#spill all the tea
historian-in-pearls · 4 months
Way too invested in the minor drama happening in my best friend’s parents’ neighborhood association several states away
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frostbeees · 3 months
your marek post reminded me how back in the day on the original MvsW show that marek said more than once something to the effect of “I’m sure two NHLers have dated because everyone dates their coworkers”
jeff marek i am ON TO YOU
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justfangirlstuffs · 1 year
Okay... Let's say someone wanted to make a gift fic for EYEM... What details about the world and lore they might need to know while writing? Like are there specific vampire facts that haven't been stated? Are there thrall details we need to know? Or maybe settling/locations that might help us with description?
So, I have been sitting on this ask, turning it over, and trying to think of the best way to answer it. As much as I would love to spill out everything about the world in a single ask, I... can't? I sadly don't have a document listing elements of world-building and it's easier for me to answer specific questions about the world than explain all of it at once, if that makes sense? I try to tag all EYEM questions under "Enthralling You Enthralling Me" as well as "Enthralled Universe" so you can use those to find any questions that have been asked already. (I'll try to see if I can't compile some sort of master list for future use.) And if there are any specific inquiries feel free to just shoot me an ask, either on or off anon. You won't be a bother. I'm flattered that someone would want to write a fic inspired by EYEM. I hope this was at least somewhat helpful. <3
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About to create the Pelican Town Trailer Park
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housecow · 2 months
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belly out for the donut/taco run 🥳
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temeyes · 7 months
..more ghost tummy content?
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you ask, i deliver
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cyhaino · 5 months
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kanthony in bridgerton season 3 trailer
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dekariosclan · 10 months
Afternoon Tea
Morena Dekarios (so intent on chatting she’s barely touched her tea): Withers dear, I am always so enraptured by your stories! Do tell me, how did you know my son was falling in love with Tav?
Withers: Ah. Thine first true tipoff was when thy smitten fool of a wizard was so distracted by his bosom companion, he made his camp upon a wet riverbank.
Morena: How delightful! What else?
Withers: They both felt an incessant mortal need to press their lips together after every conversation.
Withers: Followed by what I can only describe as gazing at one another with ‘Come-Hither-And-Mate-With-Me’ eyes.
Withers: And, though I wast not present for this exchange, I dost have it on good authority that after one particular battle, your son proclaimed his intention to engage in pleasures of the flesh with Tav. Something about ‘thou’s glistening muscles’ and ‘wanting thou even more’.
Morena (more gleeful than shocked): He didn’t! Gale said that?!
Tara (pausing her cleaning of one paw): I’m rather inclined to believe it. Let us not forget, at Withers’s most excellent party I distinctly overheard our Tav and Mr. Dekarios speaking about—oh what was it now?—oh yes, ‘You look best without any clothes on,’ if I am not mistaken.
Morena (absolutely delighted): Oh, this is too darling! (Tears of joy brimming in her eyes.) This is everything I could have hoped for and more. To know that my dearest boy is so deeply in love and so loved in return! (Turns towards Gale and Tav, who are seated directly next to her) Gale! Gale my dear, is this all true?!
Gale (slumped in his seat, one hand covering his face, his other hand clutching Tav’s for dear life): Mother, when we received your charming invitation to join you for a spot of tea, we had assumed you meant it would be us alone—
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gothicafish · 1 year
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Also can I just comment on the fact everyone in this scene seemed surprised when stede shot the gun, everyone but izzy who was ready to FUCKING GO.
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honeyspeeches · 10 months
ayo where's the klance fandom at. sound off
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aurorangen · 6 months
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Lunch with Uncle Billy and Josh and sharing the big news with them!
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After lunch, Renee talked about cases with Billy. She was in the early weeks of pregnancy and her work routine was pretty much the same! Renee asked if she was allowed access to the Strangerville archives to read about. At times, she thinks about Veronica and Strangerville. There were too many unanswered questions about the dangerous place and she wonders if she will ever see Veronica again. "I'll check with the director, I don't see why not," Billy replied.
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fairydrowning · 2 years
I think Hayao Miyazaki is so right. Romanticizing is the only way to live better and peaceful life. You gotta have to romanticize every small thing in your life. Just like how they romanticize everything in his studio ghibli movies. Every small detail from like kitchen to work, to school or college, to even going on a bus.
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somesalami · 5 months
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Babe, we're going to find out what's your trauma anyway 😚😌
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moderndaypandora · 4 months
the most devastating part of ghosts not being able to eat or drink? now edwin can’t watch the world judgmentally while holding a teacup. if it was possible, forget his magnifying glass and detectives’ journal, there’d never not be a teacup in his hand. charles would have to dedicate an entire compartment in his bag of tricks to edwin’s collection of tea services.
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Finished Night Watch. I kinda wanna cry. Kinda wanna just sit here and let everything I just read rumble over me like a good thunderstorm. Thinking about Sam Vimes and all the growth and change he’s made over the course of 6 books.
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buubonita · 2 months
Pets for a Pet
Next I'd like to talk about Killer, Dust, and Horror together and how Nightmare can use the bond of the three to keep them close and obedient under his shoe. As Horror and Murder are the only ones Nightmare is willing to share his pet (Killer) with and he doesn't need anyone else (say Dream, Color, or whoever you want). Horror and Dust are recruited as if they were pets for his pet :]
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