your shoulder repeatedly. When you look up, he can see a few tears glisten against your cheek. You go in for another kiss, this time slowly, deeply, and absolutely in love with him. Marc brings a hand to wipe away your tears. 
“That felt so good,” you smile, moving off of him, resting your head against his shoulder.
“Yeah?” He looks down at you, not knowing how much longer it’ll be him caressing you.
“Yeah,” you kiss his chest, rubbing your hand across him, “I love you so much, I hope you know that, no matter what.” 
Moving to sit up, Marc brings just the sheet up with him, covering both of you, he returns to the position, letting you snuggle up against his side again. He’s quiet for a while, bringing you closer yet, he feels your skin against his, and this time he just wants to hold you for a while longer. 
“I love you too."
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justfangirlingaround · 2 years ago
@spilledkauffie 🤍!!!🖤
Do u ever read a friend’s fic and it’s like holy shit how do you consider me qualified to talk to you?
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ask-hamilton-killers · 6 years ago
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8. Have you read this?!
Love the werewolf AU fanfic “Cabin in the Woods” @spilledkauffie​ made a while back. (The boys are wearing pants!)
check it out https://spilledkauffie.tumblr.com/post/171921650328/cabin-in-the-woods-pairing-polyhamilsquad-x
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Last Updated: 2024-02-26
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ A Love of His Own by 4everdramaqueen • 〔A᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Loki saves you from President Loki and then falls for you."
✑ Awful Things by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Fresh off the interrogation, Loki is emboldened to make a move."
✑ Back in Your Arms by sserpente • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "Imagine [working for] the T.V.A. [after wreaking] havoc across the sacred timeline in a desperate attempt to bring Loki, your husband, back to life. When the T.V.A. captures [his Variant], all the pain and grief... finally makes way for relief and [unconditional love]. [However] when you finally meet again... he doesn't know who you are..."
✑ Control by munsons-maiden • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki loves to be in control, but it looks like the trickster has just as much fun when you take it."
✑ Enjoy the Little Things by starks-hero • 〔A᜶C〕 •
Summary: Stranded on Lamentis, the weight of the situation begins to set in on you. Loki decides to comfort you with a little magic.
✑ Escaping the T.V.A. by anonymousfiction211 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki escapes and ends up alone in the room where Mobius showed him the clips of his life. He finds a tape with [your] name on it, his former best friend and love-interest. Curiosity got the better of him and he decides to play the tape, which lead to something even Loki hadn't forseen."
✑ He's Me She's Mine by spilledkauffie • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Loki gets jealous... Of himself...
✑ Love that Could Have Been by aurora-star-wars • 〔A〕 •
Summary: Loki and Sylvie talk about reader on the train
✑ My King│Prt. II by writings-of-a-british-fangirl • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "He Who Remains tempts Loki with a throne, with Asgard, with you… How long will paradise last before it starts crumbling?"
✑ Nexus by dyns33 • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✑ Nothing Gold by beyondspaceandstars • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Loki thought you were gone forever but suddenly there you were. In the TVA library and you didn't recognize him."
✑ Overtime│Prt. II by cleo-fox • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Sometimes, working overtime isn't that bad.
✑ See You in Another Lifetime by munsons-maiden • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "Loki is forced to watch his life play out on the T.V.A. screen —and his future catches up with him."
✑ Special Care by fluffyfantasticducky • 〔F〕 •
Synopsis: "After all that's been going on, the TVA not only hires Loki, but gives him a break, clear his mind and clean his wounds. And someone very interesting is gonna help him out with that."
✑ Through the Whole Universe by wewritesoyoucanenjoy • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[You're] new to the T.V.A., and Mobius leaves [you] in charge of Loki."
✑ Timeless by muddyorbsblr • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: While doing research to help out Mobius on a 'moonshot project', you and Loki come across a startling revelation about your lives. All your lives.
✑ To the Daisy by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[You're] a librarian working for the T.V.A. and [you] can't help but take a liking to Loki, the newest threat to the Sacred Timeline. The two [of you] bond over poetry and well, things might just take off..."
✑ Yggdrasil by smolvenger • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Your husband, the god of mischief, has made the ultimate sacrifice for his friends, and the world...he lives, but now he is alone...that is until you choose to join him in his solitude and make a life there."
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✑ A Sleepy God by theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction • 〔F〕 •
✑ Absolutely Not by theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction • 〔F〕 •
✑ All it Took was a Timepad by x-childish-x • 〔F〕 •
✑ Always by ladyofmanyfandomsfanfictoo • 〔F〕 •
✑ Archived by gone-to-fight-the-fairies • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
✑ Arrogant by yetanotherhiddlestoner • 〔E᜶F〕 •
✑ Comfort by randomfandomimagines • 〔C〕 •
✑ Goodbye by wheredafandomat • 18+ • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Honeymoon, the by smolvenger • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Kid, the by dyns33 • 〔A᜶C〕 • 𑁍 •
✑ Last Minutes by laufeyamp • 〔A᜶C〕 •
✑ Lesson Learnt by daddypascal17 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Loki's Theory by ladyofmanyfandomsfanfictoo • 〔F〕 •
✑ Mischief Wrath by ladyofmanyfandomsfanfictoo • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Loki by wheredafandomat • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pie Thief by ladyofmanyfandomsfanfictoo • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Pulled from the Timeline by ladyofmanyfandomsfanfictoo • 〔F〕 •
✑ Revelations by gone-to-fight-the-fairies • 〔F᜶A〕 •
✑ Warm by munsons-maiden • 〔F〕 •
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✑ Loki Falling for Mobius' Daughter… by bakugousaysdie • 〔F〕 •
✑ Loki Falling for You, a TVA Agent… by oswildin • 〔F〕 •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Odinson Master Index
Authors: @4everdramaqueen || @anonymousfiction211 || @aurora-starwars || @bakugousaysdie || @beyondspaceandstars || @cleo-fox || @daddypascal17 || @dyns33 || @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds || @fluffyfantasticducky || @gone-to-fight-the-fairies || @laufeyamp || @lokisgoodgirl || @muddyorbsblr || @munsons-maiden || @oswildin || @randomfandomimagine || @smolvenger || @spilledkauffie || @sserpente || @starks-hero || @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction || @wewritesoyoucanenjoy || @wheredafandomat || @writings-of-a-british-fangirl || @x-childish-x || @yetanotherhiddlestoner ||
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justfangirlingaround · 3 years ago
Childhood friends with a slice of life :0
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tag your results!
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coololdsoulpoetlove · 8 years ago
Tag! You're it!
Tagged by @spilledkauffie
The Rules: tag nine users you want to get to know better
I tag: @lordlmm @mandys-imagination @sammysamsam123 @sapphic-schuyler @helplessforbroadway @midnightokieriete @musicalmoriarty @daveedish @hammyhamimagines
Name: Amaya
How old are you?: 17
Current job: high school student, also a poet
Dream job: writer/poet/potential playwright/potential journalist/potential filmmaker
What are you talented at?: I see myself as a jack of trades. Here's a random one: I can name the release years of several Disney films.
What is a big goal you are working towards, or have already achieved?: passing senior year with As and Bs. Pre-cal and AP physics mainly
What is your aesthetic?: In The Heights: Vanessa. I'd love to travel the world and see what it has to offer. Hamilton: I'd say Eliza. I'm a sweet girl who will support all my loved ones, but if I think you need to be taken down a peg, I'm quite the sassy lady.
Do you collect anything?: I save programs and tickets from shows I see.
What is a topic you're always up to talk about?: cartoons from my childhood
What's a pet peeve of yours?: people blasting their music
Good advice to give?: Always look on the bright side. No matter how bad things get, everything will work itself out in the end.
Recommend three songs?: Saturnz Barz by Gorillaz feat. Popcaan, Humble by Kendrick Lamar, and The Draw by Bastille
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1donoow · 2 years ago
Pt 2
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
Moon knight
kate bishop
Peter parker
Miles morales
alex summers
Warren Worthington
Sean cassidy
peter(pietro) maximoff
stephen strange
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moon knight (mostly steven)
@buckysaster - sunday
@cosmicloki - chamber of reflection
@angelltheninth - mornings with steven and marc
@itsactuallywhitewolf - What I think dating Steven Grant would be like
@falcor-thee-luck-dragon - life is strange
@refiwrites - in safe hands
@spilledkauffie - Tuesday's on the Phone to Me
- dating steven grant hcs
@leydileyla - Dating Steven Grant Headcannons
@ithebookhoarder - being in a relationship with marc and steven
- ___(scarlet witch!reader)
- Marc and Steven with an ex-Black Widow!Reader
@daredev1ls - matching (avatar!reader)
@bowieandqueen11 - In A While, crocodile
- dating steven grant would include
- looking after a sick steven grant would include
- cuddling headcannon
@writersblockedx - day dreaming
@mrsknightt - all nighter
- distraction
@psychedelic-ink - tongue tied
@elliaze - she's on my mind
@imagineyourworld - period headcannon
@americancowgirl19 - stardust
@dragon-kazansky - fuck you,khonshu
@geliditramonti - my one-finned fish
@frozenfries - lost & found
@angelltheninth - working with steven and marc
kate bishop
@ithebookhoarder - dating kate bishop would include
Peter parker
@justanotheranxiousfangirl - study kisses
@silverdecepticon93 - ___
Miles morales
@silverdecepticon93 - ___(avenger!reader)
- ___(red lantern!reader)
@dreamkidddream - ___
- secretly dating
- hero x villain
@moralesmilesanhour - meeting his uncle
- ___ (telekinesis!reader)
@forever1kay - ___
@pinkt3aa - graffiti competition
@syiano - being miles morales relative and a hero
alex summers
@quicksilverownsmysoul - Alex Summers with a Shy s/o
@make-me-imagine - alex taking care of you when you're sick
@random-imagines - Imagine killing time with Alex Summers between lessons
@chloe-skywalker - touching you
@imaginesbykesia - dating alex summers would include
Warren Worthington
@refiwrites - You’re Lucky I Love You
@michelle-is-writing - future
@mercurymilkshakes - fools
Sean cassidy
@groovymxn-blog - being human and dating sean cassidy would include:
@harringtonisadingus - dating sean cassidy
@spotofimagines - tower
@spacesuitsforemergency - dating sean cassidy
@random-imagines - sean trying to impress you
@writingforthefandom - first impressions
@poisonivysparks - sunburnt
@imaginationkingdom - ___
peter(pietro) maximoff
@takenbypeter - sick and needy
@ourquicksilvered - ___
@violetrainbow412-blog - dear professor
stephen strange
@dexnnovk - where is my love?
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marvelmojito · 6 years ago
A Shit Ton Of Monsters For Every Story
Imma tag @spilledkauffie because I love her monster au's
Fey ( a personal favorite!)
Gods/ Goddesses
Gorgons ( that's like Medusa btw)
Queens of Hell
Kings of Hell
Kings of the Fey
Queens of the Fey
Vampire Queens
Vampire Kings
Kitsune ( another favorite of mine!)
Dames Blanches.(very cool!)
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spilledkauffie · 3 years ago
Wolverine (Logan Howlett) NSFW HC List 
xFemale!Reader || for anon — T/W: NSFW
Original list made by: @caitlinsnicket
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Quiet but cosy — he doesn't talk much afterwards, you'll get some deep throaty grumbles and hums as he nuzzles against your skin while you catch your breath. When you come back from cleaning up, he wraps you in his arms, pulling you back down by the waist. Cosying up to him, sometimes you stroke along his collarbones, talking and he'll just listen, happy to hear your voice and your little sighs in between long sentences.
He’s actually the needy one in the aftermath — Logan doesn't like just parting ways afterwards; he wants to stay close to you feeling your skin against his, it still feels so intimate to him, even if you fall asleep or get tired. If you decide to turn over, Logan's on it, tightening his grip on you, keeping his eyes closed. You have to giggle and explain that you're just turning over, when you do you're met with silence until a raspy "oh," as he loosens, but doesn't let go of, his grip on you.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of their partner’s)
Hips — he loves grabbing you by the hips, literally squeezing his fingertips against your soft skin and pulling you closer, holding you in the perfect place, or using them to help guide the pace. (Even when it’s not sexy time, he always holds you close by your hips).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Ladies first — you’re always the first to cum, usually that’s just because Logan can outlast you, but sometimes it’s because he’s just that good.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Doesn't mind being dommed — Logan will never ever admit it, but he loves when you take charge and decide to top. This is something you've learned simply by experience with him; he'll let you sit on his lap super easily, from there you tried it during foreplay, and then in bed and sure enough he loved it. However, it's something you don't directly bring up, the closest you've gotten to talking about it is saying, "I guess I'm the only one who gets to tame you."
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows what he's doing — Logan doesn't talk about previous partners very much, if at all, in fact, he never does unless you ask and even then he tries to be as vague about it as possible. But he's been around for a good long while to have had quite a bit of experience.
Getting to know you — despite having a history, Logan believes in getting to know your preferences, not just applying what seems to work. He wants to know all your sweet spots, all your little turn ons, your body language, and sounds. Needless to say, after the second or third time, he's got it down to a science.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Just about anything — truly when the moment strikes, he doesn't really care as long as his hands can be all over you. Typically you're the one who'll set the position and he just goes with it, whatever you're feeling he's pretty much down for. However, some of his personal go-tos are:
On your back — anything with you on your back, usually he crawls ontop of you, supporting himself on his forearms, and you can make the call if you want to spread your legs out, wrap them around him, or just leave your knees to graze against his sides with each thrust.
Side — one arm around you, hand probably against your chest or stomach keeping you in place, the other either hooked under your legs or between your thighs. He'll kiss the top of your shoulder or softly bite at the side of your neck as you arch your body, shoulder and ass pressing hard against him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely more serious, but still fun — Logan is not dead serious, but he's definitely not telling jokes in bed. He likes to hear your pleasure happy giggles and see you smile while being intimate. He can't help but smile in response to some of your reactions, like when he hits that sweet spot a little early and send a jolt through your body, causing you to cling onto him for dear life, even though it only lasts a second before he pauses. He has to chuckle at the way you get a little shy during those moments, before he soothes your bruised confidence with deep kisses.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's way more romantic than he leads on — he loves carrying you off to bed, paying extra attention to you in the foreplay (and not rushing through it), and being incredibly romantic particularly for special occasions like anniversaries, your birthday, or if he can sense you just need a good pick me up.
He's not terribly verbal — but man oh man do his actions make up for it. Yes, he gives some "I love yous," but overall its in the way he treats you. This also translates to the bedroom, he may not lavish a bunch of praise, but he will physically praise your body and just make you feel fantastic.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He can restrain — he'd rather wait, even if it builds up the sexual tension, he'd rather wait until he can absolutely spend a night of pure pleasure with you, and you can definitely tell when he's been waiting, the tone is entirely different.
However — should he stumble upon you having a little self pleasure, he's not opposed to lending a hand, in some cases your get so flustered that he has to convince you its perfectly fine with him, other times he actually offers to leave and let you have the self-care time. "I can stay, or I can leave," he says, "tell me which will give what you need."
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Silk / Nightgowns — maybe it’s because the fabric looks dainty and alluring, but Logan really has a things for railing you while you’re wearing something silky. Even if during all the action the fabric winds up being pushed up and pulled down so it’s just around your stomach, everything else bare, it’s still a major kink for him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Someplace private — Logan likes to keep it behind closed doors and its almost never somewhere the two of you aren't familiar with (except hotels). It just keeps the atmosphere comfortable because you're not worried about anything other than each other.
However — that basically just means the bedroom, where in your bedroom is fair game, a desk, the bed, the floor, the bathroom counter, it doesn't matter if its familiar.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
A lot — you're surprised how easily he can get turned on, yet at the same time you're surprised at how well he can keep his composure in public. He'll squeeze your ass and whisper something only you hear in public, making heat rise to your face, meanwhile he's acting perfectly normal.
Looks — you and Logan have a lot of body language communication, but sometimes when you're in public you just shoot him a look that says it all; at first he'll just look over to you, and notice you're already staring at him. From there, he'll perk an eyebrow as if asking "really?" and from there he'll find an excuse to leave and be alone with you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Public or remotely public — it can't be too risky as in being seen by someone, that's just an immediate no.
Too rough — Logan loves to squeeze a lot, even enough to leave bruises, but things like choking that could really hurt you are also a no-go. Not big on hair pulling, a hand in your hair is one thing, but pulling, nope. // He almost always has to be the toughie, in battle and in general to assert some authority, so when it's time to be intimate, he doesn't actually like being rough, it's a time when he can finally be gentle.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Giving — not his strong suit, but takes your hints and reads your body language so he can get better!
Receiving — he’s definitely a fan of it, but doesn’t always ask for it. You found out that he’s super responsive during oral, even more so than during sex, so it can make it really easy to dom him, which is a rare situation to be in. It’s oddly attractive to for once have his pleasure at your mercy.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It varies — its never just one pace, it either starts out really hot and heavy, then slows down with time, or it starts out slow and sweet and builds up to a heavy pace. It keeps the pleasure at a maximum, as just when you think you're going to hit your orgasm, he'll slow the pace, or just when you've gotten used to a slower rhythm, he'll hit deeper and harder.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's so down for it — loves to take time for it, and he doesn't need a lot of time, so quickies are perfectly fine with him!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not his favourite — he’s not really down for anything to risky or experimental. Especially if it’s pretty far from what you usually do together. // Now things that are simply like new positions or maybe a location shake up (like the shower or during a bath etc.) that’s different and he’d be down with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The question is more how long can you go — Logan's stamina is off the charts, so there's really no question if he's up for another round. It's how much you can take depending on the day. Literally Logan can last go forever and he can last a good long while!
Say when — it’s when you say you can’t keep going, shaking and panting, palms pressed to his chest, that he knows it’s time to cool it down, wrapping things up with some tender and soothing kisses, before helping you up and possibly carrying you to the shower.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He doesn't tease much — out of the two of you, you're probably the one who's more of a tease to him. When Logan’s in the mood he’s down to go, he doesn’t feel the need to tease you, just enough to get you comfortably wet for him. // However fe doesn’t take much teasing, he’ll literally just hoist you up and take control.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not very verbal — there's not much "conversation" shall we say, there's not a lot of verbal praise and compliments, he lets you know in other ways.
Low growls , groans, and moans — he's definitely in the habit of more subtle sounds and signs of pleasure, such as throaty low growls before he noses against your neck, fingers squeezing your skin.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
You’re well taken care of — Logan’s all around a bit above average.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high — if you’re in the mood he’s in the mood, he’ll never not be if you’re game for a round or two.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You first — Logan tends to get sleepy, but doesn’t fall asleep, he just really relaxes afterwards. So he’ll close his eyes and nuzzle up to you, but he’s perfectly awake. Usually he winds up feeling your breathing change from steady while you’re awake and talking, to soft and rhythmic.
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ii-larb-you · 3 years ago
DC fic recs
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Bruce Wayne
no other shade of blue - @embrassemoi
so damn charming - @drifterbruce
dark knight and deep bruises - @spilledkauffie
pick a color - @defaulttwig
I won’t drown, Batman - @twinklelilstarkey
morning routine - @moonlitdesertdreams
slice of life: cooking lessons - @ellana-ravenwood
jason todd and the haunted manor - ^^
all for us series masterlist - @the-daydreaming-show
her cafe - @reveluving
raising baby birds for dummies - @disgrays-on
at ease - @moonlitdesertdreams
“I want to see my little boy!” - @dragon-chica
long overdue - @apocalypse-shuffle
the circus - @imaginingmarvelandeverything
"carrying the other one in their arms" - @ragingbookdragon
batsis meet the batboys - ^^
mercenary - @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
Poly!Jason Todd x reader x Roy Harper
pick me up - @rev-wrath
bedtime with the boys - @dccomicsimagines
Jason Todd
learning to love slowly (2) - @to-the-stars8 (there are like multiple parts for this so go read them, I linked this one tho cause its my favorite)
"things must be catastrophic if you're calling me at this hours" - @embrassemoi
of soup and snowstorms - @makethatelevenrings
one-shot (featuring dami and tim) - @veronica-17-hood (MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE WRTITEON THIS APP!!)
one-shot (featuring dami) - ^^
elopement - @dccomicsimagines
a baby in the family - @ellana-ravenwood
slumber party? - @moonlitdesertdreams
Poly!Damian Wayne x reader x Jon Kent
blurb #18 - @quillsareswords
myo pizza night - @unmotivatedwrit3r
Damian Wayne
cuddly damian - @ssak-i
what's a lock to a bat? - @unmotivatedwrit3r
gala with damian - @veronica-17-hood
protect you - @catxsnow
cutest softest damian thing ever - @quillsareswords (love all their writing!! It’s absolutely adorable)
“Don’t say a word about this” - @thesuperiorrobin
lipstick stains - ^^
my beloved - @glittering-moonlillie
Wally West
"hold still. this might sting a little." - @agentofkrypton
happy new years - @butwhyduh
Dick Grayson
cuddlebug - @ghost-soap (love all of their writing)
animal instinct - @cipheress-to-k-pop
much loved sister in law - @lazydoodlesandfanfic
Cassandra Cain
the girlfriend theives - @spvilers
Tim Drake
one-shot - @veronica-17-hood
Roy Harper
tired - @rev-wrath
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nowayhomerry · 3 years ago
steven grant rec list
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a lot of these fics have moments or mentions of marc spector x reader, but this is a primarly steven centric list. i will eventually be making another list for marc so stay tuned for that - <3
red flags | series (18+) - @astroboots
categories: smut, some fluff in there too
word count: 109.1k (in total)
summary: sweet as he is, dating steven means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way
chocolate (18+) - @laters-gators
categories: smut
word count: 6.1k
summary: after weeks of pining for your coworker steven grant, sharing chocolate over a late shift causes sparks to fly
crush <3 (18+) - @mcusua
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 6.2k
summary: a simple date with your coworker crush turns into so much more
cheer me up before you go go (18+) - @missdictatorme
categories: smut, fluff, tiny bit of angst
word count: 4.5k
summary: you have a crush on your sweet neighbor, and after steven's bad date emotions surface. as the sexual tension between you grows impossible to ignore, a third party joins the chat, so to speak
meet cute - @scandalous-chaos
categories: FLUFF
word count: 0.6k
summary: you meet a cute gift shopist on your way to work
tuesday's on the phone to me - @spilledkauffie
categories: angst, fluff
word count: 2.5k
summary: steven misses a date with you; understanding and thinking that you'll never want to see him again, he apologizes and leaves...
ya rouhi | series (18+) - @skvatnavle
part 1 part 2
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 4.0k (in total)
summary: along with your new job at the museum, you meet a sweet gift shopist
good day - @oswildin
categories: fluff
word count: 4.0k
summary: you and steven work at the museum together. little did he know you had a crush on the man. after getting yourself into trouble, you and steven are both punished with an evening in inventory
a lasting impression - @writefightandflightclub
categories: ANGST ANGST ANGST (like your heart will break)
word count: 7.9k
summary: steven falls asleep on you. no... i mean literally on you
take over (18+) - @foxilayde
categories: SMUT
word count: 3.3k
summary: there's a girl in his bed and a wolf at his door
history lesson (18+) - @polaroidpetal
categories: smut
word count: 2.4k
summary: people say not to mix your personal life with working life. the rules change when your working life is a major turn on for your personal life
take on me - @oswildin
categories: fluff
word count: 4.6k
summary: you end up on an accidental date with steven, but it ends up being the best date you could've asked for. it leads into more, but things aren't as simple as they appear. with adoration strong for the man, you take a chance on him
lovin' arms to hold me | series - @harrysweasleys
part 1 part 2
categories: fluff, a bit a angst
word count: 8k (in total)
summary: being a tour guide at the museum and development a stupid crush on steven, only to have that all crash and burn when you find out about his date
where it starts - @silversweetpea
categories: fluff
word count: 3.9k
summary: you can't tell if it takes you a day a week or a month to fall in love with steven. you just know that you do
in you i find solace (18+) - @cunaeparker
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 6k
summary: thunderstorms are frightening. she finds herself wound up at her neighbor's flat- aka her best friend's residence. surrounded by candlelight and words unspoken. maybe the blown fuse was a blessing in disguise?
angry sex (18+) - @thatredheadwriter
categories: smut. fluff
word count: 2.3k
summary: steven's had a lousy day at work, but when he comes home to find you just getting out of the shower, the two of you find another way for him to blow off some steam
first time's a charm (18+) - @babyboibucky
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 3k
summary: steven's about to lose his virginity to you
the first move | series (18+) - @paper-n-ashes
part 1 part 2 (part 2 is marc x reader)
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 6.3k (in total)
summary: you work at a tea shop and you have a crush on one of your regulars, a cute museum worker. you're convicted that he's never going to make a move, until a "friend" of his tells you that you're going to have to make it yourself
stupid - @mrsknightt
categories: fluff
word count: 1k
summary: working at a museum had its perks, one of them being developing a stupid crush on your coworker
really, truly (18+) - @jangofctts
categories: smut, some fluff
word count: 5.3k
summary: a little incident at work lead to some private time alone in a back room with your coworker
like you better (18+) - @helpinghanikan
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 3.2k
summary: only a few hours inside his head and steven managed to annoy marc into making a pit stop before reaching egypt. but maybe marc isn't as bad as they both think
heavy metal lover (18+) - @ozarkthedog
categories: smut
word count: 1.2k
summary: steven fucks you with one of his batons after you watch him fight
holy mary (18+) - @vi-sinner
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 2.5k
summary: you and steven have been together for a few months, and every time you reached to take things farther he pushes away. but in reality, it has everything to do with him, not you
a little banged up (18+) - @grippingbeskar
categories: smut, a bit of fluff
word count: 5.6k
summary: you haven't seen steven in a few days so you decide to go to his flat and check up on him
sucking (18+) - @myfictionaldreams
categories: smut, fluff
word count: 2k
summary: steven seemed to have a fascination with watching you suck on your fingers
love you like the sun came out - @marc-spectorr
categories: fluff!
word count: 0.9k
summary: steven spends an evening with two of his absolute favorites - the egyptian exhibit at the museum and you
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