I’m KauffieI Write Things From Time To TimeMulti-Fandom (mostly SW)about — tip jar — masterlist — side blog
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Hey, what happened to all of your Hamilton stuff?
Hey there! I’ve removed or hidden most of it, as I’ve stepped back from the fandom and changed directions, as well as for some personal reasons. I’ve done this with another fandom I’m not active in and I’ve discontinued SPN for now too. Sorry for any inconvenience, I hope you understand.
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Random thought: I may have imagined this fic with Echo (because I just love him too much) and imagine Echo noticing certain little things and you tell him how you feel but you both can’t exactly pinpoint what. Then Hunter asks him if you were feeling alright (because both of them are protective of everyone and wants to watch out for you) and he asks because he feels another heartbeat but he doesn’t want to overstep or maybe his senses were overwhelming him. After some discussion as well as your permission, Hunter feels your stomach and Echo is so nervous and asks if he senses the heartbeat. Hunter confirms the possibility by laughing and saying “Yes and they echo just like their dad”
I’m sorry for the random thought but I love him too much 😭💙🖤
Me reading this:
Never apologize, I absolutely adore all your ideas, love! This is so cute and wholesome!! I feel like it would bring Hunter and Echo even closer too (not that they aren't already), because it'd be so special that Hunter told you that you're going to be parents! Also, I almost wrote this in the HCs a while ago, but what if Echo became a dad of twins!! (when they got old enough to talk they'd repeat each other on certain things and he'd just roll his eyes thinking back to Domino squad 'so that's how it felt?')
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This was the sweetest fic to wake up to!! I really love how you describe Hunter’s heightened senses and how they increase even more when it’s someone he cares about, talking with the boys about your well-being and trying to figure it out (and them being protective of you as well🥺) and just him being so caring and very attentive to the reader, I love this very much!! And the title is so perfect too and the best way to end the fic😭😭 I just know each time he needs a moment to calm down, he’ll just go to you and the baby and feel them, thank you for writing this Angel!!♥️🖤🤍
I'm so so glad that you liked it!! 🖤 (I'm convinced if you were dating one of them they'd all be sooo protective, you'd be and feel so safe it'd be ridiculous 😭) Yesss, I love that idea so much, especially as the pregnancy progresses and it's even easier to sense it! He 100% has to sleep with one of his hands on your stomach.
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Make That Seven
Pairing: Sergeant Hunter (TBB) x Female!Reader Word Count: 3.1k T/W: pregnancy description / discussion A/N: for this request ❤︎︎
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
“I have successfully acquired the cargo,” Tech’s voice came through Hunter’s helmet in a static, but proud tone.
“You mean we have successfully acquired it,” Echo chimed in with a strain, sounding as though he was the one struggling to physically hold on to the cargo.
Hunter, ignoring whatever situation was taking place aboard, turned to you; yelling so you could hear him over the few blaster fires coming hot on your tail from behind, “they have the cargo!”
“Great,” you respond, closing your eyes momentarily as the blaster fires stirred the gravel in front of you, causing dust to rush around your face, “so how do we get rid of them?”
You gestured behind, to the speeders closing in.
“Leave it to me,” Wrecker quickly fell back, punching his fists together, proceeding to pick up the nearest object of debris, hurling it at the two low speeders after you.
You came to a halt at the anticipation of an explosion, Hunter dived over to where you had sunk to your knees, using his body to protect you from any flying metal scraps that were once a part of a well-oiled machine Wrecker was dismantling. Feeling Hunter’s chest press against your back, you squeezed your eyes shut at a second explosion and pushed back against him, waiting to hear all the falling pieces come down before you looked up.
“Well,” you finally said in an exhausted sigh, looking over your shoulder to meet Hunter’s helmet, “that’ll do it.”
“Nice going, Wrecker,” Hunter said, half with a sigh, just glad that it was over.
“No problem, Serg! Ha ha hah!”
Shaking your head, you and Hunter were suddenly drawn to a familiar ship landing a few paces away. Wrecker was making his way over with some of the more interesting pieces of machinery that Tech had requested he bring along with him over the com. As you pushed yourself back onto your heels, Hunter’s arm came around you from behind, gently placing his hand on your stomach as you stabilize yourself, using his opposite hand to hold yours he softly pulled you up.
You stood, completely out of breath, dropping your head back against his chest for a moment, just thankful to be alive after the chaos that had taken place. Of course, for the boys this was a normal mission, so the rest started boarding the Marauder with only the slightest heaviness in breath. It was near impossible to keep up with them sometimes, but you were more than happy to be along. Exhaling deeply, finally catching your breath, you noticed Hunter’s hand still spread on your stomach gently. Turning around slowly and giving some space between you and him, you found him looking pensively and concerningly like you’d never seen before. Shocked he’d removed his helmet before boarding, you brought your arms closer to your side in a soft but mildly defensive manner, figuring something was wrong that you just couldn’t sense yet.
“Hunter?” You speak meeting his eyes directly.
There’s a pause as Hunter takes a deep breath, looking more and more confused by the second himself; he’s always been able to sense things, and they even seemed heightened when it came to those he loved most. But this was different, this was nothing like he’d ever experienced before. There was the resounding sense that the two of you weren’t just the two of you anymore. Of late, he swore he heard your heartbeat double, every time he sensed your pulse, he sensed it twice, one much more timidly than your usual, but nevertheless it was there.
“Are you. . . okay?” He asks suddenly, furrowing his brows and closing any space between you, which ironically made you feel more at ease that it wasn’t incoming danger.
Dropping your hands you shrug, chest still rising and falling a little faster than his, “oh yeah, of course. Not all of us can be elite and-“
“You’re sure you’re. . . okay?” Hunter ducks his head a little lower, squinting his eyes and speaking softer.
“Hunter,” you half laugh to yourself at his overprotective nature, “I’m fine, seriously, not even a scratch on me, Hun.”
Although Hunter’s expression doesn’t change, you smile before placing a lingering kiss to the corner of his lips, pulling back to meet his eyes once more to assure him that you were fine, placing your hand on his chest plate.
“Hurry up lovebirds, or the nest is about to be blown up,” Crosshair calls from the open door on the Marauder.
Turning your head swiftly to face the facility you’d just escaped, you could hardly see anything on the horizon.
“He sees something we can’t,” Hunter acknowledges, taking your hand in his as you both make for the ship’s open door.
Once on board, Tech and Echo, who had been relieved from holding on to the cargo by Wrecker, immediately worked to get you all out of the new danger, but it wasn’t until you left the planet’s atmosphere that everyone relaxed, well, nearly everyone. Crosshair was busy disassembling and cleaning his gear in his usual spot by the map projector, Echo was near the back helping Tech strap down the cargo they hadn’t had time to truly and safely secure in the middle of all the action and you were with Wrecker in the cockpit, talking while he snacked. Hunter, on the other hand, was staring at you from the hull, bouncing a knee.
“Problem?” Crosshair’s voice suddenly broke into Hunter’s thoughts.
“Wh- no, nothing,” Hunter shook his head once, leaning back in the seat trying to act normally, having completely forgotten Crosshair was next to him, “mission went great, so everything’s fine as usual.”
Crosshair pointed an eyebrow, not believing a word Hunter said. He tried to keep eye contact with Crosshair, but every time there was a mildly loud noise coming from the cockpit his eyes darted over to double-check that you were okay. When he returned to meet Crosshair’s gaze, he found him with lips pressed together in a smile. Crosshair then shifted his toothpick and proceeded to make the most obvious shift in gaze over to you, causing Hunter to follow it before Crosshair dropped his head rolling back to Hunter his eyes as if asking him to explain.
“Okay,” Hunter gave in calmly, swivelling the chair away from the cockpit door so you wouldn’t be likely to hear; Crosshair followed suit, “I’m a little worried about her, something’s been…off, medically I think.”
“You’re not just overreacting?” Crosshair suggested, casually returning to cleaning his riffle, aware that Hunter clearly wanted to keep the conversation looking as normal as possible, just in case you looked over.
“I’m sure; it’s been going on for a few weeks now,” Hunter admitted, “so I know it’s not just me since it’s-”
“Persisting,” Crosshair finished the sentence, “right, so what’s your plan? Does she know?”
“No,” Hunter dropped his head.
“That’s not very good leadership communication,” Crosshair smiled, knowing it’d ruffle Hunter’s feathers.
“I’m trying to figure it out before I say anything,” Hunter got a little more defensive in his tone, drawing your attention.
You peeked around the chair from the cockpit back at the two; Crosshair acted like he was looking for something in his kit as Hunter gave you a soft smile that always let you know everything was okay. Returning it, you turned back to Wrecker who was trying to spot shapes in the stars with you out the front window as you drifted in space.
“And how is this investigation going, Hunter?” Tech’s voice came in, obviously curious about the situation; Hunter looked up to see Tech and Echo behind Crosshair, they’d clearly come up from strapping the cargo down. “I couldn’t help but overhear something about you trying to figure something out?”
Tech pushed the bridge of his goggles up, looking between his brothers, awaiting an answer. Hunter sighed reluctantly, he didn’t really want to tell anyone else about his suspicions, except you when the time was right, but nevertheless, he explained his feeling that something was going on with you medically, even though he couldn’t tell what.
“Oh, how interesting,” Tech said thoughtfully, after Hunter’s explanation, “well, I could conduct some exams if-”
“No,” Hunter quickly cut Tech off from finishing his sentence, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, “I actually think I’ve figured it out already.”
“Then what are you waiting for,?” Crosshair dropped back in his seat, crossing his arms, now completely confused why Hunter was dragging the conversation out so long if he’d known all along.
“Well, because it’s- complicated,” he looked around at his three brothers, all waiting for him to say it, “I think she’s…pregnant.”
“What?” Crosshair said in a low voice.
“Oh!” Was all Tech had to interject.
“Well, I’ve been hearing-”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Echo started, in complete shock, “Hunter, you’re telling me we’ve got a baby on board?”
“Look at it this way,” Tech turned to Echo, “she’s already been on various amount of missions that could have compromised the safety of herself as well as-”
“Believe it or not, that’s not helping,” Echo crossed his arms over his chest.
“I know,” Hunter tried to quell the group, certain you were overhearing every single word, “just don’t say anything.”
“I will if you won’t,” Echo stated confidently, purely out of care for you, “she needs to know.”
“I’m going to, I will,” Hunter strained to keep his patience, “I’m just figuring out the right time, and brace myself for the outcome; what if she doesn’t want me around now that a kid’s entering the picture? We’re not exactly safe, I’m working on it.”
“Well figure it out faster,” Crosshair said, getting up, “otherwise you’re jeopardizing her.”
“I mean, logically, she would figure it out eventually if you simply wait until the-”
“Would you stop?” Echo turned to face Tech directly, discouraging his scientific observations for the time being, “Hunter, you have to tell her, I’m sure she’ll take it a lot better than you think, but she has to know, it’s too dangerous to hold off on.”
“You’re right,” he admitted, “I mean, I could be wrong, but…”
The sound of your joyous laughter broke off the conversation between the boys; looking to the cockpit, Wrecker had his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and was hoisting you up, stomping around the cockpit, obviously mimicking the creatures you had previously faced on a mission.
“Wrecker!” came a concerned and scolding exclamation from the hull.
Wrecker immediately and completely stopped in his tracks at what he was doing, as if he’d frozen. Turning only his head, he took to staring and blinking toward the four of his brothers. It was completely normal for you and Wrecker to be this playful, he picked you up and hugged you wildly all the time, so the sudden backlash from all four startled you. They had all moved closer to the cockpit doorway but stopped when Wrecker paused. There was a shared confusion between you and Wrecker as you glanced over to them as well.
“Wh-what?” Wrecker asked, suddenly feeling bad, unsure why and what for.
“Just- be careful,” Hunter tried, “with…her.”
“I- I always am,” he responded; worried that he’d hurt you, Wrecker looked to you in his arms, and you looked up just as puzzled before he assured the group, “she’s okay.”
Hunter grasped for words but didn’t have any. Glancing around to his brothers they all gave him a look telling him to come out with it, Hunter was fairly certain someone was going to start a countdown giving him a matter of seconds to tell you before one of them stepped in.
“Ah, Wrecker, think you could give me just a few minutes with her?”
“Ohhhh, getting jealous of our time together? Say no more Serg, she’s all yours,” Wrecker laughed, mood completely returning to his usual oblivious, but kind-hearted nature.
Setting you down softly, Wrecker winked obviously at Hunter as he passed and began looking for more snacks; you adjusted your outfit back into place. Sitting down in one of the passenger’s chairs, Hunter joined you in the seat adjacent. Looking you over, you were so stunning to him in the dim light coming from the window, a thousand stars and planets in your eyes. Hunter was beginning to worry he’d ruin everything if he said something, but then he heard and felt it again, he could feel it as if it was a part of him so deeply that he had to let you know it was a part of you too.
“What were you guys talking about?” You inquired, “it looked pretty serious.”
“Ah, yeah,” Hunter leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees avoiding your eyes for a moment, before looking up, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand, “look, you’re sure you’re feeling alright?”
“Of course,” you giggled, “Hun, we went over this I’m totally-”
“I mean…before the mission, did you feel alright? No…stomach pain?” Hunter was entirely out of his league here, he had no idea the best ways to identify pregnancy other than when it started to show, but his instinct told him it was the case even if no one else could possibly know it yet.
“Stomach…pain?” You dipped your head and perked an eyebrow, still a faint smile on your face.
“Or…you know…maybe fatigue? Dizziness? Missed anything?”
“C’mon, what is this an experiment for Tech? He’s just too shy to ask?” You almost laughed again, yourself at the idea of Tech asking you these questions.
Giving a sigh seeing that this method was going nowhere and he’d have to present his idea sooner or later since you had no idea yet. Hunter turned quiet for a while, staring at the floor of the ship. You could tell there was something more serious on hand; Hunter was a protector by nature, but this seemed a bit much even for him, he trusted you when you told him how you were feeling, the fact that he was questioning it wasn’t like him.
“What’s bothering you? I’m okay, just tell me,” you encouraged, meeting him, leaning forward and placing a hand on his forearm, “we’ll work it out together, but I’ve got to know to help.”
Hunter half smiled to himself, looking at your hand on his arm, caressing it with his opposite hand; if only you knew.
“Alright, but just hear me out first,” Hunter glanced up with pleading eyes, a rare sight.
“Of course,” you moved closer to the edge of your seat so you could take both his hands in yours.
“For a while now…I’ve been sensing something I couldn’t explain. Every time I touch you it gets stronger, but it’s always there. It’s like it’s a part of me too.” You nodded for him to go on, “and as time has gone on, I think I’ve figured out what it is. It’s your pulse, and it’s doubled,” Hunter winced a little expecting a reaction, but nothing came yet, “it’s softer and not as strong, but there’s another heartbeat inside you and so I think…that…”
Hunter slowed his sentence down as he watched your eyes become brighter than the stars reflecting in them and your smile widen excitedly; he could feel your hands tightening around his. You nodded when he stopped, but he didn’t say anything more, he wanted you to be the one to say it, to confirm the thoughts and feelings that had been rushing through his mind nonstop.
“We’re pregnant?” You spoke in a whisper as delicate as a dove.
“I think so,” Hunter nodded, your energy contagious as he couldn’t help but smile back at you.
Letting go of his hands, you leaned back in your chair, tucking your legs up and covering your smile with your hands. The stars never looked so bright. Tears of joy were brimming in your eyes as a million future scenarios rushed through your mind. The fact that Hunter’s senses were so attentive to you that he could sense the moment you became pregnant made you even more emotional as you began to think of how attentive he was going to be with the child, forever keeping them safe.
“Honey, are you-” Hunter was cut off by a gasp as you leaned to grasp his hands tightly.
“Wait until we tell your brothers,” you smiled, “they’ll be so happy too, I just know it! How should we tell them?”
“About that,” Hunter returned to a mildly anxious state, “they might…already…mostly know.”
Your smile faded, “so…so I was the last to know?”
Hunter took a deep breath, realising how that came across.
“You knew and you told them first?” Your eyebrows furrowed together.
“Not intentionally. I wasn’t planning on it, but apparently, I wasn’t as subtle as I thought I was so they noticed, and Crosshair, he saw right through me.”
“He’s good at that,” you admit with a soft smile, thinking over the situation; of course, his brothers knew him best and it wasn’t that hard to tell something had been off with him, “well, as long as you didn’t hide it on purpose.”
“Promise,” Hunter stroked the side of your cheek with his hand.
“Hunter,” you sighed his name happily, leaning into his touch and closing your eyes, “I couldn’t be happier than right now.”
Leaning forward, Hunter kisses your forehead, lingering against your skin for a moment, before resting his chin against your temple.
“You know, there is someone who doesn’t know,” Hunter spoke.
“Really?” You pulled back a little bit, confused.
Hunter smirked, certain that Wrecker hadn’t heard when he looked to the hull and found him in the middle of trying to tease Crosshair with his Lula, a daily routine for him. Taking your hand in his, Hunter nodded for you to rejoin the group and you quickly wiped away the tears that had slipped passed your lashes. The four who already knew all directed their attention to you; they glanced to Hunter quickly to confirm that he had told you and when Hunter gave a subtle nod, their gazes met you.
“Congratulations are in order,” Crosshair nodded from where he was sitting.
“This will be a most fascinating time, I do hope that we can meet any requirements,” Tech said with a gentle smile and an adjustment of his goggles.
“We’re all very excited for you,” Echo joined.
“Yeah!!” Wrecker exclaimed, raising a fist to the sky, before a blanket of confusion came over his face, “wait, for what? What happened? It’s just been the six of us.”
He looked around at everyone, clearly, he was the only one out of the loop. Hunter and you exchanged glances before he gestured to you with open arms.
You bit the inside of your lip unable to contain your smile, “make that seven.”
#spilledkauffie#hunter tbb#hunter x reader#hunter x you#hunter x#tbb hunter#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter x reader#sergeant hunter#sergeant hunter x you#sergeant hunter x reader#hunter tbb x#star wars fanfiction#star wars fic#the bad batch imagine#the bad batch x you#the bad batch x reader#sergeant hunter fluff
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i miss him (fictional character that i can rewatch or reread at any time i want)
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Hiiii! I’ve never requested anything before, but I feel like the plotline I’ll suggest is perfect for Hunter! (I’ve seen it a few times around Tumblr, so it’s def not an original idea.) Also, you’re the only one who would truly do it justice, because your writing is magnificent, of course!
Basically, the reader is pregnant but they don’t know it yet. However, Hunter senses the heartbeat of the lil baby and he’s the one that tells the reader they’re pregnant! 🥹
Kauffie, I will be forever grateful if you decide to bring this to life! ❤️
May or may not have immediately written a rough draft after seeing this ask come in 👀 I've never heard of this plot and now I just really love it!
Thank you so much, that's so sweet, and thank you for reading!!
I’ll try to have it out by the weekend! ☺️
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Is this absolutely the cutest thing I’ve ever read in my life? Yes miss ma’am 😭✨
Echo would be such an amazing and supportive person overall, my heart is exploding with this😭😭 (also, him saying to Wrecker to not eat the reader’s snacks if he’s not ready challenge the reader, priceless) and just wanting the reader to be comfortable with themselves, physically and emotionally, where is this man when I need him?😭💙🖤
And the rest of the boys, Tech being super excited but not wanting to mess anything up as well as the little things, Hunter being protective (as always thank you very much!!😭😭) and getting emotional because his brothers will also be uncles and he’s super grateful to have them be their kid’s uncles and Wrecker always being there for you and the cravings (the fiasco too omg) just imagine their child being smaller than the rest of everyone else’s kids and Wrecker becomes extremely overprotective of them and names them somewhere along the lines of “little warrior”, all of them need hugs and all the love in the world AS WELL AS YOU, THANK YOU!!🥺😭💙🤍🖤
Also 3 fics in one week?!
I'm so sorry this took me so long to respond to!!!!! 😭
Echo absolutely would be (especially with you because you're his soulmate, obviously!)! You deserve no less!!! I am manifesting this man into your life, love!! 🕯✨
Oh my goodness, yes, Wrecker would absolutely adore them and be their #1 protector / backup!! I love that name idea, I think that's so spot on. Of course, if they were insecure about not being as strong as their dad he'd say something about how being brave and a warrior isn't just strength, it's about your heart and I can'ttttt 😭 He's just a big softy!!! 🖤
Thank you as always for your support, gorgeous!!! 🤍
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The Bad Batch x Pregnant!Reader HCs
Individually x Female!Reader || pure fluff ✨☁️✨
no Crosshair in this one; it’s a personal HC that he’s not down with having kids, so I won’t be writing him in this situation :)
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
Echo ↴
When you told him — it’s a little bit of a surprise. You two had talked about definitely wanting kids and being parents together, but Echo was never sure it was a possibility. He worries that the experimentations on him might’ve changed some things to make it impossible for the two of you, but he was proved wrong when you showed up with a positive. / “wait- really?” Echo asks with a smile already growing. / “yeah! Isn’t that- are you happy?” You suddenly worry. / “Of course!” He reassured you, taking you in his arms, “I just wasn’t sure I had it in me,” he blushes immediately after he admits it. / You smile wide and kiss him, “well you did it, I’m officially carrying Echo 2.0,” you giggle. / “we are not naming them Echo,” he chuckles, “can you imagine: Echo?” He tries to imitate Hunter, “yes? Yes?“ / You both laugh before just spending a little time together cuddling and taking in the moment.
Wants to document everything — Echo really wants to have memories to look back on, and that means not missing an opportunity to take a holo-photo or video. Every stage of the trimester he wants a picture of your tummy so that when the pregnancy is over you can look back and see the baby bump get bigger gradually. Of course, you tell him "only the tummy, don't get my face, Echo...," but he always takes a full picture. / When you tell him that you can feel the baby moving he immediately grabs his datapad with all the pictures and videos so he can record it. However, when you ask him if he wants to feel, he pauses for a moment trying to figure out how he'll still be able to record it if his hand is on your tummy. / You giggle at his contemplating expression, "I'll take it, Love," you reach out for the datapad and Echo blushes a little. / "Right, thanks," he chuckles, scootching a little closer to you and softly placing his hand on you. / You begin to understand why he wants to document everything the moment you see his face light up at feeling a little kick against his hand.
Learns to keep up with the mood changes — you’re not used to having this kind of boost in your emotions, so at first, you talk it out with Echo, explaining how you don’t feel like yourself, you feel annoying, and it kind of worries you. He helps to remind you that right now your body is going through something really incredible and really taxing on you, and it’s okay to feel a little lost and overwhelmed in it all. He’s there to work through it all with you, holding your hand or giving you space, whichever you need in the moment. He doesn’t get offended if you’re a bit more grumpy or snappy than usual. Or if you’re more easily emotional, saddened, or clingy. Echo seriously takes it like a champ and helps to centre the both of you. // The hardest part is getting everyone else on the same page sometimes: There was one time Wrecker accidentally helped himself to your craving snack that Echo keeps stocked and when you found out it wasn’t pretty. / “I told you, if you’re not ready to challenge her, don’t steal her snacks, Wrecker,” Echo sighs, rolling his eyes, a smirk on his lips as he watches Wrecker walk away like a wounded puppy. / “yeah, but,” Wrecker sniffles, “she didn’t have to say that.”
Does some research, but goes off feeling — Echo is definitely the kind of guy to consult a "what to expect when expecting" book, but overall he wants to make sure that he's most attentive to you and what you're experiencing. He doesn't see pregnancy as a linear thing for everyone. Even if he doesn't know a lot about it, he knows it can be experienced differently, so you are the primary source. He always checks in with a very specific "how are you doing/feeling today?" style question at some point during the day. / He doesn’t do it in an annoying way though, he does it so he can keep a mental list of things that seemed to help and things that seemed to make it worse. That way if you respond with “my feet really hurt today” he remembers what helped last time (because he asked) and can suggest it. // However if you both have no idea of a good remedy or what something means, it’s back to the book.
Doesn't mind shopping for you — Echo has zero shame walking into a store or going to the planet’s local market at 2a.m. all because you were craving something. He doesn’t mind buying you more flowy outfits so you feel more comfortable as your baby bump gets bigger, and he absolutely will negotiate with a sales clerk to make sure you get the right one that you wanted.
Tech ↴
When you told him — he’s actually really excited! Most likely you’ve been trying for a while, because it’s not a surprise or shock. You two definitely planned to become parents, so when you tell him that you’re finally pregnant he’s really excited about it! He’s kind of speechless, until he blurts out, “that’s absolutely fantastic information!” and hugs you. He immediately begins trying to plan things out, and that means years in advance. When he tells you about it, you have to giggle, but you know that he’s just really excited about it and like to have things planned as much as possible. He’s also beyond ecstatic to have someone to teach, someone who will ask questions, etc.
Way out of his league for once — while he’s really happy about your pregnancy, he soon realises that he surprisingly doesn’t know much on the subject. Likewise, he realises that he won’t be able to experience it with you and he’ll be largely and observer of the situation. Which coming from the community of Kamino + having The Bad Batch, he’s not used to simply watching instead of being in the action equally. / So, Tech has a bit of a tough time adjusting to the situation especially when it gets to the more obvious stages (baby bump really showing) and the more difficult stages (pains / aches / sleepless nights). He wants to help, but feels kind of useless, especially when you say “it’s okay, it’ll pass in a second,” about pains or “you don’t have to get up, get some sleep, Honey” about sleepless nights. Something you’ve noticed is Tech tends to isolate, he’s working on the Marauder a lot more, or staying in his makeshift workshop where he can fix stuff. Even the other boys have noticed this change and try to figure out what’s going on. You figure it has something to do with him having to be on the sidelines more than he’s used to.
↳ when you make your way out to the Marauder, you find Tech tinkering with something or other in the driver’s chair. “Okay,” you announce yourself, drawing his attention, he spins around to see you, “what’s going on?” / “I think a more appropriate question would be what are you doing in here? I told you it’s an absolute minefield for dangerous potential in your condition,” he counters as you continue to manoeuvre the ship's mess to get to him. / “Well, maybe if you’d ever come out I wouldn’t have to come in,” you tilt your head, looking down at him slightly, now standing next to the chair. / Tech leans back into the seat, looking away, “fair, I suppose.” / “Come on, talk to me, what’s going on?” You casually try an coax him, “I know this is about the baby.” / “I’m just- I’m worried what if I make a mistake somewhere along the way,” you finally meet his golden eyes; there’s a signature wrinkle in the middle of his forehead indicating that he’s really worried, but before you can say anything, he places a gentle hand on your tummy, “this isn’t a simulation that you can simply start over or retry. And I just want to make sure I can get it right.” / “Oh, Tech,” you sigh, placing your arms around his shoulders. Sometimes you wish you could assure him that some mistakes in life aren’t as detrimental as they are on the battlefield, this was going to be a new dynamic for him, and there was plenty of room for little newbie mistakes.
The little things — since you want him to feel as involved as possible, you’ll give him little things to do, like figure out what the best kind of fruit are for pregnancy (even if you don’t really care, it’s something for him to do). Research is a big thing that he loves and you completely encourage him to give it a go on this subject as well. Of course, he comes back with some mad TMI details that even you aren’t sure you wanted to know about the process and potential outcomes, but he’s absolutely glowing at the fact that he now knows more about it. In the end he feels a lot more comfortable with the situation now that he can help.
Baby names — the man is prepared, he’s got a list within days. He’s got the original meaning, language, interpretations, variations etc. He throws some wild ones out there and it soon becomes something of a routine that before bed, you cuddle up, laying back against his chest as he sits up against the wall. He rests his chin on top of your head or shoulder and holds the list in front of you, just barely resting his hands against your baby bump. Occasionally while you’re thinking about one, he’ll rub your stomach of side with the hand he’s holding a pen in. / “Tech, I don’t even know how to pronounce that,” you admit looking over one. / “Ah that’s why I included the phonetics,” he says happily. / You perk an eyebrow and lean back to stare at him. Clearing his throat he nods and tilts his head crossing out the name.
Hunter ↴
When you told him — he was actually right there with you, holding your hand (literally) when you found out. He’s super excited about becoming a dad! You talked about it in advance and decided to let it happen when it happens and when it did you were both really happy! He extremely encouraging of you in the moment. He’s so proud and excited, but he wants you to know that he’s going to be there for you, for anything you need, he’s your shoulder and your support no matter what.
Protective, and still learning — Hunter is a protector and he’s naturally very protective of those he loves, but when it comes to you and the baby he’s ten times more protective, which at times (like in a really crowded market) can be really nice. However, when it comes to everyday things, he can be a bit much. Like when he found you reaching overhead for something and he came rushing to your aid. / “You know. . . I can still get things on my own,” you softly remind him. / “Well, I just thought. . . with the baby-“ he starts. / “I can still do some things,” you touch his arm, “I know you’re a little more worried about me, but I’m still me, I don’t want to feel like I’m a liability,” you softly smile hoping he understands. // And he does, he’s just learning to give you your independence or let you keep it rather. He learns that there are certain things you’ll ask for help for, but you are still an individual, plus one now. You find that the learning process actually helps to strengthen your relationship: you asking for help more easily and him knowing when to step in naturally.
Loves seeing his brothers interact with you — one of Hunter’s favourite things about your pregnancy is seeing how the rest of the Bad Batch interact with you. They all treat you like an absolute Queen. Everything must be comfortable, regular “do you need anything?” questions are asked. Company is always available if you don’t want to be alone. There’s never a dull moment, like when you showed Wrecker the baby kicking, or when Tech brought you a remedy, and Echo told you about a family he knew back on Coruscant. / It really hit Hunter one night when he told you how he loved seeing you all get along so well and you nuzzled your against him, casually saying: “yeah, they’re gonna make great uncles.” For some reason he’d never thought that far into the future yet, let when the kid was 2 or 5 or 10, but realising that they’d have a special place with not only you two, but his brothers got to his emotions.
Amazing at listening to your worries — happy as you are, you have your doubts and fears and worries and concerns and overreactions. Hunter doesn’t try to skim over it, even when you’re in your third trimester and start worrying. He knows you need someone to talk to and he’s there for you. He never belittles your emotions or puts his first, he tries to help as much as he can however that looks. / “Hunter, I’m just really scared,” you admit one night in tears, “I’ve never done this, will the baby be okay? Will we be okay?” / Hunter takes your hand in his, wiping away your falling tears, “I don’t have all the answers, but I’ll be right beside you when we find out, and I have hope that we’ll all be okay,” he dips to meet your eye line, “whatever happens we’ll meet it together, I can promise you that.” // sometimes you question if you’re already a bad mom because you’re worrying so much, but Hunter takes you by the arms and runs some affirmations by you, reminding you that you’re human and it’s okay to feel these emotions.
Absolutely glowing — when someone finds out / acknowledges him as a to-be dad, Hunter is absolutely beaming with happiness and pride. He can’t believe that he not only gets to be your husband, but also the father of your child. He feels like this is going to be a whole new experience and he’s ready to take on the challenges and the joys side by side. / Naturally, he has some worries and anxieties, which he typically tries to hide, but truly overall he is just happy and cannot wait to meet the little one.
Wrecker ↴
When you told him — Wrecker had to have you clearly spell it out for him, not subtle hint that you were pregnant. When it clicked, he was overjoyed. He scooped you up in his arms, giving you a big hug before suddenly and gently putting you down. “Wait- am I gonna hurt the baby with hugs?” He asks in a whisper, with a concerned look that he’s already done something wrong. / “No, not yet,” you admit, “but maybe we practice baby hugs for when we get to the later stages?” You tilted your head with your question. / “Right,” Wrecker nods decidedly, going in for one of the most gentle hugs you’ve ever revived, “baby hugs for my babygirl.” / From then on he’s super aware of just how tightly he takes you in his arms, almost always asking if that’s okay and something, usually when he’s really happy, he’ll ask if he can hugs just a little tighter.
Has your cravings memorised — Wrecker absolutely takes a mental note of your favourite cravings. He makes sure to have them on hand at all times! In fact he’s the kind of guy that when you say he doesn’t have to get extra of something he knows you crave / like, he gets extra anyway and then uses the excuse that he wasn’t sure how hungry he’d be anyways. So, you wind up getting some anyway.
↳ He also definitely uses your cravings as an excuse to buy bulk of a few of his favourite snacks, writing them off as your cravings when Hunter asks. And it works only until he gets something that the rest of the Bad Batch know you don’t eat, then they really question him. / “what’s going on?” You ask, coming over to the little kitchen area of the space you’re currently staying in. / “Wrecker claims these are for your cravings-“ Hunter begins. / “But we’ve never seen you eat this before,” Tech finishes. / “Nope, I don’t eat that,” you admit, “had he been trying to pass his snacks for my cravings?” / “He has been for weeks,” Echo chimes in. / You drop your jaw and place your hands on your hips, looking to Wrecker. / “wh- but- aww come on, I only get nine months to stock up,” he tries, “and they were more likely to believe it that way.” / “In what galaxy do you think we’d buy the idea that she eats only your favourite snacks?” Echo shakes his head. / “…this one?” Wrecker tries again.
Baby clothes are a weakness — basically anything baby related actually. Taking him clothes or toy shopping for the baby is hilarious to watch. He’s in love with how cute and small and soft everything is. He’s convinced that they need every stuffy and soft toy there is. He also wants to help decorate any space that the baby will be in. To your surprise, he’s actually really good with setting up rooms and he’s a huge help when it comes to rearranging the heavy furniture or crib. Wrecker wants to make the space extra special for the little one and he does that really well, bringing elements for various trips and planets into the room. / “I just- I hope they like it,” Wrecker rubs the back of his neck, looking into the room. / “I think they’ll love it,” you hug him from the side, placing a hand on his chest. / “Really? Did they let you know like- somehow?” Wrecker asks excitedly. / “Trust me, it’s the mother’s instinct kicking in,” you claim. / “Alright! We are nailing this,” he brings you a little closer.
100% on your side + learning — Wrecker is your best friend and that doesn’t stop during the pregnancy. He doesn’t baby talk you or try to tell you what you should because now you’re experiencing different things. Usually you have to remind him that you’re pregnant, at least until you really start showing. Hunter and Echo will sigh, roll their eyes and give a reprimanding “Wrecker!” early on when he suggests you do something that most definitely should not be done while pregnant, but you just have to laugh. You respect that he doesn’t treat you different and adore his innocence in not really knowing pregnancy protocol, but you also love the fact that you can see him learning. In your later trimesters Wrecker becomes your little protector (as if he wasn’t already), but he’s mister-clear the way if you’re coming down a ramp, he will hold your hand and keep everyone back so you have plenty of space. Same with a lot of the ladders you have to climb, even just to get around the ship; Wrecker keeps one, if not both, hands on your hips/thigh/butt while you’re coming down and insists on going first so he could catch you just in case! He also monitors all hugs you receive, reminding them to keep some baby space for the baby.
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// ❤︎ thank you for reading! ❤︎︎ //
#the bad batch#the bad batch headcanons#the bad batch x you#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch fluff#the bad batch imagine#the bad batch fanfiction#echo x reader#tech x reader#hunter x reader#wrecker x reader#tbb fanfiction#star wars the bad batch#echo x fem reader#echo x you#tech x you#tech x fem reader#hunter x you#hunter x fem reader#wrecker x you#wrecker x fem reader#echo tbb#tech tbb#hunter tbb#wrecker tbb
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CAD BANE?! ZIRO THE HUTT?! TWO FICS IN TWO DAYS?! ✨I am absolutely losing it right now in the best way✨
The dynamic between Fives, Echo and the reader, and the reader and Kix will always have my heart, Rex being a show off omg, Rex never letting you fall (the callback to this as well as it happening after the “there was only one bed” chapter, 😭😭😭 <3 <3 <3!!!) and then Cad Bane taking you away (to which I adore how you wrote it because it was so detailed yet I was racking my brain on who it could be, it gave me thriller book vibes) and then resulting that it was Ziro the HUTT like ?!?!??!
I am once again reading a Kauffie written and produced “The Clone Wars” episode that has left me on edge with that cliffhanger
And just Rex being extremely worried and can’t do anything until it’s approved, he needs a hug, he really does🥺😭💙✨
Stunning work like always Angel, I cannot wait until the next one🤍✨
I'm so so glad to hear that!! Because I really want to show the reader as part of the 501st community along with having a relationship with Rex! (Oh my gosh, thank you so much, I was a little worried about adding him, but I'm happy it worked out okay!! Thank you 🥺) Yes! I'm excited about pt.2 with more of Ziro (and reader roasting him!)
Thank you so much, Beautiful, I couldn't do it without your support and inspiration! 🤍
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🤍 Nurse of the 501st — Taken (pt. 1)
Pairing: Captain Rex x FemaleNurse!Reader (ft. the 501st) Word Count: 3.4k T/W: nothing A/N: separate mission from the last!
After a successful mission, a bounty hunter captures reader.
Preface / Injured / 79's / Orphanage / Suit Up / Taken pt.1
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
The dirt was thin and rose in clouds of dust when your heels pulled up from the ground as you walked along the narrow path. You loosely held onto your medical bag, which was strapped to hang across your body comfortably, only occasionally glancing left and right at a rogue branch snapping.
Surrounded by the 501st, you felt confident that you were safe, especially placed between Echo and Hardcase; Kix was just one clone behind you and Rex one ahead. Rex had formed a habit of routinely looking back to make sure you weren’t getting too tired. Regardless of the fact that he was probably just being overly concerned, it didn't fail to make you smile, every time he looked over his shoulder and you met those jaig eyes.
Finally coming up to the end of the ravine you’d all been trudging through, you knew the ship was close, now it was just getting out of the ravine. You watched Rex halt the company, clones gathering together out of line since there was no need for a single file any longer. Staring up at the dirt-packed walls you had some doubt regarding your exit plan, glancing over to Rex who was beside you, he was too busy observing the terrain to glance down and meet your gaze. Just as you were about to ask him what he had planned, suddenly Rex took two paces back and headed towards the wall with some speed, in one jump he had reached the edge of the ravine. Pulling himself up with his own body strength, and easily lifting a leg over the edge, he was now standing on the planet’s surface. Giving a subtle wave to remain where you were, he disappeared.
“Show off,” Echo chuckled at his captain, crossing his arms.
Between the two domino twins, you quirked your lips, uncertain of how exactly you were going to get out. You hadn’t exactly been through the rigorous physical training they’d all been through on Kamino.
“I’m betting you could make that,” Fives whispered to you, leaning over as subtly as he could.
Perking up, you were happy someone had faith in you, “r-really, you think?”
“Yeah,” Fives nodded enthusiastically, as you smiled, nodding more confidently and taking some paces forwards. Turning to Echo, Fives nudged him, “Hey, you wanna bet on something?”
“Okay, now remember we don’t want to patch up any broken limbs just because you wouldn’t accept help from a brother,” Kix declared loudly, oblivious to the fact that you were already trying to toss your medical bag up to the ledge before taking a few paces back yourself, “when Captain Rex comes back we’ll just hoist each other up until we have a running assembly line-“
Kix noticed his brothers all staring past him in eager amusement, completely ignoring everything he was saying for something far more interesting than him. Kix turned to see you taking a deep breath with a determined look in your eyes, having finally succeeded in throwing your medical bag up first. Rubbing your hands together, you got a running start before pushing off the ground.
“Why do I even bother,” Kix rolled his eyes, giving up and watching your attempt with the rest of the clones.
There were a few cheers encouraging you on coming from the rest of the 501st that made you smile. Feet pressing hard against the floor you pushed off. Confident for only a moment, you felt your fingertips grip the dirt ledge, just like Rex had, until it began swiftly crumbling beneath your hand.
“Oh no,” you said only loud enough for yourself to hear, feeling your feet begin to slip backwards. Prepared for a roar of laughter and a face full of dusty dirt, you closed your eyes and winced preemptively. Instead of meeting the hard surface and dust filling your lungs, you felt a strong hand clasp around your wrist, keeping you from falling. Opening one eye, you looked up to see that Rex had returned to the edge just in time. Exhaling out of gratitude, you half smiled and he slowly shook his head; you reached your other hand up which he instinctively took. You’d never known Rex to let you fall, and that was going to change anytime soon.
“Hey wait, that’s cheati—“
Fives and Echo simultaneously elbowed their fellow trooper, smirking to themselves under their helmets as they watched Rex carefully pull you up.
“You know, as a medic you really should be more careful,” Rex said in a sigh, an undertone of anxiety coming through, “if we don’t have you, who’s going to keep us alive and operational?”
“I am still a senior medic you know,” Kix chimed in, but went ignored as he was being helped by other members up to the ledge.
“Well, you know- just glad it was another successful mission, Captain,” you felt Rex’s hand carefully close around yours.
“Only with some help do we get things accomplished,” he tilted his head once you were standing in front of him.
“Good thing we make such a good pair then,” you spoke in a softened tone, enjoying the way he was holding your hand for far too long according to protocol.
“All in a day with the 501st,” Rex dipped his chin, lowering his helmet closer to you, before noticing other troopers arriving on the planet’s surface, to which he pulled back from you.
“I’ll see you on the transport, Captain,” you saluted him with two fingers and winked, before walking off to fall in line alongside Kix who had his hands on his hips ready to scold you like a big brother the moment you were close enough.
Chuckling under his helmet, Rex helped the rest of his squad up and out of the ravine with a little less tenderness and certainly less invited proximity. The ship was within easy walking distance, and the side door was open. You made it back in time to see General Skywalker, who had returned from the opposite side of the planet, taking off with Ahsoka at his side, she gave you a friendly wave as they flew overhead. Stepping onto the ship, you reached up for the stabilizers along with the rest of the clones who were waiting. Looking out the door, you could see Rex making his way at the back of the line, always keeping a watch on his squad.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, hands going to touch either side of your hips, looking for a distinct object that was absent.
“What is it?” Fives asked, concerned as well as confused.
“I forgot my medic bag,” you groaned, knowing you should be more aware of it.
“Can I get it for you?” Echo offered, gesturing outside the transport as he was just about to step onto the transport himself.
“No, no, it’s okay, I bet I just left it at the edge of the ravine when I threw it before Rex came to help,” you said casually, thinking nothing of it, despite the other clones’ smiles, “I’ll be right back.”
“She can’t stay away from him,” Fives chuckled under his breath, really only loud enough for Echo to catch.
Stepping off the carrier, you jogged past Rex. Naturally, his gaze immediately followed you, wondering where on earth you could be going when he’d just sent you off in the opposite direction, but he made the connection seeing the bag you were headed towards. He also saw what you didn’t: two glowing red eyes.
“Wait, stop!” Rex yelled voice tinted with static as it came through his helmet.
“What’s wrong?” you called back in response, immediately stopping when you straightened up from bending to get the bag; staying exactly where you were, technically following the order, although it wasn’t helpful at the moment, as it was too late.
Rex knew he didn’t have time to explain, so he began sprinting towards you. Immediately you felt an unfamiliar tightness around your waist, enough to cause you to drop your bag out of shock.
“Time to go little missy,” a hazy voice with a deep rattle told you from over your shoulder.
“Hey! Let go of me!” you yelled, punching the arm that was strongly around your midsection, it wasn’t human, that was for sure, as their thin blue fingers dug into your side.
Your yell caused Rex to pick up the pace, seeing you get lifted up off your feet with one swift action, and not so gently was enough to make him furious.
“Rex!” You screamed, heart, pounding in your chest, you didn’t know what was going on, or why someone would target you, but it was obvious they were determined. The last thing you were expecting was to be hoisted over their shoulder; looking down you saw jet boots activated and suddenly you were airborne. Returning your gaze to Rex, you reached out your hand, hoping somehow the gap between you and him would disappear when you did; you reached out to the force hoping it’d reveal itself to you and pull you together, but the distance only seemed to get wider, “Rex!”
“Drop her!” Rex commanded unholstering his pistols, but the being just kept heading for the platform speeder with you in tow, under hot pursuit from a captain of the republic, they didn’t sound too happy, complaining about how no one was meant to see them take you. And they were right, if you hadn’t meant anything to Rex, they could’ve snagged you easy.
Shots were fired, but you didn’t even bother to duck, knowing Rex would never hit you, not even by an accident. It was only when your captor brought out their pistol that you shielded your head with your arms, uncertain of their intentions. Suddenly you were being thrown onto a speeder’s platform, the cold metal meeting your body with an impact that was less than pleasant. You tried to get up to run, but a flighty droid clamped a collar around your neck and hit a trigger button, electrocuting you into a stunned state, resulting in another thud against the metal beneath you.
“So sorry, but you really should behave,” its silvery little voice spoke as it got comfortable in the passenger’s seat.
Knitting your eyebrows together as your body processed the wave of pain, you winced, “Rex…”
The speeder took off and there was no sign of you. Rex was left in the rising dust, pistols in both hands with Echo and Fives catching up to him in short breaths; all three were silent, staring in the same direction. Echo and Fives exchanged glances. They’d seen it all, as soon as Rex yelled ‘stop’ they’d turned around. Unsure of what to say, they came to attention when Rex turned around. Clear that their captain was about to speak, Echo noticed his gaze shift to what was in Echo’s hands. It was your medical bag, with custom colours and patches that you had been given by some of the guys as well as Ahsoka.
“Get that transport in the air, we need to see if we can spot them from the sky,” Rex pointed to the ship.
“Yes, sir,” they chimed in time together, following him back to the transport.
In a matter of hastened moments, the transport was up in the air, Rex practically hanging out the open door, trying to spot you on the ground. Although he didn’t find you, an oddly familiar ship was grounded. He’d seen it before on Coruscant. Taking a closer look through his scope, he saw a lifeform on the ramp of the cargo bay, lingering in the shadows. Fives and Echo had specs in hand and came across it in seconds too.
“What is that slug doing here?” Fives remarked.
“He couldn’t have landed but a few hours ago, we were just there,” Echo brought to attention.
Rex stayed quiet, thinking deeply to himself of all the possible connections. One of which was confirmed when the speeder you’d been thrown onto arrived in short order. The wide-brimmed hat of your captor could be spotted a mile away.
“There she is,” Rex pointed, voice commanding but surprisingly calm despite how fast his heart was racing. At the sight of you being pulled up and pushed around, he wanted to jump out right then and there, but he knew exactly how little help that’d be, since he wasn’t a Jedi, “put it down as quickly as you can!” Rex yelled to the pilot who began banking around.
On the ground, you woke out of your stunned phase to find binders around your hands, the collar still tight at your throat, and a blindfold around your eyes. Meanwhile, the lanky blue captor brought you up to your feet, walking you forwards with a hand firmly on the connection of your cuffs. It was pointless resisting, so you did your best to keep up with his long strides since you couldn’t see what was in front of you.
“Apologies from my Master, but the sunlight disagrees with him, I will be taking over the exchange from here,” a translator droid’s voice buzzed.
“Fine by me,” the bounty hunter tugged on your arm apathetically, bringing you forward.
“Ahh, the prize,” the translator hummed, “hmm, I thought it’d be less human from your description.”
“Doesn’t matter,” the bounty hunter snapped, “I got the girl, I want my credits, and make it triple, I had a little run-in with a republic captain.”
“What?” the droid’s voice startled, “who- why? My master requested that it be kept undercover.”
The bounty hunter rolled his eyes, silence filled the space, so you tried your best, not knowing who you were even talking to or if you were facing their direction.
“His name is Rex and he’ll be looking for me, I promise you that. He’ll tell the Jedi and-”
A shock came through your body again, not as hard as the first one, but still enough to sting, weakening you.
“Ah-ah, that’s enough out of you,” the little silvery voiced droid shook the control at you warningly, even though you were oblivious to it underneath the blindfold.
“Look, you want her or not?” the bounty hunter finally sighed, getting bored with the situation.
“Yes, yes, I believe that my master will still be very pleased,” the droid confirmed.
The exchange took place rather seamlessly, and you were handed over, collar and all to the droid. Fortunately, you also heard the familiar sound of a landing republic assault transport. Heart rising you hoped to be unblindfolded soon and met with those jaig eyes, but fate had otherwise. You were walked along by the droid and shoved into a seat roughly, you snapped a “hey!” loudly, tugging away from the metal hand that gripped at you, practically pinching your skin. Blaster fire resounded and you looked around desperately trying to peek out from the blindfold all the whole screaming for Rex, Kix, Echo, anyone, but the bay door closed and the little light that you could see through the cloth was gone. You felt a familiar feeling of the transport being lifted up off the ground, clearly whoever was piloting was trying to make a getaway and fast, though not very smoothly as you were jostled around the bay.
“Owhh, move faster, faster I said,” a whining, nasally voice complained from the controls of the ship, clearly a floor above. You knew it anywhere, you’d heard it in holograms and in the courts back on Coruscant, it was none other than Ziro the Hutt.
The bridge was abuzz, Rex had returned wasting no time, requesting an immediate meeting with General Skywalker, Admiral Yularen, and Coruscant- members of the Senate. Yularen did his best to try and quell Rex’s sense of urgency, but to no avail. When General Skywalker came on the bridge he obliged Rex’s request and summoned Coruscant, even though Bail Organa and Padmé were the only ones available. The conversation didn’t last long, Rex explained everything that he saw transpire during your capture. He did it as detached as he possibly could, but there was a part of him that felt he should be out there looking for you right now.
It was silent on the bridge until Padmé was the first to speak up, over hologram her voice was still gentle as she said, “Rex, I’m so sorry.” The first and only one to address Rex personally about the situation.
Admiral Yularen rolled his eyes before closing them, attempting to hold his front of patience, “Captain,” he began, “for all we know it was just-”
“No!” Rex swiftly let his fist meet the surface of the console, his voice firm, but not loud. Shaking his head he was running out of patience, but kept a cool tempter as ever when he looked to meet the faces of his superiors, “I know she was taken by Ziro, I saw it with my own eyes, Sir. Echo and Fives as my witnesses. We need to find her as quickly as possible-“
“Captain, you lose soldiers everyday, this is no different” Yularen began, “perhaps you should put in a request for a new medic.”
“This is different,” Rex countered, “she wasn’t lost, she was taken- she’s alive-“
“Rex,” a voice that instantly halted Rex in his speech chimed in, it was Anakin Skywalker, “may I speak with you alone, please?”
Sighing, worried this was going to be a conversation where Anakin might imparted some Jedi anecdotes of wisdom on him that he didn’t really understand, Rex nodded and followed his general, as he always did. Gripping his helmet tightly between his forearm and side, Rex waited until the bridge doors closed before looking into the face of the familiar Jedi.
“Rex, I’ve never seen you this worked up, and that’s saying something,” Anakin spoke as if he’d never spoken out a heat of passion, which bristled Rex, who’d seen the general disobey direct commands, speak out of line, and generally disregard all becoming conduct, but Rex had to take a deep breath. Anakin wasn’t just a soldier, he was a Jedi, things worked differently between his line of command and the Jedi’s. Anakin would get a slap on the wrist, not court-martialed.
“Sir,” Rex started taking a deep breath, voice calm and sincere, “I know that Ziro took her, I was there, first hand-”
“That’s not what I want to talk about here,” Anakin folded his arms over his chest, half a smirk playing on his lips, which Rex found odd.
Furrowing his brow, a usual look for Rex, he questioned respectfully, “sir?”
Dropping his arms to put one on Rex’s shoulder, Anakin walked a little bit further from the bridge door, not wanting them to hear even by chance. When he stopped, he stood in front of his captain, leaning in and speaking softly, “I’ve seen the way you look at her, better yet I’ve seen the way she looks at you,” he began, having to hold a hand up to silence Rex who tried to immediately interject, “this is more than just refusing to let a soldier be taken, isn’t it?”
Rex wasn’t sure how to answer, it was a bit too personal for his taste, but his instinct told him to answer with the truth; another defeated sigh as he looked down, “…sir.”
“That’s what I thought,” Anakin pulled back, returning to his folded arms position as he now stared at the floor with a consternated look. It was clear Anakin wasn’t mad, otherwise, he’d be lecturing, but he wasn’t exactly impassioned either, otherwise, he’d be taking action.
“General, sir, if anything happens to her…,” Rex started, still in shock that he was expressing his emotions, even in the vaguest of ways, with his general of all things, but if anyone was going to understand he knew it was going to be Anakin.
“I understand, Rex,” Anakin filled the space, both of them knowing, “I’ll talk to the council myself and figure out a way for the Coruscant guard to get a warrant to return her to the capital.”
Rex sighed, he knew how long that might take if any politician was involved, he just hoped it’d be Padmé. If anyone could vouch for you it’d be her.
“I’m doing all that I can Rex,” Anakin admitted, a mild tone of irritation in his voice, but he caught it quickly, knowing the feeling all too well, and placed a hand on his captain’s shoulder, “we’ll find her, I promise, but first we need to get back to Coruscant.”
“Yes, sir,” Rex straightened to attention and nodded.
#spilledkauffie#captain rex#captain rex x reader#captain rex x female reader#captain rex x you#captain rex fanfiction#captain rex fluff#captain rex fic#captain rex x oc#captain rex imagine#captain rex one shot#captain rex fanfic#clone wars#clone wars fanfiction#clone wars fic#clone wars fandom#clone wars imagine#clone wars x reader#star wars clone wars
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A surprise Clone Commanders HC list?! Hells yeah! First, I love how picked your favorites and wrote them with absolute detail and care, I will never ever get over the amount of thought you put into each clone (the love they deserve!!) and second, I love all the clones especially Cody (out of the commanders of course) but I have absolutely fallen head over heels with Fox and Bly😭😭 I can’t get over Fox having a little notebook with plans and important details for and from the reader and always being near the reader and Bly being the one of the best gentleman and the seamless transition?! ✨swooning✨
Thank you so much for writing this Angel, art like always, I will never get over your work and sending all the love and hugs🥺♥️🖤🤍✨
Yesss, they absolutely deserve all the love!! And thank you!! 🥺 Love the love for Cody! Ahhhh that makes me so happy to hear!! (+ more people for me to ship you with!!!) Fox and Bly deserve more attention, we see them so sparingly!😭
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the HCs 🖤 thank YOU for all your love and support! More than gladly accepting those and sending you the same, Gorgeous!!
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Clone Commanders — Cute HCs ☁️
xFemale!Reader || — sorry for disappearing 😬😅
P.s. I know we only see some of these guys very briefly, so these are just my interpretations of them in these situations.
Commander Cody ↴
“When you say you love me, know I love you more. When you say you need me, know I need you more”
Downtime together — you and Cody are at the point where downtime together can just mean relaxing. It's a busy life in the clone army and you understand that he's deployed here and there across the galaxy at a whim, so some consistency for a few hours or days (depending on how much time he has) is a really nice thing for Cody to experience. A lot of it consists of staying in bed, a very rare thing. You two will wake up, Cody at his usual hour, because he's pretty sure he can't sleep in, and you shortly after. From there you talk, cuddle, catch up on things that have happened to each other while the other was away, plan for the next time you'll get to see each other, etc. He enjoys the normalcy so much that you try extra for him when he's home. You offer to cook a favourite of his (which of course he'll offer to cook for you. and then you both wind up in the kitchen together), and you ask if there's any place he wants to go while he's on-world (like a date to a park or bar).
An absolute sweetheart — if he knows he’s going to be away from Coruscant for a good while, he’ll set up little things that will remind you how much he loves you. Like when you came into your apartment’s kitchen and found three vases of flowers (which are hard enough to come by on Coruscant) all from Cody. He made an appointment ahead of time so they’d be scheduled to deliver while he was away. Usually, it comes with a small handwritten note saying “so you don’t forget me” or “one for every day I'm gone." // Cody tries his best to contact you as much as he can while on a mission, but sometimes there's a more dangerous situation at hand and he'd hate to endanger you in any way, so there are nights that he has to skip. Of course, you've learned that he always has his reasons, but most of all you're just grateful to hear from him again, having assumed the worst.
Silent struggles — Cody doesn't talk about a lot, but the war has taken a toll on him in various ways. Physically obviously, and that at least he can't hide from you. Mentally is where it gets more challenging; he's used to being the leader, even for other lower rank officers to consult with and look up to. So it's rare that Cody's verbally an open book. Hence, it's essential for you to know his body language and tone which gives him away pretty easily. / Sometimes if he simply says nothing, you know it's something he's struggling with. That's when a long hug or just holding his hand can mean a lot to him. After thinking about whatever was bothering him for a while, he'll lift your hand up and give your knuckles a kiss as a way of saying thank you.
Loves to snuggle — Cody loves having you in his arms. He's gotten so good at reading your body language that when you're being a bit shy about physical contact, he steps in and fills the gap for you, so you don't have to ask. He can just tell when you want to be close, so by habit, he makes sure that he's always perfectly welcoming and accessible to you. // At home you're constantly cuddled up next to him, or leaning against him. Cody loves that you feel so comfortable, and it makes him feel like he can more easily protect you when you're close, so that's a bonus too!
Commander Wolffe ↴
“I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid—”
He's liked you for a long time — yep, Wolffe has been pining after you for a good long while before actually addressing the feelings. He's not very open with his emotions, so he wants to be sure that there's no chance he's misreading any signs. If there are no signs from you, he'll never say anything, he'll just love you from a distance. Thankfully, however, he could sense there was something mutual between the two of you, it was now just a waiting game to see who would address it first.
You are one of two, either:
↳ you're extremely similar // you two are the toughies, everyone saw it coming because you’re basically the male and female version of each other. Which of course is prime teasing material. You’re kind of a dream team though, whenever someone needs a stern sitting down or a little intimidation is required, they just call up you and Wolffe. / There's a lot of heated tension, you two are both stubborn beyond belief, so when there's a little disagreement it quickly turns to more; suddenly there's aggressive flirting and inuendos flying all over the place (anyone watching is genuinely confused over whether or not you're going to kiss or kill each other).
↳ you're the couple nobody saw coming // literally no one would have imagined you'd be the couple. You're more on the shy timid side, you love cute things like giving gifts to the boys before they head off on a mission, and you're extremely kind to just about anyone you meet. Wolffe is head over heels for you. He wants to protect you at all costs, and if someone so much as looks at you funny he'll get real defensive real fast. All the other clones just shrug and say "opposites attract I guess," whenever they see the two of you together.
Loves to be cuddled — he’ll never admit it, but he likes being cuddled. He doesn’t always cuddle back, especially if there's even a possibility that someone will see. But since you know he likes it based on his body language relaxing every time you hug him, you don't shy away from it. The other clones have to smile when they see you snuggled up to Wolffe, and he's just going with it. / The Wolfpack like to tease him about this, "Hey, Wolffe, you finally got a tail" one says, holding back a laugh. Wolffe looks over his shoulder to find you hugging him from behind. // However, get him alone and he loves to nuzzle up against you, usually nosing at your neck while he wraps his arms around your frame keeping you as close as possible.
His physical affection — when you're alone, Wolffe has a very hands-on form of affection; he's better with actions than words. You can really tell his emotions based on his physical contact / lack thereof. Wolffe likes to nuzzle up against you, with a hand tightly around your waist or stomach. Sometimes when he's more stressed he'll just come up behind you and rest his forehead against the back of your head, hugging you more softly. When he's distant you know something is really occupying his thoughts; you either let him be until he's ready to talk or you just let him know you're there with a simply touch, a hand across the back of his shoulders, a quick kiss to his jaw, etc.
Commander Fox ↴
“They said, “I bet they’ll never make it,” but just look at us holding on. We’re still together, still going strong”
Not a lot of off-time — unlike a lot of other clones, who get to wait for their next mission or next ship departure, Fox doesn't have that luxury. Aside from a few off-world things, wherein he's predominantly protecting a diplomat, Fox is constantly working when he’s on Coruscant. Thus, his whole team knows you, because you often stop by his on-world office. // “Please report to the droid and he’ll log your-“ Fox begins, but pauses when he looks up to see you standing on the other side of the glass with a smile. He immediately sets down his pen and holds the com button, now talking in a whisper, “what are you doing here?” / “the guys told me you had lunch in a few, so,” you lift up a basket, “I thought I’d bring some.” / Fox is blushing fiercely at the idea that his team knows about the two of you, when Hound waltzes in the office, you wave, “alright lunch!!” He announces. / “Not for you, you’ve got an hour and a half until your break,” Fox corrects him.
The man is stressed and tired — most of the time Fox is stress to the hilt about this or that, an order from Palpatine, issues with Coruscant crime, lack of sleep, etc. That being said, Fox just likes to be held sometimes. He love resting against your lap, stomach, or side when you two are just relaxing together. He wants to be near you no matter what you’re doing, even if you’re busy with something else, he just likes to be with you. It’s his favourite when he rests his head in your lap and takes your hand in his, placing it on his chest as he closes his eyes and tries to relax the best he can. He’s found that your presence is one of the most soothing things in the galaxy.
Plans, plans, plans — Fox has a big heart and just wants to do what he thinks is best. So, he has a lot of plans for you two if, more than when, you get downtime together. He has a whole notebook of things he’s planned out for just the two of you, it’s not only a long list but a very very detailed list. He’ll admit, he gets a bit bored on the days he's sitting in an office all day, so he whips his little notepad out and makes some special notes. // Fox doesn’t exactly show you it, you more so discover it when he’s getting ready to leave at a ridiculously early hour. // “what’s this?” You ask picking up a notepad that fits in your hand. / “That’s- it’s nothing,” Fox starts, barely having zipped up his black bodysuit he’s already trying to take it out of your hand. / “Fox, come on,” you plea sweetly, and with the furrow of your brows and the way the morning light pours against you in your nightgown, he can’t say no. Accepting defeat he steps back, letting you bring it down in front of you. / “You’re just gonna laugh,” he says as you gently open the first page. / What you find is scribbles of locations and date ideas, some things are crossed out, others are circled, but they've all got something special about them, your favourite this or that, hobbies, places he's heard you mention a lot, etc. Before he can protest again, you're wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss that takes him by total surprise. / "Stars I wish you didn't have to go to work," you smile.
A little clingy — when you actually get time together, Fox can be a little clingy, which is the opposite of his work persona. You understand that he doesn't have much of his own, and the time you get together is very minimal, so it's not too much to ask that you each give each other the most of your attention when you do get to be alone. / Some of your closest friends have picked up on it, when you at random drop small plans (like going out for the night) their immediate response is a smirk followed by "Fox has extra hours off tonight doesn't he?" and you can't even deny it anymore.
Commander Bly ↴
"Every now and then, the stars align, boy and girl meet by the great design. Could it be that you and me are the lucky ones?"
Friends first — Bly without a doubt is your best friend ever since you met you two have just clicked. He’s always treated you right and been there for you, even putting aside feelings at times, not wanting to ruin the friendship. However, you became so close that the line between friends and more definitely became blurred and neither of you had a problem with where it was going. But at the same time, it felt so natural that neither of you officially decided to talk about the status of each other in the changing relationship.
Seamless transition — it wasn’t until someone actually called you out as his girlfriend and Bly said “yeah, so quit teasing her” that you two realised you were obviously more than friends at this point. Bly blushed as soon as he realised he’d confirmed your new status without even asking you out in the first place. Since you were in the same boat, not expecting it to just come out so naturally from him, you assured him that you’d love to be his girlfriend which lead to a conversation of: “have we been together together?” Bly tilts his head like a confused but contemplative puppy. / “Well, everyone else seems to think so?” you shrug casually, quirking you’re lips as you look to him. / “So…should I still ask you to be my girlfriend or-?” Bly lifts a hand, waiting for your response. / “I think we’re on the same page now,” you place your hand in his, to which he naturally holds.
PDA — Bly isn’t afraid of it. He’s completely comfortable with physical touch. It’s never over the top of you’re in public, but he’s perfectly content to hug you on the landing platform, hold your hand while walking through the barracks, and keep you close by the waist as 79’s. It feels very natural coming from Bly, and it’s in the little things too. If you’re talking to a friend and Bly happens to see someone trying to move behind you, he’ll just gently put his hand on your back or the small of your back just to let you know not to step any further back without verbally interrupting your conversation. Whenever you’re nervous, he sets a hand on your knee or offers his hand for you to hold as a distraction. When you’re at home it’s very cosy and relaxing just having him around giving you a little physical affection in the cutest ways.
Always a gentleman — Bly is always pampering you. He has a tendency to lavish you with gifts and little things that he knows you enjoy a lot or have had your eye on for a while but just haven’t committed to buying. Gifts are a big thing with him because he feels it can be a little way of reminding you that he’s thinking of you and that you mean the world to him. It also allows for the relationship to feel more normal when he’s home. Which means he doesn’t mind taking you shopping in the market districts when he has some downtime between assignments. He’s the kind of boyfriend who actually patiently waits for you outside the fitting room, commenting on every outfit you come out in. / “Bly,” you drop your shoulders mildly frustrated, “you said that about the last one.” / “Well darling, I can’t help it you look beautiful in all of them,” he half chuckles to himself, raising his eyebrows at you.
Commander Colt ↴
"Baby, you're all that I want, when you're lyin' here in my arms"
Tried to keep it professional — you were only stationed on Kamino for a few weeks, but you can Colt had a really strong connection to each other within days. Without even talking to each other you were instantly interested. Colt tried to ignore anything being there and did his best to talk to you only in a professional sense, but he couldn’t help but follow you from the corner of his eye every time you were around. He wanted you to see him as a commander doing his job well, just as he respected you for doing your job. However, he didn’t take into consideration the attraction that arose. There was something so magnetising about you to him, eventually he tested the waters and began to get a little subtly flirty here and there with you.
Heated start — when you picked up on his hints you came back with something a bit stronger asking if Commanders got their own private quarters. Stunned, but smiling under his helmet, he coolly told you “yes,” before giving you the details of his last training shift that night. What was meant to be a one night stand turned into two, or three, or four, and eventually you had to admit that there was something more than just the physical between the two of you, not to say the physical wasn’t phenomenal. Colt agreed and you began to work out of being together was even plausible. Coming to the conclusion that you could make it work, you agreed to give it a go, but keep it pretty much under lock and key. Not wanting your relationship to be widely known.
Misses you a lot — Colt is tied to Kamino with his task of training and protecting the planet and facility. You however are not, so when the Republic sends you elsewhere, Colt’s the one who is stuck in one place worrying about you being out there. / “I’m only going to Coruscant for a briefing,” you tell him one night, lying together. / “I know,” Colt tried to reason with himself, not used to feeling so worried, “but I just want you to be safe.” / “well, I’m getting an escort from your most recently graduated squad,” you remind him, “so, if they’ve learned from the best I’m in good hands.” You kiss his cheek. / “hey, you’re for my hands only,” Colt pulls you a little closer by the waist. “Don’t worry, they may have learned from the best,” you place a lingering kiss, “but you’re still the best to me.” // You make sure to contact him as many nights as you can when you’re not on Kamino, he loves to listen to how your day was, an update on your assignments, etc. He’s just a softy who wants to know you’re okay.
Over protective — when you’re stationed on Kamino, you’re literally surrounded by clones. Colt takes this somewhat as a threat because inevitably he’s not the only one to take notice of your beauty. A few other guys think you’re quite the cutie, but the moment you tell them you’re with Colt they back off. Colt has a reputation for keeping his cool and being patient with new trainees and upcoming soldiers, except for when it comes to you. Literally any other circumstance, he’s fine, he’s calm, someone tries to flirt with you and he’s threatening to throw them off the landing dock and feed them to the Aiwhas. // You find it a little funny how Colt can be so intense and intimidating, yet you know him so intimately that it’s like a whole side of him that he hides most of the time.
#spilledkauffie#commander cody#commander wolffe#commander fox#commander cody x you#commander wolffe x you#Commander fox x you#commander Cody fluff#commander wolffe fluff#commander fox fluff#Commander Cody hc#commander wolffe hc#commander fox hc#tcw cody#tcw wolffe#tcw fox#star wars tcw#commander Bly#commander bly x reader#commander colt#commander colt x reader
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It’s only the absolute truth; you’d have Kix & Echo (and literally anyone else who sees you) falling head over heels for you 💙😍 Not her remembering all my fav boys!! 🥺🖤 it’d be a beautiful wardrobe and I would 100% mix n’ match just to annoy them!
You’re too kind to me, I don’t deserve you!!! 😭
A coincidence that I started thinking about “hmm how would I look like in 501st armor?” And this chapter came along? I think not! I really loved this chapter and just everyone’s reaction to the reader wearing said armor, the comm channel convos (as well as the blooper, my goodness bless Echo) and the ending?!? The moment we’ve been waiting for folks, one bed and confessed feelings, thank you!! But in all seriousness, love love loved it and thank you so much for writing love and super excited for the next one🥺💙🤍✨
Also, bonus details:
The beginning, Rex and the reader holding hands behind the medical bag🥺💙
Anakin calling the reader “A.”
The description of Rex’s curved posture and resting it on one leg (he’s just like me fr)
The battle scars🥺
Rex just staring at the reader in armor and just ✨heart eyes✨
You would be a total ✨battle babe✨ in 501st armour, my dear!! I can also see you as an absolute vision in Bad Batch styled armour, much like Echo, you could rock both sets!
Yesss!! I simply had to use the shared bed trope at some point, and it seemed like a good fit for Rex! (Echo is such a sweetheart, I knew he'd be perfect for the accident!) I'm so happy that you liked it, I wasn't too confident about this one, to be honest, so I'm glad it turned out okay!! Thank you so much for your positive comments and for all your support! I truly appreciate it so much, Gorgeous!!
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A coincidence that I started thinking about “hmm how would I look like in 501st armor?” And this chapter came along? I think not! I really loved this chapter and just everyone’s reaction to the reader wearing said armor, the comm channel convos (as well as the blooper, my goodness bless Echo) and the ending?!? The moment we’ve been waiting for folks, one bed and confessed feelings, thank you!! But in all seriousness, love love loved it and thank you so much for writing love and super excited for the next one🥺💙🤍✨
Also, bonus details:
The beginning, Rex and the reader holding hands behind the medical bag🥺💙
Anakin calling the reader “A.”
The description of Rex’s curved posture and resting it on one leg (he’s just like me fr)
The battle scars🥺
Rex just staring at the reader in armor and just ✨heart eyes✨
You would be a total ✨battle babe✨ in 501st armour, my dear!! I can also see you as an absolute vision in Bad Batch styled armour, much like Echo, you could rock both sets!
Yesss!! I simply had to use the shared bed trope at some point, and it seemed like a good fit for Rex! (Echo is such a sweetheart, I knew he'd be perfect for the accident!) I'm so happy that you liked it, I wasn't too confident about this one, to be honest, so I'm glad it turned out okay!! Thank you so much for your positive comments and for all your support! I truly appreciate it so much, Gorgeous!!
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🤍 Nurse of the 501st — Suit Up
Pairing: Captain Rex x FemaleNurse!Reader (ft. the 501st) Word Count: 6.0k T/W: fluffy (a little steamy?)☁️✨ mentions of battle scars A/N: this is the part of the series where Kauffie indulges in the "one-bed" trope. Not super confident about this one, but I'm very excited for the next!!
For a stealthy mission, you’re required to suit up with the 501st, until you're in the safe house. Arriving, you and Rex find there's only one bed to share for the night.
Preface / Injured / 79's / Orphanage / Suit Up / Taken (pt.1)
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
The briefing went smoothly, or as smoothly as it could go between General Skywalker and Master Mundi. Given that they frequently varied in strategical opinions, especially when the mission was sensitive as this one was, the meeting quickly turned into a strategy debate. With the two Jedi taking their time to actually come to a conclusion, the 501st, including yourself, laid back and relaxed a bit; whispering amongst themselves while some tried to conceal smiles as they observed the Jedi going back and forth.
You and Rex had come in at the same time, you reporting from the hospital wing and him coming straight from the barracks, so you opted to sit together, near the back. Having placed your medic bag between you and Rex on the wide bench, you leaned your weight back against the hand you’d placed behind the bag. Rex had remained in his usual to-attention position until he recognized the Jedi beginning to ignore the clones in the room and truly debate amongst themselves, then he relaxed. You shook your head, smile on your lips, as General Skywalker placed a hand on his hips while addressing Master Mundi. It wasn’t long before you felt Rex gently touch the top of your hand behind the bag, his fingers outlining the shape of your hand as he settled it softly underneath yours, in a way letting you rest against him now; another smile came to your lips.
“How are you feeling?” Rex subtly shifted closer to whisper.
Turning your head, you met his eyes, pausing for a moment to admire the beautiful golden colour before answering with a soft voice and timid smile, “I’m okay, why?”
He flustered a little, making you tilt your head, “I was just wondering…on our last mission, I never got the chance to ask you, in the aftermath of- and with all the-”
“Ask me what?” you smiled a little wider at his nervousness, you always felt like the nervous one, seeing him a little flustered gave you an odd comfort and confidence that this was most certainly a two-way street. Rex paused, pursing his lips together, looking away as if he didn’t know how to word it perfectly.
With a deep sigh, Rex began, “about using the force again. How did it…feel?” He ventures, not entirely understanding how the force worked, but since it took a pretty heavy toll on you, he wanted to know. He wanted any information on it, so he could know how to respond better should it happen again. In truth, Rex found himself getting more and more protective of you, even if you’d just been bruised a bit, he wanted to be the one to help, even when Kix was already on it. There was always a tinge when he asked if he could help and you answered, ‘no, Kix will know,’ or ‘Kix is on his way.’ But he knew the incident with the force was something you wanted to keep undercover from most people and now he was testing to see if that included him.
“It felt,” you tilt your head again this time in the opposite direction from Rex, giving him a view of your profile, shrugging your shoulder up as you thought, “odd. It felt like I was just a small piece in a puzzle, but yet it felt so close and so personal,” dropping your shoulders you pressed your lips together, avoiding Rex’s eyes for a moment more, “I felt…you.”
Rex blinked, uncertain of what exactly you meant, well aware that he was not force sensitive, “m-me?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, meeting his eyes this time, “I felt your force, your heartbeat, your emotions. It was so…strong.”
Rex half smirked, trying to relax a little bit, “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”
You softly giggled, “you should.”
Turning your hand over to hold his you were a moment too late AS Master Mundi’s voice suddenly boomed through the room with a “Captain?” As both the Jedi scoured the room for Rex.
You and Rex separated faster than Younglings being scolded for talking during meditation.
“S-sir?” Rex answered, gaining his straight posture and grabbing his helmet tightly to his side.
“We’re ready to head out,” Anakin continued, “I wanted to talk you through it a little more personally if you’d come to the front; everyone else: dismissed.”
Rex sighed, relieved. You stood, already looking around for Kix, identifying him easily by the red medic symbol painted on his shoulder you waved, to which Fives frantically waved back before Echo nudged him explaining that you were not looking for them. As Kix approached, with Fives trailing him, and Echo trailing Fives, you turned back to Rex with a smile, “I’ll see you in the hangar, R- Captain.”
With a smirk, Rex gave a nod, watching you hoist your medic bag over your head and side hug Kix, before Rex made his way to the front of the room, joining the Jedi.
The hangar bay was fairly calm, only a few other platoons were being dispatched here and there and of course, mechanics were hard at work with repairs and ship maintenance. You and Kix had spent the majority of the day making sure the ship was well supplied as well as your mobile bags and equipment packed properly and efficiently. When the two of you came to the hangar for departure the general was already lining everyone up, so you fell in line too. The ship was smaller than your usual departing vessel, but then again had you paid attention in the briefing you would have known it was a stealth mission. Rex waited atop the ramp’s opening, making sure he saw every single troop who boarded. You patiently waited for the line to move, adjusting your bag’s strap as your name was called.
“Hang on there, A.,” General Skywalker gently reached out a hand for your shoulder just as you had taken no more than two steps onto the ship’s boarding ramp, “there’s something we need to talk about.”
“Sir?” You and Anakin turned your heads to the uneasy voice, a rare sound coming from Rex, who had spoken up, “she’s been cleared, by medical and by-“
“I know that Rex,” Anakin answered with a chuckle at how defensive his captain was being, and while he wanted to laugh more obviously, knowing the feeling all too well, he quickly turned back to his duty of being a general, which sometimes meant reminding his troops of his position, “but I would like a word with one of my medics.”
Anakin tilted his head kindly as if to say ‘I’m not a threat here,’ which made Rex flush under his helmet, realising just how protective he’d come across.
Bristling for a moment in a state of fluster, Rex staggered for words, looking between you and his general, before deciding on a simple, “Sir, yes, sir.”
As Rex made his way on board, your attention was drawn back to Anakin’s hand on your shoulder, you looked down in thought and then back up again, “have I done something wrong, General?”
“Contrary to Rex’s belief, no,” Anakin had to break a smile, amused that just because he wanted a word alone everyone thought it was negative. Removing his hand from you, he took his signature pose, “this mission is meant to be very very routine, nothing new or out of the ordinary, we’re going into a safe house,” Anakin paused seeing you nod in response, “all our contact knows is that myself, Ahsoka, and troops are headed in, as we always do when we stop. We’re on thin ice with the Thisspiasians as is, and I don’t want anyone to stand out.”
You dropped your shoulders dejected, assuming that meant you were off the mission considering you stood out like a Bantha trying to hide in a desert compared to the rest of the 501st.
“So, I managed to get you some modifications,” Anakin started again, crossing his arms, “visit storage barrack nine and then report back, and don’t worry, we’ll wait for you.”
“Sir?” You perked an eyebrow utterly confused.
“Just trust me,” Anakin said over his shoulder already taking confident steps up the ramp. He stood next to Rex, sensing his mild anxiety, Anakin felt the need to explain himself at least a little, “I’ve just sent her to get some specific gear for this mission, we’ll be waiting for her.”
Clearing his throat and placing his hands behind his back, Rex nodded still trying to make up for his hastiness earlier, “Sir.”
“Com me when she’s on board, I’m headed to the cockpit to join Ahsoka,” General Skywalker explained, receiving another ‘yes’ in the form of ‘sir’ from Rex. Anakin had to smirk, he could still sense Rex was mildly embarrassed, and he remembered feeling that way when he had swiftly promised Padmé he’d find whoever was trying to assassinate her right in front of Obi-Wan.
Rex looked down, waiting, not wanting to give away his emotions to his troops. At times he wondered how Anakin ever managed to care so deeply for someone in situations like this, but he reminded himself it was only rarely and usually by her own will that Padmé was in the direct line of fire; you, on the other hand, Rex had to bring you into every mission and battle the 501st engaged in. It was hard not to show just how much he cared, beyond just having you under his watch as another soldier, you had managed to make your way to his heart.
“Wait- is that- is she?” Fives suddenly stood up from his seat, a wide smile on his face as he hung against one of the support rails descending from the top of the carrier.
“No way, I didn’t think I’d ever see this,” Kix began to smile, reaching for his datapad.
The commotion was becoming bigger and stronger as several others of the 501st joined in. Rex was soon to see exactly what his troopers were all getting out of their seats for. You were walking up the ramp in your very own fitted clone armour, a helmet identical to theirs under your arm, the medic logo on your shoulder; the only thing still signature of yours was the medic bag you always carried, swung across your body. You timidly stepped aboard to be met with jaws dropped and stares. From the moment you saw the uniform laid out on the barrack, you knew it was going to draw attention, which made you wonder what General Skywalker was thinking, but if anything, you’d learned to trust him.
“She’s a real shiny now, isn’t she?” Echo nudged your shoulder with his arm playfully, hoping to bring about some comments from the others, he could tell you were a little nervous and needed the encouragement.
“She’s got to be the cutest little trooper I’ve ever seen,” Fives added.
“Yeah, cause the rest of us just look like you,” Hardcase shoved him teasingly.
“Well, maybe I look like you,” Fives came back, and you were glad the attention was off you.
“Alright, alright,” Rex intervened, and the group parted, Echo giving you a wink as he stepped aside.
Rex stood looking down at you, with the helmet on you could hardly read his emotion and you weren’t sure what to do, so you just tried a smile, eyebrows furrowing. You observed Rex’s chest rise and fall once, before he lifted the comlink to his helmet, “all aboard, General.”
“Thank you, Rex,” Anakin replied, an obvious smile coming through in his tone, “everyone hold on.”
You looked up to Rex one more time, hoping he’d say something, anything.
“You’d better find your seat,” he answered, turning to return to his own.
You joined Kix, a little discouraged.
“Where- How did you get this?” Kix asked, still amazed.
“General Skywalker! He said no one is supposed to stand out, so I guess he got me this,” you shrugged, wide eyes; it was quite the surprise for you too. Entering barrack nine and finding the armour completely shocked you. Both excitement and anxiety ran through your mind; you were going to feel even closer to the troops you worked alongside, but you weren’t sure how Rex would take it. Would it be a disgrace to the armour since you weren’t a clone? You’d wished he’d said something, anything. You two were finally on mutual ground regarding your feelings for each other, or so it seemed, but now you weren’t sure.
Rex swallowed harshly, grateful for the helmet because despite keeping his head forward his gaze was glued on you. The uniform did well at hiding your appearance, obviously, but it failed to make up the difference in your height compared to them. Rex could still see the subtleties that exposed your figure. Your curves couldn’t be entirely suppressed, after all the armour was meant to fit you perfectly and it did. You looked like a shorter, female, version of them, particularly when you put the helmet on. It was amazing how well it suited you, but Rex couldn’t help wondering what you looked like in just the black bodysuit underneath. Shaking his head he tried to focus on the plan General Skywalker had gone over with him.
“Wait,” you pressed a hand to Echo’s arm, “you’re telling me that you guys can communicate on different signals, without anyone else hearing you?”
Echo had to laugh at your jaw, which was practically gaping, when Fives answered with a ‘yes,’ before he added, “here try channel 8, that’s just me and Fives.”
You set the helmet over your head as if it was a sacred ritual that you were being allowed to participate in. Once it was on, the domino twins explained how you could change channels, using Kix’s medic channel as a test run. They also let you in on a little secret that there was a way to talk inside the helmet without anyone outside of it hearing, instantly a million thoughts and ideas came to mind, but you only had time enough to acquaint yourself with the basic working before General Skywalker’s voice came over the carrier’s com telling everyone to prepare for a departure.
“Alright, listen up,” Rex took on his commanding voice, standing at the front of the carrier, drawing everyone to attention without any trouble, “the General doesn’t want anything to be out of line, that means not even a footstep, understood?”
“Yes, sir!” The clones resounded around you in response, and you did likewise, sounding signature out of key from them.
Pulling up a holomap, Rex continued, “the base isn’t far from our landing, we’ve been there before, you know it, but we need to be cautious, the separatists know this planet too; the General will be leading us single file along an outer ridge, once we’re in the safe house, bunks will be provided as the Generals work out supply negotiations with the Queen,” Rex explained thoroughly, but you felt he was specifically talking to you, that’s certainly how it felt with him staring your direction so much, thus when he finished you made sure to nod obviously for him.
There was a brief moment of pause before Anakin and Ahsoka came to the hull and sectioned the platoon into two, you gave a sigh of relief when your name was called to go with Rex, Echo, and Fives. It was a little hard to part with Kix, as they sent him with Ahsoka, that way each Jedi had a medic. It was the first time since the orphanage incident that you’d parted from him on a mission, but he gave a nod and said “I’ll see you at the rendezvous.”
As the ship’s ramp fell to the planet’s surface, you noted how dark it was. You didn’t think you’d be landing at night, how were you possibly supposed to see? Usually, you’d be able to use your flashlight, but now with the helmet on it was even darker and they hadn’t given the okay to any lights. As you worried, Rex and Anakin were walking up to the front, making sure everything was as usual. When they came to you, Anakin chuckled and then turned to his captain, “you want to help her with that, Rex?”
“Yes, sir,” Rex responded.
“Did- did I do something wrong?” you asked in a quiet voice, coming through the helmet it had a slight hum that you weren’t used to, and neither was Rex.
“No,” Rex answered voice staggering for a moment, before putting his hands on either side of your helmet softly and clicking a familiar button, “you just needed your night vision on.”
“Wow,” you mused, as everything became clearer and Rex’s Jaig eyes came into view, but it didn’t take long before you felt silly, “thanks,” you shrugged up your shoulders, and Rex could picture the exact expression you were making underneath the helmet, he’d seen it a million times. He’d seen it every time he helped you off a transport, or you nearly slipped, or he had to explain something one more time for you. It was an expression that made him smile, even if you couldn’t see it.
“Everyone, let’s move,” General Skywalker called out, not in a yell, but in a soft commanding voice as he waved his right hand forward.
You fell in line with the others, Echo right behind you and Rex directly in front. It wasn’t long before you were all halting, waiting, and then moving again and repeating the cycle. Anakin was in constant communication with Ahsoka and waited for her response before moving, this needed to be at perfect timing or the safe house would become suspicious. So you waited.
“How you doing?” you suddenly heard Fives in your head, making you startle, nearly nudging Rex.
“Um, getting used to it, they’re a lot heavier than I thought,” you admitted, “is this channel…”
“Eight? Yep, I’m here too,” Echo joined in, tipping his chin when you turned back to look over your shoulder at him.
“And no one-”
“Nope, no one else can hear us,” Fives was smiling in his response.
“This is so incredible,” you said, “well, while it’s just us, I wanted to thank you guys for being so kind, and for catching me up to speed. I know I’m not a clone-”
“You’re not a clone, but you are family,” Echo stated and Fives agreed.
Rex’s voice came in over the general channel in everyone’s helmet, “General is scouting ahead, we move on my command.”
You immediately snapped to attention, you didn’t want to get distracted, so you tried to switch your channel to the open and generic one. Moving only when Rex gave the sign, you got pretty good at mimicking the clones and were feeling confident. At the next stop, you felt Echo place his hand on your shoulder from behind, you assumed it was intended to be a chain reaction and wanted to continue it in an attempt to appear as normal as possible. Given your height, you opted to place your hand to the small of Rex’s back, just where there was a break between the armour plates. Rex straightened, not used to the sensation. Still, he tried to act normal, which was considerably harder than he thought it would be, the feeling of your hand softly, but firmly pressing against the small of his back was one of the worst distractions he’d come up against.
With the wait for the next move appearing to go on forever, you tried to remember Rex’s channel. You wanted to try something, something bold. Swallowing harshly you gave it a go, “I gotta say, it’s a nice view from back here, Rex,” you still partially whispered, despite being on a private channel within the helmet.
“That’s just me, ma’am,” Echo came through your channel.
“Oh!” you looked over your shoulder, and tilted your head apologetically, “sorry, Echo.”
“S’alright,” he chuckled, shaking his head, letting you know there was no need for an apology, before clearing his throat and pointing to the inside of your wrist with the channel numbers they’d given you since you weren’t accustomed to them whatsoever, “Captain is channel 10.”
“Just…Rex, right?” you asked, mildly embarrassed, but happy that Echo was the one helping you, knowing he had such a soft heart.
Another chuckle came through before a confident, “Yes, just Rex.” Echo emphasized the middle of his sentence for you just to be as clear as possible.
Before you managed to actually talk to Rex, you were on the move again and approaching the safe house, so you closed the channel. Little did you know, Rex was holding his breath when he heard a tin click indicating that someone had joined the private channel, he had hoped it was you. Meeting Ahsoka, Anakin, Kix and the others at the front door, the Jedi met with the guard and the large grey bunker-like doors opened with heavy groans as they drug across the rocky surface. Everyone began entering single file in two rows past the Thisspiasian guards, who watched very carefully. You nearly ran into the back of Rex when passing them, for some reason they scared you just a little bit. Perhaps it was because they tracked you so much, or because they questioned the Generals repeatedly. You didn’t want to ruin the plan, but everything inside of you felt like they knew you were the odd one out.
Regardless of your suspicions, they ushered you deeper into the barracks with the rest, and you gladly followed. Rex moved to the side of the open room as everyone began filing in to investigate the barracks. It was just as you were tilting your head back to look up at the ceiling when Rex grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you to his side seamlessly.
“I usually keep Kix by my side so he can spot any injuries on the way in, but your medic badge should be enough to appease the Thisspiasians for consistency’s sake,” he explained.
You nodded, understandingly and fiddled with your medic bag, occasionally looking up to him. Whenever the Thisspiasians began to stare in your direction, Rex moved himself in front of you a little bit, blocking their perfect view of you. Glancing at your wrist briefly, but not so subtly, you clicked into channel 10.
“Rex, can I ask you something?” your voice came through the helmet com.
“Hmm?” he responded, watching the barracks get filled and awaiting further instruction, standing with his hands behind his back, giving his posture a beautiful curve as he rested his weight on one leg.
“Does it bother you that I was allowed to wear the armour since I’m…not a clone?” You hated saying “clone” since you knew them all by name and winced when you said it, but Rex knew exactly what you were getting at.
He chuckled a little, and you looked over to him immediately, taking a moment before answering you heard the click of the com in your helmet, “on the contrary, I’ve never seen the uniform look so good. I don’t know how I got the boys through with such a distraction out there; shame I was leading, I’m sure it was a great view from behind.”
Blushing like a Tattooine sunset under your helmet, you couldn’t believe that Rex would risk saying something while others were around, even if the channels were completely private and inaudible to anyone outside of them; you began to wonder if Rex had heard what you said, “distraction- I didn’t, I wasn’t-” you began, but heard Rex chuckle again before looking down to you at his side.
“I meant it as a compliment,” Rex stated confidently.
You stared up for a good while, wishing you could see his eyes. They always looked brighter when he was being flirty and you adores the smile he gave, lips pressed together, only the slightest hint of it in the corner of his mouth, but you could always tell what he meant by his eyes.
“We’ve arranged everything in accordance to the usual order of you troopers, with your Captain being provided a private quarter,” a Thisspiasian explained slowly as they pressed their fingertips together, all four hands smushing, “but…” they looked beyond Anakin to you; Rex caught their glare from the corner of his eyes and casually took a step forward, blocking you more from their vision, “there seems to be…an extra?”
Anakin bristled at the tone, his eyebrows came together tightly as he was beginning to feel protective to the degree of anger, that is before Ahsoka jumped in, “Oh, you’ve noticed the cadet,” she commented cheerfully.
“The…cadet?” the Thisspiasian questioned.
Ahsoka quickly looked up to her master, begging him to come up with something more.
“Yes, that’s right,” Anakin crossed his arms, holding his head up confidently, “they’re- they’re on a special training mission to- to shadow a Captain of the army for a while to get some experience, and Rex volunteered to be observed.”
The Thisspiasian tilted its head, “ah, well then, they will share I see, all provisions are in the cabinet inside…we will regroup in the morning with you, Jedi. Until then the doors are sealed and guarded.”
The Jedi gave a bow and said thank you in unison, before exhaling and glancing at each other after the Thisspiasians were just out of earshot.
“You wanna tell them or me?” Ahsoka smirked nudging her head towards you and Rex while mimicking her master in positioning her arms across her chest.
“Tell them what?” Anakin shrugged.
“Didn’t you hear them? ‘They will share’... they get to bunk together,” Ahsoka perked an eyebrow.
Anakin almost blushed at the idea, but opted for maturity, clearing his throat, he nodded, “I’ll break it to them.”
Approaching Rex, Anakin had to repress a smile. You were still at his side, hands wrapped around your medical bag’s strap. Something was satisfying to Anakin about seeing you next to Rex, Padmé was right, you two looked good together, he just wondered when you would both realise it and how in the galaxy he was going to manage you two once you did.
“Rex,” Anakin called out, braking his captain away from whatever secret conversation he was having with you, “I have some news.”
“Sir,” Rex responded, “awaiting orders.” Anakin tried to approach the situation with his usual overconfidence that it’d all work out just fine, even if a wrench had been thrown into the hyperdrive, “you and Angel are going to be sharing a barrack tonight.”
That caught not only Rex’s attention, but yours as well; you leaned over to see around Rex, with the helmet on Anakin couldn’t see your blushing shock, but he could sure feel it through the force.
“And may I ask why sir?” Rex tried his best to tread lightly, he never wanted to come across as questioning his General’s tactics, but this felt more personal.
“Well, because,” Anakin stuttered, looking everywhere but at the two of you, “we may have explained her presence here by claiming she was a…cadet, who’s shadowing you for training.”
“A cadet?” Rex broke his stoic position, to lean closer to his general.
“Yeah, we had to think of something,” Anakin tried, but Rex still gave a sigh as he leaned back, “just make it work,” Anakin said in a finalizing manner, beginning to stride off, pausing to turn back with one more comment, “or shall I say make it count, Captain?”
Anakin’s smirk was clearly visible, as you and Rex immediately tensed and glanced to each other, both very grateful for the helmets once again.
It wasn’t long before everyone was settled, except you and Rex. You two stood in the open barrack, a private space, behind closed doors from anyone and everyone else. Helmets off, you stared towards an object at the side of the room, you swallowed: one bed.
“Ah?” Rex began, tightening his gloved hand into a nervous fist, unsure of what to say in the moment, but when he looked to you for an answer, all he met was your gaze doing the exact same thing, waiting for an answer from your captain, “how about you just take the quarters, I’m sure there’s room in the-“
“Or we both could?” You blurted out the suggestion faster and louder than you intended. Shrugging up your shoulders when Rex paused to stare at you, until you diverted your gaze to the floor, rubbing your hand up and down your opposite arm, “it’d be following the General’s orders, and…I just- I think I’d feel a lot safer if you were. . .here.”
Lifting your gaze, his golden-brown eyes met yours, a soft smile playing on his lips as he turned to face you again, helmet still under his arm.
“Alright,” Rex agreed, “if that’s what you-“ he had to chuckle at how fast you began to nod, “then that’s what shall be.”
It didn’t take long for you to acquaint yourself with the room; Rex was quick to remove his armour, leaving him in just the bottom half of the black bodysuit, the top half rolled and tied neatly together at his waist. Soon he found the cabinet with extra supplies and began making a makeshift bed on the floor next to the bed, while you struggled to get your own armour off. You’d decided to face the wall, giving him any privacy he should need, but now you were a little stuck. The armour was certainly easier to put on than it was to remove and you were struggling to reach the back pieces, wondering how you actually managed to get it on in the first place.
“Need some help over there?” you heard Rex ask from behind you, clearly he was still facing the opposite direction, but you were too twisted at the moment to turn around, so you accepted defeat.
“Yes, please, sorry,” you winced, “I only learned how to take it off of soldiers, not myself.”
Rex chuckled to himself, lifting a piece off of you, “I remember; and you’re fast too.”
“You were injured, I needed to move quickly,” you recounted, remembering the exact situation. He was your first in-action patient.
“Wasn’t complaining,” you noticed that his voice got deeper and softer.
As you began getting pieces off together, Rex thought you’d finished once you were down to the black undershirt, but when you reached for the hem of the shirt, he clenched his jaw, not sure where this was going. You lifted off the black shirt to reveal a white tank top, ‘of course the general let her keep that part of her uniform,’ he thought to himself before commenting, “you know that offer is still on the table.”
Your eyes widened remembering. ‘If you ever need more practice’ he had said with a wink, regarding removing armour.
“Well,” you began feeling more confident, preparing a good comeback, before turning on your heel to face him, “oh-” you paused, observing the proximity.
Only inches apart, you were nearly chest to chest with Rex. For a moment you admire his physique, finally seeing him without an emergency wound. Not wanting to stare at his chest for too long, you looked up but found that to be no easier. His golden eyes had a softness, a tenderness, a longing, you’d never seen before, it made you feel calm, yet your heart was racing. Rex just stared down at you in complete adoration. Feeling your lips part, you quickly looked down to the wound you’d tended the last time you saw him in this position.
“I see that’s healed up nicely,” you swallowed harshly, hearing Rex take a deep breath.
“Are we going to talk about this?” Rex asked, softly reaching a hand to brush against yours.
“About…what?” you said, staring at the wound’s scar until Rex hooked a finger under your chin and tilted your gaze to meet his, you parted your lips again, looking up through your eyelashes.
“Us,” Rex finally said.
There it was, finally out in the open. You wanted to completely give him your emotions, you wanted to give him your heart, but you stopped to think.
“I- we- I-,” you stuttered, feeling his thumb stroke your bottom lip smoothly in a back and forth gesture, “what will people say? If I’m…with…a Captain.”
“I know what people will say, and I don’t care,” Rex said, voice growing quieter, “the people who know you will know you’ve gotten here on pure talent. That’s not how this army is run, and I certainly won’t let anyone think less than you deserve.”
You smiled, closing your eyes, a million thoughts rushing through your mind, you tried to hear yourself think over the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Taking a bit longer than expected, you felt Rex’s hand fall away as he stepped back, and you opened your eyes.
“Nothing you don’t wish,” he said, giving you a respectful nod you’d seen him do a million times to fellow soldiers.
Your heart sank, did you miss your one moment? Squeezing your eyes shut, you looked down, now you wanted to do nothing more than cry.
“We’d better try and get some rest,” Rex remarked, avoiding your eyes as he made his way over to the edge of the bed.
You came over to the other side, but instead of seeing him join you in the bed, he sank down to the floor. Realizing he’d found supplied, you felt a letdown and knew it was all your fault. Settling in, Rex waited for you to click the light off, but you hesitated thinking things over. This was your chance, and you weren’t going to miss it.
“Hey…Rex?” you spoke timidly.
Rex turned just enough to look up at the edge of the bed, where he found you, peeking over.
“Yes?” He tried not to laugh at how timid you were.
“You…you can sleep up here,” you furrowed your brows, almost pleading for him to say yes.
“Alright,” he nodded, getting up as you moved over to your side of the bed once again.
He joined you, staying very clearly on his side when you clicked off the light. There was still a flush of dim light coming in from a high window, but it was largely blocked by rocks, leaving the room streaked with moonlight. Rex took a deep breath, running through how he possibly could have read your signs and hints wrong. He was just beginning to feel stupid over even imaging you had feelings for him when he felt you shift and then shift again until eventually, your body came into contact with his. You’d pressed yourself against him, your chest touching his back, your forehead pressed softly between his shoulder blades. Rex smiled to himself, feeling the shape of your frame in comparison to his, but he tried to convince himself it was only because you wanted to feel safe. That mindset soon shifted when he felt you press your lips to his shoulder blade, your hand sliding up along his side, feeling every battle scar he had from his ribs to his chest.
Softly, and gently, he turned over to face you. Keeping your hand against his side, you tried not to separate too far away from him. Your heart was beating faster than ever before as you met his gaze, you could see his dilated pupils from the darkness and the emotion so strongly running between the two of you. You were near shaking with anticipation for what he was going to say when he dipped to kiss you. Relaxing completely, you closed your eyes and melted into his touch. Rex caresses your jawline with one hand. You didn’t want to part, and only at the last minute did you break apart. Chest heaving, you felt a smile come to your lips as you caught your breath, Rex pressing his forehead to yours.
“Good thing we have a medic,” Rex sighed, catching his breath.
“That’s a terrible line,” you giggled as he pressed his lips to yours again, his arms coming around to support you; you wrapped your arms around his neck as he turned you onto your back, sheets slipping down to your waists.
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Wolverine (Logan Howlett) NSFW HC List
xFemale!Reader || for anon — T/W: NSFW
Original list made by: @caitlinsnicket
↳ m a i n m a s t e r l i s t
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Quiet but cosy — he doesn't talk much afterwards, you'll get some deep throaty grumbles and hums as he nuzzles against your skin while you catch your breath. When you come back from cleaning up, he wraps you in his arms, pulling you back down by the waist. Cosying up to him, sometimes you stroke along his collarbones, talking and he'll just listen, happy to hear your voice and your little sighs in between long sentences.
He’s actually the needy one in the aftermath — Logan doesn't like just parting ways afterwards; he wants to stay close to you feeling your skin against his, it still feels so intimate to him, even if you fall asleep or get tired. If you decide to turn over, Logan's on it, tightening his grip on you, keeping his eyes closed. You have to giggle and explain that you're just turning over, when you do you're met with silence until a raspy "oh," as he loosens, but doesn't let go of, his grip on you.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of their partner’s)
Hips — he loves grabbing you by the hips, literally squeezing his fingertips against your soft skin and pulling you closer, holding you in the perfect place, or using them to help guide the pace. (Even when it’s not sexy time, he always holds you close by your hips).
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Ladies first — you’re always the first to cum, usually that’s just because Logan can outlast you, but sometimes it’s because he’s just that good.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Doesn't mind being dommed — Logan will never ever admit it, but he loves when you take charge and decide to top. This is something you've learned simply by experience with him; he'll let you sit on his lap super easily, from there you tried it during foreplay, and then in bed and sure enough he loved it. However, it's something you don't directly bring up, the closest you've gotten to talking about it is saying, "I guess I'm the only one who gets to tame you."
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows what he's doing — Logan doesn't talk about previous partners very much, if at all, in fact, he never does unless you ask and even then he tries to be as vague about it as possible. But he's been around for a good long while to have had quite a bit of experience.
Getting to know you — despite having a history, Logan believes in getting to know your preferences, not just applying what seems to work. He wants to know all your sweet spots, all your little turn ons, your body language, and sounds. Needless to say, after the second or third time, he's got it down to a science.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Just about anything — truly when the moment strikes, he doesn't really care as long as his hands can be all over you. Typically you're the one who'll set the position and he just goes with it, whatever you're feeling he's pretty much down for. However, some of his personal go-tos are:
On your back — anything with you on your back, usually he crawls ontop of you, supporting himself on his forearms, and you can make the call if you want to spread your legs out, wrap them around him, or just leave your knees to graze against his sides with each thrust.
Side — one arm around you, hand probably against your chest or stomach keeping you in place, the other either hooked under your legs or between your thighs. He'll kiss the top of your shoulder or softly bite at the side of your neck as you arch your body, shoulder and ass pressing hard against him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely more serious, but still fun — Logan is not dead serious, but he's definitely not telling jokes in bed. He likes to hear your pleasure happy giggles and see you smile while being intimate. He can't help but smile in response to some of your reactions, like when he hits that sweet spot a little early and send a jolt through your body, causing you to cling onto him for dear life, even though it only lasts a second before he pauses. He has to chuckle at the way you get a little shy during those moments, before he soothes your bruised confidence with deep kisses.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's way more romantic than he leads on — he loves carrying you off to bed, paying extra attention to you in the foreplay (and not rushing through it), and being incredibly romantic particularly for special occasions like anniversaries, your birthday, or if he can sense you just need a good pick me up.
He's not terribly verbal — but man oh man do his actions make up for it. Yes, he gives some "I love yous," but overall its in the way he treats you. This also translates to the bedroom, he may not lavish a bunch of praise, but he will physically praise your body and just make you feel fantastic.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He can restrain — he'd rather wait, even if it builds up the sexual tension, he'd rather wait until he can absolutely spend a night of pure pleasure with you, and you can definitely tell when he's been waiting, the tone is entirely different.
However — should he stumble upon you having a little self pleasure, he's not opposed to lending a hand, in some cases your get so flustered that he has to convince you its perfectly fine with him, other times he actually offers to leave and let you have the self-care time. "I can stay, or I can leave," he says, "tell me which will give what you need."
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Silk / Nightgowns — maybe it’s because the fabric looks dainty and alluring, but Logan really has a things for railing you while you’re wearing something silky. Even if during all the action the fabric winds up being pushed up and pulled down so it’s just around your stomach, everything else bare, it’s still a major kink for him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Someplace private — Logan likes to keep it behind closed doors and its almost never somewhere the two of you aren't familiar with (except hotels). It just keeps the atmosphere comfortable because you're not worried about anything other than each other.
However — that basically just means the bedroom, where in your bedroom is fair game, a desk, the bed, the floor, the bathroom counter, it doesn't matter if its familiar.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
A lot — you're surprised how easily he can get turned on, yet at the same time you're surprised at how well he can keep his composure in public. He'll squeeze your ass and whisper something only you hear in public, making heat rise to your face, meanwhile he's acting perfectly normal.
Looks — you and Logan have a lot of body language communication, but sometimes when you're in public you just shoot him a look that says it all; at first he'll just look over to you, and notice you're already staring at him. From there, he'll perk an eyebrow as if asking "really?" and from there he'll find an excuse to leave and be alone with you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Public or remotely public — it can't be too risky as in being seen by someone, that's just an immediate no.
Too rough — Logan loves to squeeze a lot, even enough to leave bruises, but things like choking that could really hurt you are also a no-go. Not big on hair pulling, a hand in your hair is one thing, but pulling, nope. // He almost always has to be the toughie, in battle and in general to assert some authority, so when it's time to be intimate, he doesn't actually like being rough, it's a time when he can finally be gentle.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Giving — not his strong suit, but takes your hints and reads your body language so he can get better!
Receiving — he’s definitely a fan of it, but doesn’t always ask for it. You found out that he’s super responsive during oral, even more so than during sex, so it can make it really easy to dom him, which is a rare situation to be in. It’s oddly attractive to for once have his pleasure at your mercy.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It varies — its never just one pace, it either starts out really hot and heavy, then slows down with time, or it starts out slow and sweet and builds up to a heavy pace. It keeps the pleasure at a maximum, as just when you think you're going to hit your orgasm, he'll slow the pace, or just when you've gotten used to a slower rhythm, he'll hit deeper and harder.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's so down for it — loves to take time for it, and he doesn't need a lot of time, so quickies are perfectly fine with him!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not his favourite — he’s not really down for anything to risky or experimental. Especially if it’s pretty far from what you usually do together. // Now things that are simply like new positions or maybe a location shake up (like the shower or during a bath etc.) that’s different and he’d be down with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The question is more how long can you go — Logan's stamina is off the charts, so there's really no question if he's up for another round. It's how much you can take depending on the day. Literally Logan can last go forever and he can last a good long while!
Say when — it’s when you say you can’t keep going, shaking and panting, palms pressed to his chest, that he knows it’s time to cool it down, wrapping things up with some tender and soothing kisses, before helping you up and possibly carrying you to the shower.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He doesn't tease much — out of the two of you, you're probably the one who's more of a tease to him. When Logan’s in the mood he’s down to go, he doesn’t feel the need to tease you, just enough to get you comfortably wet for him. // However fe doesn’t take much teasing, he’ll literally just hoist you up and take control.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not very verbal — there's not much "conversation" shall we say, there's not a lot of verbal praise and compliments, he lets you know in other ways.
Low growls , groans, and moans — he's definitely in the habit of more subtle sounds and signs of pleasure, such as throaty low growls before he noses against your neck, fingers squeezing your skin.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
You’re well taken care of — Logan’s all around a bit above average.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high — if you’re in the mood he’s in the mood, he’ll never not be if you’re game for a round or two.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You first — Logan tends to get sleepy, but doesn’t fall asleep, he just really relaxes afterwards. So he’ll close his eyes and nuzzle up to you, but he’s perfectly awake. Usually he winds up feeling your breathing change from steady while you’re awake and talking, to soft and rhythmic.
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Little Birdie and FlyBoy, my heart! Just Poe wanting to protect the reader at all costs but doesn’t realize he’s limiting them and proceeds to get them promoted and support them fully as Captain AND honeymoon talk?? My heart can’t take this at all, I’ve missed this man too, thank you for the lovely fic as always dear and I hope you’re resting up as well🥺🧡
Right?! I just think he’d be the sweetest, wannabe toughie if you were on the team with him 😭 he’d be all “yeah sure whatever” and then have a heart attack when you’re given a simple escort mission 😂
Missing Poe Squad✨ Thank you so much for the support (in many many ways), Lovely! 🧡🖤 I hope that you are doing okay and resting also!
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