spideynewt-blog · 7 years
Brenda: You’re pretty dumb.
Minho: Thanks.
Brenda: Why are you thanking me? I just insulted you...
Minho: All I heard was “You’re pretty”. I focus on the positive.
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
The One Where Minho Lost Everything || A Maze Runner One Shot
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Minho sat by the rock, just like he did everyday. The sun would rise and set around him but he would just sit there, starring at the monument in front of him. Until Brenda would get him, when it was time to sleep. Sometimes it would be Gally. Occasionally Frypan, but his friends hated to see him like this. They tried to make him feel better and be there for him, but the more time passed, Minho could practically feel them give up.
Around him safe haven was starting to look more and more like a village, Minho knew he should be up and helping them build this new start of their lives. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Vince and Jorge tried to get him to help, but they too quickly realized that he had no motivation left. They thought he would feel better after a couple of days but it had been weeks. Sometimes even looking at the stone monument in front of him would be too exhausting and he would fall asleep and sleep until Brenda would get him on her way back to the sleeping base, where he would sleep some more. He can’t remember the last conversation he had. He probably only gave one word answers anyway. He wondered if his voice would actually come out if he tried to talk, or if it’d just be a hoarse rasp in the back of his throat. He hadn't felt hunger since they arrived, but he made sure to catch at least one of the daily meals to not cause more worry than he already has.
He felt bad seeing their sad glances and not being able to do anything to make them happy, or for his own happiness. As cheesy as it sounded, there was a hole in his heart and he didn’t know what to do about it. He lost his best friends. Both of them. A warm tear slipped down his cheek and lingered at the corner of his mouth, making him taste the saltiness of the small droplet. His eyes lingered at the two names engraved in stone. If you looked close enough you could see how Minho’s handwriting transitioned into Fry’s halfway through his name. Minho’s whole body was shaking to the point where Fry had to finished the job for him before also engraving the other boy’s’ name next to it. He didn’t understand how he ever was supposed to get over this.
Slowly he rose to his feet, feeling a bit lightheaded. Everyday he woke with one thought in his mind, ‘I don‘t deserve to be here, not without them.‘ The things he would do, the sacrifices he would give for his two best friends to see this place. He took shaky steps towards the rock and slowly traced their names.
“I’m sorry guys.” Putting his forehead against the rock softly, he could feel how cold it was, how calm. He closed his eyes and stood there, blocking everything out. The waves crashing on the beach became mute as he thought back to the fateful day he would finally see his best friends again, before losing them for good.
In his thoughts he was running through the last city, on his way to Brenda for Newt’s serum. The pain from being tortured and having done basically no physical exercise over the six months he was a prisoner was pulsing from head to toe, but he just pushed it aside. The shoes he put on, after stealing them from on of the guards Gally took out, were at least 3 sizes to big, but he just kept on running. Gally... he still didn’t understand how it was possible he was running after him, he put a spear through his chest for gods sake! When he first saw the Glader he was sure this must be another simulation of WCKD, because there is no way he is still alive, but why would WCKD put Gally in the simulation and not someone he had a closer connection with? Like Ben? He couldn’t think about that now. The intercom came on and he thought he heard Teresa’s voice, but the airship was in sight on top of the stairs so he pushed himself up there not caring about his surroundings.
“Brenda!” The girl turned around shocked to only see two instead of four people looking back at her. “Where is the serum?” And with that they took off. Brenda was incredibly fast, even if Minho was in his best shape he was sure he wouldn’t be able to keep up with her. She was determined to get this capsule of serum to Thomas and Newt in time. Minho was following behind her, feeling the energy run out of his body. Gally and Frypan were close behind him, the gap between the boys and the girl becoming bigger and bigger. As long as she arrived in time, that’s all that mattered. There was an explosion going off close to the group of teenagers making the boys duck behind a car while Brenda just kept on running, maneuvering her body through people.
The next time they caught up with her it was next to a dead body. That body was Minho’s longest friend. No one said a thing as Minho sank to his knees, all energy left in his body leaving instantly, bursting into tears next to Newt’s frame. Fry kneeled by his head while Gally stood in shock next to a crying Brenda. Minho didn’t know how much time has passed before he heard Gally ask where Thomas had gone to.
“I don’t know, he took the gun.” Brenda started to say between sobs. “I thought he was gonna shoot himself, I tried to calm him down but no words came out, I was just so shocked. And then he just... took off.”
“We have to find him and get out of here.” Minho felt a hand on his shoulder. “Minho cmon we have to get back to the berg.” He looked up at Gally, both boys’ eyes displayed nothing but utter devastation over their mutual friend’s death. Minho knew they had to leave, but he couldn’t just leave Newt here. He took a shaky breath before putting his arms softly under the blonde’s neck and legs before carefully lifting the limb body. Every inch of his body was screaming in pain but he stood up on shaky legs and started walking back to the berg, an emotionless look on his tear stained face.
As they reached the stairs he collapsed under the weight of the body and the pain his body was radiating. Gally, who, just like the others, hasn’t said a word since they started their journey back to Vince and Jorge, stepped forward, wanting to help, but Minho just shouted “No!” with a raspy voice and pulled the body closer, pushing himself to his feet with a scream of agony and up the stairs, huffing with every step. Gally, Fry and Brenda walked behind Minho cautiously, to be able to catch the trembling boy’s body incase he would collapse again.
On top of the stairs Gally walked over to Vince and Jorge talking in hushed tones as they all host worried glances over to Minho as he carried the body into the aircraft and gently put it down, closing the eyelids while a tear slipped down his cheek. Brenda stood next to him, gently squeezing his shoulder. Soon enough the airship lifted off the ground and they started their search for the last glader. Minho zoned out, thinking about first meeting Newt in the glade, thinking about the day he found his body in the maze after he tried to kill himself by jumping off the walls of their prison. He noticec his surroundings again when Brenda and Fry where shouting that they had spotted Thomas. Minho scrambled to his feet and to the rear of the berg where he could see Teresa struggling to keep up Thomas’ injured body. Vince reached out, as the buildings around them collapsed and exploded, trying to grab the boy and heave him onto the aircraft but no luck.
“Closer!” Minho heard someone shout just before the building next to the WCKD headquarters collapsed straight into the building Thomas and Teresa were on. Minho locked eyes with Thomas just to see the floor collapse and Thomas fall. Around him everyone was screaming, but he focused purely on his face. Everything seemed to go in slow motion before he heard people scream his name. Then it went black.
A tear slipped past his closed eyes as the reality came back to him. He heard the waves crash on the beach and he felt the cold stone against his skin. They deserved to see this, they were the ones fighting for this after all. When Minho woke up they were already on the ship, on their way to safe haven. Gally told him that bringing Newt would’ve been too much of a risk for another flare outbreak here so they had to leave him behind. Minho sunk to his knees, a raspy sob escaping past his lips. I‘m sorry.
Thank you guys for reading this one! And thank you for being patient with us through out writers block. Let me know what you think of this and what you would like to read next. Requests are very welcome!
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
„Hey everyone.”
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
Chuck: Alby told me beauty is on the inside.
Minho: That’s just a thing ugly people say.
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
“Day one Greenie, rise and shine.”
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
Thor: I don’t like strangers.
Ant-Man: How do you ever expect to make any friends with that attitude? It’s, like, everyone’s a stranger til you give them a chance, man.
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spideynewt-blog · 6 years
Steve: Lets go on a date at the aquarium!
Bucky: so you can point out all the fish you like and then ill jump in and fight them for your affection?
Steve: ...
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spideynewt-blog · 6 years
Aris: I love inside jokes.
Aris: I’d love to be apart of one someday...
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spideynewt-blog · 7 years
Minho: This is my ex-boyfriend, Thomas.
Thomas: I told you to stop introducing me like that.
Thomas: I’m his husband.
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