#spideypool tickle
karenk06ontblr · 15 days
The Merc's Instant Death By Gang Tickling
Shared this on Deviantart the other day. I don't usually write other people's characters like this, but seeing as the community is here, why not? Originally a gift for @lovemybluebully
Contains MMMM/M tickle torture (and swearing).
Note: Some SPOILERS for Spider-Man: No Way Home & Deadpool and Wolverine. This is your official warning.
“Logan? Al? Anyone home?” Deadpool called out in greeting as he let himself into the apartment, still dressed in full costume. “Ugh! What a day. First, I had to try three different stores before someone had the kibble Dogpool likes-”
“We’ve got company.” Logan interrupted from where he leaned casually against a desk.
Deadpool paused in the doorway and looked up to see three figures watching him expectantly from the den of their small apartment. The place felt cramped on a good day, but with three Spider-mans and a Logan all collectively waiting for him, the place felt downright claustrophobic. Deadpool hesitated there on the threshold, before entering and shutting the door behind him.
“Webhead…s!” He called cheerily, putting on his best casual voice. “It’s so cool to finally meet you, mask-to-mask. Actually, I’ve been looking for-”
“We know.” One of the Spider-mans said bluntly. Deadpool couldn’t tell them apart. They were all in full costume like him.
“Right! Yeah!”
“When word gets around that a deadly mercenary is after one of us, we notice.” Another Spidey spoke up.
“What? No, no! It’s not like that!” Deadpool protested. It was then that he happened to look up and froze. He was grateful the mask kept everyone from seeing the way he turned deathly pale. Even so, Logan seemed to notice the change in him and straightened so they were standing next to each other.
Deadpool whirled, throwing open the door, “I just remembered I have a fight scheduled with that new Iron-Doom-guy! You know how it is with the MCU. Wouldn’t want me to let everyone down, would you? Duty calls!”
He was just through the doorway when Logan caught him by the arm. “Wade, these guys have been waiting for you for ages. Where’re you going?”
Deadpool was already reaching for his trusty Baby Knife with his free hand. He didn’t need that other arm, anymore. It was a stupid arm. He’d grow back a better one.
“What about your rule about not bleeding in the apartment?” Logan tried again.
“I’m not the one in the apartment, Peanut. You are!”
“What’s got you all freaked out?”
“I saw the title of this thing!” Deadpool groaned. His whole arm? It was such a waste!
Logan reached out to stop him from using Baby Knife. “You’re ridiculous!”
“What are your intentions with Peter 3?” One of the Spider-mans interrupted behind them.
Deadpool paused, “You mean-he’s here?” Stupid. Of course he was! All three of the MCU Spider-mans were watching him from the den. His gaze drifted between the three of them, trying to pick out which was which. Couldn’t they wear numbers or something?
He craned his head to get another look at the title, but it hadn’t changed. With a weary groan, he sheathed Baby Knife and didn’t fight it when Logan pulled him back inside and shut the door.
All he needed to do was make sure the situation didn’t escalate to where the title happened. He could do this. Deadpool was great at de-escalation.
He swallowed, trying not to let on how flustered he was. “Intentions? No intentions! Pinky-swear!” His boots didn’t let on that he was crossing his toes. “It’s just- I- The costume!” He settled on. “It’s just such an iconic shade of red, you know? Like mine? I-I wanted to know how he made it look so vivid! Maybe give me some pointers. No offense, but it’s the best of the Spidey suits.”
For a moment, no one answered him. Logan was staring at him with the bewildered and stupefied expression he wore sometimes when Wade accidentally got a special guest star killed.
Then one of the Spideys leaned forward, “And which suit is that?”
Deadpool stared hard at one Spider-man. Then the next. Then the next. Then he returned to the first one again-
“Told ya he’d never give you a straight answer.” Logan grunted, shaking his head.
Another Spidey sighed and aimed his wrists, “Right. Plan B.”
“WHOA! HOLD ON! H-HOLD ON!” Deadpool cried, his hands up in surrender. But it was too late. Webbing shot across the room and wrapped around his torso, trapping his arms at his sides. He staggered before toppling awkwardly to the floor, landing on his back. He struggled to get back on his feet as they surrounded him.
Logan reached him first, straddling him with a smirk. Deadpool wasn’t surprised. Plan B was probably his idea – payback for all the times Wade snuck up and got him.
He thrashed against the webs, struggling desperately, but his arms wouldn’t budge. A moment later, he felt one of the Spider-mans land on his calves while the other two gathered on either side of his legs.
“I told them ‘bout the rule ya got about blood in the house,” Logan assured Deadpool as he started jabbing his fingers up and down his torso, earning a series of snickers from Wade as he strained to draw his arms in and protect himself. The webbing refused to let him budge an inch.
“They said it wasn’t their style anyway,” Logan went on. “Besides, this seems to work better on ya.”
“L-hogan! Guys! Waih-ACK!” Deadpool jumped as the Spidey sitting on his legs gave the spot just above his knees an experimental squeeze. “Yadhohohon’t hahahaveta dohoho thihihis! Ihihit’s j-jhust a missuhnderstEEEHEEHEEHEE!” His protests were swallowed by a wild shriek as the two remaining Spideys attacked his poor thighs.
“You weren’t kidding about his legs.”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAOSTAHAHA! AHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The hands trapped at his sides strained to grasp at something – anything that would free his already-overwhelmed nerves from the insanity. But there was only the cheap carpet for him to claw helplessly at.
The two on his thighs were ruthless. Two sets of hands digging into his poor trembling legs, sending shockwaves of tickles all along his nervous system up to his brain. Already it was too much. He had no control over how his legs thrashed desperately to escape the overload. Logan was forced to concentrate his efforts on keeping him still, careful not to put too much weight against his lungs as wild, frantic laughter poured out of him.
He kicked, violent and sudden enough that it actually dislodged the terrible hands tickling him to pieces for a blissful moment. Deadpool was just able to inhale a long, wheezing breath, before they were upon him again.
The hands that had been torturing his knees started in on his thighs too, because it didn’t tickle enough yet.
“NUH-HOHA! PLEAHEEHEE!” He protested dizzily. The sounds tearing out of him now were a mixture of screeching laughter and wheezing gasps for air. He’d been fighting like the Hulk to break free, but his muscles were too overwhelmed with his shaking laughter to resist much longer.
“Okay, guys. Let him breathe.” Logan snickered. Wade wanted to slug him for finding his murder funny, but he was too grateful for the break to call him out.
For a blissful moment, the only sound was his lungs’ eagerly gulping the air. He shuddered.
“Sss...ssheriously…” Deadpool finally managed, “…oh, shit…heh-hey…Logan…”
“Yeah, Bub?”
“…ihi…ihihif…” Deadpool swallowed, “…if y-you hehelp…mehe inst-ehead…I prahmise I’ll…fohorgive you…for thihis.”
“Is that so?” Deadpool yelped as Logan suddenly dug into his hips.
“YEHES! B-buhut thahat meheeheeans nuho tihihicklihing!-GAH! Quihihihit ihihihihit!” He pleaded, twisting and writhing against the webbing as Logan let him have it. “NUHOHO! AHA-Shit! STAHAHAHAHAP! Leh-HEMEGOHOHO! LOHOHOGAHAN!”
But his roommate did neither of those things.
“Ehahahahahahahahahaha! ST-HAPTIHICKLING! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! N-AHAHASHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!”
It was only when Wade squealed that Logan let him breathe again.
“Are you ready to tell us why you’re after Peter 3, yet?” One of the Spideys prompted.
“Ihihif I’d knohohown youhou all whanted me thihis muhuch-” He was cut off by his own scream for mercy as the hands returned to furiously digging and massaging into his poor thighs. Logan helpfully clawed against his hips, and Wade lost the chance to reason with his tormentors.
His screaming laughter returned with a vengeance. Too exhausted for struggling, his muscles resigned themselves to shaking from their effort to take it.
It felt like an eternity before they let up enough that he could catch his breath.
“Ohokayhey!” Deadpool gasped when he could finally speak, “…thahas ehenough!...I-I cahan’t hahahandleit!...Nho mohohore!” He’d go insane if they did that again. Well, more insane.
“So tell us why you’re after one of us. The truth this time.” One of the Spideys drew a teasing hand along the inside of his thigh. Deadpool snorted a laugh and squirmed. The way he’d said it had rendered him flustered all over again.
“I wihill! I swear! Just…maybe if you let me up first…and take your masks off s-so I can tehell you apart?”
“Not likely,” another Spider-man answered stonily.
“Fine.” He turned his head so at least it didn’t feel like he was confessing to Logan. “I…okay, look. Now that big yellow and I are officially in the MCU like you guys, there’s been a lot of people online talking about us, like…you know, in the comics…people are pretty stoked about the possibility, and there was that time Ryan and Andrew kissed at the Golden Globes…so sue me, okay? I was thinking about it.”
They were all watching him again.
“I don’t know what half of that means,” one of the Spideys said after a moment.
“Yeah, ya get used to it.” Logan rolled his eyes.
“Who are Ryan and Andrew? What’s an MCU?”
“Who’s Iron Doom?”
“You’ll find that last one out soon enough,” Deadpool insisted. “Can I get up now?”
“So for those of us not in your weird fantasyland…” Logan mused, “…let me see if I’m understanding this…you were looking for Peter…3…because you wanted…a date.”
“Sure. Yes. That.” Deadpool couldn’t tell if it was better or worse that he still didn’t know which Spidey was Peter 3. He focused on glowering at Logan instead. “That works. What can I say? I’m a romantic. Besides, the fans are already rooting for us…” He breathed a sigh of relief as they finally got off of him so he could stand. Unfortunately, he was still to exhausted for any impressive flips while his arms were trapped at his sides.
One of the Spider-mans noticed. In a move that made Deadpool immediately freeze, he leaned over and withdrew Baby Knife, cutting him free of the accursed webs. He offered Deadpool his free hand, and hauled him effortlessly to his feet. Wade staggered, but managed to remain standing, watching in bewilderment as the Spider-man unmasked.
Whatever dumb comment Deadpool had been about to make died in his throat as Peter 3 passed Baby Knife back to him.
Peter 3 watched as Wade removed his own mask before turning to Logan and the remaining Spider-mans and said, “Would you guys give us a moment?”
“All that for a fucking date,” Logan was still shaking his head about it long after the three Peters had left.
Wade glanced at him. They were sitting on the couch watching TV, but honestly, Wade was having trouble concentrating on it. He was well aware that he’d spent the entire evening with a stupid grin on his face.
“Totally worth it.”
Logan laughed, “Ya haven’t even gone on the date yet. Do you know how lucky you are that I was able to translate your gibberish before they wrecked you again?”
Wade narrowed his eyes. “Ah yes, that reminds me…”
Logan yelped as Wade pounced on him, attacking his sides.
“Heh-HEYHE! NOHO!” The Wolverine promptly crumpled into a squirming mess.
“…I seem to recall offering you forgiveness, but instead you helped them tickle me to death!”
“And for that I will show you mercy…eventually.”
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roms-art · 10 days
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peter and wade discovered the 0.5 filter
logan wasn’t impressed
cropped versions below the cut
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fuck i forgot logan’s mutton-chops
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jettorii · 2 years
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please dont flag me tumblr i am on my knees
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sciderman · 11 months
You have the astounding ability to make me consider liking things that I previously did not. Cable and Wade. Shiklah and Wade. Johnny and Peter. I’m a stubborn Spideypool obsessor, I’m sure I’ve mentioned, so pat yourself on the head for being SUCH a stan that you’ve broken through my OTP walls and gotten me to glance at other ways for Wade and Peter to he happy and loved.
i think if you truly love a character then you want them to get some no matter where it comes from
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abitnotgoodiebag · 1 year
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ibex-ascendant · 5 months
Saw somebody complaining about Deadpool calling Peter "baby boy" in Spideypool fics, apparently thinking this is some fanon invention fetishizing their age difference as opposed to something Deadpool has canonically called (the very much adult) Spider-Man in 616 canon.
It tickled me.
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yiplee · 18 days
What the dink
A Spideypool ticklefic
On a boring work week in the city, Deadpool gets caught in webs and Spidey wrecks his shit. Yipee
Possible warnings: Limbs being bound, very brief joke dialogue about kinks
"What?" Deadpool kept saying that. Like he was in shock that Spidey would do this to him.
"What?" He repeated, eyes wide, as his heartmate began crawling up the web. Deadpool was caught between three buildings with his arms locked up tight in the stickiest of webbing, his legs dangling over the city.
Spiderman hopped up to where his catch was, making the whole thing shake with the force of it.
"Oh boy," Deadpool said. "Oh boy. How did you know it was my quarter-to-half birthday?" He said.. strangely excited.
Now it was Spidey's turn to say what.
"Wh-.. What? What the dink? Wade, I-...what do you mean." He squinted. Deadpool titled his head.
"You're gonna [insert mario 'yahoo!'] me in public? You really DID read my kink list! And I'm tied up? You've outdone yourself. I mean, it IS only my quarter-to-half-"
"I'm going to stop you right there," Spidey stopped him, grimacing. Why was he surprised..
"This is business. You know where the.." he needed to come up with something fast, because Deadpool knew bullshit like...bullshit.
Deadpool gasped. "No! I'll never tell you where THE is!" He said dramatically, turning his head away. Spiderman stifled a snicker.
"Well... you know, we have ways of making you talk." Spidey continued, slowly tracing Deadpool's chest. They were playing now.
Deadpool scoffed. "You should know better than anyone that I don't crack under-"
"Oh I know." Spiderman was grinning now, hovering both hands just over his heartmate's body and wiggling his fingers at him in a way that made him shrink away.
"...Hey now-" Deadpool didn't have time to come up with any witty dialogue because Spidey was already pinching at his ribs.
"Hey what the diihihiihIEEEhiink!" Deadpool squealed, his leg coming up as a very poor shield as Spiderman continued tormenting him.
That only gave him more ammo, however, because he quickly brought a hand up to squeeze his knee and skitter his fingers behind it. That got a snort from Deadpool, who kicked and bucked, his head thrown back against his binds.
Spiderman was giggling to himself as he pinched and scribbled at Deadpool's slutty little hips, earning a symphony of squeals and giggles.
"HehEywahAhait! You can't do this toMEEEE! IhiaHAHits my quarter-tohahaha! To half- stAAhapLET ME THINK- spidayah-! Heahaha- heartmaHAHAHG-"
Deadpool kicked and squirmed and twisted, but Spiderman's webs were impervious to gay people.*
Spiderman did stop a moment, if only to decide where to attack next. With Deadpool's arms tightly bound in web, he had an idea.
*and straight people, and everyone, but it's specific in his case
"W- waitwait... Spidey.." he muttered, watching the two gloved hands slowly crawl up his sides and nestle under his arms.
"SpidAHAHANAGAHANAHAEHEAHE-! EVIL!! EVIHIHAHAHEHIHIL!! Deadpool squawked, arching back and twisting away from his tormentor's hands to no avail.
"Where's The, Wade? Where is it?" Spidey teased, scribbling his fingers even faster under his victim's arms.
"I'LL NEVER T- TCHEHEAHEUSHEHAHEEUAA-! HNGHEE!" There were tears in his eyes as he was tickled to pieces by his boyfrBusiness partner.
Spiderman brought his fluttering fingers up to Deadpool's neck. His loud cackles melted into girlish giggles as his shoulder scrunched up in protection. Spiderman scritched behind his ear and his head jerked forward defensively.
Spidey went lower again, pinching his hips to get him twisting and squirming again.
"OH SHUHUAHHA SHIT!" Deadpool had never been so tortured and so turned on at once before. He was just glad for the thick spool of webbing that covered his lower half.
His feeble attempts to pull his arms down had ultimately done nothing to the webbing which remained firmly in place, keeping both arms folded over his head.
Deadpool could do little more than twist from left to right and kick his legs as Spiderman's hands roamed freely on him.
"You cahAhehauhaieee! Can't naAhahanoho!" Deadpool continued spewing protests as Spiderman went on without relent.
"MERCY! MEHEAHERCYY!!" He squealed, and Spidey ceased with a chuckle. After a moment of calming down, Deadpool squinted at him.
"...What the dink. Why'd you stop?"
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amazing-spiderling · 3 years
did your husband make any more comics? i think i need more to survive
He did! The first two were gifts for my birthday/anniversary and exist in a universe where Spider-Man catches a fucking break. You can read them here! Then you can have the power of two ice creams!
Spidey's Day Off
Spidey's Day Off 2
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a-fluffer-nutter · 7 years
Only Monster That Matters
A/N - Hey y’all, sorry for my little break from writing. I’ve had an incredibly busy few weeks and college has been a bitch. Oh well. Here is a Spideypool fic for Day 7 for @tickletober2017. I hope you all like it!!
Word Count: 626
           Dark figure, hunkering over. Entrapped in a veil of light, silhouette large and scaly. Round snout, gaping mouth. Salvia dripping to the ground, stench polluting the air. Humped back, serrated teeth. One step, two steps. Tiny person, large creature. Fast legs, even faster monster. Earth thundering, piercing screech. Tail whipping, body jolting. Heart pounding, lungs pleading for salvation. Weaving between buildings, the city hides asleep at this hour. The person is alone, all alone, will die alone if he’s lucky. Is he lucky, being trapped in his own city, the savior of his city? He can’t stop the monster, no one can stop the monster. Well, there are some people, but they aren’t here. He is alone, all alone. The monster has him cornered. He is too young to die. He is young and about to die.
“Peter?” Body spasm, arms up, ready for a fight. The monster had him, boxed in, mouth open. Two seconds from the end. “Peter? You have another bad dream?”
The college student sat up on the couch, spine straight, rigid. Muscles tense, ready to keep running. Eyes adjusting to the light, the sun having finally risen, sending the darkness back into a temporary hiding. Red figure seated beside him, head tilted.
           “I’m fine, Wade,” Peter Parker let out a huff. It was all a dream, just a dream, a vivid dream. The medications had just gotten stronger, needed to be stronger, but the side effects lurked around every corner once again. “Just another dream. It’s fine.”
           “Come here,” Wade pulled the twenty-year-old closer. The two of them had been friends since Peter had just started out and now Wade was helping the kid cope with college and being Spiderman. He knew the kid was touch starved, having lacked physical affection from such an early age. Granted Wade was becoming the same way, but he didn’t mind since he didn’t want to touch his own skin either, he still sought out to make Peter feel better and welcome. “What happened?”
           “I was being chased by a monster,” Peter said, sighing as he noted the papers on the side table he needed to fill out for class on Monday. Mechanical engineering classes were a bitch, especially when Peter was busy most nights. “I was all alone and I didn’t have the suit and it was really big. It was like Godzilla but smaller and uglier.”            “So I was chasing you,” Peter let out a short laugh at this, always enjoying the little jokes Wade would say. They were always refreshing to hear after such a stressful sleep. “I’m such a dick in all your dreams. It makes me think that we need to have a conversation or something.”
           “My dreams just relay the real you,” Peter replied, voice still a bit groggy from the sleep. Wade let out a short gasp, placing a hand over his mouth in shock.
           “That was a good one, Peter,” Wade said, “But I still should get you back.”            “Dammit,” Peter already started to giggle as he was gently pushed onto his back, shoulders resting on the arm of the couch. Wade shook his head slightly, a mild disbelief. He absolutely loved this from Peter, the college student always began laughing even before being touched.
           “Now,” Wade roared, arms over his head as dramatically as possible, “Let me show you a real monster.”
           As Wade’s fingers descended all over Peter’s sensitive torso, the only monster that mattered came to life, drawing hysterics from his prey. All other monsters had been forgotten about, had been vanquished for the time being. As for now, this monster began feeding on the loud, beautiful laughter coming from Peter, a sound that resonated the apartment for as long as it could.
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hazeinart · 7 years
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After a tickle fight:
Peter: Haha We’re Stuck again
Wade: Well, I don’t mind being stuck like this forever <3
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sciderman · 1 year
I didn’t realize you had a whole universe and I’m in love with it. In your Spideypool universe does Peter ever become Manspider or anything like that? (Btw your art is awesome but six arms are ridiculously hard to draw so pls don’t feel I’m asking you to draw that, I’m just curious)
OH... man-spider... dear god, what fun, what fun. i wonder if this will still tickle wade's pickle.
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(it probably would. unfortunately for wade and peter, they're so in love with each other and they'll somehow, miraculously, love each other in whatever form that's in. wade could be reduced to a puddle of regenerating cellular goo and peter would still love him. peter could mutate into a giant, terrifying man-eating spider, and wade would say beyoing. i hate them. they're so unrealistic.)
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i've always thought that - kind of similar to andrew's spider-man, this particular peter parker has experienced fairly little on terms of inevitable horrors that spider-men face - he hasn't been through the clone stuff, he hasn't been to space, he's kind of living in the simple 70s era of peter parker's life where most of his troubles are earth-level, and he hasn't faced any cosmic horrors yet, save for the symbiote. all of that stuff is, inevitably, probably yet to come (do not tell him that.)
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man-spider didn't happen quite yet, but the six-arm thing...
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octoberobserver · 3 years
oh damn i saw you in my notifs and right after got deadpool gifs on my dash and idk it did something to my brain... now i’m craving your spideypool fics. oh here we go. thank you for existing by the way 😭❤️
Aw, hi nonnie! You're so sweet for thinking of me 😊 god I miss Deadpool. And Spideypool 🥺 I was only writing a bit of the final chapter of Say Anything...Except That the other day too. I promise I will finish it eventually, it's just with my new job I don't have as much time to write as I did. But I will write more, sweet nonnie. Thanks for this lovely message! ❤❤
In the meantime, here's a lil sneak peek:
Recent history would suggest that shower sex may not have always been successful for Wade Wilson and Peter Parker, but damn, now they really had to put bathtubs in the ‘win’ column.
“Why have we never done this before?” Wade asked the next morning, sipping on his champagne flute filled with orange juice, grinning as Peter’s back brushed against his chest, his hair tickling his nose.
“I don’t know, Wade. Maybe because we’re two six-feet-tall, well-built men and you could barely bathe a small dog in our bathtub at home?” 
Wade snorted.
“You’re 5’10”, babe.” 
“You’re an asshole, dear.”
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I love this blog, thank you so much for creating it, i was wondering if you could write something about them being quarantined together? I just need fluff on this trying times. Thank you sm!
first of all: thank you very much, my dear! This blog is new but I already love it sooo much, I love talking about spideypool and creating things for this couple!
second of all: sorry for the delay! I work, study and i'm marathoning daredevil again to relax lmao
But here i am and today i oferred: Peter and Wade at quarentine! (just fluff moments because we deserve it)
I hope you like it!
First week of quarantine
In the first week of quarantine things went more smoothly, it was almost like taking a vacation. Peter and Wade had an apartment, so they stayed together, watched some movies, ordered pizza, hugged. Everything was fine.
Second week of quarantine
But Wade don't have much patience, so by the second week he was already getting bored. He wanted to go out, go to restaurants, go to the movies, just go out. So Peter had to start coming up with a thousand things for them to do.
Third week of quarantine
— Wow! Left hand red! —Wade then put his arm over Peter and placed his hand on the red ball.
It turns out that in this position he was actually hugging Peter completely, with one hand on either side of his body. With Peter under him, Wade then rested his head on his back.
— I don't think that's how you play twister
— I think it's right
— In the rules ...
— Lalalala your turn!
Blowing a stream of air through his nose and smiling, Peter continued the game. He really likes twister.
Fourth week
— What the h...
Peter just went to the market. To the market! It was close and it didn't take an hour. But now he is standing at the door looking at his apartment completely confused. Webs. There were webs everywhere! On the roof, on the walls, even on the coffee table! He was barely able to locate the TV and the bookcase under all the webs.
And in the middle of it all, sitting on the couch, reading a book about quantum physics, was Wade. He was sitting cross-legged trying to appear that he was focused on reading. Wade pretended he didn't see that Peter had just arrived. Peter narrowed his eyes.
— Wade.
— Peter! You were fast! Want help with the groceries?
Peter took a deep breath and thought that in just a few hours that whole web would have come apart, he just need to wait.
— Okay, I don't want to know, but today you make the dinner.
Peter then walked straight to the kitchen. Still sitting on the sofa in the living room, Wade took a deep breath and took the web shooter he had hidden behind one of the pillows. It was empty now and he grimaced. Then he heard Peter shouted from the kitchen:
— And you'll have to do the laundry for two weeks!
— Peter, was an accident!
2 months
— Why did you put an empty pan on the fire?
— It said to leave "preheated"?
— Yes, the oven, not the pan!
It was a few weeks ago that Peter and Wade started trying to make new recipes together. It was fun, one more thing to do together. They had already tried to make 10 new dishes. And the pizza delivery guy was already getting tired of going to their apartment in those days.
— I feel that this time it will work, I already put the salt and pepper!
— The other time you said that, and after the first bite you almost died.
— I had not calculated! And I wasn't used to that much pepper. But now I used math and it's against any fault!
Wade gave a small laugh and hugged Peter from behind while he spiced the food. Everything was peaceful.
Until they heard a loud noise and suddenly the kitchen was full of smoke. Peter and Wade were still standing and paralyzed, in shock.
— Pizza?
— I'll get the cell phone.
3 months
3 months and 1 day
— Petey! The liquidator sent us a letter! And apparently the whole building signed as well, that's cute - Wade opened the letter as he walked over to Peter on the couch.
— What does it say?
Wade made a funny face as he read the letter.
— Well ... I think they don't like Elton John very much
4 months
— Wade! No! I didn't accept these terms! - Peter was under Wade, they were in bed and now Wade was about to kill Peter. With tickles.
— Yes, you did! When started running around the apartment!
— Just because a madman shouted "If I catch you I will kill you with tickles" Wade!
Peter started laughing out loud as he felt Wade's hands all over his body. After finding that Peter already had enough, Wade started to approach their faces.
Peter met him in the middle of the path, while they put their lips together in a soft kiss. When the kiss ended, Wade whispered:
— Star Wars marathon tonight?
— Star Wars marathon tonight!
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gifs by: @tophbcifong & @panthershabit (but I edited it a little bit)
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jilliancares · 5 years
got any milk- I mean spideypool fic recs
how did you know that i was reading spideypool Right This Minute smh
angel of the morning - 50k - this one i don’t actually remember but it’s in my notes as a fic rec and i’m planning to reread it so
wasn’t looking for this - 18k - same situation with this one actually, but i trust past me’s taste
the rules (tis them) - 6k - this is just a cute lil college!peter fic where he’s big time pining for wade and this author’s writing is just a breath of fresh air i love it
heroes and suckers (and everything in between) - 80k - this is by the same author as above. it’s a lil stressful at the beginning bc it starts with peter tricking wade into thinking he’s being abused by stark in order to catch deadpool, but time passes and they become friends and it’s really good
tickle - 4k - this is some pwp where tickling turns peter on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
snapshot - 5k - wade tracks down peter parker bc he takes pics of spiderman and wade wants In on that action (includes smut)
undeveloped negatives - 8k - this is by the same author as above with the same premise, except here wade develops feelings for both peter and spidey (includes smut)
misty’s sauce - 2k - this is a fun lil fic where peter’s on the subway and so is deadpool (but deadpool doesn’t know that spidey’s peter)
what i truly want (is innocence lost) - 5k - wade keeps walking in on peter masturbating 
things on my to read list:
paramount presents: peter parker’s points - 21k - peter’s a talkshow host and wade’s the head writer. the internet ships them and they play it up for views
2% milk - 7k - a cat keeps breaking into the other’s apartment and they’re communicating through notes tied to its collar
you can find my other recs here, and my own fics here 
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pineau-noir · 5 years
So I was tagged by @coriesocks twice and I'm finally trying to get my shit together. Lolsob
20 facts for 2020
1. Do you make your bed?
Ha! No. But I am very particular about the sheets, they can't be lumpy under me and they have to be tucked in at the foot of the bed. So we adjust our sheets a lot
2. Favourite number?
8 since I was 8?
3. What’s your job?
I had twins so I stayed home for 4 years with them, then I got my current job as the inventory manager at a salon. Wow. My phone wanted that to be saloon. I wish I was that cool
4. If I could would I go back to school?
No, there lies anxiety and depression.
5. Can you parallel park?
Again. Ha! No
6. A job people would be surprised I had
In my early 20s I worked at a gas station/fried chicken place, giving out samples of chicken wings. At the time I didn't eat chicken. Later I worked at a fireworks store that had, no joke, since burned down. The American south is wild, y'all
7. Do you think aliens are real?
Yeah, duh
8. Can you drive a standard car?
In theory? I have in the past, i know the basics, but i haven't driven anything besides automatic in probably 10 years
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Honestly I'm too old for that. Almost everybody I know, knows I write fanfic. My bestie/GM at my job, told our salon owner that I write fanfic. I'm pretty surface level
10. Tattoos
Three, a crescent moon and star made out of Celtic knots, Bad Wolf in Gallifreyan, and Accio Wonder
11. Favourite colour?
Purple, esp the darker shades
12. Things people do that drive you crazy
Entitled people. My time is just as valuable as yours, I don't care if you're wearing designer clothes.
13. Any phobias?
Heights? But only like heights that wouldn't kill me straight away?
14. Favourite childhood sport?
I was a swimmer. I'm always extra when the Olympics occur. My husband always gets tickled by my hatred of the breast stroke
15. Do you talk to yourself?
All the fucking time
16. What movie do you adore?
I'm a big Marvel fan, even if I 100% ignore canon. Spider-verse!!! A lot of Pixar
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
18. Favourite type of music
Like old stuff? Mostly 70s to 90s, but like also female pop like Lizzo, Carly Rae Jepsen, Taylor Swift
19. Tea or coffee?
Omg both. I cannot choose
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian. Of course that was before I realized how much I faint around needles/blood/surgery type things
Rule: Post a sentence from one of your WIP’s and tag as many people as words.
This technically isn't a WIP anymore because I posted it today, but when I was tagged it was. And I'm really excited about it, so have an offering from my 2019 Spideypool Big Bang fic, You Can't Spell Awesome Without Me
Wade to Peter: “How old are you, anyway? Your clothes say 90, but your face says 23.���
Because my hc is that Peter doesn't know how to dress as a professor so he takes his cues from Indiana Jones
I'm 100% too lazy to tag as many people as there are words, sorry, but I'll tag people I haven't tagged in a while. So, @fantom-ftnoise @halbereth @lazystrawberrymilkshakes @badcop-mod @samstevebuckyhq @bangyababy @plumbuck @prose-aplenty @thetimidturnip feel free to pick one. Or none! Or if you're not tagged, feel free to do this too!
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 6 years
Lazy Sunday afternoon (work title)
Summary: Peter and you decided to stay in bed, and Wade came back from a mission finding you both naked. (Bad summary xD)
Characrers: Spideypool x reader
A/N: If you have a better title for this story, please tell me!
Warnings: fluff, implied smut
Second part is online ;)
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It was sunday afternoon. The curtains were still drawn and just a little sunlight glipmsed through the gap. You laid naked under the warm soft sheets and you dozed for a short time. You knew that Peter slept behind you and shouldn't wake him, but you wanted to feel his arms snaking around your body, feel him skin to skin.
„Peter?“ you asked quietly and waited for a respond. He gave a little grumbling to hear, but he kept snorring and you sighed.
„Peter?“ you tried it louder. The sheets rustled and his right hand searched for you under the blanket. Peter touched slightly your waist, his fingertips traced over the curve of your hips and forward to your stomach. His hand was warm and soft and you arched your back to press your skin in his flat hand.
You felt as he nuzzles his nose in your hair and inhales deep your sweet scent.
„Go back to sleep, honey,“ he mumbled and took a deep breath before he slowly drifted back to sleep.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, but smiling. You loved Peter for his cuteness and cherished these moments when you felt his love.
But something was missing, actually someone, your boyfriend Wade. The merc was dating the both of you for six months now.
You three even shared an apartment, and you were very happy. But today you were nervous, because you three didn't share more than kisses and cuddles.
But Peter has a plan and intiated you last night in his plan to surprise Wade when he came home from his mission.
His plan was easy, just would cook for Wade, because a romantic dinner was something you all needed. With the whole work Wade as Deadpool and Peter as Spider-Man had and your job as a nurse there wasn't much time for romantic.
And with a dinner for three Peter hoped you could forget some stress and just enjoy the evening.
„Babes, I'm home,“ Wade shouted through the apartment. Your eyes widened in shock. „Baby girl, where are you? Peter?“
You heard heavy footsteps and the door of the bedroom cracked open. Wade walked in and looked confused at you as met your gaze.
„Hey,“ he whispered and his eyes went soft as he saw Peter sleeping. Still in his red suit he came over.
„Hey,“ you replied and smiled at him. „You are early.“
Wade pouted. „You are dissapointed?“
„No, and now kiss me,“ you chuckled and Wade didn't complain. His lips met yours and your hand clutched his collar, tugging on the zipper of his suit.
„You want me naked?“ he said with a cocky grin. You giggled as he wiggled his hairless eyebrows.
„Peter and I ar-e... are naked, too,“ you explained shyly and little blush spreaded over your cheeks. Wade gasped at your words and his eyes travelled along your with sheets covered body.
„Baby girl...,“ he slowly began. „You sure?“
You bit your lower lip as you nodded. „Maybe we should wake up Peter, so we can talk about it,“ Wade suggested.
You scrunched your nose unsure if it was a good idea. „I think he might be grumpy.“
„I'll make it gentle.“ Wade peeled off his suits and his scarred skin was shown. Wade hasn't insecruities with his appearence anymore when he was with Peter and you, but it had been a long way until there.
Only in his boxers he climbed on the bed and hovered over Peter. You turned around to watch Wade peppering Peter's face with thousand tenderly kisses. As Peter's eyes were fluttering open, Wade catched his lips in a soft kiss. Peter lean into the kiss and whimpered as Wade pulled away.
„Hey baby boy,“ Wade purred lovingly, but Peter responded with a firm grip in Wade's neck and kissed the merc this time more passionately.
You followed this scenario with a bit of jealously. Wade and Peter was totally lost in a heated kiss.
„Guys,“ you said playfully anoyed and they parted at the sound of your voice. They looked a little bit shocked at you.
„What's wrong, baby girl?“ Wade asked concerned.
„Yeah, usually you liked watching us kissing,“ Peter added worriedly.
You were surprised that they really thought they did something wrong.
„I am not mad,“ you made clear and placed a kiss on Peter's lips.
Wade grinned again. „Maybe Y/N is just needy.“
Wade grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in a searing kiss, biting gently your lip.
„Okay, but first a question.“ Wade looked at Peter and your heart beated faster. Peter looked expectant at his older boyfriend.
„Our pretty girl told me you are naked as the day you were born under the blankets,“ Wade said with a raspy voice. Peter blushed as you before and nodded slightly.
„And what we gonna do now?“ Wade asked carefully. Peter and you looked at each other for a moment and agreed silently it was time for the next step.
„We are in if you are okay with this too?“
Wade's lips turned again into a grin and his hand reached for the sheets that covered the both of you. Slowly he tugged on the material, but didn't pull it off, he wanted to give you the chance to back off.
„Should I free you from the blanket or what did you have in mind?“
You bit your lower lip and your hand began to push the fabric down your body. You felt chilly as your skin were exposed. Wade watched you carefully and noticed the goosebumps on your arms.
„Are you freezing, baby girl? Maybe Peter and I should heat you up,“ he offered with a grin as he crawled over you with a hungry glimmer in his eyes.
You scooped your arms around his neck and your lips met in a loving kiss. You felt rough hands caressing your cheeks, colarbones and the sides of your breast.
„You are so beautiful, baby girl,“ Wade complimented and his eyes travelled down your body.
Finally his hands cupped your breasts and your soft skin met his scared, and it was the best feeling in the world to be this near with one of the men you loved with your entire heart. Your lips escaped a little moan as he thumbs flicked your nipples.
„Wade,“ you mumbled and he dipped his head to lick the hard nub. Your hands clatched on his head and your scratched over his skin as he sucked hard on your flesh.
It was overwhelming. In the next moment you felt warm lips on your neck and teeths nibbling on the soft spot behind your ear.
„What got into you both?“ you chuckled and let out another shaky moan when Wade pulled the blanket completely off your body, touching tenderly your thighs and pushed them apart, so he could settle between comfortable.
„Oh, sweetbums, we want to get in to you,“ Wade explained with a smile. He wanted to continue with worshipping your body, but stopped in his actions as he felt you tensing. Wade looked up confused at you, but his eyes filled with worries when he saw your panicked expression. Peter didn't stay unaffected by your current condition and tried to soothe you with strocking your back of the hand.
„What's wrong, sweety?“ Peter asked you carefully and your eyes wandered to him. You found worry in his eyes, too, and took a few breath to calm yourself down.
„It's just the words... Wade said... I... I never did things like that,“ you whispered and both of the men understood. Peter smiled understanding at you. Wade's eyes flicked up to you and gave you a loving smile.
„There is no need to rush,“ Wade replied and nuzzled into your side, pulling the sheets back over your bodies.
His arm snaked around your waist and you felt safe in his arms.
„I didn't say I want to stop,“ you whispered and gave Wade a kiss on his plump lips. Wade grinned again and his hand wandered down to your hip. You found it funny how easy Wade was to convince sometimes, but maybe he just wanted to tease at this moment.
„You sure, baby girl, because I would really like to touch you, but not without your permission.“
You were still laying on your back and as a sign for you permission you opened your legs for him. He raised an eyebrow, and his hand slided to your inner thigh. You didn't move, but your breath quickened. You totally forgot about Peter, because you squeaked when his lips ghosted over your throat leaving little marks with his teeths. You turned your head and captured his mouth in a loving kiss.
Peter's hand began to move over your skin, so lightly that it tickled on your belly. You giggled quietly against his lips, but gasped as he took your breast in his hand. You laid your hand over his, and this stopped him. You broke the kiss and he looked concerned at you. You were in this moment sure, you wanted both to touch you and you wanted to feel them too.
„Don't stop, please, I want this, keep going,“ you encouraged your boyfriends and they happily obliged.
Anyone want a second part?
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