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simorita · 7 months ago
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I was wondering why I kept seeing superstar Judith Ward hanging out in the backwoods locations of Moonwood Mill... well, it turns out she is no longer Judith Ward, she is Judith Volkov; she fell in love with Moonwood Collective pack leader, Kristopher Volkov, and moved out of her mansion and into his cabin. They have three kids and four dogs (three poodles). love that for her , although the mansion would've surely provided better space for all these new additions...
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sp3rkfederat10n · 2 years ago
Hello World!
I've never used Tumblr before and I am just a tad shy, but hi!! My name is Soapy, and I'm really excited to share a cool ship with you lot that I made up entirely in RP with a fellow SP enjoyer I met on Discord! Which is:
Kenny McCormick/Kevin Stoley, aka Sperk!
Reason why I coined this ship name is because the dynamics between Ken and Kev (at least in the way we write them) reflect a very famous ship in fandom history, which is Spock/Kirk from Star Trek! I just replaced the i with an e because both Ken and Kev share that letter in their name. I just thought it'd be cute lol.
I'll go into more detail about the lore we've created for these two and how they came together in our RP in a later post, but for now enjoy this little piece that I made for our fellers! Live long and prosper <3
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bees-bag · 1 year ago
why is my entire feed the startrek men
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the---hermit · 2 years ago
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I am currently crocheting a pic-nic blanket and I am very happy with how it's looking so far!
I thought it would be nice to do a bit of an update on what I am currently reading, since it's been one of the main activities I have been filling my time with. I am still following the re:dracula podcast, although these last few weeks had few updates. My main read right now is The House In The Cerulean sea by T.J. Klune, a book I doubted I would ever pick up because for some reason I just assumed I wouldn't like it. I decided tovgive it a try after I saw my local book store had a small discount on it, and I had heard some people calling it a lighthearted cozy fantasy. This description is definitely what intrigued me, as it sounded like the perfect thing for me at the moment. As I have mentioned I bured myself out pretty badly while studying for my summer exams, and I am still getting out of there. This is indeed a cozy and wholesome fantasy that is bringing me so much joy without requiring too much brain power. For the moments in which I have very little brain power even for that book (mostly the evenings before bed when I find myself exhausted even if my day was chill and uneventful) I have a graphic novel. I am rereading L'Elenco Telefonico Degli Accolli by Zerocalcare, another collection of the work he originally published on his blog. It's again been years since I read this, and I am really enjoying diving back into his books. Finally the audiobook that has been keeping me company as I crochet is The Black Corsair by Emilio Salgari. It's actually my first Salgari novel! It's been on my tbr for ages because I love anything with pirates, and I want to read more Italian litterature so this felt like the perfect fit. I am more or less half way into it and I am pretty sure the audiobook was the perfrct choice for this book because it's helping me immerse much more into the adventures it narrates. For some reason I wasn't expecting such a romantic depiction of pirates but I am really enjoying it. It's definitely putting me into a more summery mood. This read in particular is also sperking in me a new interest in a couple of classics I have been putting off reading for a while, but we'll talk about it when I get to them.
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your-system-said-what · 1 year ago
Me: sperk. It's the spoon and the ferk
M: what the FUCK is a ferk
funny way of saying fork?
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i-am-spork · 2 years ago
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444names · 2 years ago
Names generated from Dutch and Filipino names, excluding the letter "J"
Aarterhom Aasam Aatom Abassen Abittala Acabita Acans Acila Acischeen Adirost Adurk Aefemon Aeffelen Agabats Agbert Agmagen Agmang Agsol Agson Alezielt Alimon Alubayan Amirk Anaff Andim Angcorius Angson Anuenhumas Arader Arelf Atesse Aukermang...
Badat Bader Baker Bakers Baliedt Baluzo Bancksondt Barrina Baspos Batruyks Batter Bayaback Bebong Beeke Belsmag Berbute Berszo Bethys Biaon Biattangh Biescurtwe Bignes Blibag Bobahoop Boevos Bogolop Bohay Bondenhord Breck Bremans Brubreent Brumus Buelax Buels Bughuine Bughumabok Buhan Buiontian Bulayagon Bunpin Burambe Butco Cabut Cacabat Caibat Calael Calis Calvill Capietens Capno Carzon Cason Castrons Catdut Cepeo Chodt Chooycke Chrius Clado Cleer Clenber Clinke Clork Colma Cosion Cotoc Creens Cudan Culturen Culystran Dacaoas Dahryker Dalasef Damidol Debadan Debrinluys Dechum Degem Della Dengcongco Deraber Derhout Devoste Dewarbeura Dewaren Dewemesser Dewiet Dewingco Dimkert Dolog Doniong Drigghn Duang Duayad Dundeum Durght Dusgeert Duyumiben Dykemooss Dyken Dykin Ecabarde Eclan Ectalag Edewes Eestruiack Emaelco Engbath Ergka Euvangen Favaus Femarri Floesen Flogara Freese Fretmand Gaadao Gabaxa Gaderbu Gahumula Galeritter Ganta Gaycos Gazons Geerssef Geris Giespet Grich Groek Gromariff Grons Grookemaer Guaciong Gumpecke Haaut Hangerpog Hangingco Harel Harts Heekoeteed Hennekhof Herma Herzeer Hiloan Hisiy Hoemag Hogit Honderg Hoors Horker Houger Hoveema Huisiani Huittinta Hulers Humardom Hupdion Huytenoven Ignin Iliper Kaalo Kabuns Kakkerlope Kamolt Kinao Kirawver Klaan Kleschen Kleter Koevius Kollaer Koost Kopas Krico Krogo Krozapidek Kuina Laasis Labis Ladtso Laloot Lamper Lapago Lendrek Lerhint Lesta Libort Ligote Lingco Linghuysan Loblal Logeentoos Lordsmao Loren Losens Lungcon Lydincans Lykerheng Maaniczon Maaua Mabarter Mabingabut Macalilla Maciongco Maclan Magaels Magparf Makkertwen Malick Malmanzeb Mancez Manden Mangan Mangco Maniono Manistal Manlan Manug Manzalan Mapane Mariboco Marift Masagio Maulacio Meesters Meider Meman Mengco Midstmaga Minabutma Mitadoom Moelabeer Monamen Mosaer Nazon Nesen Nierthon Nocobuhan Nuevook Nunsipen Ockford Odegan Omingco Ooilang Ooster Orinal Oster Oukert Ourens Ovius Oxenier Paard Pacat Paerling Pagarn Pagelf Pagier Pagta Pallaen Pamief Pando Pannat Peencis Pigne Pismico Pligh Poquing Pulotenio Punght Pusteppaan Quedo Quicel Quilermso Quing Quipigan Raansilo Rafes Randeker Rapin Rhullee Richoa Riesmaers Rilicidsmo Rineterpo Ritse Riusen Robor Rocklert Roukaberdt Router Rozurute Ryveligne Saball Sallomida Salmane Sambao Sariao Sastu Sayauvees Scark Scasthong Schey Schil Schooya Schryleeck Schrylsman Scurater Seboglao Senboers Shoer Shoeverg Shong Siaarameen Siandt Siebay Siggollen Sindamper Sindecken Singanlan Siont Sipooppeng Siser Slock Slupan Smacso Smelbel Solikkouke Sonkre Speca Sperk Sprinallag Steff Sterse Struz Strykhout Sulste Swalag Swarem Swasie Tabloque Talen Tande Tangumut Tayaruisk Taypert Tenberst Teriaan Ticmoorn Timbees Tioniatago Tisseli Toban Tocon Toldeck Traagam Trestra Tries Trubia Tulampatan Tunch Tureo Uinebos Unilo Upaurapaya Upnek Urenta Usentana Uyver Vaatruit Valla Valoger Vanalaart Vandadvio Vande Vandelt Vanderts Vands Vandsanips Vanip Vanneyvang Vanoop Vansen Velait Velken Venibagge Vilin Visma Vlinpos Vlugangcal Vosmata Vromes Vuurnen Waleongkat Wanasta Wangco Watugan Weacsonina Wichon Wiest Wikoondat Wingorms Yabagtan Yanant Yanis Yaois Yapon Ydemar Ypiao Yugeng Zeens Zonkrus Zurianoop
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acharlescoleman · 8 months ago
Yesterday, I made some light donations to a few Indiegogo's I'd been following. It was a pay day so I figured why not. And that lead me to check out what projects were going on at Seed and Sparrrk. I hadn't checked them out in a long time. I like to give to mostly comedies but I'll give to anything that interests me.
Anyways, I'm on Seed and S and you can categorize your search by genre so I put in comedy and the first three short films that popped up all had to do with death. And that's fine but I kept scrolling down and almost everything they had under comedy sounded more like a comedy-drama which I irked me a bit because I was hoping to find just a comedy, feature or short, by someone who had a great idea and was like we're trying to make the funniest thing out there. No one did that. Now, some of that is partially due to the Seed and Spuh audience, as someone who's followed them for over a decade and has supported many films over there, they are the kind of movies that do well, comedy-dramas or anything really with a semi-serious socio/political bent to it. And that's fine but sometimes I just wanna grab onto the funniest thing out there, if there's a nice angle that allows for some topical material then that's a bonus to me. But ugh, where are the comedies that don't have dour premises?!!
Oh, and the other thing that irked me today was at times, these projects on, both Indiegaga and Speed & sperk, didn't provide updates. One of the ones I donated to did, and the other didn't. And that's something I just don't understand! That's one of the fun things about Kickstarter (I'm watching two now, they both end in the upcoming weeks. And again, one does updates while the other one doesn't!), Indiegogo, and Seed & Spark and so on, you're helping someone (s) get a short film/feature film off the ground or onto another stage of production and to me, it's fun to follow the journey. I'm very big on journeys!
One of the reasons why I love the Beatles music so much is they went from a Buddy Holly-knock off band from their earlier days to creating their own by their mid-point to sounding like a 70's band by Let it Be and Abbey Road. Their journey is endlessly fascinating to me.
How stuff gets made interests me very much and it's frustrating when these crowdfunding projects don't give their audience that. And then, almost doubly worse, downright odd to me, is when there's a crowdfunding project on like Seed and Spark and they don't provide a social media handle on their page. I thought it was a classic gimme but not anymore it seems on a lot of these pages. But again, what do I know because I did notice despite not having a social media page or doing the updates thing, a few of these projects were either close or had already crossed their set financial goals. And that's good.
Ultimately, I root for that kind of thing because it's nice to see people create art and if they have to go through the crowdfunding route then that's awesome! I'm for anyone and everyone to get their art made and done but I do side-eye these projects a bit who don't have a social media page or do updates. At least, pitch videos haven't completely died so there's that and I love those too, when they're done well. It's like omg, I wish I could win the lottery, and you know...oh well.
OH, and this off-topic but I updated Twitch on my phone and it might be one of the worst app updates ever. You log on and right away, a channel is playing, like wtf! Let me pick something first, don't do that!! Grr!!!
OH, oh and one last thing, I almost subbed to Audible, almost bought like an audio set of versions of Neil Simon plays, and then I checked my Libby app one more time to see if they had these plays because LA Theatre Works were the publishers. And I've listened to them before, they do stage plays with prominent actors, and you listen to the performances and I've listened to a couple. The stand outs are David Auburn's Proof with Anne Heche (never seen the movie but hearing her do the play with the other actors was wonderful.) and Noel Coward's Design for Living with Douglas Weston (google him, you've totally seen him in things), Claire Forlani (Mallrats), and Hamish Linklater (another google him dude, he's in so many things including the recent Batman that just came out on Amazon Prime). Anyways, so I've been wanting and needing an audio change of pace for my bus ride to and from work instead of music and podcasts. I was in the need for staged radio plays again. This happens to me every now and then. I got very, very lucky. I checked the LAPL web site and they said they had the Neil Simon in the eAudio section (FYI, they also have the CDs just in case you want them too.) and I was like whaaat???!! I had checked on Libby and couldn't find them and the reason why I couldn't find them was because I had been doing my searches on the app for books without even knowing it! Just dumb, dumb, dumb! So I clicked out of only books and boom, there it is! Neil Simon plays! I did another search and boom, there were more Shakespeare plays. So I'm a happy camper right now. I found what I wanted and I got to save some bread, whoopy!
Being an LAPL card carrier has saved the day again, go support your local library, become a member and take advantage of the free stuff they have access to, it's so good!
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warrenwoodhouse · 1 year ago
Simlish Dictionary (Dictionaries)
Like/Love: Luvey, Luv
I: A
You: Vous
Dislike/Hate: Benaza
Colour: Coula
Music: Musu
Milk: Muku, Lalo
Gross: Grobe
This is cool: Whippna Choba Dog
Dog: Woofum
Very Good: Ooh Be Gah
Girl: Gurl
Boy: add
In: Ba
Chat: Obray
Speak: Sperk
My: Za
Is: Es
We: Mis
Are: Bon
Fall: Fwa
F**k: Plum
This: Dis
Newborn: Nubu
S**t: Scufa
What’s Up?: Hooba Noobie?
How are you?: Cuh Teekaloo?
Interesting: Jowlenin
Cosmopolitan: Simpala
Politan/Inhabitant/Native: Pala
Bartender: Bartem
Bowl of Nuts/Oaks: Bashoga
Amore: Amoo
See you later: Geelfrob
Bumbaclot/I don’t like: Boobasnot
Start of a knock-knock joke: Oga Surpa
Add: Soun it bra
Add: Tanbannan
Add: Plamba Chamba! Porbleen!
Add: Angee
I’m on fire!: Wabadebadoo!
I love you: A Lav Vous
I need to pee: Atohteh
Disgusting: Disgrobol
Embarrassment: Aye yai yai
Bath: Splish
Rubber Duck: Rabu Doyi
Awkward: Ekowood
Clothes: Clops
Kiss: Kik
Make Out: Mik Up
Everything: Fretishe
I’d like a taxi to come pick me up: Nicloske Ga Gloope
Star Wars: Journey to Batuu DLC
Move Along: Maba Lag
Galaxy: Galaxsu
Sabacc: Sibaba
Lightsaber: Laksibar
Simlish Dictionary - Pages - Learn Simlish (Defunct)
3 Ways to Speak Simlish - wikiHow
Learn Simlish on Piczo (Defunct)
27th December 2023: Added new words and phrases to the list
19th December 2023: Created post
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mydyspraxiablog · 2 years ago
Well today my 8 clock alarm never went off with Alex smart sperk not very smart and leep saying intnet is not reachable so was in really in bad mood because put off all routine and on top off that I had Sydnee be sick haven't stop be sick both me and mum rowing how look after Sydnee cat she saying don't feed for two day keep tummy settle down at what would do human be sick dry food part children whee jelly and ice cream for children at humans I just say not humans she cat so I one done Animal crouse and I one look after her she needs looking after you me beside this how Annabel start been sick ( I having second thought going holiday to Turkey with a sick cat I won't enjoy holiday if worry about Sydnee)
So with Shell broadband not working off digital photo crouse because can't do online at home for 7 hours so back on watercolor paint crouse done few picture but can't can't rember how draw paint countryside so these pictures what have done isn't very good.
So thanks to Shell broadband not working I got out wrong side of bed this morning that English say it bad mood because noughting going right today.
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Well better going look after Sydnee sick cat she 17 years old think she missing her sister Annabel but lost fight get Adult mobie phone mum not agree too it because of Scarm so now the Scarm push off digital photo crouse because haven't got mobie phone and can't do Staffordshire Council online crouse if haven't got mobie you need do 7 hour at home. Stafford Town had fail that.
So time return back to Stafford college once Sydnee die I want move out Stafford living with near Georgian because sick of intnet isn't working.
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takeovalencia · 2 years ago
sperk the caster
sens the caster
charges the caster
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simorita · 11 months ago
every sims pun name under the sun seems to be taken, but theres no simorita?!! i have come to fill the vacancy - hola mi amigos, mi español es muy malo
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sp3rkfederat10n · 2 years ago
Fanfictions! An Ever-Expanding List as Mod Silas and Mod Soapy Get To Typing
Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time A quick little drabble of the boys finding themselves in a little trouble. Pairings: Kenny McCormick/Kevin Stoley Warnings: Heavy Themes
Pairing: Kenny McCormick/Kevin Stoley
Warnings: none apply
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littlealiensinmyhead · 5 years ago
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Sperk esta enamorado de la estructura microcelular de Taylor .... Y Taylor no quiere saber nada al respecto.
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maggy-ladyink · 5 years ago
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Sperk esta enamorado de la estructura microcelular de Taylor … Y Taylor no quiere saber nada al respecto.
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bawnjourno · 2 years ago
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based off of this mean tweets video
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