#spicy nut meals
hoppinkiss · 4 months
I'm hungry but I can't think of anything in the house I would want right now :/ hmmmm.
what I really want is a big box of pork fried rice but I don't think that's gonna happen today
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writingwithfolklore · 8 months
Describing Foods - A Masterlist
                As a broke university student, I love reading about food. It’s almost like eating a real meal myself <3.
I get a little angry when characters are eating a meal and I barely get to experience it with them. In that, I mean I don’t just want to know what it is, but what it’s like to eat that food—how it tastes, smells, sounds, and feels. Is a perfect croissant still a perfect croissant without the crack of the exterior, the airiness of the pastry inside, the smell of yeast?
                Probably not. When writing about a dish, the smell, texture, technique, taste, and how it looks are all important to painting the experience, so here’s some words to use when describing a meal:
Acidic: Sharp tasting. Often used to describe tart or sour foods as well.
Aftertaste: A different taste that remains in the mouth after eating something
Bitter: Tart, sharp, and sometimes harsh flavour.
Bittersweet: Less harsh than bitterness. Tartness + sweetness.
Bland: Has no significant flavor or texture
Briny: Just means salty. Often describes pickled foods.
Citrusy: Bright flavour like… well citrus fruits—oranges, lemons, limes, etc.
Cooling: Mimics that cooling feel—like mint.
Earthy: Reminiscent of soil. Can be used to describe wines, root vegetables, and mushrooms.
Fiery: Another word for spicy.
Fresh: Light and crisp—describes produce or herbs.
Fruity: Sweet and reminiscent of fruit.
Full-bodied: Rich and ‘feels heavy’ in your mouth. Can describe wines or soups.
Herbal: Bright, fresh, sometimes earthy from the presence of herbs
Honeyed: Sweet or candied taste like honey.
Nutty: Taste similar to the flavors of nuts. Often used to describe certain cheeses.
Rich: Full, heavy flavour. Often dishes that contain cream taste rich.
Robust: Rich + Earthy. Used for lots of wines or aged liquor.
Savory: Describes meaty, earthy dishes and soups.
Sharp: Harsh, bitter, or tart taste. Used to describe acidic foods.
Smoky: Reminiscent of the smell of smoke.
Sour: Biting, tangy, tart flavor.
Spicy: Burning taste.
Sweet: Sugary.
Tangy: Tart, biting taste—feels tingly
Tart: Sharp, bitter, or sour flavour. Used to describe acidic foods.
Woody: Earthy, sometimes nutty taste. Describes some coffees or cheeses.
Yeasty: Earthy taste reminiscent of yeast. Describes beer and bread.
Zesty: Fresh, vivid, or invigorating flavour.
Sound has a lot to do with texture, so I've combined them for this section!
Airy: Light, pillowy texture (think inside of croissant)
Brittle: Hard but easy to break
Bubbly: Usually during heating, when bubbles rise to the surface—low sound.
Buttery: Smooth, creamy texture (think certain pasta sauces)
Chewy: Food that needs to be chewed thoroughly. Can be light and bouncy (chewy bread) or heavy (steak) and sticky (candy)
Creamy: A smooth and rich texture, comes from dairy.
Crispy: Light texture with slight crunch.
Crumbly: Food with loose structure that falls apart into crumbs.
Crunchy: Firm, crisp texture with a sharp, loud noise.
Crusty (behave): Food with a hard outer layer and soft interior (many loaves and breads)
Delicate: Light and fine, feels like it can come apart easily.
Doughy: Soft and heavy, usually pale colouring.
Fizzy: Usually liquids—a hissing sound, feels like ‘static’
Flaky: Light, characterized by layers that come apart during eating.
Fluffy: light and airy.
Frothy/Foamy: Airy bubbles, usually in a drink like a latte.
Gamey: Usually refers to meats when they’re very “meaty”
Gooey: Viscous, sometimes sticky texture from moisture in a dense/solid food.
Hearty: Firm, robust texture.
Juicy: Tender and succulent texture from liquid in a solid food (steak)
Molten: Hot, gooey
Oily: Slick, heavy, lingers on the tongue.
Silky: Fine, smooth texture that feels sleek.
Smooth: Texture free of grit, lumps, or edges.
Snap: A quick, sharp, crackling sound when broken.
Squelch: A soft sucking sound when pressure is applied. Somewhat gross.
Sticky: Gluiness in the mouth.
Succulent: Tender and juicy
Tender: Soft and easy to break down
Velvety: Smooth and rich
Acrid: Strong, bitter, unpleasant
Comforting: pleasant, probably calls back to a nice memory
Damp: Wet smelling—probably a bit earthy
Delicate: subtle, faint, not overpowering
Earthy: reminiscent of soil
Fetid: Caused by decay—unpleasant
Fishy: reminiscent of fish
Floral/flowery: Reminiscent of flowers
Fragrant: Sweet or pleasing
Fresh: Cool, crisp, refreshing—produce, probably not cooked
Funky: Something’s gone off
Heady: Strong smell, pungent, rich
Musty: Not fresh
Perfumed: Pleasant, reminiscent of something (can be perfumed with citrus, say)
Piquant: stinging, pungent—tickles the nose
Powerful: strong
Rancid: Definitely gone off, decomposing
Ripe: Strong, usually unpleasant smell
Savory: spicy, salty, no elements of sweetness
Sour: has gone off
Spicy: Sharp, tingles the nose
Tangy: Strong and bitter but in a good way
Tart: Sharp
Woody: earthy smell, reminiscent of wood
Usually texture gives us a really good picture of what a food looks like, so here’s some non-texture sight additions:
Blistered: Bumpy exterior.
Caramelized: Usually golden brown
Cloudy: Splotched. Almost see through if not for a slight white or grey mist.
Colourful: Bright and vibrant
Glassy: Resembling glass
Glossy: Smooth, shiny
Marbled: Two colours intertwined
Opaque: Not transparent. Can’t see through.
Ripe: Colourful (can be to a fault). Nearing the end of its edible state.
Scaly: Covered in scales, fish.
Shiny: Appears wet or glossy
Sparkling: Glimmers under the light
Stuffed: An ingredient placed inside a larger part with no additional space.
Translucent: Allows light through
Vibrant: Striking, bright
Food Prep:
How the food is prepared gives it these other attributes. If your character is familiar with cooking (or is the cook themselves!) they may describe food this way.
Baked: Cooked in an oven. Results in browned or crispy outer layer.
Blackened: When food is dipped in butter and coated with spices then cooked in a hot pan—spices darken, making it appear ‘blackened’
Blanched: Food scalded in boiling water and moved to cold water so it stops cooking. Texture comes out soft.
Braised: Food that is briefly fried in fat and then stewed in a pot. Results in seared, crispy exterior with a tender interior.
Breaded: Coated with breadcrumbs/batter then baked or fried so it turns crispy
Broiled: Food cooked with intense radiant heat in an oven or on the grill. Results in a darkened appearance and crispy texture.
Caramelized: Food slow-cooked until it’s browned, nutty, and has a bit of sweetness.
Charred: Grilled, roasted, or broiled and gains a blackened exterior and smoky flavor.
Fermented: Food that’s sat with bacteria, yeast, or another microorganism and has produced acids, alcohols, or gases. Results in a biting, pungent flavor. (Kimchi is fermented)
Fried: Food cooked by submerging in hot oil. Creates crispy, crunchy texture and golden colour.
Glazed: Food with a coating brushed onto its surface. Appears glossy with a thin, flavorful, and crisp outer layer.
Infused: Food steeped in liquid with another ingredient so it carries the essence of that ingredient. Used with herbs usually.
Marinated: Usually meat soaked in liquid containing flavourful herbs, spices, vinegar, or oil.
Poached: Food cooked in near boiling water. Results in tender, moist texture.
Roasted: Food cooked with dry heat in an oven or over the fire. Results in browned exterior and crisp coating.
Sautéed: Food cooked quickly in small amount of fat.
Seared: Food cooked in small amount of fat until caramelized. Finished by roasting or grilling. Results in crisp exterior and tender interior.
Smoked: Food exposed to smoke from smoldering wood for a long time. Results in that distinctive smoky flavor.
Whipped: Food beaten to incorporate air. Light and fluffy.
What did I miss?
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ltash · 23 days
Eating Habits
List of headcannons when it comes to his eating habits, according to my opinion.
1. Simple, no-fuss meals: Ghost prefers basic, hearty meals with minimal flair. Things like grilled chicken, steak, or a sandwich. He's more about sustenance than flavour.
2. Protein-heavy diet: He prioritizes high-protein meals to keep up his strength. Lean meats, eggs, and protein shakes are staples in his diet.
3. Tea over everything: Ghost drinks tea like it’s water. He prefers English Breakfast Tea, and it's often the first thing he reaches for in the morning.
4. On-the-go eater: He’s used to grabbing quick meals between missions or even eating on the move. Protein bars, jerky, or simple rations are common in his kit.
5. Cold baked beans from the tin: When he’s in the field or in a rush, Ghost has no problem cracking open a tin of baked beans and eating them cold. It’s quick, easy, and gets the job done.
6. Avoids processed junk: While he doesn’t care for gourmet meals, he steers clear of overly processed or junk food. He sees food as fuel and tends to avoid anything that might make him feel sluggish.
7. Coffee drinker: Despite his love for tea, Ghost also has a soft spot for a strong cup of coffee, especially black coffee. It provides a calming moment in the chaos of his life.
8. Rare indulgence in spicy food: Every once in a while, Ghost enjoys a spicy kick in his meals, especially when he can find a good chilli or hot sauce.
9. No-nonsense about breakfast: Breakfast for Ghost is usually something quick and effective, like oatmeal with nuts, scrambled eggs, or even cold baked beans straight from the tin if he's on the go.
10. Prefers to eat alone: He’s not one for big social meals. Ghost often eats in solitude, especially when in the field or at the base. It gives him a moment to think and decompress.
11. Hydration is key: He drinks plenty of water, especially during missions. Staying hydrated is essential, and he’s always got a water bottle nearby.
12. Doesn't like sweets: Ghost isn’t into sugary foods or desserts. If offered, he’ll decline politely or simply pass them on to someone else.
13. MRE master: Having spent so much time in the field, he’s developed a knack for making MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) more palatable. He knows how to combine ingredients to make them taste a bit better than the standard fare.
15. Doesn’t drink alcohol often: Ghost rarely drinks, preferring to stay sharp. But when he does, it’s a stiff whiskey, neat, no mixers, no nonsense.
14. Rare moments of comfort food: Every now and then, when he’s feeling nostalgic or off-duty, he might indulge in something comforting, like a hearty shepherd’s pie, fish and chips, or even a hot cuppa with biscuits.
16. Highly disciplined portions : Ghost eats in strict portions, never over-indulging, knowing that he needs to stay in top physical condition for his missions.
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featherwurm · 2 months
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Dinnertime (something cooked by Gale out of a nice selection of what the group has found and bought) at camp Tadfool, and here's some headcanons I have on food preferences of the lot:
Shadowheart – Omnivorous and a little picky, she’s sort of figuring out what she likes again and as always enjoys flexing her opinions. Loves fruits and nuts, and has a surprising taste for rare meats. Sometimes forgets to eat or looses track in the middle of a meal without reminding.
Lae’zel – Likes meat, meat, and more meat. Will add some variety into that but gith are biologically highly carnivorous. Has a real like of Bauldiran seafood (especially octopus and crustaceans) as it’s more akin to what’s available on the astral plane and in Gith rations, but will gladly tear into a steak or kebab. She can eat an absolutely terrifying volume for her frame, which she says is also normal.
Astarion – Stuck on that good old liquid diet, he is right that blood taste can be affected by things like age, lifestyle, and species, but he’s honestly not that into the distinction (and he hasn’t actually tried enough sapient varieties in a thoughtful way to have any real taste for one vs another, plus it does all taste good to him.) While he’ll always wax poetic, honestly just a human in good health tastes best to him (despite Tav letting him drink off of her first, in retrospect her tiefling blood has a faint smokey/spicy taste he doesn't quite like as much.)
Wyll – A real cruiser and grazer, likes a nibble of this and a bit of that and some of this. He’s so used to camp rations and foraging it seems to have sort of translated into a real love of charcuterie. Tends to get into things before they are cooked for a nibble. Still quite mannerly about things and his mess kit is kept immaculate.
Gale – A meat and potatoes kind of guy. Big on pasta and noodles. He’ll eat his veggies but he prefers them smothered in cheese or cream sauces. A bit like a big kid, but he he has the cooking skill to pull off fancier versions of childhood staples (and, of course, cooks in good variety for the tadfool crew, quick to show off his skills and breadth of knowledge.)
Karlach – Member in good standing of the clean plate club. Likes pretty much everything you put in front of her, but her favorites are big rare cuts of meat, meat pasties and pies, and other easy sources of protein like eggs and cheese. Tieflings like/need a slightly higher proportion of meat proteins in their diet than humans, but aren’t as extreme as the Gith. Karlach still likes pretty much everything though, and gets excited over tasty fruit, veg, and herbs too.
Tav – Was a very picky eater as a child but has mellowed with age and experience and likes pretty much everything, although some textures still put her off a bit (she’ll grudgingly eat things like casseroles and things with wet bread, but she’s not a fan – although she doesn't outwardly gripe.) Has a big sweet tooth and is a real fan of a lil treat.
Bonus: Astarion, Shadowheart, Karlach, and Tav stop for a quick rest and have a snack of some foraged nuts (walnuts) and berries (raspberries.) I know walnuts that aren't removed from their skins make quite a mess, and Karlach's hands are getting quite stained:
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Astarion can't enjoy much, but blood is mostly water and fresh water is always good.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 1 month
a recipe I keep making lately
chop up a salad, whatever you prefer. my go to includes red cabbage, cucumber, capsicum, coriander, and maybe some cos lettuce or grated carrots or celery. add salt and lemon juice or vinegar to taste and give some acidity.
boil water and mix with half a stock cube or red thai curry paste or whatever combination, add couscous to that
toast up some seeds and nuts, i prefer at least cashews and sesame seed but walnuts and pine nuts are also great
combine the previous items and add lao gan ma or other chilli crisp oil- or even siracha- on top. I like to use the chilli oil to fry an egg to make even more of a meal of it. sometimes i add the chilli crisp to the couscous directly
i love this because I love Big Salad and it's a great combo of: warm, spicy, crisp and refreshing, slightly tart, and crunchy.
also none of the ingredients take more than a few minutes each to prepare. you can chop the salad while the kettle boils, while the couscous cooks (can just be in a covered bowl or microwave) for a minute you can toast the seeds and nuts mix, while you combine the other ingredients you can fry the egg. so it can be very quick but even if you do things sequentially instead of simultaneously it generally doesn't take more than 20 minutes.
and multiple ingredients can be altered or substituted based on preference and what you have ready in your kitchen.
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coldgoldlazarus · 4 months
Metroid, as a series, as a story, is like a potluck picnic. You have all these really tasty individual dishes, that on their own wouldn't necessarily be enough to sustain a full meal unless you're looking for a small snack. But for an event like this, the appeal is getting a full-course meal out of these smaller food items.
You got peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, (Metroid) you got crunchy corn chips, (Return Of Samus) you got the slightly more substantial ham sandwiches. (Super). Next year, someone brings peanut butter celery snacks, (Zero Mission) X-treem Flavorblast potato chips (Samus Returns) and cool ranch corn chips (AM2R). Sometime, someone brings a super basic salad of lettuce and ranch dressing (Federation Force) that the kids all raise a disproportionate fuss about for something so harmless. There's hotdogs (Prime) and an initially unappetizing-looking but in fact astonishingly delicious quiche (Fusion) that arrive at the same time. Someone orders a pineapple pizza (Echoes) that also gets some complaints, but those that like it, really like it. Someone even has little mini-sausages on toothpicks (Pinball) that you can wash down with seven different flavors of soda. (Hunters) and of course for dessert, those packaged ice cream cones (Corruption) with a chocolate shell and a bunch of nuts that you always almost choke on at least once. Someone mentions they were gonna bring spicy chicken, but then goes radio silent and you assume they're stuck in traffic or went home.
And then he does show up after all, but bringing a giant pot of soup, and it just tastes. Bad. And the guy who brought it, you think his heart seems to have been in the right place, but he's eagerly explaining why he did this and it feels like he missed the point of the potluck. He says he felt like these picnic foods are all so simple and he wanted to make sure everyone's properly well-fed, so he decided to brew up this big thing of soup with a custom recipe, that has everything anyone could want all in one package.
And you look in the soup, and you see this hodgepodge of really really delicious, high-quality ingredients, that have absolutely no business being put together they way they were. Beef and veggies belong in soup, sure, but strawberry ice cream? Spaghetti? Mustard sauce? Did he dilute his broth base with gatorade? And you feel your heart sink because this feels like a waste of some perfectly good ingredients, and now nobody's going to be able to look at half this stuff without feeling nauseous. It doesn't go over well, a few kids and even some of the adults start crying, everyone goes home feeling like crap, and it's up in the air whether the hosts are even going to want to have another picnic after this.
But after a long wait, there is a next time, and this time the guy just brings the spicy chicken (Dread) he originally mentioned, and even though the jalapeno flavor is pretty dang strong (courtesy of the same source as the Xtreem-Flavorblast potato chips, who helped him out) it's a hit with everyone, and now we're all just waiting on the hotdog/pizza/ice cream cone guys to arrive with their surprise mystery cake.
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Doting husband!Bruce and dealing with his wifey's cravings?
Apparently, Bruce reflected smiling to himself, the baby really liked pistachios. Chocolate-covered or spicy seasoned, usually. Tomato juice was the thing he didn't understand. And the one that amused him the most was your dried mango. It turned out it was only one specific brand- any other one made you feel like you were chewing on a person's ear.
But as he put some tomato juice in a glass and buttered a slice of bread for you, he didn't mind. Not really. As far as he was concerned, you could eat as many pistachios as you wanted. Mangoes, juice, childhood comfort meals... you could have anything you wanted. Because it would make you happy, mostly. And because it was cute- it felt like something blissfully normal. Catering to his wife as she grew his baby. Spoiling you. Making sure you were pampered well taken care of.
He thought about it for a second and added some chocolate-covered nuts to a little bowl and put those down too. You'd protest that you didn't need it but- if it was there you'd eat it. And make the cutest little satisfied noise when you did. He looked over the arrangment and nodded. That should do it. It was late and you'd woken up hungry. And you'd been about to go and get it yourself but- Bruce wouldn't hear it.
It made him feel useful. Until recently it hadn't really sunk in how physically difficult this would be for you. He expected discomfort. He expected some puking and some tears over seemingly random nonsense. And some fatigue. All of that. But the physical toll exactly- having to help you up off the couch and watching you get a little out of breath walking upstairs that he started to worry about pain. Cramps, swelling, trouble sleeping... You deserved to be fussed over. And if some snacks made you feel better, so be it.
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
Only for cheese lovers!
Super random fun fact:
You probably know feta cheese. When it comes to Greece it's always feta this, feta that. The truth however is that there are many more types of Greek cheese and many are delicious! In fact, there are more than 60 different types of Greek cheese recorded.
Below is a list with some of the famous ones (and my faves). If you love cheese, check it out!
Okay, yeah, let's get the celebrity out of the way fast. Feta is a sheep and goat's milk brined white cheese. It accompanies perfectly salads (especially tomatoes and olives) and it makes a great filling for filo pies. It is often served dressed in oregano and olive oil. Feta has a slightly spicy and certainly distinctly salty flavour - if you buy or order feta abroad and it is not pretty salty with a hint of spice, then you have likely been played and given cheaper white plain cheese.
This is a cheese already produced in antiquity. Anthotyros is a soft cheese made with milk and whey from sheep or goats, sometimes in combination. It has a mild but very distinct taste and it's low in fats, so it is commonly eaten by people on a diet. It's eaten with honey and nuts, on salads or on pasta.
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Literally meaning "milk cheese", Galotyri is produced by fatty sheep milk, 4-5 months after the animal has given birth, which is usually in the summer. It is creamy and milky and has a very fresh, cool taste that makes it ideal for summer meals.
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Graviera of Naxos
The best cheese in the universe, also known as my favourite cheese, Graviera of Naxos is a PDO hard yellow cheese made of cow milk (with some addition of sheep and goat milk). It has somewhere between a salty and an umami taste and it is enjoyed with wine. It also makes a fantastic filling for fylo pies. If you see in a pie shop a pie with "Graviera Naxou" in, it's a no brainer. Try it! I have yet to eat an underwhelming one!
(Graviera is also produced in Crete island and this version is very famous as well, but my personal preference is the one from Naxos island. )
Kalathaki of Limnos
Another protected one, Kalathaki Limnou is a white brined cheese dried in small baskets, from which it gets its name (kalathaki = small basket). It is similar to feta, but less sour.
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Kasseri is a hard pale yellow cheese made from pasteurised or unpasteurised sheep milk and at most 20% goat's milk. Kasseri is a protected designation of origin, according to which the cheese must be made in the Greek provinces of Thessaly, Macedonia, Lesvos island, or Xanthi, however similar types of cheese are produced in the Balkans, Romania and Turkey. It is ideal for sandwiches and toasts, it has a buttery and salty taste and it goes well with wines.
Katiki Domokú
Katiki Domokú is produced in Domokós, in the region of Phthiotis. It is a soft white cheese with low fat content. It is made from pasteurised milk that curdles without rennet and it is drained in bags made of cloth. It can be served in toast or dakos. It can be added in salad as an ingredient and it fills pies.
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Already popular in Byzantine times, Kefalotyri is a very hard cheese that can range from yellowish to whitish and is made of sheep or goat's milk. Kefalotyri can be consumed as is, fried in olive oil for a dish called saganaki, or added to foods such as pasta dishes, meat, or cooked vegetables, and is especially suited for grating. It is in fact our first choice to be grated on top of dishes, an equivalent of parmesan for the Italians, but harder.
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Fried Kefalotyri with shrimps
A PDO cheese as well, the off-white Kefalograviera is in between the worlds of graviera and kefalotyri. It is produced and consumed in similar ways. It is saltier than a typical graviera and a little softer than a typical kefalotyri. It accompanies white wines very well.
Kopanisti is a salty, spicy cheese, with protected designation of origin (PDO) produced mostly in Mykonos island for more than 300 years. It owes its special peppery and spicy taste to rapid and extensive lipolysis and proteolysis caused by abundant microbial growth encouraged by repeated kneadings performed during the ripening process. This is why it is called kopanisti, which means "beaten". The most popular way of serving is in a dish called "mostra" which contains dry bread with kopanisti cheese, chopped tomatoes and olive oil.
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Manuri is an ancient Greek PDO semi-soft, fresh white mixed milk-whey cheese made from goat or sheep milk. It is produced primarily in Thessaly, Macedonia and Crete island. It has a sweet and mild taste and is used in appetizers, salads, desserts and savoury meals. It is considered a gourmet choice.
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Green salad with fruits, cranberries and manuri
Produced in the mountainous town of Métsovo, Metsovone is a PDO semi-hard, smoked cheese made of cow's milk. It accompanies white wines and is used in salads and appetizers.
Myzithra and Xynomyzithra
Myzithra  is a Greek whey cheese or mixed milk-whey cheese from sheep or goats, or both. It is primarily produced on the island of Crete but is widespread throughout Greece. The cheese is soft, snow-white, creamy, and moist. Since no salt is added to mizithra it has an almost sweet and milky taste. It is eaten as dessert with honey or as an appetizer. It is used as a table cheese, as well as in salads, pastries and in baking, notably in little cheese pies (handful size) and Sfakiani pita (pie from the Sfakiá region).
Myzithra that is salted and aged becomes dryer, denser, saltier and more sour (xyní). This version, xynomyzithra ('sour myzithra') is often grated. Xynomyzithra is considered the grating cheese par excellence of Greek cuisine, and is especially suited for sprinkling over hot pasta. (It is less common than Kefalotyri but more gourmet, in short.)
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Xynotyro is an unpasteurized whey cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk, with a hard and flaky consistency, a pungent aroma and a yogurt-like sweet and sour taste. "Xynotyro" means "sour cheese" in Greek. Xynotyro can be consumed either as fresh cheese or after being ripened with the use of naturally dominating microflora during a 3-month maturing period. The Lactobacillus strains in Xynotyro have antibacterial effects that kill Salmonella pathogens, a finding that is of special interest for producers of health-giving cheeses according to researchers at the French Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.
San Michele
San Mihali in Greek, it is a traditional salty and spicy PDO cheese, that is one of the most expensive in the country. It is produced exclusively in Syros island. It is made of cow's milk.
Sfela is a PDO semi-hard white brined cheese with a spicy, salty and a little sour taste. Its production is founded on old tradition and this cheese is permitted to be produced only in the south of the Peloponnese, in the regions of Messenia and Laconia - both the animals and the production facilities have to be there. Sfela is served with bread, Maniot lalangia (a type of local pasta), accompanies meals and is used as filling in pies.
A cheese that took its name from the word for the shepherd's cape in the Messenian dialect, talagani is a white sheep-goat milk cheese which is especially delicious when grilled, as it does not melt and it becomes chewy. It is consumed as an appetizer or in salads and is great when accompanied with honey or marmelades.
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BONUS: Hallumi
Hallumi is the famous PDO cheese of the Republic of Cyprus. It is made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, and sometimes also cow's milk. Its texture is described as squeaky. It has a high melting point and so can easily be fried or grilled, a property that makes it a popular meat substitute. Halloumi is popular throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.
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Honourable mentions:
Arseniko of Naxos
Thermiotiko or Kythnios tyros
Cretan cheese
Ladotyri of Mytilene
Mastello of Chios
Gidotyri of Crete
Smoked kaniaki
Meriareno of Kasos
and many more!
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lionsongfr · 1 year
Warrior's Way Snacks
Now this year is the lore it was mentioned that “We’d especially like to thank Arvelle for her generous donation towards our food budget”, and in the pamphlet for Warrior’s Way itself it mentions that “Food is available to participating warriors at all times throughout the course of the event.” So that got me thinking, what kind of food would dragons and beastclans eat during such an event?
Unfortunately, Warrior’s Way is during the summer and the heat can stifle anyone’s appetite- leading to warrior’s struggling to have the energy and hydration necessary to fight. Larger meals most likely would be served in the early morning and after sunset, and battles probably would be held off during the hottest middle of the day. But warriors would also need small meals and snacks to sustain them throughout the day. So, what kind of snacks could they expect?
Live Hornworms- a staple insect for insectivores, this import from the Mire is high in water and can be gut-loaded with either Fire Flower (for magic boost), Redblood Sapper (iron for blood), or Greenpod Bloom (calcium for bones and muscles). They are contained in large barrels with a cooling charm upon them, keeping the insects less active and from perishing in the heat.
Pickle Platter- while our most of our dragons do not sweat (I think maybe Light, Earth, and Ice dragons do), there are beastclans who definitely sweat. And with sweat comes the craving for salt. Pickled foods are high in salt, curb sugar spikes, help blood clot, and can provide the necessary electrolytes to relieve muscle cramps. The most common pickled foods are Basilisk eggs, Dubious Cucumbers, Wild Onions, Zeeba/Rambra sausages, Noxious/Leopard Caterpillar, and Kelp Beds Mackerel. Occasionally, Blacktongue Pepper is added for a spicy kick!
Cold Lume Daffodil and Spearmint Tea- every Fire Flight forge has a pot of tea cooling nearby in a large clay pot for refreshment. While Fire dragons typically prefer Cindermint, the cooling and refreshing combo of Spearmint and Lume Daffodil is a blessing on a hot summer day.  Peppermint tea may also be used for creatures having nervous stomachs for their upcoming battles.
Blood Red Smoothie- to many a Wildclaw’s sorrow this does not actually have blood. This smoothie combines Spinach, Blood Acorn, Strawberries, Blood Spath, Goat milk, and ice into a frothy, highly caloric, and nutritious drink. Sometimes it is easier to drink all of one’s calories than eat them, especially when it is hot outside. (Plus the Spirals brought these cute curly straws to drink them with!)
Cold Cut Wraps-unlike bread, flat breads can be quickly made and can be easily sized per creature.  Creating a wrap with cold cuts of meat, vegetables, and condiments makes for an easy to carry and customizable snack for busy warriors. Some favored cuts are: honeyed Featherback ham, smoked teriyaki Rainbow Trout, roasted lemon pepper Woodland Turkey, and spicy Flameleg Millipede.
Energy bites- the Longnecks are known for their Berry and Nut trail bars and the Centaurs for their Ration Pouches, and dragons have their own Elk pemmican tins and Cricket protein bars. Energy bites are a variant on this idea, mixing granola with a fat (Goat yogurt, Sunflower butter, Elk fat, ground Mealworm), Sugarbee honey, and dried fruit (Blueberries, Raspberries, Mushrooms, Butcher’s Fig) into round balls. The bites are then cooled overnight and put into bags made from Sweet Potato Vine (which is also edible), which can be carried about the event.
Shrimp and Potash Gazpacho- served by the cup or by the gallon (Imperial sized), this is a chilled soup for the seafood lovers. The base of the soup is the tangy and sour Miniature Potash Peach along with Cucumbers, Golden Peppers, and Wild Onions. And then anything seafood can be added to it! Most common is sweet Jumbo Shrimp, Pastel Scallops, and feisty Blue Swimmer Crab.
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dullgecko · 1 month
I realise I’ve been sending you a bunch of fig centric ones so have another that includes all the bad kids
Riz will eat anything and I mean anything like he’s eaten vegetables that were like 70% mould before and didn’t notice anything wrong. At worst he ate a rocks in a bet with Fabian and didn’t even have any adverse effects.
Gorgug can eat most things meat based as long as there not to out of date but when he ate raw chicken in front of the bad kids for the first time it gave all the bad kids a scare apart from Riz who thought it was completely normal.
Pre archdevil fig could eat more than the normal human but not by a huge amount but loved spicy things and you could not find a spice on the mortal plane that she could not tolerate.
Post archdevil is a different story all together now all mortal spices don’t even register as spicy and she has to start getting them from hell. Fig is altogether a good cook due to Sandra Lynn teaching her. So the first time she cooks with this new spices she literally nearly kills riz who’s nose is very sensitive to spices. she has since been banned from cooking spicy foods for other people as the stronger “hell spices” could knock out a normal human
Adaine and Fabian have mostly normal palettes but Fabian swears he can eat more spicy foods than fig and has had to have Kristen heal him on more than one occasion.
Kristen needs to be very careful when cooking because if she adds to much or corn a spiteful Helio will animate it. Though Helio also has issues if she puts not corn in her foods.
Riz and his mom both have mythril stomachs, and given how food-insecure they've been since his dad died he /hates/ wasting food. Goblins dont need to or even want to eat full meals every day but when they do they try to pack away as MUCH as possible. When he got really hungry as a kid he'd even dumpster dive outside their appartment because he didnt want to worry his mom by asking for more food and basically any food scraps he found in there were still good by goblin standards. Its also how he developed his crippling coffee habit, if he gets really hungry he's able to supress his appetite somewhat with it.
He can eat basically anything as long as its not poisonous, and has the jaw strength and tooth sharpness to grind down rocks into powder. Stale bread, bones, shells and even straight up wood don't stand a chance. He does have to be a little more careful about what plants he eats now though because he kept consuming things that he was allergic to and made his allergy reactions worse.
He's not eating random half-rotten or mouldy food as often now though because while at school he gets MOST of his meals from the caffeteria rather than at home because its free. He's less likely to injest something he shouldnt accidentally but just in case he does his whole party is primed and ready to dose him with his allergy meds if he starts developing hives.
Gorgug and Riz sometimes have hangouts at the Thistlespring tree where they spend the whole time wilding out a little and ripping into raw meat with their bare hands and teeth (meat provided by Wilma and Digby after Lydia had a word with them about Gorgugs eating habits). Its fun and it satisfies a primal part of their brains to just go nuts on a fresh chunk of animal flesh. When with the other kids they'll, begrudgingly, eat their chicken and fish properly cooked though just because it makes some of them gag.
The other bad kids have caught both of them, on more than one occasion, licking blood off their hands after a particularly brutal fight. Gorgug slightly less often than Riz because he's using an ax, but the goblin if disarmed or unable to swing his sword will resort to biting and clawing. Everyone but Gorgug was initialy grossed out (What the FUCK the ball spit it out you dont know where they've been) but they got used to it eventually. They've started to develop a ranking system, based on taste, of the various creatures Riz has chomped on.
Fig and Riz are spicy-food buddies, but ONLY if the spicyness itself is from chillis. Riz cant feel the heat from capsasium but he enjoys the taste, whereas Fig loves it for how hot it is so they'll often split some questionably edible mega-hot curries when they order takeaway. Fabian tried a bite once and was coughing and crying for hours afterwards (the second bite he took on a dare required healing afterwards).
Once she starts integrating more exotic spices into her meals is where the problem starts. Riz can finally TASTE the spicyness and he's of the opinion that she's insane if thats what she feels when she eats chilli. Fig accidentally tear-gassed him once by using a spice that, once she did some research, they worked out was a straight up goblin repellant. He walked into the kitchen as she took the lid off a pan full of chilli and immediatly had a coughing fit so bad they were worried they'd have to call an ambulance (he was fine after a while, he just had to sit outside on the lawn in the fresh air until his sinus stopped stinging and his eyes stopped watering... he may have also gotten Adaine to dump a full bottle of milk on his face).
Its a delicate balancing act for Kristen trying to make things without what she's cooking become sentient and hostile. Luckily it seems to only be isolated to things that get heated up, so she's safe making sandwiches and salads, but anything that requires the use of the oven or pans needs a quick dusting of cornflower to appease Helio or there are consequences.
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vashsmunch · 1 year
The guy next door
Millions Knives x GN Reader
Synopsis: you're a stressed and overworked college student with a neighbor who likes to get on you about self care
Warnings: none really? slight mentions of food deprivation
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"How much longer are you going to continue to toss in your sleep?"
You sighed heavily, picking up the phone and staring angrily at the screen. "If you hate it so much, you can either: A. hang up or B. come over and bring some food, cause I'm hungry," Huffing as you rolled onto your back, you got out of bed and trudged across the room, stretching. "Specifically a turkey sandwich, make sure you panini press it." The clock read ten past midnight, and insomnia was a bitch. You opened the door to enter the hallway towards the kitchen. A massive project was due at the end of the week, but you figured you couldn't get anything done with the burnout you were experiencing.
Nai scoffed, his voice loud from being on speaker mode. "I would sooner be shot in the leg than deliver you any package at this hour. Do you not have any food in your apartment?" You could basically feel his irritation radiating from the screen.
"Uh... would a spoonful of oregano count? If we're feeling spicy, we can just do a glass of water." You silently laughed, putting the phone on a table and flicking the lights on. Food was never a priority considering how much work you always were having to catch up on (procrastination). Eating became an afterthought to allow yourself more time to sit hunched over your laptop, typing countless essays. Unfortunate, but there wasn't much you could do about it. There was a knock on the front door as you passed the living room. Who the hell... You cautiously walked over and looked through the peephole. Huh. A big grin was on your face as you opened the door, arms crossed. "Well, look who it is."
Nai pursed his lips as he shoved a paper bag into your hands. "The thought of you standing in your kitchen, shoving fistfuls of spices into your mouth, was too pathetic to bear," He stepped inside and looked around your messy apartment in distaste. "Did I not just clean this last week?"
He had, in fact, cleaned the living room last week, including the rest of the house, but you played deaf, humming as you followed him. The two of you have been neighbors for months, his place next to yours, which is how he came over so quickly. Irritating him was your favorite pastime, half because of his reaction and the other because you loved being close to him. You would never admit that to him, though; he would never let you live it down. But none of this really explained why he had your food prepared as soon as you'd asked. Maybe he was some kind of off-brand supernatural speed demon and happened to do it fast? You wouldn't put it past him.
He suddenly stopped walking, and you bumped into him, hissing as you grabbed your head in pain. Why was his back built like concrete? "Ugh, you good? Kind of hard to walk if you're just gonna stand in the middle of the hallway like that."
A slight scowl was on his face as he turned to face you, having just now entered the kitchen. There were piles of dishes in the sink and boxes of delivery everywhere, most notably cheap Chinese takeout (orange chicken got you through writer's block). You hadn't had time to clean recently; more often than not, you were just eating to feed your brain and then going straight back to work.
Sitting down and actually enjoying a meal hasn't been a reality ever since you started university. There just wasn't enough time. "I thought we agreed that you would buy groceries this week."
You shrugged, going to set the paper bag down on the counter. "I can last a few more days without them. There are leftovers from what I hadn't finished yet," When you pulled out the container of food, a smile came on your face again. Not only had Nai made your sandwich, but he had given you a side of salad, along with freshly cut fruit. He always ensured you had nutrients instead of just fats and grease in your meals. "How did you end up making this so quickly anyways?"
"I had it already made. I assumed you would be neglecting your basic human needs, and I was proven right once again."
What a smartass. Rolling your eyes, you sat down to eat your food. As you took a bite of the sandwich, you sighed happily and closed your eyes in satisfaction. He was a smartass, but damn, could he cook. You popped an apple slice into your mouth and glanced at him, getting a trash bag to clean up. "You really don't have to do that. It's not your responsibility," All you got was a grunt in response, making you laugh softly. "For someone who complains everytime he does it, you always insist on cleaning up after me."
You rested your elbows on the table, cradling your head in your hands as you stared at him. He looked really good for someone who was half asleep at 12 am. He always insisted on wearing a tight black turtleneck to bed, no matter what. Your eyes rolled over the crevices of his flexing back muscles as he picked up trash. Had he been working out more? How did he even find the time? Nai took as many classes as you did, but he always seemed one step ahead of his work, all while balancing a healthy routine as well. He went on runs, played piano in his spare time, and even meal prepped.
In some ways, you envied him. To have your life put together in that way seemed impossible for you. "You know, I never call anybody," He stopped moving and turned his head to look at you, but you kept talking, not even paying attention. "I get too anxious for that, so I prefer texting. But for some reason, you always insist on doing these nightly calls, even when we see each other every other day. Why? Especially when you always complain about me tossing and turning." You said playfully as you took another bite of your sandwich. Why did he have to be so good at cooking too? Fuck.
There was silence as he got up to tie the garbage bag and wash his hands. You glanced around the kitchen, which looked remarkably cleaner. All he did was pick up trash, which looked better than when you did chores for a full day. Who the hell was this dude?
As Nai dried his hands off, you finished your food, sighing contentedly. Then, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over your body as you started to sway. He grabbed your shoulder, keeping you from almost hitting your head on the table. You weren't even phased as he picked you up and carried you in his arms back to your room like you weighed nothing. Guess the all-nighters finally caught up to you. He glanced down at you as he made his way to the back of the apartment, but you barely noticed due to how tired you were. There was a comfortable quietness between you two, as there always was. Sometimes, words didn't need to be said; his presence was enough. Again, you would never say this out loud. He would become insufferable. What a bitch.
As he stepped into your room, he delicately placed you on your bed, and you yawned, laying your head on the pillow. Jesus, you really were exhausted. As your eyelids started to flutter shut, you felt something touching your face. You looked up to see Nai's finger caressing your cheek with an unreadable expression. He then spoke quietly, "You are one of the only people who attempt to converse with me. I never understood why; I am not a fun person to talk to." He leaned over and got closer to your face, meeting your gaze. "However, I've grown fond of you regardless. And as such, I've also started to enjoy hearing your voice, which is why I call you."
You stared at him, suddenly wide awake. He was never one to talk about himself, much less his feelings. The two of you never had such intimate conversations, and on the rare occasion you did, it was always you ranting to him as he quietly listened. To hear him confess his true motives like this, it felt foreign. But it also made you... happy?
"As insufferable as you are, to be without you is like torture. I feel the urge to care for you and keep you safe. I clean up your apartment because I know you won't do it yourself. I make your favorite meals because you deprive yourself of things you need to stay alive. It's an integral part of my life that I can't bear to part with, and I want to keep cherishing you like this as long as I can. Because I care about you. More than you'll ever realize," He gives you a small kiss on the forehead as he stands up to leave. "Now rest, and I'll come to visit you in the morning." As he leaves, you roll over on your back to stare at the ceiling. He likes you. Holy shit, he likes you. Dear god.
A/N: i was NOT expecting so many people to find my account already LMAO, i'm honored
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crystaltoa · 7 months
If I may ask. Your headcanons what kind of food and dishes the turaga like best? (Remembered the post discussing and being silly about the turaga realizing that they and the matoran have to eat food on Mata Nui. It was probably also an adventure when they figured out how to prepare it to make it taste better / able to be eaten at all.)
A lot of this depends on whether you assume Matoran's nutritional needs are at all similar to humans, or quite different, or whether they consume food for energy and nothing else. I'm kind of going with the latter but assuming they still can taste their food.
I've kind of made it a bit about the villages in general since what the Matoran have access to is going to influence what the Turaga eats and vice versa, hope that's okay.
Some general notes first:
Crops and orchards do not appear to be a thing on the island of Mata Nui. Each village has a single Vuata Maca tree, and some villages also had access to Bula berries, both of which are high energy fruits. Other foraged fruit and vegetables are on the menu, but grain-based foods are likely out.
Some of the foods I mention here would typically be made with a flour in our world. but since grains aren't really a thing, you can imagine it would be made from something like ground up nuts, tubers, or maybe even something like tree bark.
That said, despite not exactly farming the land, the Matoran on the island did try to maintain the health of the "natural" environment, for example, volcanic soil from the lava farms was used to improve the health of Le-Wahi's forests.
Two real life plants with edible parts are confirmed to be found on the island: Bamboo, which has edible shoots, and the harakeke, which has nectar used for flavouring. I'm also going to include seaweed in this category.
Matoran don't seem to eat meat apart from fish. In fact, the Skakdi mostly eat meat just to intimidate people from other cultures and they don't require it from a nutritional standpoint. Kualus was also alarmed and disgusted by the existence of predatory bird Rahi, so... Matoran seem to have a different view of what is or is not food than most human cultures. If you want to give them a bit more variety, perhaps there are shellfish, molluscs, or arthropods that they might also eat.
Terms that originate in cooking (baked, boiled, friedetc) are often thrown around in other contexts, but it implies that Matoran are familiar with them as cooking practices
Ga-Koro: Fish is going to be a big part of the diet. Nokama may have developed a taste and skill for hunting them as a Toa Hordika. I doubt that food poisoning is an issue for Matoran given how energy absorbtion works for them, so fish doesn't technically need to be cooked. However, cooking them for improved flavour or texture may have developed over time, though Nokama herself still prefers sashimi. I imagine Ga-Matoran have also experimented with sauces and marinades (including the harakeke nectar), and have derived a number of spices from aquatic and waterside plants. In the absence of refrigerators, they have probably developed a number of preservation techniques (pickling, drying, etc) that are largely used for trading fish to other villages, especially during spring-summer when the fish spoils more quickly (they may not get food poisoning but nobody wants fish that smells and tastes rotten!).
Ta-Koro: I headcanon that Vakama loves spicy food, and prefers meals that most people would consider slightly overcooked. Ta-Matoran in general probably like stews, curries and soups as well, even in summer, as they love the heat and aren't bothered by having a cooking pot going all day in their hut. I think they would also have invented various types of tea, some of which may have slight medicinal properties.
Po-Koro: Pie is mentioned in MNOG in Po-Koro, so I'm going to take that as canon. These could be made with fruit, root vegetables, or even fish when they can get it. I also think Po-Matoran, and especially Onewa, like a lot of salt on their food (interpret that any way you want) Maybe they even add other ground up minerals for flavour as well in lieu of herbs and spices. I think it's fair to say Onewa's favourite pie recipe wouldn't be considered tasty or edible by human standards.
Onu-Koro: Headcanon territory here, but I'm going to make this the one exception to the no farming rule. I like to think they grow a lot of root vegetables on the surface but mostly harvest them from below the ground, meaning the plants are almost never uprooted for harvesting, and some of the tuber root systems grow absolutely enormous. Cooking below ground has the obvious problem of smoke, which could be dangerous without good ventilation, so I like to think that quite often high-power heatstones are used to fry, boil and perhaps bake their food instead. Like Ta-Koro, they like their stews and curries all year round since the underground village is less vulnerable to the summer heat. I also think of the Turaga, Whenua is one of the most adventurous in terms of figuring out what is and is not edible. Some varieties of organic beetle grubs have made it into the Onu-Matoran diet as a result, though most of his culinary experiments don't really catch on. He does not trust mushrooms, and refuses to say why.
Le-Koro: Fruit is the big one here, with a lot of foraged fruit, berries and nuts making up a large part of the diet. Being the most energetic of the island's Matoran, most Le-Matoran love sugar, and anything they can use to make food sweeter is highly sought after. Marinating fruit in nectar, honey or juice is common. They even sweeten traditionally savoury foods like fish. If sugarcane exists on the island, they would be coating absolutely everything in raw sugar. Matau, while not as adventurous as Whenua, has tried a few interesting food experiments in his time, though most meals he eats are a fruit or berry salad with some kind of sweet flavour enhancer. He will not comment on the mushrooms.
Ko-Koro: Ko-Matoran tend to eat a lot less than other Matoran as their lifestyle is all about conserving their energy for things that really matter. Many of them live off the odd Vuata Maca fruit from the village's tree and don't feel the need for anything more exciting. A lot of their other food comes from trade, and they keep the traded goods in large storehouses as Ko-Koro often becomes inaccessible to other villages for weeks at a time in the winter. Cooking is not terribly popular, but smoked fish and marinated fruit obtained from other villages are well liked by many Ko-Matoran. Traders visiting Ko-Koro often have the problem of their wares, such as fruit juices, freezing solid during the trek up the mountain. Turns out many Ko-Matoran like their food frozen, however, so vessels similar to popsicle molds are used by some traders to take advantage of this. Nuju is a little different and has been known to try things that the local bird rahi recommend and bring him. So far the seeds are his favourite, and the fish was okay, but it was a hard pass on the mice and the worms.
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exhausted-archivist · 26 days
So I'm working on drawing food for the headnotes of the recipes I've concepted out and haven't tested or fully worked out the kinks. I want to post something to celebrate The Veilguard drop, especially something I can queue up because I will be avoiding you all and the spoilers for at least a week haha.
The poll is below and the recipe headnotes are below the cut if you want an idea of what I'm working with.
Boiled Eggs and Pine Nuts Sauce (Appetizer) A simple and delightful dish one would not particularly expect from a nation of opulence such as Tevinter. A sweet dish with the perfect touch of zing, nutty, and savory notes, while holding a compelling contrast of being both crunchy and soft.
Deepstalker Stew (Soup/Stew) An uncommon meal, one that most won’t serve outside the appeal for an ‘exotic’ dish or in times of desperation. This stew is more often one to be consumed should you be stuck in the Deep Roads or an isolated cave. Not, at a tavern when one has been on the road for several days. It should be noted that depending on where you’re capturing these cave-dwelling creatures will dictate the taste. Many of the accounts I have heard from the Legionnaires describe the taste and texture akin to chicken. Whereas if you catch them near water sources they garner a fishy taste with the texture of chicken. But, this stew is simple in and of itself. Usually with very little substance aside from the meat and whatever edible additions you can forage for. In this recipe we have tried to enhance it with herbs, potatoes, and salt.
Braised Nug with Elfroot (Savory) This salty, aromatic dish melts in your mouth with its tenderness. Nug is a common and popular dish for Orzammar dwarves. One that lingers in some surface communities with a twist of new herbs and spices. Though humble is the nug and elfroot, this meal is filling and delightful in its own right.
Exquisite Misery (Dessert) The Orlesians are nothing if not indulgent and extravagant. From wyverns to phoenixes, Orlesians have a tendency to play chance with their lives for whatever element of decadence is in the trends. While deep mushrooms are perhaps the least lethal thing one can consume, I do advise avoiding eating too many of these little cakes. That said, should one partake and find that they are able to get past the musky, earthy flavor; these can be quite a treat. Fluffy, soft, and a touch sweet, it is a dessert I find best to consume after a rather savory or spicy meal.
Roasted Fiddleheads and Leeks with Goat Cheese (Vegetable) A dish available during only a few short weeks in the spring, fiddleheads have a delightful crunch from the roasting as well as their natural snap. They have a sweet, but not quite grassy taste to them almost akin to beans and asparagus. When paired with the sweet, caramelized flavour of the leeks and the creamy, tartness of your favourite goat cheese. It pairs well with a protein or on a bed of grains.
Seasoned Mussels (Seafood) The exact origins of this dish are unknown, given that Antiva, Rivain, and Tevinter hold strong ties to their coastal waters and each have several versions of how to make this dish. Most scholars declare it was Tevinter in origin due to the age of the Imperium, but the question then lies what area of the Imperium and when? The version I have crafted is a blend of Antivan and Rivaini flavours, as I prefer the shellfish off their coastlines to those of Tevinter. A rich dish that can be eaten with a fine pasta or spread over a bed of rice.
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twstfanblog · 5 months
Brothel AU: Entertainer's Menu
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So my lovely, dear, bestest friend @flameroyalty is a very talented chef. I was talking to them about the Brothel AU and how much fun I've been having with it. They ALSO love making character-based menus. SO...
I've crafted the new lore that you can order a meal in the brothel normally, kinda like a restaurant hybrid situation. You can order certain items and it'll be discounted if you have the entertainer who helped craft the recipe.
So here's the top Entertainer's Menus!
RIDDLE Red Rose Chocolate tart with sliced strawberries, served with rose petals
SweetHearts Small tray of honey and cream macarons
Savor It Stuffed shitake mushrooms, rotating seasonally
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(Yes, the fact one of Riddle's items are fucking mushrooms is hilarious to me)
LEONA Pride Chicken katsu curry, with rice
The Hunt A collection of meats, cheeses, nuts, and crackers
Triumph Hertzoggie, a pastry filled with jam and coconut
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(Leona gives the leftover food from his skipped sessions to Ruggie)
Golden Baklava pastry filled warm spiced nuts
Mirage Chocolate creme brulee
Charmer Marinated curry chicken, with mango, rice, and coconut rice
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(Jamil actually uses cracking the brulee to break his clients out of their hypnosis)
Indulgence Dark chocolate brownie served with raspberry sauce (The sauce is presented in a very elaborate bottle)
Pursuit Blueberry mousse tart
Striking Smoked salmon with cucumber, capers, and dill
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(The fact Vil's favorite food is SMOOTHIES upset Flame. But she made it WORK.)
Flight Vanilla Bean and lavender cupcakes topped with a variety of hand-blown sugar dragonflies
Luxury Mille Feuille with cookies and cream fillings
Spotted Black garlic ramen loaded with eggs and spicy marinated pork
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
Some baby hcs for my lovely followers
Berlin sometimes listens to rap with his uncle bruiser. Bruiser has taught him the lyrics to some of the more popular songs. Berlins getting good at it. Help
Theo is such a little princess for ace, she’s the perfectly well behaved baby around him. When with slim though she’s like a spicy kitten. Super hissy
Baby Ozzy has his daddies sweet tooth and will drool anytime honey bakes cause of the smells in the kitchen. So honey has taken to putting bibs on him before he cooks to prevent the baby from ruining his shirt
Swing LOVES birds. Like goes nuts for them. He’s waving his baby arms in the air like a madman whenever one lands on the windowsill. Naturally pop put a bunch of bird feeders at the windows for this reason.
Leo is still very young, but he does occasionally give the nastiest side eyes whenever he hears people baby talking him. It’s hilarious to see. He’s got that judgy face down. Lush couldn’t be prouder
Rosie is on the little league softball team and is a pretty heavy hitter for a kid her age. Some monster parents have joked that maybe Ann has a golem ancestor somewhere down the line cause of how tough her daughter is
Bruno is finally past his spitting up stage, but he does get terribly motion sick still, so grocery trips have to be carefully planned to be a certain amount of time after meals to make the drive smoother.
Fran has begun toddling around, and her latest obsession has been stealing her mums and dad’s shoes and trying to walk in them. Her ultimate prize is uncle noirs shoes when he comes over. She could probably lay down in one, but still she’s sure she can wear them
@isnt-that-something @vrnicky @the1920sisntaphasemom @scienceisfood @gonorrhea-mama
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rachellaurengray · 1 month
50 Air Fryer Meals Under 300 Calories
Not sure what to make with your air fryer while keeping things under 300 calories? Here’s a diverse list of 50 delicious options, including vegan dishes
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Air Fried Chicken Tenders Chicken breast strips with a light breadcrumb coating. Approx. 280 calories for 4 tenders.
Air Fried Turkey Meatballs Ground turkey mixed with herbs and spices. Approx. 250 calories for 6 meatballs.
Buffalo Chicken Bites Chicken pieces coated in buffalo sauce and breadcrumbs. Approx. 270 calories for 6 pieces.
Crispy Air Fried Shrimp Breaded shrimp with lemon zest. Approx. 290 calories for 12 shrimp.
Garlic Parmesan Air Fried Salmon Salmon fillets with garlic and Parmesan crust. Approx. 280 calories per fillet.
Air Fried Fish Tacos Lightly breaded fish fillets with cabbage slaw. Approx. 290 calories for 2 tacos.
Spicy Air Fried Cauliflower Bites Cauliflower florets tossed in a spicy seasoning mix. Approx. 230 calories for 1 cup.
Crispy Air Fried Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts with balsamic glaze. Approx. 260 calories per serving (1 cup).
Air Fried Zucchini Fries Zucchini sticks coated in a light breadcrumb mixture. Approx. 240 calories for a serving of 10 fries.
Air Fried Sweet Potato Chips Thinly sliced sweet potatoes with sea salt. Approx. 270 calories for 1 cup.
Healthy Air Fried Chickpeas Roasted chickpeas with paprika and garlic powder. Approx. 230 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Apple Chips Thinly sliced apples with cinnamon. Approx. 150 calories for 15 chips.
Air Fried Veggie Frittata Eggs with mixed vegetables, cooked in a small skillet. Approx. 280 calories per serving (1 slice).
Air Fried Breakfast Burrito Egg whites, spinach, and salsa in a low-carb tortilla. Approx. 290 calories per burrito.
Stuffed Air Fried Avocados Avocado halves filled with egg whites and seasonings. Approx. 270 calories for 2 halves.
Air Fried Onion Rings Onion slices with a light breadcrumb coating. Approx. 290 calories for 8 rings.
Crispy Air Fried Tofu Bites Marinated tofu cubes coated in breadcrumbs. Approx. 250 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Spiced Nuts Mixed nuts with chili powder and garlic. Approx. 280 calories for ¼ cup.
Air Fried Stuffed Mushrooms Mushrooms filled with a light cheese and herb mixture. Approx. 260 calories for 5 mushrooms.
Air Fried Eggplant Parmesan Bites Eggplant cubes with marinara and Parmesan. Approx. 280 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Broccoli Florets Broccoli with a sprinkle of garlic and herbs. Approx. 200 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Carrot Fries Carrot sticks with a light seasoning. Approx. 200 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Green Bean Fries Green beans with a crispy breadcrumb coating. Approx. 220 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Portobello Mushroom Caps Portobello mushrooms with a balsamic glaze. Approx. 180 calories for 2 caps.
Air Fried Cucumber Chips Thin cucumber slices with a light seasoning. Approx. 100 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Eggplant Slices Eggplant slices with a light breadcrumb coating. Approx. 250 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Spicy Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts with a spicy seasoning blend. Approx. 260 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Spiced Edamame Edamame pods seasoned with chili and garlic. Approx. 200 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Sweet Potato Wedges Sweet potato slices with a light seasoning. Approx. 250 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Vegan Falafel Chickpea patties with herbs and spices. Approx. 270 calories for 4 pieces.
Air Fried Garlic Parmesan Asparagus Asparagus spears with a light garlic and Parmesan coating. Approx. 240 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Stuffed Bell Peppers Bell peppers filled with a mixture of quinoa and black beans. Approx. 280 calories for 1 pepper.
Air Fried Spicy Chicken Drumsticks Chicken drumsticks with a spicy rub. Approx. 290 calories for 1 drumstick.
Air Fried Tofu Satay Tofu skewers with a light satay sauce. Approx. 270 calories for 4 skewers.
Air Fried Vegetable Spring Rolls Spring rolls filled with mixed veggies. Approx. 280 calories for 2 rolls.
Air Fried Coconut Chicken Bites Chicken pieces coated in shredded coconut. Approx. 280 calories for 6 pieces.
Air Fried Lemon Garlic Mushrooms Mushrooms with a lemon garlic seasoning. Approx. 200 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Sweet Potato Chips Thin sweet potato slices with a touch of sea salt. Approx. 270 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Spiced Chickpeas Chickpeas seasoned with cumin and paprika. Approx. 230 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Caramelized Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts with a touch of maple syrup and balsamic. Approx. 260 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Green Bean Almondine Green beans with almonds and a hint of lemon. Approx. 240 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried BBQ Cauliflower Wings Cauliflower florets coated in BBQ sauce. Approx. 270 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Avocado Fries Avocado slices with a crispy coating. Approx. 250 calories for 1 cup.
Air Fried Pineapple Chunks Pineapple pieces with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Approx. 150 calories for 1 cup.
These options offer a mix of tastes and textures, perfect for keeping your meals varied and enjoyable while staying within your calorie goals.
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