#tmr one shot
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justanoasisimagines · 3 months ago
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Hey lovelies, back with another love letter, Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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I am not good with my feelings. It's either all or nothing. I never want anyone to think I'm weak. Showing weakness would give people the opportunity to take advantage. I need to protect those around me. I thought I was okay with people fearing me. Until I met you.
I don't know why, how, what or when, but something changed. You're different from everyone else. You challenge me when you think I'm wrong. Yet you listen to my reasoning. You don't step back when I'm being confrontational. You don't enrage me like the others do. I feel calmer in your presence. You don't antagonize me.
I'd never been one for people. They're too frustrating. I like you. I like waking up knowing I get to see you again. I like the way you smell and the twinkle in your eyes when you smile. I've never liked being around someone as much as I do you. You make me feel things I've never felt before.
I'm going to be honest. I don't know what it means. I've never been in a relationship before. I don't know exactly what that entails but perhaps you'd like to figure it out with me? If you don't you can ignore this letter and pretend this never existed. Gally.
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arcadian-litterateur · 1 year ago
sick of kissing you in my head (when can it be real instead?) | modern au!gally x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend, gally, is across the country, and despite the struggles a long distance relationship can bring, your love is strong enough to carry you through the long distance season of your relationship. but spending your birthday without him is different than spending normal days separated, and you know deep down that nothing will make you happy on your birthday when he’s all you need.
word count: 8k holy—i really didn’t even realize how long this was till i checked the wc omg
warnings: emotional meltdown, mention of anxiety and anxiety meds, brief mention of panic attacks
a/n: hey guys! i love love love the song this is based off of: all i need (the distance song) by avery lynch. it's such a good song. this was supposed to just be fluff about visiting your bf gally, and then it turned into a whole thing lol. so yeah, i hope you guys enjoy this long ass one shot. i really really enjoyed writing it.
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“𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦. 𝘪𝘧 𝘪 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪’𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥. 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥.”
𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥 onto my side, legs brushing against my sheets, I smile at the FaceTime call on my phone, but it's bittersweet. On the other end of the video call sits my boyfriend, the soft smile on his face mirroring my own. From where he sits, I can see the San Francisco skyline out his hotel window, highlighted by the rising sun.
“I miss you,” I mumble, studying the lines and contours of his face and wondering if they've changed since the last time I saw him in person. If I've missed any change; any detail while we've been separated. If anything has changed or tipped the balance since we've been apart. 
I'm not insecure in my relationship with Gally, but be long distance for enough time and everyone gets in their head about it. Catches themselves wondering; doubting.
“I miss you more every time we have to part,” I add, watching the bitter take over the sweet in my boyfriend's eyes for a few seconds before he replies.
“I know, baby, I know.” His gaze wanders into the space between the atoms, his mind leaping forward into the future as he assures both me and himself, “Once my contract with WCKD Enterprises is up, I'll be able to move back to Denver. We'll be back in the same city.”
My smile is tired, only half there, and Gally knows it. It's been months since I've held him in my arms. This long distance routine is wearing us both out. We're both running out of steam—not for each other; not for our relationship, but for the complexity that being long distance has brought to our relationship. Conflicting schedules, spotty internet, the deprivation of physical contact with the person we crave it from the most…it's all beginning to pile up, and we both know it.
In an attempt to change the subject, I ask, “When is your flight back to Chicago again?” I already know, but I'm not sure what else to say, and besides, it's always good to check.
“Your birthday,” comes the cheeky reply, my eyes rolling of their own accord as I secretly admire the handsome grin on my boyfriend's face. But all too soon, his grin fades.
“I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday,” he says gently. I wave him off, assuring him that I'll be just fine.
“Bren, Tes, and Sony are planning something. Won't tell me what, though.” I sigh before admitting, “It won't be the same without you. But your work's important.” Gally smiles gratefully, but there's cracks in the smile, and my stomach sinks. Guilt over my last comment settles in my digestive tract. “Sorry,” I mumble.
“No, no, don't apologize,’’ Gally says quickly. “You're allowed to be sad that I can't be there.” His amiable grin morphs into a scowl, “Tried to get Janson to give me the time off, I really did. But that rat wouldn't do it.” I give Gally what I hope is a reassuring smile.
“It's okay, babe.” We fall into silence, not necessarily comfortable, but not bad either, before Gally interjects,
“It'll be nice to be in my own apartment, though. I'm getting sick of all these Californian hotels. I'll be glad to be home, smog and noisy L-trains galore.” I chuckle, knowing that Gally loves Chicago because of its quirks, not in spite of them.
Still, Denver has always been home to me. But Gally and I've decided to cross that bridge when we get to it. We've got enough to think about as it is.
I'm trying to come up with another conversation topic, since I don't have work until later today, but unfortunately, Gally isn't so lucky. It’s the perks of working from home as a crisis hotline counselor, I guess. The hours aren’t as demanding, since the work itself is.
“Shoot, I have to go,” he hisses. “I'm sorry, princess. I'll call you tonight?” I nod, forcing myself to look forward to tonight's call, rather than be sad that this one is ending. “Alright, good that,” Gally grins. “I love you, babe!”
“I love you, Gal,” I smile and wave goodbye. The half-baked grin melts right off my face once he's hung up. Gosh, I miss him so much. 
There's only so much comfort a video call can give.
Teresa calls me soon after Gally hangs up, blabbering on and on about a date she'd had with some guy named Ben, but I can't focus on her stories like I normally would. Usually, I'm all in to hear my friend's tales, but my mind is still fixated on the miles separating Gally and I. Something in me wonders how much longer we'll be able to go without holding each other. How much longer we can stand to be separated.
When we first started dating, I could have gone months, as long as we were still interacting. But as my love for Gally increased, the length of time I could stand to be without him decreased. 
I'm fully, unashamedly in love with Gally now, and part of me wonders what I would do to be living in the same place as him. To be in his arms for good. The easy answer—the most raw answer—is anything. I'd do anything for him.
“(Y/N)?” Teresa's voice brings me out of my thoughts, her suspicious tone confirming that she's noticed my lack of focus today. “You weren't listening, were you?” To an outsider, her tone might sound harsh; reproachful, even, but I know her too well. She's not mad. Just annoyed she'll have to repeat her story if she wants me to hear it.
“I'm sorry,” I mumble, and it's sincere. I am sorry that I lost focus. But I don't apologize for pining after my faraway boyfriend. There's no reason to, for one, and two, I won't ever apologize for thinking of him. For missing him. 
Teresa is grinning at my distracted tone, I can tell. Even through the phone, I can tell. “You're good. Dreaming about your bae, aren't you?” 
I don't hesitate to admit, “Yes. I miss him more than I thought was even possible.” I hear Teresa's hum from the other end of the phone.
“You need to see him,” she declares. I scoff.
“Believe me, I know, and we're trying to figure out when he can next visit, but we're both just so busy.” Teresa clucks her tongue, the sound distorting oddly through the phone speaker. I imagine it running across the telephone poles, through the wires, twisting and bending and knotting out of shape as it flies all the way to me.
“I didn't mean like that, (Y/N). You need to go see him.” I chuckle, I wish I could.
“He's busy, Tes. Besides, he isn't even in Chicago right now,” I reason. This doesn't deter her.
“Well, when will he next be in Chicago?”
“His flight's on my birthday.” 
“That's perfect!” Teresa squeals. 
“How is that perfect?” I huff.
“You can fly out and spend your birthday with him! Surprise him!” 
I actually laugh at this. “Um, no, I can't. I don't have the kind of money to just throw down for plane tickets. Besides, weren't you, Brenda, and Sonya planning something?” 
“Well, yeah, but we could always change plans if we needed to,” Teresa says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. On any other day, I would entertain this kind of silly daydreaming, but today, I already felt lonely enough.
“Sorry, Tes. Those spontaneous decisions are not my cup of tea,” I sigh, and I think she can tell I'm shutting the conversation down. She lets it go, and I thank her silently, forcing the ache in my heart left by Gally's absence to venture to the back of my mind. If I waste the day away, it'll be evening again, and then he'll call, just like he said. 
And so despite the fact that I know wasting the days away is bad for me, I do it anyway. Just today, I tell myself. Just today.
Of course, I know I'll do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and all the hours in between my calls with Gally. It's ridiculous, how they all say having space helps one think clearer, when having space just distracts me by making me miss him that much more.
When he's gone, I'm reminded that much more that he's all I need.
𝗜𝗧’𝗦 𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡 p.m. by the time Gally calls, his eyes lighting up when he sees me despite the exhausted, burnt out look on his face. I'm equally as ecstatic as he is to revel in the gaze of my lover, both of us simply brushing every inch of each other's faces with our eyes, memorizing each other for the millionth time. It won't be the last time, either. I could never get tired of scanning my gaze across his skin, memorizing every inch of his beautiful face. 
In our current situation, it's the closest I can get to kissing every inch of his beautiful face.
Gally is the first to break the silence, and I'm okay with it. He's the one who's had a long day. He knows what he needs to talk or not talk about. I just love hearing his voice. 
“How was your day, baby?” he asks, a tired sort of happiness seeping into his voice. Like I'm giving him some kind of rest just by smiling at him.
“It was good. Uneventful.” I shrug, knowing that I'd barely moved from the chair I occupied now. “The real question is, how was your day, my love?” 
Gally grins at the pet name. He always does. It's the same reaction that I have whenever he uses terms of endearment on me. It's our own personal love language of sorts. How many different ways can I call you mine?
“My day was okay,” Gally says quietly, sighing when he sees the look on my face. The one that tells him to lay it on me; rant if it'll make him sleep better tonight. “Well, it was…mediocre,” he amends, running a hand through his short hair. “Tim was being an ass. As always.” I nod sympathetically, understanding the deep hatred he harbors for his coworker.
Why Gally doesn't like Tim, I'm not exactly sure, but I know it has something to do with taking credit for a project that Gally did all the work on. It resulted in a harsh lecture from their boss for Gally, who was presumed to have slacked off, and a promotion for Tim. 
Anyone who knows Gally knows that he would never slack off. He takes duty and work seriously; more seriously than anyone else I've met, in fact. I know my boy. He wouldn't hurt his company's productivity, even if his boss is an asshole like Janson.
“I'm sorry Tim was giving you trouble, baby,” I croon, watching the aches and tension of the day seeping out of his stiff shoulders at the sound of my voice. His smile weaves its way back onto his face. It's a soft, vulnerable smile, the one that makes me want to take him in my arms and just hold him like the precious treasure he is.
“I wish I could hug you,” Gally groans, rubbing his chin with his fingers before trying to regain his composure. “Sorry…I don't mean to bring everything up again. I just…I just miss you.” My comforting smile wobbles, knowing that those same thoughts are eating away at me inside, but I bring the happy thoughts back to the surface and my grin rights itself.
“Soon, love, soon,” I murmur, knowing I can't truly promise anything with how busy our lives have become. But soon doesn't have a time slot or expiration date. I can promise soon and define it later. All I know is that it brings a smile to my boy's face, and that's what I need right now. 
We spend the rest of the night talking, lifted by the promise of Soon, love, soon, knowing that it could very well mean a long, long time. 
𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗦 in my bedroom window, blinding me when my eyes flicker open. But once I blink away the black spots in my vision, I see that the sunlight isn't the only reason I was pulled from the comforting arms of sleep. 
Brenda, Teresa, and Sonya are standing at my bedside, my sheets in a bunched up ball in Sonya's hands. I groan, trying to roll away, but Bren, ever the fearless one, grabs my shoulder and pulls me back to face them.
“Get up, (Y/N). No spending the day moping,” she orders. I heave out an exaggerated sigh, making my body intentionally limp as Brenda and Teresa each grab one of my arms, pulling me upright until I have to support my own weight. 
“Sometimes I really regret giving you guys my apartment passcode,” I comment, leading Sonya to pinch my arm. I yelp, rubbing the red mark as I get manhandled out of my pajamas and into a new outfit by my best friends. “What—what are you crazies doing?” I splutter, quickly taking the pair of jeans from Teresa's hands before she can try to shove them on my legs, opting to put them on myself. 
“We aren't letting you mope around until Gally visits. Who knows how long that would be? It's not healthy,” Sonya explains, linking an arm through mine as the three girls drag me to the bathroom. Brenda shoves my toothpaste-loaded toothbrush into my hand as Tes starts pulling my hair brush through my hair.
“Ow,” I complain around a mouthful of toothpaste suds, pulling away from Teresa's assault on my tender scalp momentarily to spit. She and Sonya make quick work of my slightly frizzy hair, tag teaming it to create a fun yet elegant braid. 
“Beautiful,” Sonya sighs, leaning back to admire her handiwork. Brenda, on the other hand, seems to have some kind of mental checklist, full of all the tasks she must see me complete.
“Breakfast is next,” she commands, and I find myself being pulled into my kitchen, watching helplessly as my friends dive into making us a scrumptious, sugary feast.
I have to admit, the fluffy blueberry pancakes filling my stomach certainly make venturing out into the world much easier than I expected. I only feel the need to text Gally three times before leaving my apartment with my friends, rather than the usual five to ten. Whether these texts are to let him know I'm fine or to make sure he's fine, I've never been able to figure out. Maybe they're both. Either way, it's a good thing Brenda shoved my meds into my hand before breakfast. 
When I'm here alone, I don't take them. Sometimes I skip them on purpose, sometimes I just forget. But either way, I don't take my anxiety meds unless Brenda is there to shove them down my throat. Thinking about it, I'm grateful she's here to force me to take them today. With all of these mixed up feelings about being separated from Gally for so long, having more control over my anxiety will be good.
A day shopping with my best friends is a good distraction from the painful loneliness I've been feeling without Gally. It's not exactly a cure, but it's close. My friends know this; know their own limitations, and so they do the best they can.
And I'm so grateful that they've put in the time. Put in the effort. All for me.
“Thank you,” I whisper to them as we sit in our favorite coffee shop, sipping oat milk lattes. 
“Of course,” Brenda immediately responds.
“We love you,” Sonya adds.
“We know we aren't your boy,” Teresa chimes in, “but we're your best friends, and that means we stick by you. No matter what.” She leans over to rub my arm. “When you're down, I'm down. We wanted to help pick you back up.”
The smile on my face is genuine for the first time in a long time, knowing that my friends love me enough to support me despite having the knowledge that they can't give me everything I need. They give what they can, and accept me when it doesn't fix everything.
I haven't always had friends this good, and I look up at the sky, thanking the heavens that I've been blessed with such good friends now.
𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 before my birthday, I can’t get Teresa’s half-joking, hare-brained idea out of my head. Realistically, I know that the likelihood that I could find a flight on my birthday to Chicago that isn’t full (or way too expensive) is slim. Realistically, I know that I don’t have the money for plane tickets right now. Realistically, I know that flying halfway across the country on a whim to see my boyfriend is ridiculous. 
But when Gally sends me his flight information, knowing I like to watch his progress and get confirmation when he lands safely, I find myself checking flights from Denver to Chicago, telling myself it’s just out of curiosity. Because what if there is a flight to Denver from Chicago on my birthday? What if there is a possibility that I could see Gally on my birthday? What if there is a chance that I could have this gift; the only one I truly want?
If there’s even a chance to see Gally on my birthday, I want to know. 
Gally’s flight information is pulled up on my phone, which is next to me on my desk as I scroll through flights on my laptop. My right thumbnail is between my teeth, bitten down to the quick and then some. It seems that flying is a popular travel option right now, as flights are filled even into places like Dawson County, Montana. Every flight I find from Denver to Chicago is either full or too expensive for someone just out of college, like me. The cheapest is $374, and I know rationally that blowing through that much money would be devastating for my finances. 
I swear under my breath, angry at myself for even getting my hopes up. It was a stupid idea to check the flights, and I find myself wishing I could go back in time to stop myself from looking. The disappointment grows even larger knowing that there would be a way to get to him if I wasn’t a broke post-college student making minimum wage in the Mile-High City. Then the disappointment and anger melt away, leaving me with a heart wrenching sadness that feels so empty and yet so all-consuming that I can’t help but break down into tears.
I don’t want to let myself cry about a silly daydream that was unlikely to happen anyway, but I’d let myself entertain the thought of seeing Gally soon; of holding him close and kissing him until we couldn’t breathe, and now everything else seemed pale in comparison. It wasn’t that my life had no purpose outside of him—I’d made it very clear when we started dating that the two of us needed to make sure we had lives outside of our relationship, too. But Gally had become a part of me; my favorite part of me, in fact. I was perfectly happy with the life I had, but Gally made it even sweeter. And knowing that sweetness was mine but was inaccessible made the absence of it even more palpable. Even more unbearable.
Crumpled into a heap on my floor with tears slowly leaking from my eyes is how Teresa finds me when she opens my door fifteen minutes later. “Hey, girl—” she calls before seeing me, rushing to my side with a worried, “Oh, my gosh, what’s wrong, (Y/N)?” I just shake my head, the waterworks turning back up to full blast.
“I miss him so much,” I sob as she gathers me in her arms, unable to care that I sound pathetic. 
“Oh, I know, darling, I know,” Teresa coos, rocking back and forth with my shaking body, whispering comforting words into my ears just like she always does when I get so worked up. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath, hand flying up to wipe the snot from my nose, but of course, the minute it’s gone, more replaces it. I’m past the point of an easy calm-down, instead finding myself close to the edge of hyperventilating. Thankfully, Teresa isn’t a stranger to my emotional meltdowns, and she isn’t afraid of them, either. Instead, she’s the kind of friend who will take my hand and guide me through it.
“Did you take your meds this morning?” she asks cautiously, to which I shake my head in embarrassment. Tears are still pooling in the corners of my eyes as I manage to get out,
“I’m sorry.” 
Teresa just shushes me calmly. “Don’t apologize. It’s in the past now. I just wanted to know.” I nod shakily, the soothing pressure of her hand rubbing my arm helping me steady my breaths slightly. “What set you off?” she queries, squeezing me a bit tighter when the tears speed up again.
“I—I decided to check the flights for my birthday,” I answer, sniffling as my best friend strokes my hair lovingly. “It was stupid, because it just made me upset. They’re all too expensive, and I knew they would be, and it just made me miss him so much more.” Admitting it out loud makes me feel even dumber, the guilt creeping into my stomach. “I did this to myself,” I mumble. Subconsciously, my nails find their way to my arms, digging into the delicate skin and leaving pink crescents behind. Teresa pulls my hands away from my arms quickly.
“Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. I would’ve done the same, (Y/N).” I know she’s trying to comfort me, but I just squeeze my eyes shut.
“Yeah, and it wouldn’t have caused you to end up on the floor like a pathetic child.”
“(Y/N)! Stop!” Teresa scolds me. “Stop with the negative self-talk.” I try to protest, but she fixes me with that no-nonsense look that can get anyone to agree to anything, and I find myself nodding meekly. “None of this is your fault. You’re in a difficult situation, being separated from your boyfriend, and your heart isn’t sure how to handle it. That’s okay. You don’t have to know how to handle it perfectly yet.” I sigh, leaning into my best friend’s shoulder, feeling slightly calmer now. She always knows the right words to say when I’m in too deep to think straight. 
Teresa coaxes me into the kitchen to drink hot chocolate once my breathing has steadied somewhat. She’s looking at me with an odd look that I can’t quite place, as if she’s…proud of me?
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask warily over the top of my steaming mug. My best friend grins, staring at me for a couple more seconds before replying,
“You’re just, like, the strongest person I know.” My face turns what I assume is beet red at the compliment, not expecting such high praise from the woman who just held me in her arms as I sobbed like a baby. But then again, Teresa is special. She doesn’t judge based on outward appearances or impressions. She can see right into the heart of people, as if she can sense their goodness; their potential, and then she nudges them down that path. Helping them choose the sunshine. The good side. The light.
Knowing her compliment is slightly overwhelming, Teresa shrugs and changes the subject so fast I think I get whiplash. “You should call Gally,” she suggests. “Tell him that you were missing him and ask him for some love.” I cringe, turning away from her.
“I don’t want to make him feel bad that he isn’t here. I think I’ve already done that too much this week.” 
Teresa scoffs, “That’s nonsense. He’ll be happy that you reached out to him after your meltdown. He’ll be touched that you wanted to let him know how you’re doing. He’ll feel honored that you’re willing to be vulnerable with him.” I know deep down that she’s right; that the only thing he’d do is make me feel better. Never after calling Gally do I feel worse. I know I’m just scared to hurt him, but he always assures me that I don’t need to harbor that fear. I don’t need to hold onto that anxious voice in my head that whispers, You don’t deserve him.
I can even imagine him next to me if I try hard enough, murmuring, “You’re perfect, baby,” when I grow insecure. Whispering, “I’m so lucky to have you” in my ear when I doubt myself.
“Okay,” I agree, letting Teresa take my phone and FaceTime him. Despite the fact that it’s the middle of the work day, Gally picks up on the first ring, a concerned look decorating his handsome face.
“Teresa? Wha—” 
“She’s fine!” Teresa rushes to assure him, motioning for me to join her on the couch. I pop my head into the frame, wincing as I see how swollen and puffy my face is. Gally’s forehead immediately creases upon seeing me, obviously still worried when he sees the tear stains on my cheeks.
“Babe, are you okay?” he asks. Teresa silently asks if I want to take the phone, but I shake my head. My hands are still slightly shaky, and holding the phone is an added stressor. Teresa understands and angles the phone towards me.
“Yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry,” I whisper, my boyfriend’s shoulders relaxing only slightly. “I just had a bit of a meltdown. Teresa found me and helped me calm down.” Gally’s eyebrows soften, his mouth tilting down in a sympathetic frown.
“Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “What happened?”
“I just miss you,” I mumble sheepishly after a second’s pause. It seems kind of silly once I admit it out loud, and I start to duck my face away when Gally gets my attention.
“Hey, (Y/N), (Y/N),” he says, waiting until I’ve turned back to him before continuing, “You don’t need to feel embarrassed. I miss you, too, okay? I miss you so much. You don’t need to feel ashamed for struggling.” He waits for me to respond, and I nod slightly. Truth be told, just hearing his voice has made me feel better; stronger. There’s something about his comforting, strong tone that soothes me. Just his voice can make me truly believe in myself. I swear, this man could make me believe anything as long as he says it aloud. 
“Thank you for picking up,” I smile, finding my mood lightening as a grin finds its way back onto his face. “Seeing you helped.” Gally blushes slightly, rubbing a hand along his chin.
“I’m glad I could help, baby.” Offscreen, someone gruffly commands him to get back to work, and he mutters an apology before turning back to the screen. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. But call me if you need anything, okay?” I nod, trailing my eyes over his freckles one more time as he thanks Teresa for taking care of me and then hangs up.
“It helped?” she asks, as if double-checking to make sure I truly am feeling better.
“Yeah,” I grin sheepishly. “You know what you’re talking about.” With a roll of my eyes, I joke, “You should be a counselor for a living. At this rate, you’re better than me at my own job!” Teresa just laughs.
“Well, now that you’ve cracked a joke, I know you’re feeling better.” She pulls me into a hug, and I gladly return it, silently wondering how I got blessed with such an amazing best friend.
“Hey, I’m here for you,” she reminds me one more time as she leaves, her meticulous check-ins a promise for the next few days.
“I know,” I assure her. “I promise I’ll call if I need to.”
“Good,” she says, smiling as she waves. “I love you, babes!” 
“I love you, too, Tes!” Feeling a bit lighter, I wave back as I close my front door.
“𝗜 𝗖𝗔𝗡’𝗧—I can’t take this,” I stutter the next day, wide-eyed at the wad of cash Teresa is currently shoving into my hands. Brenda and Sonya are flanking her on either side with looks that imply they’re attempting to telepathically convince me to take the money. 
“Don’t be sorry!” Brenda sighs. “Just take the money! It’s our birthday present for you!” I look back and forth between my three best friends, realizing that there is no way they’re letting me reject the money. But it feels so weird having this many fifties weighing heavily in my grasp. 
“Yes, you can,” Teresa sighs exasperatedly. “Like I already told you, it’s the money we were going to spend on your celebration pooled together. But we all know you’d rather spend your birthday with Gally, and we want you to be able to, so we’re giving you the money for that plane ticket you couldn’t afford. It would be a waste to throw you a party you don’t want to be at. Helping you see your boyfriend is a much better use of that money. We all agreed.” Brenda and Sonya both nod, Teresa shoving the cash even further into my palms. I take it shakily, counting silently as I gape at them.
“But—but this is nine hundred bucks! I can’t—I can’t take this, I’m sorry!” 
“Please take it,” Sonya says softly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “We want you to be able to go see Gally. We want you to enjoy this birthday. You’ll be giving a gift to us by making this impulsive choice to do what makes you happy.” My resistance gets melted away by her words, knowing that this was their tactic all along. Get (Y/N) all toughened up to the ‘just take it’ ruse and then let Sonya slip under her defenses when she least expects it. But I’m not annoyed by it. Instead, I let Teresa close my fist over the cash.
Immediately, the three start cheering, but before I can even blink, they’ve moved on from celebrating and are pushing me towards my laptop where, just as I’m sure Teresa suspected, the flights from Denver to Chicago are still pulled up. Teresa obviously asked Gally to share his flight information with her, because she seems to have it memorized as she scans the flights. 
“Alright, here’s the best one,” she announces after a few minutes of looking. “United, nonstop, leaving at 9:30 a.m. MT and arriving at 12:56 p.m. CT. It’s in the same terminal as Gally’s flight, and he lands at 2:23 p.m. CT, so that gives you a little over an hour to get to his gate and wait for him. Sounds good?” I nod wordlessly, still slightly in shock over the way my best friends have handled this so nonchalantly, as if their friend flying across the country on a day’s notice is just a normal part of their lives. 
Sonya pulls me towards my room as Brenda takes the stack of cash back from me, mumbling that Teresa insisted they have it for show but was just planning on Venmoing the cash to me. I laugh at our friend’s antics before following an impatient Sonya, who grabs my suitcase from my closet and starts making a list of what I should pack.
“We’re not buying you a return flight,” she explains, “because we didn’t know how long you’d want to stay, and we figured you didn’t know either. Just bring your work stuff and you can work from Gally’s apartment, and use the rest of the money to buy a return ticket when you decide to come back.” I shake my head in awe at the schemes of my friends, who have obviously thought of every single anxiety I could have because of this plan and have set out to refute them. 
With Sonya helping me pack, a task that would usually take me at least three hours, two cups of coffee, and a panic attack is done in under one hour, no coffee or panic attacks in sight. While I wouldn’t have minded the coffee, the no panic attack part is nice, and I decide I can live without those two cups of coffee if it means my peace of mind is intact. 
And the next morning when Teresa drops me off at the airport, my medicine taken and an ample breakfast eaten, the nervous butterflies in my stomach don’t feel scary. In fact, they feel almost…exciting. And I feel crazy for doing this; for flying halfway across the country to surprise my boyfriend so I can kiss him on my birthday, but I also feel so alive.
And today, the idea of living doesn’t seem as scary anymore.
𝗔𝗦 𝗜 wait at my gate and sip my Starbucks latte, I answer the countless birthday texts I have already received, smiling at the overflow of love from people I talk to everyday and people I barely even know. It’s funny, knowing that there are people out there who remember my birthday but don’t talk to me otherwise. Some might feel disheartened at the idea, but I just giggle quietly to myself, wondering if I’m going crazy for feeling so lighthearted. 
Maybe it’s the adrenaline, I think to myself. The adrenaline from doing something so stupid and yet so exciting. Shrugging to myself, I take another large gulp of coffee, finally getting to the text from Gally. I saved it for last, knowing it would be the best one. And sure enough, as I read the message, I feel happy tears pricking my eyes. As always, he’s sweet; sappy, even, but his message also holds the serious intensity that he always has around him. It’s like an aura, telling those around him that he does everything fully and completely, never giving only half of his effort. That intensity is probably why I love reading texts from him over and over. Even if it’s a simple good morning, his texts always seem to scream I love you from between the lines.
I text Gally back, thanking him for the love he’s sent zipping along telephone lines, across the country and all the way to me. I suck the last dregs of liquid from my Starbucks cup, finally accepting that the beverage is gone as the gate attendant calls for Boarding Group 1. I find myself bouncing from foot to foot, realizing once again that I’m really doing this. I can’t bring myself to sit down as I wait for my group to be called, instead standing by the gate’s charging station, fidgeting like I’m about to run the 100 meter dash. By the time I’m boarding, I’m breathing heavily like I just sprinted up Pikes Peak. Whether from nerves or excitement, I can’t really tell, but it’s enough that the flight attendant touches my arm as she checks the cabin. 
“Ma’am, are you okay?” I look up in surprise before giving her a quick grin. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just nervous.” 
She smiles empathetically. “Is it your first time flying?”
“No. I’m flying out to surprise my boyfriend, and I guess I’m just hoping it all works out like I planned,” I explain. 
At this, I receive an even bigger grin from the flight attendant, who thinks that is just—“the most adorable thing ever!” I nod along, unsure whether I’m actually smiling or just masking my anxiety. Either one is a plausible explanation, and I’m pumped so full of adrenaline that all of my emotions currently feel interchangeable. 
I spend the entirety of take-off nervously fiddling with the little screen in front of me, trying to distract myself. Once we’re at a constant altitude, the flight attendants offer drinks, and I ask for a ginger ale, my go-to drink on airplanes. It calms me down, the comforting security of it helping me stay rational. Unfortunately, the ginger ale combined with my anxious thoughts cause my bladder to reach its limit quite quickly. 
I hate the little bathrooms on airplanes. So loud, so claustrophobic, so turbulent. It’s like trying to pee while in the middle of an earthquake. But my bladder isn’t playing games today, and the last thing I want to do is ignore it and then pee myself. The intrusive thoughts fight to take over as I rush through the motions, washing my hands as quickly as possible, but I stave them off and make it back to my seat in one piece.
The remaining hour until landing is the longest hour of my life.
When we finally touch down and taxi to our gate, all of the tension that has built up inside me feels ready to explode, but I hold it in, knowing that I can let it all out once I see Gally. It’s barely even occurred to me that I’m a year older now—that it’s my birthday—because all I can think about is getting to hold my boy. 
I almost trip getting off the plane, too busy checking his flight’s progress and landing gate. His flight is still an hour and thirty minutes out, giving me more than enough time to go to the bathroom, get some food, and wait for him. I pull my suitcase behind me, so glad I decided to take everything in my carry-on, as I’m now realizing that baggage claim is outside the secure area of the airport. I break free from the flow of traffic heading in that direction, redirecting towards the bathroom.
One bathroom trip, makeup refresher, and food court scavenger hunt later, I’m standing against a column at Gally’s gate, drinking my second Starbucks latte of the day. Normally, I wouldn’t let myself indulge like this, but it’s my birthday, so I feel justified. I even treat myself to a slice of sweet bread, too. I’m too anxious to eat a full lunch. Besides, I’m sure Gally will be happy to get lunch on our way back to his apartment. He’s always willing to eat, no matter the time of day.
I’m trying my best not to look suspicious. There’s a flight leaving from this gate after Gally’s flight arrives, so I blend in, but my leg is bouncing nervously and my hands are shaking slightly. I’m a naturally energetic person, but the fidgeting increases exponentially when I’m either excited or nervous. Right now, I’m both.
Thankfully, no one seems to notice me or think I’m behaving weirdly. I’m simply overthinking, like I often do. At least it passes the time. I only have thirty minutes left to wait.
I run back to Starbucks and buy another latte. It’s gone within ten minutes, my anxious energy prompting me to gulp it down like I’m dying of thirst. Then I’m running to the bathroom again, bladder shouting angrily at me for the caffeine abuse I’ve been subjecting it to. It’s unpleasant, but it kills more time. 
Ten minutes to go. I’m staring at my phone, Gally’s flight details pulled up, reloading the page over and over in hopes that magically, they’ll teleport and be here instantly. With anyone else, I wouldn’t be this obsessive; impatient, but it’s Gally. I could obsess over Gally for days on end with all the love overflowing from my heart. So I pass three minutes refreshing the page persistently, watching the minutes countdown.
I let out a quiet, barely there gasp when my phone screen tells me he’s landed. I can barely contain my excitement, nervous energy causing me to wiggle my hips like a rhythmically challenged dancer. His plane is on the ground, taxiing over, right to where I’m waiting. He’s going to walk through that gate, and I’m going to see his beautiful face, and I’m going to run and jump into my boyfriend’s arms.
All of a sudden, doubt crashes into me like a fucking tidal wave. What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if this is weird, and he’s going to be all awkward about it? What if this was one huge fuck-up? I can feel myself starting to spiral, starting to lose touch with the confidence I’ve been channeling all day. The panic has started to grow, and it surges through my veins, reaching to the tip-top of the cliff that is followed by a plunge off the deep end. Thankfully, though, with only a few minutes to spare before my boyfriend gets off his plane, a little girl in a princess dress bumps into me, hard, causing my knees to buckle and my head to snap out of the spiral it’s in. 
I catch myself against the trusty column I’m leaning against, looking down to find a young girl, maybe six, wearing an Elena of Avalor dress-up costume with a stuffed animal that looks like some kind of leopard with bird wings. 
“Amity!” her mother scolds her, ordering her to apologize for bumping into me. Amity looks up at me with big, brown doe eyes and a huge, genuine grin.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am,” she chirps. I smile back, making eye contact with her mom, before crouching down to her level and holding out a hand to shake.
“I forgive you. I’m (Y/N). Want to know something?” Amity shakes my hand, grinning widely, before looking at her mom as if to make sure it’s okay to talk to me. Her mom gives a gentle nod, a kindness in her eyes as they meet mine. “Well, Amity, you actually helped me just now. I was feeling super duper nervous and it was making me get shaky and worried. But then you bumped into me, and I saw your smile, and it made me feel a lot better!” 
I can tell Amity’s mother is touched, and I make sure to assure her that I’m doing better. That Amity’s little scuffle with my legs was truly helpful. And then Amity and her mom are on their way, Amity’s tight hug and whisper of “You look like a princess” giving me the last boost of confidence I need.
Right as I finish waving goodbye to the adorable little girl, I hear the sounds of passengers starting to come down the jetway. I suck in a sharp breath, making sure my small suitcase and jacket are safe by the column before stepping closer to the junction between gate and jetway, watching passengers closely as they start to trickle into the airport. 
It’s no surprise that I can pick Gally out of the crowd immediately after he walks out of the jetway, his head easily peeking over every other passenger. He doesn’t see me at first, focused on trying not to trample the small toddler whose family is trying desperately to get him to behave as they walk in front of my boyfriend.
I wait until he’s right there, just the toddler’s family in front of him, to call his name. “Gally!” His head snaps up, eyes scanning the surrounding area before settling on me, his jaw going slack, falling open in surprise as the toddler’s family quickly moves out of the way. 
It’s like we’re living in slow motion, the way I watch Gally’s backpack slide out of his hand and hit the floor with a thump, his look of shock morphing into a state of joyous disbelief, as if he’s not sure he’s truly seeing me. He looks frozen in this state, unable to move towards me, but I don’t care. I’m already running up to him, happy tears gathering in my eyes as I jump into Gally’s arms, my head burying itself in his neck before I lean up to kiss him with all the pent-up love, tension, and nerves that have been coursing through my body all day.
His lips are warm just like they always are, soft and full and inviting as we kiss passionately; shamelessly, right in front of everyone waiting to board their flight. I can’t bring myself to care, anxiety nowhere to be found now that I’m here. In his arms. Held tightly, kept safe, flooded with warmth, just like I’m supposed to be. 
He pulls away first, still in shock as he scans my face, as if expecting to find some imperfection that reveals me as a doppelganger. “Baby—” he chokes out, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes, my own tears rolling down my cheeks. “Baby, you’re here.” He lets out a giddy, confused laugh, cupping my cheek with his hand as he wipes the remnant saltwater away with his thumb. 
“You’re—you’re here. In Chicago,” he repeats, putting my feet back on the floor so I can stand there with my arms around his neck, his other hand coming up to cup my other cheek. “You’re—it’s your birthday!” he says, and I can’t tell if it’s another reason he’s confused I’m here, or if it’s just an observation. Well, probably both, so I just giggle.
“Yes, Gally, it’s my birthday.” 
“But—did you—when did you get here?” he asked, bewildered, a lovestruck, excited smile lighting up his whole face. I run my hands through his hair, admiring his gentleness as he cradles my face in his palms.
“An hour and a half ago, I think. I’m not sure the exact timing,” I shrug. He gasps.
“You flew on your birthday?” I give him an odd look. 
“Yes…why? Is that illegal or something?” Gally chuckles through the joy-filled tears still drifting down his face every once in a while.
“No, baby. I just thought—most people wouldn’t be willing to fly or even be at an airport on their birthdays. Don’t you have cool stuff to do? Fun people to see?” I shake my head, pulling him as close as I can, our lips hovering inches apart. 
“You’re the only person I wanted to see. This is my birthday present.”
Gally’s eyes water even more as he presses his forehead to mine, running his hands through my hair. “Baby, I—” He pulls away to wipe a tear from his eye and then leans back down, pressing a gentle peck to my forehead, “I love you so much.” 
“I love you even more, Gally,” I whisper back, staring into his teary eyes with my watery own. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“Not possible.”
“It is, too,” I giggle, still whispering as I press a kiss to his lips, “and I’m the birthday girl, so you have to let me win the arguments today.” 
“Oh, that’s how that works,” Gally laughed, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Well, I suppose I can let you win this one, since you did fly all the way to Chicago on your birthday.”
“Oh, but that was selfish,” I smiled. “I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. It was purely selfish.” Gally just hugged me tighter, pressing kisses to the top of my hair as he admitted quietly,
“Well, I needed to see you, too. I needed to have you in my arms.” I relax into the warmth of my boyfriend’s chest, the material of his hoodie tickling my nose. I endure it because it smells like him, and that makes it the most calming aroma in the world. 
“Being in your arms is all I need. You are all I need,” I whisper. 
I kiss him again, a loving, sweet kiss, reveling in the presence and taste of my boyfriend, a sense of peace and safety wrapping its warm arms around me. 
Nothing else matters in this moment. Not my job, or my life in Denver, or my birthday. All that matters is that I am here, in my boyfriend’s arms. In Gally’s arms.
Right where I’m supposed to be.
the end
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loveroffictionalmen · 1 year ago
hey! i just came over from tiktok, could you possibly do a gally x reader where he tries to act tough around all of the guys but (y/n) starts teasing about how sweet he actually is and he has to try and defend himself but gets all flustered over it, but can’t get mad at (y/n) cause he’s got that fat crush on her? (fem pronouns possibly please?)
Not So Tough
Pairing: Gally x fem!reader
Description: Gally has a hard exterior, but secretly melts when y/n is around.
Warnings: smooching, glade slang, idk just a lot of fluff, gally being a bit of a jerk
Words: 651
Prompt: Grumpy x Sunshine Trope
A/N: It lowkey ends kinda abruptly but OH WELL HERE YA GO
“Gally, would you please stop yelling at the rest of the builders and actually start building?” Newt called from the gardens.
“No can do, I gotta make sure everyone stays in line, that’s why you put me in charge of the builders, remember?” Gally called back, yelping soon after when one of the newer gladers dropped a piece of wood on his head. “You shank! Look what you’ve done! Dropping klunk all over the place, you should be sent to the slammer!”
“Gally, is that really any way to talk to the new guy?” Y/n jogged up to Gally from the med-jack hut where she was just supervising Clint and Jeff. Y/n was somewhat of a floater when it came to jobs. When they were testing what jobs she was good at, she was nearly good at every single one. Well, except for the slicers. Poor Winston nearly scared the girl half to death when he first came out with a machete.
“I uh- Well he dripped- I mean dropped that shucking piece of wood on me an-” Gally stammered.
“Gally, c’mon give the guy a break, he’s only been here a week,” Y/n said with a soft smile.
“Look, I’m just trying to do my job, gotta make sure everything gets done, right?” Gally said, seeming to regain his composure.
“And it will get done, you can just be a little nicer about it through,” Y/n said, placing a hand on Gally’s arm and running her fingers down his bicep.
Gally blushed. Y/n was playing him like a fiddle and she knew damn well what she was doing.
“I’ll see you at supper?” Y/n said.
“You know you’re the only one that calls it that, right? It’s dinner,” Gally snorted.
“Oh shut it, you know you love me,” Y/n said before turning over her shoulder and walking away, not before giving Gally one last smile. Gally stood there for a moment, not sure what to do with himself.
“Oi, Gally, what were you saying about making sure things get done?” Newt called, snickering to Alby.
“Oh slim it,” Gally growled. “No- you can’t hammer that in, there’s not a screw to hold it together!” He turned his attention to the Greenie.
“Hey big guy, not interested in tackling anyone to the ground tonight?” Y/n’s voice came from above Gally.
“No, not tonight, gonna try to go to sleep early,” Gally said, getting up and trying his best to avoid y/n. But before he could leave, y/n grabbed his wrist.
“Wait- did today really bother you?” She asked, furrowing her brow.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gally broke away from her grip and tried to escape again, but she was too quick for him. She grabbed his arm again.
“You know what I’m talking about. I didn’t think it would bother you, I thought you would actually like it, y’know considering I was flirting with you.” Gally’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
“Oh my god,” Y/n laughed. “Wasn’t it obvious?”
“Kinda hard to pay attention to that when things need to get done,” Gally cleared his throat, trying his hardest to hide the smile that was forming on his face.
“Oh don’t act like you weren’t blushing the whole time you- oh my god you’re even blushing right now!” She laughed.
“Shh, no I’m not,” Gally smiled back at her, the blush returning to his cheeks.
“You are! Gally’s blushing! Gally’s blu-” Y/n called when she was cut off.
Gally’s lips crashed into hers as his hand moved to her cheeks. Y/n closed her eyes and sunk into the kiss, bringing her arms around his neck. When Gally pulled away first, y/n smiled.
“What was that for?” She breathed.
“To shut you up,” Gally smiled. He looked to her lips and back to her eyes. “And also because I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
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nomoreusername · 3 months ago
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Pairing:Newt x gender neutral reader
Summary:Newt's bias towards you is more than obvious.
As a second-in-command, Newt knew the rules were important. All of them. Staying in the Glade, doing their part, and never harming another Glader were all part of why everything ran smoothly. A place that had the chance to just be straight anarchy was one of order thanks to them.
As your boyfriend, Newt couldn't help but have a bias. No. You are not allowed to touch another Glader. Yes. Your temper was less than stellar. Sure. He would just happen to end up on your side of whatever the problem was.
“No, you don't understand. I was walking away. He kept talking,”You insisted as he lightly pressed a rag to your still bleeding nose. Something the Medjacks weren't exactly needed for. They were great and all, but Newt was sure he was competent enough to hold some cloth in place.
“You did what you were supposed to,”He defended.
“Exactly. He started it and kept it going. How was I supposed to be the bigger person?”
“He basically made it impossible,”He nodded, pulling the rag away.
“And he literally told me I wouldn't,”You added as he gently dabbed the dried blood off your face.
“And you wouldn't have if he didn't keep going.”
“I wouldn't have,”You agreed.
“Hey, earth to Newt and Y/N, the guy is totally busted up,”Clint reminded you both, pointing over his shoulder at the boy who was glaring at you when everything he had, two bandages on his face and bruises already showing up on his arms and shoulders.
Newt knew better than to start something again. Part of his job was to end drama. Not up the antics.
“That is bad,”He said in a completely serious voice. After all, his injuries were in fact pretty bad.
The boy knew better than to think he was going to get a better response from Newt than that. Everyone did at this point.
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year ago
despite everything, it's still you
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slut4fictionalmen33 · 2 years ago
Big Baby (gally)
Summary: Gally is a big baby around you
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 240
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After work you and Gally always met up by the kitchen to eat dinner together and then go to bed. Tonight however Gally was nowhere to be found.
“Hey Newt have you seen Gally?” You asked the blonde who usually sat across from you and Gally.
“No love, sorry.”
“It’s ok, thank you.” You called. At this point you had looked everywhere only for him to turn up short.
The last spot you could think of was your shared hut. So you quickly walked over to the wooden structure to hear light snores from inside.
“Gally?” You walked through the door spotting his naked torso sprawled out on the bed. “Gally.” You sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed running your fingers through his hair.
“Hi baby.” He whispered. “I’ve missed you.”
You laughed a little at his dazed state. “Too tired for dinner?”
“Oh yeah, I'm sorry.” He sighed.
“It’s ok, I just didn’t know where you were. Do you mind making a little room for me?”
“Of course.” He rolled over lifting up the sheets. You kicked off your boots before climbing into his arms, resting your head on his chest.
“Can you play with my hair again?” He mumbled.
You slid your fingers through his hair again and started playing with the strands. “You’re a big baby when you’re tired.” You laughed.
But he didn’t respond, instead light snores sounded from beside you.
“Goodnight Gally.”
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that-tmr-girl · 1 year ago
Our Little Secret
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Newt and you hate parties so much you sneak off every time for actual fun.
Oral, blow job, vaginal sex, slight overstimulation, praising, aftercare
I've been to a million parties, and they're all the same. The adults will mingle and leave the couple of teens they dragged along to entertain themselves. Of course, there weren't very many of us. Tonight in fact, there was only one other besides me.
Sighing as people talked about who knows what I stepped into the empty hall. With my heels clacking on the floor, I stopped when I heard an extra pair of footsteps behind me.
"I was wondering when you'd get bored of being in there,"I remarked, turning around to face him.
"Bored? No. Not when you have that little, black dress on,"He sighed, walking towards me.
"Your favorite,"I whispered in his ear.
"Yeah? Why don't you remind me why,"He suggested, putting a hand on my inner thigh before tracing small shapes on my skin. As he trailed his hands higher he looked at me as he realized the little black dress was all I had.
"Mhm. You were just so sure I'd be down here tonight, weren't you?"He smirked.
"Bold of you to assume I was waiting for you."
"Is it now? Because these nights always end the same. With you struggling to walk when it's over."
"Good to know you pay attention,"I mumbled against his lips.
"I always pay attention to you,"He whispered, trailing a hand on my jaw. Still, he didn't move. Not yet. Just move closer and closer until he was almost there before pulling away.
"Come on. We don't want to be interrupted, do we?"He asked, taking his hands off of my body. Without a word I followed him to a few halls down until he pushed a door open. Stepping into the bedroom, he slammed the door shut before pinning me against the wall. Putting my arms behind his neck, we still waited for whoever would break first. Because this was just a game. A complex, game of feelings and lust.
This time I caved first as I pressed my lips against his. Keeping his hands on my waist, he trailed his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance. Denying it, he groaned before inching his finger closer to my pussy. Rubbing small circles on my clit, I moaned which he took full advantage of, darting his tongue between my parted lips. I ran my hands through his hair as he gradually deepened in, resulting in me being completely being trapped between him and the wall now.
As he moved his mouth to my collarbone I gathered enough sense to remind him not to leave any visible marks. Not so early.
"Sorry,"He shrugged, though we both knew he wasn't.
"Here. Let my get this off you. It looks better on the floor anyway,"He added, pulling at the sleeveless dress. Tugging it over my head, he allowed the garment to land on his floor before trailing his tongue down my stomach. Barely even needing to see them, he unstrapped my heels to toss them off.
"Why am I the only one not wearing anything?"I pointed out.
"There's nothing blocking my tongue now, is there?"He breathed against my thigh. Pressing a small kiss to my skin, I grazed my hands through his scalp. Giving me a teasing lick, my entire body shuddered at the feeling. He slowly flicked his tongue against my clit, finding an even rhythm. Quietly moaning his name, I couldn't help but push my hips further into him. I could just feel that cocky grin that I was so used to seeing as he plunged his tongue inside of me. Biting my lip to control my whimpers, he hummed causing desirable vibrations. Pulling away, he replaced his tongue with his fingers. While pumping two fingers inside of me, he used his thumb to rub small circles above my entrance. I could feel his gaze on me as I was reaching my breaking point.
"Mhm. You like this, don't you love?"He hummed, curling his fingers. Pulling his hair harder, he knew I was close as he placed his mouth back on me. Sucking on my clit, I reached my climax as I came. Licking everything he could, he trailed his tongue down my thighs to make sure not a drop was missed. As I was coming down from my high he suddenly started sucking on my pussy again.
"Newt, I'm still sensitive,"I warned.
"You already know I'll lick you clean. I'm not wasting your cum,"He said firmly, getting everything he could out of me.
Getting me worked up all over again, he stopped as he had apparently gotten what he needed.
"Your turn,"I said, dropping to my knees. Sliding out of his shoes, he undid his belt but left the rest to me. Unzipping his pants, I yanked them off. Seeing him already hard even though his boxers, I smiled in satisfaction before pulling those off too. Taking him in my hands, I slowly stroked his shaft. Thrusting himself into my hand, I barely increased the pace, pumping from tip to base. "Don't tease,"He pleaded as I started giving kitten licks to his tip. "Me? Tease you?"I asked before running my tongue on the side of his cock. "Would I ever do that to you?"I asked, looking up at him. With his eyes begging for me, I took him in my mouth. Running his hands through my hair, I bobbed my head as I sucked him off. Panting, he made a makeshift ponytail while gently pushing me further into him. Hitting the back of my throat, I sucked in my cheeks. Thrusting into me quicker now, I was almost choking as I increased my pace. Feeling him twitch in my mouth, I hummed. When his breathing was more ragged I knew there wasn't much longer.
Like always I was right as he shot his seed down my throat before pulling himself past my lips.
"Good girl,"He groaned as I swallowed his thick, salty liquids. Licking my lips to get what I could, I greedily sucked the rest of his cum from his hard cock. Trailing it down the side and tracing it back on his tip, his hands made there way to my hair. Still, he restrained himself from pushing me into him.
"Can I please just fuck you now?"He asked.
"What? My throat wasn't enough?"
"No. I want to be inside of you."
"You just were."
"Please,"He begged.
"I love when you sound like that,"I admitted, standing up.
"Trust me. I know,"He sighed, grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. Wrapping my legs around him, I could already feel his erection on my stomach.
Roughly throwing me on his bed, he connected our lips before trailing his mouth on my jaw. Moaning at the feeling, I felt his smile on my skin as he sucked on my collarbone, leaving hints of purple and red. 
"Mine,"He breathed out.
"Yours,"I agreed.
Biting down on my neck, I grew more verbal. He did it again, harder, before making his way to my sweet spot.
"Newt. You can't just give me hickey's all night,"I groaned, arching my back.
"But you always look so pretty covered in them,"He whined.
"You're always so needy,"I laughed as he pressed a kiss to my nose.
"And you love it,"He reminded me, as if one was needed. Still, he positioned himself above me.
"Ready?"He asked. I nodded my head, but he gave me the look. The one that said to use my words.
"Yes,"I promised.
Keeping a hand on my shoulder, he slowly lowered himself into me. Whimpering as he stretched me out, he heard and paused. Only halfway inside of me, I closed my eyes as I waited to be all the way around him. After a moment when I had adjusted to his length, I assured him he could move.
Grunting, he pulled out before slamming into me. Thrusting my hips towards him, he kept his hands on my shoulders as he pushed himself in and out of me. Putting my hands around his back, I started leaving deep scratches as he pounded into me. Moaning my name, he intertwined our fingers as he rested his chest against mine. Moving in perfect synch as he shoved himself inside me, he suddenly put my legs around him, forcing his way deeper. Now full on screaming his name, his breathing got heavier with each thrust. "You always feel so good,"He mumbled. Feeling the knot in my stomach tighten, he sang more. "You're so fucking good at this,"He repeated. As my walls clenched around him, my screams of pleasure and delight only grew louder. Biting down on my shoulder to stifle his, with one last desperate thrust we came. Filling me up, nothing in the word was real as white stars clouded my vision.
Pulling out, we both took a second to catch our breaths. Once we did he smiled down at me before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. Looking at his perfect lopsided grin, something finally kicked in after a moment.
"You didn't pull out,"I said quickly. Before I could panic he pulled a pill bottle and a water off of his nightstand. Sitting up, I took a long sip before managing to swallow the pill with a bit of effort.
"We'll focus on your voice later. Let's just get you cleaned off,"He suggested.
"I wanna sleep,"I grumbled.
"Yeah? Well you can sleep when you're cleaned off,"He chuckled, picking me up. Putting my arms around his shoulder, he took his time as he set me in the bath before running the water.
As the hit water washed over my skin I was more than thankful for him for the thousandth time in one week.
Sitting beside me, I leaned back as he scrubbed my body.
"I really love you,"I sighed.
"I really love you too. Now let me get your hair,"He directed.
Yeah. I love him. I can never say it enough.
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juliannatrevizo · 5 months ago
Gally - Maze Runner Imagine
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1.1K words.
"It's a girl.." A chorus of panicked voices began to speak over each other. A few sounded like they were shushing others but it didn't seem to work.
"Hey, what's in her hand?" A voice piped up, surprisingly louder than the others. A feather light touch was felt on her palm, but she was unable to react.
"She's the last one ever.." A boy read out loud. Multiple voices began talking over one another yet again at his statement.
"Clint, Jeff, take her to your station and get her a bed."
"Got it."
As the girl's consciousness slowly began surfacing, she felt a warm compression placed on her forehead.
Where am I...?
Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Her face lightly scrunches up as she squints against the bright light seeping in through the dusty slats of the med hut she was in. A young male suddenly peeks over her with a cloth, making her shove him away as she jolted up.
"Stay the hell away!" She demanded, her voice wavering from being unused. Her slightly widened eyes glanced around her surroundings in panic.
"Woah, calm down!" The kid tried to reassure her, his hands held out in front of him in a way to try and calm her down before he angled his head towards the opening of the hut, his voice ringing out as his gaze never strayed from her. "Gally! Get over here!"
"Where am I?" Her breathing began to get ragged and uneven while subtly making her way towards the opening with clenched fists. A few tense, silent moments pass as the kid didn't answer.
"Answer me dammit!" She shouted. The kids eyes were wide with uncertainty and slight fear just before another guy had burst into the room, glancing at the guy before looking at her.
"You need to calm down, now." He said gruffly, his hardened expression held authority as he spoke.
"No, you need to tell me where I am and who the hell you people are." She said angrily before quickly grabbing a small, stray log near the corner she was standing at. She gripped the small log tightly as she glared at the two of them.
It wasn't the best choice of a weapon but she'll be damned if she didn't fight her way out of here without one.
"Okay, okay. This is Clint, he's been looking after you, and I'm Gally." The guy said with his hands raised slightly. "Now drop the wood and calm down."
She didn't respond right away, instead continuing her glare as she registered his words. Her eyes glanced between the two of them while slightly adjusting her grip on the makeshift weapon.
"Drop it, now!" Gally suddenly shouted while taking a threatening step towards her. She immediately swung the log at him, but he was quick to dodge it before ripping it out of her hands.
"I told you to calm down." Gally grumbled angrily, taking another step towards her. "Look, I didn't want it to come this far."
Gally's hand reaches out to grasp her arm but she harshly slaps his hand away before he could touch her. He tried once more with an angry sneer but she reached before her mind could even register what she was doing. Her hand clenched into a tight first before throwing a hard punch to his jaw, making him stumble back in pain.
Her eyes widened as his gaze snaps to her, his eyes dark with fury as his face lightly scrunched up. A red splotch had already begun forming where her first made contact on his skin. She suddenly bolted out of the hut, his hands barely missing her shirt.
"Don't touch me!" She spat angrily while pushing herself to run faster as his heavy footsteps were right behind her. His arms suddenly circled around her upper body, holding her biceps against her ribs. She jabbed her elbow in his stomach, making him grunt in pain.
"Stop struggling and just calm down!" Gally strained to speak as he tried to keep her from wriggling out of his grip. The chaotic scene had caught the attention of the other boys.
She digs her fingers into his arms while twisting her body to the side a bit, hooking her leg behind his knee before thrusting herself forward and pulling his arm along with the force. Gally sprung forward, landing onto his side with a loud groan. She slowly backed away from him with a defensive stance as everyone began nearing the two of them, watching with cautious eyes.
Her fists clench together from the fear that bubbled up in the pit of her stomach, slowly creeping up her spine as she watched a few people help Gally to his feet.
"Shit, shit, shit." She repeatedly muttered under her breath as they began surrounding her. She whips her head around, her eyes quickly glancing around in hopes of finding any sort of way out. Just then, two guys came jogging out from between huge ivy covered walls before making their way over to the group.
"Greenie.. Can you please just calm down? I promise no one here is going to hurt you." A blonde headed boy spoke from behind her. Her eyes watched him closely as she tried to keep her composure.
Her breath quietly hitches as a loud rumbling starts up in the distance, emitting from the two concrete walls that slowly began closing shut. "Wh- Where am I?"
She glanced around the group of surrounding males before looking back towards the walls. A few of the boys turn towards the closing maze then back to her with a slight shake of her head. An idea suddenly popped into her mind as she noticed she still had a bit of time to make it before the large concrete walls were fully closed.
"Don't even think about it greenie." Her heart dropped to her stomach as the walls slammed shut. Her hope immediately vanishes as angry tears begin brimming her eyes but she quickly blinks them away before anyone could notice.
"well damn." She mumbled to herself before sighing in defeat, while relaxing her tense shoulders and unclenching her fists. A few of the surrounding boys let out a breath they were holding before walking away when a darker boy gave them a curt nod.
"Look, I know you're scared. We all are when we wake up in the box." Her face hardens at his words before glancing around at the remaining people standing there, her eyes landing on the one she punched.
She took a deep breath, regaining her composure and gathering her pride before making her way over towards him. She watched as he tensed up, his arms falling to his sides with clenched fists.
"I reacted badly in that situation, but I am not sorry for hurting you." She held her head up high while stretching her hand out to him. "I'll make a truce though."
Gally watched her for a few moments, his gaze falling to her outstretched hand before clasping his hand with hers.
"That's gonna be a nasty bruise." She chuckled jokingly while gesturing towards the red splotch on his jaw. Gally simply shook his head with a small smile before walking away with the others.
"Alright greenie, let's give you a proper tour shall we? My name's Alby, by the way." She only smiled in response as he began explaining about the place they call home. She subtly glanced over her shoulder to Gally, finding him already looking at her. She gives him a half smile, to which he responds with the same action.
"Hey, attention back to the tour greenie. You'll be able to socialize later, okay?" Alby chuckled after noticing her attention had been elsewhere, playfully snapping his fingers at her.
"Sorry." She crossed her arms over her chest with an embarrassed smile while giving Alby her full attention.
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cuz-reasons · 2 months ago
Summary: Ingo was having a terrible week and to top it all of, he messed up his presentation at school.
Just a little scene for you all today
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jealousjersey · 6 months ago
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promptober day 4: fire - after suriving a fire wth billy
prompt by @/joshfutturman divider by @/plutism
post movie comfort , fluff
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the fire at the gas station that you and Billy managed to escape, he felt like he was obligated to thank you. He reached out to shake your hand, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you so much for getting me out of there," he said earnestly. You could still feel the heat of the flames on your skin, the adrenaline from the close call coursing through your veins. Billy stood beside you, his expression solemn as he surveyed the damage. It was a miracle that you had all made it out alive. As you looked at the charred remains of the gas station, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that everyone was safe. Billy nodded in agreement, his voice filled with emotion as he said, "We're lucky to be alive." You nod and silently agree as the police arrive. Billy sees your shakey hands and takes them in his. The heat radiating off of his hands is comforting in your cold ones. As the paramedics arrived shortly after, checking everyone for injuries and making sure they were all okay. Billy stayed by your side the entire time, providing you with the emotional support you needed. As the adrenaline began to wear off, you felt the weight of what had just happened sink in. But with Billy's warm hand in yours, you knew everything would eventually be okay.
"you're safe" he says softly as he calms your nerves. "You're safe," he repeats softly, his words like a soothing balm to your frazzled mind. The sound of his voice and the warmth of his touch help to ease the lingering fear that still clutches at your heart. You take a deep breath and squeeze his hand in appreciation. Despite the confusion and danger that had just passed, you felt a sense of peace knowing that you were not alone. Billy's persistent presence and comforting words were a reminder that you had him. "thank you" you say softly which he repeats. Billy's warm brown eyes meet yours, filled with empathy and reassurance.
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littlemissvenom0 · 6 months ago
HeartBreak High
Jake Seresin
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
The Maze Runner
Shadow Hunters
Outer Banks
Winx Saga
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
The 100
The Dumping Ground
If you enjoy the x reader imagines and also use Wattpad, head over to my account and check out my tumblr x reader imagines book!! Everything is on there and I’m even updating that one more than here, so there’s always new ones to read!!
Account name - littlemissvenom
book name - Tumblr x reader
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arcadian-litterateur · 1 year ago
the maze runner masterlist
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𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
♕ - fluff, ♖ - angst, ♘ - crack, ♔ - agere
rivers run dry ♖
sick of kissing you in my head (when can it be real instead?) ♕
peiskos ♕
blueberry cobbler ♔
gally as galileo galilei
the klein-paige legacy ♘ - tmr x the wilds fusion
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fredswrite · 8 months ago
Hiiii it's me🦅 I've been trying to find some Minho fics so you're my savior!! To the point, I was wondering if you're able to do a small Minho imagine where she was Sonya's best friend and the reunited?
If not it's COMPLETELY ok!! 🦅🙏🏼
Thank you bby 🤍🤍
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A/N: Love this 🦅! Sonya is literally my wife and Minho is my husband so this is perfect. This happened in the second books but doesn’t really follow how it happened because I read the book so long ago.
WC: 2.8k
SUMMARY: You have spend the last weeks with the girls of group B, forgetting about the maze until you meet them again. Reader is supposed to attack them but she loves Minho to much to do so.
WARNING: Use of knife, death!threat, a bit of angst, Minho being honest and Thomas being astonished.
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After you finally succeed in escaping the Maze, you were taken away from your friends with Teresa. You were both completely lost until you met the other girls. They told you about the mission they had, which soon became yours as well. To kill Thomas.
They were all unsure if it was the right thing to do, they didn’t know the boy like you did. When you tried to think back of the maze, all you could remember was the nights spent with Minho laughing after your long days of running.
Yes, there was Teresa, but she was fighting her own thoughts to make sure this was the only thing occurring in her mind. When she stopped her telepathic link with him she stopped talking with everyone, including you. She wanted more than anyone his death, which was kind of confusing after you saw their bond back then.
The others were still debating if they would truly kill him, after all, they didn’t know if he was the evil person they thought he was.
You didn’t know what to do or think about it. He used to be your friend, but Gally used to be too before he killed Chuck.
You missed all your friends too, Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Winston, but one in particular, Minho.
"We’ll meet them soon, I feel it." Sonya told you one night when your thoughts were fixated on this, but not on Thomas, on Minho once again.
He was your best friend if not more. The way he would play in your hair during the bonfire nights and how he loved to run to your side in the maze were the thoughts that could make you find sleep. He wasn’t a demonstrative person, so when he made those small attentions to you, it was occurring in your minds for the next days.
The hammocks that were used as beds were the same ones that were used in the maze. Sometimes it made you consider if you never truly escaped WICKED and this was all kind of their game. But when you look at the many dunes of sand, you easily forget these thoughts.
You all stayed together in the same shelter, weapons for each one of them, in case of crank emergency or any other situation where you would need to defend yourself. You had a small knife you could easily hide if you needed to.
"Sonya what if they had to kill us like we have to kill him." You asked her, scared that Minho could have something to do in this situation.
"It’s about Thomas." She responded, knowing the deeper meaning of her words.
You would only nod, not convinced as you should be. The worry filled you days and nights, trying to find a way to forget about it.
Teresa, though, didn’t forget about it. She wanted to make sure everything she was told to do was done. There was something she wasn’t telling them, something else than her mission.
One morning, Sonya woke her up earlier than supposed, an uneasy smile expression on her face. "Y/n, they’re here."
You didn’t need to be told twice and you stood up from your hammock, grabbing the knife from under it. Straight away, you saw all the girls standing still, waiting for Teresa to give the signal. When she saw you, a weird look covered her face.
"Let me do the talking." She said and you didn’t thought anything about it at first, you were too focused on seeing them again.
Carefully, everyone took positions behind her, you to her side. You walked silently until you saw them. The boys you spent more then two years with.
The other Gladers noticed right after you did, and soon everyone had stopped to gawk at you and Teresa. As she marched toward them, her hands gripping that weapon, her face hard as stone. She looked ready to start stabbing the first thing that moved.
Thomas took a step forward, not really sure what he planned to do. But then more movement stopped him.
On both sides of Teresa, he noticed the girls appearing. They seemed to come from nowhere. He turned to look behind him. They were surrounded, by at least twenty girls.
You stared at him, wanting to run to hold him. But the look Teresa gave you saying "don’t ruin everything," made you back off. The task, right.
You all held weapons, varying knives, swords and jagged machetes. Several of the girls had bows and arrows, their tips already aimed at them. You could feel the slice of fear in Thomas. He couldn’t figure out why you both looked ready to harm the first one to speak.
They were all here unless three more people you didn’t recognize and Winston was gone. An older looking man with brownish skin, a girl with short black hair and a skinny boy with blonde hair that looked dehydrated.
Her thoughts were cut short when Teresa stopped about thirty feet away from the Galders. The girls did the same, forming a full circle around them. Thomas twisted again to see the girls, blades held out in front. He knew those arrows could fly and find a home inside someone's chest easily.
Minho spoke first. "What's this crap about, Teresa? Nice way to greet your long-lost buddies."
He looked like the only one to not notice you were here as well until he looked around like Thomas did. He saw you, your y/h/c hair and those eyes he could get abandoned inside. He trusted you deeply and seeing your weapon armed toward him, he felt betrayed after seeing you for so long.
"Y/n what’s happening."
You both didn't answer the question, and a dreadful silence swept across the group. Teresa walked toward them, and stopped about ten feet from where Minho and Newt stood side by side.
"Teresa?" Newt questioned. "What the bloody—"
"Shut up," she said without snapping or yelling it. She said it calmly and with assurance, which only made it that much more fearful for Thomas. "And any of you makes a move, the bows start shooting."
Minho looked at you, seeing the silence you expressed. You looked back at him, trying to say something but you couldn’t.
You and Sonya stepped closer to Teresa holding your blades. "Y/n." Minho said again his voice filled with calm, but at the same time he felt anger filling his veins.
"Shut up." Teresa said again, her spear closer to the boy’s throat.
"Teresa what’s-"
She reared back and swung the back of her spear at him, hitting it into his right cheek. A outburst of pain shot through his skull and his neck; he crushed to his knees, a hand to his face where she'd hit him.
"I said shut up." You reached down and grabbed him by the shirt until he stood once again.
Teresa repositioned her hands on the pole, and pointed it at him. "Is your name Thomas?" Confusion could be read in his face as she questioned who he was. You tried to stay calm, but you didn’t thought she would go this far.
"You know who I am, he looked at you, Y/n you do know right?"
You were about to speak, but Teresa cut you in your way by hitting Thomas in the stomach once more, but this time he keep standing.
"I used to, I’m going to ask you one more is your name Thomas?" Her voice no longer had the calming effect on him, he was glancing at her breathing heavily by the punch she just made.
"Yes!" He yelled back, "My name is Thomas!"
Just as he said those things, she dragged him out of the Gladers, as he followed with difficulty.
"You're coming with us," she called out. "Thomas. Come on. Remember, anyone tries something, the arrows fly."
"No way!" Minho yelled. "You're not taking him anywhere."
You were alone with the boys in the middle of the circle, since Teresa grabbed him away being half-conscious.
They looked at you while Thomas disappeared of their side. Minho was the first to talk. He looked so different, but somehow he was still the same. His hairs were wet with sweat and he changed his usual blue running shirt for a black compressive one. You could have hug him, having your happy ever after ending. But in that circumstance you were a total stranger to all of them.
"Bring the bag," Teresa said from above.
In his vision, Thomas saw two girls walking toward him, their weapons hidden away somewhere.
One of them Hariett, stepped closer to him, the brown bag ready to cover him. They stopped two feet from him; he got back to his hands and knees, scared to do anything more for fear of getting hit again.
"We're taking him with us!" Teresa yelled. "If anybody follows, I'll hit him again and we'll start shooting you. We won't really bother aiming. Just let the arrows fly any old way they feel like."
As you were about to turn away and join them back, she spoke up to you. "And y/n will stay with you, so don’t try anything." She threw you her spear and you aimed at the Gladers.
Was it a good thing? Maybe that way you could see them again, but you were only seen as the enemy, not their friend anymore.
"Teresa!" Minho's voice. "You catch the Flare that quickly? Your mind's obviously gone already."
She hit Thomas in the head this time and put the bag over him immediately. "I warn you, someone want to say something more?"
In the middle of the scorch, no sound could be heard except from the wind crashing into the sand and the moans of Thomas.
"Good." And they left Sonya gave you a sad smile, before they were out of your sight once more.
"What the fuck." The girl with short hair said, showing her fist to your nose, which you easily dodged.
"I-" You started, but Minho cut you off.
"What in the klunk happened to you?" All the love you two shared was gone, he saw you as a traitor who backstabbed his friend.
"We had to do this Minho, I promise you they said it was the only way we could save things." You tried to explain, but even in your own words, this sounded weird.
"To be killed by group B." Newt quoted the line written on his friend's neck, "For all I know, you aren’t from group B," He added.
They could have killed you easily, which made you think that maybe Teresa made you stay with them so you would get killed. During the past few days, she no longer felt anything that concerned you.
"You changed so much." Frypan let out, looking up and down at you and your weapon. Knife in one hand and spear in the other.
"So you’re going to kill Thomas?" The girl you didn’t know spoke again, and you could tell how deeply she cared for him.
Somehow that made you realize something, it made you come back to your true self, there was no way you would kill Thomas by giving WICKED what they wanted. It all made sense now Teresa was behind all this.
"I won’t. Sonya and Harriet won’t let this happen."
"What’s that supposed to mean? Teresa seemed quite sure she would kill him.« Minho said, crossing his arms.
"We’ll go in the wood, hide for the next day and meet them again. Sonya is smart enough to know what she’s supposed to do."
"What do you mean we." She spoke up.
"Do you want to save him or not?"
When the night had come, you couldn’t find sleep. The Gladers didn’t seem to trust you enough, they all kept a guard turn, to make sure you wouldn’t try anything. Which was understandable considering the things you did earlier.
It was Minho’s night shift when he spotted you, your back pinned against a tree. "Can’t sleep?" He asked you, and that reminded you of all your times spent together.
"I’m sorry Minho, I didn’t know what-"
He cut you off pressing his hand in his hair, which gave you a weird sensation in your stomach you weren’t used to.
"It’s fine." When he said something was fine, it was because it wasn’t. "I don’t know your side of the story, but being with all those girls probably made you feel like them."
"We got told we would save things if we killed Thomas, but now that I’m looking at it, it just seems so wrong. Teresa was really looking forward to doing it, so I thought it was the right thing to do."
He nodded and stood up before sitting back to your side, pinning his back to the tree as well.
"I understand, Thomas can be a real ass sometimes." He chuckled and just the sound of his laughter made your smile come back. He always hid behind sarcasm, but right now you could feel him be honest with you. He was letting his heart to you.
"Brenda really like Thomas doesn’t she?" You asked, finally knowing her name. You already knew the answer but you wanted to know the deeper story.
"Yeah, they got locked somewhere once and got drugged by some shanks. I saved them, of course, but I could tell something happened before I arrived."
He said playing with his dragger at the same time. You looked at it, noticing it was the same one he kept on him when running.
"Is that your knife from the maze?" You question turning your head to look back at him, knowing he probably missed running or was relieved he didn’t have to anymore.
"Yeah, I always keep it with me." He shrugged before pulling it back into his pocket where its place was designed. "It’s stupid."
"Hey, it’s not stupid." You said, grabbing his hand to keep him from hiding it. "I still have this." You showed him the random piece of wood Chuck sculpted for you. You and Thomas were his two best friends, went he was murdered he gave you both one.
Thinking about him always made your tears come back. You knew Gally was strung, but somehow his actions still hurt you. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see his death over and over again.
Minho closed your hand that held the sculptur, closing it with his. He looked up at you, his eyes were staring at yours, filled with worry. He was never good to comfort people, but this was difficult.
The boy noticed your wet cheeks, pressing his hand over your cheeks to wipe the tears away. "Don’t cry, I hate to see you cry." He murmured in a quiet tone, which reminded you why you loved him this much.
He stayed like that for a long moment, fixated on your eyes, your lips and every facial feature he liked deeply. His thumb started rubbing against your skin, millions of fireworks exploding on your face. You felt hypnotized by him and his touch.
"I really missed you y/n." The same damn voice, driving you insanely in love. He was everything you wanted, everything you needed. He was Minho.
"Me too." Was all you could respond, when you felt your skin burning, wanting more than just a simple touch. Your throat could have fallen to the ground if you didn’t remain composed.
"Can I kiss you?" It was a simple question, one that you never thought he would ask. It took you by surprise, but instead of replying, your lips met his in a slow and passionate dance.
It was everything you could think of right now. You were kissing Minho. The boy for who you hid your feelings for what seemed like an eternity. Your kiss expressed the admiration you had for one another.
He grabbed you by your neck, dragging your body closer to his passionately. His tongue asked for entry, which you gave at the same moment. He touched you everywhere he could, from your head to your hips, holding you close to him as if there was no tomorrow.
You smiled through the kiss as you explored his body at your turn. He let out a high-pitched sound when you grabbed his hair firmly. His back straightened to your touch as you felt his muscles tightening.
You were in heaven for the rest of the night, forgetting about all your problems. All you cared to think of was Minho beneath your arms, his lips connected to yours.
You could have easily told him you loved him right now, but he wouldn’t let your lips away except to breathe.
"You don’t know how long I waited for this." He said as he pinned you to the ground.
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nomoreusername · 11 months ago
Main Maze Runner Masterlist
Requests Open
Request Rules
Request Rules
Thomas Newt Minho Gally Aris Jones
Teresa Agnes Brenda Sonya Harriet
Alby Frypan Chuck Winston
ao3 fic list
ao3 fic list
Long fanfictions
Lily Of The Valley (Aris x female reader) Silent Coffee Dates (Sonya x female reader)
The Things We Held On To (Aris x female reader)
Dangerously Close (Aris x female reader)
A Summer Fling (Aris x female reader)
The Deal (Aris x female reader)
Ivy Trio Group B WICKED Workers
Preferences 1
Other Lists
Ship Masterlist
Random Posts
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jaspy-waspy · 5 months ago
Hiya! My name is Jasper! I’ve had this account for a while but I’m only starting to reuse it now haha.
This will mainly be a Maze Runner fanfic/1-shot acc!,
Characters I WILL do.
Newbie (Gay only srry)
Frypan (on request)
Characters I WILL NOT do or will only do on request or if it’s a villain or Platonic relationship.
Thomas (Sorry)
Janson and Ava
Zart, Jeff, Winston, Ben, ect (on request)
Alby (platonic or brother pov)
So, that’s who I will and won’t do!
I’ll try and be as frequent with my posts as I can, but pls have patience! I’ll (hopefully) update tonight but I have skl tmr, although it’s Friday so I’ll have the whole weekend!
Pls request, comment, like or follow, it would really make me happy!
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slut4fictionalmen33 · 2 years ago
Nervous (gally)
Summary: You’re scared to tell Gally your pregnant
Warnings: pregnancy, fluff
Word count: 305
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After you were reunited with Gally, after you rescued Minho, after Newt died, and after making it to the Safe Haven you never would have thought being pregnant would be a possibility.
But it was and you were a nervous wreck. Gally had been having a hard time with all of the new builders arriving and you didn’t want to make it worse. So you hid your pregnancy from him.
That was until the morning sickness started and he caught you throwing up multiple days in a row.
“Sweetheart what's going on? This is the third day in a row.” He said getting a better grip of your hair.
You wiped your mouth off and started tearing up.
“Sweet girl. Don’t cry.” He pulled you into his chest. “Do you want to lay down?” You nodded standing up and walking to your bed.
You laid down with Gally as he started stroking your hair. “What’s going on?”
“I-I’m pregnant.” He was shocked and stopped moving his hand.
“Y/n, really? I’m gonna be a dad? You’re gonna be a mom!” He exclaimed. “But why didn’t you say anything before?”
“I was scared of how you’d react. You’ve been so stressed with the builders I didn’t want to make anything worse.”
“Baby, you could never make anything worse. I love you so much and I'm so glad you told me. And we’re gonna be parents! I couldn’t be more happy.” He pulled you into his lap for a hug.
“Thank you Gal.” You said, burying your head into his neck.
“How far along are you?” He asked.
“About 5 weeks. Can we not tell anyone yet? I don’t want to risk getting anyone’s hopes up.”
“Of course baby, I’m so happy.” He pulled you into another hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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