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A visit from the chanukah spider
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I hope Lady Felscythe is doing well, she deserves it
It was a strange statement to make in the middle of their discussion. Was it a veiled threat? Some gambit to see how he react? An attempt to jar him into overthinking so some OTHER duplicitous act could be undertaken? As far as he knew, they'd never met. Never even crossed paths. But that didn't mean she didn't KNOW her. Or rather, was being TOLD about her. That was the problem with those whos hearts and minds lay in the firmament of shadows and the Void. You always had to assume YOU weren't the only one they were engaged in conversation with. "Doing well?" He said, doing his best to put on the air of charm with a smile straight out of the textbook illustration of Silvermoon duplicitous nobility. "You'll have to humor me a moment, and I'll check with her directly." Coming to shift to the side just slightly. But not enough it broke his line of sight of her. Then again, just because the void was talking didn't mean something bad WASN'T currently happening to her. Best to just...make sure. A vision of fel green runes in the shapes and form of interlocking clockwork rings overlayed over the warlocks cowl, hanging mere centimeters over where his 'eyes' would be under the material he obscured his face with. A pause. "Hey love. No no, nothing serious, just wanted to check in on your day, I'm still at that thing in Spidertown. Yeah. No I'm thinking barbeque." He said outloud. "Love you too." And just as quickly as the strange fel powered runes of sight had ignited into existence, they were cut and he turned back. "Yes she's fine." He said, the last word holding a smidge of venom in their tone. "What did you mean by deserves it?" @eluviannaa and @tyleinth for mention!
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Into the Spidertown!
There be devils at work here
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Emma to Diary
Dear Diary — that’s how you’re supposed to start off, right? I feel kind of silly writing this, since I never thought I’d keep a diary, but what can I say. I guess Tatiana Lightwood inspired me. I feel like I should give the diary a name though, something friendly, so I can write “Dear Clara” or “Dear Bruce” instead of Dear Diary. Bruce is growing on me, actually.
So I thought I could use this to organize my thoughts. I’ve been jotting things down in little notebooks the whole time Jules and I have been traveling. (Did you know that there are a lot of fey creatures who have been incorrectly classified as demonic by the Clave? Like Curupiras? Most of the old bestiaries direly need correcting.)
It’s actually quite odd to be standing still after rushing around the globe for nearly a year. Julian has really thrown himself into this whole restoration project. I think it appeals to his sense of care and deliberation. He loves working with his hands (and I like watching him work with his hands) and figuring out projects. In addition to everything else, he’s painting a mural in the ballroom. He won’t let me in to see it. He says it’s a surprise so I have to live in suspense, I guess!
I really hope that when this place is all fixed up it does something to de-creepify the place. I joked about it to Dru when I wrote to her but I still get that sense that things are lurking in every shadow. Even when I turn my witchlight up to its brightest, it just highlights the weird cracks in the walls and the strange stains on the plaster. I can’t explain it but I feel like a long time ago, something awful happened here. It’s in the chills up and down my spine, and in the strange way the glass in the windows fogs up for no reason, or the odd cold spot halfway up the stairs. I keep wanting to reach for Cortana, but this isn’t the kind of thing you can fight. It’s just a feeling.
And sometimes it isn’t there — I spent a perfectly normal afternoon today digging through boxes in what used to be the kitchen. We pulled a lot of them up from the cellar (which is so spidery I will plan to refer to it from now on as Spidertown. I haven’t seen this many spiders since Thule. *shudder*)
Some of the boxes have perfectly normal stuff in them. There’s some beautiful silverware and china that belonged to someone named Barbara Pangborn (must have married a Lightwood or Blackthorn.) Fancy linens and tablecloths with the Blackthorn symbol of thorns woven around the edges as a border. A big box of broken toys and china dolls marked “Grace Blackthorn.” There was a runed dagger shoved down among the broken doll heads so my guess is she was a little girl just starting training. Aw! (Though the doll heads are creepy.)
Julian came in when I was partway through unpacking, and decided to help by cleaning out the fireplace grate. He got completely covered in soot and was coughing, so I dragged him into the modern wing, pulled off his shirt, and started mopping him off. And well, he was shirtless and dirty and looking at me with those gorgeous blue-green eyes and what can I say?
I jumped him. We backed into the bedroom kissing like crazy and toppled onto the bed and got soot all over the sheets and it was worth it. (And that’s all the details you get, Bruce. Stop asking.)
I can’t believe I ever thought Jules and I were just friends. It’s almost like I loved him so much I couldn’t see all of it, how big it was. I was standing inside it, looking for that kind of love without realizing I was surrounded by it. Does that make sense, Bruce? I’m not a writer so I’m probably terrible at expressing this kind of thing! I know I often feel like I should tell Julian I love him more, but he never says anything about it, and so I try to tell him in other ways than words. The way I curl up against him when we sleep, the way I come up behind him and hug him when he’s concentrating on something (not when he’s painting, though, or there’d be splotches on all the canvases!) The way — wait a second. Is that someone knocking on the door?
[One hour later]
Bruce! You’re not going to believe it but Cristina is here! And Mark and Kieran are with her! I don’t even know how Kieran managed to get away from Faerieland — something about him making a vow to the land that he’d be here for less than three sunsets — but I’m so happy to see them! Cristina and I danced around like maniacs and hugged each other, and somehow Mark and Kieran managed to convince Julian we should go out tonight and see London. We’re all going to wear clothes from the Super Groovy Sixties closet and hit as many pubs as we can. I can’t wait, Jules and I need a break. London, here we come! Prepare yourself for Partying Shadowhunters!*
*And a faerie King.
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Emma al diario
Querido diario… Así es como se supone que debes empezar, ¿cierto? Me siento un poco tonta escribiendo esto, desde que nunca pensé en tener un diario, pero que puedo decir. Supongo que Tatiana Ligthwood me inspiro. Siento que debería darle un nombre al diario, algo amistoso, para poder escribir “Querida Clara” o “Querido Bruce” en lugar de: Querido diario. Bruce está empezando a caerme bien, de hecho.
Entonces pensé que podría usar esto para organizar mis pensamientos. He estado anotando cosas en pequeños cuadernos el tiempo que Jules y yo hemos estado viajando. (¿Sabías que hay muchas criaturas fae (1) que han sido clasificadas incorrectamente como demoníacas por la Clave? ¿Cómo las curupiras? La mayoría de los viejos bestiarios necesitan urgentemente ser corregidos).
En realidad, es bastante extraño estar asentado después de darle la vuelta al mundo durante casi un año. Julian realmente se ha lanzado con todo este proyecto de restauración. Creo que apela a su sentido de atención y deliberación. Le encanta trabajar con sus manos (y me gusta verlo trabajar con sus manos) y resolver proyectos. Además de todo lo demás, está pintando un mural en el salón de baile. No me deja entrar para verlo. Dice que es una sorpresa, ¡así que supongo que tengo que vivir en el suspenso!
Realmente espero que cuando este lugar esté totalmente arreglado, haga algo para volverlo menos aterrador. Bromeé al respecto con Dru cuando le escribí, pero todavía tengo la sensación de que hay cosas acechando en cada sombra. Incluso cuando enciendo mi luz mágica al máximo, solo resalta las extrañas grietas en las paredes y las extrañas manchas en el yeso. No puedo explicarlo, pero siento que hace mucho tiempo, sucedió algo horrible aquí. Está en los escalofríos que suben y bajan por mi columna, y en la extraña forma en que el vidrio de las ventanas se empaña sin razón alguna, o en algún punto frío a medio camino de las escaleras. Sigo queriendo alcanzar a Cortana, pero este no es el tipo de cosas con las que puedes luchar. Es solo un sentimiento.
Y a veces no está allí. Pasé una tarde perfectamente normal hoy escarbando cajas en lo que solía ser la cocina. Sacamos muchas de ellas del sótano (que es tan espeluznante que planearé referirme a ella a partir de ahora como Spidertown (2). No he visto tantas arañas desde Thule. * Estremecimiento *)
Algunas de las cajas contienen cosas perfectamente normales. Hay algunos hermosos cubiertos y porcelana que pertenecieron a una persona llamada Barbara Pangborn (debe haberse casado con un Lightwood o un Blackthorn). Manteles y ropa de cama de lujo con el símbolo de las espinas Blackthorn tejido alrededor de las orillas, como un borde. Una gran caja de juguetes rotos y muñecas de porcelana con la inscripción "Grace Blackthorn". Había una daga con runas empujada hacia abajo entre las cabezas de las muñecas rotas, así que supongo que era una niña que recién comenzaba a entrenar. ¡Aw! (Aunque las cabezas de las muñecas son espeluznantes).
Julian entró cuando yo estaba a mitad de desempacar y decidió ayudar limpiando la rejilla de la chimenea. Se cubrió completamente de hollín y tosía, así que lo arrastré al ala moderna, le quité la camisa y comencé a limpiarlo. Y bueno, estaba sin camisa y sucio y me miraba con esos hermosos ojos azul verdoso y ¿qué puedo decir?
Salté sobre él. Retrocedimos hasta el dormitorio besándonos como locos y nos dejamos caer sobre la cama y las sábanas se llenaron de hollín y valió la pena. (Y esos son todos los detalles que obtienes, Bruce. Deja de preguntar).
No puedo creer que alguna vez pensé que Jules y yo solo éramos amigos. Es casi como si lo amara tanto que no podía ver todo, lo grande que era. Estaba de pie dentro de él, buscando ese tipo de amor sin darme cuenta de que estaba rodeado por él. ¿Eso tiene sentido, Bruce? No soy escritor, ¡así que probablemente soy terrible para expresar este tipo de cosas! Sé que a menudo siento que debería decirle a Julian que lo amo más, pero él nunca dice nada al respecto, así que trato de decírselo de otra manera que no sea con palabras. La forma en que me acurruco contra él cuando dormimos, la forma en que me acerco detrás de él y lo abrazo cuando se concentra en algo (aunque no cuando está pintando, ¡o habría manchas en todos los lienzos!). un segundo. ¿Esta alguien llamando a la puerta?
[Una hora después]
¡Bruce! ¡No lo vas a creer pero Cristina está aquí! ¡Y Mark y Kieran están con ella! Ni siquiera sé cómo se las arregló Kieran para escapar de Feéra (3) algo sobre él haciendo un voto a la tierra de que estaría aquí por menos de tres puestas de sol, ¡pero estoy tan feliz de verlos! Cristina y yo bailamos como locos y nos abrazamos, y de alguna manera Mark y Kieran lograron convencer a Julian de que deberíamos salir esta noche a ver Londres. Todos vamos a usar ropa del armario de Super Groovy Sixties (4) y vamos a ir a tantos pubs como podamos. No puedo esperar, Jules y yo necesitamos un descanso. ¡Londres, aquí vamos! ¡Prepárate para la fiesta de los cazadores de sombras! *
* Y un rey de las hadas.
1. Otra forma de referirse a las creaturas hadas.
2. Traducido literalmente: el pueblo de las arañas.
3. Otro nombre para referirse al país de las hadas.
4. Los maravillosos sesentas.
Texto original de @cassandraclare
Traducción del texto Annie ©
#secretos de blackthorn hall#secrets of blackthorn hall#sobh#cassandra clare#emma carstairs#julian blackthorn#bruce#blackthorn hall
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Spidertown by Logan Espartero
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anyway emma naming the diary "Bruce" and the spider-y kitchen "Spidertown" is kinda cute 🥺
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Welcome to spidertown population YOU
#spiders#spider#bugs#the hobbit#rankin bass#the hobbit 1977#spidertown usa#jrr tolkien#tolkein#rankin and bass
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Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Year of the Dragon - Midday Gardens 🌤🌤 . . . . . #SpyroReignitedTrilogy #SpyroTheDragon #YearOfTheDragon #MiddayGardens #SgtByrdsBase #SgtByrd #IcyPeak #EnchantedTowers #SpookySwamp #BambooTerrace #CountrySpeedway #SpiderTown #SpikesArena #Spike #ToysForBob #Activision https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqo0vtwFX02/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l84bef10jqbb
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I posted a thing on IG and FB but not here, but fuck it I should. I make art so I should be proud of it and tell people about it and all that shit. So the 25th Colemanworld album is almost done. I think (I hope). It’s kind of a psychedelic noir southwestern mystery with aliens this time.
The songs on it are:
1. Over the Border 2. The Missing Girl 3. Nuclear Reactor 4. Smoke Yourself Thin (and Get Confident, Stupid!) 5. I Should Be Sincerely Sorry to See My Neighbor’s Children Devoured by Wolves 6. Spidertown 7. A Gambler’s Fallacy 8. Chaos Vector 9. No Surrender 10. The Abandoned Honeymoon Suite 11. Surprise, Motherfucker
This one’ll be out within a month or so. The other 24 albums, plus some EPs and collections of what not are here. The last 4-ish are OK. Before that is... what it is.
Ok anyway, nevermind. Move along.
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Me: *spraying peppermint spray everywhere* Ah :) yes :) mintytown :) population :) me :) spidertown :) population :) zero :)
#funny#funny lol#lol#lol funny#tumblr#memes#random#tumblr funny#tumblr post#memes rofl#lmao memes#lmaooo
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natasha made me go see spidertown or whatever so now im gonna make her sit through jesus christ superstar
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“Come on down to SpiderTown and be sure to bring your friends! We'll clown around at Osprey, maybe buy some fountain pens. Please be careful in the park, for when the monster gets real mad- He's just sad that a ballpoint pen is all he ever had.” I colored this in Rebelle by @escapemotions - It is, by far, the best digital watercolor software.
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I do this also
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spidertown, usa🎃👻🕸
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