#spidey suit
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spideynsf · 11 days ago
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grimmcheems · 1 year ago
Are we still making spidersonas lmao!?!?!?!
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So I made this after I watched the movie and left it unfinished until now oop💀. This is my spidersona ig: [redacted] Winslow basically. She becomes a spider person by accident (like most others) however her sudden appearance of powers was planned by the previous spider person. I’m bad at names y’all sorry….the previous spider person became so overwhelmed with the duties and responsibilities that came with being a spider person that they find someone else to pass the powers onto because they no longer wanted the title that came with it and had no time to themself or for their life. She gets caught up in it and given the powers of a spider person. As said above she “woke up in a web” but I kind of want to make a mini comic panel that really illustrates what that looks like, it’s not a nice put together web so there’s that. She’s basically left abandoned with the spider powers in an empty lot and has the duty dumped on her.
She does not feel all super joyous about the circumstances and is rarely seen actually “fighting crime” unless it finds her first or is instigated intentionally. Overall she is not well received by the people of her city because of that and doesn’t want to be a hero. She is also a college student so that leaves barely any time for her outside classes and work to begin with. She sort of is what I want to see as an example of “I might have powers but why is it my responsibility to use them to benefit everyone else when I didn’t even ask for them in the first place?” kind of deal. It makes her feel like she’s trapped into this mold of being a selfless person when she really isn’t.
She also helps the city and authorities see how debilitating it actually is to have a hero clean up and do all the dirty work, it doesn’t do any good in the long run and people are more likely to turn to vigilante heroes for help than actual professionals trained for those types of emergencies. She probably sounds pessimistic from all this lmao, but I promise you she does have goals and ambitions, just not in the sense of what being a spider person can do for her. Her character shows what it took the previous spider person so long to realize before they decided to give up the powers. She more or less only does “hero” work when there’s nothing better else to do at the moment.
The rando spiders are just some goofy guys I came up with on the spot, I didn’t use a reference for them so they might end up looking like a spider that already exists lmao. I also really loved the idea of being “baroque” hence the ruffled collar, gloves, and hard mask. I left everything in flat colors because I didn’t feel like going all out on this since I plan on making a follow up for it on her backstory and whatnot.
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viviennes-tears · 2 years ago
The new suit (Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland & Paul Rudd drabble)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion. 
A/N: Thank you to VampireQueen666 for sending in all these prompts and for your patients while waiting for me to write this. I have enjoyed writing them. Although this one has big changes compared to the original prompt. In all honesty I did struggle with it and I genuinely struggled with writing the shaving aspect of the prompt to make it a good read. So I have cut that out, however I hope this alternative makes up for it. 
Prompt requested by VampireQueen666 on A03: I had another idea, sorry its so soon. And I appreciate the kinky lol. Hiddleston and Sebastian are hanging out when an embarrassed Holland comes in. He is getting a fitting for his new costume and needs his Nethers shaved and he's nervouse to do it himself. Sebastian thinks it's hysterical and is very enthusiastic. He manhandles Hollands clothes off. Hiddleston does the shaving, while Sebastian is tickling, pinching, biting, teasing and arousing Holland. Rudd stumbles in and see's what he can do to help.
Summary: Tom Holland has to have a new and tighter Spidey suit much to his embarrassment about the possibility of showing off his assets too much. Sebastian Stan finds Holland's embarrassment amusing and teases him too, while Tom Hiddleston tries to comfort Holland. However things escalate when Paul Rudd walks in.
Warnings: Mentions of threesome, m/m/m relationship, teasing and innuendos.
Hiddleston and Sebastian decided to hangout for the evening together in Hiddleston's hotel room and watch a bit of TV. Although most of what was on TV seemed to be boring, luckily for them their night was about to get more interesting.
Within a couple of hours Holland barges into Hiddleston's hotel room with a self-conscious expression. Both Hiddleston and Sebastian peer over the back of the sofa at Holland as he huffs and closes the door behind him.
"What's the matter with you?" Sebastian asks with teasing under tones.
"They want to tighten my Spidey suit." Holland sighs, as he walks further into the room and around the sofa.
"And that's bad, why?" Sebastian smirks, as he imagines Holland in a tighter Spidey suit.
"Oh...I think I know why." Hiddleston says, as he shuffles over on the sofa and pats the space he created between himself and Sebastian. Holland sits down after being invited by Hiddleston's pat on the sofa.
"Care to fill me in?" Sebastian asks with curiosity, causally draping his arm over the back of the sofa, while Hiddleston has Tom's head now resting on his shoulder and he softly strokes his hair.
"His assets might be more...visible." Hiddleston says cheekily, causing Sebastian to laugh out loud at the thought of Tom's predicament. 
"Not that I would complain." Sebastian winked, making Holland's cheeks heat up. 
"I don't want a tighter suit though." Holland whined, as Tom continued to stroke his hair softly, while he still rested his head on Tom's shoulder.
"But think of all the new thongs we could spoil you with to go along with your new suit." Sebastian says playfully, putting his hand on Holland's thigh, and gives it a little squeeze. Holland's cheeks only get redder by the second.
"Yes, you'll definitely be spoiled." Hiddleston adds just as playfully.
"Hey guys, I thought we...." Paul begins to speak, as he opens the door to Hiddleston's hotel room. Both Toms and Sebastian freeze as Paul enters the room, yet Paul is quick to cover his eyes with his hand, as he caught the three of them in the middle of a threesome in the seating area. "Oh god, guys seriously!" Paul adds in discomfort.
"Why don't you join us?" Sebastian chuckles teasingly, while Holland tries to hide his face against Tom's bare chest, and Tom just stares at Paul with a light pink hue on his cheeks.
"No, no thanks. I'm good!" Paul replies dismissively, as he keeps his hand over his eyes and back pedals towards the door. 
"Oh come on, Paul. You won't know if you'll like it, unless you try it." Sebastian says mischievously with a wide grin on his face.
"No, nope...nah-ah." Paul said, as he tried to reach back for the door handle keeping his eyes covered.
"Just try it!" Sebastian seemingly does not drop the subject so easily.
"No...just next time at least put up a 'do not disturb sign' on the door, or hang up a sock or something, gees." Paul said, finally he opened the door before he swiftly turned around, and then he pegged it out of there. Slamming the door slightly on his way out.
"Ah well, more Toms for me then." Sebastian winks at them both.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears​
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modernlovez · 3 months ago
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Would you be so kind?
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hemlock-dreams · 5 months ago
Ohhhh myyy gosshhhh I love this sooo muchhh, i can’t wait to see his spidey suit design
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Thank you so much for the lovely words!!! Ask and ye shall receive!
This Peter is poison-based- and his webbing has a numbing effect if it touches the skin. He can also shoot web darts that act like tranquilizers.
Other than his webs, he has poison spikes extending from the webbing between his knuckles, injecting high doses of the venom into his enemies- rendering them paralyzed in the spots they hit almost immediately (if regular humans) or after consecutive hits (for enemies like Rhino, etc).
Peter also has a crazy high prey drive and enjoys the chase/hunt.
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tecochet · 20 days ago
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a little obsessed
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robylovi · 1 month ago
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I saw @slvx0 draw Keith with an MJ quote and it did things to my brain so here’s a Homecoming redraw
(Also shoutout to @the-fandom-phantom’s Spidey Au also bc it is soooo so cool)
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 6 months ago
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Some Peter designs for the fantastic fic Dark Matter by @mysterycyclone. An absolutely amazing story and one of my favorite fics
Been two years a while since i drew for it so i wanted to give it another go now that part one has been completed! Will probably draw some more soon, but for now have this!
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 7 months ago
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Do you see my vision
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spideynsf · 26 days ago
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jaydarino · 2 years ago
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Back on my bullshit
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demigod-of-the-agni · 1 year ago
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they all get called pullingo and are kicked out of the city
Pavitr and Bhim Rajeshkumar and Karna Prabhakar.. the spider bros...
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vertigoartgore · 3 months ago
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The covers of the Kraven's Last Hunt storyline by artist Mike Zeck & inker Bob McLeod (Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #293-294, Spectacular Spider-Man Vol.1 #131-132, Web of Spider-Man Vol.1 #31-32).
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hemlock-dreams · 3 months ago
Oh I got PLENTY of nicknames.
For Peter: Parker, Pete, Petey, Petah (said like Lois Griffan), Petey sweetie, Peter weenier, Petey pie, Peter Pecker, Sweet P, Shutterbug (cause photography), Lovebug, Spider-Parker/Peter-man, Webber, Webster, Slinger/swinger, Spider, Charlotte, Itsy bitsy
For Wade: Wilson, Dee, Doll, Mouth, Red, Pretty lady, Toots, Dimples, Big guy, Babycakes (Wade loves pancakes), Queenie
I don’t think Peter is the nickname type but Wade is rubbing off on him
YES! I love these!
The ones I've settled on are:
For Spidey: Slick (cuz he looks like an oil slick)/ Fangs (obv)/Webs/Spidey
For Peter: Pete, Petey, Baby Boy
As for Wade, Spidey mostly calls him ladybug cuz I have a sequence coming up that goes something along the lines of:
Deadpool: "Spider-Man? Really? Were they out of cool superhero names, or are you leaning into the 'step on me' kink?" Spidey: "Big talk coming from a guy dressed as a ladybug."
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tell me you don't see the resemblance
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whaliiwatching · 2 years ago
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finally my obsession with zoot suits becomes useful
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rystiel · 7 months ago
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hi guys pretend like i’ll ever actually finish this
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